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  1. If you know anything about fencing, you probably know what a flush is.


    I almost took one directly to the groin.


    If you don't know what a flush is, basically you charge at your opponent, stab, and immediately run past your opponent and go off strip.

  2. Among Us
    Latest Entry

    I probably would have disappeared from this site years ago if it weren't for the name change feature. It gives me a reason to come back every 90 days.

  3. Naina
    Latest Entry

    Asperger's, to be precise.


    Nearly two years ago, I found out that I have Asperger's Syndrome, or high-functioning autism under the DSM V. This changed things. Someone had switched on a lightbulb and my Aspergic clumsiness lessened now that I was no longer groping in the dark. A lot of my habits were linked together, the reasons for my struggles became clear, a path towards gaining social skills unveiled itself, all that good stuff.

    Learning about Asperger's changed how I viewed myself, how I viewed my past and how I viewed my future. I wasn't a freak; I was just different. None of the taunts from high school bothered me anymore, because not only had my peers misjudged me, I had misjudged myself. In the words of Dr. Tony Atwood (I think), I was no longer a failing neurotypical: I was a successful Aspie.

    The world never seemed clearer than the day I learned that my brain was wired differently.


    Other things became clear to me too. When I told a high school friend of my diagnosis, her first reaction was "But you're so normal!" Other friends suggested that maybe I was overreacting, I probably didn't have Asperger's. Family tried to suggest that I was merely sensitive and bright.


    See, the problem with autism is like most everything else to do with the mind. It's not commonly understood and popular media has no idea what it's talking about. In some ways, it's even worse than depression and anxiety. BuzzFeed doesn't post endless articles about how autism is unfairly stigmatized. Tumblr doesn't have an echo chamber about how not all autistic children are unable to read or vocalize properly.

    The most common organization Autism Speaks doesn't even live up to its name, with not a single autistic member on its board. "This disease has taken our children away. It’s time to get them back." - Are you kidding me? Autism isn't a disease. Autism is part of who I am. I choose to work on the negatives, but there's no way I would want to be a neurotypical.


    And then there's the anti-vaxxers. Oh, how they argue against vaccines because of a (non-existent) risk of autism. You have to love how they'd rather their kids die than have autism.


    Autism isn't about that. Autism isn't all struggles and disabilities. Yes, a number of autistic people are unable to perform many basic tasks. No, not all autistic people are. Saying that all autistic people are slow thinkers and act weird is like saying that all girls like the color pink and play with dolls. Oh wait.

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    It's anniversary week I guess. I didn't notice because I was too busy yesterday to get on BZP. I really have nothing else to say... I've never been the best at the whole blogging thing.

  4. blog-0725610001437431586.pngMy current projects are all related to BZP, the comics forums, and bringing back the old stuff.


    Of course my comics are also back. A lot of people haven't really been on the comic forums much lately, so it hasn't had many response comments. Although I'm hoping for some more recognition after summer is over.


    Speaking of after summer, if you guys don't know, I'm actually going to go to Utah for the entire school year. So when I return to Virginia, I'll be a senior in High School. But this won't effect my comics in any way, I hope. I'll be bringing my files over from this computer over to theirs (The people I'm staying with).


    On another note, I might enter the BZPower Youtube contest, and if my friend and I don't get in, we're probably going to start a Youtube channel of our own.


    And lastly, I am working on making a Chimoru R version of the BZ-Guard armor and I may revamp their weapons. That must be a blast from the past, huh? BZ-Nui will finally have it's military, police, and armored guards back.


    Anyway, until next time.

  5. Ghidora131
    Latest Entry




    BZPower has been running all this time, with quite a ton of setbacks, but thankfully it's still going strong. Let's all celebrate the 14-year anniversary of everyone's favorite Bonkle site! :D

  6. Yay! Temporary Premier Membership perks. Time to write a blog like I'm sure a ton of other people are doing! Only I'm doing it with... MYTHOLOGY. For the sake of clarification, since the term has such a wide and uncertain range as of exactly what it covers, I'm using Mythology in this instance to reference Religions which no longer have large groups of remaining followers.


    I personally love reading about religions throughout the world, and some of the most awesome ones are those which have fallen out of favor. I'm sure a lot of people know at least something about a Mythology, be it the ever present Hellenistic Greek or the rising prominence of Scandinavian Norse (For those in the United States at least). There are also quite a few Mythologies that have a small prominence, but that nobody really knows more than a few characters of, such as Anubis, Horus, and possibly Bast from Egypt, to use their Roman names, Quetzalcoatl among the Mexica Aztec, and occasionally Dagon, usually in the Lovecraftian form instead of multiple Mesopotamian regions.


    Which brings my rumbling to an end to ask the question this blog was made for:


    Do YOU have a favorite myth? The death of Hodr? The underworld ballgame of Hunahpa and Xbalanque? The clever trickery of Anansi?

    Perhaps a favorite character from Mythology? The foolish Coyote in one of his many forms? The troublesome Susano'o? One of the mysterious and earth-shaking Rainbow serpents?

    Or even a favorite mythology as a whole? The little-known Etruscan? The ancient Sumerian? The clever myths of the Russian Chukchi?


    If you do, feel free to share!

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    blog-0285267001437395694.gifTo celebrate the week of BZPower's 14th anniversary, I shall show off the coveted final rank image of BZPower! :br: :hyper: :OMG:


    At around 22,562 posts, 6 year member Umi Tryon/Tyler St. Francis is the ONLY BZPower member to unlock this rank and I wish to give her an extremely late congratulations on the achievement and now, we can see the rank image!

  7. So last November I participated in NaNoWriMo, and actually suceeded in writing a 50,000 word Novel. I'd really like to publish it, but there's a lot of work that's between now and then, if ever.



    What was my book, you ask? Well:


    The Lord of Misrule


    There used to be magic in the world. REAL magic. But as time went on, the magic faded. Now no one believes that it ever existed.


    Except for the Actors.


    Hidden away in the world is a special school dedicated to teaching actors and their ilk the ways of magic in their craft, to keep it alive in a world of cynicsim and blurred lines. Like every school, it has its quirks, in-jokes, and traditional celebrations. The most famous is the Feast of Fools, their own version of Homecoming. And the King of it all is the Lord of Misrule. Thing is, no one ever knows who it is. The voting process is a secret, and the mask is never removed.


    And This year, Elijah Goodblood plans to take the crown.



    The Lord of Misrule is about a magic school for actors, performers, and those who work behind the scenes. It's not wave-a-wand magic like in Harry Potter-No, this is more subtle. The magic is born from light, movement, props; It is a product of many parts, rather than a reaction to an action.


    It's also about the Green Room Gang, a collection of students who hang out in the New Globe's Green Room when not in class. A variety of students from numerous locales, backgrounds, and previous theatrical education. And the crazy shenanigans that they get up to.


    It's also about Elijah Goodblood, a sophomore member of the Green Room Gang who wants to win the title and position of Lord of Misrule, essentially the Homecoming King. Winning this title is acknowledgement of his abilities as a prankster and humorist.


    There may also be a cat hidden in the Girl's dorm. Just to let you know.




    So I've written this book. Now comes the fun part: Re-writing the whole thing!


    When I first wrote it, there were two main characters: Elijah, who drove the plot, and Avalon, who introduced the readers to the school. After some reflection, I decided that two characters with unrelated goals split the reader's focus too much, So I've narrowed it down to one. Elijah's still going to help little freshman Avalon adjust to her new school, but for the most part the story's focused on him.


    I've also changed the focus, screentime, and overall helpfulness of the Green Room Gang. In the original Script, they made cameo appearances and didn't do much in the way of story. I'm giving them more focus and more impact into Elijah's choices; this group is almost like a family. (and is certainly made up of a few.) Also, there's way too many fun characters to not use.


    Considering that, some of the other characters I've made (Namely Elijah and maybe Avalon's roommates) are going to be given less focus or cut altogether. They've been fun to write, so they may stay, but I really need to re-work their characters or meld them into existing ones. If I write more books, they may re-appear, but for now they don't have a lot of influence on my main character, so out they go.


    I also need to put more focus on the school itself. One of the few things I didn't like about Harry Potter in its later years was how little school was focused on, despite it being a part of the students' everyday lives. I want to show my characters in class, workshops, shop hours outside of class, ect... I want to show them interacting with professors and directors in a positive way, not the you-got-caught kind of way. These kids are in school and I want them to act like it!


    There's also a lot of little things that happen in the background, like hammering out the timeline and everyone's schedules. (Not that it matters for some students...) This whole post was mostly a personal lining-out of my next steps.


    So since approximately half my book is going in the dustbin, There's a lot of writing to do.


    I can't wait to get started.

  8. http://pixologic.com/zbrush/trial/


    Highly recommended if you want to get into modeling, Zbrush is industry standard.


    I'm pretty much freaking out about this because they used to have a trial version and then took it down for the longest time. Previously, you would have to pay for the full version which is really expensive or use Sculptris which is free but lack most of the new features (it's the first Zbrush) but hey, now you get 45 days with it.


    Zbrush was what I used to sculpt the Dragon Priest Huna:


  9. Sooooo all I've been playing since it's console release is Elder Scrolls Online for the Xbox One. I have characters in the Aldmeri Dominion and the Ebonheart Pact. I prefer the latter, but if anyone wants to play I'm pretty much on every night after 8! Also wouldn't complain if anyone wanted to help me become a werewolf ;p


    Come explore Tamriel with me! Oh, and also remember that disco is in this year!


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

  10. Now that summer is finally here, I have a little bit more time on my hands. I am continuing my quest to finish my list of 100 books. In that regard I finally finished A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens a while back. I thought it was a reasonably well written book, although it still wasn't on the same level of Great Expectations.


    I also just finished Wuthering Heights. It wasn't a bad book although it was rather depressing. At least the last chapter closed on a somewhat happy ending.


    I'm starting on Jane Eyre now, and hopefully it won't take quite as long as some of the previous books. It's also the last book I have from my parent's house, so I'll need to venture to the local library again to find my next book.

  11. These are stuff I'm going to be trying to get, sense I already gotten almost 3/4 of every bionicle sets and 6 Onua and LoSS.


    I have already gotten The Tumbler and soon be getting a statue of Rhino from Warframe (a game that I can't stop playing). So sets I'm going to try and get when I have the money are Slave I (which I'm going to be getting next), The SHIELD Helicarrier and LEGO Creator Detective’s Office.


    The statue I'm gonna be getting are 1/6 Sideshow of ARC Trooper Fives and Echo, maybe Rex as well.

  12. I can't be the only one here who fails to see what a woman being upset over not being able to have kids, has any relation to feminism what so ever. Some people want kids, some people don't. If the writer of the film says the character wanted kids, THE CHARACTER WANTED ###### KIDS!

  13. V-N
    Latest Entry

    Man, it is amazing looking at some people's post counts. I have been a member here for eight years and only just cracked 2500. I cannot fathom how some people are almost at 20,000 (with one person already past that, almost clearing it by my entire post count!)


    However, we must remember that there is one known rank which these super-posters have not achieved! And so, I challenge them to achieve this rank!


    And I'm closer to it than they are. Get cracking, guys! :P




    hey I'm trying to feel good about myself okay.




    this is definitely not an attempted plot to get a higher post count than everyone

  14. Well, courtesy of some extremely helpful people, I can now both race this weekend and at the end of the month.


    Of course, this still only leaves me able to race one kart then, so I have to make a decision on which one I want to run, but that's a much easier decision to make than which entire event.


    Heck, I even get to take my spare engines out of the box for once and try them out.


    An another racing note, Dad raced his bigger racecar this weekend. I get the feeling almost no-one here will have heard of them, but he races a V8 dirt modified sometimes. He rolled his own one over a few years ago and hasn't raced since then. First drive back in and he managed to finish 11th in the state. 12 people finished, but hey, 27 were at there event, so 11th is a good job.


    And with that, I MUST PREPARE FOR SPEED. Well, not much speed, but hey. It's go karts, what do you expect.

  15. P~M
    Latest Entry

    I just had the silly idea of some sort of "MOC Boot Camp" where a bunch of talented (and well-known) builders get together and come up with a sort of training program for prospective MOCers, or just anyone who wants to get better at Bionicle building. It could be in the format of a video series, or a picture-and-text post, or whatever, really.


    Bloggers, what do you think? Has anything like this been done before? Does anyone want to participate?

  16. So just like last December (but hopefully a bit more cohesively this time), some friends of mine and I will be hosting a staggered, double elimination Smash Bros Wii U tournament that'll be taking place over the summer.


    Before going into detail, though, let me break down a bit of what that means.


    Staggered means taking place over a long period of time as opposed to all in one day or one weekend. Basically this just means that it'll be over the summer, with players playing about one match per week, in order to allow for the largest amount of people to play. We all have different schedules, and while I'd love to host something in a small window of time, it seems like there is basically no good time that everyone can show up in.


    Double Elimination means that you can lose twice before being knocked out, so if the RNG gods stick you with a tough matchup in the first round, don't worry. You won't get eliminated until you lose twice. This is different than a consolation bracket, because here, even if you lose, you still have a shot at winning the tournament as opposed to simply winning some sort of runner up award.


    Ruleset's fairly straightforward, 2 stock, 6 minutes, no items, first to 3 wins wins the match, counterpicking stages after the first match. Stage List will be posted at a later date.


    The tournament itself will begin in late May...which then brings up the question of why I'm advertising it in early April. The reason for that is...my PMship expires sometime soon and I'm not sure when.


    If you're interested and/or have questions, let me know.



  17. Franco
    Latest Entry

    The rotational schedule is an oppressive power structure.

  18. The Swimming Beard
    Latest Entry


    This started as an attempt to make an entry into BBCC 69, as an attempt to make Kopaka Mata in the 2015 style, but after making it I saw that the Toa Mata weren't allowed. I finally got around to taking pictures today after weeks of letting it sit.


    Main image :



    As always, comments and criticism appreciated.



    Source: Kopaka Mata 2015

  19. VampireBohrok
    Latest Entry



    apparently Lego didn't get my phone number, and it took me forever to notice they were trying to contact me, but here we are. now I was thinking, perhaps I should just not open this box just so that whenever someone goes "so what 2015 sets do you have", I can be like "all of them. theoretically." then I'll shake a sheet of paper with Schrödinger's face printed on it right in front of them for several minutes

  20. Zeddy
    Latest Entry

    I have mixed feelings about that finale... I'm sad that it's ended and season 2 is nowhere in sight, but also excited for Agents of Shield to finally start again. :P For me it was probably one of the better shows I've seen, and I think like Breaking Bad since they had a clear time frame going in they were better able to craft a decent (great), no-loose-ends type of story.


    I'm just gonna sit here hoping and praying that they renew it coz we need more shows like it on TV.

  21. gallery_96949_76_177373.jpg


    The game is live.


    Game Topic | Discussion


    See you in the Arena.

  22. 2015: Okoto


    ~ (I have 13 of 13 total.) ~


    Protectors ~ 6/6


    #70778 Protector of Jungle

    #70779 Protector of Stone

    #70780 Protector of Water

    #70781 Protector of Earth

    #70782 Protector of Ice

    #70783 Protector of Fire


    Masters ~ 6/6


    #70784 Lewa - Master of Jungle

    #70785 Pohatu - Master of Stone

    #70786 Gali - Master of Water

    #70787 Tahu - Master of Fire

    #70788 Kopaka - Master of Ice

    #70789 Onua - Master of Earth


    Creatures ~ 1/1


    #70790 Lord of Skull Spiders

    ~ Credit to

    Dorek for the inspiration on these.

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