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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

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[IC Timak | Naho bay]
A canister appears on the horizon, idly being carried by the waves to wards the shore.
Anybody watching may notice it tipping and bucking awkwardly, as though whoever was inside was battling to get out.
Eventually as the canister nears the shore, the lid bursts away and a lithe grey figure heaves themselves, spluttering, into knee-deep water - the canister itself already having been half-filled from a leak - and weakly drags themselves ashore, dazed and squinting in the sunlight from their over-long stint in the can.

Timak - yes, that's their name... They squint and look around, then stop to inspect their own body, finding no damages, but also - no tools!
They swiftly turn and check the canister, lifting a heavy dual-blade out. It makes a soothing hum as it drags along the inside of the vessel, and Timak feels invigorated suddenly. They heft the blade, swishing it around in a few wide swings, listening to its song and absorbing the vibrations.

Finally, their mood lightened by the small restoration of Sonic energy, Timak turns to view the surroundings and starts heading towards Ga-Koro, looking for someone to tell them what's what.

OOC - First post yay!
Timak's profile is here if anyone wants a look!

Edited by ToaTom
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IC: [Ga-koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]

The table was currently descending into a snoozefest, so I weaved myself through the restaurant and up to the bar, levitating slightly over the creaky floor with a little help from my mask.

I sidled up to a seat next to former Kanohi Dragon snack guy.

“Hey, nice machete.”

OOC: @Leaf i'm not sorry (also @Caedast @Pteronura Brasiliensis @Vezok's Friend would probably see this happen)

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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On 9/28/2021 at 4:00 AM, Caedast said:

I returned the gesture in kind. "Hello, Nähl-eh, a pleasure to meet you as well. I take it you are... not a Ga-Matoran?"

IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Great Takea

Nale looked puzzle, briefly, then glanced down at her armor. “Oh. No, Miss, uh, Your Highness ma’am. Magnetism.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I just…happened to be visiting today and, well, here I am.”

OOC: @~Xemnas~@TL01 NUVA@Mel@BBBBalta@Caedast

(shout out to max)

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On 9/26/2021 at 7:56 PM, Krayzikk said:


"Well," Sinshi turned her attention again slightly, after nodding politely at Leah's departure. Hogo Karoru had departed as well, and Dai went to her office. She could— and would— check in with the Dashi later. In the meantime, she had certain niceties to observe. "If you would like, Sato, Whitehot and I can show you around the village. I'm sure you have questions. As do I, as it happens."


"Certainly." After all, while she'd been there a short while, Sato hadn't really managed to learn anything yet about the village proper or the people in it that wasn't the small bit of common knowledge that all the Dasaka coming off the boats had gotten. "Is it really true that this place is just...one big island?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: [Leah - Ga-Wahi, Beach]

The Toa Maru looked at Talli. In her memories she could see a group of Matoran not unlike her, camped out in the jungle. Talli might have fit right in with the wanderer’s company back then. There was just one small thing she’d gotten wrong.

“It was never just six Toa, even then. We never waited for heroes. When the Mata arrived, they already found the guards holding the line. And when it was our turn, there was Joske, Lepidran, Agni...so many others that cleared the way just so we could take a shot at Makuta. And again to rescue those trapped in Ko-koro. So you’re right, it is going to take all of us.”

“I will talk to Hahli and the others who speak for Ga-Koro’s people. Not sure I will have time to talk to everyone before duty calls me again for something like this...” she said, giving the Rahkshi across her shoulders a shake for emphasis. 

“But I promise I’ll try to avoid public announcements.”

The trio emerged from the tree line and stepped onto the beach proper, right across from Ga-Koro’s main gate. It’s guards saw the dreaded silhouette of the Rahkshi’s spine and tensed, but upon seeing Leah and her companions they lowered their weapons and set about opening the gate.

"You coming? We'll turn some heads walking around with this, so if you don't want the attention..." Leah said.


OOC: @Mel @ARROW404


IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]

“Heh, yeah, nothing beats a good spinal kneading. Really work those spikes...well, I guess you ain’t got those. Do ya?”

Rhow replied while turning around and rummaging around the collection of bottles behind the bar.


She pulled a large brown bottle from the shelf, opened it and poured a little bit into a mug, which she held out for Zafin to take. It was a pretty dark liquid, with a rich smell of something that reminded the Dasaka of coffee and chocolate.

“Over from Mt. Mangai brewery. Guess you gotta come up with some good drinks to compensate for living inside a volcano.”

Rhow waited for Zafin to get a taste, then asked: “So what’s up with all the side eye me ‘an my crew have been getting from you and yours? We step on some toes in a past life?”

Her tone wasn’t confrontational, for a Skakdi at least. She was genuinely curious, that empress of theirs had looked at them like they were the sour milk in her tea too.

OOC: @Tarn@TL01 NUVA@~Xemnas~@Caedast@BBBBalta@Pteronura Brasiliensis




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IC: Zadred - Naho Bay

Deep in the tropical foliage of Ga-Wahi was a diminutive Skakdi, green by several definitions, with her dainty fingers carefully feeling through the underbrush while her sharp crimson eyes scanned for anything she recognized as unique or useful to her craft. A spindly twig with green and orange leaves, gleaming red veins gently winding across their surface, caught Zadred's eye as she searched, and with delicately applied clippers, she obtained a few of its leaves, stowing them away before standing up to continue her search. It had become habitual for the small Bo-Skakdi to look for special herbs in the greener parts of the Island whenever she found herself in those regions, a habit that more often than not paid off well for her ongoing herbalist efforts. Just today she'd discovered three highly rare specimen, as well as one she'd never even seen before. The day had brought her many bounties.

Stumbling carefully out of the tropical foliage and onto the coastal sands of Naho Bay, Zadred was otherwise occupied in securing her possessions and getting ready for the walk back to Ga-Koro when she realized she was not alone on the beach as the waves rolled in with a gentle hiss. A Toa, grey clad, looked around confused, as if searching for answers. "Uhh... hello?" She raised a hand in greeting, an expression of concern on her features. A large canister, half submerged in the surf behind the Toa, caught her attention as she looked the stranger over longer. A newcomer, then? An amnesiac almost certainly if so. "Are you alright? Did you... just arrive here?"

OOC: Heya @Rahisaurus

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IC: Timak, Naho Bay

Timak was looking the other way when they heard the Skakdi's voice. Turning to face her, they spend a moment to take stock of the stranger, stepping towards her and waving a hand in uncertain reply. "Hello.. you're right, I just got here. I get the feeling I would have arrived sooner had my canister not developed a fault. Nearly drowned in there, I did."

Timak has never seen her race before, and looks to be pondering whether to drop their guard or not. Something inside their head wanted them to be wary, but she had such a friendly tone...

After a moment of thought, they stow their sword and extend a hand for shaking. "My name is Timak. I'm glad you noticed me out here before I made a fool of myself... to be honest I'm not quite sure what I'm here for."

ooc: hey @Onaku

Edited by Rahisaurus
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IC: Zadred - Naho Bay

"Drowned? That's terrible! I'm glad you got out okay." Zadred said, happily taking the Toa's hand and shaking it firmly though by no means forcefully. "I'm Zadred. And... don't be alarmed by the lack of memories. It happens to everyone who winds up on these shores for the first time... well, almost everyone, but the ones it doesn't happen to are kind of the exception." Briefly, Zadred's expression turned thoughtful, as if something had crossed her mind that weighed heavily on her, before she snapped back to attention and gave a polite but genuine smile. "Well, in any case, I'd be happy to tell you anything you want to know, as far as I've come to know it. This island can be a dangerous place sometimes, and not just because of the Rahi. Come on, I'll show you the way to Ga-Koro, you can get your bearings much better over there, not to mention get something to eat. You're probably hungry after your seaward trip." She said as she beckoned, turning to start walking along the beach to the coastal settlement.


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IC: Timak, Naho Bay

"Zadred. Zadred. Thank you. ... And wow, you're right" - they look uneasy - "it's just dawned on me how hungry I am!"

Timak enthusiastically follows her lead as she sets off towards the village. Something else the Skakdi said bubbles up to the surface in their mind. The Toa, ambling along a couple of steps behind her, quickens their pace to make eye contact and queries, "You said dangerous... What should I keep an eye out for?"

Ooc: @Onaku -and also, would be cool to "bump into" the rahkshi-hauling crew when we get to Ga-Koro? Am i allowed to say that here?

Edited by Rahisaurus
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IC: Surdo - Ga-Koro

The boats that had arrived in the Koro were of little concern to the Fe-Matoran walking through the village—he had other things on his mind.

His duster hung loosely from his shoulders like a cloak, covering most of his body except his Kanohi. Paired with his cane and the slowness of his movement, he had hoped it would make him appear unassuming. Not worth bothering. Simply an old Matoran, taking in the sights of Ga-Koro and the ocean beyond it. A tourist.

The brass knuckles hidden in his pockets told a different story.

Surdo stopped and sighed, running his thumb across the head of his cane and feeling the detail carved into it. The man he was looking for hadn’t been in Ostia. Or at least, hadn’t been seen. Whether they would cross paths would be up to fate, he decided, although the Fe-Matoran preferred things to be more concrete. Meetings were better planned, not spontaneous.

But, he knew how to get this one’s attention. A small bag of widgets, just barely visible peeking from his duster. He wouldn’t be able to pass it up, no matter how little the money, how petty the crime.

He stood there on the side of the street, pretending to mind his own business.

OOC: Surdo, open for interaction.

(shout out to max)

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IC: Daijuno | The Great Takea

Long, relaxing drink before I get back to the office and find half the saihoko population waiting at the doorstep. That's what I figured. Nice, relaxing drink at a tavern that didn't feature the royal ###### family at its tables. That's what I figured. That's what I expected.

Goddess only knows why.

It was a bad time to be without Sinshi, or Zyla, or -- by 'taka -- even Whitehot, who could at least make it through a conversation without being a massive ######, which made her about a million times the diplomat that I was. Bad enough time that I sincerely considered getting the karz outta dodge (to quote the 'Munequita herself), just jumping over to the Tidalpool and subjecting myself to the agonizing experience of watching the line at my door across the street grow longer and longer and longer as the day went on. Sure, I could have just avoided the royal family (the royal goddess-###### ###### family!) and just sit at a different table in the Takea, but....


It was inevitable, your honour.

So I took a seat at the bar.

"--thing I can get ya?" the bartender said to one of royals, or maybe one of their entourage, who was to say. "Something to ease the spine ache from the long journey?”

To which the royal, or the royal-adjacent, said, "Appreciate the concern; my spine is well oiled and massaged, but I will take an ale. Do you have a speciality?"

"Whatever you're giving her, I'll have the same," I said, "and put both on my tab."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Caedast




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"Everything I've seen on it is." The Menti explained, thinking back on her time on the island. She gestured politely for Sato to follow and started to walk leisurely down the village 'street', thinking on how to best describe the island. And how best to ask about home. "I've mostly been here in Ga-Koro. The Commodore and I traveled up to a place called Kini Nui— near the center of the island— and had to cross a bit of a place called Le-Wahi to do it. That mostly involved jungle. A few people, I believe, went up to Ko-Wahi; that's towards the volcano, and covered in snow. There's also a large desert, an underground village where Whitehot is from, and a village literally inside a volcano. I haven't seen any of that personally. There were a series of islets at one point, but White has explained that they sank. Other than that there are only a few extremely small islands a bit off the coast."

"What happened at home?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Zadred - Naho Bay

"Well, there's not just physical dangers to look out for. Those exceptions I mentioned earlier are called the Dasaka. First came here by some contraption called a submarine, set up a presence in Ga-Koro with the Akiri's permission. Then, suddenly, a whole lot more of them came in on these big boats of theirs." She said, pointing out the forest of masts lining out the distant settlement's docks, undoubtedly vast enough to be visible from half across the island. "Literally happened only hours ago too. I'm glad enough they're getting welcomed after the horrors I heard they've been through, though I don't think they like me very much..." Zadred seemed slightly dejected as she said the last bit, but returned to a more neutral expression as she continued. "But, yeah, lot more Dasaka just came in, and there seems to be a lot of politics and culture shock going on around the refugees, so you should probably be careful. I know I'm gonna be." 

As the two got closer to the settlement, the gates of Ga-Koro came into view. "Now, usually the Koro isn't this busy, but everything's gotten a bit crazy with the arrival of the refugees so it's probably gonna take some time to settle down. I know a place we could pay a visit to for some food to sate your hunger, it's just-" Focusing on Timak as she was, the diminutive Skakdi almost walked into the trio of people heading for the gates as well, stopping in her tracks as she recognized the Toa Maru of Water as well as the dead creature she was hauling on her shoulder. "... Ah, Toa Leah!" Her crimson eyes nervously eyed the rahkshi shell the Toa carried, before resuming eye contact with the Toa, lingering trepidation in her eyes. "R-Rahkshi attack?" She nervously asked.

OOC: @Rahisaurus glad to oblige! Hello @Vezok's Friend, @Mel, and @ARROW404

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IC: Timak, Ga-Koro Gates

Timak took in the scenery while Zadred explained to them about the Dasaka. Admiring the view of the bay, and taking in the mass of silhouetted ships that dominated the landscape of the village itself. They are so taken in with the sights that Zadred's voice starts to fade into the background a little, and as a side effect, Timak notices the three others a little while before she does.
Who are those? They're carrying something... dead. Hunters?
They continue to approach the trio. As the distance begins to shrink and their new companion shows no signs of slowing down, they begin to worry a little, eyes politely keeping contact with the skakdi as she talks but nervously flicking across to the trio on the collision path.
Is she ... is she gonna stop..?
They just about manage "Uh, Za - Zadred?" right before she abruptly stops in her tracks. Timak visibly shrinks behind her without thinking, making themselves appear to be the shortest Toa here by about an inch, their Mahiki giving off a little shine. 

"R-Rahkshi attack?" 

"Is that what that dead thing is? ... " Timak peers at the thing over Leah's shoulder. ".. What did it do?"

ooc: @Vezok's Friend @Mel @ARROW404 @Onaku please do/say whatever you want to Timak :P

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IC: Karoru


The sellsword soulsword had worked her way through a good deal of the crowd. Her pace had been substantially slowed by those who required her assistance.


As such, she nearly didn't realize the Dashi she had approached might be the fabled Zyla until she processed the Volitak upon their face.


"Marm! I am looking for a Zyla. Might-"


Her voice cut off when she saw the state the bedraggled Dashi was in.


Dropping the well-practiced accent Karoru used when speaking to nobs, she lapsed into the more rustic accent of her youth.


"Hey, Miss. You… are you okay? Do you need help? Can I get you anything?"


Oh, the poor dear. She's all bones and armor. The little thing needs a good meal in her after a trip that long. 


OOC: @Void Emissary

Edited by TL01 NUVA

Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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[Ga-koro, Village Edge (Talli)]

Talli looked up at the toa, trying to recall what it had been like, when she flew second to the hive.  She’d been a fresh recruit then, all reaction time and pride from being able to hit moving targets better than matoran years her senior.  Flying had felt like a misty dream, with no awareness of the carnage going on beneath her.  Only her, the pilot, and the rama.

Had she caught sight of a Le-matoran that looked like the toa before her?   Or was that just her head filling in the details afterwards?  How many people had died to open that gate, to make the maru, and she hadn't realized it?  (How many had died to halt that army of rakshi, to save what she had left?)

“I’ll follow you as far as the village center, and then I’ll go home.   I will tell my father--he deserves to know, as do the rest of the fisherfolk.  If I tell them what you told me, they’ll believe, they’ll believe me.”

She turned to follow, then her eye caught the two figures on the beach.  “Looks like we’re already attracting attention.”
OOC: @Vezok's Friend @ARROW404 @Rahisaurus @Onaku

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Tidalpool Inn)

"Interesting... I hadn't heard about that before..." I mused, thinking about the memory detail. There was uncertainty in every direction, and it gnawed at me in that way I didn't like. It was just not going to stop anytime soon.

"This whole Toa thing by the way, that's something I've only caught a few basic details of," I continued, "like you. You've all got powers that work on nature or the world around you in a way ours just don't. That trick you pulled before, seems innocuous and all but is that your powers? Rocks and Stones?"

OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) @Mel

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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IC: Cephala (Tidalpool Inn)

Cephala blinked.  "More or less," she said with a sheepish smile.  "I can't kick the tops off mountains like I did back when I was a Toa proper, but..."

She traced a lazy circle on the tabletop- and a thin trail of sand followed her fingertip wherever it went.  "Presto.  I am become sand lady, nightmare to table cleaners across the island.  Fear me."

OOC: @Geardirector @Mel

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It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )

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IC: [Leah - Ga-Wahi, Beach]

The Toa Maru was halfway through the gate when the duo of new arrivals intercepted their little group. Leah thought she recognized Zadred. They didn’t know each other, but her stature made her somewhat unique among the island’s Skakdi, so she was easy to remember.

The other Toa though, she had never seen before.

“Yeah, this is an ex-Rahkshi. Darkness Kraata. It wasn't an attack in the usual sense though, I think it was meant to scout out the village. For an actual attack I’d expect more fear, poison and other varieties. Still, nasty piece of work.”

She shot the Toa small grin though. “But, thanks to Kimala and Talli here, we handled it.”

She nodded her head in the direction of the floating village, indicating for the others to follow her, before turning to walk again. As they made their way down the walkway she continued to talk.

“You look pretty new...but not like the Dasaka that just arrived. Any memory of where you came from before? No worries if not, it’s a pretty common occurrence. I am Leah - Leah Maru. Welcome to Ga-Koro!”

The welcome was timed just right with their arrival at the first of the many large lilypads the village of water rested on. And just as expected, many pairs of eyes were drawn to the small group, thanks to the Maru with the dead son of Makuta slung across her shoulders at its head.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Mel @Rahisaurus @Onaku

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Yumi's sudden departure left her younger sister momentarily despondent; for most of the morning they had been so close, cuddling and sharing jokes at Masa's sardonic expense, that letting her sister go now felt like one step forward in their troubled relationship and five steps back. She wanted to follow Yumi like a puppy, content once again to act like her sister's handmaiden as long as she could remain part of Yumi's sunny corner of the sky, before the obvious truth hit her. Her sister would always be a slave to her own wanderlust, and would never be content to stay onboard the Panda or Yukanna and await a brainstorm on how to retake Sado. No, Yumi planned on going and exploring. She likely expected Des to do the same. She wasn't being punished by her sister, she was being liberated by the Rora; she wasn't being abandoned yet again by her family, far from home. For the second time in her life - and the first time any Chojo had ever set foot on a foreign land - Umbraline Desdemona was being left unsupervised.

I'm gonna meet a handsome boy!

I'm gonna go meet a beautiful girl?

I'm going to make new friends! Eat weird fruits! Drink weird stuff!

She stood up proudly, drawing herself to a tall, willowy height that now seemed regal instead of spindly, took her first step towards her new, popular phase--


--and her foot caught on Yumi's discarded blanket.

"##### ##### #####!" she yelped in panic, trying to regain her balance as her long limbs flailed, but it was her faithful best friend who caught her. Thanking Zuto Nui for Masa's Arthron, she drew herself back up to her full height and dusted off her shoulders. With a bit more balance this time, she lifted the foot currently draped in the scarlet blanket and placed it back onto the couch, neatly folded over once, before turning back to Masa with a look equal parts grateful and suspicious.

"...What are you, Masa?"

"Blind, my Chojo." Masayoshi's mouth tightened in mock obedience, but her hand tightened around Desde's shoulder with just enough pressure to make the glass-boned Umbraline princess squeak.

"Great." She threw up an awkward, simpering thumbs up at her sworn sword. Masa lifted one back. "Glad we're on the same page, Masa."

On her way up the stairs, she heard her uncle's assistant snicker. Thankfully, she was much more coordinated as she crossed Yukanna's deck and hopped onto the docks of Ga-Koro; suddenly, she was no longer the stick insect Desde, but Umbraline Desdemona, exotic princess on the prowl for action!


Where do I find the cool people? 

That was one of Yumi's skills, not hers. Oh no. Oh no!

She wandered deeper into the Koro, looking for something that screamed cool.

OOC: Do you scream cool? Come be friends with Sado's favorite imouto!


"I can show you girls where to wrestle dirt worms!" Whitehot chimed in, perhaps ignorant of the broader context of Daijuno's earlier distress or Sinshi's pointed line of questioning. "Do you have any embarrassing baby Sinshi stories?"


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IC: Timak, Ga-Koro entrance

Timak looks up at Leah and marvels at the confidence with which she talks about the Rahkshi. There are more of these things? They find themselves hoping never to meet a living one - at least - not before getting some sort of practice in to work out their own powers and skills. Coming straight out of a canister right into a fight is something Timak was very thankful didn't happen.

“You look pretty new...but not like the Dasaka that just arrived. Any memory of where you came from before? No worries if not, it’s a pretty common occurrence. "

"You're right, I uh.. just washed up on that beach about 10 minutes ago." Gaining some confidence, Timak relaxes a little, and their Mahiki glows faintly once more as they return to their natural height. They notice it happen, this time. "Ah.. sorry about the involuntary illusion thing. I guess it must be some sort of nervous tic I developed. Wish I could remember how... Come to think of it, I really don't remember anything before being in that leaky canister." They gesture to Zadred, smiling, "I'm just glad this one was here to point me in this direction. I dread to think what sort of trouble I might've found otherwise."

"I am Leah - Leah Maru." 

"I'm Ti--"

"Welcome to Ga-Koro!"

Timak stops and looks around, having been too caught up in the conversation to pay attention thus far. They notice the many eyes watching, and swallow loudly. "Timak... I'm just Timak" they stutter, distractedly.

ooc: trivia time - Timak's subconscious instinct to visibly shrink at embarassing or frightening moments probably comes from the fact that they were a matoran upon entering the canister, which is the last time they were conscious.
@Vezok's Friend @Mel @Onaku @ARROW404

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On 9/30/2021 at 11:25 PM, Krayzikk said:


"Everything I've seen on it is." The Menti explained, thinking back on her time on the island. She gestured politely for Sato to follow and started to walk leisurely down the village 'street', thinking on how to best describe the island. And how best to ask about home. "I've mostly been here in Ga-Koro. The Commodore and I traveled up to a place called Kini Nui— near the center of the island— and had to cross a bit of a place called Le-Wahi to do it. That mostly involved jungle. A few people, I believe, went up to Ko-Wahi; that's towards the volcano, and covered in snow. There's also a large desert, an underground village where Whitehot is from, and a village literally inside a volcano. I haven't seen any of that personally. There were a series of islets at one point, but White has explained that they sank. Other than that there are only a few extremely small islands a bit off the coast."

"What happened at home?"


7 hours ago, Haman Karn: A Magical Girl said:

"I can show you girls where to wrestle dirt worms!" Whitehot chimed in, perhaps ignorant of the broader context of Daijuno's earlier distress or Sinshi's pointed line of questioning. "Do you have any embarrassing baby Sinshi stories?"



"Well, the goddess of tits, wine, and angry men showed up, and a bunch of angry metal bugs showed up with her and started breaking everything. I helped hold things back for the evacuation before I got shoved on a boat and told to set sail." Sato's face and tone were kept carefully neutral as she gave the quickest, dirtiest summary of recent events she could—as much as she hadn't ever cared much for the strictures of social order back on Kentoku, she had taken some pride in her place and skills as a palace guard. Being told to abandon it didn't sit right with her, even if the actually-important people had gotten away safely. Still, she quickly made note of the information that Sinshi gave her, resolving to check a map at some point and get a proper idea of where everything was, only for Whitehot to jump in and—

Oh, Sinshi. I should've known.

"Has she ever told you about when we were in training, and she was first learning to manifest her Soulsword?" Sato asked, with a studiously innocent expression. "We'd been working with staffs earlier that day, and somebody—I don't remember who—had just made the worst joke...anyways, I had the free time to go and watch Sinshi train, and, well, the thing she created..."

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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8 hours ago, Rahisaurus said:

IC: Timak, Ga-Koro entrance


IC: Kimala

The burly Toa of Crystal patted Timak's shoulder amiably. "Poor dear, you must be so confused. Please feel free to stay by my side if you need a guide. I'm a teacher in Ga-Koro and Ko-Koro, so I'm sure I can fill in any questions you have. I landed on the island about two years ago, myself, as did most other Toa you will find here, at some point."

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IC: Zadred - Ga-Koro

Zadred smiled. Timak was already getting offered guidance not ten minutes after their arrival on Mata-Nui... well, she supposed her walking them to Ga-Koro counted, but this seemed far more substantial. A Toa teaching a Toa the ropes was much more fitting, wasn't it? In any case, she did have one last thing to offer if nothing else.

"Well, the two of us were going to get something to eat, Timak here's had a long journey getting to this place and I'm a bit peckish myself. I was thinking the Great Takea might be good, any of you wanna come along?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@ARROW404@Rahisaurus@Mel

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6 minutes ago, Onaku said:

Well, the two of us were going to get something to eat, Timak here's had a long journey getting to this place and I'm a bit peckish myself. I was thinking the Great Takea might be good, any of you wanna come along?"

IC: Kimala

She considered the question, neither visibly for or against it. "The Takea is usually quite busy. But if you do not mind maybe waiting a bit for a table, and if you do not mind the crowd, then I have no objections. But I should stay with Leah for now." She hefted the Rahkshi staff to illustrate what she meant, "The Akiri will be wanting this."

Edited by ARROW404
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IC: Aounda (The Great Takea)

I slammed the book shut. What a load of misty-eyed nonsense - to think I could have written that all those years ago. Cynical, miserable Aounda, practically furniture at the Takea at this point, writing about the Three Virtues, Wisdom and Valour like it all made sense, like there was some kind of rationale behind everything. I yearn for those days, when we could pretend the Great Spirit was somehow talking in his sleep. Now it seems like there's no escaping the bleak truth. This.

The Takea was busy today - some strange new foreigners had arrived with magnificent clothing and whatever else. Certainly, it was exciting. But excitement was far from what I was looking for when I came in that morning. Just a nice drink, that was all. Just a nice, relaxing drink to cloud the mind and discourage my prying memory from dwelling. Alas.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Tidalpool Inn)

I chuckled. I liked the cut of Cephala's jib. The sort of irreverent attitude was the kind that always worked on me.

Kama was finally stirring awake, again. The tattered bird fluttered down to the table, taking immediate notice of and giving a greeting to Pradhai before she turned to regard the new face with a cocked head.

OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) @Mel

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IC: Timak, Ga-Koro

Timak looks uncertain for a few seconds, torn. They already agreed to eat with Zadred, but Kimala seems very kind and the thought of missing an opportunity to train with her and possibly Leah was troubling. Not to mention, from the sound of it, The Great Takea would not be the best place for them right now... "Isn't there any other place we can eat?" Timak asks the group, "I'm really not sure I can deal with a crowd yet..."
They squint through the busy village, looking to see if anybody is selling food on the street. Ah, how relaxing it would be to just sit on the edge of a lilypad, feet dangling in the water, staring out at the ocean while they gathered their thoughts and filled their stomach.
Somehow, given the atmosphere and the pressing matters at hand, Timak doubted they would get such a chance, but they daydreamed anyway.

@Vezok's Friend@Onaku@Mel@ARROW404

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On 9/30/2021 at 3:00 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]

“Heh, yeah, nothing beats a good spinal kneading. Really work those spikes...well, I guess you ain’t got those. Do ya?”

Rhow replied while turning around and rummaging around the collection of bottles behind the bar.


She pulled a large brown bottle from the shelf, opened it and poured a little bit into a mug, which she held out for Zafin to take. It was a pretty dark liquid, with a rich smell of something that reminded the Dasaka of coffee and chocolate.

“Over from Mt. Mangai brewery. Guess you gotta come up with some good drinks to compensate for living inside a volcano.”

Rhow waited for Zafin to get a taste, then asked: “So what’s up with all the side eye me ‘an my crew have been getting from you and yours? We step on some toes in a past life?”

Her tone wasn’t confrontational, for a Skakdi at least. She was genuinely curious, that empress of theirs had looked at them like they were the sour milk in her tea too.

OOC: @Tarn@TL01 NUVA@~Xemnas~@Caedast@BBBBalta@Pteronura Brasiliensis


"If you'd like something other than the ale, Rhow here makes a great Salamander Screwdriver," Destian said after a moment, accepting the newcomer's acknowledgement of what he'd said. "And if you get hungry, you should see some of Iraanus's signature dishes. Which, about that..." He quickly stepped around the counter, making his way to the door to the back where they prepared all the food.

"Fresh catch for you, Iraanus! Ought to follow me back, it might be a bit large for your Matoran." He jiggled the tail of the Takea for emphasis. "Nearly took me under."

Edited by Pteronura Brasiliensis

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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"Angry metal bugs..." Sinshi began, the ramifications occurring quickly and without much warning. She hadn't seen one, but she knew from local descriptions what Sato was describing. Those were Rahkshi, and if there were Rahkshi on the Archipelago then the storm that she and the Commodore witnessed—

—Despite her grave line of thinking the Menti's eyes fixed Sato with a warning as piercing as any Soulsword when she began to tell her story.

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Arisaka - The Great Takea -

Arisaka walked into The Great Takea. Well, it was more like she slammed the doors open as she came in, apparently dramatic entrances were the thing to do in Mata Nui and she was trying to learn their culture still. 

Her eyes found Yumi and she immediately gave her a bow. "My Rora, it is good to see you well after all this time." 

OOC: @~Xemnas~@TL01 NUVA@Mel@BBBBalta@Caedast @Pteronura Brasiliensis @Vezok's Friend idk who else is here whatever

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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[Ga-Koro, Village Edge (Talli)]

"I know of some places that are less...touristy, if that's what you'd prefer," Talli said.  She'd been to The Great Takea and it was both a little expensive for her budget and tended to attract people who inevitably started something.

OOC: @Rahisaurus @Onaku @Vezok's Friend @ARROW404

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Zadred - Ga-Koro

"Well, I'm open to suggestions if you have any. Otherwise I do have some fruits and vegetables back at my shop. I also make smoothies. Or tea, if any of you would prefer." Zadred offered, her staff gently tapping the ground in rhythm with her steps as she walked with the small group.

@Rahisaurus@ARROW404@Mel@Vezok's Friend

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 IC: [Ga-koro, The Tidalpool Inn(Pradhai)]
Pradhai gave her own companion a gentle scratch behind a scale plate.   Luckily it had had its weekly meal the day before, otherwise she might have spent a lot more time convincing it that no, all these various shaped things about food sized were not, in fact, food.

“Well you’ve heard the beginning,” she said, leaning forward in the direction of her two companions.   “I had enough knowledge of the jungle to foil most of those monsters—being a Vilda you learn to listen to all creatures around you.   We could have done a lot worse for ourselves.   In scattered groups we made our way to Sado, found them even more knee deep in rakshi and loosing ground every day.”

“The Empress gave the order, a week or so in—for all those who could to hoist sail and make for Mata Nui.   Many Toroshu came with us, as did the royal family, but some stayed.   Our own general, Relisai, notably—and the Dastana Twins as well.”
“We might have made it too—and with relatively little incident but…” Pradhai shook her head.  “I thought that surely, however powerful this aspect of Zataka was—it could not tame the dragons.   I was wrong.  Yet, just as we thought all lost, I saw a miracle happen with my own eyes.   A dragon made of light conjured by the Chōjō herself.”

Her voice had grown hoarse with emotion, and she took another drink, letting the warm sake relax her throat.

“I’m not a religious woman, but I truly did believe in Zuto Nui, that day.”

OOC: @Geardirector @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kira (Ga-Koro, outside Nixie's hut)

Okay. No big deal. You just, y'know, you just take a step forward- take a step forward- you just take a step forward, and you knock.

The petite Onu-Matoran did not move.

Oh come on, Kira. You can do this! It's perfectly simple. Knuckle meet door.

She trepidatiously took the teensiest step forward, then sighed with relief, before raising her fist to the door. And this is where you knock.

...This, is where you knock.

Kira. This is the part where you-


Okay maybe again so it doesn't sound like an accident.

Knock knock.

She shifted anxiously from foot to foot, waiting for an answer.

OOC: @Haman Karn: A Magical Girl


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: [Ga-koro, Western District(Talli)]
Talli shrugged noncommittally for the umpteenth time that night.   “I’m going to head home one we get back in town—if you wanna go someplace low key follow me—I’m not gonna drag you there and I couldn’t anyway.”

OOC:  @Rahisaurus @Onaku @Vezok's Friend @ARROW404
IC: [Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]
Being a Toroshu was more than a title and a retinue of warriors bowing to you—it meant a responsibility to your clan, to see them off content and healthy, to act as their representative to the world.

That’s what Yukie told himself, anyway.  But, despite what others might assume about him, Yukie was no fool.   He knew the system propped up dozens of petty, vindictive women and ground the good people of the islands under its foot.  Yet, like an old, rotting house, it was the shelter they had—to abandon it would be to throw oneself on a wild and uncertain future.

He allowed himself to hope that the new Rora’s liberal mindset, and the new situation they found themselves in would mean true change for the people of Kentoku.  That however, could not be guaranteed.   He could only guarantee that he did not become akin to people like Relisai, jealous and squabbling over scraps, letting ego take precedence over Honor.

Thus, most of his morning was busy—getting the majority of the clan through the volunteer caretakers that Ga-koro had provided—asking those who had the knowledge where the precious dye plants the clan had sequestered could be given a semi-permanent home.   Yet, his duties had not taken as long as he expected, it seemed that the village had been prepared for them.

It was good to see relief on the faces of all the dyers, from the leggy apprentices to the grizzled masters, but he needed a little time of his own.  Time to relax, for the first time in weeks.  Well, partially—this was where the game began; Akiyo was already shmoozing with the local high society.   He should find his own allies—but Zataka’s fine arse he was going enjoy himself for once.  He wasn’t going to to let her win.

Now, where to start exactly?   The Plangori regent strolled into the thoroughfare radiating a confidence he didn’t exactly feel, hoping to catch the eye of any of the contingencies of foreigners strolling buy.

It seemed like he wasn’t the only one with this idea—he inclined his head respectfully to the Chōjō, catching her eye but not confronting her—if rumors were correct than these princess had spent too much time being suffocated by others, and Yukie was not inclined to add himself to that list of people.

::Good evening, your highness.::

The Ideatalk greeting was a formality, and the princess could choose to return it or not.  He went back to scanning the crowd.

OOC: Yukie open for interaction; in the same area as Desdemona (@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl)

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Timak, Ga-Koro

Timak nods, moving to follow Zadred and Talli. Then just before leaving, they turn to Kimala and Leah with intent. "I really want to be of use now that I'm here. Once you've spoken to the Akiri, where can I meet you again?"

@Mel @Onaku @ARROW404 @Vezok's Friend

Edited by Rahisaurus
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