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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Haken - Tridax's Office

Upon hearing claims of treason from Draco, Haken, though sickly and groggy, kept himself in somewhat of a position to fight.

"I will prove to Lord Tridax that I have nothing to hide, but first I will give him your head for such claims against me!" Haken swung a rage-filled punch at Draco, spinning somewhat due to the sickness.

He WILL pay for what he has done! One who harasses a fellow Rahk and uses such foul play against an honest warrior deserves no honor in combat! I will see him suffer for such an act!


IC: Sidonas - Tridax's Office

Sidonas still remained in deep sleep, his mind floating through events and things he had done, though he viewed it like an outsider.

A thief, lurking in the shadows, caring little for who he harms or steals from. He seems angry. Upset about what?

The same thief is here again, the woman, it seems like a woman, is bringing him somewhere? Trial. He is facing his crimes.

Here he is again, leaving foods and fruits at doors, speaking something about peace talks with an angry people. Who is this thief?

The reminders of thievery faded, and his mind, lost in what was being witnessed and remembered, thought upon the idea of one who works from shadows.

Shadows, darkness, night, these things are used to hide, to conceal, to cloak. Thieves, rouges, assassins, all of these use such empty spaces where nothing is visible to lie, cheat, steal, kill innocents. What good do shadows serve?

Sidonas' mind simply whispered the answer: May darkness be used to serve light?

Yes. Though there are those who hide and take advantage of the weak, there are those who would see justice be done from the shadows. Masked men, those who take from the rich and corrupt and give to the poor and innocent. Some work in the dark to serve the light, but that does not mean they are of the darkness. Only a light who allows themself to dim in shadow, so they might do works of good unnoticed.

A question then hit Sidonas' mind, one that in the deep sleep, it felt like he pondered for centuries.

If light may work in the darkness, and it falls to the darkness, how can it return to the light?

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"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Alpha/Gym

I formed a shell of rock and metal and turned to him.

"And I am not. So get lost. Or you will pay."

I growled, and turned back to Vlad seeming more intimidating than ever.

"Hmm...I know that Stronghold, Punch, Root, Shield, Fang, Sliver, Era, and Kat were there. The guy in blue probably told you more people."

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IC: Liar - Cauldron

"Well, that was a waste of time," he said to himself, shortly after he was the only one left in The Cauldron.

Flying back outside, he took a small little detour from his fairly straightforward path, eventually landing nearby an inconspicuous and unspecified number of trees. Walking a few steps to his right, he crouched down and immediately picked up a reasonably large rock, moving it to the side in order to reveal the clearly disturbed earth that was previously beneath it. A few minutes of digging with his claws produced a small trunk wrapped in fabric, both of which had been looted from his previous location before his "arrival" at Corpus Rahkshi. Tearing at the cloth before setting it aside, he slowly lifted up the lid, his mouth curling itself into a smile as he set his sights on the contents of the container.

Good; none of the other Rahkshi stumbled across these yet. I have a feeling that I'll be needing them sometime soon.

Quickly undoing all of his hard work before moving the rock back into place, the Rahkshi of Magnetism once again entered Flight Mode and began to set off in the direction of the school.

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Vlad / Gym



Vlad nodded timidly. "Yeah... But zis still helps."


If he could remember correctly, that was... Exxan, Kat, Fang, Era, Sliver, Caoutchouc, Shadow, Stronghold, Punch, Sidonas, Recoil, Root, and Shield accounted for. Others could possibly also have been there as well though.


"By any chance, do you have any ideas for who might be barbaric enough to vant to bring Matoran here?" he asked Alpha. She probably had nothing more than he did, but might as well ask.


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IC: Sliver - Tridax's Office.


"Children," I sighed. This Draco rahk was both tactless and incompetent. What a winning combination...



IC: Era - Dorm.


So, this was it. We were leaving. 


I'd been here for only a short while, but I'd made friends to last me a lifetime, formed Kaitas, gone on adventures... Despite its many flaws, I was going to miss this weird old place. 


I started packing my few possessions into my satchel - a few more bells I'd left scattered around the room, a bag of bird seed, and a few stone tablets I'd been using to teach myself to read. 


And that was pretty much it. "Come on," I called to Zivon, and the hawk flapped over to land on my shoulder as I headed out the door, "It's time to go somewhere new..." I just hoped Kat knew what she was doing.... 



IC: Xara - Dorm.


"Hey, you in here?" I knocked softly on the door, "Glass? It's me." 


"Xara?" I heard a chorus of tired mumbling and then he opened the door, stifling a yawn. "What's wrong?"


"We're leaving," was all I said, "Grab Sand and meet me in the empty dorm wing later."


I turned to leave, but he caught my arm, pulling me into the room and shutting the door behind us. "Xara.... care to explain to me what's going on? Why do we have to leave?" 


"Because Tridax is crazy." I snapped, "Some of the others have been planning an escape for a while now. They got me in on the plan, but now Tridax has found out. We need to go before he finds us all."


"You want me to betray the Makuta and go on the run?" he said, in disbelief, "They'll hunt us down for sure." 


"Glass, I.... please...." 


"Do you even know where we're supposed to be going?" 


"I.... no.... but I trust..."


"Stop. Don't say their names." He clamped his hand over my mouth. "What I don't know, I can't tell anyone." He pulled his hand away, "I'm going to stay here," I could hear the hurt in his voice as he said it.


I pulled him into a hug. "Be safe. I'll be back for you." 


"Take Sand with you," he added, as I broke away and turned towards the door, "stupid cat keeps eating my books." 


I smirked, "Sure." I called her over and picked her up, "Goodbye Glass."


"Bye," he replied sadly, closing the door behind me. 


I did my best, but I couldn't stop the tears as I hurried back to my dorm. 

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Burst


Burst slowly came to, hearing yelling around him. Confused as to why he wasn't dead yet, the dazed rahk picked himself up from the ground and onto his hands and knees. He tried to rise to his feet, but the poison seemed to decide otherwise, as he was overcome by dizziness and half sat, half fell against the wall, only to recoil as the cold stone reached right through his mutilated carapace and touched his exposed Kraata. Looking up, he saw the rahk he had tried to rescue earlier drunkenly flailing at Draco. This would have brought him some amusement, if Makuta Tridax wasn't standing next to them, glaring down at the helpless Kurahk.



Chuck Norik is no match for Bruce Lhikan!



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IC CLockwork:

His mind beginning to work properly now that he had recovered form the initial shock, Clockwork quickly composed a plan. It would likely be impossible to alter the bowl. Therefore,an external apparatus would be needed. A strip of stone stretched over the bowl, responding to Clockwork's mental command. It bent downwards, sprouting a blunt grasper about the size of a Rahkshi. The strip stretched down more, and CLockwork attempted to grab the Rahkshi with it.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Alpha/Gym

"I'm sorry, but no. I'm still, to be honest, a little new. But, since a Rahkshi brought them to school, then something sounds fishy. It has to be someone who sneaks around a lot. Someone who isn't really noticed or payed attention to. Someone who wants attention. How many other Matoran were here?"

She scratched the back of her head. It would do good to have someone who could do actual investigation.

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IC: Xara - Dorm. 


I returned to my room and sat Sand down on the edge of the bed as I started to pack my things. My swords were sheathed across my back, as always, and the Talons were tucked away in a pouch on my belt. 


Apart from a few books, some food for Sand to munch on, and a handful of other personal effects, the only other thing worth taking with me was my Rahkshi staff. 


"Let's get out of here," I said, opening the door and stepping out into the hall, Sand padding along beside me. 

Edited by Locus

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Flabbergaster


After realizing he had a dorm room to stay in, Flabbergaster decided to check the piece of paper he kept as he walked to the dorms that had his number. He had written it to-


Oh no.


All the falling, punching, and smashing(and a bit of unintentional flying too) he had been doing had crumpled, torn, and utterly disfigured the paper until the numbers were a crumpled mess. Drat. Hopefully there was an unused one he could find... He began walking towards the rows of dorms that seemed cleaner... And unused...


IC Doubt


So... The Rahk he had greeted when he arrived soon after tried to kill him and disobey common sense of law, and NOW was trying to interrogate him, rather poorly. Grim didn't seem too much of a threat when it came to interrogating. Tridax, on the other hand, well...


He looked to the other Rahks in case they should say anything.


IC Frog.


Oh. That was easy.


Finding the wall, Frog let Dakilik set his end down first before setting his against the wall. He then turned around and felt his way back into the dorm.

Edited by Ghidora131
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OOC: There, I'm a bloody easy kill, happy now? 


IC (As Fader): "Karz!" The navy blue and black rahkshi growled as he watched the lava flow down towards him. *I didn't even request a bloody bowl of lava, how'd that happen?!* He turned around to see a blue and purple rahkshi kick down several dummies. "Thanks for the assistance!" The rahkshi called out as he jumped onto a dummy, slightly wobbling before gaining his footing. He hopped to the next dummy and jumped up towards the ledge just as it was getting reabsorbed. His heels were dangerously close to the edge when he landed and the pain from his wound began acting up, making his foot nearly slip into the lava. "... I can't fight..." He collapsed, the tip of his feet dangling over the hot lava.


His suit was incapable of moving as it was crippled by the pain. Fader's kraata was exposed from the cut in his back. *Perfect, everyone is either intimidated by the overgrown Takea or isn't planning to help me out.* The navy blue rahkshi closed his eyes, knowing he was going to meet his end. 

Edited by Liuth

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IC: Glaciem Ignis - Gym.


This place is really heating up, wouldn't you say, sis?


You are an idiot. We moved forward into a two handed strike, both of our blades cleaving through the dummy before us. We spun, slicing out in both direction and slicing down another pair of dummies. 


OOC: Glaciem Ignis open for interaction. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Shock

"Well.... You fell in the water after being electrocuted, so.... Yeah." Shock said, putting Nightmare down. "Might want to get checked out."



IC: Vitesse

With a sigh, Vitesse put up the book, and exited the library.


OOC: open for interaction.



IC: Mortsia

The matoran was standing there. Ever so slowly, Mortsia approached....

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Snake - Empty Classroom

My eyes darting back and forth, I enter. I spot Cao, giving him a nod (which is, frankly, the equivalent of a lengthy greeting from me) and take a spot on one of the chairs. I realize that my bag's still in my dorm - I'll have to get it in a sec. For now we need to...discuss? It'll have to be a pretty rushed discussion, and the only thing we really need to establish is which direction it is we will be running like karz in. My personal vote: away.

What? It's always seemed to work for me...


IC: Raith - Library

"Yes." I say instantly. 



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IC: Alpha/Gym

"I'm sorry. Just forget the latter. I meant to say that this person wanted to be unknown so they wouldn't be suspected. Or found. And since four Matoran were here then there is definitely more than one culprit because I don't see how one guy can bring four Matoran without any complications.

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IC: Holistic



So far I've found a gymnasium, several educational rooms and a large collection of personal quarters. I assume that there is a refectory somewhere, but unfotunately I haven't found it yet. A shame, for I am quite hungry after my long and arduous journey. I spot a door to my left: perhaps this is the room I'm looking for?


A Rahkshi walks out, behind her shoulder a large quantity of bookshelves, some of them strangely empty. This is the library, it seems. I doubt that books have a savoury taste, possibly quite the opposite. But maybe this one can tell me where they serve nutrition for their students?


"Tell me where I can find a refectory. I recently arrived here, so I don't know where the various facilities are."


I, of course, don't express excessive friendliness but calm neutrality. I do hope that she respects my values and isn't insulted by my tone.


OoC: Talking to Vitesse

Edited by Daniel the Dwarf

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

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"Finally," Beat muttered to herself as she unlocked the door. "Thought I'd be looking for my room forever." She surveyed the cramped, spartan chamber, shrugged indifferently--how much time would she really be spending in here, anyway?--stashed he personal supply of paint in what passed for a cupboard, and pondered what to do next. Her growling stomach quickly decided the matter. As she stepped back out into the hall, she was tempted to slam the door as hard as she could, just to see what sort of reaction it would get, but decided to save that sort of experimentation for when she got really bored. Instead, she closed the door relatively quietly, locked it, and set off in search of the refectory. 



Sepulchral turned his newly acquired room key over in his hand. It seemed almost a thematic microcosm of the entire school--aesthetically hideous, but serviceable. He carefully slipped the item into one of the secured pockets of his cloak, seeing no particular need to visit his quarters just yet. There were more important locations to survey first. He strolled off in what he thought was the direction of the library.  


OOC: Both open for interaction. 


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IC Doubt


Doubt simply glared at Grim, any fear he had for him right now being replaced with thoughts of not too far off yourself, big boy.


IC Flabbergaster


Farther down, Flabbergaster was completely mistaken. Yes, it seemed there were less people here, but the halls seemed.... Lamer.


After finding the farthest one, he went up to the best door, opened it, and stepped inside...




He was stuck in the doorway. He began tugging and pulling at the doorframe in an attempt to free himself, which only resulted in the doorframe getting handprints.

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IC: Dakilik


Dakilik followed Senor Fraug into the dorm. He then played a few chords and tuned his guitar. "So, do we move to the library to find muzak?"


OOC: Ghiddy, did you forget about Vaalku?

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC: Shark / Gym



Inwardly Shark was, if not fuming as a more emotional Rahk might have been, rather disappointed. Due to the supernaturally quick intervention of that Sanorahk, his prey had miraculously escaped the death trap he'd created. And easy as it might be he could hardly kill him outright now he would have to refrain from doing so; there were all sorts of witnesses.


Outwardly he rushed to the fallen Rahk's side, an expression that looked for all the world like barely-subdued horror adorning his face. "You'll be fine," he told him consolingly, sheathing his sword and gently picking him up. "Gotta be more careful with the commands, and get better at sparring, but you'll be fine."


He looked over to Clockwork. "Good thinking with those dummies," he told him with an approving nod. "Probably saved his life. I'm going to get this wretch to Palma." And he was indeed planning on doing just that. For now, Fader would survive... but in the end, he would not be fine.

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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OOC: Why the not? Let it go, violin style. 


IC (As Tangirahk): "Why go to the library to look for songs when we can create our own?" Said the rahkshi of sonics as she began playing her violin. 

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IC: Shark / Gym


Inwardly Shark was, if not fuming as a more emotional Rahk might have been, rather disappointed. Due to the supernaturally quick intervention of that Sanorahk, his prey had miraculously escaped the death trap he'd created. And easy as it might be he could hardly kill him outright now he would have to refrain from doing so; there were all sorts of witnesses.


Outwardly he rushed to the fallen Rahk's side, an expression that looked for all the world like barely-subdued horror adorning his face. "You'll be fine," he told him consolingly, sheathing his sword and gently picking him up. "Gotta be more careful with the commands, and get better at sparring, but you'll be fine."


He looked over to Clockwork. "Good thinking with those dummies," he told him with an approving nod. "Probably saved his life. I'm going to get this wretch to Palma." And he was indeed planning on doing just that. For now, Fader would survive... but in the end, he would not be fine.

OOC: That's fine Epsilon, we weren't friends to begin with. 

IC (As Fader): *That's strange how he decided to spare me. His motives, I will have to find out...* The rahkshi of chameleon's kraata spasmed in pain. *Now, I need to investigate the gym, how do I get the bloody thing to work with me?* Fader began to speak. "That's helpful advice, but I want to know more, what's the best way to spar and how do the commands work? I obviously backfired, so there has to be a better way to get the gym to do what you want." 

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC: Malady (Hallways)
I bump into another Rahkshi in the hallways, this time, one who's really weird. I look him up and down, and say, "Well, you're weird."


OOC: That would be Sepulchral that Malady's talking to. Also:

IC: Raith

IC: Nymph (Library)
"In that case," I begin, pausing slightly in order to once again take Raith's hand in my own, "I forgive you."

didnt she actually just tell you that she was an actor or whatever

i mean

how do you know she isnt lying again here





Edited by Miras the Omniscient


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Sepulchral felt that his search was close to bearing fruit when another Rahkshi came barging around a corner and nearly knocked him to the floor. Then, to add insult to injury, she had the impudence to call him "weird!" The sheer indignity of the situation demanded a response. "I believe imposing, majestic, terrifying, or perhaps daemonic would be far more suitable adjectives. Search your vocabulary, dear, I'm sure something of the sort is in there somewhere." 



Beat held back a grimace as she carried her bowl of slop toward the tables. Maybe, she thought, it tastes better than it looks. And smells. 


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IC: Fang and Hoto - Empty Dorm Wing


Fang and Hoto slipped into the opened door. The hollow echo of her clickers seemed far too familiar to Hoto. She made her way towards the back corner of the room and waited, hoping it wouldn't be long.



IC: Char - Hallways


After a bit of wandering, she found that imposing door once again. With any luck, Tridax's Office. The Porters waiting outside stared at her stoically. Char just grinned back. "I have a message for Lord Tridax," she began boldly. "I think I know who brought that Matoran here."



IC: Rain - Hallways


The hallways were disappointingly empty. The few Rahkshi she saw running around didn't bother stopping to comment on her armor. It didn't really matter. She was sure she would find plenty of opportunities to kill them later. She just didn't want to scratch her new paint quite yet.



OOC: Rain open to interaction.

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IC: Jayar / Empty Classroom



Jayar followed Hoto into the room, standing with her in the back corner. They were so close now...


* * *


IC: Shark / Infirmary, Halls



"New patient for you, Palma," Shark called as he strode into the Infirmary carrying the prone Fader, and laid him down on the nearest empty bed. "Sorry to bring you another," he apologized lightly to the healer as he (probably, though apparently unintentionally painfully) retrieved Faithful from the patient.


He turned to the camouflage Rahk. "I'm going to do you a favor and pick up your weapons for you, else they might be stolen," he told him gruffly. "You can come by my room and get them whenever you're feeling better." He told him the number, and without waiting for a response turned and reentered the hallways, headed for the Gym once more.


The halls were rather empty, and he strode purposefully through without paying too much attention to anyone. At least, until he encountered a fairly stocky Rahkshi sporting a glorious slimming paint job.


"Wow," he said, stopping to put the on appropriate and appreciated aura of admiration as he took in Rain's artistic masterpiece. "Your armor looks wonderful."

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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Sepulchral could already tell that their conversation was not destined to be a productive one. This ill-mannered woman did not respond well to civilized discourse; perhaps she would be pacified by something more overt. He stood as erect as he could, enveloped in his cloak, and adopted his most fearsome scowl. "I have very little patience for your ilk at the present, woman. Were I in your place, I would apologize, before we move from words to blows."



If anything, the slop tasted worse than it smelled. Beat suppressed her gag reflex and looked around to make absolutely sure there wasn't anything more edible on the menu. Karz, she would almost be willing to mooch off another student if that's what it took to get some real food. 


OOC: Beat is open for interaction.


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