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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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Leah took a small bow, placing one arm across her chest. "Thank you, Hahli." she said. There was a mutual nod of understanding, then the Akiri left with the messenger. She watched them leave until she felt a pair of hands around her hips and something white was blocking her view. Startled, she looked up into two glacial orbs settled in an attractive face.


The Toa of water smiled back at Reordin, enjoying the surprise hug, her teal blue eyes glowing a little brighter in response and her heartlight pulsing a bit faster as well. A playful expression crossed her features a moment later though and she raised an eyebrow, putting on the look of a Muaka that had spotted its prey. "Why hello there." she greeted him back, her voice at its most husky. "Now what's a boy like you doing in a place like this?"


Her smile became downright mischievous. "Are you lost, brother? Or are you looking for somebody special?"

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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"I was, actually," Reordin admitted, rocking Leah gently from side to side and still smirking. "Two somebodies. Short, pesky, tried to murder your Akiri in cold blood not very long ago. Since Ko-Korans are by and large a race of genetic supermen we took them down and Matoro thought it would be best to extradite them to Ga-Koro for trial. I volunteered to escort them. Purely for the good of inter-Koro relations, of course."


His eyes met hers and became vaguely serious as he gestured to a nearby cafe with plenty of outdoor tables and a pleasant view of the water.


"We should do lunch. Right now."




"It's nothing that takes priority, I assure you," Hahli said with a small, dismissive wave of her hand as she sat down behind her desk. "I must say that I'm pleasantly surprised to hear from our brothers of the sands. All is well, I take it?"


Though her tone was pleasant, the words it carried were still guarded and cautious. She wasn't in the mood for this guy to mince words.





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IC: "Quite well. Thank you for your concern." The Matoran said politely. "I'll cut to the chase. The Akiri wishes to establish a formal trade route between Ga-Koro and our port, to supply Po-Koro with the various supplies you grow in your domes." He said. "In addition, we would like to set up a radio station for public use in Ga-Koro, at a cost of one widget per ten words, and it will be Po-Matoran operated and maintained."



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Leah nodded. "Yes. Let's. Now that you mention it, I haven't even had breakfast...I did raise half of the bay instead." She gave the Toa of ice a wink and started walking in the direction of the cafe. It was still early and there were enough empty tables, so the two Toa picked one that was closest to the water and a little ways away from the rest.


A waitress came over quickly, wearing a broad smile. "Honored to have your company, Toa Maru!" she said, excited. "What can I get you?"


"Is it too late for breakfast?" Leah asked.


"I think you're in luck." the waitress replied, then turned to Reordin. "And what woul you like, sir?"




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"So...a radio station. As in, we pay you to communicate with any other radio stations - namely, yours - and you put foreign technology, with foreign troops, on our home soil. And...we pay you," Hahli repeated, trying to make sense of the offer while skinning away all the fancy spin that the envoy had put on it.




"Same," Reordin replied simply to the waitress, who went off to fix something up for the two heroes. The Toa Maru of Ice found Leah's eyes and smiled at her genuinely, leaning back in his chair and drumming his fingers on the table as he looked out to the bay.


"So. Assassination attempt, huh?" he asked. "Tell me about it."





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Leah shrugged, but returning the smile. "There isn't much to tell really...that tag-team caught drugged a Le-Koronan ex-boyfriend of the Matoran one and convinced him the Akiri was stalking her. When he was totally out of it they pointed him at her hut with a bladed disk and he tried to get in through the window. I was inside at the time, but by the time I saw his head poke up the guard had snatched him already. As far as planned regicide goes this was hardly a master-plan, Hahli was hardly in danger."


"The duo must have realized that at that point as well, since they tried to shoot the poor fella with a crossbow. They made it out of the village, but with a bunch of witnesses and the Le-Matoan providing the names...well, you are here, just a day later. I am...rather glad about that outcome."


Just then, the Matoran returned with two fully laden breakfast-plates, a can of tea and a small basket with croissants on a tablet. A moment later, the Toa had their food in front of them and Leah hungrily dug in.


"So - " she said between bites, " - how have you been? How are things up on the glacier?"




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IC: The Matoran shook his head. "Ga-Koro will not be paying for the service, individuals will. It is merely an attempt at building an island-wide radio system to facilitate communications between Koros without the delay associated with messengers, and good will on our part. In addition, your assumption that we will station Sentinels to protect the radio system is mistaken. The only people who will be at the station will be the maintenance and operation staff."



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IC- Verak - Ga-Koro Prison

That's not fair. Nope. Skakdi don't get elemental powers. That's their deal. Why does this one get to use his? Really, God?

So, yeah. Because of his thrice accursed rule breaking, I found myself writhing on the floor, half unconscious, hearing a deafening ringing sound. Wow. That's not a very good adjective, considerin' I was half deaf already. Or was it all deaf? Hard to tell. It was hard to tell anything, actually, because my eyes were closed and I couldn't pay attention to anything but the throbbing pain in my audio receptors. It kind of felt like the sonic scream was continuing, but I knew it wasn't. I once encountered a wild sonic scream Rahkshi a month ago, so I knew how to deal with that power; if only I could remember how.

My eyes cracked open just a hair, and I looked through blurry, shaking vision at the being who had caused me such pain. New priority: pay him back.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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"So let me rephrase. You're going to make my citizens funnel you money for purposes unknown with sketchy foreign technology built on my soil, manned by Po-Matoran who have absolutely no military or defensive training whatsoever, all in the name of improving relations between the Koros, coming from the Koro that deliberately severed all relations and disappeared into the sands."




"Pretty well," Reordin replied while wolfing down an entire piece of bacon in a bite. "Matoro's big on trying not to fill Nuju's shoes while emulating him as much as he can. The people are happy as I've ever seen them. They finally let all the crazy stuff I did in the name of their safety go. Been kinda...dull, though, to be honest. I'm not used to sitting around and running defensive drills all the time. I feel rusty."





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IC: The Matoran sighed. "With all due respect, Akiri, I believe the term is 'capitalism.' Regarding soldiers, we chose not to station Sentinels here for your comfort. We can send some if you wish, but the Akiri feels you'd be less threatened if the people at the radio station were not Sentinels. And...again with all due respect, every Koro is receiving the same offer. You can contact them if you would like...by messenger, which I expect would take some time. Just because my village chooses not to expose itself to the terrorists and hostiles that plagued us three months ago, does not mean we refuse contact with the outside world. We merely prefer to do it on our terms."



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"There's risk in capitalism. Just like you choose not to risk dealing with the five percent of those on this island who would wish to do your village harm while refusing the rest entry to your village, I don't like the idea of risking the fairly won wages of my people on some new device, regardless of who's putting it together. I appreciate the gesture, but there's infinitely less risk for you in this than me. And I'm not comfortable with that."





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Hahli looked from the Matoran down to a specific stack of paperwork on her desk, and then back to the envoy again. Her eyes never leaving him, she scribbled a note in the margins of a piece of paper and put it in her desk.


"I have an order with Le-Koro that's due to be completed in three days," she offered by way of explanation. "After that, I'll talk to the greenhouses. Come back with a list of specific items you need. I'll see if I can fit you into the production lines."





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"Alright, miss, what is your purpose for coming here?" Xilecki asked, stepping into the main hall. "After all, I don't get many people but those who are looking to buy my land, and I can assure you that will never happen."




"I'm just going to assume you have him covered," Eutuchia muttered to the Skakdi currently neutralizing Verak. "Make sure to put that Vortixx into solitary, if you can. He's too talkative for his own good." His business finished, Eutuchia left the building, to go back to his home for a moment, and then to check if Hahli needed anything new done.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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"You? Rusty? You know, I've got half a mind to test that." Leah said with a small wink, then sipping on her tea before starting to spread butter on a croissant. "It's a bit hard to believe. I thought you were erecting windmills on top of the glaciers to harness the strong winds? Can't imagine the work is easy..."




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OOC: It's perfectly legit. Check his profile and the rules. One piece of foreign tech, and its function can be to grant access to elemental powers. His allows him to use Sonics in two ways: Enhanced hearing directly ahead, and concentrated sonic blasts directly ahead.


IC: Yaddrokk

The Skakdi had heard enough about this guy not to take any chances. As another Marine came to check on the sound, he handed her his two swords, unlocked the door, re-locked it behind him and then passed her the key without saying a word. The Marine withdrew out of reach of any of the cells in case anyone tried to get the keys.


Now they were one on one, with no way for either to escape. Toa were dangerous, especially those prone to rule-breaking. Yaddrokk had to admit he slightly resented and envied their complete control over their elements. What he would do for complete control over sound. As quickly as his large frame could manage, he reached for the Toa's mask.

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Ah, home.


Sniff. Sniff.


Goodbye, home, I will clean you later; I will sleep, again, in the back room of my workshop, upon a bed made of wooden pallets with blankets and straw. May you live a happy life in your disreputable state.


Deciding for what was likely the eightieth time that month to forego the cleaning of his house, Eutuchia passed it by to move on to the Akiri's hut, grabbing himself a bag of sweetrolls from a passing vendor. Taking a bite out of one, he kicked at Hahli's door as a way to knock.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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"Well, I mean, not me specifically. I'm not doing engineering work - not my particular forte. Besides, even if I wanted to help I couldn't."


Reordin looked up from his own, unbuttered croissant to look at the Toa Maru of Water. For one of the first times since they'd met his eyes looked genuinely uncertain, and they contrasted with his otherwise flippant, kicked back posture. He tried to muster up the will to smirk but the resulting expression was a ghost of a snarky attitude and came off as deliberately forced. Finally, he popped what was left of his pastry and leaned forward to speak, like he was about to utter a dark secret that could change the course of lives and events to come on Mata Nui forever.


"Leah, they say I'm too flashy."




"I will end your life if you kick my door like that again," Hahli replied by way of greeting. "I'm not a mailman. I'm an Akiri."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: "Enough," Iraanus interjected. All eyes turned to him as he glanced around the room, ensuring that, for the moment at least, they had no unwanted listeners. "You may think speaking in our own language will mask your words, but it will not." The rest of the Horde would instantly recall the Toa who had listened in on their conversation the very day the group had formed. Fortunately, that Toa had shared their goals - they might not be so fortunate again. "Now is not the time for this," he said quietly, casting another glance at the Takea's patrons. "We close at eleven."


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Hahli looked up at Eutuchia as he closed the door and rolled her eyes, catching a sweet roll despite herself and taking a pensive bite out of it as she observed the Bo-Matoran. Her meeting with the Po-Koran emissary was still clearly playing on her mind; her left hand was scribbling various maneuvers and ideas out on a small map of Mata Nui, which, when she realized Eutuchia was staring at her curiously, she promptly folded up and dropped underneath the desk.


"What is it? What's up?"





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"Well, I thought you might like to know that your would-be assassins have been captured and brought to us," Eutuchia replied, leaning against the only open patch of wall. "Currently unconscious, and likely to remain that way for the next couple hours."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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"...Oh, err..." Hahli mumbled, suddenly embarrassed by the flippant attitude she'd been hurling at the visitor - though, considering it was Eutuchia, her twinge of shame didn't last very long. "Um...excellent news. Where were they caught, exactly? Are we sufficiently ready to bring them to trial and get convictions? What are they suggesting for a minimum sentence?"



Edited by Dallas Winston



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Hahli had surmised as much but sighed at the proclamation anyway, looking out the window and examining the mid-morning sun with keen yellow eyes. Suddenly she seemed to be very far away from Eutuchia, as though she had soared away through the window pane and taken off into some larger world, populated only by her own thoughts and ideas. After a moment, she seemed to come back to the world at large and turned back to Eutuchia, nodding her thanks at letting her have her little moment.


"What would you recommend?" she asked, trying to veil the plea for advice behind as much of a weary leadership tone as she could muster.




"Alright!" Tillian crowed, kicking the board out onto the water and steadying himself casually as he slid off his shirt and tossed it into the sand. "Just wrap your arms around me. Take things slow at first. Everyone screws up when they're starting out, so don't get that discouraged. A little practice and you'll be great."





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"Life, with possibility of parole depending on their conduct within the prison," Eutuchia shot out, shrugging. "I don't think death is quite necessary here, though anything below life would seem far too little time. I'd rather we keep them and watch them. Who knows, we might be able to use them to our advantage here."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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NPC: Marine - Marines HQ


"Hold your Rahi," a gruff Ga-Matoran said to the bounty hunter, "'Fraid they'll have to check up in another hotel, we're booked full," she joked without a hint of a smile. "No, but seriously, these are the third people being brought in." She examined the Matoran and Turaga to make sure they were the right ones. Sure enough. "Remind me, what was the bounty on them again?"

BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Skyra


I looked at Tillian's shirtless body for a moment, before snapping out of it. "Right! Okay! Sounds easy enough, can't be any harder than riding Kahu." I already had a decent sense of balance and was naturally agile, how hard could staying on a wooden board be?

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Arktizai


The Toa of Ice briefly considered Hile's words.


"I do not doubt that deep inside he isn't evil, but now he is furthering Sixhand's motives, not his own. Once he's more comfortable in our company, he might help us. But we can't talk to him now, not until he understands us better and certainly not with those two around," he said, indicating toward the Skakdi and ... whatever the other one was.


Korden called for Hile. Looking back at the Ko-Matoran, Arktizai finished his thoughts.


"When we are on our own, keep asking him questions about his past and what we're doing here, and don't be afraid to divulge some information yourself. We need him to trust us before we can act."


The Toa returned to the group.


"My apologies, Korden. I was scolding Hile for disrupting the conversation."

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"Alright...thanks, Eutuchia," Hahli sighed, leaning back in the chair. "By the way, uh...thanks again for the greenhouse thing, too. You disposed of the Kraata okay?"




Tillian grinned to himself as Skyra slowly wrapped her arms around him and then slowly slackened the more comfortable she felt. Small to low-end medium waves rustled the board once every now and then, but the Toa of Air was surprisingly balanced, careful to make sure she didn't fall - even though her grip on his abs did tighten a good couple times. During a particular lull in the tide the Toa of Gravity turned back to her with a grin.


"This is fun, huh?"





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NPC: Marine - Marine HQ

The Matoran gave him a respectful nod. "Good on you. We need more selfless people nowadays. Now let's get these two locked up." With surprising strength, the Ga-Matoran lugged the two onto her back and hobbled off to put them in some empty cells.

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IC:"Selfless?""You misunderstand me." Vos picked up the other, following at a similar once, one step for every two of the Matorans. "Selfless implies I did it out of a lack of self interest. My motives were entirely narcissistic.""I was bored."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Enough," Iraanus interjected. All eyes turned to him as he glanced around the room, ensuring that, for the moment at least, they had no unwanted listeners. "You may think speaking in our own language will mask your words, but it will not." The rest of the Horde would instantly recall the Toa who had listened in on their conversation the very day the group had formed. Fortunately, that Toa had shared their goals - they might not be so fortunate again. "Now is not the time for this," he said quietly, casting another glance at the Takea's patrons. "We close at eleven."

IC: Vhohan

The Skakdi nodded. "We can wait until then." He then turned to Zekev. "Well, like you probably heard, I'm Vhohan. So what do you do around the island?"

I used to have a banner here.

But that RPG is dead.

What now?

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IC: Skyra


I nodded back at Tillian, despite my nervousness of possibly falling into the chilling water I had to admit this was kinda fun. I mean it wasn't quite as exhilarating at flying at high speeds on Destiny, but it was fun in it's own way.


"Yeah...this isn't so bad."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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