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Your expectations for the new story? (2015)

Based on what we know...and your opinion...  

101 members have voted

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To be clear, this is about how well you think the new Bionicle story will please you, not the kiddies (we already know the kiddies will like it :P). How much do you think you'll like it?


Vote away!


(For the record, I vote neutral - I have no expectations at this point, could go either way. :))

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I expect to enjoy it—whether or not I enjoy it AS MUCH as I did the original Bionicle is still up in the air, but what we've seen so far of the animations gives me high hopes.


When I saw the title I thought it was asking what you expected to HAPPEN in the new story—in which case, my expectation was going to be that Lewa was going to get Skull Spider'd. That would just be typical of the classic Lewa, and the fact that the slideshow featured him facing off against the Lord of Skull Spiders plus the fact that there are tons of spiders on his packaging makes me think that new Lewa's luck will be no better.

Edited by Lyichir
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Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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I'm between "high" and "neutral", right now. There are certain things that I'm quite intrigued about (some of which I've written about on my blog, the link for which is in my signature, by the way *end advertisement*), but there are some things that I'm just rather disappointed about, such as there being a severe lack of... terms? Kanohi, and Matoran, and Turaga, and stuff like that.

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The unexpected.

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The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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Well, I honestly think the story will be well done, but I doubt it could end up as good as the original Bionicle story. It has a lot to live up to, and the original series was just a well told story. I also wonder what other characters will make their return.

A fish wielding vampire. That's Spiffy.

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Ever since I heard Bionicle was coming back, I kept my expectations low. A lot of fans, including me, were pretty upset by HF's "story" and disappointed by the younger-audience-oriented story of Chima (and to a lesser extent, Ninjago). I couldn't expect anything amazing or as interesting as the old story, but so far, I'm somewhat impressed. Lego is doing a good job of creating a new, simpler story that is still reminiscent of the old. I'll hold off any final judgement until we get more, but I am worried about how those terrible quirks will affect the story.

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Well, it seems more light-hearted so it's not going to be "In the grim, dark, grim darkness of the grim-dark world of the grim and dark island of grim and dark okoto, everything is grim, dark and grimdark."


The beginning seems mythological enough for me, and I hope they keep the story like this.

Edited by TheCleanser
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The only reason I didn't vote "super excited" is because I don't think I'm capable of that level of excitement. XD


While I love everything about the sets and the story so far, I'm hesitant to build up my hopes too high. I still remember getting psyched for 2009, and then being horribly, horribly disappointed. :P

Edited by Yaldabaoth
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I hope that both the storytelling and story itself are at LEAST similar to that of Ninjago's (now my overall favorite theme of all time).

Edited by Toa Green Ninja
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I'm very excited for next year and based on what I've seen so far, I think we can expect a great first year. :D


I am trying to keep my expectations as neutral as possible though. For me, it'll be hard to capture the wonder and mystery of Bionicle's first few years. I don't want to over-hype myself for the story, creating my own perfect version, then getting disappointed when if takes a different turn from where I thought it would. I'm mainly in super-hype mode for the sets and then giving myself the chance to get hooked on the story. :pakari:

Edited by OnuaNut
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[ blog ] onuanutbannermnolgstyle.jpg  [ Flickr ]

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Neutral.  As of late, I've come to accept fiction for what it is, and since I know this won't be our beloved G1 Bionicle, I've come to accept that.  I doubt it'll be nearly as complex as G1, but hey, that's because it's not G1, so I won't act like it has to live up to it.


Plus, I haven't bought anything LEGO related since, what, 2006?  I just don't care much for LEGO in general anymore, but since Bionicle was such a big part of my childhood, I'm genuinely curious to see what the reboot is like.  


I have no real expectations, but I have a lot of curiosity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still hope they're going to do something with Takanuva. Maybe he will be the new villain?


I'm pretty confident that they'll slide him in, and well my set speculation (in my signature) is basically same 6, 6, 1 format + 2 Titans, which I reckon that 1 that isn't part of a series still part of wave 2 would probably be Takanuva. I don't think they can resist the symmetry, besides I think they want a few villainous sets a year, or at least neutrals à la Rahi, if not actual Rahi (though not necessarily named as such).


I'm so hyped for 2015 now.

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In a decade you might convince maybe a small tribe of people.

In a decade you might also conquer one million km2 of land,

& in over a thousand years you might have over a billion followers.


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I still hope they're going to do something with Takanuva. Maybe he will be the new villain?


I'm pretty confident that they'll slide him in, and well my set speculation (in my signature) is basically same 6, 6, 1 format + 2 Titans, which I reckon that 1 that isn't part of a series still part of wave 2 would probably be Takanuva. I don't think they can resist the symmetry, besides I think they want a few villainous sets a year, or at least neutrals à la Rahi, if not actual Rahi (though not necessarily named as such).


I'm so hyped for 2015 now.


I just hope one of them is Ekimu,Makuta or Takanuva.

I dont want to see this storyline not connected to the old one.That would be rather dissapointing,but still,i dont know what would that turn into.

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Personally, I hope we get a retelling of the original 2001 story. Instead of Turaga we have Protectors, and instead of infected rahi/kanohi we have skull spiders. I'm fine with them changing names around as long as they keep the story essentially the same (6 heroes, 1 destiny).


All I hope for is that this reboot doesn't end up getting as convoluted and complex as the last iteration's. Makuta was best when he was simply the Devil of Bionicle lore: an all-seeing evil whose presence is known by all. It made me rather peeved when they changed his name to "Teridax" and turned him into just another generic "I want to take over the world because I can!" character.

Edited by Zippo

why is this happening

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I think it looks promising. I'm eager to see where it goes, and what sort of adventures await us on Okoto. It seems like TLG is handling this reboot with alot of love and care, and I don't imagine they'll let us down. But, we'll see. We don't want to blindly accept it as the best thing to ever come out of Lego right away, but we also don't want to judge it through rose colored glasses which would keep us from enjoying it if it's actually really good.

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 >tfw you have no idea what to put here

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