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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. Protodermic Kanohi were only introduced in the Krana-Kal battle packs of 2003, likely as incentive for people to keep buying them even if they had all the other Nuva masks.  If these packs were indeed from 2002, then it's to be expected that none of them were Silver.  I don't think there were ever any crossover between krana types.  Early 2002 has generic krana and gold/silver Mata masks, late 2002 had generic krana and Nuva masks, and early 2003 had krana kal and Nuva masks with potential for silver.  At least, that's how the boxes that sold in the States worked.

    Interesting analysis tho.


  2. There was a ridiculous amount of celebrity worshipping that seemed to happen on the forums way back then that's really awkward to look back on.  Combination of us being young and socializing the internet also being fairly new, I guess.  From what I remember, you were always a cool and funny member.  Glad to hear you're doing alright IRL!


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  3. Yuck, that's awful.  We're experience that too up in the PNW right now, and I'm just on the edge of the evacuation zone.  This was not part of the California culture we wanted imported up here!  :(

    Glad you're okay, hope you don't have to deal with any other major fires this year.  But I don't see this smoke going away any time soon.  :(


  4. I mean, I'm pessimistic, but I'm going to hazard a guess that it's more focused on Rebel Nature, and any relation to Bionicle is to troll us / get our attention and try to direct it to his new project.  (Okay, he's probably not trolling us, but I'm sure its a clever marketing move to get fans of the old franchise interested in this new thing.  I've already seen advertising for the Rebel Nature show pointing out it's roots to Bionicle, so I can see them trying to use it for all its worth.)  But honestly the best bet would be to wait and see. :shrugs: 


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  5. I went from 6K to 8K.  But I'd been at 6K for years; I just wasn't posting in the forums that upped the post count, and I was very active in the blogs.  So I'm frankly surprised my count is that high.

    That said... we never lost any data in the blogs during the datapocalypse, unlike the years and years of posts.  So while current post counts only go back a few years, blog activity goes back to the very beginning of the blogs, so those of us who jumped in on that early and stayed active apparently had an advantage.

    Still sad that so many people had significant reductions.  :(


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