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IC, Eita and evil Lesterin: Ga-Koro

The Lesterin slunk back into the foliage and reactivated his Volitak, content with leaving the intruders to deal with his "pets". 

"Oh no you don't!" Eita shouted as he began to run after the Lesterin, seeing as his allies who had been grabbed by the plant Rahi were okay. 

Meanwhile, the Stone Ape paused briefly to look at Hakari, who was shouting at it to get its attention. The possessed primate snarled, took a step forward, and then was immediately distracted by a high pitched whistle coming from outside of the warehouse's door. The Rahi began lumbering toward the sound.

The Lesterin heard the whistle as well, and ground his teeth in irritation. "What? No..." he muttered. He sucked in a breath to let out his own whistle, but his muttering had unfortunately allowed Eita to pinpoint his location. Eita leaped and slashed with his katana. The blade caught the Lesterin's leg. The being yelped in pain and fell to one knee. 

Eita glared at him and lifted the tip of the sword to the Lesterin's throat. "Don't move," Eita growled. The Lesterin let out a crooked, wicked smile. "You wouldn't run that blade through my throat. You Matoran are all cowards." Eita's eyes narrowed; he moved the blade a little bit deeper into the Lesterin's throat. A small drop of blood began to trickle.

"Try me."

At the same time, the Daikau was almost fully absorbed by Lapu. As the last bits of its leaves and "mouthparts" disappeared, the plant Rahi let out a dying, unearthly hiss. Certain vines and foliage around the warehouse immediately withered and died. The vines holding the warehouse door closed turned to dust.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta

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IC: Timak, Shady warehouse

Timak appreciated the appearance from Kimala, but now both Toa were to the side of the group and not doing a whole lot of defending. Just as Timak was about to try running back into the middle, they heard a whistling noise from outside. An ally of the lesterin's perhaps? That couldn't be right. The ape was ignoring the matoran now, which meant this whistle was intended to disrupt... but now it was wandering toward the new source of the whistling. 

A quick survey of the scene brought the young Toa the answer they needed. Of course! Ranok. He must have stayed outside to keep watch. Leave it to a De-Matoran to figure out the whistling trick - Timak made note to commend him on that, later.

Turning to Kimala, the gray Toa spoke for the first time since the Lesterin appeared. "Looks like the ape is distracted, but now there's nothing between him and Ranok outside the door, and the distance is closing. I suggest one of us gets between the ape and the group, and the other goes between him and Ranok. Then the ape will be pinned between us and will have nowhere to go."

Assuming Kimala agreed, and being too impatient to wait for confirmation, Timak set off to stealthily assume the point between the ape and the main group, hoping they weren't noticeable with its back turned. This left the space between the ape and the door to Kimala. They readied their vibro-blade and waited for her to make the next move.

ooc: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta @~Xemnas~

Edited by Rahisaurus
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IC: [Leah Maru - Cael’s Hut]


The Maru still slept, breathing softly in the same rhythm as the waves lapping at Nano bay’s shores.


But somewhere in the depth of her slumber there was a sliver of awareness, just enough to know that she was safe but also that she wasn’t alone. Hopefully she could rejoin them soon in the waking world. But for now her body demanded rest and it would suffer no interruption…even if the subconscious impulse made her stir a little.


IC: [Rhow…and Ayiwah - Ga-Koro harbor]


Despite clearly diverting her attention back to the sub, Rhow took the brief eye contact as an excuse to approach. The uniformed Dasaka looked in charge enough that she probably could help with their little quest.


“S’cuse me!” Rhow hollered. The Menti officer instantly turned back towards them, but clearly only to the point where she had the submarine in her peripheral vision.


“Yes?” She replied with the tone of someone very much preoccupied.


“Daijuno here’s trying to help me find someone from yer crews to poke around my mind and unscramble a‘bunch of memories. Can you do that or know someone who can?”


The scarred Skakdi flashed her best diplomatic smile - which looked very much like her default grin. The commodore’s expression remained unchanged as she mulled this over. She glanced at the Ryuu, then back at Daijuno and the two others.


.:Daijuno, what’s your assessment of her? I’d rather not risk mentally unbalancing a Skakdi of all people…:.


OOC: @Void Emissary

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IC: Daijuno | Ga-Koro Harbour

******ably annoying it was dealing with a bunch of Menti -- none of them ever seemed to remember that Dashi like me couldn't respond to their Ideatalk.

"No need for any of that, ma'am," I said, walking up to the commodore. "This one's got as cool a head on her shoulders as anyone we brought with us. She works customer service, for crying out loud. And whatever's causing her memory issues seems to be affecting anyone who comes to this island... except for us. I figured working that out might provide us with what you might call a strategic advantage."

Even as I said that, though, I could clock that the commodore was only giving us half of her attention -- the other half was still fixed on the Ryuu.

"Speaking of which," I added, taking another step towards her and lowering my voice, "what's the situation here? Something about hostages?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend


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IC (Ageru Tazera, Ageru Dakte) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

"If it's really that impossible, maybe I oughta keep the little lady here along for the ride once she comes to— have her take some of the work on for me. Keeps you foreigners from pulling any funny business on me, too. Whaddya say, cuffs girl, you want a cut now—"

Without warning, Rudra's monologuing was interrupted by the fierce pull of an invisible force on his arm, as though an unseen hand had violently gripped his wrist and yanked the crackling finger-gun out and away to the side, where it could point at nothing but reinforced bulkheads. A moment later, and with no slackening of the first, a second force seized hold of Inzu and pulled her in the opposite direction, with more than enough power to break his grip on her lapel. The Lieutenant immediately darted forward to intercept the still-limp Menti.

Disoriented as Rudra might have been by the sudden telekinetic attack, movement in the doorway would likely still catch his attention. Another Dasaka was entering the bridge, hands outstretched towards him and Inzu with palms flat and fingers joined as if in a stance of some martial art (though clearly controlling the invisible hands intent on breaking his hold on the hostage). His mask was in the shape traditionally given to Matatu, but its glow was fading as if recently deactivated, and the unseen force showed no sign of lessening. He walked slowly and precisely through the bulkhead door and then towards Rudra, eyes fixed on the rogue, expression stern.

"Stand down, Toa," commanded Ageru Dakte calmly. "The game is up."

OOC: @Razgriz

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IC: [Rhow…and Ayiwah - Ga-Koro harbor]


The commodore’s expression remained stoic as ever, but now focused back on the ship. “Hostage. Singular. There’s a rogue Toa aboard trying to abscond with the Ryuu. He tried sneaking in, but was foiled by Lieutenant Tazera. He’s been trying and failing to talk others to join in on his piracy, and has now taken Dastana Inzu hostage to force us to give into his demands. The Lieutenant and Ageru Dakte are about to dissuade him of that notion.”


A beat.


“Perhaps once this is done, Ageru Dakte might be able to help you too. There are other willhammers, of course, but I have no current information as to their availability. In the meantime, I ask that you do not mistake my caution for prejudice.”


She glanced at Rhow, who felt like she probably should have a sterner response here, sensing somehow she’d just been spoken about behind her back. But she just wanted to get on with this idea of Daijuno’s so when their eyes met she just shrugged slightly and said: “Yeah, yeah. Piraka. I heard. I get it.”


Ayiwah responded with the smallest of nods, before turning back to Daijuno.


“I chose you for this expedition, so if you think this is the right call I trust your discretion in this matter. If we gain something useful in the process, good. If we don’t, you still helped someone and furthered good relationships with this island. Now, feel free to wait for Dakte or see one of the other willhammers…but, try not to bother the Rora if it can be helped.”

She said that last part as stoically as the rest, but the Dashi could have sworn she saw a glint of something in the commodore’s eyes. Then, her eyes suddenly flitted up and over to where another Menti stood, observing the situation aboard the Ryuu from the sidelines. Bringing up Yumi had triggered a sudden recognition in the commodore. She’d registered her presence before, but had paid her no further mind amidst coordinating a response to the would-be pirate. Now, Ayiwah gestured for her to come over.

"Long Dihunai, join us. Perhaps you are able to assist Dastana Daijuno."

While she waited for the Long Menti to approach, she briefly looked at Dashi once more.

“Oh and once this little quest of yours is over, you and I need to have a talk.”


OOC: @Void Emissary

Edited by Vezok's Friend
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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

The warrior's attention drifted between trying to discern any meaning from the submarine's silence and observing how the imperials were responding. Yumiwa was, as it seemed, doing the same. Letting her commanders command, and observing without getting in the way. Even with all of the empire's resources, the reality was that the Rora had as little influence on the outcome of the hostage situation as Dihunai did. Outside of that bridge, they were equally at the whims of chaos. Perhaps trying to blend in as a sailor was Yumiwa's own way of acknowledging that truth.

As the Tajaar listened in, she was surprised to hear her own name be mentioned. She hadn't introduced herself to Ayiwah, but the ninja didn't put it past the officer to already be briefed. Dihunai was not disappointed - after all, she had not opted to conceal her presence or intent.

For a few moments, it wasn't clear if Dihunai had heard the request. She continued to stare at the submarine with no visible reaction. Suddenly, she turned and strolled up to the Commodore's conversation with purpose. The entire process spoke to a decision, and not heeding to an order. She chose to walk over, on the merits of the proposition.

She did not, however, choose to speak. Behind her sleek, slate-white Kanohi, Dihunai's amber optics darted between the subjects involved. A Dashi, a Commodore, and a Piraka had a problem. Dihunai awaited the punch line. Perhaps Ayiwah didn't understand the nuances of Soulfire, and mistook Dihunai's mental shielding to have an intrusive power similar to one of the empire's "disciplines".

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Umbraline Yumiwa@Void Emissary

Edited by BULiK
added tags and minor tweaks
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IC: Daijuno & Zyla Dastana | Ga-Koro Harbour

Despite myself, the corner of my mouth twitched up at the commodore's statement -- not just her joke, but her statement of faith in my abilities. I, of course, pushed down any potential feelings of pride or respect that have been conjured for the commodore in that moment, steadfastly refusing to give one of the Rora's kin any such pleasure. But a glance over to Zyla, and her raised eyebrow, revealed to me that that that particular jig was up. I scowled at the misstep, which was the unfortunate moment that this Long Dihunai walked up to us.

"'Course, ma'am," I said, nodding towards the commodore, before turning my attention to Dihunai. "Speaking of which -- lady Dihunai, was it? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Daijuno Dastana, as you've heard. I was wondering if you might be able to help myself and Ms. Rhow here with, ah, some memory issues that she's been having? For compensation, of course."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@BULiK


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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

Lady. Sure. Whatever.

"Help memory? What, like word association?"

Her arms crossed.

"I give concussions, I don't remove them."

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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu) The Hero of Naho Bay

What th—KARZ?!

"waitwaitnonononoo-GAAAAH, son of a—!"

At the onset of the sudden stimuli, a wrenching motion that irresitibly yanked his arms apart into a crucified stance, Rudra's ongoing train of thought, mental machinery that ran to its utmost ability throughout the proceedings... jammed. Out of entirely left field, he'd not had any of his vaunted opportunities to predict the incoming— Nor did he have any way to reliably counter the tactile feel of the unseen forces at work. It was like he was an action figure at the mercy of two giant hands, his joints unable to work against the grips he couldn't see as they pulled his finger gun one way— and the girl the other.

Pain flashed across his face, the surprise of the sudden and inexplicable interference, shattering his carefully ingrained image of confidence— instead supplanted by confusion, turmoil, outrage... and beneath it all, Tazera would likely be privy to a certain measure of panic. He didn't seem to be thinking about the ramifications of letting it show.

Surely not. Surely Mata-Nui hadn't decided to intervene, a divine force separating them! Where could he have gone wrong, where?! Had he not been faithfully serving this whole time? Was it truly a sin to profit off of the spoils invaders brought in their insidious conquest?! Already they'd proven how callously they thought of His chosen, both brave warriors like himself and the humble, hardworking Matoran they'd all so readily deceived! If a warship showed upon ones own shores, was it not his duty as a protector of the island, however wayward he admitted he was, to ensure his homeland could field a defense? This was unlike anything they'd seen before... My Lord,

As though suspended on a cross, he looked up to the sky, through the hull of the ship and into the distance that lied beyond, beyond the ship, beyond the sky, beyond them all. He was searching. Pleading. This was, once again, the type of trial only the Spirit could dole out. To test his strongest soldiers, right? After it had gone so well, had his faith when he was victor proven yet unworthy? 

Lord, give me a sign.

Has your chosen son left your grace?

And out of the corner of his eye... a shadowy figure emerged in the frame of the door, as if to answer his call. Purple eyes went wide.

"Stand down, Toa," came the voice of another Menti, one of the males now, holding his palms aloft and brow furrowed in one part concentration, one part authoritative rebuke. "The game is up."

He smiles upon me yet.

I now see the face of my foe. I won't squander this Gift, O Spirit!

The glow on his Matatu receded back into the gloom as he continued to march forward into the bridge, force upon the Toa not dying in turn— so the force was all him? That sucked, in a way... and yet, looking at his face... Rudra could work with it. He could work with anything.

"Feh." he mustered the strength to spit, a crooked, shaken smirk returning as much as it could to his features. "You ain't the ref, big man. I ain't tapped out yet, neither."

His eyes were alive. However tumultuously, thanks to the sudden upheaval of his command on the situation, the sparks of his defiance had yet to die. That much would be clear to this interloper, the leff-tennant having run off to care for the girl he'd offered recruitment to mid-maskless-delirium. Were he sitting so pretty as before he'd have remarked on being happy they had some measure of heart after all— but that time had come and gone. He needed to focus on this other man, the worst obstacle he could face.

He tested his now lapel-less hand, feeling it flex even as their gazes met.

The sparks at his fingertips on the one hand had died. He'd pulled those last drops of electricity within himself, letting it all arc down the length of his wingspan, from forcibly extended had to arm to shoulders. Now, within him, the charge crept along the free arm. Carefully now...

He had one last bit in the tank. Scuttling things was always the final resort of any naval officer— deny the asset, live to fight again.

He couldn't scuttle this tub in one go, unfortunately.

"Hull 'f yer stupid boat looks like a whale," he breathed, chuckle escaping between words. "Y'know what happens when whales beach. Gets a whoooole lot of attention. I'm feeling grateful, so I'll tell you flat-out."

But he could scuttle this plan.

"It's a lot more 'n' just me in this game. It ain't ever gonna be up... until the hulled whale does what the beached whales do..."

If he could just get out of here, he could at least regroup and make the most of what he'd done already. Could he sell knowledge? Maybe. He'd really have rather sold a ship, though. Shame.

But the Spirit hadn't abandoned him yet.

A chance would come, down the line.

For now, he just needed to pull this man in, and...

"They pop." 

The hand that had been extricated from the crewmember's coat snapped up, aimed squarely at this telekinetic's face, and loosed the final bolt of Rudra's stock. Had the sweat on his brow given up the fact that he was on fumes already? It was tough to say, only for his opponent to know, and not for Rudra to worry about.

Bolt him—

A half-beat later, the very moment the Toa recovered from his last finger gun of the day, his Mahiki shone, as if suspended in the turquoise waters that surrounded the Ga-Wahi coastline.

—And then bolt out!

And then he was gone from view, the bridge filling with smoke. It was a thick, white haze of obscurance, as though a grand fire had broken out from the sparking control boards or heavy fog rolled through midmorning— all that mattered was that the man in front of him wouldn't be able to see.

Please, Great Spirit!

He would hit the ground running. Please let the Dasaka's concentration be snapped!

Edited by Razgriz
(mouthful of smoke grenade voice) Keptcha waiting huh
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helo frens

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IC: [Rhow…and Ayiwah - Ga-Koro harbor]


Though she didn’t let it show, Ayiwah was pleased that she’d managed, despite the little love Daijuno had for her, to at least create a small possibility of finding common ground. Many small steps get the Ussal where it needs to go.


And then there was Dihunai. From the Long half of Chand-Long. Again, little love for imperials in general and Umbralines in particular, but it didn’t stop Yumi from keeping this one close. They’d somehow found common ground too.


Was it because of the dragons? I bet it was the dragons.


The commodore couldn’t recall the last time she’d personally encountered one of their clan, but their entirely alternate set of disciplines meant word did get around about them. She’d heard comments describing the use of soulfire as unrefined, but having developed her own soulsword style, she’d found that assessment to be dismissive and closed-minded. 


They just did things…differently. Differently opened up possibilities. Different might just be what was needed here. Not just for the Skakdi’s memories, but for this whole situation. Which is why she’d called her over. That and getting to know the newcomer to the empress’s circle a bit better. So she decided to quietly watch the interaction play out - at least as much as was possible while keeping an eye on the Ryuu, which she turned to face again while the others spoke.


Rhow meanwhile had gotten rather interested in the newcomer Dasaka to their little circle the instant she started speaking. Now here was someone straightforward right after her own heart.


“Wish it were as simple as getting my bell rung. Then I’d just get it over with already. But this…”


The Skakdi clenched a fist and rapped her knuckles against her temple.


“…is like trying to remember a dream that keeps slipping away.”


She shrugged. “Sounds like you’re not one of these…brain mallets we were looking for. So how do you hand out those concussions?”


It was clear that part had definitely grabbed Rhow’s interest.


OOC: @Void Emissary@BULiK

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5 hours ago, Vezok's Friend said:

IC: [Rhow Ga-Koro harbor]

“Sounds like you’re not one of these…brain mallets we were looking for. So how do you hand out those concussions?”

OOC: @Void Emissary@BULiK

IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

The warrior's crossed arms parted. Her right hand balled into a fist, and her left palm flattened out. After a pause, each hurtled towards the other. There was a white phosphoric glow around each hand as they drew near. Just before her hands met, the webbed scales of flame covering the left hand and the burning conical spike in front of the right collided. The air snapped with a sound that resembled the crackle of a disturbed campfire and the shattering of glass as the psychic plasma dispersed in all directions, harmlessly sputtering out to reveal that Dihunai's unscathed hands pressed against each other, palm to fist.

It was an important warmup trick to teach clan Long Dasaka who were learning both the Dragon's Scales and Dragon's Teeth techniques. Proficiency at two different methods of attack meant being able to use either to defend oneself. True mastery is being able to use both techniques, not just either. Too much leaning on one technique meant that it would break through the other's defenses. Equal focus and simultaneous intent was needed to avert an explosive imbalance. The danger was good motivation - the scrapes and burns of failure were the greatest teachers. Dihunai knew that well... and yet, her greatest failure had still broken her all those years ago.

Arms crossed again. Demonstration over.

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IC: Lapu and Kimala - Warehouse

The Toa of plants grit his teeth as the Lesterin vanished, but smiled as his plan seemed to fall apart in every conceivable way. The sudden withering of the plants around them came as a pleasant surprise- the mutated plant must have been load-bearing in some sense. The whistle was curious, capable of capturing the beast's- or perhaps the plant's- attention away from its master's commands or the distraction. So much was happening all at once, and now the ape was almost upon him- its eyes set on the door, however.

He threw himself out of the way, and reached out toward the ape, using the power he had just absorbed to reach into the plant controlling it, trying to stop it in its tracks.

Kimala, on the other side of the whole scene, didn't have the resources to put herself between the ape and anything else in time. What she did have, however, was a Matatu. Focusing as she ran closer, she lifted the ape into the air, aiming to remove its purchase from the ground and effectively stop its ability to move.

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[Ga-Koro, Industrial District (Ranok)]

Ranok could not hear exactly what was going on in the warehouse, but he could detect the unmistakable sound of very heavy footsteps moving in his direction.   He whistled again, stepping aside in case whatever was coming came bursting through the door.

OOC: @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~ @ARROW404 since y’all are the ones within immediate vicinity.


IC: [Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]
Yukie had the distinct feeling that Agni was, if not judging him, slightly concerned about his reaction.  He could hardly blame the toa.  They came from different worlds—he was still trying to wrap his head around the way Mata Nui functioned.

Bidding the ambassadors of Ta-koro farewell, he found himself heading back toward the docks, curious as to what had happened despite himself.  It seemed like whatever happened had lulled for a minute, but as he drew closer he saw that the commander and her entourage still stood at attention, though they were talking to…

Yukie blinked.  A Taajar elder, a Dastana merchant, and…well…Mata-Nui was certainly different.

He waited for Ayiwah’s attention to shift before approaching with a bow.   “Madam Commander, I saw there was some disturbance.   May I be of service in any way?”

The honorific was a little much, and as a Toroshu he technically was of equal rank—however, as far as Yukie was concerned they all owed the navy their lives and should give them the most respect possible.

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @BULiK @Void Emissary Did someone call for a brain mallet?

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: [Rhow…and Ayiwah - Ga-Koro harbor]


There was a notable change as Rhow watched the Dasaka’s display of her power intently. She’d seen elemental displays before, but this was new. The Skakdi had leaned forward, feet apart, arms ready at her side and her eyes firmly fixed on Dihunai, trying to take in every detail - one fighter studying another. 


When she’d finished, a small excited growl escaped Rhow. 


“Nice. You lasses got all sorts of new tricks. Would be fun to learn one or two sometime.”


She harrumphed. “Not sure it’ll jog my memory though.”


While the barkeep was still fully occupied with Long Dijunai, Ayiwah noticed Plangori Yukie approaching. She’d seen his name on the list of confirmed arrivals from Kentoku. But being directly approached by him…that in turn almost got her full attention - she still kept the Ryuu in her field of view. The commodore returned the greeting with a brief bow of her own, but was no less formal in her greeting.


“I am Honored to make your acquaintance, Toroshu Plangori. I wish it was under happier circumstances.”


With the upper echelon of the empire and the rora, there was the advantage of them being family. She had regaled Yumi with tales of adventure since her earliest youth and interacted with others like Rayuke outside of formal occasions. There was no such level of familiarity with the other clans’ Toroshu.


She switched to ideatalk again for a second, as it was the fastest way to bring Yukie up to speed.


 .:You are correct; there has been an incident: A rogue of the kind locals call ‘Toa’ has snuck aboard the Ryuu in an attempt to make off with the ship. He’s taken one of my crew hostage after they foiled his plan. We’re working to resolve the situation, but your assistance would be welcome if needed. Lieutenant Tazera is keeping me apprised of her status. She will let us know what is required.:.


Then, audibly, she said:


“Dastana Daijuno and Rhow here-” she indicated the Skakdi, “-were looking for someone with your skillset to help with a curious problem: we are the first strangers from afar that have come to this island without suffering from a peculiar type of memory loss everyone else that arrived before us seems to be afflicted by.”


Hearing her name, Rhow did finally look over to the newcomer. “Memories, yeah. Trying to dig ‘em out - but also did you just see her fists?” She pointed at Dihunai. “What kinda element is that?”


Yup. Definitely excited.


OOC:@Mel@BULiK@Void Emissary

Edited by Vezok's Friend
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IC: Zyla & Daijuno Dastana | Ga-Koro Harbour

I flinched at Long Dihunai's show of soulfire, same as Daijuno -- Commodore Ayiwah present or not, a saihoko never knew for sure of their safety with it around. Still, seeing that the tajaar had not made any movements, either to ourselves or to the skakdi Rhow, I let go of the breath I realized I'd been holding. It was then that I noticed the arrival of another. This was a man, a dasaka. His long grey coat swirled around him in the hot oceanic air, similar in cut to the Commodore's, and for a second I found myself assuming that he was another sailor. But this was a dasaka of clear noble bearing -- shorter than most I had ever seen, but clearly strong, and carrying himself with purpose and dignity afforded to few. And his eyes... less like a dasaka's, and more like a shallows cat's.

"Plangori Yukie," I whispered in Daijuno's ear. "Acting Toroshu of clan Plangori, and elder brother to--"

"I can guess," Daijuno replied, her voice cool and measured. "Toroshu Plangori, pleasure! As the Commodore says, it seems that any other individuals who have arrived on this island before us find themselves unable to recall the specifics of their homelands. Broad strokes, sure, enough to maintain their personal identities -- but nothing that could, say, let us pinpoint it on a map. We were hoping that a willhammer such as yourself might be able to shed a bit of light on the subject."

OOC: @Mel@Vezok's Friend@BULiK


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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

The ronin paid the most attention to the one speaking the most words that were worth listening to: Rhow. There was a truth in having a single name, an honor to a lack of titles. While that did not command respect, it did not draw any disdain either. The others hid behind the shields of their offices, while Dihunai would have been content to never been mentioned.

She observed, not bothering to answer Rhow's questions, as an answer that would only fall upon deaf ears was not worth wasting her breath on.

Edited by BULiK
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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Karoru, an introduction 


The large Menti felt her cheeks color slightly at this, and tried not to look at Skyra for reaction. 


When Azusai staggered, Karoru reached out a steadying hand. Resting on the small navigator's shoulder it looked like an oversized pauldron of crystal.


She looked to her new captain, well-meaning determination bright in her eyes. "Captain, I think she will be an asset. Between her navigation and Skyra's ability to scout from the air with Destiny, there's no reason the Ironclad Fowadi ever be lost at sea. We could sail here to Kentoku, or possibly another island entirely if given a proper map."

OOC: Sorry for the wait, @Krayzikk @Snelly @otter @sunflower @Click

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: [Rhow…and Ayiwah - Ga-Koro harbor]


The Skakdi looked back at Dihunai, expression expectant. Her shoulders raised slightly, the unspoken question clear:




IC:[Agni - Ga-Koro]


The Toa watched the Dasaka Toroshu leave,scratching his chin absent-mindedly. Then he turned to Tuara.


“That’s probably enough to report back to Jaller for the time being…” he said. “What do you think?”


OOC: @Palm@Mel@BULiK@Void Emissary

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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]


Edited by BULiK
gamer dementia
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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC (Ageru Tazera, Ageru Dakte) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

With Rudra's grip on Inzu broken, the unconscious Menti fell sideways under the remaining force of Dakte's telekinetic tug, and slid into Tazera's waiting grasp. The Lieutenant quickly got the woman's arm over her shoulders and hoisted her up. She made for the open bridge door under the cover of her kinsman's attack in a lopsided run, half-carrying half-dragging Inzu with her. Once through the door and into the passageway she contacted Ayiwah.

:Commodore, Master Dakte has engaged the intruder and I am extricating Dastana Inzu. I will return to the bridge with reinforcements once she is safe.:

Laser-focused as he was on the interloper, Dakte saw (as if his words hadn't telegraphed his intent clearly enough) Rudra's free hand move in time to react. His own palm snapped up almost simultaneously, and the accompanying Mindarm push threw the Toa's aim off just enough to send the lightning bolt over the Menti's head rather than into it. He was about to follow it up with a more powerful telekinetic counterattack, hands already moving together into another practiced mnemonic gesture, when instead he found his vision filled with grey.

A smokescreen. Not an unfamiliar tactic among those disinterested in the rules of engagement; a favourite of those wishing to break line-of-sight for a surprise attack — or an escape. But the would-be thief had not counted on his mask.

There were those who disparaged the Ruru; albeit that it granted more abilities than the average Kanohi (no less than three), they were each of — arguably — niche usefulness, and underwhelming potency. Ageru Dakte begged to disagree. Versatility was its own form of power, and strength without flexibility could be brittle. His Ruru might never be a full trump card, but it helped give him the edge in more situations than its detractors gave it credit for. This was one such situation.

Much as he had when concealed on other side of the doorway, he called on his mask's ability to grant x-ray vision. It was no Akaku; one solid object was all it let him look through. But smoke? That was easy. And yet...

No change. Grey vapours still fogged the room. Instinctively he raised his hand to his face, checking he hadn't somehow been robbed of his mask...but no, there were its familiar edges beneath his fingers, and the familiar soft feedback of its activation was there at the back of his mind. The smoke ought to be transparent to his eyes. So why, then, was it still so very opaque?

Then it struck him. The Toa's mask — it had glowed a moment before the smoke appeared. And the report of his abilities had included...


The smoke wasn't real. Though there were no Sighteyes among the Mata Nuians, he'd learned they had masks that could mimic that discipline...and could be dealt with in much the same way. All that was required was to break their concentration — much, he realised, as his own telekinetic hold on Rudra had been broken as he reacted to the electrical attack. Two could play at that game. Swiftly he reached out again with Mindarm — not to where his target had been (doubtless he had already made his move), but to the open door to his rear. It swung shut, the heavy locking mechanism screwing itself closed. The bridge was sealed once more.

Now for another of the Ruru's box of tricks.

"You won't be getting away that easily. If you wish to leave...you must go through me."

With this challenge uttered, and the avenues of escape closed off, chances were the interloper's eyes would be back on Dakte. That was exactly what he wanted.

I see your smoke, and raise you...

His Ruru glowed once more — but this was no mere gimmer of activation. It was a brilliant outpouring of light that illuminated the bridge like the midday sun. In a fraction of a second, its intensity increased from bright, to fierce, to blinding.


OOC: @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend

Edited by Ghosthands
the ying main has loaded in
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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu) The Hero of Naho Bay

Oh no.

While the abrupt upswing of his arm had somehow made the shot go wide, he'd nonetheless felt the invisible, titanic hand that had him in a stern grip slack and give way entirely. The moment was here— he had to seize it! Kicking off the textured crystal flooring, illusory smoke billowing forth from his kanohi in a thick, impenetrable blanket, the Toa made use of his lanky build and long strides for all they were worth. Weaving just past where he'd remembered the telekinetic to be (if he had more strength he'd have shoulder-checked him), his dead sprint carried him all the way across the room at breakneck pace, aimed roughly for where the bulkhead lay in his memory.


And yet, rushing out of the gloom... the face of death surged forth to meet him, all single-planed save for a singular heavy and mercilessly shut corkscrew lock. For a moment, just after his elbows collided with the face of the door, he scrabbled along its width, as though it, somehow, was just coincidence. As if, through some miracle, there would be another, identical bulkhead.

"No, no no no n—"

As he shook the knurling, an ape trying to force open its cage, he heard the footsteps begin again. 

"You won't be getting away that easily. If you wish to leave...you must go through me."

"No, you can't do this to me..."

He whirled, arms raising in a defensive posture.

And then, out from the fog, a pinprick of white light emerged, as though the captured sun—

"GAAAAAAAAH!" he roared, hands flying to his face in reflex.

And it burned like it, too.

Edited by Razgriz
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helo frens

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IC: [Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]
::I understand, I will await your orders should I be required.::

Yukie turned to the group, raising an eyebrow at Long Dihunai’s deadpan answer.   He had not seen the art of soulfire demonstrated before, and it was certainly not the rudimentary practice that some of his teachers had characterised it as.   There was a reason all who practiced combat thought of it as an art.   It required practice and discipline, but there was an individuality to it as sure as the mark of a dyer’s careful hands twisting cloth.  He wagered that wasn’t the answer Rhow was looking for, however.

“We, all of us Dasaka, have different variations on similar elements—I believe.  While your elements are an expression of the natural world, of water or fire, ours are an expression of ourselves.”  Yukie envisioned his soulsword and it poured into existence in his hand, a shimmering blade the color of plum blossoms.   “Master Long and I were taught very differently in how to channel our respective wills, but the root of our power is the same.” He wagered Dihuanai would object to that particular characterization.  Ah, well.

The dashi next to Dastana Daijuno looked familiar, but he couldn’t place her face.  He had a distinct impression that he’d seen it before.  He sighed and the sword dissolved.   “But you’re not here for a philosophy lesson, I take it, Rhow.  I am not as adept at the kind of memory guidance as some other members of my family, but if you are eager to make some kind of attempt, I can certainly help.”

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Void Emissary @BULiK

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

She paid no heed to the soulsword's blade. Like his words, it was an abstraction that only distracted from greater reality. Those who venture beyond the cave do not spend their lives pondering the flame's shadows as they dance along the walls, for the truth is brighter than the chained ever know.

Edited by BULiK
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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: [Rhow…and Ayiwah - Ga-Koro harbor]


.:Understood.:. Came the commodore’s quick reply. But Tazera could feel the relief over the connection at having rescued Inzu. .:Koso is standing by as well.:.


.:Right here, ma’am.:. the other Menti answered instantly.  As if on cue, Koso appeared before Tazera in the corridor.


Ayiwah, noticing Yukie had taken over the conversation with Rhow and the others, focused fully back on the Ryuu, taking a few steps towards the gangway in anticipation of boarding herself soon. Either to reinforce Tazera directly, or to at least meet their intruder face to face on his way out.




Rhow meanwhile, didn’t mind Dihunai’s clipped response. Simply wasn’t a talker. Fair enough. So instead of pushing her for more, she tried her best to follow this Toroshu fellow’s explanation, but the nuances were a bit lost on the Skakdi, who’d always required another to actually do anything with her element. Something she had not done in a long time…


Meanwhile, these Dasaka could do all sorts of things, all from the same source? 


Karz…Kind of a raw deal when you think about it. What ‘great spirit’ came up with that…Think it’s too late to convert?


“Yeah, Daijuno thinks your like could kick loose whatever’s holding these memories back. Like seeing a shape in clouds, one second there’s an image, the next it’s gone again.”


OOC: @Ghosthands@Mel@BULiK@Void Emissary

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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

Ayiwah's attention drifted. Something must be happening on the boat. Dihunai turned to watch.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC (Ageru Dakte) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

With Rudra's focus broken the illusory smoke dissolved into nothingness, revealing the hunched-over Toa now clamping hands over eyes in pain. Dakte wasted no time in pressing his advantage: his palm shot out again, directing a Mindarm push to slam the Toa into the wall behind him. Blinded and now dazed as well, Rudra was able to offer little resistance to the iron grip of the telekinesis that now spun him around, yanked both arms behind his back and pressed his wrists together. Directing this mental manhandling with precise mnemonic motions, Dakte aimed one hand at the rope Inzu had attempted to bind the rogue with earlier. It sprang at Rudra like a snake, wrapping around his wrists and tying itself into a firm knot.

Maintaining a telekinetic hold that pressed his quarry face-first into the bulkhead wall, Dakte advanced with careful paces. To complete the disarming of the Toa required a task Mindarm alone could not fulfil: he would need to use his real hands to prise the Mahiki from the thief's face.


OOC: @Razgriz

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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu) M.F. Doomed


He was a sitting duck, caught between trying to rub the flames from his eye sockets and blink color back into his vision. Even on Rudra's best day, he didn't have much to deal with a top-flight telekinetic in straightforward engagements beyond a simple sense of pressure and utilizing the awe-inspiring threat of the storm to keep them on the back foot— and here, with his energies spent and his eyes disabled...

"rngrhsonofacoMEON GET OFF—"

It was all he could do to struggle in vain against his binds, the rope already securing arms behind his back and away from any real force generation. The rest of him might not have been bound, but the grip of the invisible hands had yet to slacken.

Nonetheless he struggled, thrashing wildly even as he heard the Dasaka's footsteps slowly creep towards him. A hand stretched out at the very corners of his vision, having tried to turn and look back over his shoulder—

His Kanohi. He was going for the mask. He'd seen firsthand what that played out like, with that girl on the floor! He couldn't let that happen, he had to get away! Writhe, wriggle, crawl with your chin if you must, no matter what kind of humiliation it is!

"G'ta ge' away," he muttered under his breath a repeated mantra in time with each convulsion. It felt, if only just, like there was some headway to be made here... but the Dasaka was still creeping closer.

If there was a feeling, it didn't lie, right? Mata Nui had given him a gut he could trust this far!

He threw himself into it, redoubling his fervor...


And for all his trouble, found the edge of the bulkhead's frame with his temple.

The writhing stopped.

Edited by Razgriz
HEEM stands for Heem Everyone Even Myself
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helo frens

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Underneath his many wooden masks, Kanohi felt his face go red under Knichou’s stare. Ugh, no, his name was Nichou, and he was a Matoran. Not a Toa of Iron. Get that right. And Nale … she was not a Toa of Magnetism either, just a Fa-Matoran.

Why were his memories so distorted? Well, he knew why, staring at the flames for what felt like years, he was forced to have so many visions that many were nonsensical. A city of metal the size of an island, a barren island where a colossal god’s head lay crashed on the west side, those felt as real to him as Mata-Nui. He needed to focus on what was real. And the Lesterin, Hakari, Lapu, and Nichou were real. 

The vigilante realized he was staring while lost in thought, and turned redder. He shifted his gaze away away, hopefully any reaction had been buried by his masks while he had stood there silently. He grappled up to the rafters, to search for anything that—

Had … had that gold and blue Matoran captured the Lesterin? Kanohi grappled down, landing in a tumble besides Eita. As Kanohi looked up he saw some sort of coolant dripping off a mostly translucent Lesterin, his throat pierced by the Matoran’s blade. It was only a shallow thrust, but it looked like it was digging in deeper to his flesh. 

Kanohi felt his heartlight flash he … he had not thought of this. Obviously the Lesterin needed to be stopped, but he did not want anyone else to … die. But he could not defend the Lesterin against these new allies, not after the abominations he had made and his calloused disregard for life. 

But he could die.

Knocking out the Lesterin would make him no longer a threat but Kanohi was … he was no fighter, he couldn’t bring himself to harm another. Cowardice or not, he could not let alone else suffer. But it could save his life,

On the other hand, he could disarm him.

Kanohi reached to the Lesterin’s face and wrenched off his mask. Tossing it aside, he began to click frantically with his telegraph. “He’s powerless now, barely stronger than us. We have him.” Nothing further needed doing, right?

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: [Ayiwah - Chiisai Ryuu]

The commodore continued to watch the ship, her expression frozen in stern focus, impassive. Then, a moment later Ayiwah started moving, ascending the Ryuu’s gangway purposefully.

The sailors watching over the anchor chains linking the submarine to the Yukanna stiffened, but she gave them a quick hand signal to carry on. 

She crossed the deck, then took up position across the main hatchway into the ship, standing tall with crossed arms, uniform coat billowing softly in the evening breeze.

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For the first time in a long while Brukin was reminded why, prior to joining up with the Fowadi, he hadn't had much to do with water. For that matter he hadn't had all that much to do with water since; calling the Fowadi a 'ship' didn't seem precisely right. It was more like a floating landmass to the Toa's mind. Steadier than Po-Wahi's sands, held true by inertia above all else.

The skiff most certainly was not. This violent weather did much to buffet it about despite the mass it contained, and how to help wasn't precisely clear to him. Fortunately their Matoran helmswoman had plenty of experience ordering about the less informed, and his hands found the appropriate lines little slower than Rynekk's own. It seemed all too small a change to their circumstance, though, especially with the smallest of them trying to handle the rudder. Well he could certainly do something about that.

One hand left the line, but without any real difference in his grip; the immense Toa wore a Pakari. He could have held both if he had enough reach. Reach was the issue now, as well, but for that he had a solution. He extended his other forearm and the the armor on it shot off as though fired out of a cannon. It cleared Ember by inches, not that there had ever been any risk of it striking her. He had too much practice for that. The metal gauntlet wrapped around the handle adjacent to her own hands and slowly, inexorably began to pull in the same direction she did to ease the strain.

@Perp@Void Emissary

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: [Leah - Cael’s hut]


The Toa Maru continued her deep, healing slumber. Resting safely on her cot, with the assurance that others were keeping watch, it was the most restorative sleep she’d had in a long time, as opposed to the constant waking vigil of the recent past - for all the good it did.


The day passed. Then, as twilight began to creep in, she began to stir again. So softly at first, it went utterly unnoticed. It had only been a few hours, but to the Maru it felt like months. Eventually those still present in the hut found her quietly watching them talk amongst themselves with bright eyes.


A faint smile played across her features though it was tinged with…something, a feeling below the surface.


“I am glad to see you’re still here.” She began, voice clear, but speaking quietly. “Thank you all, truly. You have spared me a grim fate. I owe you my life.”


She paused for a moment, a knowing look in her eyes. 


“That kind of debt is not easily repaid. But I know you have questions. Maybe I could start by giving you what answers I can.”



@otter @Lady Takanuva @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower @Click @Snelly

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"That might be a place to start."

His agreement couldn't have been more polite, even affable, but condemnation's very absence was a criticism all its own. Krayn was seated, for all the world looking as though he were sleeping until his eyes opened. He had known the Maru woke up before she spoke, but he had waited until she did to say anything. Whatever he had to say, whatever questions he had to ask, she had been through a trial. It hadn't been all that long since his own. He could— and would— give her the same patience he had been given. Not that it was easy.

The Toa hadn't known her well at all, their chosen divisions of service didn't overlap. But they had both been a part of the Gukko Force at the same time, as a tamer and a detective respectively, and he knew her reputation. That reputation made it more glaring that she had gone along with what he couldn't think of as anything but a deception. A parcel he hadn't had before, collected sometime during her rest, lay across his lap and a single finger tapped on it restlessly.

"I might have some questions about what you fought. Before that, however," He continued in that same patient, affably ******ing tone. "I'd like to know how Makuta is back."

@Vezok's Friend

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hakari - Ga-koro - Warehouse -

Hakari put out her burning stick as the ape ran off. Seeing as two Toa were now handling it, Hakari focused on the seemingly captured Lesterin. She narrowed her eyes as she approached, her own weapon at the ready in case he tried something.

She stood next to Eita over the Lesterin, glaring a bit. "So...you feel like talking?" 

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

IC: Skyra Daring - Cael's Place -


"Ah, you're Miss Daring... Karoru has told me so much about you!"

"Oh yeah? What did she say about me?" I couldn't resist a slight smirk, we'd only just met, and Karoru couldn't help but talk about me already eh? No worries though, I wouldn't let it get to my head.

Karoru then began to vouch further for her friend and her skills as a navigator. It all sounded good to me, but of course the decision wasn't mine, but the Captain's. I was pretty confident I knew what his answer would be though. 

After a while Leah woke up, not only that but she was offering answers. Krayn of course was ready for this, he already had a piece of paper ready to take notes, guess even 'retired' he still acted like a detective. 

Naturally he asked the most important question first, how Makuta had returned. I tensed up a bit as I looked at Leah, I wanted to know the answer to this question myself, we all did. 

@otter @Lady Takanuva @Vezok's Friend @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower @Click

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: [Leah - Cael’s house]

And there it is. 

She had expected the question would come, just not quite so soon or delivered in that tone.

“I don’t have a good answer.” she replied plainly. And truthfully.

Leah pulled up one leg, resting her arms and chin on her knee. But, her eyes met Krayn’s unwaveringly. 

“How? I don’t know how it happened - not in detail. Not yet. Some dark magic, mechanism or trick method…I was about to look into that before…” - she gestured at herself and the cot she was sitting on - “...all this.”

She smiled, but in that uncomfortable, tight-lipped way that made it clear there really wasn’t anything to smile about. 

“But that’s not the how you are interested in. You want to know how it is possible he even had a chance to claw his way back from nonexistence in the first place after the prophesied heroes sent him there.”

She recalled the similar conversation she'd had with Talli and Kimala just that morning. She hadn't beaten around the bush with them. She wasn't about to start now.

“If you’re looking for a one word root cause that allowed for his return…I suppose carelessness works. Or negligence. Depending on how charitable your reading of the situation is.”


@otter @Lady Takanuva @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower @Click @Snelly

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IC, Eita and evil Lesterin: Ga-Koro

The Lesterin scowled and made a hissing sound between gritted teeth. "Not particularly, no," he spat, responding to Hakari's inquiry. 

Eita withdrew his katana from in front of the Lesterin's throat, but kept it pointed at him still. "We should probably tie him up, or something," he said.

OOC: @ARROW404 If Kimala and Lapu could help Timak stop the Stone ape, that'd be great @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta

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IC: Sentinel [Ga-Koro, Southern Docks]

The Ba-Lesterin nodded, her demeanor shifting to one far more casual than the air of professionalism that she had been working to uphold moments earlier. “That I understand,” She stated in reply, before adding, “...not a test or anything, just personally curious.”

"I've seen what you mean, my own people have the capacity for good… and great evil. Figured I could tip the balance a bit here. Funny how things tend to jog your memory."

She was quiet for a moment, and she frowned as if attempting to remember something which just barely eluded her, before glancing back over to Talli. The professional tone returned to her voice. "We'll be headed back to the ship soon, Miss Anach. The Quartermaster will get you sorted with a berth once we're there."

* * *

True to her word, the Sentinel and her charge set off across the bay on the skiff once the last box of supplies was carried up the dock and checked off her list. The double-hulled watercraft was nearly completely packed, the two of them squeezing between the crates tied down to the wooden deck. It was just as well that the bay protected them from the worst of the swells of the Endless Ocean, with the skiff noticeably much lower in the water from the added cargo than the line of light sea growth would suggest.

Ahead of them, anchored further out, the great metallic bulk of the ironclad loomed ever closer. It appeared almost unmoving amongst the rolling waves, even as their skiff rocked back and forth on Naho Bay’s crystal clear waters. As they approached figures began to resolve themselves from the clutter of rigging and equipment on the upper deck, though the cacophony of activity was progressively obscured from their view by the armored gunwales above.

Their approach did not go unnoticed, before their skiff had even moved alongside the gently sloped slab of iron armor which adorned the side of the vessel closest to them a series of ropes and chains had been lowered from some position above them. With a practiced hand the the Po-Koroan sailor looped each of them onto corners of the skiff, before folding the small scalloped sail which had pulled them across the bay inward to its stowed position. She gave the central chain a tug, and nearly at once the ropes went taunt and the sliff was raised from the water.

"I'll take you to the Quartermaster once we're aboard," The Lesterin reassured her charge, raising her voice slightly to be heard over the ratcheting sound which accompanied their travel up the side of the armored ship. Past the portholes and rivets, the skiff was pulled higher and higher, as the edge of the main deck above came closer. There was a great ker-chunk as the skiff reached its place firmly secured to the davits suspending it over the side of the Fowadi, and the Lesterin motioned to Talli as she stepped off onto the ship proper.


IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro, Cael's House]

"I understand your position, and I appreciate your candor. Your skill at sea is appreciated, and perhaps your familiarity with your home waters will come in handy, though regardless of that you're welcome aboard. That conviction of yours is worth more than any experience on the ocean," The captain stated, his words holding a certainty to them that was as steadfast as the iron hull of the ship he commanded.

With a nod to the foreigner and her ever increasing resoluteness, Dehkaz rose from his kneeling posture. He spared a glance over to the Maru currently recovering off to the side of their small gathering, the Ga-Toa stirring ever so slightly, which was as much reassurance that she was in some sorts better off than she had been earlier as he supposed they would get for the time being. They had done what they could, now it was up to her to take it the rest of the way.

"We'll be departing no later than sundown," He stated to those of his crew assembled there, both old and new, before taking his leave from the healer's abode and stepping once more out onto the salty village of Water.

* * *

His trip back to his command was, by comparison to the flight which he had launched himself earlier, leisurely. He had enough passing familiarity with the village to orient himself well enough towards the outer docks of the village, though proceeded with no great haste in that general direction. The walk gave him time to reflect, if not necessarily work through, the events of the day and the knowledge which was gained, though he had no doubt that they had just barely scratched the surface when it came to secrets uncovered and revelations to be found.

He arrived at the docks not too much later, a few widgets convinced a Le-Matoran trader to take him out into the bay, though the wizened merchant seemed rather incredulous on his choice of destination, and decidedly unconvinced on his relationship to the moored ironclad. Even so, they made no argument against the offered currency, and in short order they had set out across the bay.

Coming up alongside, Dehkaz made his way up the ladder to the main deck above. The slow steady rock of the Fowadi was a welcome familiarity, doubly so after the strange… wave that accompanied the lilypad village at the shoreline. He made his way aftward, taking a less than direct route as he stopped to talk with crew, partially affirming the readiness of the ship for their later departure, though more for his own benefit to gauge their general disposition. For a shakedown cruise there had been significantly fewer issues cropping up than he had expected, though this seemed in no small part a consequence of how familiar the crew had been with the ship's characteristics over the years, and their initiative when it came to handling the minor ones which did reveal themselves.

Eventually reaching the aftcastle, the bulkhead door to his cabin closed behind as he stepped inside, the patterns of sunlight streaming in from the portholes having shifted dramatically in the time he was gone. On his desk sat a collection of parcels, a new development, no doubt brought in with the rest of the supplies collected over the course of the day. Pulling up the chair he took a seat, a gauntleted hand opening the shutters on the lightstone lamp situated on the desk, as he spread the stack across its surface with the other. Communications, updates from the rest of the navy, a few tools he had sent from his workshop in Ostia… none particularly kept his interest. His mind was far too preoccupied with the day's events.

More than ever he was sure that the few months of relative peace that the island had enjoyed was rapidly drawing to a close, and beginning to seem as if it had been simply a held breath before catastrophe struck again. It was still some hours before sundown, and there was still much to do.

* * *

The sky burned with brilliant crimsons and fiery oranges as the sun began to dip behind the rolling hills and lush forests of the Ga-Wahi region to the west. Clouds, the remains of what storm had rolled through the area earlier that day, eagerly took to the dramatic coloration.

Already a wind had picked up, the waters of the bay responding in kind as they fell and rose against the side of the armored vessel's hull. From across the main deck an order rang out, and with a disciplined synchronicity the large sails unfurled from their position held up against the yards, catching the wind and pulling the rigging taunt.

With that the ironclad Fowadi began her voyage forward, her adorned bow cutting through the surf like a hot blade through wax. Though her initial direction was not out from Naho Bay, instead trimming southward and towards the Koro of Water, her path tracing a wide loop around the coastline.

Before her the foreign fleet glittered brilliantly in the retreating sun's rays, the refracted light dancing across her reflective hull as she sailed past. Down the sides of her citadel each of her guns raised one by one to their maximum elevation, nearly pointed completely vertical towards the darkening sky above.

A great thump echoed from the depths of her hull, shaking the deck and rattling unsecured cargo, quickly followed in succession by another and then another. The sound heralded the flight of the shells which took a dramatic arc into the sky above the bay, glinting in the scattered light as they flew.

Thump thump thump it continued, until each of the barrels were clear and the guns recoiled back behind their armored casemates.

Once the last gun sounded an expectant silence hung over the bay, even the wildlife around momentarily quieted by the deep, reverberating notes. And then with the sound of a distant thunderclap the signal shells burst high in the sky above, their photothermic charges igniting their incandescent packing within. Each sounded one after another, a rolling procession which lit the sky with even brighter tones of red and yellow in the fading light of the evening.

All the while the ironclad sailed onward from under her bright salute to the newly arrived fleet, out into the Endless Ocean which waited for them at the mouth of the secluded bay.

OOC: Fowadi and crew to Ta-Wahi at your earliest convenience. No need to move instantly just refer to this when the time comes.

@BULiK @Snelly @Emzee @Mel @Perp @Krayzikk @otter @Lady Takanuva @Click @Void Emissary

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IC: Timak, Shady Warehouse

Arriving at the ape's rear side, Timak noticed Kimala had no time to actually carry through with the plan they mentioned, and it seemed she noticed that too. They watched as the Toa of Crystal's mask glowed, heralding a display of telekinetic power Timak had never seen until now. The ape was hovering there in front of them, looking very bewildered with its current predicament, vines trailing off it haphazardly as the Lesterin seemingly began to lose control of it.

Timak took the initiative whilst the beast was incapacitated, and ran about beneath the flailing ape, slashing at the vines with their vibro-blade. The final few dangling tendrils were severed with a single arcing sweep as the Toa slid in a spinning motion beneath the beast's front legs, and continued onwards toward the warehouse door. 

"I'll make sure Ranok is safe!" they called over their shoulder. With this brief glance back, they spotted the Lesterin cowering beneath the two small silhouettes of Eita and Kanohi, and Hakari's larger form. They added a furtive addendum to their call - "Try not to implicate me in any murders while my back is turned!" - then headed out the door.

"Hey, Ranok," said the Toa in a hushed tone, breathing a little hard from the recent exercise, "nice idea with the whistling. The ape liked your tune so much it decided to come backstage, so to speak... seems like the other Toa have that handled now, though." They rested a firm yet gentle hand on their Matoran kin. "You alright?"

ooc: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta @~Xemnas~

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IC (Ageru Dakte, Ageru Tazera) [The Chiisai Ryuu]

Dakte froze briefly, eyes widening in shock as his unflappable demeanour was momentarily broken by the Toa's inexplicable decision to headbutt himself into unconsciousness. Why would the interloper do such a thing?

He frowned. It could well be a trick, another illusion perhaps, an attempt to appear helpless and make him drop his guard. Best make sure. The Menti closed his eyes and reached out with his mind, not to the crude matter of the physical world or the vibrant energy of the Soul, but in the still-unfamiliar way Datsue Mako was still training him to: reaching with his Will towards the presence of another mind.

He found it, and to his surprise found easy purchase as well. He sensed nothing untoward: only the numb, formless haze of an unconscious mind.

So the Toa really had knocked himself out. Dakte withdrew his Will and stepped forward once more, grasping Rudra's Kanohi and pulling it from his face with a sharp tug. The would-be thief's head lolled limply, eyes half-closed. Still puzzling over this, he switched focus back to Mindarm to lift the unconscious Toa away from the bulkhead wall and carry him floating in front of him, through the bridge door and towards the Ryuu's hatch. Why knock himself out? Did he hope to avoid immediate questioning? What purpose would that serve? Perhaps it was nothing so practical: perhaps it was sheer impotent defiance, an attempt to escape the shame of failure — like some form of seppuku, if an odd and impermanent one.

He shook his head as he strode down the corridor, towards where Tazera and Koso were waiting. Even after all this time, some of these Mata Nuians remained truly strange to him.



Tazera was first to emerge from the hatch, saluting Ayiwah immediately (and with even more vigour than usual).

"Commodore!" she barked, eyes straight ahead and hand still held rigidly by her temple. It would be clear to Ayiwah that her friend and subordinate was processing the whole ordeal by dialling her usual enthusiasm for protocol up to eleven. "The interloper has been apprehended! Awaiting orders, ma'am!"

Dakte was next to step out, one hand raised keeping Rudra's bound and unconscious form hovering in front of him. Koso brought up the rear, carrying the hijacker's Kanohi and clearly keeping a close and suspicious eye on him despite his apparent state of incapacitation. In contrast to his kinswoman, the male simply inclined his head in a small but respectful bow and addressed the Commodore calmly. 

"Ma'am. As you can see, our uninvited guest has been disarmed and incapacitated."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Razgriz

Edited by Ghosthands
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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

She watched and listened to the report. Situation over. Dihunai was curious how Yumiwa would react. Had the empress found her voice?

IC: Myhruk [Naho Bay, Fowadi, Mast]

The Lesterin had, somehow, managed to scramble up the mast, safely away from the water. The only problem: the boat started to move. Now he couldn't get off this boat at all, water had him surrounded on all fronts. He clung to the pole, tightening his muscles with every sway of the ship, as if the gentle rocking of calm waters could somehow fling him off of it and to his doom.

Edited by BULiK
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