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Makuta Vs Terdiax

Makuta or Teridax?  

91 members have voted

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Teridax just stuck for me, and using Makuta is kinda confusing with it referring to the species AND the main Makuta himself.

Edited by Valyou

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I have to say Teridax, once the Makutas became a species it didn't make sense. It would be like parents naming their child "Human," or a canine companion "dog," it just gets confusing and it kind of makes the character seem generic.

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Overall, Teridax. I understand the nostalgia, but it gets confusing, like with the Brotherhood of Makuta. Is it the Brotherhood of the Makuta species, or the Brotherhood of Teridax? I now know it's the species. :)

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Went with Teridax, but add Terry to the poll, please. :)

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I nulled because I like both names equally. -TNTOS-

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Makuta forever. For me, Teridax sounds like some dinosaur, not the former ruler of the entire MU. Personally, I think they should have thought of a new name for the species instead of thinking up a new name for Makuta. But I guess Teridax is better than the forever awkward "Makuta of Metru Nui".-don't touch my pocket protector

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at the end of the day, I don't know why they can't be one and the same, I voted Teridax because that's his name and I'm cool with that. In the early days it was quite awesome the way he was 'the Makuta' and the unseen enemy. When he came into the open, and we saw his actual form, he kind of became a new character, and the new name was rather befitting...

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