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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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"Not bad, certainly not bad. I just wish my sister hadn't been too busy doing... whatever it is she's doing to come."

Only then do I realize what had been going on here before the slap. "So, some sort of drinking game? Mind if I join in?"



Edited by The Nold

Xbox LIVE: FlamingCheese77

BZPRPG Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=547516


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Ic: "Me? Why, I held that we should most certainly return. The benefits far outweigh the potential risk, especially if there are trained warriors aboard the next expedition" Relisai replied.

"Logical," I mulled, though not leaning either way. It was still my duty to be impartial—I could still speak out of turn as a princess—and so I chose to simply accept the toroshu's point as valid and maintained my opinions to myself.

"And Mako, the Vilda are grateful for all your work just as we grateful for the work of all our males. Every single member of the Empire is vital to it's health, after all."

I took Mako's shrug with a slightly sympathetic arch of my eyebrows and chugged another sip of my wine while the two Vilda bantered, probably not playfully anymore. I wanted in. "Relisai, I met Soraph at Soraya's practice a few days back but didn't get a chance to chat much. Tell me about your niece; is it true she's to be your heiress?" I inquired.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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"It seems people have gotten a little amped out, so why not something a little more physical to get everything out of our systems and the blood flowing?"


Kulrik stroked the chin of the hide he now wore as costume, trying to come up with a fun diversion.


"Why not a quick sparring session out on the balcony? Or...and I personally think this choice would be much more entertaining... a dance-off?" Kulrik said with as if he was revealing a great revelation to the small crowd that had gathered.


He focused his attention on the Menti that had disparaged him. Using his Sigheye skills to create a sound only she could hear, he added :I hope you can forgive me and that you can still enjoy the evening. As you may have noticed I've just played a drinking game, and odd things can happen when alcohol is involved. Regardless of what I may have accidentally let slip, ultimately I just wanted to calm everyone down. Sometimes you must hide your true feelings for the sake of peace, after all.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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"I agree Mako, although I wouldn't quite use that language. There are better thing to call them" Relisai said.


IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Soraph would probably give me a standing ovation, but Yumiwa's probably not going to take Relisai's words for much"


A predicament indeed, one that kept me from entirely catching what Relisai said.


I'd call that a half down, I guess. One and a half to go.


"Forgive me, I'm just making up for time not spent talking on the job"

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.: Peace won through a lie is not peace. It is a respite. :.


The message was sent with no particular inclination for who sent it. By now, Sinshi had a reasonable idea of who she was dealing with; Obtaining a real animal pelt was no small feat, one limited mostly to the Vilda. Given that the Menti opposite her was a First Son, it really only left a small number of possible identities. More than likely, she was addressing First Son Kulrik, of the Clan Vilda. Sinshi herself stretched slightly, the faintest hints of a smile dancing about the edges of her face.


"I'm afraid that I'm not a very good dancer, all things considered. If there's a desire for a sparring match, however, I'd be more than willing to oblige. I have not had time for a decent bout of late."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Ha! I certainly hope not" Relisai said with a light laugh.


"I love my niece - that's why I gave her the opportunity to work here on Sado, learn statesmanship from the best and bright of the Empire, and yes, she is the present heiress. She is my closest female descendant or relative and not a Datsue, so should I die or transform into one of our society's elderly citizens, she would inherit the Vilda throne. But I don't plan on dying anytime soon, and I think I've still got a few good years in me" Relisai said with a wink.


"But her elevated position is only temporary. I have a son, First Son Kulrik - he should be somewhere here at your party - who he will eventually have a daughter. It is that child, my granddaughter, who will inherit the title of Vilda Toroshu. As much as I care for me sister and niece, I hope to one day give all that I am to my own progeny. I'm sure your mother the Rora would agree and understand."



"Oh, there's no need to apologize" Relisai told Mako. "As a Datsue, you've earned the right to make a mistake here and there. But if you're going to insult the Chaotic Six, best you use the strongest, meanest words you can think of. They are deserving of the very worst.



"Well, that's one vote for sparring" Kulrik announced.


"And you're right" the First Son said to the newcomer, even though Moeru hadn't actually made a suggestion. "It should be a drinking game as well. Every strike you receive or misstep in the dance, and you drink. There's no reward for failure in Empire, right?"

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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"With all due respect, First Son," The Umbraline Menti began, eyesbrows raised behind her mask. "I do not think that drinking while sparring would be a wise idea. Weapons and alcohol do not mix well, and I would be unable to act to a reasonable standard of competence; If I did, and the other participants were in an intoxicated state, I would be wary of harming them."


"Besides, I should think that an opponent would want their wits about them, lest they find themselves defeated, no?"

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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When she was a young girl, and their relationship was slightly less chilly, Yumiwa had once dubbed her 'Hurricane' because where there was trouble, Princess Desdemona would descend on it at gale force, observe, deduce, and disassemble.

Now, with Kulrik increasingly drunk and increasingly boisterous, collecting more attention as he spoke, the Hurricane descended.

"Enough. Are you all nobles, or callow groupies at a winesink?" she asked, her silver tongue practically acidic with distaste. "If you want to take it outside, take it outside. But do not seek re-entry, or the next banquet you are invited to, you will attend believing you're still young enough to wear cloth diapers."




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Ic: Kulrik, the jester? With my Akaku, I'd caught sight of him dallying with my cousin and the lieutenant, a couple bottle of bumboo on the table. Though we'd never met before, stories of Kulrik's ego preceded him. (Why do the first sons have to be so... urghhhh!!! Don't answer that.) "That's unfortunate—Soraph struck me as a lovely and noble girl," I lamented a little, but then my eyes twinkled as I perked up and offered my own suggestion in a desire to help culture Soraph into a more eligible stateswoman.


"I've heard Mata Nui is rife with flora and fauna, and in that spirit I think Clan Vilda should have a strong presence in the delegation. Since you feel you cannot be a part of it yourself, I would be pleased if Soraph was sent in your stead, perhaps with a retinue of naturalists."

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Kulrik turned wide-eyed as he saw the source of the admonition.


Desdemona, sister of Chojo Yumiwa and the Daughter of the Rora.


The little scuffle that had taken place in the eastern wing of Dragon Hall had garnered the attention of the third most powerful person in the Empire. Kulrik supposed he should thank Zuto-Nui - he'd prayed to avoid the Chojo, and so far he'd managed to do just that. Instead, he'd only fallen into the frying pan of someone just slightly less dangerous, but no less fatal. The rumours of Desdemona's Willhammer abilities were among the most frightening in the Empire, and Kulrik had no desire to learn if they were true.


"No, your Royal Highness, of course wouldn't" the Vilda First son said apologetically. "This party your sister is holding is spectacular, and we would not want to leave it. We are gracious for having been invited; we will most definitely quietly down. If there's I personally can do in the future for you to make up for this incident, you need only ask."


He'd never angered someone so important, and now Kulrik only hoped that he'd apologized sufficiently.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC Seiryu (third person)

On the other side of the room, Seiryu thought "See?" to himself as he attended to Confederacy matters.


IC Seiryu (first person)

I do declare, the wolf must be a choice if great merit, if so many of our nobles bear its shape upon their shoulders. But different people are naturally suited to different styles, and as such, they a have different takes on the canine beast.


OOC more coming later

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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[OOC: That's what I get for posting in a hurry. :P]


IC: Soraya [Dragon Room]


"Oh. Right! Sorry, I was a bit distracted by the-" Slapfights on one side and political grandstanding on the other- "everything."

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

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"Mhmmmm" was all Relisai said as she considered the offer presented to her by the Chojo. Within her mind though, a battle raged.


WHHATTT?!?! How could she even suggest to give that little witch the honour of being on the expedition to Mata-Nui?! Soraph isn't worthy, she never could be! She's a traitor to the Empire, to the clan and to her family! She and her conniving evil mother, my sister, would do anything to further themselves. To steal my THRONE!!!! Away from me and my Kulrik, that's all they've ever wanted. This is probably all some nefarious plot of theirs, Zataka!


No, wait, calm down.


There's no way the demonspawn could have concocted this. It's much too complicated for her tiny mind, and to have the Chojo involved? Why, if the heir to Empire had sided with Robalta and Soraph, Relisai had far greater terrors to fear.


And maybe sending Soraph wouldn't be so bad. She'd be even further from Oki, from my rightful seat. She'd be powerless to make any move against me. Isolated with no communication back to the Archipalego. She'd be an enemy chess piece completely removed from the board, with little hope of returning. Yes, this may actually be the perfect opportunity for me to get rid of Soraph. And if there are more beings on Mata-Nui as dangerous as the Chaotic Six... she'll be gone permanently.


"I don't know how I would tell my sister, they see each other so little as it is with Soraph working here on Sado. And now, to send Soraph across the sea to Mata-Nui? It nearly tears my heart apart to think of that girl so far away, I can hardly imagine what Robalta will think. But...it would be the opportunity of a lifetime, and I can think of no better way to serve the Empire. My family strongly believe in the goodness of the Three Virtues; it'll be upsetting to see Soraph go, but it would be more upsetting to see her stay and languish in unfulfilled potential.


"Yes, please, take Soraph with you and let her bring honour to the Vilda, and to the Empire. I don't know how many naturalists I can provide from my clan though, or if any will even be necessary. Soraph is very skilled at what she does" Relisai added with all the charm of a Toroshu.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC: Arisaka - At the party and stuff -


"Menti Arisaka, of clan Umbraline."


It was difficult not to draw attention to yourself when the receptionist announced her presence. Arisaka entered the party in a green, lizard themed dress. Soraya had told her she'd designed the dress to allow her to blend in. Arisaka thought that it better be true, or she'd want her money back.


Arisaka greeted back anyone who gave her welcome, but otherwise hurried over toward the drinks. These dreadful social gatherings went by a lot quicker if you were less than sober.

Edited by Princess Anna of Arendelle

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: (Lhurai)


I had made it into the party without incident. I had considered arriving fashionably late, but then decided against risking crashing the most important social event of all time. Being the aspiring lover and relentless jack### that I was, I nearly immediately abandoned my date and made way to where the Crown Princess was telling off a group of uncivilized hooligans. Even their fashion wasn't up to standard from where I stood. I myself had donned one of my iconic cloaks, this one bearing streaks of ochre (earthy brown for the uneducated) as well as a darker brown scarf, overall a beautiful sight to behold.


"Princess," I greeted, taking a bow as soon as I was acknowledged, "I am Lhurai Yaigano of the Roku clan."


Yaigano was a name that scarcely needed introduction. We were one of the foremost families of the clan, and as its First Son I was no different. Desdemona would likely remember me as that one guy who had, not a week earlier, sent her a very expensive-looking jeweled bracelet along with 400 words about her smile. Or maybe she wouldn't. Hopefully she would- that bracelet had cost a fortune. "So nice to finally meet you."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: [Kentoku Archipelago - Sado - Beach]


:O Great One, do you ever tire in your eternal struggle?:


The question was directed through the vast, ephemeral landscape that was the extended projection of the mind infusing the world around, though there was scarcely another soul to answer. And so the inaudible query fell upon the deaf ears of nature, echoing silently through the unseen world before time's inescapable hold took root, dragging it with fading protest into the depths of the void of which such metaphysical things were destined to fall to at their nadir. Leaving the world empty and without worth nor meaning, giving way to allow a blanketing pit of despair to fill the unoccupied space permeating the area.


Or so it felt to the lone figure haphazardly draped like a worn clothe over the reflectively smooth surface of a boulder, the stone's face weathered by the relentless ebb and flow of the tides. Like a forever discontent crystalsmith shining her work to unachievable perfection.


The figure was laying on her stomach, her head propped up on curled knuckles with her elbows supported by the rock beneath. Her feet hung limply over her knees, and her gaze was directed not at the picturesque suns-set of fiery red and shadowy purple hues painted out before her, but downward on the grey rock that gravity pressed her form up against. The rock had not answered her silent question, though she did not mind.


The rock did not do much of anything, as she had observed.


It sat here on the beach, its back to the land from which it was born, staring out to the endless blue ocean spread out before it. Perhaps longing for something? Wishing for a day on which it could swim, escape from the weighty ties it had to the land. Or was it a fearless sentinel? Standing guard against the unending attack of the devouring water, protecting its kin and weathering the constant beating of the waves in absolute silence?


These were questions she dearly wanted to ask the stone, though it could not reply.


Was the rock mute? Watching the world pass it by, though unable to act nor interact? Frozen within a shell like a frightened sea creature? A helpless one trapped within itself? Or was it simply indifferent to the small lives of those around? So unfathomable and great that it gave no thought to the insects scurrying madly around it?


Mygahn did not know.


What would the rock say if it could speak? Would it cry out in pain or terror from its inescapable position before the onrushing tide? Would it scoff at the water's pitiful attempts to dislodge it from the beach?


Perhaps it would gaze around, and simply stay silent. For what would rocks have to say?


Mygahn like to imagine that perhaps someday the stones would converse with one another, just as she was with it now. When the trees died and withered away. When the Dasaka moved to another land. When their glittering buildings of crystal shattered to sand. When the birds stopped their songs. When the creatures no longer scurried among the roots, no longer swam through the sea. When the ocean washed itself away. When the mountains sunk into the earth. When even the mighty dragons closed their eyes and turned to dust. There would be just rocks.


Would they mourn those that came before them? Joke of the small creatures that had erroneously laid claim to the land they disappeared from?


Mygahn could only imagine.


With a sigh of unanswered mysteries, she pushed herself up slightly, sliding her bent legs around to sit upon the silent stone, her head resting on her knees as she hugged her legs.


It would be nice to be a rock.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


Take Soraph?


"Chojo Yumiwa, as you probably remember from earlier Soraph and I are relatively well acquainted, if it pleases you two I'd be happy to go deliver the news".


My mission suddenly became two-fold, because I had a pretty good hankering about what was going through Relisai's head. Why would she seemingly give Soraph such a grand opportunity, it wasn't in her character to treat her hated niece like that.


No, she wanted to send Soraph even further away from Oki.


Well, in that case she's not going alone.

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


"Well... my mother has decreed that there will be a new, larger expedition to Mata Nui and wants me to go and represent her. We—Inokio and I—think you would be an excellent member of my honour guard."


Xania blinked, trying to process information Yumiwa just dropped on her with this lightly mischievous smile of hers. "Such a tease..." thought she distantly as rampancy pierced her mind.


"I..." she started, trying to keep her voice straight and suppress rising euphoria. "It would be the greatest honor I ever received, your highness!" Xania executed a low bow. It was hard with her trying to hold her breath calm. "I will follow you to the ends of the world."


Straightening her back, Dasaka let herself take a deeper breath to settle her slightly shaking knees. As she did, a loud slap occurred in another part of a hall and she turned to investigate. Too far away from her, she was unable to sort out what's happening until Ayiwah showed herself. Yeah, it was Ayiwah, because Xania didn't know anyone so strict and just as commodore was, her voice indomitable as thunder. As this quick incident ended, Menti turned to Yumiwa that were already preoccupied with talks to Mako and others, so she decided to leave and relax, let herself recollect her thoughts about what Yumiwa's proposal.


"If you'll excuse me, your highness," she addressed princess, and then nodded to Vilda Mako. "I need a moment to myself," and with that words she was gone, dissolving in a crowd and making her way towards Ayiwah.

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"I think the game aspects of the drinking are about to end." the commodore calmly said to Moeru as she spotted Desdemona approaching. A good sailor knew when a storm was coming and the princess made good on the promise of thunder carried by the dark clouds of her incoming aura.


While the lightning struck Kulrik, the commodore respectfully bowed her head at the Rora's younger offspring.


:Princess Desdemona, it is good to see you again. It's been too long.: she greeted her mentally. At the same time, she spotted another Dasaka on her way to join this merry little gathering, the outfit matching the description Xania had given to Soraya just a few days earlier.


For picking a spot away from the crowd, you have navigated yourself right into the centre of the social maelstrom, Aya... she thought to herself.

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

Morie smiled bitterly. “Aging is not something you should wish for, Lady Eiyu. Believe, me I find as I get older I have much less patience for frivolity and joy.” She glanced pointedly at the drinking game occurring at the other table. “Perhaps I’m simply bitter and wizened, but I find I no longer have the endurance for such activities.”

She glanced over at the commotion that was occurring at the other table.

“Perhaps with some reason.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)

"Why should I be 'out there?'" Inokio asked glancing at everyone around him as though he was looking for someone more familiar and failing. "As you say, it's just another party. It's a social event, so I'm socializing. Besides, this is one of the first times I've been free to do so in a very long time."


He was a little disappointed Celis didn't recognize him, though to be fair for the most part he was an unnamed bodyguard until he achieved his prestigious title near retirement, so the many times Celis had met him he was just another guard. "Let me try and refresh your memory a little: I used to stand at Yusanora's left at court—I was the one with blue armour on teal with a topaz katana."

OOC: Dang you people... gone for a day and almost 2 new pages


IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis reached her right hand towards her chin, tapping it gently. It was as if she was recalling her memories then she idly snapped her fingers

"Ah yes... you are practically as good at disappearing into the scenery as I am. No longer serving as a guard i take it?"


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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OOC Finally found the pattern for Seiryu.


Now to draw the outfit...


IC Seiryu (First person)

First Son Korae: Aye, the Kingfisher is a most regal choice for a masquerade. Can any bird that soars in the sky compare to this one, which abides in the swamps? A true diamond in the rough


First Son Vilda: is it not somewhat hypocritical for a member of a clan devoted to the protection of wildlife to clothe oneself with one's skin? Forsooth, the inherent contradiction is cause for such... Words do fail me here.


First Son... Herupa? What a fitting costume for one of your stature. The tales of the Shinushya always made not of their great size and stature. Did you choose this costume for more personal reasons, Child of Zataka?


First Son Mamoru: why is it that many Dasaka admire the wolf? It is a simple design; thou couldst afford to increase the complexity of they garments.


First Son... Ageru, is it? very elegant and sophisticated. However, if thou wishest to make use of a musical motif, why not go the full distance?


First Son Daikura: there are some who might find thy costume pretentious. To take the likeness of the sun, and to go so far as to acquire the heatstines to make it glow...

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


When Xania approached Ayiwah and a little "circle of friends" formed around her, she had no doubt that princess Desdemona was present.


"Enough. Are you all nobles, or callow groupies at a winesink?"


"No, your Royal Highness, of course wouldn't"


:Princess Desdemona, it is good to see you again. It's been too long.:


Dasaka slowed down before entering hearing range and bowed to princess. She was surprised her highness graced this corner of the hall to stop a drink-game going out of control, but she would do the same if she was here first. Umbralines are good at that.


"Princess Desdemona," she greeted her, voice sounding with respect and measure. "Is there some kind of a problem?" she continued, overlooking present nobles, and then returning her gaze to princess. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I wanted to have a word with commodore," Xania quickly glanced at clanswoman, stating her business.

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"I wouldn't have any problem with you telling her" Relisai told Mako. "In fact, I think that's a fine idea. But maybe you should wait until a little later in the evening? It's still so early, and there's no need to have her mind busy planning and thinking about Mata-Nui now. There'll be plenty of time for that in the coming days, so why not let Soraph's head be free for little longer so she can enjoy the party. Zuto-Nui knows she won't be able to attend any such event for quite a while."


Relisai took a small sip from her glass, swishing the bubbly drink in her mouth before downing it.


"Also, I'd like to have a word in private with you Mako. There are some sensitive clan matters I'd like to discuss."



"More birds?" asked Soraph, sliding toward two Dasaka, one male and one female. The woman appeared to be the Vadiru Toroshu, whom Soraph had seen once or twice previously on Sado. The man was a First Son, obviously, and dressed as a Kingfisher; but other than that, she couldn't be sure who he was.


"Another one at this party and it'd be wise to start serving the food out of bird feeders" joked the undeniably attractive Vilda heiress, hoping that these Dasaka would provide a more interesting conversation than the other other nobles she'd had to greet.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Oh .

Oh. .

Oh oh oh oh oh ...

Okay, okay. Get it together, just slow down and think.

Princess Desdemona, third most powerful person in the Empire, has gone out of her way to scold a group of people which I just happen to be part of. Not the Rora or the Chojo, but still probably powerful enough to make my life suck on a cosmic scale, if not just end it. How did I get myself into this one? No, how am I going to get out of it?

"My apologies, Princess Desdemona. I deeply hope we haven't disturbed anyone too greatly."

I throw in a respectful bow for good measure. Fingers crossed it's enough.



Xbox LIVE: FlamingCheese77

BZPRPG Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=547516


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IC: Dakte

A handmaiden to Yumiwa stepped up behind Dakte and politely ensnared his attention before telling him, "You're next on stage in ten minutes, Dakte; I'd suggest preparing."




IC: Celis

IC: Soraph

"Mhm. I retired a few years back," Inokio verified with a nod. "After being in Her Majesty's service for almost all my grown life I decided it was time to step out and smell the roses on my own terms. It's rather pleasant, I might add," he said with a wry grin.


He turned slightly to face the new addition to the circle. "Speaking of roses and gardens," he quipped and added his introduction as he gave an honourable headbow to the woman. "Inokio of Clan Korae, formerly of the rora's guard. I've seen you around, Soraph, but we've never met. But for the record, I don't eat seeds—fish is preferable." She was familiar, if distantly so, from some scholastic walks he'd taken with Yumiwa along the Garden.




I tipped my glass towards Relisai to bid the ###### a farewell. " I'll see you around, " I said and winked, "either here or at Court." Mmmm yes, we're not done, toroshu. ;) The ire between Relisai and Soraph was plain to see for a keen-eyed master of facial cues such as myself, and that brief nostril flare at my desire to take Soraph with me was delicious to see—score for me. As I turned away I once again flared a sympathetic frown at Mako before my face disappeared from his view and I mingled with my guests.


Ooc: Yumi's open for interact.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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OOC: Getting Caught up never felt so laborious, lol. WHOOHOO FOR SO MUCH INTERACTION.


IC: Daikura Koga and Ihi


The Sun arced across the dance floor, heat-stones warming those who orbited close by. He was not the center of the universe, simply the first son of the Daikura clan garbed in light and heat and silk. In his hand he carried a wide-brimmed but shallow glass of the wine, taken from a waiter who had like an asteroid passed Koga by in a moment of celestial divination. It is a party, drink, be gay, the comet had prophesied. One was supposed to follow the wisdom of the stars of course, and so the Sun was swept up by the celebrations until he found his daughter of night.


:Tasa!: Koga ideatalked the pet-name with a smile blazing an arc across the unmasked portion of his face. The tall orange and yellow spikes of his mask dipped as Koga leaned forward and tapped his brow upon his daughter's. :It's good to see you my sweet. I heard of your prowess in this year's Tarakona Games. A great honor to win such high esteem. How's your mother?:


The toroshu of the Daikura clan had disappeared before the arrival of Koga. She had spoken to him recently on a willhammer lesson plan and was loath to spend another moment in the presence of his gaudy costume sense. Instead, Ihi had taken her bedazzled self to the wings of the dance floor where a Kingfisher delicately dipped into a sea of fish to pull out a choice pair. Upon reaching the man she realized it was indeed who she had hoped.


"Ah, Inokio, would you do me the pleasure of a dance?" Ihi asked. She knew him from the Yards, his frequent visits and occasional forays into teaching had left a permanent memory in the mind of the toroshu.

Edited by Kughii
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After a brief farewell to the Chojo Relisai led her elderly subject away from the crowd of guests, towards a relatively secluded corner in Dragon Hall. There were some Dasaka around them, but the music was loud enough to stop anyone from listening in on a private conversation. Relisai finally stopped, turning to face Mako. Her eyes narrowed as she inspected the traitorous Datsue that was a friend of Soraph.


"So it seems, Mako, that in order to join that expedition to Mata-Nui you will need two stellar recommendations."


Relisai flashed a brilliant and false smile, the same practised expression that the Vilda had come to know and love of their respected leader.


"We both know Soraph will give one of them, but that leaves the matter of the second... up in the air as they say. And I wonder how many respected Dasaka you know here on Sado, away from our home, that would be able to help you? Now, you've done nothing but bring honour to the Vilda clan - your service record has very few complaints in it - and so I'd happily write you a personal letter of recommendation to help you. Of course, everything comes with a price, as I'm sure you've learned during your long life. In exchange for the letter I will need something of you."


A waiter passed by silently, a platter of cocktails raised in her right hand.


"Would you like a drink?" Relisai asked Mako before continuing.



"So much for a masquerade" Soraph said. "For an event people's identities are supposed to be hidden, people seem awfully forthcoming about who they are. And even when they aren't, it doesn't stop others from correctly guessing who they are.


"If I remember correctly, Inokio, you are a Battlemaster, aren't you? And that's part of the reason you were chosen to be part of the Rora's guard, and Chojo Yumiwa's personal tutor. If you don't mind my asking, is it true the male mind is more attuned to learn multiple Menti disciplines? I can't think why else they would be earmarked to learn two right from the start, not when the Empire is ruled by those of my gender."


The tone of the Vilda Dasaka betrayed a hint of jealousy.


Suddenly a fourth party intruded.


"Ah, Inokio, would you do me the pleasure of a dance?"


:Or would you prefer to dance with me?: Soraph asked directly into the mind of the First Son with all the charm and allure she had developed over a lifetime of being the most beautiful in Kentoku.


She did not like being interrupted.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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Desdemona's deep navy eyes searched the Dasaka, brow slightly furrowed, before she smiled wryly and shook her head once. "There was no offense done, First Son Kulrik, Mamoru Moeru. I think we're all going to need a fair bit to drink to get through this gala intact. Just see that we don't replace our champagne flutes with blades, and everyone can carry on. Vilda Kulrik, I believe my esteemed cousin the Commodore still has about 80 proof worth of unfinished business to attend to with you - when she's had her words with you of course, Xania." She smiled wider and nodded again in farewell when she made her leave of the group. When she felt sufficiently lost in the crowd, she let go of her deep breath. There. Not so awful. You made it.


"Princess," he greeted from nowhere and everywhere, taking a bow as soon as Desde acknowledged him out of habit, "I am Lhurai Yaigano of the Roku clan." The Hurricane dissipated; the younger princess had to fight the urge to search for Yumi with her eyes, and when instead she brushed the chojo's distinct mental aura, she used her considerable psionic power to send a quick plea into her big sister's head, protected by a cone of silence that would block out anyone using the same Ideatalk spheres as them. It had become necessary the older the two princesses became; Desde was a natural at it now.
.:Yumi! I think this guy thinks I'm you!:. she mentally hissed.
.:He's probably not my type, then, so... have fun!:.
.:For the love of...Please. Yumi he's a guy for Zuto Nui's sake.:.
.:Oh, fine. Tell him he smells funny and should get it checked out. That usually works.:.
If Desdemona didn't have such a good poker face, she would have blanched; as it was, she was nearing half a second without a reply, and much longer would have been suspicious. "Roku Lhurai, your presence at this party is an honor, and your family has done our empire good service." Yumi I mean it you will regret this I will fill your pillowcase with itching powder, I don't know how and I don't know when but believe you me (hey, wait, Yumi 'you me' oh god what am I doing why am I making puns like this--
"I also found the time to look over the package you sent me," she finished, barely restraining from tipping over her tongue because what the heck it was supposed to be her sister who dealt with all the men, she just did politics and stuff, all while raising her thin wrist and showing the bracelet off. "A magnificent gift. Thank you."
Edited by Plank Sinatra



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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis turned to look directly at Soraph now and spoke up

"That is quite the keen observation really. Why even bother with these silly masks if those attendants are merely going to shout our names upon entry, hence why I arrived early, incase I could not convince the attendant to keep my identity a secret yet luckily they were able to be negotiated with."


Now she turned back to Inokio and with another of her trademark smirks she tipped her head back ever so quickly in a general nod

"Apparently you just became very popular, though before you are dragged away suddenly I must ask, Were you one who received an invitation or brought along as a guest? And if a receiver who, if anyone did you bring along? This is of course to just sate my curiosity since you are soon to be swept away by possibly two grabby women."


It was obvious that Celis was not so easily distracted by a man. Oh yes she could not help being attracted to the opposite gender given out rare they were but she was not about to grovel at one's feet or become some floozy in their presence. She had standards.

Edited by Voxumo


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Ic: "So much for a masquerade" Soraph said. "For an event people's identities are supposed to be hidden, people seem awfully forthcoming about who they are. And even when they aren't, it doesn't stop others from correctly guessing who they are."


"It's rather easy for me to identify people I've been around," Inokio regaled, tapping his head once as he did. "The costumes can cover up our faces and bodies, but they do nothing to hide the auras we project. If any Willhammer worth their salt decided to pry just a little they could properly identify most anyone here, providing they've been around them before and know their names. It's not even a matter of deduction, really."

"If I remember correctly, Inokio, you are a Battlemaster, aren't you? And that's part of the reason you were chosen to be part of the rora's guard, and Chōjo Yumiwa's personal tutor. If you don't mind my asking, is it true the male mind is more attuned to learn multiple Menti disciplines? I can't think why else they would be earmarked to learn two right from the start, not when the Empire is ruled by those of my gender."


He bobbed his head patiently as Soraph spoke, not bothering to interject and correct her mistakes immediately out of courtesy, and sipped his beverage calmly.


"Yes, I'm a battlemaster, but I rose to the rank near the end of my work in Yusanora's service. I was placed on her guard because a committee deemed me fit for it, but primarily because I was... taken in by the Umbralines as a ward, owing to my clan's low population in the wake of the last war," he said, unflappably referencing the Fursic's latest game despite Celis standing next to him. "Yusanora chose me as her daughter's tutor because she trusts me with her, not just because of my powers. I'll admit there is a fine line, though," he said with a grin.


"But your other question is interesting. I'm by no means a lawmaster or scholar on the subject, though I think it has everything to do with what our genders are meant for," he said and held his index finger up to give him a chance to speak objectively without being interrupted. "Whereas you, the women, are better suited to govern and ensure order and often have scholastic pursuits built to maintain our empire's culture, us men are bred to breed and be strong in war. It has nothing to do with us being better attuned to the principles but everything with what uses are in the empire. We are soldiers, so we train for war; you are stewards, so you train to rule.


"To boot, there are exceptions: Dastana Sheika and Toroshu Nera are both fellow battlemasters, and none can argue with the latter's skill at running the Fursics. Yumiwa herself wishes to be one, too, and has developed some skills in all four disciplines—bless her heart. So you see, it has nothing to do with affinity to the mental plane at all." He raised his glass and took another sip. By the time he brought it back to chest-level, another person came in.


"Ah, Inokio, would you do me the pleasure of a dance?" Toroshu Ihi asked.


:Or would you prefer to dance with me?: Soraph placed directly in his mind.


"My lady," he greeted to Ihi. "You honour me with the offer, though Soraph had already asked me," he said and glanced at the Vilda. "I'm inclined to take her invitation first." Caught in the middle, he opted to go with the woman who conversed before asking to dance—he'd get to Ihi soon, though, after the conversations he was in were over. "Perhaps later tonight, dear."


"Apparently you just became very popular, though before you are dragged away suddenly I must ask, were you one who received an invitation or brought along as a guest? And if a receiver who, if anyone did you bring along? This is of course to just sate my curiosity since you are soon to be swept away by possibly two grabby women."


"Celis, you wound me," he said and laughed it off. "I received my own invitation, but... I came alone. It's weird enough for me to be here as a guest and not a retainer—bringing a companion is the next step."

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IC: (Lhurai)


There was something attractive to me about Desdemona's frailty. Her willowy-ness actually made me like her more, which is odd because usually I'm into the more filled out type of- ooh, she's wearing the bracelet! Man, that's a nice looking bracelet. Like, it's not even my style and I would wear it. "It was my pleasure," I crooned, shooting a wink over my wineglass as I took a sip.


"This has been a wonderful party so far- and after all, why have a ballroom with no balls?" I did my best to clear my mental plane. I had, many times, fallen victim to letting my thoughts about a woman's appearance slip out over Ideatalk. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis let out a jovial laugh at this and nodded

"Ah.. Another smart person who only brought themselves, I honestly felt no need for a guest myself, afterall a guest would likely just wander off first chance they get so why bother bringing company if they won't remain as company through the night?"


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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