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Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

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Everything posted by Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

  1. Still looking for a partner, for the record. (notice meeeeeeeeee)
  2. That is some really creative construction, what you did with the Iden there. I also like the white tires- are they painted? I wouldn't have thought those actually came in a set.
  3. Very impressive. I love how you went the extra mile in some of the little details, like that green face-belt or the dead eye. Only complaints I can think of are that the bindings seem a bit too blocky for my tastes and the neck appears to be rather thick.
  4. I've been slowly accumulating sets with some consistency ever since 2001. It's hard to narrow down what I have to work with, but I think I can safely say that I'm not the sort to use any system at all.
  5. Never thought I'd see those G2 armor pieces in a non-robotic set again. This is a pleasant surprise.
  6. "Wonder where this leads..." *spontaneously ascends into the ceiling* *reappears three rooms later atop a mountain of corpses* Kyle Katarn was friggin' amazing in Jedi Academy. This brings back very fond memories. (Admittedly I've only had the game for a couple years...)
  7. Ah, a partner-based BBC might be just what I need to get me out of a creative rut. Count me in. Also, yeah, a matchmaking topic might be nice.
  8. I thought the canon explanation was always that the Toa Mata's destiny changed when Teridax unleashed the Bohrok, and so they were transformed into Nuva because of that, whereas a chance encounter beforehand would have destroyed them.
  9. As someone who's been going as a guest every year for something like a decade now, I'd love to see some fellow BZPers show up. I'm even bringing my camera!
  10. ...but I can see a head right there...? (just making a joke, this is really good xP)
  11. I honestly like seeing a dorkier side to the Toa, but puns are a bit much, yeah. Jokes are fine, but dad jokes? Eeeeeeh. The short on a whole is pretty good, though. These shorts always do a fantastic job of capturing the general feel of the old Templar stuff, and it's not just the artstyle- the way all the characters are animated feel right out of the old stuff. Solid work.
  12. I have many questions. Most of them boil down to me just repeating the words "how did you do this" over and over again.
  13. NM, I'd be legit surprised if LEGO didn't want to hire you on the spot if they saw this.
  14. "Their unity will be poisoned. Their duty will be broken. Their destiny... I must shatter." My only gripe is that I wish the other pictures were larger so I could take in more of that glorious design.
  15. Honestly, I think I'm actually a bit more impressed with that Takua. Just a bit. All of it's fantastic, of course.
  16. Oh wow, where do you live? I love the scenery.
  17. It's been so long, and my memories of my days in junior high school and early high school are prone to failure... but I'll always have fond memories of how this one comedy writer named Dominus Temporis took pity on me and let me write some guest chapters for his story. I was bad at it- atrocious, in fact, especially compared to Tempo's work- but he was never shy about letting me contribute, and we even did a direct collaborative story once, working on alternating chapters of a single huge arc. It's thanks to him that I gained an interest in writing in the first place, and by proxy started taking classes that helped me learn to actually write well. I don't think I would've done nearly as well as I did in the TLC short story prelims if working with Tempo hadn't given me the spark. He's basically the reason why almost all of my interests nowadays are geared towards the creative arts. I hope that someday, I can make contact with him again and thank him.
  18. Honestly, I'm just happy my story made it to the finals despite being a two-hour rushjob. Congrats to everyone who won (even if Crunchyn's art piece was the only one I actually voted for ), and a hearty "well done" to all the entrants in general. Still disappointed A Simpler Time didn't win the writing contest tho >_>
  19. The face looks kinda off, but the design is sound. I could see this being used as an alternative for her Mask of Light design.
  20. I always just figured there used to be a race of four-armed dudes that used to live on Okoto before Makuta did his thing. Although I have been reading a lot about Kulta mixing and matching body parts when it came to his minions...
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