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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)I walked down the street, weaving through the various Matoran going about their business. I saw Nikaron standing by the edge of the ruined hospital, looking out over the rubble, which several Matoran were busy digging through. Walking quietly up behind him, I touched the Toa of Lightning on the shoulder."Hey, Nikaron. Kamaehu says he's got a local custom called 'Kolhii' he wants us to play. You up for it?"

Edited by Eyru Bieber
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ooC: Nikaron's actually a Toa of Lightning.IC: NikaronNikaron looked at Avya, and then back at the rubble of the hospital, before shrugging, there really wasn't much more to do here anymore, so he figured he could leave. "Yeah sure, it'll be a nice learning experience for you. Learn about some of the fun things on this Island."


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IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)I shrugged as we started walking back down the street to where Kamaehu was waiting. "I guess so. I feel like there's so much more I need to do, but I've done all I can. All the patients and wounded have been moved to the Lavapool Inn, so there's not much left here. I guess we might as well end the day with something fun."

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IC: NikaronNikaron nodded his head, replying with a simple, "Yes," to Avya. His mind was elsewhere, more specifically it was still at the hospital's rubble. The kind of being that was so twisted that he would destroy a hospital sickened him beyond belief. He was glad that the being was now locked away, but something in the back of his head just kept nagging at him, that something was off that things weren't yet over. Unfortunately he couldn't quite place a finger on it. Which suited folks like Soran just fine.


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IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)Nikaron seemed distant, so I left him to his thoughts as we walked down the street. I watched the villagers go about their business; heard a roar of laughter as we passed by a tavern; saw Matoran selling their wares. I wondered what this village was like when you weren't worried about people dying or buildings getting torn down. It didn't seem like much could affect these people, as if they were already so hardened that more death and distruction simply didn't bother them.We walked up to Kameahu. "Hey, I found Nikaron," I said. "How about that game of Kolhii?"

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OOC: Alright then. IC: JikalJikal grinned. "When I began my isolation, I was in a hurry. As such, I didn't really have the space to carry my guitar. As far as I know, it is still in my house."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Avya and Nikaron returning was enough to snap Kamaehu out of his philosophical musings on the length of life. Turning back to them, he replied simply "Let's get going then. We're all here." Meanwhile, Ara'kas had joined the three other Toa, but was still looking at the ruins of the hospital. Such devastation. And by a Toa. Fortunately, time had taken the edge off of her former mood. Now she was content to merely follow along silently.

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC: Knidia placed a hand on Tillian's shoulder to get his attention."Do you think she's well enough to move?" she asked, "If we can get her to Ga-Koro there'd be more healers around, and my water-based powers would be increased. It might fix her up better than letting her lie in a place of soot and ash. Just asking since you seem to have developed an...attachment to her."It was kind of obvious, and Knidia wasn't blind


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IC: Tillian (Lavapool Inn, Ta-Koro)"Wha?" said Tillian, jerking to attention; he had begun to fall asleep. "Oh, uh...yeah. Between the two of us, we could probably move her without doing any harm to her."An attachment to her? Was it really that obvious...?-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC - Dez - Hospital ruins"Well, it was rather fortunate. One death, sadly. On the other hand, I heard we killed one of them."He shoveled more rocks away."So, no attacks like that here?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC, Zenix: Zenix got bored sitting in a bar by himself. So he decided to go to one of the places that he felt Makuta's presence: the Charred Forest. He walked out of the back doors of the bar, and shapeshifted into a small bird. He then flew in its direction. He landed on an indiscreet tree, and noticed something that caught his attention. Toa. He watched them for a few minutes. One of them mentioned Makuta. Ah, fellow Makuta servants, the shapeshifted Zenix thought to himself. After a while, he flew down, and shapeshifted into his true, hooded form. His red eyes looked at one of the Toa (OOC: He's looking at Kyju). "Are you truly a servant of Makuta?" he asked. OOC: SHadow Guardian, Zenix is interacting with Kyju, FYI.

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IC: Jikal + KrayzikkJikal nodded. "I really should."Krayzikk walked back into the main section of the inn, and sat down near Tillian and Knidia. What am I going to do with myself now? The hospital is gone, and I can't in good conscience just leave. Well, and there is another complication there.....



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Lashev:Lashev ran out of the shop he had gone to, his brand new kolhii staff in his hands. He ran up to Hasil, helping the injured Toa to walk, as he looked up to Kamaehu. "I heard you mention we were going to play Kolhii," Lashev said happily, holding his new staff at his side. "Well, I'm certainly ready to play. What will we play to?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: EmotiaEmotia turned to the side in her sleep. She mumbled something about Tillian. Though no one could make out exactly what she was saying. OOC: :PIC: SkyraSkyra had fallen fast asleep after he'd gotten tired of poking Laserbeak. He mumbled something about cake.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Tillian (Lavapool Inn, Ta-Koro)Tillian jumped and turned at the mention of his name. Looking around, he tried to see who had called him, but no one had opened their mouths, it seemed...Then his eyes caught Emotia, who was mumbling something about him in her sleep. She was quiet, though, and her back was turned to the table, so he couldn't read her lips.Well, that was weird...-Teezy



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IC: OnuzekHe was floating a few centimeters off the ground, really bored. A few chairs would occasionaly float up with him, before lowering themselves back down.The titan heard Emotia mumble something in her sleep and he turned towards the others."Hurr... Onuzek is really bored. Lets do something."



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OOC: Finally, Onarax. And he isn't rude, just impatient to an extreme. :PIC-Ferrosey:"Well, I just got bored over in Onu-Koro...so I figured I'd come talk to an old smith-friend of mine." He held out his hand, then thought for a moment. "So, this young Toa here said your name is Soli, right? Zyckel's sister?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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ooC: He opened a locked door, barged into a room, hollered for Soli, all the while suffering from a hangover. That classifies as rude in Soli's book or any sane person's book. Then again I can't quite call myself sane. :PIC: SoliSoli raised an eyebrow, "Ferrosey," she said simply, "what do you want?" not taking the hand, he reeked of alcohol.


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IC: Riaril

Death of A Dragon

A hand floated, limp, supported by the wretched arm, a lone shriek of

pain amidst the surrounding chaos of unleashed destruction...

Riaril's eyes snapped open to the brightness of her rented room, a stream of juctipositiing thoughts crashing through her exhausted mind. The roomy mattress groaned beneath as she rolled to her side and rose. A long breathe. Then two. As she opened the door to leave, Riaril grabbed her white coat from the hook on wooden back.

"Wonder what else that titan was thinking..." She muttered under her breathe, the door closing with a well oiled "click".

The main floor had quieted down to a lull, most of the patients resting peacefully as sunlight dashed through the glass windows to frolic on those within with kaleidescopic fervor. Her boots broke a counted measure of peace as she strode forward towards a nurse, tapping the matoran's shoulder gently from above as the professional rewrapped a patient's arm, the sweet smell of one of Faerulo's kinder blends purveying from the injury. Riaril asked in a hushed tone:

"Where are Emotia, Skyra, and the other patients? Were they moved to a room?"

The small matoran shook his head softly and replied, "No, they discharged themselves. Skyra was still in a wheelchair, the feather-head, Doctor."

"I see."

Riaril rose up from her slightly hunched position. The light was truly beautiful as it flitted across her armor. Depending on how she held her hand, the colors would blend from red to purple, purple to blue. Being a doctor changes you, that's what she said, Riaril thought, her mind leaping back to her childhood in the lily village. Gabel had been correct on one thing, Riaril had to admit: being a doctor was hard and not for those afraid to get their hands dirty. Perhaps she was right, becoming a pirate... Memories of old times with her sister filled her as she glanced about, looking at each injury in turn. Some were new, workers coming back from digging for metals, while some were regulars coming to visit the temporary ward for cough-medicine and counseling. Then there were the fighters, the special breed of mungering maggots who sought only their own pain through trials of arms. What point is there in killing others? She shook her head, letting the memories, the motions, and the present realign in her mind. There was something Riaril was forgetting, something horrible and pressing, clinging to her hear -- a fishhook of fear. Her eyes flew across the room again, and she remembered.

"Where is my team?" Riaril hissed quickly towards the medic she'd just spoke with, a hint of panic evident in her rising pitch.

"They haven't come here Doctor. I sent someone to Faerulo's house, but they couldn't find him."

Before the last sentence was finished, Riaril was already running out the door in a dash, barely missing passerby as she flew through the frame into the street. Riaril gritted her teeth and plowed ahead, her eyes constantly scanning the crowd as she searched. A sparkle of blue caught her eye, and Riaril's hand extended.

"Nakumiir!" She called out.

Riaril's hand closed around the shoulder of a very shocked tourist, the ga-toroan's yellow eyes dilated in fright.

"I'm so sorry," Riaril apologized, then took off again, leaving the matoran to recover her senses on her own.

The door to Faerulo's house was closed, but swung open easily with a powerful kick of a sprinting toa. Smacking her head on the doorframe, Riaril cursed and dropped to all fours, the world swimming before her eyes.

"Karz! Where ARE you?!" She bellowed, tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes. With determined rejection, Riaril refused to let them fall, pushing herself to her feet and searching the small town home, tearing apart boxes, doors, anything a matoran might hide behind. Defeated, she groped her way out the front door, leaving it hanging half off its hinges as she ran to the only other place she knew. Minutes passed as she heaved her dying frame across the cobbled streets towards the ruins, foam having long dried along her lips, leaving a white crust around the outside of her mask. Riaril tripped, her foot having caught one of the uneven bricks, and she went down with a thud, pushing herself up quickly and continuing as quickly as her now sprained ankle would permit, a demonic speed limit in a race against time. The gruff tinkerer's face floated before her eyes as she scrambled up and out of an alley stairwell and appeared at the edge of it all.

The scar was immense. Rubble lay in the middle of the street, and houses on the opposite side no longer had glass in their breezy windows. Destruction was obvious, but death was eminent. Riaril hobbled to a guard, and tried to speak. Only hot air flowed out, her breathe not yet caught. The guard offered a drink of water in a metal tankard, and Riaril greedily sucked down the fluid, ignoring the survival fact of "sip little, drink slow," and emptying each tankard she was given in one ratcheting gulp. Quenched, she began to ask if the guard knew if there had been any casualties when a familiar figure appeared.

"Takimoc," She began, forgetting her surprise in her plight, " have you seen --"

The surgeon-turned-guard shook his head and pointed at the mound of rubble with his trident. The toa's voice was one of controlled emotion, as if a plug might pop and release the screams of a thousand anguished souls.

"We don't know anything. No one's been able to get up there, and the digger's only just arrived. I just got here myself. I'm so sorry. Riaril!"

She paid no heed to the sniveling surgeon. He'd wanted to leave. Why should he care what happened to his friends? She climbed the rubble steadily, finding handholds and paths carved by the diggers who'd preceded her. Cresting the edge, she looked back down into what was once the basement, now filled with two stories of stone, mortar, and equipment, all broken and mixed like some sort of giant food-stuff. Without care, Riaril slid down the bank, stumbling slightly as she reached bottom. She placed a hand to each ear, held her breath, and listened.

... Haaaaa...uhk.

Riaril clambered towards the syllable, the lonely syllable in a scar of dashed hopes and dreams. Rounding a broken doorway, Riaril entered a cave-like bundle of rubble. A hand floated, limp, supported by the wretched arm, a lone shriek of pain amidst the surrounding chaos of unleashed destruction.

"Nakumiir!" Riaril screamed, rushing forwards towards the broken nurse, the matoran's body crushed beneath one of the supporting beams, her hand and face the only tell-tale of her existence as the matoran Riaril knew. Blood had caked and dried, leaving a taffy pool several feet out from point of origin, and flies were already descending, a buzz of gleeful chatter for a meal. Riaril slid through the red life spilled before her knees, her hands shaking as she reached to touch the dead matoran's mask, knocked at an odd angle from her cause of death.




Hot salted water ran down her mask, turning the semi-solid blood to a pasty liquid as it fell, accumulating unmolested by the broken will of determination. Riaril was broken. Her heart wrenchd out of her chest, and she saw the world collapsing inwards, eliminating all but Nakumiir's bloodied face in her view. A feud of emotions battled through her racking body, the pain of seeing death no longer an apathetic experience. Here was a loved one. A cherished friend. He was a murdered Nakumiir, her life no longer contained, but left to corrode and rust beneath the rubble of her home.

"There's something I want you to know, Riaril," Nakumiir said as she splashed at the new toa with glee, "Just because you're a toa now doesn't mean your better than us. You're still a medic of team Kanohi Dragon. You're one of us."

Riaril laughed, the gaiety of the moment erasing the true envy in the matoran's voice.

"Yes, we're a team. You, and Faerulo, and Moriika, and myself. We'll heal everyone! And, someday, you'll all be toa too. The Great-spirit wouldn't just make me one if her didn't have plans for you."

"Is this what he wanted?" Riaril asked the head. "Is this WHAT HE WANTED?!! If this is what being a toa is, I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE!"

The head lolled back, begone from the conversation. The smile on Nakumiir's face was wicked mercy, a cruel reminder of her constant disposition.

Sound rent the fabric of emotion. It was not a scream, or the sound of another death, yet both feelings were summed in the melody played, a haunting ghost ephemerally grasping its cold hands around the souls of the departed, pulling them from their brutal graves to a higher place. A soulless melody echoed into the rubble cavern of Nakumiir, forcing Riaril to turn away from the head and search, search for the disturbance of her grief. She pulled her way out on all fours, giving up her right to civilization in favor of beasthood. There, there on the small outcrop above the whole, sat a magician, his magic weaving from the silver flute to possess her heart, her ears, and teach her sanity. The flute rose and fell, harmonious in its shallow bastion of grief, soaring to the heights of love in its melody. There, on the outcrop above of the rubble cavern.

There, on the outcrop above the rubble cavern sat the matoran Riaril had seen killed thirty years ago.

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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IC: While Haitol didn't want to be killed, he figured he had to prove it to them one way or another. Taking his dagger from his sheath, he scrapped the bottom of his mask. Grey bits of paint fell to the ground, followed by the dagger. His infection was clear."I hide it so that I can blend in," he explained.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC - Kol Uskey - Near hospital ruinsThe Matoran couldn't leave. All he could do was watch. His eyes were stuck on the destroyed building. Ta-Matoran were moving away rocks from the rubble. A Ga-Toa pulled away a beam from a the lifeless body of a Matoran."Yes," he said quietly, "this is exactly what he wanted."Uskey sat against a building. The pain in his legs prevented him from doing much else. Hiemalis had been right. Kol was broken. He wanted to die.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)"No, but.. karz!"Lost for words, Oreius resorted to cursing. His shovel remained thrust into the rubble, standing upright as the Ta-Matoran paced back and forth.He threw up his hands. "Why doesn't every Koro know about this? We should be on the lookout! We should be getting ready! Rahkshi! In Po-Koro! If it happened there, it could happen here!"Apparently reaching some conclusion, Oreius grabbed Dez by the arm and started dragging him back to the road. The Po-Matoran sputtered in confusion, and Oreius, taking this for a question, answered."We need to talk to Turaga Vakama! Come on!"

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IC: DivinexDivinex decided to head back to Ta-Koro, see what he could see and find something to do. He got up, headed for the gate of the city, and walked into town for the second time that day.OOC: Divinex open for interaction... Although somehow I doubt that anyone will be free to interact, what with this whole convoluted hospital storyline that I am completely confused by...

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OOC: Divinex open for interaction... Although somehow I doubt that anyone will be free to interact, what with this whole convoluted hospital storyline that I am completely confused by...

OOC: Let me throw a light on this hospital storyline for you: a Toa of Ice named Hiemalis, for unknown reasons (unknown in OOC anyway), decided to kill everyone in a Ta-Koro hospital and then raze the building. He was thwarted by a dozen brave defenders, but the hospital was destroyed anyway, though by the defenders, in a desperate attempt to incapacitate him. The hospital is now a pile of rubble, the patients and staff have temporarily moved to the nearby Lavapool Inn, and an unconscious Hiemalis is in the custody of the Ta-Koro Guard.IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)As our group began to walk through Ta-Koro, I decided I might as well learn about this local custom before I was thrown into the middle of it."So, Kamaehu: how is Kolhii played?"
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IC: Jikal + KrayzikkJikal smiled. "Sure. I have a fair amount of money built up, I don't exactly have to pay rent anymore." The toa joked.Krayzikk stood, and turned in time to see Riaril run out the door. Confused, Krayzikk followed. He reached the hospital a while after Riaril did, due to his size making it harder to navigate the streets. He spotted Riaril and started to approach. Something is wrong.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Ah, the light dawns! Thank you, Eyru Bieber, that's extremely helpful. Btw, may I interact with your character Oreius? If there's Rahkshi involved, I'd like to be in on it if that's ok...IC: Divinex As Divinex walked through Ta-Koro, he noted that the local hospital had been flattened and was now a smoking pile of Manas manure. He asked a Ta-Koro guard whether everything was under control, and the guard tersely replied in the affirmative, saying "yes, yes it is under control: bugger off, will you? I'm busy." Shrugging, Divinex walked away. Shortly afterwards, he noticed another guard mention something about Rahkshi invading Po-Koro. Intrigued, Divinex said "Excuse me, did you say something about Rahkshi?"OOC: That's Oreius Divinex is talking to... Feel free to not reply if you've already got enough peeps involved with this and don't need one more person to muddle it up...

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