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Akaku: Master of Flight

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Akaku: Master of Flight

  1. That's neat, Pohatu Mata was one of my very first sets as well! He was the first Toa I got, I was compelled to pick one up shortly after getting Mctoran Matoro in a happy meal :P Thanks for sharing the memory :)

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

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  2. On 7/1/2023 at 7:11 PM, Kothra said:

    Great to hear you're doing well. I'm doing pretty well myself currently, but sounds like I've only matured about half as much as you have...

    I haven't really entertained a real return to BZP but I'm glad I saw this blog post.

    Hey Koth! great to hear from you, and I'm glad you're doing well :)

    Give yourself more credit, I'm sure you've matured plenty! After all this time, I'm sure if nothing else, you've at least finally grown enough to accept Canada's bagged milk as the superior form of liquid dairy transportation... Right? ...Riiiight?

    I just wanna say, I miss yer art dude. I have no idea if you've kept drawing after all this time or not, but I always thought your Kalarii Space Otter soldiers were super dope. I was thinking of maybe having a similar species in my Graphic Novel, but I didn't want to get sued for copyright infringement :P

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  3. This is some dope Artwork! TBK, Taka and Specter all have done a splendid job on their respective pieces. And thank you for the mention, It's cool to see this kinda stuff still going on, and was a pleasure doing my bit in the past.

    Looks like y'all have been having a lot of fun over the years, caught up with zippy a little while back and heard some cool things about it :)  I've always wanted to get back into Bionicle RPGs at some point, but have just been way too busy/stressed to get involved in any... Is it still the text based stuff like the days of old? That was always my favourite format.

    I hope you share more as it comes! This place may seem like a graveyard these days, but I think more people still lurk and check in around here then we realize :P

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  4. Hey, I remember you! ... Kinda. I instantly recognized your username, although its been so long that I can't remember from which part of the forums ^^;;

    I can heavily relate to this. All these years later, and most the people I still chat and hang out with (including my fiancée!) are friends I made here all those years ago. It sure makes me feel old seeing how quickly time has passed, and all the drama that used to go on here certainly was... Something... But I wouldn't trade anything for the time I spent here :)

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  5. So uh, I might have this completely wrong since this was well over a decade ago and my memory from when I was a kid isn't particularly great on the details, but I'm pretty sure I recognize your old alias, and think I owe you an apology for taking some feedback/criticism of my horrendous artwork of the time waaaaay too personally, haha. I was an extremely immature, cringey and spiteful little child, and seriously, I sincerely apologize if you ever had to put up with any of that sort of behavior from me at the time; I don't think I had a hand in what happened to your old account, but I uh, wouldn't be surprised if I did ... If that doesn't ring any bells then please disregard, lol.

    ...Regardless, I'm glad to hear you've been doing well, huge congratulations on getting your game out there. After I finished high school I spent a few months taking a program for game art and design, quickly learned it wasn't for me; there's just an absolutely massive amount of all sorts of different work involved to get pretty much any sort of game developed and released, especially if you're doing it with a small group or all on your own. Honestly, huge respect for getting it done!

    For the past several years I've been focusing on honing my artistic abilities, somewhat recently I finished a rather extensive program on graphic novel/comic making. Since the pandemic began I've been working full beans using what I've learned on a single unreleased project of mine, with the hopes of being a published freelance Graphic Novel Artist someday if I can continue to afford the endeavor. If not, I've been also looking into courses for Commercial Illustration as a less fulfilling but (hopefully) somewhat more financially stable alternative. We'll see how it all turns out!


    Wishing you the best of luck with all your current and future endeavors my dude.


    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  6. Oh wow, I didn't think they'd all still be around after all these years! I was always partial to this classic emote: :P because of BZP, to this day I still have a bad habit of ending almost all of my texts and online messages with some version of the emote ... :P

    Looking through them again, this one caught my eye because of how amusingly suspicious it is:  :lookhere: "Yeeesssss, just sign right here! What's the worst that could happen? Ignore the fine print about your soul, hehehe...."


    --Akaku: Master of Flight



  7. Ah, a AMA, eh? I can think of some! :)

    Art Related:
    What led you to taking an interest in art and drawing?

    Over the years, what have you found has helped improve your work the most?

    What is your favorite medium to work with?

    Bionicle Related:
    In Retrospect, what is your favorite thing about Bionicle?

    If Bionicle were ever to make a return, what would you like to see from it? Another reboot, or an entirely new story?

    Any particularly interesting Books/Movies/Games you've read/seen/played recently?

    Favorite Cheese?

    Pineapple or no Pineapple on Pizza?

    What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?



    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  8. I'm currently between classes, although distance learning has been really tough for me as well. One would think it'd be easy with my artwork being done digitally, although not being able to separate my home from work environment has always been difficult. Growing up I always did homework at school whenever possible since I usually just couldn't concentrate otherwise.

    It's been a learning experience to say the least, I've adjusted well enough I guess, at least to continue being somewhat productive. I just hope the world can return to a sense of normalcy soon.

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  9. Cool dude is practically my middle name B-)

    Unfortunately the extra stuff for Blogs is completely gone, as far as we know. You'll just have to make use of the 'about this blog' section as best we can :(

    You can do some pretty nifty stuff with pictures now, though. You can make one a banner for your blog that drops down into a full photo when it's clicked on, and give each blog entry it's own banner too, which is nice.

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  10. @Valendale  I think there's still a few BZPRPG people who still have incredibly high post counts. It does make me sad though, to look at the profiles of some very old content creators that left before the new forums, and see that it now looks like they never did anything :(

    @Taka Nuvia I agree. I don't post often, but often I find myself putting a lot of thought into what I'm trying to say when I do.

    @Edelgard Nice! I really should post more often/be more active in Blogs... I'm trying to be, anyways :P

    @xccj Whoa, that really is a lot of Blog activity. I did notice that somehow blogs had survived the dataclysm; it proved useful when at one point I was trying to find sources for BBC contest results missing on the wayback machine.

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  11. I was looking out for this blog-post, not sure how I missed it! It's been a busy week...

    It's great to see how far you've come! Even in the last few years, I can see significant improvements to your work in many aspects such as proportions and depth :D

    The older ones are giving me a lot of nostalgia, I remember seeing them when you posted them on the forum all the way back when. It really doesn't feel like those days were over a decade ago... Remember when you had me as a co-author for one of your comics series? How time flies, indeed :P

    Oh, and to tag other users, you type the "@" symbol in, and then put the name of the user afterward. Sometimes a little drop-down menu will show the username as you're typing it, and you can just click that to get it to fill in the rest :)

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

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  12. That's a nice drawing, Taka! Lots of great, strong use of curves in this piece, particularly on the cloth and shoulder pauldrons. The shading on those is really nice as well, I also like the staff and the swept-back look you gave to the spikes on your mask :) 

    Personally I love seeing people redraw their OC's over the years. not only to see how their character evolves, but to see how far their artwork has come. I myself am rather guilty of drawing my OC way more then I really ought to :P


    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  13. Informatics? Interesting! I was never bad at math back in high school, but I feel like I probably don't have half the brain to handle anything complex enough for that, especially after years of just using calculators :P

    Glad to hear that things are looking up for you :) I've been doing alright. I'm actually in a similar boat as you, I just got back to being in college full time after years of only doing continuing studies courses here and there. I Enrolled in an extensive year long program entirely dedicated to all aspects of creating Graphic Novels and Comic Books; It's great so far, I'm learning tons and enjoying it a lot! :D


    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  14. I'm more of a PC guy, but even I have to admit that's a pretty good steal! 

    Even if you told me how little you paid for it, personally I'd still feel like I owe you more then 50 if it was being given to me, since you're giving something away for free that could've put around half a grand in your wallet had you sold it online instead :P

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  15. On 9/14/2019 at 6:48 PM, Edelgard said:

    Welcome back! Your program sounds pretty neat, not gonna lie. My art skills are still non-existent, so =P


    Thank you! It really is :D If you ever wish to obtain/improve your art skills, my recommendation would be life drawing courses. Every time I've taken one over the years is when I've seen the greatest advancements in my work :)

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

  16. But my hidden-story-choice-related-team-required-achievement that rewards you 95% of Gamerscore you get from the entire title gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment when completing it! :(

    I know! I'll make a loot box you can buy with a 0.0000001% of unlocking the achievement so it's never truly locked out :)

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