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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


"Then maybe you should stop interfering with my work and help him," Rain snapped. "Choose your side, Shiner. If you're with us, you will leave me alone. If you're against us... well, I get another project."

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds
Shark grimmaced in pain (which normally he would resist doing, but right now he could use some help and a grimmace would reinforce that fact for his useless comrades) as Caoutchouc's shin stomp struck true. And now the Backstabber had grabbed his sword, two. It would be a Karz of a hard time to wrench it from a level 4 rubberrahk's grasp, to be sure.
But a faint whirring alerted Shark that perhaps that wouldn't be necessary. Rain hadn't been totally useless, apparently: she'd knocked Cao's sword from its path back to his hand. Without relinquishing his grip on his own sword, Shark turned his head enough to see it as it flew by, lost, unknowing that it was about to be found. He waited the millisecond for it to come to the perfect position, then whipped out his free hand and grabbed the handle. Certainly in a movie the action would have merited a slow-motion scene to exemplify the perfect timing.
Now that he had a free sword, he swung it around at Caoutchouc's left arm with great force. Maybe he could take the impact, but the sharp edge should give him a little trouble at least...


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IC Kat:


Having dressed his wound properly, I sat back, feeling unusually weary.


I chalked it up to my lack of sleep the past few days, sitting back against the stone wall.


"Been a long couple of days...."


IC Poly:


We hover upwards, then zoom along the hallways to the infirmary.

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IC: Illusive - Infirmary.


Trusting that Venom was somewhere close behind, I followed Poly to the infirmary. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Suvak jumped down off the turret of the Crawler where he'd been keeping watch, sand billowing into clouds around him as he hit the beach.


"Get her into one of the beds," he said, taking Recoil's legs to help, "The Crawler's repair systems might be able to help her. Then take me to the other one."


The students were Suvak's direct responsibility in this assignment and he would be thrown to Irnakk's mercies before he lost one of them on his watch




IC: "As I understand it," Grossh continued speaking, "You wanted to see the whole of Malebranche. Once you have finished eating here, would you like me to arrange some escorts so you might go about the city?"


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OOC: Possibly my last post for a few days. Sorry if it feels a little rushed. Feel free to bunny my characters around if needed.


IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Hoto looked up and nodded vigorously. "Oh, that would be great! I'm ready to go... whenever you are," she finished with a look to Jayar. As delicious as the food smelled, she was tired of trying to figure out what everything was. It would be better to take a tour through the city. Hopefully it would be quieter this time.



IC: Fang - Crawler to Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Fang sighed and pushed himself back up to help Suvak. He took Recoil's shoulders to help her into a bed before turning back to the door. The sooner he got the thief back here, the sooner he could rest.


So much of the jungle looked the same as he walked along the beach, but fortunately his weary footsteps made a clear trail across the sand. Broken branches and trampled leaves guided him right back to where the Rahkshi lay. He painfully leaned down to take his shoulders and lift him. At least he had the Skakdi to assist him this time. He wasn't sure if he could carry the thief on his own.


With the two injured Rahkshi taken care of, Fang finally allowed himself to collapse into a bed alongside them. He carefully reached up to yank the kama out of his back and threw it off to the side. His other wrist ached where the thief's shot had landed, and he could only hope Suvak could patch him up half as well as Palma could. It didn't sound like his companions would be going anywhere anytime soon... if they survived that is.



IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


"Fine," Rain smirked, but she turned right back to her work instead of jumping into battle. Obviously, the newly dubbed "Shiner" meant she would fight and leave Rain to her work. 


Because Rain really hated to be interrupted in the middle of something important. She wasn't letting someone's ideas of fairness get between her and revenge. Even if that meant she would have to... force them out of her way.



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


The poison seemed to be taking effect, but Root bid his time, watching for the most opportune moment to strike.


Truly, his conscience was pricked by such a shameful action, especially against one who had proven herself to be striving for better. But she was correct: this was war, and for now, she was the enemy. He could not allow her to stand in his way of escaping his unjust confines and reporting his findings to his commander. The fate of many others rested on his safe escape.


And a plan had formed in his mind of just how to accomplish the feat. 'Twas to be an adventure worthy of the most glorious songs and most lengthy novels!

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IC: Venom - Infirmary

Venom silently entered Flight Mode and followed the pair, smiling as she momentarily pondered the outcome of their plans.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC Visorak Wilds

Karz, even he had to admit that was cool!


Aside from the elasmobranchal rahk's 'grabbing-your-forgotten-sword-from-the-air-and-using-it' trick being quite neat, it was also extremely painful. Caoutchouc swiftly withdrew his left arm, it had a deep cut, the dark purple and pale whites of his brachioradialis quickly covered with gushing blood. A little bit of focus let him mold it's shape a small amount, preventing (near-immediately) lethal blood loss.


He had two options, run and regain safety and/or numbers VS continue pushing the attack. Despite his new wound, the skirmish was likely in his favor if the other two kept taking their time. But that was not a risk he could take... Several steps back were accompanied by a handful of pocket sand tossed into his foe's face. As soon as his elastic jot removed him from melee range, he turned tail and began to sprint through the jungle as fast as he could manage.



...but close to it

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IC: Vlad / Gym



There was only so long a completely inexperienced organist could sit reflectively and play B minor chords. Vlad stood at last and told the organ pointedly, "Stay right zere!" He gestured to Ivan to follow him and strode into the hallway, headed for the Library and a book on keyboarding. Hopefully the Gym wouldn't dissolve the organ in his absence - he had no idea how an organ worked, and probably wouldn't be able to get it to form another.



OOC: Vlad open to interaction in the hallways.


* * *


IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark would have liked to take Caoutchouc captive or kill him - Doublecross needed a replacement hostage, and killing the renowned rubberrahk would be glorious. Unfortunately, the moment Shark would have begun to press an offensive, he received a face full of pocket sand. In the short time it took to clear his stinging eyes enough to see, Caoutchouc was already racing away into the forest.


He wasn't getting away that easily. Shark charged after Caoutchouc, silence field enabling him to soundlessly smash aside foliage with his huge unnamed sword in one hand, the much smaller boomerang sword in the other. But it would be tough to outpace an elasticity Rahkshi.


He could use some sort of projectile to throw, but he wasn't sure if Faithful was his now or not, and didn't intend to literally just throw away such a powerful weapon. So, without missing a stride, he sheathed his own sword, reached for a fallen branch, and hurled it with with full force at the retreating Backstab's back/head.


* * *


IC: Jayar / House of Grossh



Jayar finished the current delicacy and nodded to Hoto, smiling. "I'm ready," he agreed. There would be, he assumed and indeed hoped, a chance for more food later. Hopefully Hoto wouldn't find navigating the city as troubling as navigating a table.


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IC Visorak Wilds

His foe's silence was deadly, but it made him overconfident. The smashing and stomping was felt, rather than heard. It wasn't enough stimulus to tell him anything but that the elasmaobra-




Almost flipped over by the log, he scrambled to his feet. The predatory rahkshi was closing in. Caoutchouc scanned the canopy above and quickly chose a tree, stretching his uninjured hand far into a dense copse and pulling himself up.


His desert camo paintjob would be better than nothing, and as far as he knew, his tail lacked ranged options.

...but close to it

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark watched as Caoutchouc pulled himself into the canopy, and came to a halt at the base of the tree he seemed to be in. His prey's camouflage made it harder to spot him, but not impossible if you looked hard enough, and this Shark did. He spotted the rubberrahk in the tree, obscured by the foliage. He lowered the silence field at Silver's approach, though not solely because he requested it. At the moment it would be helpful to hear any movements Caoutchouc made.


"What?" he whispered to Silver, quiet nevertheless, and was given the reply that he should follow Caoutchouc. "Into the tree? That didn't end well for you last time," he pointed out. Though they did have an advantage in weaponry over their opponent, a level 4 Elasticity Rahk was not to be underestimated, especially not one of Caoutchouc's fighting prowess.


He was beginning to wish he had some sort of ranged weapon. It seemed all too likely that if he hurled a branch into the tree it would just get caught in the multitude of limbs. But there were more than just branches lying around in this wilderness... He sheathed his sword and kneeled to pick up a rock, moss-covered and about twice the size of his clenched fist. Then he hurled it into the tree where he'd seen glimpses of his enemy, careful to ensure its trajectory was not such that it would come plummeting back down upon himself or his comrade. With its size and speed, it should manage to make it through most of the obstructing twigs largely unfettered.


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IC Visorak Wilds

Though he was attempting to stay hidden, Caoutchouc had not let the elasmobranchii out of sight, so the rock was not a surprise. He leaped to another branch to avoid it, breaking his cover. Luckily, it seemed his foe lacked ranged armaments. Perhaps he had not used Faithful out of doubt it might return to him? A quick scan of the branches revealed several fruits, a birds nest and a snake dining on said birds nest. Ah! With a quick motion, Caoutchouc grabbed the sizable rahi and threw it at his groundbound enemy. Hopefully he was as surprised as the snake was.


His mind was working in overdrive right now, weighing his options.


Dropping to the ground to continue the melee would be foolish. He was wounded and disarmed, environmental weapons would only take him so far.

Continuing the tree hopping was dangerous, it was difficult to ascertain his direction and he could end up running into reinforcements, which could have ranged capabilities.

Perhaps, he could contact his own team? He eyed the canopy above, glimpses of sunlight were visible further above. His satchel contained several reflective items he could signal with, and Era was a level four Sonics rahkshi. She might be able to hear him, assuming she was out in the open and argh! Every option available to him relied on either luck or his enemy's (nonexistent) ineptitude! He was in a truly iniquitous position.


No matter how bad this situation was, he had no time for inner monologues, doubt or hesitation. He decided to pursue the third course, climbing higher into the jungle's ceiling.

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...but close to it

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark was well prepared for Caoutchouc to respond with something. He just wasn't expecting a snake.


The ophidian projectile twisted in midair, hoping to land a strike on the two beings so similar to the one which had interrupted its feast, a rarity in the Visorak-ravaged wilds. But before it could land a blow on Shark the silence Rahkshi batted it aside with Faithful, and it landed on the ground with a hiss before raising its head, bleeding slightly, and opening its mouth, poison dripping from its fangs as it prepared to strike with lightning speed -


But it never got the chance. Realizing he had but an instant, Shark hurled Faithful right into the snake's mouth. There was no time to hesitate on the basis that he might lose the sword. It was a killing blow, made more gruesome by the fact that the stolen sword returned to Shark's hand, dragging the snake's dead body along after it.


Shark grabbed it around the neck and ripped it off the blade, and noted the poison on its fangs. With a quick swing of Faithful they were sliced off. Open poison glands began to drip their venom on the ground, then onto Faithful as Shark rubbed one side, then the other, of the blade across them. Now the blade was poisoned, and he threw away the useless snake corpse.


But precious time had been lost in all this. "Follow him into the tree," Shark instructed Silver. "Give a shout when you engage him." Then, silence field reactivated, he leapt into the air, into flight mode. Though the branches tried to obstruct him, he noiselessly powered through them, coming out beyond the canopy a few seconds later.


He deactivated the silence field and hovered, keeping his sharp eyes peeled for any disturbance in the leafy roof and ears open for Silver's cry.


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IC: Nightmare-Hallway---Dorm

Nightmare walked to his dorm, where he could plan, there were 2 steps to his grand plan

1. Level up to level 6

2. use level 6 fear powers to cause mass hysteria, so he could swoop in, and kill everyone.

It was Perfect! Flawless! Simple! He then found one problem,

How do I level up?

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IC: Silver - Visorak wilds


I gave a quick nod and darted up the tree, scaling it as rapidly as I could.


IC: Drift


I dipped my brush into the minimal remains of my luminescent paint and brought it back up. I was about to lay down the first few strokes when the Gukko flew up to me, carrying a large pouch.

"What's this?" I whispered as I dug into its contents.

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IC: Illusive - Hallway.


I nodded and turned towards Venom, waiting to see if she had anything to add. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Grossh clapped his hands twice in the air and into the room stepped quite possibly the largest being Jayar had ever seen and Hoto had ever heard. He had to stoop just to fit into the room, and his four arms were held close to his torso to avoid accidentally breaking anything with an errant swing. His armour seemed more calciferous than ferrous, smooth and sleek with swirling patterns that glowed even in the brightness of the dining room. The table rattled slightly with the impact of his broad, two-toed feet hitting the ground, if he ever decided to run the quakes might level buildings. The was an inordinate amount of organic matter, higher than normal even for something of his size, and it had a slick, damp quality to it. He wore a breastplate of burnished gold, the hand sigil Grossh used as his mark adorned on it almost as large as a Toa. Like the Rahkshi, his head was slung lower on his body, not upright like the Matoran-kind, and ended in a brutish maw of fang-like teeth that dwarfed the beady eyes set above them.

"This is Veltorm," Grossh said, "He is one of my most trusted aides. I have to admire anyone who can work steel just by twisting it in his hands. Go anywhere you wish in the city, he will escort you and cover costs as needs be. Just don't expect him to be a great conversationalist."


The armoured amphibian before them bowed ever so slightly to Hoto and Jayar, being careful not to break or dislodge anything with his bulk




IC: With Fang leading the way and laser vision to slice through the jungle's thick foliage, it was not long before Suvak reached Sidonas. The journey back was slower, encumbered as he was by carrying the stricken student, but just as uneventful. Soon Sidonas was in a bunk beside Recoil, mechaaical arms whirring around them to replace and heal burnt up armour.



* * * * * * * * *


In her rocky redoubt, waiting for an unwitting enemy to stumble into her carefully staged ambush, Sliver was disturbed from her vigil by a voice, thin and weak.


"Help meee..."


She knew that voice. It was the one with all the irritating questions, the one called...Mist? Something like that. 


"Enemy right behind me...tried to get away...hurt my leg...help meeeee"


It was hard to tell with the echoes but it seemed to be coming from a little behind Team Doublecross's base set up. Had Backstab worked through the mountains to get round behind them? This could only be trouble!

Edited by I Am Ultron Six


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IC: Sliver - Team Doublecross (Starnhorn Ranges).


Swearing, I twisted around and looked behind me, seeing nothing but the sheer cliff face. They must have been on top of it somewhere, but what the karz was that idiot doing all the way up there? Something didn't add up....


"Hold this position; I'll be back," I ordered the rest of my teammates, taking to the air and leaving the flag behind on the ledge. I circled wide, keeping well away from the clifftop just in case this all turned out to be an enemy trap. This way, I'd have the time and space required to safely evade or repel any projectiles that might get flung my way. 


I hadn't gotten to this point in my life without being careful....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Fog:

Fog's head spun, literally, when he heard his own voice. Ick. What knucklehead would sound like that? So, it must be an imitator, because he knew he was here, and it was an incompetent one at that. Still, teh fact that they thought he spoke like that meant his acting was successful. Whatever it was, it was a trap. He should warn Sliver.... But what's the point? He would become leader, and technically she ordered everyone to stay here.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Nightmare-Dorm---Hallway---Courtyard

Nightmare was bored.

It was fun with Shock, but now he is utterly bored.

He decided he needed to find Shock again,

I first met him in the Courtyard, so thats a Good place to start.

And with that, He was off. Shock might also be able to help him Scheme. 

Edited by Dragon11603
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IC Visorak Wilds

Glimmers of silver shone through breaks in the leaves, the pursuer was flying above.



                                                                                                                                                  if he catches you, you'll ███

The rubberrahk was thinking the situation through with increasing desperation. Below him, the sounds of the fumbling rahkshi from before became increasingly close. Absolute stillness would only conceal him for so long. Dropping back down to face his earlier opponent would be pointless, the predator above would swoop down. He felt odd at that thought, shaky and sort of chilled. It was an emotion scarcely known to him. Not fear in the conventional sense, but the raging hormones of the flight-or-fight response.


Loss. Was that an option? What would even happen if he lost and the elasmobranchii ████ him? Eternal unconsciousness, a difficult situation to imagine. Consciousness was the entire basis of an organism having subjective experience and possessing a sense of self and an awareness of the world around it. Without that, he'd be nothing. More nothing than the lack of something, but the nothing of something that never existed and would simply continue to be a blank nonexistence throughout all of time and space. Would ████ be bad, past the initial pain? It's not like he would remember it, or if anyone would remember him, or if he would even be able to philosophize about such things when he was ███


But, as he tries to comprehend such cessation of consciousness, a cold sweat forms over his body. It's terrifying, the prospect of... No. He wouldn't say it or think it. He had to escape.


In a single motion he is past the tree tops, fluidly gathering himself like a coil and shooting into the sky, as soon as he can, he enters flight mode. Sprint-flying directly upwards, challenging gravity and good common sense. Escaping horizontally would've been pointless. Ranged weapons still worked during horizontal flight, but during a reckless, suicidal vertical sprint? Into the colder reaches of the heavens and eventually beyond? Throwing a weapon directly upwards would be pointless.


But... How high would his enemy pursue?

...but close to it

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IC: Sliver's caution was well deserved, because in a mere instant all manner of havoc was unleashed. The most concerning for Sliver herself was that a net was thrown through the air at her. It was a particularly large one, and could probably have held a half dozen or so Rahkshi within it, made that way partly to make it harder to avoid and partly to make it heavier, the numerous interlinking strands of pleated webbing adding up to a considerable weight.

And all of a sudden the cliffs were full of spiders. 

The Oohnorak's mental powers may not have been as formidable as a Makuta's, or even a Ce-Toa's, but even their limited telepathy was enough to pinpoint where the Rahkshi of Doublecross were located. That same telepathy had allowed them to soundlessly communicate, moving into positions where each of the students was covered by at least one of the poisonous scourge. Their first move had been to try and lure Sliver away, trying to keep the one they'd determined as leader away from her horde, keep her removed and distracted to prevent her issuing orders. Their second was what they were putting into play right now. Numbing Rhotuka careened out from the rocks and crags at the members of Doublecross, a series of attacks being launched at each of them simultaneously. The idea was the keep them off-balance, to try and drive and scatter them, rout the enemy before they even realised a battle was taking place...


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IC: Revenge-Nynrah


After a digging for a while, including some pauses to evade Matoran patrols, Revenge managed to get his launcher as well as Rider's swords.  "Well that took longer than expected." He said to Toxin.  "We probably missed the trip."


IC: Melody-Courtyard


Melody was still out in the courtyard.  "Sh-sh-should we s-s-start s-soon?" She asked.


IC: Booger-Gym


Booger got up grumbling and went to look for his club.  He walked down to the gym and found his club sitting on the ground next to some sort of message. He was reaching down to pick up Ol' Crusty when he noticed something.  "Um, where are my fingers?"


OOC: Back in Buisiness!  Booger is open for interaction.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: Vorzorak-Doublecross

"What is tha- RHOTUKA!" He said right before he got hit, and suddenly couldn't Stand.


IC: Sanurahk-Doublecross

"Huh? Argh!" He Said as he got hit by the rhotuka and dropped to the Ground


IC: Shadow-Wilds

Shadows eyes creaked open a bit, and he suddenly screeched with pain, his suit was crushed, his foot was gone, he was still inside, his only chance was...

he started using all his strength to slither out of the Suit, and slithered towards a tree

My suit may not blend in, but my Brown Kraata will. 

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IC Fog:

The instant spinners started flying, Fog turned on his shroud of heavy fog, hopefully keeping the attackers from seeing his position while he dove off his spot in a tree, switching to flight mode and taking to the sky, flying in a zigzag to distribute his natural smokescreen across as large an area as possible.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Vlad / Library



Vlad arrived in the library and immediately began combing the shelves for a book on keyboarding. His inept search through the cooking section was interrupted by a faraway squeak from Ivan, who was apparently better acquainted with the De-Matoran Decimal System than Vlad and had easily located the desired section. Vlad strode over with a muttered, "I vould haf found it," and began to browse for a suitable instruction for a complete beginner.



OOC: Vlad open to interaction in the Library.


* * *


IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Skies
The canopy was suddenly broken, and Shark's quarry was hurtling into the heavens - and Shark after him. "With me!" he called down to Silver below as the wind raced past his face, the rubberrahk in sight. He was afraid. The renowned warrior and level four rubberrahk, afraid of him! It was a triumphant realization.
But if Caoutchouc was defying gravity, so was the larger Shark. And his sheer size, an advantage in battle, was a hindrance in this pursuit. Slowly Caoutchouc grew more distant, though Shark followed with all the speed he could muster, undeterred. Alas, he feared if this continued, Caoutchouc would escape him. But with the kill so close, he refused to relent. If Caoutchouc should level out or slow Faithful was at the ready, the snake's poison dripping slowly off the blade but still present in abundance for the time when it would be needed for the kill.


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OOC: Won't really be on for the rest of the day.


IC: Bullseye/Refectory

I sat there with Metal waiting for a response to my question of whether he finished the sign or not.


IC: Toxin/Nynrah

I nodded.

"I guess so."


IC: Stronghold/Lighthouse

He sat there waiting.


IC: Punch/Counterpunch/Punch POV/Starnhorn Range

I heard whirring and leapt into action, literally, as I jumped over a Rhotuka, and twisted away from another. Counter took control and grinned as he flipped the switches in the gauntlets. The blades were out.


IC: Alpha/Starnhorn Range

Two Rahkshi fell. Ugh... I tried my best to dodge a few of the Rhotuka as Fog began making a smokescreen. I began to shout.

"They have telepathy! They can sense us even if you put up a smokescreen."

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IC: Shock

Shocker reached the library and was looking for a book to read. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a book labeled, "Understanding Insanity", by a matoran named Kodan. Interested, Shock reached for the book and opened it. One of the chapters was called, "What is insanity?". It was the chapter after the intro. Shock turned to the chapter and started reading out loud." Chapter one. So, what is this disease of the mind? Well, insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns." After reading the first sentence, Shock realized that his head was in serious pain. "This book is a disease! It must be destroyed!" Shock shouted. Without a second thought, Shock brought out his sword and started slicing the book to shreds, cackling as he did so. Soon, he stood in the remains of what had been a book that could possibly have helped him. Then, he started casually looking through the books again, oblivious to the fact that all the Rahks were looking at him as if he had grown two heads.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: As Vorzorak and Sanurahk hit the ground, suffering from the worst case of pins and needles they were ever going to get, a few of the Oohnorak attack force moved forward to grab them. Two to each Rahkshi, they were apparently going to just drag their prey clear of the firefight and to whatever lair they were operating from. Otherwise they were staying clear of tactics like charging right at Doublecross, sticking to their vantage points to rain Rhotuka upon them. And Alpha was right, Fog's smokescreen was doing little to deter them. When the mist became too thick for their eyes they resorted to mental powers to hunt down the students like hounds tracked a scent...



* * * * * * * * *



The aerial duel between Caoutchouc and Shark was about to become a bit more complicated. Birds were not the only things that haunted the skies over Visorak. And to one large Venom Flyer, its steely carapace covered with the memories of past fights, the pair looked to be a delicious next meal. With a droning buzz it took to the skies and started gaining on the duo, its charging Rhotuka a beacon of light


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IC: Sliver's caution was well deserved, because in a mere instant all manner of havoc was unleashed. The most concerning for Sliver herself was that a net was thrown through the air at her. It was a particularly large one, and could probably have held a half dozen or so Rahkshi within it, made that way partly to make it harder to avoid and partly to make it heavier, the numerous interlinking strands of pleated webbing adding up to a considerable weight.


IC: Sliver - Team Doublecross (Starnhorn Ranges).


Here we go again.... this was hardly my first time fighting Visorak. As the net began sailing clumsily through the air towards me, I started flying backwards, summoning a vortex of cyclonic energy around myself at the same time. By the time the net finally reached me, its weight had slowed it down enough that it was swept up in my personal cyclone and sent flying.


Looking down towards the clearing, I saw that the real Fog - idiot that he was - had summoned up a cloud of mist which did nothing to hamper the Visorak but did plenty to prevent the other rahks from being able to see the Rhotuka being fired at them. 


As usual, it was up to me to help the morons.


Letting the cyclone fade, I raised my bow and started unleashing my arrows on the Visorak, weaving through the air to avoid the Rhotuka they sent my way. And I thought this assignment was going to be boring....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Nightmare-Courtyard---Hallway

"Hmm, Shocks not here, Might as well look through the Halls."


IC: Vorzorak

Every subtle movement was dreadful.

Pins and Needles.

Mimic Menaces.

No. This is not how it ends.

He started attempting to kick at the Oohnorak who were dragging him away, no matter how dreadful it was, he wasn't going to die by Visorak.


IC: Sanurahk

The only thing Sanurahk was doing was Mourning. The loss of his knife, and his Staff, his brass knuckle he still had. he realized a Solution to this Problem. It was so simple! He teleported out of the grasp of the Oohnorak, and dropped to the ground a few feet away.

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IC Fog:

Fog abruptly dropped out of the bottom of the cloud, aiding his descent with a gust of wind. Hopefully, the Visorak would pause long enough for him to fly close enough to attack.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Skies



Caoutchouc was growing further away. And behind him, a low drone was growing closer...


Shark risked a glance backwards and found himself looking at a Venom Flyer, Rhotuka rapidly gaining energy. Obviously it was after a meal, so the logical thing to do was point it towards the rubberrahk. How to do that, though? He was between the Rahi and his own prey, so it would probably be more inclined to chase after him. He had to change that, so that it was closer to Caoutchouc than himself.


So Shark suddenly wrenched himself out of his upward climb, and at roughly a 30 degree angle to the ground sped hastily in the direction of the Backstab base. Now that he was in agreement with gravity, his size could only increase his speed, and he was soon moving down much faster than the rubberrahk was moving up. If Caoutchouc tried to retreat to his comrades, Shark would be ahead of him. He'd be trapped between a Rahi and a Rahi's namesake, each perfectly inclined to kill him. And if he continued his climb, the Rahi would surely be able to catch him easier than it would be Shark.


But just in case the Venom Flyer went after Shark instead, he held Faithful and his unnamed sword at the ready.


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