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Short Stories Contest #9: In The Darkness Bind Them


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I have called you together today for a Purpose! Indeed, Three Purposes! First of all, to tell you that I am immensely fond of you all. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. Secondly, to celebrate the unveiling of the Lego Lord of the Rings sets, which I hope all of you have had the pleasure to gaze upon. Thirdly, to make an A N N O U N C E M E N T.I rejoice to announce that we are hosting a Bionicle/LotR Short Story Contest!You think us mad? Perhaps you are right. Or Perhaps we are just that awesome. Anyway, welcome one and all, to Short Stories Contest #9: In The Darkness Bind Them


Graphics credit to 55555

Theme: Write a Bionicle story and use a quote from Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit as an important part of your story.This means you can begin with a quote, end with a quote, or incorporate a quote into the body of your story. Furthermore, you may use other LotR references, but you must use a quote. Be sure to read the following:1) You may get your quote from either one of the books or the movies (directed by Peter Jackson) -- with a quick Google search you can find many quotes from both.2) Please have a general citation of your quote. If from the books, please list which chapter; if from the movies, please list what scene.3) You may modify the proper nouns in quotes. There are many good quotes that contain Tolkien characters, places, items, etc. These may be substituted for "Bionicle-friendly" nouns. For example, if the quote has "Mordor" in it, you can change that to "Destral" if you wish.4) As said, you may also use other LotR elements in your story (such as chapter titles for the title/theme of your story, and you may use more than one quote just as long as you do use one. Rest assured our Certified Nerdy judges will appreciate your efforts in this area.


How To Enter:The entry period lasts from February 13, 2012 (today) until March 11th at 11:59 PM PST.To enter, simply post a link to your entry in this topic using the following form:Member name:Entry name and link:Any entry PMed to me or not linked in this topic will be ignored – no exceptions.———Contest Rules:

  • [*]All BZPower Rules and Guidelines apply.[*]Your story must be new and never before posted on BZP. You can certainly have been working on your entry before this, but it must be posted on BZP after the start of the contest for it to be eligible.[*]No plagiarizing! Your story must be your own work.[*]No cheating. Simple enough, yes? You don't get anywhere in life by cheating. Also, if you suspect someone of cheating, PM me. DO NOT post here.[*]Keep it PG-13 appropriate. So no gory descriptions, excessive violence, inappropriate content, et cetera.[*]Your story must be a short story. No epics here.[*]No flaming, bashing, or trolling! I shouldn't even have to say this at all, but if any of this occurs, you will be disqualified immediately.[*]You cannot edit your entry 30 minutes after it is posted. This is to 1) ensure that all judges read the same version of your story; and 2) make things more fair, as not everyone will get the same amount of critique as others. So, once you post your story, you will have thirty minutes to edit it in order to make any formatting changes or to edit your story itself -- after that, your entry will be disqualified. PM me if you have to edit for story for some reason after 30 minutes before you do so.[*]There is no minimum or maximum word count for this contest. Just be reasonable, please. Do remember that the judges have to read every story.[*]If your story is not posted in this topic with the correct format, your entry will not be entered into the contest.

The contest hosts reserve the right to change, edit, or make exceptions to any of the rules. A violation of the rules will be judged on a case-by-case basis by contest staff.


Winner Selection

Haven't gotten this set in stone yet, but expect something similar to that of SSC #8.



We really wanted prizes that were both Lego and LotR related, but the official sets aren't going to be released until the summer. Instead, we're going for the next best thing; the prizes will be customized LotR Minifigures courtesy of Nuju Metru (

seen here). The minifigs that will be provided are Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam. Someone will receive The Annotated Hobbit, and even more, awesome prizes are very probable. Big thanks to Nuju Metru for providing the customized figs, xccj for bribing him to do so, and for 55555 and Velox for The Annotated Hobbit.



Q: Does the title of our short story have to be a LotR quote as well? Or can it be whatever we want so long as we use a LotR quote in the story itself?

A: The minimum LotR content in your story is one quote in the body or title. You're encouraged to do more than that.

Q: Are we allowed to enter a songfic?

A: Yes, songfics are fine. If the song is LotR / The Hobbit related, then it can count as your quote.

Q: What if you don't know where quotes come from?

A: You'll have to try to find it -- we need proof that it's from LotR/the Hobbit. If it is from the trailer, though, that's fine; just say so.

Q: Where in the post should we put the citation?

A: Citing it in the story body would most likely disturb the pace of the story. It is recommended to put it at the end.

Q: What constitutes a quote? Does it have to be a full sentence? A phrase?

A: A full sentence. Though if you really want to use part of a sentence, PM 55555 or Velox with it and we may make an exception.

Other questions?If you have any questions about the contest not answered above, please post them in this topic. Chances are someone might have the same question, so if you post rather than PMing me, other members can read it the answer.First, however, look through this post to see if I've already addressed your question. But if you can't find an answer, or you think something is unclear, don't hesitate to post and ask about it!———

Contest Staff:Contest Hosts:55555VeloxContest Assistants:Xccj



Far over the misty mountains coldTo dungeons deep and caverns oldWe must away ere break of dayTo seek the pale enchanted gold.The dwarves of yore made mightly spells,While hammers fell like ringing bellsIn places deep, where dark things sleep,In hollow halls beneath the fells.

It is our pleasure to host another contest, and we hope you all enjoy it as well! Now get writing!

Edited by Scriptophobia

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Yeah, I was surprised. However, I think I should leave this to the people that honestly love the trilogy. I read it once and that was it.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

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And some aren't even on your side.

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I got an idea for a short story, although whether I will actually write it and enter it is another question entirely.Quick question: Does the title of our short story have to be a LotR quote as well? Or can it be whatever we want so long as we use a LotR quote in the story itself?-TNTOS-

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

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{The Shika Trilogy Omnibus Completed 03/31/14) (Review Topic)

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4) As said, you may also use other LotR elements in your story (such as chapter titles for the title/theme of your story, and you may use more than one quote just as long as you do use one. Rest assured our Certified Nerdy judges will appreciate your efforts in this area.

The answer is no, but you can. You just hav to get a LoTR quote.It's a pity nothing from Turin's era is allowed, or i could make a total tragedy.But as it is, I've already got my quote, now I just need to write.Expect a new story sometime in March. :P
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(lol, dat image border)From both the books and the movies? Well, well, this'll be interesting. Time to dust off that old trilogy, I suppose.

Alright, I've got five lines to waste... Whatever should I put here?

SS: <Hesitation> <Let The Pain Remain><Mad?>BS01 SSC #5 entry: Traitor's Fate

Epics:<Fundo><Varborg's Bane>

He's an cool dude. It is fair and just. Srsly.

(Hehehe. No offense, little elf that corrects my bad words in the epics forums.)

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I've only read The Hobbit ;)

That shouldn't stop you from entering, personally I prefer The Hobbit to The Lord of the Rings. There are plenty of good quotes in it.

Quick question: Does the title of our short story have to be a LotR quote as well? Or can it be whatever we want so long as we use a LotR quote in the story itself?-TNTOS-

The minimum LotR content in your story is one quote in the body or title. You're encouraged to do more than that.

Yeah, I was surprised. However, I think I should leave this to the people that honestly love the trilogy. I read it once and that was it.

That's better than a lot of people. Heck, just enter. At least skim through LotR and see if anything jumps out at you, or read The Hobbit if you haven't.

Not having touched a LotR book, I'll probably give this one a miss. Good luck to those who have bothered to read a classic :P

Entirely out of context quotes are entirely permissible. Feel free to Google up some random excerpts, or whatever, you don't actually have to read LotR or The Hobbit.Though every human should really read The Hobbit.- 55555 Edited by 55555
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Honestly I was never into LotR, haven't read the books or the movies. But who knows I may enter, check a few things out online. If not, happy writing yal!EDIT: The above comment was posted right before mine. I might give it a shot. ^_^

Edited by The Great Grant in the Sky
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Though every human should really read The Hobbit.

Never finished The Lord of the Rings, but I've read The Hobbit at least three times by now. But each time, I can never remember anything about it afterwards... it's all a bit blurry. I was probably too young. It is a good book, though.Who knows, I might try my hand at this.~QMark


Talking Over an Ocean - Hahli and Amaya are best friends.

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Ditto what Lord Darkon said. I'm in. But just watch, the most used quote in this will be "my precious".No one commented on my story in SS#8.... do better this time, children. :sly:

Edited by The G-Man




92% of teens have moved on to Xbox 360. 7.9% still use other game systems (PS3 and Wii). If you are part of the 0.1% who still use the only real game system (PC), copy and paste this into your sig.

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Quick question, though. We can use canon characters, right? I've... kinda never written a fanfiction before... :P

Yep! You can use canon Bionicle or LotR/the Hobbit characters, as well as create your own or do a mix of both; your choice.newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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What if you don't know where quotes come from? I'm considering using the quote "It must be destroyed", but I only remember that quote from an ad.If possible, I'll certainly enter.

Edited by Makuta_of_Oz

If you use correct grammar in your posts (or try hard to), place this in your signature. Join Myst's campaign for correct grammar usage on BZPower!

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This could be interesting. Hopefully some story idea or other will rear its head early enough that I don't have to rush things.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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If you don't know where the quote's from Rewatch the movies, or search the web, reread the books, and the like.I MIGHT decide to actually enter this. Would be my first in a while, at least since A Thousand Years Untold 2.Hmmm.... Perhaps my favourite Tolkien Quote will have to be the basis of my attempt. Theodens speach on the field of Pelenor always has sent shivers down my spine :P

I've been searchin' for the daughter of the Devil Himself,

​I've been searchin' for an Angel in White,

​I've been lookin for a woman who's a little of both,

​and I can sense her but she's nowhere in sight,
Cause I can't find a banner ;_;



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