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Snake, your defense of the only person in the scene who could be Mafia was extremely transparent, and your current self-preservation is shameful. If you're the sibling of a Mafioso, you should be suicide-voting.


- :burnmad:

Avatar by Brickeens




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I'm the only person who has suicide voted to take down their mafia sibling so far.


Also what are the vote totals? I have a feeling someone will pull a last-second vote switch like me and Toarobot did last game. Or several people will do it, and cancel out each other's vote switches on accident. That would be hilarious.




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I'm the only person who has suicide voted to take down their mafia sibling so far.


Also what are the vote totals? I have a feeling someone will pull a last-second vote switch like me and Toarobot did last game. Or several people will do it, and cancel out each other's vote switches on accident. That would be hilarious.



You might want to switch your vote to Canis or Punished Snake... right now, we're taking out your sibling directly, instead of through killing you.

If there's a last-minute vote switch then I'll either null or switch vote depending on who's got more votes, and if I'm not available then I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get someone to cover for me.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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I'm the only person who has suicide voted to take down their mafia sibling so far.


Also what are the vote totals? I have a feeling someone will pull a last-second vote switch like me and Toarobot did last game. Or several people will do it, and cancel out each other's vote switches on accident. That would be hilarious.



You might want to switch your vote to Canis or Punished Snake... right now, we're taking out your sibling directly, instead of through killing you.

If there's a last-minute vote switch then I'll either null or switch vote depending on who's got more votes, and if I'm not available then I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get someone to cover for me.


Oh i will cover for you.. *Tries to fling his corpse infront of a bullet meant for chro but manages to only twitch his finger* I tried! i swear!


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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A bullet meant for me?This isn't Southern Retribution

Oh i know.. but you never know those darn random snipers.. envious of how amazing you are *tries to say that with a straight face.*


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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Chapter 4: The Lynching of Canis Lycaon


“Good day, sir!” Lhikevikk said, bowing to Voltex.


“A good day to you too, sir!” Voltex replied, bowing as well before turning to the rest of the crowd. “Alright, what’s up?”


“We’ve got these two up for the lynching,” Blade said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder to point at Canis and Punished Snake.




“Unit claims he’s siblings with Canis and saw the whole ordeal last night with the Cloaker – says the Cloaker was wearing some of the Canis Plot Armor.”


“Gotcha – what about Punished Snake?”


“He claims that Onarax is innocent,” Blade responded.


Voltex snorted, turning to Punished Snake. “When I told you to see how far that logic would get you… I was joking.”


“Oh yeah? That’s just what you think!” Punished Snake said, stubbornly crossing his arms.


Voltex rolled his eyes. “Alright, string him up!”


Pulse, Blade and The X surged onto Punished Snake as Voltex turned away – the Host was quickly distracted by the sight of a familiar Staff at the back of the crowd. Yelling a battlecry, Voltex summoned his scythe and lunged through the Matoran, missing the Mysterious Figure by a hair. The scythe burst into flames that danced through the air as Voltex swung it rapidly, each and every blow being blocked expertly by the Mysterious Figure, who quickly began to overcome the Host.




One final blow to the head sent Voltex sprawling across the ground, and the Mysterious Figure hefted the Staff of Unlimited Power like a spear.


“You’ve been a nuisance for far too long,” the Figure said. “It’s time that I removed you for good.”


“Not yet, you won’t.”


The Mysterious Figure paused as the Detective stepped out of the crowd and in front of Voltex, holding out his badge for the Figure to see.


“I know who you are,” said the Detective, “and I’m coming for you.”


“You can’t kill me,” the Figure pointed out.


“I don’t need to,” said the Detective. “I just need to stop you.”


The Mysterious Figure hesitated for the briefest of moments before vanishing in a cloud of shadow that rushed through the crowd before slamming into Punished Snake, toppling him.


“Get the rope!” The X ordered, tackling the struggling Matoran. “Pulse!”


“Got it!” Pulse yelled. “Xaeraz, catch!”


Xaeraz caught the rope with ease and within seconds had slung it around Punished Snake’s neck, beginning to frantically tie the knot. Before he could finish, however, Onarax came flying out of the crowd, tackling him to the ground. Xaeraz grunted as he slammed into the sand, throwing Onarax off of him.


“You can’t interfere!” he said. “We voted for this double hanging!”


“I don’t care!” Onarax snarled, pulling out an energy blaster. “I’ll kill you all!”


Xaeraz ducked under the first shot but the second hit him right in the chest and he went flying. Onarax stalked forwards and blasted Xaeraz again. Xaeraz struggled to get to his knees, too weak from the attacks to save himself as Onarax aimed the blaster one last time.


“Adios, you bloodthirsty moron,” said Onarax. “I can’t wait to see your blood splatter all over the ground.”


“Actually,” Xaeraz managed to croak, coughing, “I bleed mercury.”


Onarax paused, struggling to find a reply – or perhaps he was merely struggling for air, because six feet away Punished Snake was now dangling from a rope, with Blade, Pulse and The X all staring at him triumphantly. Onarax, choking, fumbled the blaster, which fell to Xaeraz’s feet.


“I’m not usually the type to be petty,” said Xaeraz, “but just this once, I think I can manage it.”


Grabbing the blaster, Xaeraz fired it into Onarax’s face just as Punished Snake stopped twitching.


Punished Snake (Matoran) & Toa Onarax (The Father;Sibling) Lynched.


“HE’S GETTING AWAY!” MaliceGhost shouted.


Xaeraz turned and would have face palmed… if Canis hadn’t smashed his elbow into his face first. Grabbing the blaster from Xaeraz, Canis fired at Zakaro, who went flying into one of the lynching poles and broke it in half. As Burnmad and MaliceGhost rushed to see if he was okay, Canis flicked a switch on the blaster and fired towards Zakaro again, blowing him, Burnmad and MaliceGhost in different directions.


“Stop him!” Blade ordered.


Canis swung around and smashed Blade with the blaster, knocking him unconscious. The next second Canis ducked underneath Pulse’s attack and fired again, this time hitting The X and Chro. Unit lunged forward and kicked Canis back even as the next blast sent Toarobot and JL the Zamboni flying into the distance, causing the Cloaker to stumble back.


“What are you doing?!” Canis hissed. “We’re siblings!”


“Oh yeah?” Unit asked. “Well guess what? I don’t care who I’m siblings with, the Hunters are going down.”


Unit smacked the launcher out of the Cloaker’s hands and swung the dagger, but it merely bounced off. Canis laughed as he picked up the launcher again.


“Plot armour,” he said in answer to Unit’s confused look.


He fired at Unit’s feet, blasting the Matoran aside. Unit groaned, unable to move as Canis took care of first Pulse, then Norik, then the Man of Miracles, and then Lhikevikk….


Get up get up get up get up….


Unit struggled to his feet as Canis blasted Portalfig away. The Cloaker was closing in on Valendale/Cryophile now, and Unit realized there was only one way that Canis would be stopped.


Valendale heaved a sigh of relief when Canis stopped in his tracks; after all, the Cloaker had just set his blaster to the “kill” mode. Canis slowly glanced at his chest, and together the gazes of the two were dragged to Unit, who’s only response was to drive the dagger deeper into his own chest, twisting it.


“Should’ve… given it… to me… too….” Unit said to Canis. “Armour… can’t… save… me….”


With Canis starting to tremble as he died, Valendale stole his chance. Kicking the Cloaker aside, he ripped the shoulder plate of his armour off and grabbed the blaster, taking only a second to aim before firing. Canis cried out as the blast obliterated his shoulder and he collapsed to the ground, dying rapidly.


“I… hate you….”


“Shut up,” Valendale said. “Unit, you okay? Unit?”


Of course he wasn’t – when Valendale glanced back, Unit was on the ground.


Was he moving?


Of course not.


Canis Lycaon (The Cloaker) & Unit#phntk#1 (Matoran;Sibling) Lynched.


“What the heck happened?” Voltex asked, stumbling over. “This place looks like a war zone.”


“Canis kinda almost annihilated everybody,” said Valendale.


“…that’s kind of embarrassing.”




To Be Continued.


Detective, Medic, Mysterious Figure, Hunters, Sentinels - pm me your targets.

Also I'm pretty sure I had every single surviving player in this lynch scene. o_O Won't be doing that again.

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