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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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"Let's see...aside from the gym, the infirmary is probably the most important place in the school, so we can head over there first."



IC: Augustus - Halls


 Augustus nodded and slung his pack over his shoulder. He wasn't sure if Kaboom was an entirely honest Rahkshi, but then again, none of them really were. "You said there was a staff of the school in there, right? Pally? Pamma?"

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IC: Malady (Gym)


Now, I know probably isn't an assassin- after all, he could have already killed me if he was one- but what's the point of something like this if you don't get to beat someone up? I activate my powers, sending a stream of nausea running down through my limbs to flow into the hapless Camorahk's body, even as I drip slime from the rest of my body. "Prove it," I whisper nastily, the use of my powers intended as an intimidation agent.


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IC: Vlad / Forest



"All right, all right... leave if you vant," Vlad said to Tesla, downhearted. No surprise that his leadership had deteriorated... He'd probably never really deserved any in the first place, all in all. "I'm goink to do as Revenge suggested, pass by other villages unt try varn zem however I can think of. Anyvun else vants to join me, feel free, but... if you vould prefer to return to zer school I von't hold it against you."


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IC: Tear - Gym


Tear stared at Rose with equal parts horror and revulsion. He knew this place was crazy, but this Rahk really look the cake. 


But at the accusation, Tear gained control of himself once again and began spinning his blood-coated knife idly. "Don't count on it, assassin," he snarled. "You charged at me with the intent to kill. I simply defended myself. If I wanted you dead, you would be."


IC: Rose [Gym]


She simply laughed, then she spoke, "And if I w-wanted you DEAD, you would ha-ve been so YEST-RDAY!" She hissed with another point of her finger, choosing to ignore how she'd only arrived at corpus today, because that really didn't matter to her.



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Beat zeroed in on the one who seemed to be the ringleader. He seemed to be entirely focused on Rose, but it was hard to say for sure--and the two of them were too close together to use the bolas. So she ran a ways past them and then doubled back, swinging her plasma-laden axe toward the aggressor's back.



"Palma," Kaboom corrected gently as he set off down the hall. "She's probably the easiest of the staff to find--always in the infirmary patching people up. Apparently she's a Shadow Kraata, so she's more than capable of handling anything that happens in there," he continued, with perhaps the slightest tinge of jealousy.


OOC:  Beat is attacking Tear.


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IC: Augustus - Halls


Augustus followed quickly, falling into step beside the tree-laden Rahkshi. He kept his head on a swivel, examining the halls and pathways. He tried to keep a mental map of the school, but he hoped there would be one in the introduction packet.


"If there is one." He muttered beneath his breath. Glancing up, he said louder, "So there's a Gym and Infirmary. Any other locations to know?"

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IC Flabbergaster


Rubbing his forehead stressfully, Flabbergaster growled under his breath.


Someone is going to get hurt soon...


IC Doubt


"I'm staying with Vlad." Doubt said. "We need to alert the surrounding villages of potential Rahkshi attacks by making fake ones. If we can frighten them they'll be on guard."




"Seriously, BUGGER OFF." Xi spat, backing away.

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IC: Tesla - Forest
I am sure it was too much, Tesla thought. Am I a wimp? Why should I care so much about Matoran? Because... Because... I have to defend them from my own species. But they are not defenseless after all... What would look worse, leaving group or saying 'I changed my mind'? She sighed, I came to protect Matoran and now I leave?


OOC: Nobody here can read minds I guess, just wanted to show what she (and actually I) is thinking about. What a dilemma...

Edited by Nik the Three

At some point, I'll suddenly go on hiatus. I'm sorry for that.

Nik, but still pronounced as Nick

The Great Vakama or Clue official topic

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IC: Call - Nynrah Forest


"Well then, I'm leaving too," Call stated. "I didn't come out here to die for some pointless cause."


His steps were slow and shuffling as he turned around to follow Tesla out. This was certainly more honorable than allowing himself to fall behind and fall victim to vengeful Matoran.



IC: Tear - Gym


Tear flinched as Draco moved, ready to drive his knife anywhere that would get the Rahkshi away from him. But then, he realized that Draco was attacking his assailant, and allowed himself to relax, just a little.


His focus was fixed on the two, and he didn't even notice Beat's axe slicing towards him.



OOC: Cue the impenetrable Door?

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OOC: oh son of a son of, i completely missed that draco attack post, she can pretend pain doesn't exiast but can't pretend whole swords don't!


IC: Rose [Gym]


She turned a few paces as the swords flew in, raising her hand in a calm but swift maneuver, an attempt to block the sword open-palmed.


OOC2: well, two things, i could say she gets hand-chopped right now or leave exact blade-placement to you, but basically, she's trying to block a sword with her hand, because why not? {also there's two swords and one hand? idk what the arc is like so i can't vouche for sword #2.}



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IC: Door

Location: Gym

Door came in, his shield held high, blocking Beat's attack before returning the favour with the morningstar, the blunt weapon aimed at the assailant's weapon-holding arm's shoulder. 



IC: Helkyrie

Location: Forest

Helkyrie mulled this over for a few seconds. Sure, she might get herself killed if she went with Vlad and Revenge, but she'd feel an awful lot like a coward if she instead went with Call and Tesla. "I'm going with Vlad and Revenge. Someone needs to watch their backs." She said, the latter part meant to lighten the mood a bit.

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Beat ducked, and the weapon skipped over her spine, a glancing blow that made her hiss in pain. "Ipartsa! We could use a hand here!" she yelled, swinging her fully-charged bolas toward her opponent's upper body as an improvised flail. The three spread-out weights would make it quite difficult to dodge--and while the kinetic blast should be too localized to reach her, it would sure give the other guy something to think about.



"Well, there's the refectory, where you can eat something that passes for food, the dorms, for sleeping and storing your stuff, the library for research...and kind of a courtyard in the middle."

Edited by Dark_Stranger


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IC: Utal

The big rahkshi sighed, walking off into the corridors on his own.

IC: System

"Man, this place is big. It's not so bad when there's....ohkarzthere'sabigyellowrahkshitherenevermind"

IC: Paladin

Stupid peasants.

OOC: Opposite Omega, System and Paladin open for interaction.

Edited by Jayne Cobb



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IC: Hoto - Malebranche Warehouse


"Don't say that," Hoto said quietly to Xara. "He came back, and he needs our help. We can't abandon our friends."


IC: Xara - Warehouse.


"You need to smarten up, kid." I snapped, "He isn't our friend. We don't owe him anything. The only reason he even came back is because someone apparently beat the karz out of him and you lot are the only ones gullible enough to help him." 


IC: Snap [Gym]


 "I will avenge you..." she whispered under her breath, with maybe too much emotion for a guy who wasn't really dead. she would have made a gesture of salute to go with it but, she only had one arm.


IC: Sliver - Gym. 


With another massive brawl exploding into existence nearby, it was clear that this assignment was entering its final act. It would only be a matter of time before the last assassins were uncovered.


I turned to leave, but paused midstep. "Still hanging around, are we?" I hadn't even noticed that the rahk was still clinging onto the edge of the pit until now. "It'll be easier if you just let go." I reached into my satchel, crushing up a handful of mirror fragments in my armoured palm before sending a blast of cyclonic energy rippling from my open hand towards Snap - carrying the glass along with it. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Xara - Warehouse.


"Ugh, whatever," I grumbled, crouching down and calling Sand over to me, "You're the one who asked me to come along on this trip, and I agreed because I thought you had what it took to lead us. But if you're going to put everyone's lives at risk because you're unwilling to make the hard choices..." I shrugged, gathering Sand up in my arms, "...I'll be in the alleyway if anyone needs me." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Hoto - Malebranche Warehouse


Hoto's lip quivered, but she refused to shed even a single tear. Not here. She just turned away, knowing there was no point in arguing. Kat had said it so much better anyway.



IC: Call - Nynrah Forest


Call jumped into flight without looking back, and flew back over the forest. As they went, Call fell further and further behind Tesla until he judged there was enough of a gap for him to slip away unseen. He immediately dropped back into the forest, made a quick check for Matoran, and allowed himself to slip into blissful stasis.

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IC Kat:


"Remind me again, Xara, who was it that was all for going along with a plan that could get us all killed going up against of Shadow Rahkshi?" My voice had evened out, and I folded my arms.


"Don't try and tell me who has to make hard decisions. I know. I have to lead all of you out of the Karzhole that was Corpus. And you know what? It ain't easy. We got Hoto, who isn't a fighter by any means, Fang, whose temper is hard to keep under control, Snake, who looks ready to bolt half the time, Shield here, who is younger than most of us, and ain't the best fighter. We got Jayar who's our only medic, Cao, who I'm not even sure wants to be here, and you. Who seems to have some kinda issue with how this is playing out."


I narrowed my eyes. "So believe me, I get that it's not exactly ideal. That's no excuse to leave one of our own people to die!"

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IC: Xara - Warehouse.


I stopped, took a deep breath, and turned back around. "Don't start with that false equivalency karz, Kat. This has nothing to do with the Shadow Kraata. This has to do with you willingly risking all of our safeties without giving a thought to what the rest of us think." 


Normally I'd be gesturing wildly with sparks flying off my armour at this point, but with Sand in my arms, I had to force myself to remain calm. "My problem is that you're willingly taking on a dangerous liability by welcoming back this arrogant little prat, who barely an hour ago walked out on us without a care in the karzing world. So despite what you seem to think, no, he is not one of us, and as far as I'm concerned, he got what he deserved." I narrowed my eyes, "You need to think about the bigger picture. All of our lives are at stake here, and I can't help but feel that you're not quite able to comprehend that." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Fang - Malebranche Warehouse


Fang didn't even bother looking up. He just stayed in his corner in the shadows, avoiding notice. A soft sigh of resignation slipped through his lips.



IC: Hoto - Malebranche Warehouse


For a moment, Hoto just stared at Kat in silence.


Not going to cry... not going to...


And then she fled deeper into the warehouse, turning corners without really noticing them and racing along through the boxes. After a few moments, the sound of her clickers faded and died away.

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IC Kat:


"I made sure I had everyone's okay before taking them! Every single one of you came on your own choice!"


Despite myself, a hint of my power slipped out of my control.


"You think it's so easy, Xara?! Then you do it."


I stormed past her, smashing the door shut behind me.

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IC: Xara - Warehouse. 


"Me?" I snorted, "Not a chance in karz." I wasn't a leader, I was a fighter. I rushed straight into everything and confronted my problems head on. Not exactly the right person to be leading a mixed group of mostly unskilled fighters. 


But at least I recognised that about myself. "Now, if nobody minds, I'm going to go walk my cat." I headed towards the back door, the one that led out into the alleyway. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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"Well...it depends. Most of them are alright, but then you get the occasional whackjob. Just earlier today I ran into this freak who went around covered in bones, and straight-up told me he was gonna hack one of my arms off." He shrugged. "He's an extreme case, of course, but it's a good idea to have a few people you know you can trust, in case your back needs watching."



Beat kept an eye on the guy, spinning her bolas in case he decided to get back up, but her main focus was back on the ringleader. "Hey, buddy!" she roared. "I've got a present for your face!" Not a great quip by any stretch of the imagination, but hopefully the plasma-charged axe whipping toward the guy's head would speak for itself.


OOC: Beat is attacking Tear again.


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IC Flabbergaster


Hm. Instead of rushing forward and trying to beat the sense into these idiots, why not confuse them even more? Maybe it would take out potential assassins.


Flabbergaster Leaned back more, pretending to be annoyed (although he didn't have to pretend much) and directed his fear power towards Beat.

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IC: Jayar / Malebranche (4th Tier Warehouse)



Jayar listened to the proceedings with increasing dismay. If this was as much unity as they could muster here, when one of their member was dying, they didn't stand a chance. (And the irony was not lost on him that Xara's decision to storm off and lurk alone in an alleyway was end result of her persistent declarations that Shield was clearly a useless idiot because he decided to storm off and lurk alone in an alleyway.)


For now he turned to Shield, though. "Don't think that. Death would only deal us a far greater blow. So hold on, okay? You're going to pull through." Then he looked up, casting his stormy gaze up at the nearby Snake and demanding of him, "Snake, get over here! We need to Kaita!" Maybe there were others, around but Kat had suggested Snake and he still seemed more or less prepared.


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