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IC: [Ayiwah - Chiisai Ryuu]


After a day that felt like months, the sun had finally dropped below the horizon and twilight was giving way to night. But activity in the village continued unabated - as did the commodore. Ayiwah was still awake, standing over the desk in her cabin, intensely studying a spread of charts, maps and other documents laid out before her, eyes flitting from one to the next, making annotations or taking notes where appropriate. This was the invisible yet critically important part of her job. One that had been rather small for the expedition alone and had now increased exponentially in complexity, literally overnight.


The only part of the desk not covered in paper was a corner carefully kept free to make room for a half full mug of tea that had gone cold well over an hour ago. She was aware of the controlled chaos that had unfolded around her, but for the time being, this was the best option available. The Ryuu had been prepared with ample room for the normal amount of work her commanding officer was expected to handle, but it was not suited for full-time management of a whole fleet - much less coordinating the refugees on top of that.


It would have been preferable to do this work in the Yukanna’s state room, since it was a floating headquarters, but all her materials were still aboard the Ryuu and she wouldn’t order crew to move them to the flagship while there were far more important tasks for them to prioritize. And doing it herself would take too much time. So for the time being, she was stuck with the limited space (although large by submarine standards) of the cabin she’d lived in for the expedition so far. The one comfort she did indulge in however was to change out of her uniform coat into a slightly-less-formal sleeveless vest.


She was propping herself up with one hand on the desk, while the other’s index finger kept tapping away at the location of Ga-Koro on her map. When the fleet had left Kentoku, the only goal was survival. So a majority of the ships had sailed with either too much or too little crew (although redistributed during the crossing) and entirely too few provisions for such a long journey. It was already a feat of perseverance that this many had managed it all the way across the sea.


She’d spent the past hours compiling a list of all the Dasakan vessels that had made it to Mata-Nui, military and civilian alike. Then she’d worked her way down through the list and gotten in touch with the captain or otherwise highest-ranked crew member of each ship via ideatalk to get an overview of its status: Surviving crew, damage sustained, armaments, cargo manifest etc. etc.


Thankfully, a lot of them had been prudent and already prepared that information during the voyage. As the reports came in, she took notes of what was needed to affect repairs and notes on initial ideas of what improvements could be made to each vessel, depending on size and type. She knew the likely materials that would be needed in large quantities just from seeing the fleet arrive, but now she was beginning to get an overview of the actual amounts required. And with that, she could start to figure out where to source them. She’d marked those locations on the map. 


And with what she knew of the island, she’d also started plotting the ways to get those materials delivered to them or the most convenient places to sail to for a pickup. The nice thing about a fleet was that you could easily move it or parts of it to where they could take on a shipment of cargo. And as the ships were repaired, more would become available to carry that cargo. And in other places, there were other means like the iron mahi to get those goods. Different colored lines were starting to spread out over the charts.


But the markings were not just for supplies and trade routes. They couldn’t expect Ga-Koro to sustain this influx of people indefinitely. Nor could the fleet serve as a floating village, they would need as many of its ships as they could crew to retake the archipelago. One ship had been easy for the village to adjust to, but with such a wild mix of clans, there were bound to be problems down the line once the relief of just having survived the exodus had passed. They needed to get ahead of that happening, so Ayiwah had circled areas on the map that seemed a good fit to establish a Dasakan village. She would run them by the Rora once she had compiled the other data for her report.


And Yumi would have her hands full too. On paper, they had these ships. In reality, it would require convincing all the clans’ Toroshu as well to requisition them. Now that they were relatively safe, she wasn’t entirely sure how they’d feel about having all their private vessels drafted for the war effort again, considering they were often the only major clan property some of them had left at this point.


Speaking of, figuring out what they needed and how to transport it was still only the beginning. This Makuta spirit didn’t seem like the kind that would just let them build up their strength unchallenged. They would need to ensure protection while they prepared as well. Another thing to add to the list.


Ayiwah briefly paused to rub her temples, take a sip of her cold tea and to take a look at Ga-Koro’s lights glittering on the waves through the viewport. Then she turned her attention back to the desk and the work continued…


IC: [Leah - Cael’s house]


She flashed Praggos a wry smile. “I’ll try not to make a habit out of it.”


“If that’s all then, I’d best be off. If all goes well, I’ll find you again in a day or two in Ta-Wahi. Hopefully with some answers.”


She shot Cael an apologetic look. She knew rest was probably wiser - but this couldn’t wait. So she’d have to recharge the rest of the power on the go.


The Toa Maru picked up her staff and travel pouch, fastened the latter to her hip as usual and turned to leave.

OOC: @Krayzikk @otter

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The situation with the intruder seemed to have been dealt with well enough. Slower, perhaps, than Aclaraung himself might have tried for were he in the place of the Dasakan crew—though, undoubtedly, his methods would likely have proved too direct or destructive for their sensibilities. The Matoran and their fellows, he had noticed over the years, did not share the same sense of territoriality that his kind possessed. Impatient though it might have made him, both for the time taken and the fact that it distracted from his own business, it was at least worthwhile to observe and see how similar the Dasaka would prove to Mata Nui's original inhabitants.

Whether or not the half-remembered images and the misgivings they brought would need to be heeded as cautiously as he had wondered.

Amid the clean-up work afterwards, he had contented himself with swimming through the bay and deeper out towards the ocean. Disturbing schools of fish, counting the boats in the fleet, and generally exploring the world underwater in a way he hadn't had opportunity to since leaving for the caverns to meet with Learu and Xaruthan. There was precious little underwater to explore on the slopes of Mount Ihu, unless one counted diving within the snowbanks.

In time, however, the mass cleared from around the ships, the Koro and its docks quieting down for the night...and Aclaraung swam back, ready to continue his earlier conversation. Wings pulled in tight, tail whipping furiously in the water to propel him towards the ships, it did not take long to make it back to the Chiisai Ryuu.

And with his typical brazen disregard for what reactions the smaller creatures might have to his sudden arrival, he lifted his head from the water, great golden orbs looking through the various viewports until he found the one he had been speaking with before. Commodore Ayiwah, now surrounded only by papers where before she'd been flanked by numerous subordinates. He resisted the temptation to tap on the glass to catch her attention; her eyes had already been up and out when he'd poked his head into view. There was no way he'd gone unnoticed, if she hadn't already been warned in some way of his arrival.

"Ayiwah." Unless the room was entirely soundproof—almost impossible, with so prominent a window—it was unlikely she wouldn't hear him. "It appears that you're able to handle the excitability of this island well enough. How fares your...Rora?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: [Ayiwah - Chiisai Ryuu]


Her eyes had barely returned to the chart when she caught movement in her peripheral vision ahead of her. Aya’s head snapped back up, finding their draconic visitor from earlier looking in on her.


Almost simultaneously, half a dozen ideatalk alerts reached her from various Menti on lookout duty, whom she told to stand down. Good response time though.


Unfortunately for Aclaraung, the viewports were thick enough to withstand the pressure of being submerged, so what little sound carried through was rather muffled. Something about the Rora. 


From outside, the dragon saw the commodore indicate ‘up’, before she turned to leave her cabin, teacup in hand. A moment later, she reappeared - further overhead, leaning over the railing on the conning tower.


“Well met again, Aclaraung. But the hour of your visit is rather late. The Rora should have retired for the night by now, if that’s what you were asking.”


OOC: @otter

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To be expected, he supposed.

"I hope she's handled the day's events as well as you seem to have." Anything less would be unseemly, from one who thought to be a leader of their people. "But the exchange of pleasantries between her and myself can wait. I prefer to speak with one who has more direct contact with those they command." He glanced across the rest of the ships at the docks, before craning his neck to peer further past the Koro, at the beaches nearby.

"If you would accompany me?" However politely phrased it might have been, the tone was, at the least, one not accustomed to making requests. "After what transpired earlier, I imagine many of yours are still on edge. Content as I am to speak here, I think it would be best not to...rock the boat, I believe the phrase is."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: [Ayiwah - Chiisai Ryuu]


A hint of a smirk played across the commodore’s face. “Very well, lead the way. Although this meeting is hardly what I’d call inconspicuous, whether we speak here or elsewhere. Assume there will be eyes on us.”


She notably didn’t mention the Rora further. As family, she was of course concerned about her well being and the stress she was under. Yumiwa had been thrust into her role years, maybe even decades ahead of schedule, lost her mother and was faced with a number of major crises at the same time. That had to take a toll, no matter how strong willed or tutored she had been for the position prior. Aclaraung did not know that. But, as commodore it was also absolutely not Ayiwah’s place to fill him in on any of that, especially since they had been acquainted for a few hours at best at this point.


She made her way down the outside stairs of the conn - more sliding down on the railing than climbing down - leading down to the top deck, before heading to the gangway and the pier. She sent a brief message to the watch standers as she stepped off the Ryuu and started to head in the direction Axlaraung had indicated before.


.:Commodore is ashore, Lieutenant Tazera has the deck.:.


IC: [Agni - Ga-Koro]


The two Toa of fire were still in the village. A lot had happened during the day, some of which found its way to them by word of mouth, other things they had observed directly. Most worrying had been a story about a brief fight involving a stranger and Leah Maru down by the waterfront. Someone new stepping up to one of the Maru was definitely Someone the guard ought to know about. But details were sparse still.

Agni turned to Tuara, a bit hesitant. “I’d still like to check in with Cael before heading back - if you’re up for it.”


OOC: @otter @Palm @Ghosthands

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IC, Aurax: Ga-Koro

"Aurax is back? That's great!" Hakari said cheerfully. "...who is Aurax?"

"I am! Aurax is me," said the Dashi. "my actual identity. I..." 

His voice trailed off as reality began to hit. He sat down a little shakily. 

"The Rakshi. The Wanderer's Company. I died. But then I... came back. Somehow." Aurax looked down at his crystal armor. "In this body, on Iki." He looked at Hakari. "I don't know if you believe in miracles, but one must have happened to me."

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

[IC: Timak, Ga-koro]

Timak's head jerked up from their mask-polishing, face gleaming with confusion (at this point, it would gleam with whatever) and clambered over to where Aurax was talking.

Something about the last few minutes of polishing their mask had sobered the Toa up somewhat, and now they were acutely aware that the rest of their armour needed a polish so that their face didn't stick out so much. Maybe this is why polishing was not a thing people normally did...

They moved onto awkwardly polishing one of their pauldrons, sheepishly rubbing little circles with Kimala's darkening handkerchief as they waited for Aurax to finish.

Timak spoke in hushed tones, "So... You were killed by a Rahkshi? I've only seen one dead, and that looked frightening enough. I dread to think what that was like for you. Are you gonna be ok?"

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa

Edited by Rahisaurus
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Posted (edited)

IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi was not a genius. He was decent at tinkering, but he was not capable of inventing something that could change the course of Mata-Nui. His social finesse was limited too, he struggled to parse the subtexts in conversations, and often overcompensated. Neither was he a great hero. As a vigilante he focused solely on rescuing people, not making decisions or working as a group, nor did he ever fight. Working with heroes such as these was new for Kanohi. He had not tried to since the Companions.  

The point was, he was not the best at reading the intent of fellow Matoran. His thoughts were jumbled, trying to process if this claim was a sick joke, some sort of humor he messed. Was Elta taking advantage of his social struggles to mess with him? But he was saying this to the others, and he likely did not know who Kanohi had once been.

And that vision, the cactus was plucked from Aurax’s corpse. Was that the point of the vision? That if the botanist had claimed the cactus, he would have stolen it from Aurax? Because Aurax would not have remembered who he was if he had not ingested the substance?

It seemed impossible, that after all this time Aurax could be back. Kanohi would be a fool to believe it. But Aurax had been chosen to be among the Wanderer’s Company. He was one of only a few in the Companions who had been selected to have a great destiny. And then he had been slain, killed before he could become a Toa. Stabbed by a medic Rahkshi.

It had always haunted Kanohi since he first witnessed visions of Aurax’s death. That if even a chosen one could die before fulfilling his destiny, it only stressed how unimportant Dece was. But … if Mata-Nui or someone else had intervened in a death, it would have been someone whose destiny was cut short. Someone denied their fate.

And … the idea that a former member of the Companions as well as the last Matoran member of the Wanderer’s Company was brought back to life, shortly after the Makuta returned? It felt like the work of Destiny.

Kanohi ultimately decided as a vigilante, he was no fighter, but a rescuer. So he wrote on his tablet the simple message. “The Makuta has returned, despite the work of the Toa Maru. If there was ever someone to return from the dead, it might just be the one member of the Wanderer’s Company who died before he could become a Toa. I may be gullible, but I chose to believe Destiny is working now to fix the course of what went wrong when the Toa faced the Makuta.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

Edited by Harvali
  • Like 4

"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 


IC, Aurax: Ga-Koro

Timak spoke in hushed tones, "So... You were killed by a Rahkshi? I've only seen one dead, and that looked frightening enough. I dread to think what that was like for you. Are you gonna be ok?"

Aurax sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said. His hand unconsciously moved to the placed he had felt the Rahkshi's staff skewer him. "I'm alive, somehow, and I guess that's the important bit."

The Dashi turned and looked at what Kanohi had written on his tablet. He looked at the Matoran, then furrowed his brow after letting the words sink in. 

"We'll discuss Destiny in a moment, but first... Toa Maru? I take it that Stannis and the others succeeded, then. To an extent, anyway." Aurax scratched his head. "When I, well... the last thing I remember from here is when I was with the others in the Charred Forest. The Wanderer's Company had barely begun their quest. After that, all my memories up to this moment are of my life on Iki."

He looked around the room. "What exactly happened on Mata Nui while I was gone?"

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...

IC: [Agni - Ga-Koro]

Soon enough, the Toa of fire were outside the healer’s hut. Agni had noticed a slight downslope when crossing the walkway that connected the pad Cael’s hut was on to the rest of the village.

“Seems we’re not the only visitors.” he commented quietly as they approached her front door. He thought he’d seen people come and go to the place earlier from a few platforms away, but with the general hustle & bustle going on in the village right now he couldn’t be sure.

They stopped in front of the door and the detective found he had to pause and take a deep breath, suddenly feeling rather unsure of himself and what he was going to say. It had been some time since he had spoken to Cael.

Taking a second to collect himself, he raised his hand and knocked…


OOC: @otter@Palm@Krayzikk@Eyru

  • Like 4





IC: Wokiya — Ga-Koro Gates

Waves lapped against the pearly beach as the cool breeze of dawn swirled under the calm aqua and magenta skies. This new day in Ga-Koro brought with it a slightly calmer feeling. Numerous sea-faring vessels still dotted Naho bay, with lines of crew-Matoran working tirelessly and chatter overpowering the normally aquatic soundscape of the region. The difference is a system of sorts had been figuered out and put in place. Crowds of all manner of races knew what to do, and it was just a matter of getting it done.

Among the bustling throngs of Toa, Matoran, Turaga, and Skakdi, were a quartet of Matoran armed to the teeth with quills and flax paper. One had a feminine figure and was gripping the strap of her messenger bag as it bounced against her hip. On her other hip were two mini-axes tied to her belt. Her mask, a blue Great Kaukau several shades lighter than Akiri Hahli’s, reflected the morning sun while only partially obscuring her expression; an expression that was almost slack-jawed.

Her supervisor, on the other hand, was full-on slack-jawed. His piercing glacial blue eyes were noticeably wider than normal behind his pearly white Noble Rau. The Ko-Matoran was equipped with two messenger bags filled to the brim with both writing supplies and food rations to last the trip. In all his visits, he had never seen Ga-Koro — the patron village of unity and calmness — to be so full of activity. Behind them were two additional Ko-Matoran that made up their quant little crew from the Mata Nui Daily’s Ko-Koro branch.

“We’re… dreadfully under-staffed for this,” the Rau-wearing Ko-Matoran stammered quietly.

“As I knew we would be,” the Ga-Matoran replied with annoyance, “But you know what, Catarix? The Mata Nui Daily’s constant remissness of what’s really important on this island is precisely why we’re here”

The two assistant reporters gave assenting hums.

The four Matoran continued walking, gingerly brushing past the dockworkers hauling supplies in seemingly all directions. Catarix Vint-Rasque in particular took notice of the crystal-adorned beings that were shuffling around. The hearsay that had made it to Ko-Koro had been more accurate than he had given credit for.

“I know how much that grant is important to you, Wokiya,” Catarix seeing, eyeing the station Ga-Koro Marines at the main entrance. “However, my bets on you having tea with Akiri Hahli today are about as high as a corpulent Gukko Bird can fly”

Wokiya gave a slanted frown as Catarix’s words made their way from her ears to her head and then to her heart.

“Might not get to see Hahli today, but we could still get that grant. I’m sure someone in the Akiri’s office will be able to meet with us”

Wokiya, Catarix, and the other two reporters lowered their bags and held out their official Mata Nui Daily press badges, barely thinking about the ritual at this point. These particular Marines seemed to be all-too-familiar with the process as well, giving quick glances over the two journalists’ credentials and expediently inspecting their luggage.

“We were wondering when you folks would arrive,” a bloomsome, Pakari-wearing Ga-Toa officer said as she handed Wokiya back her axes and messenger bag, “Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you two”

“How has the Ga-Koro branch been handling things?” Catarix asked as he hauled his two messenger bags back onto his shoulders. The regional editor was immensely curious on the state of affairs after the recent departure of their old regional editor.

“Short answer? They haven’t,” a stout, Akaku-wearing Ga-Toa officer said, “Best of luck to you too”

Wokiya scanned the causeways intently. She knew what kind of stories she wanted to find, and it was critical that they had a diverse pool of people, exclusively from this mysterious land to the east. Given the looks of this mass migration, these people were here to stay, and the people across the island needed to know about these newcomers and their culture. The sooner Mata Nuiians saw their crystal-armored comrades as “Us” and not “Them”, the better.

Her attention then turned to Catarix Vint-Rasque, regional editor for the Ko-Koro branch of Mata Nui Daily. It had been a tumultuous partnership and a drastic change from her day-to-day reporting in Ta-Koro an occupation that allowed her to win the presitigous Chronicler’s Honor after the game-changing covering of the Piraka Raid on Ta-Koro.

However, history repeated itself during the takeover and hostage crisis of Ko-Koro. Wokiya managed to sneak in and get testimonies no one else could from regular civilians, some of which would not live to see their stories published. Catarix offered all that he could in order to poach her talent for his icy region, and as luck would have it for him, Wokiya already had strong ties to the frigid city — it basically being her hometown.

Wokiya’s attention lingered on Catarix for a reason she felt and understood deeply. The consternation on his visage divulged the deep-seated discomfiture that afflicted both of them. The fact that the Ga-Koro regional office was not scrambling for coverage of these events was disappointing, but hardly surprising. The new chief regional editor had her own agenda, as Catarix and Wokiya both learned. It was but a single stone, part of a rockslide that was the cataclysmic decline of Mata Nui’s Daily’s journalistic integrity.

“We need to prove to the Akiri’s office that we can do these people justice,” Wokiya said to her supervisor, “That’s how we’re gonna get that grant, and once we do-”

“It’s important not to get too far ahead of ourselves,” Catarix countered, “Even if just the four of us manage to pull off one of Mata Nui’s biggest stories to date, and even if that leads to Hahli’s administration wanting to award us that grant, it needs to be a good deal; one that will protect the rights of the press”

“Hahli wants to enrich journalism. I know that in my heart,” Wokiya replied, “Like, she still insists on calling it chronicling, and us Chroniclers. Old-fashioned, sure, but it’s always felt like Hahli in particular has had more a sort of kinship to the field than her fellow Akiri”

“I don’t think she’s reported on anything before in her life,” Catarix said.

“I’ve never disc-thrown from a Gukko Bird before,” Wokiya shrugged, “I still love it and think I’d be good at it if I had the time to try”

With that, Wokiya resumed her scan of the surrounding migrants. Focussed now more than ever to get this right.

And they needed to get this right.

OOC: Always open for interaction, as a friendly reminder.

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]




Being inconspicuous, the question of whether they were watched or not...those were inconsequential.

Aclaraung quite literally didn't want to risk damaging the vessel any further and accruing any undue wrath or ill-will. The younger beings were flighty, and if he intended anything of worth out of his conversations, it was best not to give them any strange reasons to be antagonized. "Very well," he replied, slipping off the ship and back into the water, before darting over to the beach he had indicated. Thankfully, the commodore didn't seem inclined to make him wait very long to reconvene.

As soon as she was close enough, he began to walk through the sands of the bay. Still in sight of the ships, even if the darkness made it more difficult.

"You may find Le-Wahi, which takes up most of the southern half of the island, to be suited to helping resolve part of this refugee crisis you've found yourself embroiled within," he said suddenly. "You said you need to get your people situated. There is much space to be found within the jungle, enough that other settlements have been made there with quite a bit of room to spare."


After Krayn and Leah had left, I quickly devoted my own remaining time to sharing notes and ideas with Cael. Both on Leah herself—as much as the poison was the major factor, I'm still convinced that she suffered some sort of concussion from whatever piece of a hut hit her when she fell into the bay—but on Skyra as well. None of us could really afford to keep either of those two locked down and taking it easy to heal, given how quickly things seemed to be picking back up, so it seemed prudent to see if Cael had any better ideas than myself to try and mitigate things as much as possible.

"I don't know that we'll have time to see if we can't pull anything we learned working on Utu to try and help Skyra, but if I can get the chance to drag her back here at any point, it might be worth trying. Now, as for Krayn's shoulder—"

I was quickly cut off by knocking at the door. With a nod from Cael, I rose to go and answer it in her stead. "The work never ends, does it? I'll have to leave soon anyways, let you get back to your..."

I quickly found myself cut off by the sight of the pair facing me. All red, black, gold and orange, nothing but smoulder and hard lines. Abnormal enough for Ga-Koro, but quite the coincidence for me to run into. I looked up, to meet the eyes of the first. "Agni?"

Down, slightly, to the second. "Tuara?"

Oh, Karzahni, she didn't even know about Dorian and I wasn't even allowed to say anything. That was even more of a damper on my rare good mood than the news Leah had given us about Makuta's actual status. "Long time, no see. Guess you didn't get lost in that blizzard like I did?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Palm @Eyru

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: [Leah - Ga-Koro harbor]

The Toa Maru had bid Cael and the others farewell, then left the healer’s hut and immediately slipped into the sea and out of sight, commanding the currents to carry along quickly and quietly, first out to sea, and then back towards the Koro. She felt both alert, with clear thoughts and mind focused on the task at hand, but also still keenly aware of the day’s ordeal. The thin scars on her cheek stung in the water - a reminder just how off her guard she had been caught. She grimaced.

Save it for the rematch…

A few moments her head broke the surface again, eyes zeroed in on her target: The enormous trimaran was easily the largest ship in the island’s waters and impossible to miss. With a mere thought, she had the next wave lift her up so she could step out directly from the sea onto the pier, in full view of the Dasakan guards patrolling it. The Menti immediately tensed. Unsurprising after the day’s events. She took on step forward away from the edge of the pier, then stopped and said:

“Apologies for such a late and abrupt visit, but please inform your empress that Toa Leah Maru is here to see her on urgent business.”


IC: [Agni - Cael’s house]

The Toa of fire blinked in surprise. Of all the faces he might have expected to see today, this one hadn’t been among them. “Praggos…long time indeed.” he replied, not quite sure what to say, eventually settling for: “Good to see you’re still in one piece…” He trailed off, realizing the choice of words may not have been ideal either given that he didn’t actually know what had happened to his former travel companion since they’d last met. Something he should’ve rectified sooner.

“That was some storm. A lot’s happened since. How have you been? What brings you here?”


IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro Beach]

For a brief instant as she caught up to Aclaraung, the commodore pictured herself from afar, walking along the beaches of this foreign island, talking about the future of her people with a being that back home may as well have stepped out of myth - an impression that was only reinforced by the swirls of bioluminescence playing around his claws whenever the lapping waves washed over them. 

But he was just as much protodermis and blood as she was. Which meant, she still had to be somewhat careful.

“I have studied your island, but saw no mention of other major settlements in that Wahi beyond Le-Koro itself and the abandoned Pala-Koro.”

OOC: @otter @Umbraline Yumiwa

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"There were others, I believe. May be now. Perhaps not. What matters is that space is there." He glanced back at the Koro, its harbor filled with ships. "Ga-Wahi is not nearly so spacious. Nor Ta-Wahi. Ko-Wahi is frigid and forbidding. The other options would be Onu-Wahi's broken islets and reef, or Po-Wahi's great deserts. Both remain empty as far as I know. If Kumu beyond Le-Wahi still stood I would suggest clearing out those islands, but that is an impossibility now."


Well, at least was still in one piece, although Ko-Koro had nearly changed that a couple times. I was lucky enough that most of it avoided me. Unlucky, in that the poor fortune struck at my comrades instead...though, given I was the medic-doctor of the group, that was still better than the alternative. "Well, I found myself in Ko-Koro. Managed to convince the guards to let me in, then I ran into...what do they call the group..."

I knew the names of the people in it, but I was terrible at remembering what they actually called it. "Krayn, Skyra, Kale. Their group. The Aggressors! We managed to retreat after the place fell into open fighting and I've just been tagging along with them since." It was a very truncated explanation of what had happened since we'd last seen each other, but it would suffice. 'A lot' had certainly happened at it only seemed more likely to.

"What about you?" And, even though I knew the answer, but I didn't know if Agni or Tuara had any clue at all what had happened to Merror in the intervening time: "Where's the old man?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Palm

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro Beach]

The menti did take careful mental notes of all the places Aclaraung suggested. In fact she concurred with most of his assessment of the different wahi. But the first thing she said was: “I will take it into consideration.”

“But there are many other determining factors and this is a decision that can not be rushed - even if time is something we don’t have in abundance.”

Other factors like clan politics and all the complications that would bring. But that was something she was not willing to share yet.

“Our homeland isn’t as…diverse in climates. I would avoid settling in the extremes if there are alternatives. It is hard enough adjusting to these circumstances already, if we move our people somewhere where even their most basic building & farming skills will not be as useful at first, the impact on morale would be devastating. That mustn’t happen. Even if our stay is only temporary until we retake Kentoku, it will still be some time before it is ours again. Until then, those that remain here need to know that their work is just as crucial to our people’s survival as those that return to fight Makuta’s hordes.”

“So we will need to settle in those places where they can make use of their skills. My more immediate concern is if it should be one settlement, two, or even several. There are arguments for each. One settlement would make it easier to get our cultures acquainted and with all our forces in place, it could be better defended in the right location. But it also means there are no fallback options if we are attacked in force. Two settlements or more could provide a strategic advantage. But it complicates many other things.”


IC: [Agni - Cael’s house]

“Aggressors…yeah, I heard of them. Thought one of those boats out there looked familiar. As for Merror, I…don’t know where he is.” Agni said. He glanced back at Tuara. Explaining everything that had happened on his end would mean going over her story as well…no. Now was not the time and place and it wasn’t his story to tell anyway. So he said: 

“Last time I saw him we had just gotten back from Ko-Wahi together. We had barely set foot back in the Koro before the next case landed on me. It got real busy, real fast. By the time it was over, I hadn’t even noticed he and the kid both had left…”

The detective trailed off, a pained look in his eyes. He tried not to let it show, but that particular wound was barely a day old and wide open.

OOC: @otter @Palm

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IC: Tuara Drigton - Ga-Koro - Cael's Hut

Tuara gave Praggos a friendly nod, but kept mostly quiet, instead of speaking, re-experiencing similar emotions to their departure - the failure to 'save' Utu, and once again, walking away. She let these feelings sit, then pass, and totally snapped back to reality at the mention of Merror and Dorian. She took over as Agni trailed off, "I was the case," she didn't even break her gaze from Praggos, which she imagined must have looked stern, yet wistful. She continued, speaking with a matter-of-fact tone, "My brother returned, from the grave it seemed, and... I tried to help him escape the consequences of his actions. I can't change the past, but I take responsibility for being unable to stop or help Dor or Merror, and if not that, for busying Agni and the guard instead."

She swallowed, and gave a bow of her head in humility, "I won't lie, finding you at the door, a part of me hoped that maybe you had seen either of them before they made it to their destination," Tuara gave a sad but reassuring smile, speaking quietly, "It's been hard to accept that any of them are gone, but it's the truth."

Tuara looked past Praggos' shoulder, to see if she would catch a glimpse of Cael, rounding the corner, "But it's good to see you're still here, Praggos. I'm sorry I left you and the others in Ko-Wahi."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @otter @Eyru

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| BZPRPG Profiles |





The derisive grunt came out almost as soon as Ayiwah spoke about fitting her people's skills to the land. "So it seems with all of you. The need to bend the land to your will." And any who strove for such a task but failed at it, and couldn't in turn bend themselves to the land's will, didn't deserve to remain upon it.

Not that that thought would get voiced, so soon after meeting.

"In that regard, I think Le-Wahi would be best. The land is obviously fertile. Find a relatively treeless space or clear one out. The materials provide themselves." Onu-Wahi was likely fertile itself, certainly compared to the regions bordering it, but unlike Le-Wahi, the surface was devoid of most feature and large vegetation. Not half as hospitable, and the Dasaka didn't seem a subterranean folk like the Onu-Matoran.

No; but what the Dasaka were, that was in question. The name itself had come to him, unbidden, upon seeing their glittering ships, and yet the half-formed, dreamlike semi-memories he had of them did not match to the regimented folk he'd been presented with. "I still do not know why it is I know the name of your kind, Commodore Ayiwah, but from the impressions I get...you are quite different from what knew as Dasaka."


So it seemed they didn't know. Merror must have been making a point to stay as hidden as Dorian. While running after Dorian, if what the Toa of Iron had claimed was correct.

I had little reason to doubt him, after all these years.

Time for that perfect, old-fashioned Ko-Matoran tactic. I nodded back at the pair, my face remaining as studiously blank as I used to always try and keep it, back when I still had the mark. Maybe just a bit of sympathy, shared sorrow in the eyes.

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know...

"I don't rightly think that first part is anything of ours to take responsibility for. There was a lot for all of us." And, in true Ko-Toa fashion—

"Come, come inside, I'm sure you've got more important business here than having an oddly-positive reunion with the likes of me."

Change the topic, deflect, and let it go. I stepped out of the way of the entrance, waving both of them inside to where Cael and I had just been talking things over moments ago. "Should've been here, oh, twenty minutes ago. We had half the Fowadi in here, and Leah Maru."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Palm@Eyru

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro Beach]

Facial expressions were a bit harder to read on the reptilian features, but the grunt of disapproval was impossible to mistake. She had been on either end of that many times before. Usually it was something one tried to suppress. But - she was dealing with a dragon. And if this one shared any qualities with those she knew from Kentoku…a little directness was to be expected.

She also noted the irony of following that critique up immediately with proposing a logging site. But she replied: “I will add your concerns to my considerations. But I doubt anyone would be able to fully bend this island to their will. Even our shared enemy hasn’t accomplished that. I hope that is something Kentoku has in common with Mata Nui - since it seems there are more ties between the two than we initially believed. Like your memories.”

Nice segue.

“So, what did you know as Dasaka before?”

IC: [Agni - Cael’s house]

Agni’s eyes had drifted off the to side somewhat as Tuara took over, which he was thankful for. It gave him a few seconds to collect himself. But Praggos’ reply brought his view right back to the other Toa. It wasn’t anything specific, but something about the combination of words and body language tickled at the guard part of his mind, creating a fleeting feeling.

But before it could solidify into anything more than that, they were already following him across the doorstep. Besides, he hadn’t come here to interrogate anybody, so he just shot Tuara a quick, questioning glance to clue her in as they stepped inside.

Any further questions about what Praggos’ was saying were pushed aside for a moment however as the other Toa in the room came into view. Agni attempted a smile, but it fell short.

“Hey, Cael.”

OOC: @otter@Palm@Eyru

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IC: Ember - Naho Bay, close to Forsi

At sea, the cold bosom of death was always nearby, ready to take you into Her cold embrace. That great blue expanse, which all sailors who were worth their salt instinctively knew, was not a picturesque vista to be plastered on a postcard. It was a living entity, a great mistress that demanded respect – payment for the reassurance, not guarantee, of safe passage. Those who romanticized the sea could never cross it on their own accord. Those who tried were never seen again, or opted to do so in the company of those who knew the true nature of the water. Sailors were the only ones who could truly comprehend the enormity of the reef of bones that peppered the deepest fathoms. She was as fickle as she was awesome, and sometimes she was simply hungry, and no amount of souls could sate her for long. Even the most experienced crews had to contend with the bleak reality that even they were not safe from her appetite.

Ember had no plans on becoming just another light snack today. She was not on the menu. The outcropping of rocks they were nearly about to hit clearly had it wrong. She yanked the handle of the rudder harder, but the churning of the sea was fighting her, and it didn’t help that every time their flimsy skiff crested a wave, the aft of their vessel caught some air, and for a moment the northeastern gale buffeted the rudder itself with tremendous force. Having to overcorrect to compensate for the poor circumstances was wearing on her arms, and she was not nearly as young and fit as she was in her prime.

The rocks loomed before them, too close now. Through gritted teeth, she barked an obscenity, but whatever it was was caught and carried off by the wind. The two Toa accompanying her had done their jobs well enough to keep them on their tack, but the combined mass of the two – giants, even for Toa – meant that the craft was handling sluggishly, and there was nothing they could do about that. She yanked harder, her muscles screaming. 

If she hadn’t already been half-blinded by the ferocious weather, she would’ve properly seen the mass of metal nearly collide with her before it was already in position. Nevertheless, she yelped, caught off guard.

“Ahh! Sakes alive!

They were banking harder now, and her arms were no longer on fire. It took her a moment to comprehend what had happened, but when she did, she almost couldn’t believe it. It was about as close as she was going to get to belting out a peal of laughter in their current situation. It was only seconds later that the rocks sailed by off the skiff’s starboard side, less than a couple feet away.

“Well done, Toa Brukin! The both of ye’ll make fine sailors, I’m sure!”

The imminent danger was over for the time being, and with the skiff heading in the right direction, Ember lifted a hand off the rudder and rubbed the sleet from her eyes. Like a prophetic vision, her new clarity of vision spotted a break in the storm ahead of them, Forsi illuminated in a ray of golden light peeking through the impenetrable grey mass above.

“Land ho!” she bellowed above the howl of the storm. It was noticeably quieter than it had been twenty minutes ago. “Port ‘o call’s dead ahead!”

The Ta-Matoran breathed a sigh of relief. This was the first time in a very long while she’d been on a voyage headed straight into the jaws of death, and there was nothing more invigorating to an old sailor than the threat of mortal peril narrowly avoided. Despite herself, she grinned broadly. She knew, right then and there, she had made a great decision yesterday. 

The old skills never faded, they only became more refined with age. She suddenly felt young again. It was like—

OOC: Ember and co. (@Krayzikk @Void Emissary) to Ta-Wahi

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[Ga-Koro, Central Hotel (Ranok)]
Ranok picked at his banjo as a way of focusing in the flood of sound and conversation that was washing over him.  None of them were displeasing, but it was hard to pick the meaning out of them, hard not to get caught up in the shape of the sounds themselves.

On 12/30/2022 at 11:50 PM, ~Xemnas~ said:

He looked around the room. "What exactly happened on Mata Nui while I was gone?"

Ranok hit a chord, as if in reply to Aurax’s question.   He looked up, found all the eyes in the room on him and beamed.   This was his element—having an audience.

“I’m afraid I am no Takua, and though I have many songs of this island I am sure you would appreciate a tale more…concise.   So let me tell you how we have been in your absence, Aurax.”

“Stannis and his companions did indeed succeed.   There was a great battle at the Nui Rama hive, and when the infected Rahi fell it revealed a great suva.   The matoran who entered it emerged as the Toa Maru, with all the strength of the first toa.   They claimed masks of power none had seen before, and descended into the Mangaia to defeat Makuta.   As the rahkshi beat swarmed our villages, prepared to destroy us, they suddenly grew confused and turned on each other.   The Toa Maru were victorious.”

A deep breath.   Another chord.

“Or so we all though.   For a year we picked up the pieces of thousands of years of war.   We found new leaders to seal the wounds left by the murdered Turaga, chosen by us and from among us.  Six Akiri.   And we thought that would bring peace.   However, it seems in the absence of a great threat, some of us would invent them.   While the villages squabbled, there came ever more reports—of strange things moving in the Mangaia, strange vicious rahi in the forests, and six skakdi with far more memory and ill-intent than any of the wandering souls that washed up on our shores in the years after the first toa fell.”

He was picking out arpeggios now, soft notes that fell like rain over the listening company.

“It started with an inn being blown up, then a hoard of insects nearly eating Le-koro alive, then a hoard of evildoers capturing Ko-koro.   We found our differences not so great then, and we were able to take the city back.   And yet…”

He stopped playing.

“There is a difference in the air, like a sound so high pitched I can’t hear it—discomforting all the same.   There are reports of rahkshi again, and not those that act like mere beasts.   And I and many people I think have come to the conclusion that the Maru’s victory was not as complete as we, or even themselves perhaps, expected.   Makuta is probably breathing down our next again.   And this time there is no plan to deal with it—no rhyming prophesy to guide our way.”

Ranok sighed, and then turned his sunny Le-koro demeanor right back on. “But we do have a spirit that mysteriously has returned from the dead.  And I don’t know about everyone else, but that sounds like a story to me.”

OOC: @Harvali@BULiK@ARROW404@Tarn@Lady Takanuva@ARROW404@Umbraline Yumiwa@BBBBalta@Rahisaurus Wasn’t actually here for some these events, so let me know I made I mistake.

[Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]

Yukie had entered the minds of other Dasaka before, but it was rarely to find something so completely elusive as lost memories.  It was at least conceivable to find memories concealed beneath mental wards or even elaborate mind palaces that he had heard the Fursic and certain Taajar knew how to construct.  But memories that had been removed?  Who knows if they were still there, buried, or simply erased forever.

Naturally, he went deeper than he usually did, allowed himself to become more present in the skakdi’s memories.  It was overwhelming at first—despite their lack of mental static the inhabitants of Mata Nui had memories just as vivid as any Dasaka.

He watched Rhow, hunched over a Takea shark and feeding on it like a rahi, he could almost taste it in his own mouth, warm and salty and full of li—

::Rhow, concentrate.   I need you to think about what happened before this.::

She looked up at him, confusion registering in her eyes.  The scene began to flicker and morph in a way that made him glad he hadn’t eaten since disembarking.   He needed to steady her, let her perceive this memory more completely.

He needed to be present with her.

It was strange, to mold oneself to be seen in someone else’s mindspace, especially when he had taught to be as unobtrusive as possible.   But the vision began to steady itself as he watched his own hand form before him.   It wasn’t perfect—instead of flesh and protodermis it was formed of the myriad crystal petals that formed his tell.  It felt real though, as real as the water lapping at his thighs.

He stood beside Rhow, now.   The bay was sunny and warm, every splash and grain of sand fully defined and sparkling.   Yet around it was a wall of impenetrable mist that clashed impossibly with the idyllic scene around them.  He pointed beyond, towards the wall of mist that formed the mouth of the cove.

::You must have come from there.   Perhaps I could just…take you in that direction.::

OOC: @Vezok's Friend and @Void Emissary if you’re still here.

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

On 5/5/2022 at 5:32 AM, Mel said:

IC: [Ga-koro, Docks (Pradhai)]
After their little interview, the trio of old-timers moseyed on down to where the Vilda ships were parked.  Pradhai’s quarters were in a well-used little sloop by the name of The Righteous Oyster, but she was more interested in the flagships.

“It’s a bit of an elderly vessel, but that suits me just fine.   Now, lets see how the best people are doing shall we?”

::What ever the rest of the council says, I’m sure Robalta will be interested in where her daughter is.::

OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)@Geardirector and @Toa Fanixeif you're here.

IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro, Docks)

The walk back towards the dockyards gave me a chance to ask a bit more from our new acquaintance Cephala about her and the island in general.

"I must admit, I would have loved the chance to sample some of the more colorful spirits you mentioned, Cephala" I said, concluding an exchange about the most important subject, "but for now it seems like some of us have other plans"

::Oh, absolutely. If Clan still means anything at this point, it's still worth an attempt::

OOC: @Mel @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

Posted (edited)

IC: Cephala (Ga-Koro docks)

"Hah.  No worries.  Wouldn't dream of trying to hawk a pub crawl considering the... everything... you lot have going on right now."  Cephala's face scrunched up behind her Kaukau.  "In fact...  I could probably stand to be a little more sober right now.  Just a few moments, this usually works-"

And with that, she set her bag down, planked, and toppled sideways off a lilypad bridge into the water.

Five seconds later, a hand shot out and clamped onto the bridge's edge.  The Turaga hoisted herself back to dry not-land, grumbling, "Well, okay, at least I'm sober enough to realize how stupid that looked now."

OOC: @Mel @Geardirector I guess also @Toatapio Nuva if you're still involved here

Edited by Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)
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It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )


IC: Dastana Daijuno & Zyla | Ga-Koro

Daijuno didn't exactly have confidence in this nobleman to not hurt Rhow in some way; Skakdi would be, after all, of even less value to a Menti than even a Saihoko, and she could easily imagine this man turning on either herself or Zyla. That the Commodore had given her implicit approval of him was the thin string of trust that held him in Daijuno's dubious regard; not that she trusted Ayiwah much more, either. So, the Willhammer hammered will, Daijuno made herself comfortable on a low crate and kept watch on the pair of them, trying to keep her dagger hidden from view.

"Do you seem them?" Zyla said, sitting beside her.

"Yes, yes, I've got them right in my sights."

"Not them! There are some people coming down the docks. They don't look like sailors, do they? Nor soldiers, nor even merchants; not unless they're selling very small amounts of paper."

"Tourists, maybe," Daijuno said, casually, taking another drag on her cigar. "Students, perhaps. Students here tend to learn out in the world much more than back home; not a Ward to be found, and the guardswomen keep all the training yards to themselves. What makes you bring them up?"

"Well," Zyla responded, clearing her throat. "It's just that they seem to be watching our ships very intently. And the people too. And some of them-- well, actually, most of them seem to have paper and quills on them, which I suppose just made me a bit suspicious, since back home that usually meant inspections, and inspections were never any good, you recall."

Daijuno sighed, realizing that this would bother Zyla for as long as she didn't have any answers -- Zyla was, after all, a woman who enjoyed systems and securities almost as much as Daijuno was a woman who enjoyed women -- she turned to look at whoever her assistant was talking about. Surely enough, there was a quartet of Matoran laden with paper and pen, who seemed to be keeping an oddly keen eye on the new arrivals to the island. And, while Daijuno couldn't rightly begrudge them their curiousity, neither could she begrudge Zyla her worries. 

"Like I said, probably just tourists," she said. "But worth keeping an eye on, you're right."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@Mel and @Emzee, it's Wokiya and co. that Zyla and Daijuno have spotted and are keeping an eye on, if any of them want to come over and chat!


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IC, Aurax: Ga-Koro

Aurax listened and watched Ranok intently. Much had happened in his absence; the information was a lot to take in. He was relieved that Stannis and the others had succeeded, if only for a bit. The Matoran-turned-Dashi assumed that he had been replaced after his death. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that thought, although the fact that he had somehow returned from the dead quickly drowned out any negative emotions that he might have been feeling

The mention of six peculiar Skakdi also piqued his interest a bit. He had a feeling that Ranok spoke of the same six Skakdi that had caused trouble in the Archipelago some time ago. Aurax made a mental note to inquire more later.

“But we do have a spirit that mysteriously has returned from the dead.  And I don’t know about everyone else, but that sounds like a story to me.”

Aurax smiled softly. “Well, you may say that you’re no Takua, but he never serenaded us with music,” the Dashi said. He blew air out of his nose. “I suppose I should start at the beginning, then. Unfortunately, I don’t have the same musical skills as you, Ranok, so please bear with me.”

He looked around the room and began his tale. “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Aurax. Before I lived in the Kentoku Archipelago, I was a Cy-Matoran living in Po-Koro. I was a blacksmith there. Weapons were my specialty, although I also dabbled with inventing new tools for others to use. 

“One day, Turaga Onewa sent for me. He showed me a letter he had received from a Matoran named Stannis, who was interested in finding volunteers to help him delve into the circumstances surrounding the First Toa’s failure to defeat Makuta. To this day, I don’t know what exactly the Turaga saw in me that made him suggest that I go, but that’s precisely what he did. Maybe he thought I needed to leave the forge more… Anyway, I go and meet Stannis at the Temple of Courage near Ta-Koro. More Matoran show up after me, including Nichou and Lekua.” Aurax gestured to his fellow Matoran. “Others included Matoran named Dece, Lepidran, and Atiel. We together became Stannis’s Companions, and we set off on our epic quest.

“After some misadventures taking us around the island, from Kini-Nui to Po-Wahi, we found ourselves in Po-Koro proper. It was there that we learnt of the death of Tamaru of the Chronicler’s Company.” Aurax realized that Timak likely lacked the context regarding Takua’s former companions. The Dashi turned to the Toa and addressed them directly. “The Chronicler’s Company were Matoran who journeyed with and helped Takua, the Chronicler, who in turn led the charge in uniting the villages in a battle at Kini-Nui that ultimately ended in the disappearance of the First Toa.”

Aurax’s brow furrowed as he recalled the next part of his journey. “Tamaru’s death was deeply troubling, because it meant there was one less person who could help us find the answers we sought. And then we came to another realization- it was entirely possible, even likely, that Makuta’s servants were deliberately targeting the former Chronicler’s Company. 

“As it happened, I had come to be good friends with Hafu, another Chronicler’s Company alumnus. We took it upon ourselves to act as bodyguards for him. Turaga Onewa informed us that Hafu already had guards, but he allowed us to assist anyway, probably due to Hafu and mine’s friendship. I was inside Hafu’s hut acting as his final line of defense while the others were around the hut alongside the Po-Koro Guard.

“While we were there, Hafu confided in us that each of the Chronicler’s Company held a piece of a verbal puzzle, that when completed could hurt Makuta. He encouraged us to seek out the other clues the other Chronicler’s Company members held, and gave us his own: Only the most creative can unlock it.

“Makuta’s servants came that night. A Tryna user was among them, who killed and reanimated some of the guards. I tried to stop them but…” his voice trailed off. Aurax looked down, tears in his eyes and regret in his voice. “They took Hafu. We never saw him again. Most likely dead, like Tamaru.”

The Dashi sighed, pausing for a moment. “We left the following morning. Our journey took us to the rest of the villages. We learned more of the clues, and we ultimately went to Ko-Koro to gain Turaga Nuju’s assistance with the clues that Taipu and Kapura had held. The Turaga imparted to Stannis Taipu’s clue, but before he had a chance to impart Kapura’s clue… Makuta himself extended his reach into the Sanctum and snatched the Turaga away before our very eyes. We were now one clue short, with no hints as to our next move.

“And it was at this point of hopelessness that Destiny itself seemed to step in. For it turns out that Nuju had also imparted a Prophecy onto Stannis.” Aurax closed his eyes and recalled the words that the Wanderer had relayed to him on their way to the Charred Forest.

At the darkest hour, In unrivaled power, The greatest foe will stand. His servants grim, They flock to him, Shadows grip the land. Yet hope has remained, As goodness ordained, A light must spread anon. New heroes unite, The darkness will bite, Still the truth will awake at dawn. Tests they must face, Dark foes give chase, All places the heroes shall look. Enduring their strife, Mortality’s knife, The heroes will find what he took. The Wanderer’s tread, Leads to what lies ahead, A place of shades and deceptions. To seek hidden lines, And follow the signs, Will make them the only exceptions. At the darkest hour, In unrivaled power, The greatest foe has stood. United as one, The foe is undone, His malice defeated by good.

The Dashi continued his tale. “As we were considering our options, a messenger showed up and told myself and Lepidran that we had roles to play in the Great Spirit’s destiny. Him and I were both unsure at first, but we agreed to it, especially after learning that we were to continue following Stannis. Unfortunately, this also meant that we had to leave our Companions behind.”

Aurax looked at Nichou and Lekua, regret creeping back into his voice. “I don’t regret following Stannis, but I do regret the way we left things off. I wish… I had said different things,” he said. “I’m sorry, and I want to make things up to you, somehow.”

He cleared his throat, focusing back on his story. “Lepidran and I followed Stannis as we gathered the other three members of the Wanderer’s Company: Reordin, Sulov, and Oreius. At the courier’s request, we went and met him in the Charred Forest, where he revealed that he was none other than Takua, the Chronicler himself, returned from hiding. He explained our path: to find the Essence Stones of the First Toa, which contained the power and a bit of the spirit of each of them. No sooner had Oreius taken possession of Tahu’s Essence Stone did the Rahkshi attack. And then my story seemingly ended when I got run through by one of them.”

Aurax sighed, then chuckled a bit. “I assume that the “Mortality’s knife” part of the prophecy referred to me, but I guess Mata Nui took pity on me. Next thing I can remember after losing consciousness in the Charred Forest is a beach, on Iki. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was in a new body in a new place, with no memory of who I was. I was lucky enough to be picked up by a trader and adopted into Clan Kinzoku. Ironically, Clan Kinzoku specializes in metalworking; although I had no memories, I still retained my blacksmithing skills. The leaders of the Clan were impressed, and I was given the title of Master Metalsmith. 

“I lived among them for a year, assimilating into their culture, and all was well. Until it wasn’t. The Rahkshi appeared, and everyone in the Clan, people who I had grown to care for, were wiped out. As far as I’m aware, I’m the only survivor. I’m extremely lucky. That, or Destiny is toying with me again.”

The Dashi stood up and stretched. “That brings us to the present, to this very moment. Now I’m here, wondering what to do with this second chance I’ve been given.”

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

  • Like 2

IC: [Rhow - Inner Port]


The Rhow Yukie was faced with in the memory seemed like she had very little in common with the one actually sitting across from him, despite obviously being the same Skakdi. The way she carried herself, body tense like a coiled viper, the way the eyes were held narrowed and kept darting around, face still covered from her meal.


She rounded on him as his image formed beside her in the memory and it almost seemed like that image would suffer the same fate as the Takea, but instead, after a few tense moments, Rhow turned with a grunt and waded out into the surf. The grunt apparently was an invitation to the Menti to follow and soon they were both standing up to their thighs in the water. 


The mists were still all around them, no closer or farther away than they had been before. But then Rhow stopped. Looking around, Yukie suddenly noticed the coast had disappeared completely, despite having only left it a few paces behind. Now there was only the sea and the mist. When he turned back to Rhow again, she was next to a pile of flotsam that only began to register as an actual raft when the Skakdi climbed aboard. Rhow looked at him again - and again her appearance had changed: Wavy lines of crusty salt covered her scarred body and he could have sworn he caught a glimpse of barnacles clinging to her upper back where an arm might not easily reach them. He also noticed the scars looked a lot fresher than they had a moment ago on the beach.




Observing from their bench, Daijuno could see Rhow’s shoulders moving as she began to take deep, raspy breaths. 

OOC: @Mel @Void Emissary

  • Like 3





IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi listened to both Ranok and Aurax as each spoke of events gone past. Some Kanohi knew like the days of the Companions and the fall of Ko-Koro, but much he did not. Dece had been imprisoned and tortured for some time by the false Makuta, and after that Kanohi had lived in the jungles of Le-Wahi rescuing travelers. He had not been knowledgeable of current events for some time.

As Aurax finished his tale, Kanohi had a realization. He pulled out his tablet from out of his masks and began to scribble out circles in charcoal. He inscribed a rough timeline based off both stories, the script was messy, but it summarized the major events of the island. Leading to the fight with the mad botanist and Aurax being reborn. 

Ever since the torture, certain things seemed jumbled. Nichou shifted in his mind from a Matoran to a Toa of Iron named Knichou who wore a legendary mask. Kanohi had known Nale before he met her, though in the vision she was a Toa. His visions still had use in them, but there was confusion instead of clarity.

So perhaps this list of events should ground his mind. Should he become confused again, he could pull out this paper and remind himself of what was real.

Kanohi did not dare put his own past and life here. Cowardice or not, he still feared being tracked down. And the weakness of Dece might diminish the few accomplishments of Kanohi.

The cross-wired vigilante stowed away his notes, before writing a more public message. He turned around the tablet and held it out to Aurax, showing him the message, “I am sorry for your adopted home of Iki. Is there something we can do for your second people?

Kanohi had not heard much of this land across the sea, but Rahkshi had devastated Mata-Nui  for a millennium. These refugees did not just resemble Matoran, but they had suffered their enemies. And for a civilization to be wiped out and the survivors driven from their home, it was Ko-Koro on a bigger scale.

A thought brushed against Kanohi’s mind as well. If Aurax had been reborn among the Dashi, perhaps his Destiny was a bridge of sorts. To unite two war ravaged people against the Makuta. But it was clear that despite his visions, Kanohi was not important enough to know fate. And right now Aurax had enough to worry about without being asked questions of his Destiny. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

  • Like 4

"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

Posted (edited)

ARC 3, ROLL 31427, SCENE 25, TAKE 1





wait, where is he?

hold on -

IC: Nichou [The Void]

Nichou once wished to a hero, but his current dreams lacked such profound scope.

As the Onu-Matoran drooled softly on the floor he was sprawled across, his mind was entirely empty. There was no vision of the future, nor regrets from the past. He had not passed go, nor collected his two hundred widgets. There wasn’t even any pit in his heartlight, unsure what to make of the blank canvas – in those moments, the nothingness made perfect sense because it was, or rather, because it wasn't.

It was not a place of wisdom, no lessons were learned there.


IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro]

Nichou had awoken when roused, and had listened to the proceedings in the intervening time. The craftsman was wide awake, clearly there, while also not quite.

Everything about this situation was absurd, what could have been easily mistaken for a bad trip, but there was no doubt. Nichou was as serious as he had ever been, although his lack of surprise or questions was concerning. No proof of Aurax's resurrection was necessary, and the effects of the cactus had clearly worn off by this point. Somehow, it all made perfect sense without making any.

As he rested in a reclined manner, Nichou was patient, content, even, to listen to the others talk. While he hadn’t paid much attention to the note taking of Kanohi before, he understood now. It was the mute Fe-Matoran showing another message to the group that made Nichou finally speak up.

"There is something we can do,” he interrupted with a nod towards the vigilante. Everything.”

The Onu-Matoran gestured towards Aurax and Lekua in his next appeal.

"Your reincarnation? Us three Companions meeting again? On the heels of a dark army’s return? These circumstances are no coincidence.”

"There are shadows at work that none understand, just as before when we volunteered to chase Takua’s riddles. The lessons from our travels, the spark from your sacrifice, it grew to guide Stannis and the Maru to victory. This crystal fleet is a reminder - armies can only do so much against the darkness. Clearly we were brought together because once again, more light must be shone, lest our defenders be caught unprepared."

"Quite the mystery - you cheated death, and somehow Makuta did as well. Maybe if we find out how either of you managed it, we can find a way to stop him from coming back a second time."

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

Posted (edited)

[IC: Timak, Ga-koro]

Timak sat cross-legged on the floor, staring half-focused at the group, trying to process the giant wall of yellow text scrolling through the empty black void of their brain. They blinked, looking at Aurax with bewilderment. "This is all very bewildering," they said, "and I'm not sure what it means."

After a considerable pause, frowning at the floor, they spoke up again. "I appreciate your efforts to catch me up, by the way, Aurax. This is all really good to hear, now knowing that we have hope and some direction. I'm very happy for you. I just wish... I wish the Great Spirit would give me more of my own memories back. That's what I was hoping the cactus might do, I guess." They put their head in their hands, taking a deep breath, then looked up again. "Perhaps He is telling me to make new ones. And, I can't think of any better company to make them with, than with all of you."

Standing, they smiled and stretched, stepping over to Kimala to hand her slightly grimy handkerchief back. "Sorry about the.. uh. That."

They walked to the door, opening it slightly, appreciating the fresh air and taking the opportunity to ground themselves. When they turned around, their face was bright again, and not just from the polishing. 

"Hah. So! Where to next?"

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel  @Harvali

Edited by Rahisaurus

IC: Wokiya — Ga-Koro

The tasks set before the intrepid journalist and her crew were not easy, but she had been thrown to the Kavinika wolves many times before. While the challenge would be greater with the subject being a previously unheard-of group of people landing ashore, Wokiya kept her professionalism and started with the basics. Her plan was standard: she began divvying up her list of sources in Ga-Koro, intending to send her two Ko-Matoran crewmates to scout for them. She hoped perhaps someone from her lists had become acquainted enough with the new arrivals to be able to get her access.

“Now I know you’re a fan of those lists of yours,” Catarix Vint-Rasque, her editor, said with empathy, “But we’re going to seek stories from the ‘folks on the ground’ anyway. Might be more efficient to start with the passers-by”

The elder editor tilted his head in the direction of two Matoran-like women: one was clad in elegant crystal armor, accented with gold and silver. The other was taller, and sported navy and goldenrod colors.

“Wouldn’t hurt,” Wokiya shrugged, “Perhaps you can get in touch with some of our higher-ranked friends”

“If there’s time,” Catarix deflected, “Someone needs to make alliances with the new Chief Editor of the Ga-Koro branch. And to be frank, it would be better me than you”

Wokiya rolled her eyes, “Fine. Enjoy meetings and boring people. Meet back here at noon?”


With that, the Ko-Matoran turned on his heel and made his way north along the well-trodden path to the Mata Nui Daily Regional Office. Wokiya then turned to her two crewmates. They were both experienced Ko-Matoran employees of the Mata Nui Daily. Vera the Illustrator and Scryne the Notetaker were trusted, smart, and quick. Vera was known to be protective of her craft and often clashed with the sometimes loquacious commentary from Scryne — who saw his words as the many splotches and strokes critical to a beautiful, written painting. He prided himself on knowing the exact thousand words to use in the absence of pictures.

“Let’s go meet the new guys,” Wokiya said in a sing-song tone while sporting her trademark visage of optimism. It was always this facial expression that rallied the two rivaling Ko-Matoran together under her direction. And despite Wokiya struggling to believe it, both Vera and Scryne had shown their appreciation over the weeks she had been working in Ko-Koro.

The two newcomers to Mata Nui immediately noticed Wokiya and her two colleagues approaching — Vera on her left and Scryne on her right. Wokiya gave a big smile and waved to the apprehensive crystal-clad Matoran.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m Wokiya!” the Ga-Matoran said, her voice disarmingly bubbly, “You could not have come to a safer village, in my opinion. I’m here with the Mata Nui Daily gathering stories about your tribulations and adventures. Would you have the time or the inclination for a quick chat?”

OOC: @Void Emissary

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


On 1/20/2023 at 3:09 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

IC: [Leah - Ga-Koro harbor]

The Toa Maru had bid Cael and the others farewell, then left the healer’s hut and immediately slipped into the sea and out of sight, commanding the currents to carry along quickly and quietly, first out to sea, and then back towards the Koro. She felt both alert, with clear thoughts and mind focused on the task at hand, but also still keenly aware of the day’s ordeal. The thin scars on her cheek stung in the water - a reminder just how off her guard she had been caught. She grimaced.

Save it for the rematch…

A few moments her head broke the surface again, eyes zeroed in on her target: The enormous trimaran was easily the largest ship in the island’s waters and impossible to miss. With a mere thought, she had the next wave lift her up so she could step out directly from the sea onto the pier, in full view of the Dasakan guards patrolling it. The Menti immediately tensed. Unsurprising after the day’s events. She took on step forward away from the edge of the pier, then stopped and said:

“Apologies for such a late and abrupt visit, but please inform your empress that Toa Leah Maru is here to see her on urgent business.”

IC Yumiwa + Zafin | Ga-Koro harbor

The Menti guarding the warship nodded once in unison, which was the only outward indication of their acknowledgement of Leah Maru's request. A long moment of silence ensued as neither party moved, but on the psychic plane an escalation through Dasaka bureaucracy processed as the message of the toa's arrival for "urgent business" passed from mind to mind. After a while longer, however, there was a stir as a guard clicked her heels and saluted. "Right this way, Toa Maru."

She led the toa to an observation deck where a single Menti stood dressed in purple silks pantaloons that billowed softly in the breeze. "How do you do, Toa Leah Maru" she greeted and provided a formal bow of reverence. "Her Majesty will be here shortly, I was simply already on deck and wanted to meet you. I am Umbraline Zafin, the rora's chief of staff. I understand you have urgent matters to discuss—what are they?"


The Rora, meanwhile, had been having council with Long Dihunai—council being the term used to refer to their training sessions which occupied as many timeslots as Yumiwa had available between meetings. Sometimes their training consisted of sparring with weapons, other times they sat in silence, other times still the session was a puzzle of mind or wit, or a lesson more mundane in nature. On this occasion they had been studying a map of Mata Nui as charted by a cartographer named Korruhn, seeking to memorize its vastness and quizzing each other on its landmarks when word of Leah Maru's presence was raised to her awareness by Zafin.

::Toa Leah Maru's here. For you. Says its urgent.::

::Thx. Be there in secs.::

::On poop deck three.::

::lol, Poop.::

::Yumi... seriously?::

::What? It's our private encrypted mind channel.::

::No it is noooot.::

::DES. OMG.::

"Yumiwa, is something going on?"

"Yes, Dihunai. Leah Maru is here to see me to discuss urgent matters so we'll have to pick this up again later. Come up if you'd care to," she said, getting up swiftly and smoothing her skirt out with a pulse of mindarm energy before stepping out of the cabin they'd been using for the lesson in hull one. She'd be at poop deck three in a matter of seconds, but she could tell as she crossed the decks that Zafin was already with Maru.

Had Zaf let me know of the toa's presence after she already met her? Yumiwa thought. 

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, The Yukanna]

The warrior considered the proposal and stood up to follow Yumiwa. She knew the Maru were this island's greatest warriors, although the connections between them and Mata Nui's own little empires weren't clear to her. Whatever this 'urgent matter' was, it could impact the balance of the fragile situation at large. The only way to be prepared was to hear the topic for herself.

Dihunai followed Yumi through the corridors and up onto the deck, avoiding eye contact with onlooking Dashi. While the rogue Tajaar's presence aboard the Rora's flagship was not unusual at this point, it certainly remained unorthodox. Whispers on the mental plane, even through Dihunai's metaphorical firewall, could often be felt near the navy's sailors. Unease the armed stranger, her unusual intentions, and the mystery of how she had become an unofficial advisor of the Rora.

She followed several strides behind Yumiwa, avoiding drawing any more attention to herself when possible.

Edited by BULiK

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

Posted (edited)

 [Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]

Yukie was beginning to wonder if shouldn’t have talked to one of his cousins instead.   Rhow’s life prior to coming to Mata Nui clearly had some hidden trauma—could he leave her with mental scars, bringing it the surface so suddenly?

He willed his petal-self to float above the waves.  He knew he at least, was safe—all his training against other willhammers meant that he knew how to keep his own mind separate and not let it bleed into hers.

::Rhow, remember you are safe.   This has already happened.   If you want to find out where you came from, you will have to go further back.::

He offered a hand to the castaway, looking straight into her eyes.

::Or you can stop now, and we can try this at another time and with someone else.  It is your choice.::

OOC: @Vezok's Friend, @Void Emissary the journey to the center of the mind continues

[Ga-Koro, Central Hotel (Ranok)]
Ranok couldn’t help but wince a bit at the resuscitation of the second great prophecy.  It was just so…corny.   Ranok wondered if this was just a symptom of who it spoke through.   It was a nice thought that Toa Stannis Maru, leader of the heroes that had at least partially saved their island, was still bad at poetry.  Everyone had their talents; Ranok could at least claim he was better at what he had dedicated his life to.

The De-Matoran drummed out a rhythm on the head of his banjo as the others talked.

“Where indeed,” he said in response to Timak’s comment.  “In music, the rests are just important as the notes.   Where have people missed?  Where hasn’t anyone thought to look?”

OOC: @Rahisaurus @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @Harvali @Tarn @ARROW404 @Lady Takanuva @BBBBalta@Umbraline Yumiwa @ 2

Edited by Mel
  • Like 4

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC: [Leah - Ga-Koro harbor]


The Dasakan flagship was large, but being aboard now impressed upon the Toa just how large it actually was. The ship felt remarkably stable below her feet - more so than most of the floating pads the Koro was built on.


The Menti waiting for her was not the Rora, and was dressed differently to most of the other Dasaka she had seen thus far.  She wasn’t entirely sure what being the chief of staff to an empress entailed, but figured it was similar enough to being a Turaga or Akiri’s right hand.


She returned the greeting, not with a full bow, but with a slow respectful nod of her head.


“Well met, Zafin.”


Then, speaking more softly, she explained: “My visit concerns the attack on your homeland and events leading up to it. There were things that happened here on Mata-Nui that appear to link directly to what happened to your people. I’m here to find out exactly what those links were - or still are.”


IC: [Rhow - Inner Port]


The Rhow that looked back up at Yukie from her raft looked even more emaciated than before, scars not merely fresh, but reopened. She held two things clasped in her hands. One the Menti already knew: the piece of rusted metal that she still carried today as her weapon, although it looked even less well maintained than in its present state. The other was a makeshift paddle. She was kneeling on the side of the raft, using the paddle to hold her position, while the blade was held at the ready, suddenly plunging down, coloring the sea red.


She pulled her meager catch onto the raft before looking up to meet his eyes. The remembered Rhow didn’t speak, but Yukie could still hear her voice echo across the mindscape: Never stop moving, never go back. 


It wasn’t a conscious thought, but some sort of ingrained mantra, embedded somewhere deep within. But despite the offer of reprieve, the Skakdi still reached out, took the offered hand and pulled herself up. 


At first the raft was rocking from the sudden shifting of balance, but then Yukie became aware of the sound of crashing waves nearby, the red seas swirling angrily, rough and choppy all around them. Rhow was using the paddle to steady herself, but her focus was on something in the distance. Following her line of sight, Yukie’s view was also drawn to the horizon.  Cragged cliffs resolved out of the roiling mists, towering overhead like a monstrous jaw of unfathomable scale.


And Rhow only said one word:




OOC: @Mel@Umbraline Yumiwa@BULiK

  • Like 3




On 1/25/2023 at 7:28 PM, Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) said:

IC: Cephala (Ga-Koro docks)

Five seconds later, a hand shot out and clamped onto the bridge's edge.  The Turaga hoisted herself back to dry not-land, grumbling, "Well, okay, at least I'm sober enough to realize how stupid that looked now."

OOC: @Mel @Geardirector I guess also @Toatapio Nuva if you're still involved here

IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro docks)

"Looking stupid without being called on it is part of the fun for people our age" I remarked with an amused smile. It had been a long time since I even thought about going for a swim. Ever since I started serving as Kama's mobile perch as she aged right behind me, that sort of thing had become a bit less convenient.

"At least back home it was, I'll have to build up a bit more courage before I dare attempt the same thing here. Maybe if I get as drunk as you I can"

OOC: @Mel @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

  • Like 1

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...


IC: Cephala (Ga-Koro docks)

"Word of wisdom- grab a Mask of Water Breathing first.  Makes your life so much easier."

OOC:  @Mel @Geardirector

It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )


IC: Dastana Daijuno & Zyla | Ga-Koro

Zyla immediately opened her mouth to respond, already slipping back into her role as Daijuno's executive assistant; but Dai herself cut her off at the jump, turning to face the "journalists" -- if that was, in fact, what they were. She still recalled her own arrival to Ga-Koro, and the... experimentation that had occurred upon Vilda Soraph on the same day the Ryuu made dock, and she found herself keeping a close watch on those who might be interested in taking advantage of poor, disoriented refugees -- particularly now, when Rhow was out of commission, and ol' Sinsh/Hot was nowhere to be seen. Still, she extended a hand out to the lead newcomer; one has to, after all, keep up appearances on the off-chance that these weren't villains. Daijuno had, after all, seen Wokiya's byline on copies of the Daily before, but so had half the island. Karz, she could've started calling herself Wokiya and people might believe her.

"I'm glad to hear that Ga-Koro is held in such high esteem," she said, keeping a pleasant tone to her voice. "Wokiya, you said, yes? Pleasure to meet you; I loved your in memoria for the Lavapool Inn in Ta-Koro. Made me long to have been there before the end! And I can't deny that I always look forward to your ongoing coverage of Reordin and Leah Maru's, er, time apart, shall we say. The hearts of demigods wander as much as our own, don't they!"

Of course, only one of those stories had actually been written by Wokiya, who had always seemed to be a true journalist's-journalist from what Daijuno had ever read of her. If she was who she said she was, she'd probably deny ever touching the gossip column with a bio-long pole. If she wasn't, she might just panic and assume that she had missed one of her guise's bylines.

"I'm rambling, though," she continued. "Daijuno, of Clan Dastana. What exactly are you interested in hearing?"

OOC: @Emzee, let me know if I've taken too many liberties with Wokiya's bibliography, I'm happy to change anything there.


  • Like 3


19 hours ago, Vezok's Friend said:

She returned the greeting, not with a full bow, but with a slow respectful nod of her head. “Well met, Zafin.” 

Then, speaking more softly, she explained: “My visit concerns the attack on your homeland and events leading up to it. There were things that happened here on Mata-Nui that appear to link directly to what happened to your people. I’m here to find out exactly what those links were - or still are.”

IC Zafin & Yumiwa | Ga-Koro, the Yukanna.

Oh goddess, she has muscles.

Am I aroused? Yes. No?? Yes. 

Look at those biceps

She completely retained her composure as she spoke and matched Leah's clandestine tone. "Your Toaship is referring to the demons your culture refers to as 'Rahkshi,' among other mutual travesties between our lands?" Her eyes darted to the side and behind Leah, the briefest heralding of the empress' arrival before her heels clacked upon the observation deck. 


I arrived swiftly as requested but remained properly hastened and did not appear rushed—Leah Maru's request was of great importance, but she expected to treat with an empress, not a harried captain. Behind me several paces was Long Dihunai in her practical blue and orange-decorated armors, appearing quite different from me in my azure and crimson silks, and she lingered near enough to evesdrop but not enough to intercede in the conversation. 

::Wants to talk re:Similar events here and back home. They're all linked.::


"Leah Maru," I welcomed her as I drew close and tilted my waist, hands clasped loosely, while maintaining eye contact with her, a greeting given to one of high military significance. She stood a couple inches taller than me, about the same stature as my uncle, and she exuded the same level of competence as he had as well. I liked this Maru, visual similarities aside. "The pleasure is mine, if only were here to discuss pleasantries.

"You speak of linked events and contemporaneous coincidences. It's clear now, knowing what I do, that these were no mere coincidences but..." I exhaled sharply in final admission, "our fates are linked by a common enemy. Let us learn what we can from each other."

Zafin, meanwhile, scanned the area around with her sharp eyes and mind, feeling for intrusions and spies. 

@BULiK @Vezok's Friend


IC: [Leah - Ga-Koro harbor]


Leah turned as Zafin looked past her, face to face once again with the Dasakan empress. It seemed the Rora had changed outfits throughout the day. Leah did notice they shared somewhat similar colors now, between Yumiwa’s silks and her own armor and short red sash riding low on the Toa’s hips.


She bowed her head in greeting again, acknowledging both the empress and Dihunai at once. She briefly wondered what a foreign ruler like her might consider as pleasantries to discuss. She also couldn’t quite shake the feeling that Zafin was checking her out behind her back, despite the Menti giving no outward indication to that effect. No time for that now. She immediately shoved the wayward thoughts aside again.


“Yes. Zafin mentioned the Rahkshi - and what we must discuss does relate to them as well - but not as directly. It’s about what led up to the invasion, how our enemy - how Makuta - managed to return…that’s the mystery that needs solving.”


The Toa Maru caught herself trying not to use Makuta’s name openly. How easy it was to fall into old habits. Old Matoran superstitions ingrained in many that had lived through the first darkness. 


Not this time.


“But do that, we must go back to the very beginning: one of the links my allies and I have identified is something which long predates any of our people encountering each other - it existed here even long before the Piraka made landfall on these shores.”


“Namely a sword - a crystal flamberge - once wielded by one of Makuta’s deadliest servants here. Because of this we originally thought it to be of the Makuta as well. But now it seems it was Dasakan all along.”


Despite the serious nature of the discussion a hint of Le-Koronan humor managed to sneak into the Toa’s tone. 


“I’d quick-draw you a picture, but even having seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t know how to accurately capture its design. So now would be the time to read-peek my thoughts.”


“The point is: if something Dasakan has been here all this time, the reverse is also extremely likely and may have been a part of the Makuta’s many contingencies all along. Do you know of anything from Mata-Nui that made its way to your shores before it should have, or can you think of anything odd that never quite seemed to fit in there, but has been around for so long it just was accepted?”


OOC: @Umbraline Yumiwa @BULiK

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IC: Kimala

Shortly after Aurax's... return, Kimala thought to pull her note tablet from her satchel and start putting it to use. A member of the Wanderer's company had just come back to life, and was currently meeting with important old friends. This was a historical moment, and she was able to record events from the perspective of one of history's major players as he recounted events up until that point. Her fingertip glowed faintly with elemental power as she traced it along the surface of the tablet, inscribing it far quicker than she could by pen by creating small divots in the crystal in the shape of letters.

She wasn't entirely certain what to do with these notes once she was finished, but better to have them than not, she figured. Maybe somebody at the temple would like to see them. In due time, though. Aurax would reveal his return to the island at his own pace, not hers.

"Hmm?" She looked up as Timak handed her the handkerchief. "Oh," she laughed, "It isn't mine, I just-- you know what, you're welcome." Smiling, she took the rag and tossed it onto the small side table she had gotten it from. "And you can consider this incident forgotten," she said, miming a zipping motion across her mouth.

IC: Lapu

The mute Bo-Toa was... confused. He had been almost literally living under a rock since he had washed up on Le-Wahi's shores, and was now hearing the story of the Wanderer and Chronicler for the first time. Whatever it was, this seemed important. Important enough that, although he wanted nothing more than to get out of this claustrophobic place, he instead lingered by the window, frequently glancing out as he listened.

This talk of Destiny dredged up some vague notional memories. He had heard talk about it before, in a past life. The concept that one's life was dictated by the will of a higher being. He'd entirely forgotten about it, but he got the impression it was something important to grasp. That, and Duty. Duty, he remembered. It... was all he remembered, he realized. And it was what had kept him alone in the forest so long. Why were these notions related to one another though? He couldn't put them together... Maybe if he continued to listen, he would be able to reforge that link.

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OOC: Looks right to me!

IC: Wokiya — Ga-Koro

Scryne and Vera matched a shocked facial expression akin to them hearing the Dashi insult Wokiya’s deceased mother. They knew the next thing out of the reporter’s mouth was not about to be a question.

“I’m not sure how my name and work could be conflated with that-”, Wokiya began emphatically.

“What Miss Wokiya means to say is that she feels very honored that you found her Lavapool Inn article so touching," Vera interrupted, placing her hands on each of Wokiya’s shoulders. "She is passionate about providing hard-hitting facts and intellectual satiation to her readers — not um…”

Vera was now wearing the very grin that Wokiya had instantly dropped as she struggled to remember a common phrase of the reporter’s, “… right! ‘Vexatious and threadbare gossip’. Isn’t that right, Miss Wokiya?”

Wokiya nodded and methodically sucked in air, appearing to inhale her bubbly smile back.

“I must apologize, Dastana Daijuno,” she said, appearing to have fully returned to her happy self, “I had assumed you two had just arrived here yesterday. And, yes, I love what you said about the Lavapool coverage. I’m quite proud of that one; it balances out what my firm prefers to promote sometimes.”

Wokiya immediately speed-searched through her memories for an article, and its date.

“Were you two part of the first visit? Within the…,” she struggled for a moment with the lesser-known word, “…submersible?”

OOC: @Void Emissary

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

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