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IC: Baszlin - Ga-Koro, Tidalpool Inn

Baszlin did not avert his eyes from the Matoran opposite him, as he spread a daub of pâté across the surface of a cracker as the latter spoke. The scrape of butter-knife serrations over the waver nearly drowned out the hushed tones of Surdo’s voice. Popping the whole thing in his mouth and crunching down on it produced much quieter sounds. 

“Mmmhmmm, yesh,” came the response after a time, followed by an inaudible gulp. “Quite distinct. Dreadfully, even. Your confidence in the matter of locating this individual will suffice for now. I’ll get the information I need one way or another.”

As Surdo continued his inquiries into Baszlin’s commitment to their pact, the Skakdi carefully considered the mechanical components of his artificial limb, ensuring that no refuse had become lodged in the joints. 

“Yes, yes, our agreement shall be honored by both parties,” he replied distractedly. Satisfied, he laced the fingers of both hands in front of him, and returned that amber stare to the face of the Matoran who was now remarking upon his appetite. He continued staring after the Matoran had finished his sentence, almost expectantly so, for a few moments too long before-

“Hah!” The chortle was accompanied by a sharp thump upon the table with the flat of his organic palm and a wry smile, as if there was some joke the Matoran was not privy to. “So be it.”

At that, he likewise slid out of the booth, retrieving his weapon from where it was propped up.

“Do you have further business in Ga-Koro? Or would you like to depart for… Obsidian Outpost, was it? The name rings a bell, but my memory is not quite what it once was, you see.”

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IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro]

"Is that where the name came from?"

On 2/14/2022 at 1:52 AM, Umbraline Yumiwa said:

IC Yumiwa | Yukanna

"Long Dihunai," I said, finally focused and lusid enough to breathe evenly and think complex thoughts again, "tell me what ancient legends the Tajaar have of the dragons. I know your folk keep better oral traditions than the Imperial clans do."

IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks, Yukanna, Interior]

Dihunai had not expected the Rora's answer to be a question. She did, however, correctly predict that it would be a non-answer.

"Kanohi Dragons are the embodiment of all that we aspire to be. Strong. Wise. Free."

The ninja's posture straightened in indifference.

"But that was not a Kanohi Dragon, and I am not here to tell stories. What is your point?"

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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On 3/6/2022 at 12:10 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

She took up position besides the Toa, and although she addressed them, her attention was still firmly on the submarine.

“That was a brave thing you did, Toa Timak; jumping in to help out strangers like that.” she commented. “And it was a nifty trick, too, letting us listen in like that. Thank you.”

[IC: Timak, Ga-Koro]

Timak noticed the Commodore approaching and picked themself off the ground, still rubbing their head gingerly. "Thanks Ma'am. It would've been a lot more nifty if it hadn't given me this pounder of a headache... I guess I need to ease myself into the new elemental stuff. No idea where my limits are yet."

They gave a small groan and slumped slightly, holstering their sonic blade. After a quick glance back to the Ryuu with an exasperated puff, they continued. "I figured a sinking ship was worth telling Toa Leah about, regardless of allegiance, and since she was so quick to dive in, I felt ok with helping out too. But the voice of the attacker on the ship... that had to be a Toa, right? I put my blind trust in Leah simply because she's a Toa, and yet there's other Toa around here doing stuff like that! I've been following people around looking for someone to teach me how to really be a Toa on this island... but maybe I should be more careful about the people I get involved with..."

Timak turned to look back into Ga-Koro.

"There are so many more faces here than I ever remember seeing back where I came from, and if some Toa aren't putting the Matoran first, then I guess they need all the help they can get. I should see what I can do to help the Matoran here..."


OOC: @Vezok's Friend  
Timak is open for interaction

Edited by Rahisaurus
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12 hours ago, BULiK said:

Dihunai had not expected the Rora's answer to be a question. She did, however, correctly predict that it would be a non-answer. "Kanohi Dragons are the embodiment of all that we aspire to be. Strong. Wise. Free." The ninja's posture straightened in indifference. "But that was not a Kanohi Dragon, and I am not here to tell stories. What is your point?"

IC Yumiwa | Yukanna

I blinked once, then twice, as I looked up doe-eyed at my adviser's looming face. My point?  I'd asked about the oral histories of the dragonkind without a leading thought. My heart still beat harshly like a small reactor that threatened to overwhelm its confines and break out of my body and its beating thrash resounded like a drum against my ribs and flushed all other sounds out of my ears. What did Dihunai mean by my "point?" Had I missed something important? The past few seconds had felt like minutes and the last minute felt like hours, but despite that feeling of vast time I could not recall what transpirations had filled those moments or what had been uttered. I'd been on the deck of the Yukanna, and then I was here, riveted to my seat by some unknowable, unseeable force that clamped my hands to the bench with such tightness that the blood was drained from my knuckles. The force, naturally—though I had not come to terms with it yet at the time—was my trauma. 

The warrior seemed to notice the confusion in my empty eyes but her strength did not warble or accommodate my state of dysfunction. Instead, her eyes bored into mine and pulled my attention to her and settle on something other than my current state. She'd said something to me before I asked about the dragon lore, hadn't she? She must have, but it was all a blur. What had she said? I blinked again, trying to cobble together some semblance of lucidity through the quagmire of fog in my head. 

The thought of it was first a distant memory that became clearer as I looked in Dihunai's eyes before it roared aflame in my mind — ::"What are you afraid of?":: 

"What am I afraid of?" The Tajaar nodded once. "I'm scared that the Dasaka civilization is doomed to die. That every one of us were handed death warrants by our foremothers and that we cannot stop our doom and the wisdom of Zuto Nui's virtues are a curse and not a salvation.

"I am afraid... so deeply, terrifyingly afraid, of not being able to help my people."

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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks, Yukanna, Interior]

It was with immense restraint (and admittedly, an awareness of how on edge everyone was) that Dihunai did not slap sense into the Rora then and there. The champion's palm still twitched out of want, however.

"You're afraid you can't help?"

"This is not a matter of mythical feats, long-winded legends, or acts of the gods. Your people will help themselves, so long as you continue to empower them to do so. Just as a captain does not man the helm or rig the sails, you can't let your eagerness to personally contribute narrow your vision - being able to see the wider battlefield from the height of a soaring dragon is your greatest power."

"You think our mothers cursed us to witness the flame die? Good. Embrace opportunity to rise and lead, to strengthen your roots instead of being another leaf in a family tree defined by someone else who is long dead."

"We're in a dangerous new land of foreign friends and enemies? Good. A crisis forces tribes to join together. Injuries callous and create strength."

As if to emphasize that spirit, Dihunai bashed a fist against her chest, but it stopped short of her body and instead momentarily revealed a tapestry of flaming dragonscale beneath the wisps of ethereal smoke and luminescent sparks of soulfire scattered by the impact.

"Your mothers once tried to subjugate mine. Conflict grew dire and much was lost, but it let us turn inward and foster the fires in our hearts until our own selves now are as strong as they have ever been. If there is any draconic legend I can tell you, it's that the great dragons always survive, no matter their number. It is said that long ago they personally taught my teachers' teachers this lesson."

"Do you know how many of my sisters wish they could have fought in alongside the first Rhonyu, back when they were Xhanoks? To have their life or death carry meaning to generations beyond, inspiring the children in the clans they forged? Regardless of if you wanted it, you have the power to help your people, it's your job to not squander it."

"How? Your empire protects you so you can push onwards, and see formations and weaknesses within the armies on our doorstep with clarity instead of just the tips of their blades. You have to prioritize so you can execute, while letting your leaders lead."

Dihunai reached out an arm in an offer to raise the Rora on her feet as she consolidated her lesson to a simple point of action.

"Ignore the Ryuu, trust your admiral to do as she must. Prioritize and execute: what is the most important thing for you to do right now?"

Edited by BULiK
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IC Yumiwa + Zafin | Yukanna

The warrior lambasted me, but I was used to it—I'd been rebuked by Battlemasters and Datsue many times already by then, though that never made the lessons less stinging. My eyes widened in alarm as she pounded her points home in poetic emphasis after emphasis, and all I could see was the fire in her soul. 

My handmaiden, perhaps seeing the fright in my face, tried to intercede for me, starting "Mistress Dihunai, please calm down, Yumiwa needs—"

"No, no, no," I said with a shake of my head. "Zaf, stop." She stopped. "I'm listening, and learning."

I inhaled deeply and let the air out again slowly... You know how when you just had a long night of drinking heavy ales that hammered your stomach more forcefully than you expected because you forgot to have a luncheon, so it's barely sundown and you find yourself in the water closet staring at your reflection in the sink and you realize you're well on your way to being wasted? You look at yourself like some stupid schmuck and gather all your fortitude just to berate yourself with a stirring slurred pep talk that goes You're drunk! every other line, just to really drive the point of your inebriation home? But before you do that, you take that critically heavy breath to steel your senses in some halfassed attempt to supercharge your wits with a hard dose of oxygen? Yeah, it was one of those breaths. I was trying to purge myself of the fog in my head and instill a clarity of purpose again. 

Long Dihunai was a warrior through-and-through and that was one of the reasons I let her come this close to me, because I valued her input and trusted her instincts. The Tajaar were fierce, loyal fighters and apolitical to the strife of the Imperial circuits, which meant her counsel could be depended on to be honest. What Dihunai said was said in  earnest, but it troubled me even so. It did not take long for me to discern the why

"You sound like Inokio did," I said, and I felt no ill by it. 


Edited by Umbraline Yumiwa
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IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, Streets

The Mercenary of Ice could not help be amused at the sight as he walked the streets of the floating city. For a place known for calmness and purity, the village seemed quite chaotic at the moment. Everything was crowded, and the people, both natives and foreigners alike, seemed on edge.

He wondered if The Great Takea was faring better, given the heightened stress.

He knew the route by heart and walked along the boardwalk, brushing past rushing Matoran and Matoran-like creatures. As the Toa strolled through the city, he tried to analyze the appearances of these apparent refugees. Wherever they had come from, it seemed to have an abundance of crystals. Between their clothing and general demeanor, the newcomers were easy to spot.

Eventually, Makua had arrived at the famous Ga-Koronan tavern. It’s sign and entrance were as familiar as they had always been. Wasting no time and paying no attention to the people running away from The Great Takea, Makua strolled inside.

Ga-Koro, The Great Takea

The bar was certainly bustling... but it looked like people were making their away outside the bar. Curious, Makua turned around and looked out over the giant lily pad. He stood there for a moment, watching where people going.

OOC: I’m gonna stop saying this because my characters are literally -always- open for interaction, but one last time: open for interaction.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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On 3/10/2022 at 1:48 AM, Umbraline Yumiwa said:

IC Yumiwa + Zafin | Yukanna

"You sound like Inokio did,"

IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks, Yukanna, Interior]

Dihunai crossed her arms.

"We all heard the stories of his fury unleashed to cover the final retreat to the docks. One could only hope to have a soul burn so bright. The fearless can make their enemies cower and turn even the most dire fights into winnable ones. Inokio understood this."

"If you tame your fears, when the next battle comes, your example will make your Menti fearless as well. I believe that is the best chance m-our people have."

Edited by BULiK

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IC Yumiwa + Zafin | Yukanna

That wasn't what I meant, but Long Dihunai didn't know that. She was a warrior, a fighter, so she knew her contemporaries as warriors, as fighters, so it made sense that Inokio's valorous last stand stood at the forefront of her thoughts on the former battlemaster. The apolitical inclinations of the Tajaar made her oblivious to the other dimensions of Inokio, of his status as my sensei, spy, and reluctant political mastermind, as those facets were revealed only behind closed doors and whipped cloaks. I'd been given countless lectures by the man on matters of honor and power, and Dihunai's sermon evoked the sentiments of some from my then-teacher. These two had their similarities; they'd probably even get along. 

I kept that knowledge to myself. I didn't want her to draw too many comparisons between her and Inokio. That, and I didn't want to be reminded of his betrayals even if he did die preserving me. 

Something struck me then, something they'd each said:Your empire protects you so you can push onwards. 

My former advisor's last words to me before following his blade were, Little Yumi, let me suffer by protecting you... one... last... time. Now go.

I glanced at Zaf, wondering if she shared a mind with me on this as well, and she looked knowing but I couldn't be sure if she saw the connections I did. Dihunai and the late Inokio urged me to grow, to survive, and to lead from promontories of strength. It did not matter that one was a double agent and the other an Imperial outsider, they each  wanted the same thing for me, somehow. 


Zafin, on the other hand, continued to study her empress' eyes long after she'd returned her gaze to Dihunai. She knew how the rora's mind worked better than most people still alive, and she could tell how even in the wake of a panic attack Yumi was still thinking... sensing. "Clever Yumi" had become a rather irritating moniker from previous years, but there was some truism to the joke. Yumiwa had been groomed to be a peacetime ruler who never was meant to be exposed to the horrors of war or strife, so concepts of strength and prowess were harder for her to grasp, but behind the facade of weakness and overeagerness was a lady trained in softer skills of diplomacy and subterfuge to serve her well in matters of court. For all her recent failings as a warrior queen, particularly highlighted with the trauma of the sacrifice of Sado, Yumiwa was well trained in mind games. Pattern sensing. Tactics and analytics. 

Zafin watched as Yumiwa turned back to Dihunai. Her ladyship's thoughts were unknowable, but one thing was clear: Yumi was sizing Long Dihunai up as an adviser whether she was conscious of the effort or not. And this Dihunai was making her think

Zafin tore her gaze from Yumi and back to the Tajaar. She liked this Long.


I released my vice grips on the bench upon which I sat and felt my blood warm my knuckles again as a calmness started to restore itself on me. I shook my hands like dispersing water from my fingers to eradicate the last of the tinglies and shifted uncomfortably in my seat, but I looked at Dihunai with a mixture of understanding and admiration. I like this warrior, I thought.

It was essential for me to learn and to let other people carry their own weight, so when I next spoke, there was more force behind my tongue as the confusion and hesitancy had been banished; I spoke with the intention to listen. "What do you advise is the most important thing for me to do this moment?"


Edited by Umbraline Yumiwa
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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks, Yukanna, Interior]

Dihunai looked almost surprised. The whole point was to get Yumiwa back on track, not to arbitrate - Dihunai wasn't privy to as much classified knowledge as the Rora, how could she give good direction without kno -

Actually, Dihunai knew just as much as Yumiwa did about the present moment's opportunities and crises (the unknown dragon and the onfolding sabotage of the Ryuu): very little. After a moment, the warrior drew her battle plan in prose to show her reasoning.

"Focus on the immediate, given this is a dynamic situation. To make a good decision, we need good information. There is a threat, but we must read our opponent, tell if she is within striking distance or not, preparedness, et cetera: those details determine the response in any battle, be it a duel or a brawl of formations."

Dihunai paused to reach her tendrils of flame out into the ideatalk plane once more to listen, as she had occasionally throughout their confinement below decks. Even indoors, there were ways to be situationally aware of the wider battlefield.

"I told you to give Ayiwah the space to flex her muscle, but sometimes you must also be by her side to show you're invested in her mission. The situation is more secure now, I think it's best to go outside, show that the Rora supports her allies and will not be intimidated."

"Everyone will see that statement and it will strengthen your stance for the future," Dihunai concluded, continuing to use the terms of her trade in lieu of terms with more diplomatic finesse. "A stumble is not the end, so long as you recover your balance before your opponent exploits it."

"Whoever chose to attack us, make sure that all they have accomplished is demonstrating our strength and wisdom."

Edited by BULiK

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IC: Tuara Drigton - Ga-Koro - Inner Port

Tuara nodded, a little unsure how she should have been addressing a 'Toroshu' all this time, if there ever were any rules for it anyhow. She allowed Yukie and Agni to change the conversation swiftly from the situation at the docks,
"You'll definitely find customers here - and some friendly competition too. There's a lot of trade that goes on in Mata-Nui, and there'll be room for more. I'll bet you'll have the leg-up on them too, being from another land."

Tuara looked back to Agni again, "We should probably move along here, but I hope Matoran and Dasaka alike can tackle any oncoming challenges, together," she said, turning back to Yukie with a smile, "And if there's anything you ever need, or if you just find yourself in Ta-Koro, you're welcome to come see me. Just gotta ask." Tuara finished, a little short, trying to avoid speaking for Agni - or the Guard. She wasn't an official representative right now, unlike Agni, and while it seemed certain that these Dasaka - and in particular Yukie - were genuine, it wasn't for her to decide. Not anymore. "And, I know who to ask for next time I need something nice to wear."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Mel

Edited by Palm
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IC: Daijuno | The Great Takea

"A dragon?" I said, tapping the side of my empty glass idly and wondering if all that ale was affecting my hearing. "By 'Taka, didn't think they had those, even out here! But all the more reason to stay indoors for a little while longer, I think -- let the soldiers handle something like that. Still, would be nice to have had a witness who could describe...."

It was then, by chance or destiny, whichever showed up first, that someone new stepped into the bar: a tall, snow-white figure, Toa by the looks of him. Fighter by the looks, too, considering the rather dashing scars he was sporting, along with the sword and shield he had on him. The big Muaka was just standing around, as though he was lost and trying to figure out where his wrong turn had been -- maybe not the best witness, but the best I had on-hand.

"Excuse me!" I called out, waving a hand to get his attention. "Yes, you! Come over here for a second? Want to ask to you something."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Mel@Emzee That's Makua that she's calling out to.




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  • 2 weeks later...

IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, The Great Takea

The Toa’s eyebrows raised, and he instinctively turned towards the source of the voice. He quickly turned to see what could’ve been — no — should’ve been a Matoran. But what was this person wearing? Was that crystal?

The truth was, Makua had seen a lot of strange, wonderful, and terrifying things as a mercanery with no team (usually). The newcomers who were now occupying this bar and this village were nothing short of strange by how they looked.

Still, this waving Matoran-like figure seemed confortable in their own surroundings. This should’ve put the Ice Toa at ease, but it actually just weirded him out even more.

What am I getting myself into? Makua thought.

“Ask me anything you’d like,” Makua said making eye contact with the mysterious bar patron. He briskly walked towards the bar, making eye contact with the Ga-Koronan bartender.

“Give me your strongest stuff,” Makua said to the bartender. She gave a devilish smile and got right to work.

Makua was on vacation, and no matter how strange his surroundings were, he was going to party.

OOC: @Void Emissary@Vezok's Friend@Mel

Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, harbor, Yukanna, afterdeck]


“Well, Toa Timak, it’d be foolhardy to dissuade you from caution, but in this instance I would say you threw in with the right lot.”


The commodore glanced over at the ship as well, where her boarding party had taken up guarding positions. Satisfied that the situation was still under control, she turned her eyes back on Timak.


“If all Menti were honorable, there would be no need for those like me. And there have been others in my position that history looks upon less than kindly. I imagine the same is true of Toa. It is good to discern between those that try to earn their titles and those who hide behind them. That is one lesson I can impart upon you.”


She let the mask of authority slip just a little bit to give the young Toa a hint of a smile. She couldn’t teach them how to use their element, but this much she could do. Hopefully they would find a good instructor…those were worth their weight in ore.


“Regardless, thank you again for your help, it is greatly appreciated. I wish you luck, wherever your path may take you.“

OOC: @Rahisaurus

IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]


“Dragons…Could be worse, could be a Tahtorahk…” Rhow rumbled, though she couldn’t quite picture either creature just then - when her thoughts were interrupted by another new patron strolling in. Fighter. Scars. Survivor. Capable then, most likely. 


“Give me your strongest stuff.” He ordered. Always the same with these types.


The Skakdi did bear her teeth indeed - how could it be otherwise - and produced a bottle from somewhere behind the bar and poured two fingers into a glass, before sliding it expertly over the counter towards the Toa.


“Don’t think I’ve seen you around before, friend.” She commented. “But you clearly ain’t one of the shiny ones. What brings you here?”

OOC: @Emzee@Void Emissary@Mel

IC:[Agni - Ga-Koro]


The detective nodded slowly, although not seeming entirely convinced. He didn’t doubt the Toroshu’s words - but something about the insistence on going straight to business felt like trying to put off dealing with the new situation, at least a little. Not that he was in any way qualified to tell people how to grieve…anything, really. Still he said: “Tuara is right: Plenty of trading to go around for everyone, once you’ve settled in. Seems like the long voyage gave you time to process some of what happened already…you Dasaka are a hardy people.”


“When you have your basics sorted out - food, shelter and so on - we’ll tell Akiri Jaller to expect your business.”

OOC: @Palm

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IC: Daijuno | The Great Takea

"And there actually dragons outside?" I added, leaning in as close as I could to this fellow's face (which, hardy-har, isn't that close at all, size difference, etc.). If this guy started lying to us, I'd be the first to know.

...I was definitely starting to think that ale was affecting me.

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Emzee@Mel


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IC: Surdo - Ga-Koro - Tidalpool Inn

“Yes, yes,” Surdo replied, as if just now remembering. “Obsidian Outpost, Ko-Wahi. The meeting. Wouldn’t want to be late for that, would we?”

He glanced down at a bare wrist before shuffling quickly towards the door. “Knowing Quoribay, we might just get there before him,” he said. “Hmm, if we stop by Ta-Wahi we can take the cable car up there. Just have to watch yourself around the guard.”

Once he was outside, Surdo slowed his pace. There was a noticeable change in his gait to make himself look more unassuming…even with an armed Skakdi bodyguard. “I think we’ve outstayed our welcome here, anyhow.”

OOC: @Perp

(shout out to max)

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IC: Baszlin - Ga-Koro 

Two words repeated themselves over and over, bouncing off the inside surface of Raaka’s skull. Both of them stepped back out into the humid air of Ga-Koro, and those two words still continued their attempts at escape, failing each time they rebounded off the bone. 

Ko-Wahi. Ko-Wahi.



Baszlin knew he’d been there. The feeling of snow crunching under his feet, the icy chill freezing his jaw nearly shut. The sensations all pointed in one direction, but time and purpose eluded him.

The docs said he’d been in a battle there, but even now, that seemed like so long ago to the Skakdi. Time felt too fluid to put a definitive pin on some cerebrally ethereal battle, a skeletal affair devoid of details and relayed only in passing mention.

Answers could be found there. And it was there they would go.

“Shall we take the ferry to Ta-Wahi?” asked he, extending a thumb and fist over his shoulder in the direction of the open Bay. “Faster than walking, if you are in a hurry.”

OOC: @Tarn

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IC: Timak, Ga-Koro

Timak smiled at the Commodore's words.

"Thank you, ma'am. I've learned a lot in the last couple of hours, that's for sure."

Still distracted, they moved as if to leave, but then caught themself in time to turn back and offer a proper goodbye.

"I hope your people find strength and peace here, Commodore. I'm going to see what I can do to help the matoran here. May our paths cross again soon."

And with a subdued wave, they turned back to the busy Koro and left.

Having stated their mission, though, Timak immediately found themself wondering how they could possibly find a way to help without individually asking each matoran they stumbled into.

Wandering the streets for a while, their eye was caught by a structure different to the rest, and though the place didn't look exactly like anything Timak had seen before, they could see enough common themes to make the connection.

'It's a pub! Like the ones back home!'  they thought. 'Perhaps the patrons in there will be looking for help. Many people from different walks of life go to find respite from their troubles in a pub...'

And so they went in, eyeing the sign above the door as they entered.

'The Great Takea. Snappy name.'

Standing in the doorway, they were immediately overwhelmed by a far more diverse selection of characters than they had expected to encounter. At a loss, but still energised with the desire to prove themself, their brain stumbled on to a characteristically clumsy solution.

"Ah-hem.... " Timak cleared their throat, waiting for eyes to point their way, before continuing loudly. "I am a newly arrived Toa. I pledge myself to the matoran of this island, and anyone who needs help, I am at your service."

@Vezok's Friend

ooc: Timak is open for interaction (preferably from imminently adventure-bound matoran)...

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20 hours ago, Rahisaurus said:

IC: Timak, Ga-Koro


"Ah-hem.... " Timak cleared their throat, waiting for eyes to point their way, before continuing loudly. "I am a newly arrived Toa. I pledge myself to the matoran of this island, and anyone who needs help, I am at your service."

IC: Kimala - Great Takea

The burly Toa of crystal perked up at the sound of a familiar voice. She smiled, though it was tinged with a bit of pity. The noble-hearted Timak was quite at odds with the reality of Mata-Nui. A newly arrived Toa was hardly news anymore. In fact, there were a few snickers from the people in the room, which made her frown.

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IC, Eita: The Great Takea

The Dashi looked over at the being who loudly proclaimed their entrance at the establishments' doorway. He turned back to his companions.

"Do people always declare things about themselves here? Anyway, they seem nice- maybe we could benefit from having a protector accompany us?"

OOC: @Rahisaurus@BULiK @Lady Takanuva @Tarn and anyone else I may have missed lol

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[Ga-koro (Ranok)]

“I can think of something better—watching that all from an inn with generous tippers.”

@Umbraline Yumiwa

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, The Great Takea

“Well...” Makua mulled over his words, trying to choose them wisely. In the meantime, he gave a debonaire smile that gave off a sense of mystery and careful thought, as opposed to any mistaken sense of awkwardness.

Finally, he said, “Expanding my cultural understanding while in-between missions”

Now that he had a sensible answer, he felt that he was getting into a groove. He took a hearty sip of the strong, dark liquid, and gave a rugged grin of approval. The Toa of Ice didn’t even come close to wincing at the odorous drink, and he continued speaking.

“I suppose if you wanted a really short answer, I’m on vacation. I had a really nice payout and well, I wanna celebrate the the folks who know how to have a good time here”

Makua paused for a moment and looked intently at the Rhow, as if trying to derive some sort of arcane knowledge.

“Actually, we might have met before. I’m Makua, Toa of Ice and traveling sellsword. I’ve certainly strolled through these taverns in my earlier days. I was much more of a Rama-on-the-wall. Just a Toa face in a sea of Toa faces around here”

“And speaking of Toa faces... and Matoran faces,” Makua said, shifting his eyes to the Dashi who called out to him. He walks towards an open stool and sat down.

“I have questions for you as well, but by all means, you first: what would you like to know? This Toa of Ice happens to be in a talking mood today”


Makua’s attention was broken by a voice from the doorway behind him. Despite his recent proclamation of being talkative today, his instinctual mercenary response of keeping a low profile and ignoring most people who aren’t directly addressing him held firm. The chances anyone was looking for him out here was very low, but that didn’t matter.

"I am a newly arrived Toa. I pledge myself to the matoran of this island, and anyone who needs help, I am at your service,” the voice said.

Whelp, that resolved that concern. Makua took another sip of his drink and raised his head, turning to the newcomer. He quickly sized up the Toa, impartially took another sip of his drink, and silently turned back around rudely shaking his head as he turned.

“Does that happen often?” Makua asked the bartender.

OOC: @Void Emissary @Mel @Rahisaurus

@Vezok's Friend

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Streets]

At the mention of an inn, it was as if Nichou's legs finally spoke up about how long they had been without a reprieve and his internals growling at how long since he had been refreshed.

"Excellent idea," the Onu-Matoran asked his companions. "Know any good places?"

The first time visitor was too busy taking in the unique architecture to have any opinions on the quality of the local establishments themselves - Sigrus and Ranok were much better traveled when it came to the port city, and the carpenter trusted them to decide where lunch would be had.

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Tazera was just about able to register the Ideatalk between Ayiwah and Koso alongside the spoken words exchanged on the bridge (though parsing these multiple conversations while keeping her eyes on the hostile and wildcard Toa was beginning to give her a headache). Good, more backup was on the way, and it sounded like the Commodore had successfully anchored the Ryuu to the Yukanna too. The odds of a successful hijacking should now be slim to none. That just left the interloper himself, and the other Toa.  The latter was now, it seemed, trying to convince the former to focus on escaping over his original harebrained scheme.

As much as the very suggestion of letting this would-be pirate get away made her blood boil, and as stubbornly determined as she felt to bring him to justice herself, the rational part of her brain was suddenly struck by the implications of the Onu-Toa's entreaty. Perhaps it would not be such a bad thing to give him the opportunity to escape — or rather, to let him think he had such an opportunity. Letting him leave the Ryuu under his own power might be the right strategy to end this standoff. After all, where could he go? By now half the Dasaka navy would be waiting for him the minute he stuck his head through the hatch, and by rights the local Marines ought to be on the case as well. He'd be the proverbial fish in a barrel.

Still, she'd have to be careful not to make her change of heart too obvious, lest the would-be pirate realise his true predicament. Best give them a chance to 'convince' her.

"And you expect me to stand aside and let him leave?" she said, once again addressing the Onu-Toa. "Why should I let this man escape justice?"

OOC: @oncertainty @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend

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IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]

“No…” Rhow said, dragging out the monosyllabic word for the entirety of the long breath she let out along with it. “It does not. Most people in her pledge themselves to a tab.”

"And there actually dragons outside?" the small-but-fierce Dasaka leaned in, with a notable lilt.

With a meaty clap, Rhow brought her palms together, as if to mark the end of a debate she had had within herself. “Y’all know what? How ‘bout we stop pesterin’ every new punter with what is and isn’t out there and see for ourselves?”

The Skakdi moved from behind the counter to the end of the seating area that was facing the harbor and grabbed a pulley that had been snuggly hidden, attached to one of the support beams. She rolled her large shoulders once and then began to pull hand over hand.
The massive leaf that formed the side of the building rustle and then began to lift. The sea breeze and noise began to flood the room as it was opened up more and more, until the entire side was an unobstructed view of Ga-Koro’s harbor.

Fastening the pulley to the pillar again, Rhow took a breath of fresh air, fists resting on her hips. They’d put the feature in some time ago, but with everything else going on, it hadn’t seen use yet.

“There we go!” she proclaimed. “Patio seatin’! Still got your Kentoku commotion, I think there some tall golden thing in the crowd across the pier -could be your dragon - and that big crystal ship’s hooked up chain to the sub y’all came in.”

OOC: @Emzee@Rahisaurus@~Xemnas~@Mel@Void Emissary

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On 1/1/2022 at 6:17 PM, Krayzikk said:





A jarring, forceful sneeze ruined the threat of the glare that Sinshi bestowed upon her cousin. And her nose, truly, had itched long before its threat was made good. What the 'taka? She hadn't sneezed like that since she got to Mata Nui. Someone was talking about her. Someone was really talking about her, or mayble multiple someones, and that made her suspicious. Daijuno. Probably. What could that little creature be up to...?

"Never seen them before, and never seen anything like them before. I guess Rahkshi might have an extremely superficial resemblance to Shinushya, distorted by time, but that doesn't feel right. But if Rahkshi are appearing on the Archipelago a couple months ago, that would be..." The Menti rubbed her nose to stave off another sneeze. "That would be around when the Commodore and I escorted Soraya to the Kini-Nui, White. And there was that storm."


"Rahk...shi?" Sato was cut off, just short of fully saying what it was Sinshi had made her first time learning to manifest a soulsword with proper form. "Tall, metal without flesh, spikes on the back, staves? Are Rahkshi what those are called?"



And just like that, the entire area descended into chaos. The empress was rushed down into her ship, the commodore rushed away to another, and Aclaraung found the meeting he'd come for rapidly adjourned. He huffed somewhat indignantly, before making his way along the docks to the commodore and the submersible, among the multiple others hanging around. "My apologies for presenting any distraction that might have made this infiltration easier," he said to Ayiwah, looking out at the submarine. "For now, it is best if I depart. Please inform your Rora that I shall return tomorrow. I have faith in your ability to handle a singular thief."

With a short nod at the commodore, without waiting for response, he turned and began to walk away, to somewhere more open that he could spread his wings and take off...just to watch one of the many huts along the bay open up one side entirely, a booming Skakdi voice ringing out, about patio seating, another one cursing at a fish within, and then—

"Could be your dragon."

Perhaps interacting with the locals, catching up on the current news, couldn't hurt. Aclaraung turned back towards the water, sliding into it like a snake, swimming over to where the building was and sticking his head back up out of the water, looking over the motley group inside.

"You called?"

@Vezok's Friend@~Xemnas~@Rahisaurus@Emzee@Void Emissary@Mel@Krayzikk@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl

Edited by otter
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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]

The Skakdi took her arms from her side when she noticed the golden being’s trajectory, eyes narrowing, but relaxed when they actually arrived.

“Definitely your dragon.” she commented, welcoming the scaly one with a curt nod of her chin.

OOC: @otter@~Xemnas~@Rahisaurus@Emzee@Void Emissary@Mel@Krayzikk@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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[IC: Timak, The Great Takea]

After a few long seconds of silence and awkward glances, they slumped and moved quietly to the bar. Clearly, things are not as they once were in the old tales of heroes Timak used to hear as a young matoran. Taking a stool, they sat and listened to the barkeep as she made a show of opening up an entire wall of the establishment. The Toa watched with slack-jawed appreciation.

Then she mentioned the dragon. Wait... THAT's what I was going to investigate with Toa Leah right before the submarine got attacked! they thought. Toa Leah... Oops. Maybe I should've waited to see what she had to say about the whole situation before wandering--

Their thought spiral was cut short by the dragon itself popping up right outside the newly-opened entrance. Timak remembered its demeanour to be mostly honourable (as it seemed, anyway), but they couldn't help tensing up. A wary hand rested over the hilt of their sword, as they watched attentively.

@Vezok's Friend @otter @~Xemnas~ @Emzee @Void Emissary I don't have any idea who is actually likely to be interested in what Timak's doing

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IC: Daijuno | The Great Takea

"Oh good goddess!" I shouted, definitely keeping my usual dignified composure and not clambering behind Rhow's thighs. I mean, don't let it be said that Dastana Daijuno (or Daijuno Dastana, depending on what side of the Endless Ocean you're reading this on) is discriminatory by any means -- but I had been on this island for months now, and never seen anything coming even close to the... the... the talking sea-serpent that was addressing the lot of us now.

"I... suppose that we did, yes," I said, peering out from behind my bartending barricade, attempting to claw back any amount of credibility in this moment. "Can I buy you a drink?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Emzee@Mel@Rahisaurus@otter


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IC: Surdo - Ga-Koro - Tidalpool Inn

Surdo paused mid-step and looked over his shoulder at Baszlin, almost appearing embarrassed. “Right you are. right you are,” the Fe-Matoran said, then turned around as if his foot was on a swivel and began marching—if you could call a limp a march—towards the Bay, passing by Baz and nodding to himself. If any other events were happening in the Koro, they seemed to not exist to the bossman as he made his way to the ferry and prepared to board.

“Away we go, then.”

OOC: Surdo and Baszlin to Ta-Wahi. @Perp

IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Great Takea

Nale glanced over at something. The drinks still seemed to have an effect on her, because she then turned to the group with a somewhat confused expression and asked, “Is that a dragon over there or something?”

OOC: @~Xemnas~@BBBBaltawhoever all is here. Good lord.

Edited by Tarn
added nale
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(shout out to max)

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IC, Eita: The Great Takea

Eita raised his eyebrows. He had caught glimpse of the Kanohi Dragon that had attacked the docks back home, but this was a very different kind of creature.

He took one last sip of his drink, and then hopped out of his seat. Quite a company had grown at their table, and he didn't want Nara to be stuck with the bill, so he looked around the establishment and spotted the being whom he assumed was the owner. A woman, by her description of the same kind as the Chaotic Six that the Dashi had heard about from other members of his clan. What were they called? Skakdi?

He walked up to the bar and hopped up on the seat. "Excuse me," he called, trying to get the woman's attention. "You're the owner, right? My friends and I..." he gestured to his new companions,  "...are just about finished up, and we had a lot of food." He pulled out the last of his crystal Dasakan money. "Now, I don't know if you accept our people's money here, but hopefully this should cover part of our tab." He slid the crystalline currency across the bar. "If this isn't enough, I do have something else I can offer you. I'm a blacksmith, see, and as soon as I get myself established here, I can make you a couple of things. Cutlery, jewelry, weapons, whatever you want. 

"Is this... acceptable?" he asked.

OOC: @Tarn @Lady Takanuvaetc. @Vezok's FriendEita is trying to pay Rhow for our group's meal lol

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[Ga-Koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]

I leaned on the table and looked at the creature I’m pretty sure the Empress was wetting her royal panties over.   No, creature was the wrong word—despite the whole look of it—him, the dragon’s mind was much like the other “toa” around here.   Thankfully, his consciousness was the same sort of muted as theirs to.   Maybe I was going to last through tonight without a headache, and even get some fun out it.

“Hey dragon, got a name?”

OOC: @otter @Vezok's Friend @Void Emissary @Emzee etc.

[Ga-Koro (Ranok)]
“Well, the Great Takea’s always got a good crowd and an ear for music—they’re always packed to the gills though, don’t know how you handle crowds.   Then there’s The Crucible, not much really going on there until the fights start in the evening.   The Little Ussual’s in the less-touristy part of town—always friendly and drama free but the fair’s on the more simple…”

The matoran trailed off as he caught sight of the scene at the newly open Great Takea, calculating in his head if the massive golden figure was going to be a draw or distraction for him.

OOC: @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, The Great Takea

The Toa of Ice, normally calm and cool, found himself staring rudely at the scaly newcomer. Worse yet, his hand had subconsciously been moved to the hilt of his sword.

“I thought the whole dragon thing was a bloody spoof!” Makua protested. His eyes then darted around to the non-Mata Nuiians. Was this thing with the refugees?

“Aye!” Makua called to Daijuno. The Ko-Toa was so wrapped up in his own shock that he had not noticed the crystal-wearing Matoran’s equal level of shock.

“Is this one with you lot?” Makua asked.

OOC: @Mel@otter@Vezok's Friendetc

@Void Emissary

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Skyra Daring  - The Fowadi  -

The air in Naho bay felt nostalgic to me as the Fowadi sailed into Ga-koran waters. Naturally I was at the very top of the ship's tallest mast, I liked feeling the wind as I observed Ga-koro in the distance. 

Ga-koro...it had become like a second home to me. In recent years it felt like I'd spent more time there than even Le-koro. Heck I'd even...uh...acquired my current body there...actually it was best not to remember too much about that...I still didn't know where my old body went...

I could make out a strange looking vessel that seemed to be docked as well. I figured it was those crystal wearing aliens I kept hearing about. I also heard they were mostly women and really hot. Maybe I should look into that...

"Hey!" I suddenly shouted to whoever happened to be listening on the deck below. "Land ho and stuff." 

@Krayzikk @sunflower @Silvan Haven @The UltimoScorp @Perp @otter @Void Emissary

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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On 4/19/2022 at 10:04 PM, Mel said:

[Ga-Koro (Ranok)]


“Well, the Great Takea’s always got a good crowd and an ear for music—they’re always packed to the gills though, don’t know how you handle crowds.   Then there’s The Crucible, not much really going on there until the fights start in the evening.   The Little Ussual’s in the less-touristy part of town—always friendly and drama free but the fair’s on the more simple…”

The matoran trailed off as he caught sight of the scene at the newly open Great Takea, calculating in his head if the massive golden figure was going to be a draw or distraction for him.

OOC: @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa

IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Streets]

The Onu-Matoran was considering the options that Ranok was listing when he noticed the musician's entire focus was at something over Nichou's shoulder. He turned around to see what had capture the attention of everyone else nearby -  a dragon head sticking out of the water and looking into the Great Takea.

"I've never seen that Rahi before... have you?"

Edited by BULiK

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Aeragot - Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu

On 4/5/2022 at 2:15 PM, Ghosthands said:

"Why should I let this man escape justice?"

Ok. Alright. This wasn’t much to work with, but it was something. Aeragot wasn’t sure what the Lieutenant made of him, but he liked this a lot better than a minute ago. Maybe she wasn’t completely unreasonable. The difference between the two of them was just that, in this case, he was right.

"You have to think about how this looks to us. My people, I mean. Your people just show up on our shores, there are a whole lot of you, and you have strange powers, and you’re heavily armed. And look: they're not unreasonable. they’re wary, but for now they’re really just interested. You haven’t done anything to worry them yet, not in a real way.”

At least not publicly. He was making a gamble, but he had to assume that she was as in the dark as everyone else, relatively speaking.

"But think about how it looks if you drag out one of our people who you just beat to a pulp. What are you going to do, have an execution? It doesn’t matter why you feel justified in that, most people are never going to know what really happened. But they will know that the strangers came and had one of us killed.”

He threw an arm back, gesturing through the front window. Despite the impassioned movement, he didn’t let emotion overtly enter his voice. Less risky to stay calm.

"People are going to know something is going on; there are probably even journalists out there! ‘Invading force executes Toa’ is going to make even better news than a Koro’s worth of strangers showing up. They’re going to be thinking in terms of sides after that. And—”

You can’t plan for this kind of thing, he reflected. Just have to trust that you can make it happen when it matters. 

"I don’t think you have that luxury. I don’t think your superiors have that luxury. Maybe you can make the Akiri understand. Maybe she’ll agree with you. But this is already bigger than that. I mean, public opinion is what's really going to matter in the long run—”

He let a long breath out. For him, the deck of a ship was really not the ideal setting for this kind of thing.

OOC: @Ghosthands @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend apologies for the wait all, busy end of semester!

Edited by oncertainty
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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Military composure be ****ed, Tazera would have rolled her eyes if it hadn't meant taking them off the two Toa. She settled for pursing her lips tight in frustration instead. Had she not made it clear that she was trying to arrest the thief, not kill him? Even in the face of his absolute refusal to abandon his attempted hijacking? Was the black-armoured Toa so gullible that he was falling prey to such obvious manipulation by this charlatan? Was the threat of execution such anathema to the locals that it had deafened him to everything else she'd said? Or was he deliberately misunderstanding her for reasons of his own, perhaps to justify throwing in his lot with this 'Rudra'?

"I have no intention of executing him," she said, exercising heroic levels of restraint to keep her words slow and level, giving each its full weight. "My intention is to detain him and turn him over to the Ga-Koronan authorities. He will be tried by your people, and under your laws. Is this acceptable to you?"

Perhaps she was giving the Toa too much credit, taking his words in good faith and assuming he would listen to reason. She hoped she wasn't.

OOC: @oncertainty @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend

No worries! It's been a busy time for most of us.

Edited by Ghosthands
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Their journey around the cape had gone encouragingly, the weather had held and the waters remained relatively calm. Just before dusk they had reached the northernmost tip of the island, laying anchor there for a small party to take one of the skiffs ashore to the squat, stone lighthouse which was the rocky outcroping's sole inhabitant. There they remained for a few hours after the shoreparty had returned with current maps and charts, taking the time to take stock of the crew's effectiveness as the watch changed over. While by no stretch of the imagination green sailors at this point, their familiarization with the ironclad was an ongoing process during their maiden voyage. With changes made and duties rehearsed the Fowadi set out once again. The ocean’s flat calm continued well into the night, the reflected stars above in the cloudless, moonless night offering an eerie calm that permeated their journey down the eastern side of the island that lasted until daybreak.

By midmorning they had begun sailing west, angling towards Naho Bay. The sea had picked up somewhat with the wind, though dropped down as they entered the clear, shallow Ga-Wahi waters. Only a few hours later had them begin to navigate the shallows between the various islands that dotted the entrance to the bay, sails furled to reduce their speed.

Dehkaz stood atop the quarter deck opposite to the wheel, weight braced against the hull plating as he looked out over the rapidly growing landmasses and inlet of the bay. Something had struck him as odd as they had made their way closer and closer to the beachside Koro, though it wasn’t until they had entered the bay proper did it hit him. The waters were surprisingly clear of shipping, for a village so steeped in ocean-going trade, there were scarce few vessels in the waters around the mouth of the bay. The fact bothered him, and he was about to voice his concerns to the rest of the crew when a glint of sunlight caught his attention.

From the wrong direction.

The sun was at his back, and yet something out towards Ga-Koro shone like a star- as if someone had erected a giant mirror right out in the harbor of the village. He knew, of course, that was impossible, but it wasn’t until he had gotten a closer look thanks to his Kanohi that the captain realized just how close he had actually been. It wasn’t some great mirror, but reflective all the same. And it wasn’t a singular point.

There, amongst the green lilypads and wooden docks sat numerous crystalline vessels, glittering in the sunlight as brightly as the waters in which they floated. All manner of them, from largest multi-masted ships to smaller fishing boats which were only visible once the Fowadi sailed closer to the crystalline fleet. So many that a great deal of them had simply beached themselves in the shallows close to the shore, and they lined the sands from Ga-Koro. Though alien in their make, with sharp lines and multi-hulled construction, their material of choice called back to what he had heard of the curious vessel that had docked in Ga-Koro months prior, as well as the foreigners which crewed it.

This certainly threw a wrench into their plans.

While there had been a small question of there being large enough facilities for the Fowadi to dock at Ga-Koro previously, with the foreign fleet now taking up residence at the village, there was no possible way for the ironclad behemoth to squeeze through the mass of shipping.

Small change of plans,” Dehkaz said, turning to speak to Kale, the Toa of Iron not far on the main deck. “We’re not going to be able to stock up on supplies from Ga-Koro, let alone dock there in the middle of all of that. We’ll lay anchor here for now.

Rynekk, Ember!” He called, “I want you two to take a crew and some skiffs over to Forsi across the bay, see if you can’t find us some supplies to partially stock up on.

Kale,” He turned back to the first mate, “you’re with me, we’ll head into the Koro and figure out what this is all about.

Dehkaz paused for a moment, before adding, “Let’s take Krayn too.

@Void Emissary @Krayzikk @Silvan Haven @Snelly @The UltimoScorp @Perp @otter

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IC: Skyra Daring  - The Fowadi -

There were a lot of boats, covered in crystals and very shiny. Dehkaz was calling for two groups with different goals, one for stocking up what supplies we could, and the other investigating what was going on with all these foreign boats on Ga-koro's shores. 

Gathering supplies sounded boring as f***, so of course I was going to investigate these exotic foreigners. 

"Destiny!" I called out to my faithful Kahu, the bird turned it's beak towards me intentively from her nest on the Fowadi. "Go stretch your wings." With a cry she took off from the Fowadi and flew off, most likely to hunt fish and do other bird things. 

How was I going to get to shore you ask? Well it was quite simple, I was a Toa of air, on the top of a mast, and there were many boats between me and Ga-koro. There was only one thing to do. 

I climbed to the very top of the mast and leaped off, using my element to boost myself even farther. Of course being a Toa of air didn't stop gravity, and as I started to decent faster and faster towards the water below I raised up my arm and fired my wrist-grapple, it connected to the mast of the ship I had leapt towards and connected, it yanked me forwards as it began to reel in, I grabbed onto the mast with both hands as I made contact and swung around it before planting both feet against it and springing myself towards the next ship, my grapple reeling back in. 

I kept parkouring and grappling from boat to boat, there were so many ships that it was easy enough for a gal as acrobatic as me to do. I did as many fancy flips and twirls as I could of course, I liked showing off. 

As I flung myself towards another boat, a smaller fishing boat by the looks of it, I grabbed onto a pole that was sticking out of the mast and swung around it a few times before launching myself at the dock. As my feet landed I went into a roll, doing a couple forward somersaults before stopping with my arms in the air in victory. "Nailed it! Am I awesome or what!?" 

I looked back towards the Fowadi and waved, they looked so small from here. They were gonna have to do something lame like take some skiffs to get to the dock, ha! 

I started to walk down the dock towards Ga-koro proper, I wanted to see what these foreigners were all about...

@Krayzikk @sunflower @Silvan Haven @The UltimoScorp @Perp @otter @Void Emissary

Edited by Snelly
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