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IC: Skull Carrier


On his face was a look of disbelieve.

"I'm sorry, did you say 'one of the' Makuta? I'm only ever known of one Makuta in my lifetime. THE Makuta, mask maker and brother of Ekimu." The Skull Carrier held his chin in thought. "What a strange world you come from."


*Click Banner to go to the Sikza Spriting Kit topic

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IC Lefia:

Lefia mostly ignored Jorth and Alisa, trying to figure out how to steal that coat. It was just so... Exquisite. And it would sell for quite a lot.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Skull Carrier


"Ekimu is one of two great Mask makers of which my people wholly relied on for masks and protection. In a way he and Makuta were like gods made flesh. That is, until Makuta grew jealous of his brother's popularity, and created and mask so powerful, so uncontrollable, that Ekimu had sacrifice both of their lives to stop it." The Skull Carrier paused for a moment, it was a story he knew all too well. "In the end, Ekimu was put to rest. It is however unfortunate that Makuta's body was never found."


*Click Banner to go to the Sikza Spriting Kit topic

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IC: Hagah

"I... See... In my universe, there... There are approximately 90 Makuta. Each with their own name, each with their own territory. They create Rahi-animals, they... They rule over the Matoran... It is their duty to serve the... The Great Spirit Mata Nui, who created them, just like they... Created me."


Hagah turned to the Skakdi beside him, asking: "Is it likewise... Where you come from?"

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As both Xaeraz and Lytrel rounded the first corner in the maze, they found a golden-armored being with an appearance akin to that of a Toa seated upon a throne of stone. The figure was blocking their passage, although as the two fighters watched, the being and their throne appeared to flicker, as if they were not really there....


Salutations, dear fighters. I would offer both of you a seat, but I believe we can all agree that neither of you would take me up on that offer. So stand as you will, preparing yourselves for a future attack. Ask any questions you have, please; I shall answer those that I can before moving onto my... proposal.


The voice echoed in their minds, sounding both regal and sinister. Whatever their intentions were, they were clearly malevolent - and making no attempt to hide that fact. The being's presence in their minds could be best described as being silky smooth, sliding into and throughout their thoughts like water poured into a glass. Whether they intended to leave the two fighters alive or kill them instead once the conversation was over could not be predicted.


At the moment, however, the being was merely looking for a conversation.

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IC: Nisaduf (Dark Tunnel)


"Ew," Nisa muttered, her voice coming from just behind the two Toa. Artorre had slowed her down, at least, and as such she was happily in the middle for now.


Even while they walked, she was prepping the Illusion of Greatness for its first real run, sending bits of the swarm around to surround the group, not doing anything other than silently hovering along, a few landing on each member of the group if possible -the flames around the Fire Protector made that tough-  and in general the machine was preparing itself to do something. What, exactly, she would do Nisa wasn't yet sure of, but it would come to her. 



IC: Bajets (Food Court)


"The style, the glamour, and perhaps reading books as well," Bajets half-teased back, smiling slyly and shyly at Tirkah as she pulled back a little, stretching. 


"So.. What do you plan to do here, good sir?" She said, leaning forward again with a glint in her eye and easy grin on her face. Ugh, she hated playing up her feminine side sometimes, but it was all for a good cause. 


IC Tirkah:


He shrugs. "Blow the karz outta anyone who finds themselves in my crosshairs," he says,patting the Rifle. "Otherwise, I mostly entertain myself teasin the idiots that hang around here."


He frowns, "An' don't call me 'good sir' I ain't good, an' I'm certainly not anyone's sir."

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IC: Lytrel



Lytrel at first didn't know what to say, but finally thought of something to say.


"... Prepare yourself for a bombardment of questions.

  • Are you the intelligence guarding the Infinite Gems?
  • Who are you? Like, name, species, history, all that stuff you share on a first date or something.
  • What are these gems?
  • Is there a particular reason that you've been giving us so much trouble? Like, are we trespassing or something? Are we breaking any laws here?
  • Do you know anything about why the Queen wants the Gems? Or anything else about her?
  • Why are we in a maze?
  • And finally... Is there a restroom anywhere I can use? Do I even need to use the restroom? I'm not used to this... Robot body, so... Uh..."
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IC Daltrahk


Wow, intricate as it was, Daltrahk was seeing several possibilities on how to maneuver the web. It was either his viewing position or his strategic thinking, but there was no way he could tell the Rahks how to accomplish the feat - he was kind of in shock from the electrical overdose. Too bad he darted through it and all.


OOC: One of the reasons he darted through it is because it would be unfair for him to figure the whole thing out in an instant.

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The golden armored being smirked, amusement washing over both Xaeraz and Lytrel as it listened to the latter's rapid-fire questioning. Each answer was given in their minds just as quickly as the questions were asked.


"Are you the intelligence guarding the Infinite Gems?"


Am I the intelligence guarding the Infinite Gems? the being mused in their minds, sounding curious. That depends on your definition of intelligence. Does intelligence hold life? Or does life hold intelligence? Does having one guarantee the other? I would not call myself -the- intelligence, no, although I would perhaps 'toot my own horn', so to speak, and say that I am intelligent.


"Who are you? Like, name, species, history, all that stuff you share on a first date or something."


Who am I? A question of great interest to us all, I would suppose. My species and history are, for the moment, inconsequential. As for my name, I have none. I suppose you might call me 'Infinite'.


"What are these gems?"


The gems are exactly what they seem - small, pretty crystalline rocks that grant you total control over the powers with which they are associated. 


"Is there a particular reason that you've been giving us so much trouble? Like, are we trespassing or something? Are we breaking any laws here?"


You are all trespassing. Even within your facility, that arena for your so-called 'tournament', you are trespassing. That angers me. You all seek to collect the Infinite Gems for your own gain, without bothering to understand anything about them. You offend me. You offend my brothers, sisters, friends, and companions. I alone can stand in your way... but I alone am more than enough.


The only reason why you are still alive is because I know it was not your fault that you first arrived here... and I admit my curiosity. Among other things.


"Do you know anything about why the Queen wants the Gems? Or anything else about her?"


I know much about the Queen, although she knows little about me. Hers is a tragic story, although that is not to imply that she is worth pitying, or indeed even forgiving. She is one of the only two surviving members of her species left - the Host is the other. From what I have seen in her mind, they have searched fruitlessly for countless eons to find a way to revive their species and return home. This mission has proven futile, and both of them - one far more so than the other - have suffered for it. She is full of anger, regret, and sadness. She despises the tournament, and in turn, despises the fighters that are summoned for it. Why does she want the Infinite Gems? Because she believes they can bring back her race. Because she believes in their power. Because she is overconfident. 


"Why are we in a maze?"


You are in a maze because that is what was placed here. Some gems merely have pedestals. Others have temples. For the gem that you seek, a maze was deemed more worthy. A trial of the mind, more than a trial of the body. A trial that you have already failed, but perhaps might survive regardless.


"And finally... Is there a restroom anywhere I can use? Do I even need to use the restroom? I'm not used to this... Robot body, so... Uh..."


I do not believe that is necessary, although I could use my powers to suppress the signals being sent to your mind regarding this issue. 


The being flickered again as they sat back in the throne.


Are there any other questions? Perhaps from the Toa of Iron?

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IC: Skull Carrier


"I must say, what strange worlds you both come from. Over a hundred beings that share the name of Makuta? It baffles, to say the least," he said, his curiosity rising. "I must ask though, if there are more Makuta, does that mean that there are more lands for my people to discover?"


*Click Banner to go to the Sikza Spriting Kit topic

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IC: Lytrel

"... Lemme rephrase my first question. Is it your job to guard the gems? Do they belong to you? And who are your acquaintances? Are there more people like you?"




"... Also, if the Host and the Queen are so desperate to rebuild their species, can't they you know, uh... get it on? Horizontal mambo? You know what I mean? Or, uh, to keep things, uh, PG, get a cloning tank and a geneticist to help them modify the clones for genetic diversity? Or if they're built rather than born, can't they just build a baby-making machine? Like the Matoran and the Skakdi do?"



"... wait. If you don't want us taking the gems, why let us in at all? Why not just keep all the tunnels closed? Or are they being opened from the outside by the Arena Staff?"

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IC: "...I'm afraid most of my questions would require a specimen of your species to have perished from some natural cause that didn't cause damage to most of the body," Xaeraz replied, sheepishly, before continuing, "Or that they would be things you probably would not answer, such as, 'How do we make it through this maze,' or 'Can you return us to our comrades?' " He paused, thinking for a second before asking his own questions.


"Are you responsible for the madman in the previous chamber, and the carvings therein? And what are the eight gems surrounding the lemniscate, beyond ones we can assume are of legendary strength? And, uh, on an extremely personal note, is there a gem of Iron?"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Von Worten (Queen's Quest)


I cannot say what drove me to simply walk into the maze. It might have been Nocton's silence (though that could very well have been not reality) or some strange, nervous desire on my part to see what lay beyond. Besides, despite my apprehension, I wanted to get moving. Staying still would do no one any good.


I was in the maze. Now I just had to see if that map would help.

My epic: For Them (Review Topic)


BZPRPG: Trauer and Faora


Bionifight Ultimate: Daedalus Drachoren and Von Worten Undtränen


The Elder Scrolls: Ashfall: K'Larn

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IC: Lekona - Zakaro's Room


"Well, I'd assume that they're organized in some way. Probably based on when they arrived," Lekona said, walking out of Zakaro's room. "I recall that Elittra told us she was brought here before anyone else. So, if I'm right...gimme a second." Lekona looked to where the rooms started, and used his mask to teleport himself. A bit more searching, and there was Elittra's room. The Toa knocked, and waited for a bit...but there was no response. Lekona then teleported back to Zakaro's room, and turned to Olari. "Yeah, she's not there. Hey, Zakaro!" He said, calling to the sleeping Onu-Toa. "Wanna come and help us find Elittra?"


^Link to the Jatikko Reference Post^

Credit to T1S for the Okomation kit used here. Credit to Miras for the banner.


Bionifight Infinite Profiles - Lekona

Matoran Und Panzer Profiles - Kaleva/Jäger, Wekan

Year 60,000 Profiles - Kaleva/The Crimson Predator, Valfares


Formerly "toa nidhiki nuva".

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The being pondered the questions of Xaeraz for a long moment before responding.


I will not return you to your comrades. If you reunite with them, it shall be because you have succeeded in getting through the maze. As to the carvings in the previous room, no, I am not responsible for those - they are meant as both warnings and histories, made by others in reference to the gems. The eight gems are the legendary Infinite Gems - the first and last eight gems of them all, representing the most powerful instrumental and fundamental forces in the universe. To your question about a Gem of Iron... of course there is. Each of the standard sixteen elements has its own gem, alongside the countless others.


The figure paused.


And as for whether I was responsible for the Toa of Stone that had been driven mad....


A sinister wave of satisfaction swept over Lytrel and Xaeraz, washing through them, infecting them with its presence inside them.


Yes, that was me. Isn't it so hideously, wondrously ironic? A Toa of Stone driven so mad that he is rendered incapable of determining that his own elemental powers could free him from his prison. 

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IC: "I have to admit, it was fairly clever," Xaeraz replied, nodding. "I can respect that kind of ingenuity, even if I don't agree with it. I'm going to assume your own psychic powers were the cause of his mental collapse, and not the gem we're hunting." There was a short pause before he spoke again.


"I don't suppose you could tell us the powers of the other seven Infinite Gems?"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Kuro and Prose/Gem of ???, Electric Maze

One of the big reasons why Kuro and Prose did make it there quickly, was that they had to back track.

As they seemingly approach the end, they found themselves at a dead end...or would've been if Kuro hadn't stopped to pay attention. There was too much. They went back and around the dead end.


"Endure for a while longer, Daltrahk. We're almost out."

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IC: Xara - Upper Hallway.


<"Unless we mist it,"> I said, worrying for a moment before remembering, <"we only lose one life for missing a round, though. So if we did miss out we've still gained more than we lost.">

Ic Kat:


<"Seems that way.... "> I looked around, <"Looks like we got more fighters.">

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IC Nocton:

Nocton followed, attempting to determine if the Silence of his gem functioned like an element, able to absorb silence and amplify sound.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Xara - Upper Hallway.


<"Karz....."> I looked around, noticing that there did seem to be a lot more fighters, <"....will the organisers ever be satisfied?">

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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The being laughed within the minds of Xaeraz and Lytrel. They felt both amusement and the hints of a dark, raging fury being held back.


I know the powers of the other seven gems, but I shall not reveal them. You do not need to know what they are, and as you are trespassers, I do not feel obliged to share that information with you.


It felt as though the figure was about to continue when Lytrel spoke up and it paused.


The gems mean everything to me. But that is enough of your questions. We have very little time, and I have a proposal of my own to discuss with you.


An image of the Queen flashed into the minds of the two fighters, accompanied by a feeling of anger that leeched into both Xaeraz and Lytrel, overcoming them so rapidly that neither could tell whether they were being manipulated or if the feeling was their own. Just as suddenly as it had appeared, however, the anger vanished; the golden armored being flickered again as they let out a small sigh in their minds.


You are trespassers, and you do not deserve the gems that you have obtained, nor do you deserve the gem that waits in the center of this maze. But truthfully, you cannot be blamed - it is the fault of the Queen. My proposal is this: I wish to see the Queen destroyed. I want both of you to betray the rest of your group and stop them from stealing the gem.

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IC: Lytrel

"... I had already considered that a few times before this point," Lytrel admitted, looking down in shame. "She is truly an unpleasant individual, and there is no law here except the law of the fist..." Lytrel began rambling again, trying to justify what would be murder to himself, as well as summon the necessary courage needed for such a brash act. "... Question is: how? Will you be blocking her psionic abilities so she doesn't read our minds and see it coming?"

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IC: Xaeraz had opened his mouth to reply before, once again, Lytrel managed to speak first. He decided he would wait until his partner finished questioning their acquaintanceonce more before delivering his decision on the proposal. After all, any new information could be quite helpful...

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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The figure seemed satisfied with what Lytrel had revealed, and their imaged flickered again as they nodded.


Will I block her psionics abilities? No, for that might damage her mind irreparably. I would prefer for her to be fully aware of the betrayal. I do, however, plan to keep her... busy. As we speak, she tries to recover from stretching her mind too far - and I could do far worse. 


The figure paused, mentally shrugging.


I could conceal your true thoughts from her, although doing so would require you lending me partial control over your mind, in order to accurately hide the necessary information in such a manner that the Queen does not even realize that any thoughts are hidden at all.

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IC: "Sorry, Sir, but I'm going to have to decline your offer," Xaeraz said, fidgeting with a shred of his former cape as he did so. "I-I mean, I'm no traitor... Not on purpose, anyway. And, even if I did want to betray the rest of our group, I, uh, wouldn't let you into my mind? Sort of a personal mental space thing, to be honest. So, ah, no, thank you, I guess is my answer?"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Lytrel





"Um, isn't there some other way to hide my thoughts without having you in my head? Aren't there a few risks involved?"


Lytrel wanted to see if there was some way that this job could be carried out without further sacrificing the sanctity of his mind.

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The figure gave another mental shrug. 


We could merely keep a telepathic communication channel open between the two of us, they suggested. I would be unable to shield your thoughts from the Queen - she will undoubtedly sense your overarching change in attitude, and should she establish any sort of mental contact with you outside of simple telepathy, she would discover your betrayal. You could, of course, try to think of alternate strategies before you re-establish contact with her, or even try to hide away your thoughts on your own.


I must warn you, however... keep an eye on Xaeraz. If he intends to stop you from fulfilling your mission, I am afraid that I may not be able to help.


Then they sighed, responding to Xaeraz.


I must admit that I am disappointed with your response, although it does not surprise me. You have made a poor decision by deciding to try and help the Queen, and you may suffer for that in the grand scheme. That being said... you do seem to treat those who are more powerful than you with respect, and I admire that. I shall allow you to continue... although you may find that Lytrel is no longer quite the ally he used to be. 





As the two fighters rounded the next corner of the maze, they found themselves at the edge of a gap. Directly in front of them was a pit that stretched so far down that they could not see the bottom; across the gap, the maze continued, although it was much too far away to jump. The path they were in also grew wider as it approached the chasm, growing wide enough that five Toa could easily stand side by side.


Behind them, a stone wall slid into place, blocking the way they had come. Their only choice was to try and cross the gap.





Both fighters entered a small square room, the roof so low that both instinctively ducked as they entered. As a stone wall slid into place, blocking the route back, both fighters froze as several security lasers shot out of the walls, forming an erratic pattern. It was obvious that they needed to get to the other side of the room if they wanted to re-unite with the others; but they would have to get through this security system first.





The Queen remained on her knees, clutching her head with her eyes shut tightly. Her head was pounding, although the pain was starting to slowly recede. A few feet away, Kopen was finally beginning to recover as well.

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IC Daltrahk


Time heals most wounds, and in the case of Daltrahk, shock was one of the quickest. Too bad severe electrical burns and the sort don't work the same. Unfortunately, it wasn't electrical shock, but mental shock, a state of disorder. A state that could keep a Toa entranced for a day would be over in about ten minutes... So why the Karz was he NOT thinking about how to help the others get out of the maze? Instead, he was thinking of wall structure in the tunnel. It had to be made of metal somewhere, lightning doesn't just bounce around for the fun of it. Magnetism, perhaps? electromagnetically holding everything in place and controlled to change formation-



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IC (Albrecht von Armbruster)


"There's nothing," I reply. "Save walls and floors

of stone, and tunnels winding through the earth-"

I stop. I did not see this gap ahead

of time, and do not understand the noise

of stone on stone until the door has slid

completely shut and block'd off our retreat.


"We'll have to jump the gap," I say, a smile

upon my lips. "Who knows what lies beneath?"

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IC: Kopen - Queen's Tunnel

The ringing slowly faded from her ears, and Kopen was left in an eerie silence. The murmured conversations and footfalls of her companions were all gone. Was she... alone? Or... was it another silence field? The thought drove her into a panic, and she suddenly pushed herself up, feeling the floor beneath her for any walls she could use to guide herself out...

And her clicks echoed through the cavern, revealing only one way out, and sheer rock walls on all other sides where the others had been. The only remarkable thing in this cave was a large lump a bio or two away from her. Her focus was immediately riveted to it, scanning for any identifying features. It was... the Queen? Why was she on the ground? Where was everyone else?

Kopen quickly scurried over to the prone form on hands and knees and shook the Queen's shoulder. She was too afraid to worry about the consequences of such a small action. "W-w-what... happened?" she asked softly, not daring to believe that she was truly alone in a dark cave far from any help.

IC: Mirror - Gem of ??? Tunnel


Mirror nervously fidgeted behind Langmuir, a ridiculous gesture from someone of his imposing stature. He wanted the torch. He needed it. But... he couldn't leave his... allies in the dark. But he didn't want to follow behind the Toa, wielding his sparking and explosive blades. All it would take was a bit of water...


His tongue was about as tied as his mind. He couldn't bring himself to voice any of his concerns. If only he had installed flashlights in his hands rather than magnets! They weren't doing him much good down here, nor anywhere else as long as his powers remained inactive.

IC: Virse - Training Sector


She couldn't bring herself to meet that gaze. Her... nervousness returned redoubled as she tried to look at those eyes, so innocent now, yet just as able to reflect pure malice. "I'm... fine," she muttered as she pushed herself up. "Just a little... shaken."


Her free hand stretched out at her side to absorb the pile of sand that was left after their brief battle. Her eyes followed each grain as they rolled across the floor, seemingly of their own accord, then up into her with a flash of yellowish energy. She was silent for a long moment as the sand completed its course. When the last grain had disappeared, she at last turned her attention back up to the... Hound in front of her.


"That was... manipulation," she rasped, her voice low and nervous. She still couldn't make eye contact. "A... skilled Toa can... warp their attacks in mid-air... and... redirect them to counter your dodges. Your... speed caught me off-guard the first time, but... as we saw there..."


Her voice finally halted. She couldn't bring herself to finish.

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IC: Venga had taken the time studying Exsequor to decide which limb to lop off. He had decided right arm. The elbow looked weaker than the shoulder, so go for that. 

He brought Diretooth down in a sweeping arc, the razor-edge of the blade heading for the joints in the middle of the Vahki's right arm. He kept a steady position, feet securely planted, just in case the machine took this as the opportunity to start moving again



IC: "So...vacuum then?" Jorth suggested as they left corridors behind and entered rooms of books and tech. "But...temporary vacuum?"



IC: "We want someone strong," Tuyetkhamun mused, "Someone with power. But without much brain or ingenuity. A few such individuals as muscle, enforcers, meatshields would be of undoubtable usefulness. We accumulate them first, build a powerbase, then seek for more intelligent or more specialised tools."



IC: Olari rolled her eyes, they'd only just got Zakaro here and Lekona was already trying to wake him up again. This whole little escapade was just going round in circles...


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IC: Dayeth - Commercial Sector.


Dayeth watched on silently, waiting for Dane to post to see what would happen.



IC: The Puppetmaster - Knowledge Sector. 


"In other words, you want someone who can be easily manipulated?" It was nice to be around someone like-minded for once. "Beings so stupid or gullible or desperate that they'd follow us with unwavering loyalty..." It wouldn't be too difficult to find beings like that. His world had been full of them, and he was certain the same was true of most universes. 



IC: Alisa Dare - Upper Hallway.


"Not exactly," she tried to remember the phrase one of the Makuta had used once. "More like... temporal displacement." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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