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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

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OOC: Had the post 90% done, but then I was searching for track with vibes and then my mind found a track that caused my brain to do this and then I :stemmer:'d and rewrote the entire thing on a whim in only thrice the time!

IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Streets]

SOUND EFFECT: Record scratch, indicative of it being time for something entirely different

MUSIC CUE: "We'll Meet Again" by The Ink Spots. Slightly funny in a fourth wall context to some, but importantly they write straight bangers of slow moody vibes that fit, and the real reason is I'm sleep deprived, high on posting energy, and going through a Better Call Saul withdrawal. Hey, that rhymes!


A LARGE GROUP OF MATORAN and other assorted PLAYER CHARACTERS are loosely assembled on one of Ga-Koro's lilypads. RANOK, SIGRUS, TOA TIMAK, and AURAX discuss a quest, but they are hardly audible, as we slowly pan and zoom to the subject of this post: the Onu-Matoran NICHOU, who has reached out to give the Fa-Matoran NALE a handshake. The BOOMING VOICE of the FAKE SCREENPLAY NARRATOR gets OLD QUICKLY but it's AMUSING to write.

From over NALE's shoulder, we see the confused face of the carpenter. It becomes clear that he is confused by the Fa-Matoran's utterly frozen expression. She is apparently struck by an inexplicable embarrassment. The COURIER NEW font makes it look official which makes it FUNNIER.


"Oh, Nale."

She laughs nervously and places a hand on her chest. Nichou's outstretched arm doesn't waver as he silently watches and awaits her response to the offer. I also BOOSTED the FONT SIZE to make the post BIGGER and thus BETTER.



Now it's Nichou who looks somewhat embarrassed. Nale was a simple name, and he bungled it thoughtlessly. He winces and gives a reassuring smile as Nale begins to trip over her words.



At least I got that mistake out of the way immediately...


(Faintly, muffled to the audience)

"I’m really a friend of Eita and Nara’s (no relation) but I wouldn’t mind getting to know Lekua better, I guess…”

SLOW, LONG ZOOM as Nichou politely smiles and nods along as he listens, although confusion is etched around his optics because Nale's train of thought appears more disrupted than the stylistic inconsistencies of this post. Nale continues to leave Nichou's handshake unacknowledged, but he is not frustrated, as he knows that it is not out of disrespect, but because there is evidently a lot on her mind.



There is a lot going on...

CUT to Nale's optics drifting their focus away from Nichou for a time. Perhaps she isn't tuning out the bustle behind Nichou as well as he was. FOCUS SHIFT from a close up of Nichou to several feet behind him, where RANOK, SIGRUS, TIMAK, and KANOHI loudly discuss something that looks and feels more important. The carpenter's optics dart in that direction momentarily - as Nale has proven, optical contact is overrated anyways - but his gaze shifts back towards Nale when his peripheral vision alerts him that she has done the same. He continues to listen carefully towards the end of the word salad, understanding the intent without necessarily understanding how the order of the words she says actually make that point.


(Thoughts, faintly)

That commotion is why I messed up her name in the first place, after all...


(Louder than before)

"...not that-I mean-I'd be fine getting to know you too. Or, yeah. No!"

Nichou looks just about ready to turn around and look at the companions, as if he was getting this awkward feeling that he was missing something important behind him or that his buddies were waiting on him, but then SUDDENLY:


END MUSIC CUE. By this point you either have dark mode on or you're very persistent.


Nale grabs Nichou's hand and shakes it vigorously while her run on sentence coalesces into an obvious question:


“Sorry. Your name is…?”

He blinked, proper nouns evading his train of thought momentarily. His name is...?


What else was there to say? Uh oh. That meant a pause! Better fill it with something! Preferably something witty!

"But if you want to, you can mispronounce or misspell it without consequence," he grinned. He raised the index finger on his left hand. Apparently, they were still shaking hands as if both of them had forgotten how long that was supposed to continue.


Edited by BULiK
snapped the editor in twain like bane did batman. I am its master now.
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BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Hakari - Ga-koro - Outside Great Takea -

"So, if I'm understanding all this correctly..." Hakari paused, there were so many people here, all speaking at once that it took her a moment to sort it all together. Having to look at what Kanohi was writing down as well, her brain was working overtime.

"...we find these miracle cacti...we find our Lesterin botanist...probably." She put her fists together. "Sounds like a plan! Let's go! To um...wherever these cacti are." 

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Cael nodded: Praggos was right. Leah was trying to tell them something, but they didn’t have time to figure out what she was trying to say. The healer had sensed something when Leah raised her hand —something elemental and wild, halfway between science and magic. Like the words to a half-forgotten song or a word on the tip of her tongue, she was half-sure she could imitate what the Maru had done if only she could figure out how the melody started. The magic was bound up in water, of that she was certain. It sang of dewdrops and rainstorms, of ripples and waves. And who knew water better than she?

Cael mentally shook the thought from her mind. What hubris, to think she was anything like a Maru. Though skilled, her power resembled Leah’s as much as a puddle resembles the ocean. Whatever Leah wanted her to try might not even be possible without a Maru’s strength.  She couldn’t risk her patient’s life on an elemental gamble. But healing? That was something she knew.

They had to simultaneously track down the poison while keeping its effects under control, otherwise Leah might succumb by the time they rooted it out. At the very least, perhaps they could give her enough breathing room to do… whatever it was she’d tried a moment ago.

"Get ready,” she said. “We’ll need all our strength.”

Dehkaz had already stretched his hand out over Leah’s body, and though she was no Toa of magnetism, Cael could sense the energy emanating from his hand. It was both push and pull, less power than the idea of power; it was metaphor made real and connection given form.

She followed his example, though in her own fashion: she reached to the crystal vial that hung from her neck, half-full of liquid, and unclasped it. She tilted the vial to empty it, but it was no mere trickle that emerged. Instead, a continuous stream of purest water splashed forth, sparkling in the cool light. Stretching out her hand, Cael directed its flow through the air to wash over Leah’s form, cool against her feverish skin, until it enveloped her completely.

The healer’s mask glowed as she closed her eyes, searching for something she couldn’t quite name. She could almost taste the poison as it writhed within her friend, leaving a trail of sickness that her mask alone could not mend. She pursued it nonetheless, nimble as the river’s flow and relentless as the tide. She soothed inflammation and coaxed swollen vessels back to their natural shape. Decaying flesh revived; dying cells bloomed with new life. And yet she could feel the poison still working to undo everything, always a step ahead, ever just out of reach. 


OOC: @Vezok's Friend @otter @Lady Takanuva @Snelly @Krayzikk

Edited by Eyru
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[Ga-koro, South Docks, close to Sunset]

She was half-surprised that her counselor had been enthusiastic about the proposal.  The other matoran had written a considerable note to be included with her application, detailing her history and “needs.”  It made her feel like a child again, or one of the plants her mother tended so carefully during her long days at work.

Still, it would be good to get out, providing they accepted her.

Talli couldn’t imagine they would have a reason not to, head problems aside.  She was Ga-koronan born and bred, as comfortable on a boat as on land (more comfortable, in fact.)  She’d had experience on vessels both civilian and military, and living in a poor family had given her the patience and skill to dress up even the most pungent and bony of fish stews.  She even had relevant experience as a ship’s cook, though that had ended badly.  Still, it wasn’t like her cooking had sunk The Invincible.  Really, that name had just been tempting fate.

The Fowadi did seem to loom significantly more the closer she got however.  She wondered how something so solid could float at all—would she even be able to feel the rocking of the boat beneath her?

Well, only one way to find out.  She approached the obvious Po-koronan.

“Talli Anach.   I’m here to apply for a position on The Fowadi.”

OOC: @sunflower ahoy

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Karoru, a modern Hestia


Wood stacked next to the fire. Kindling in a small tray to one side.

Feather the wood, feed it in. Watch the flames snap and dance.

Try not to feel utterly useless.


The Menti kept glancing back at the healers working to bring Leah back from the brink. But whatever poison it was seemed to be almost actively opposing them.


Karoru saw the two bent in focus. To her surprise  but at this point not amazement, what appeared to be water flowed from a phial carried by one of the attendants, and it soaked across the fevered Toa like a thin salve.


Karoru was not particularly adept at empathic connection, but even with her limited sense she could feel the strain from the two. Like they were focusing their everything on the water-


Focusing on the water. Pouring their power into it. Shaping it, in a way.


It clicked with the solidity of a keystone on a bulwark.


There was no conceivable way Karoru would be able to convey the basics of soulsword manipulation to these practitioners. Even had she the time, she doubted she could teach it well enough. And even then, what guarantee was there that the techniques were one-to-one?


Focusing on the two, she sent out… focus.

She shaped her thoughts with all the care of her blade, and with just as much power sent them forth to them

No words. Just… concepts.


Focus. Breathe in. Breathe out.

The power flows through you. Raw and roiling, like electricity through nerve. But instead of being allowed to simply flow, it is focused. Channeled. 


But you cannot force it. Flow with it. Flowing like your water. Tease it, suggest it, to flow in the way you wish. 


The calm, steady focus that filled Karoru every time she summoned her soulsword filled the bones of the two. It wasn't power, not as such. Karoru lent them her discipline, even as her hands, almost autonomously, fed another log into the fire.


She did not feather its edges with the hatchet. It lit anyway. 


Karoru always knew how to stoke a proper fire.

IC: @Vezok's Friend @otter @Snelly @Krayzikk @Eyru

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi nodded at the strange Matoran. He was dressed in crystalline armor, his chassis blue and gold. It was an odd combo, one would expect a Matoran of Stone or Crystal to don crystalline clothes. But much the same could be said for Kanohi, a Matoran of Iron dressed in hand-carved wooden masks, who had spent much of his recent life grappling across the jungles protecting travelers.

The cross-wired vigilante scribbled another series of circles, before showing it to the whole group. “That sounds like I good idea. I am not sure where to track down the Lesterin, all we know is he is green, male, and dresses in a cloak.  The latter might mean he wishes to hide his identity.” Kanohi winced, that hit a bit close to home. He continued, “I am not sure of his element either, though Jungle is possible given his work.

Kanohi paused and wrote down, “according to the merchant, the Lesterin claimed he was a trader from Seprilli. We wondered if he was trying to provoke strife between Le-Koro and Seprilli, by causing Mata-Nui to believe the parasite was a terrorist attack. The plant had tried to spread to the merchant, if it had gotten a foothold in Le-Wahi…

He then turned to Hakari and wrote, “Hakari, about when did your memories of Seprilli return? If our foe’s memory returned at around the same time, and if his plan with the merchant was to cause tension between islands, maybe he came up with the plan when his memories returned. And then maybe his mannerisms changed then too. If we look for a green male Lesterin who suddenly began acting different, maybe we could have a lead?

Then he added, “but do any of you have any other ideas for tracking this individual down? Maybe by looking into the rarer plant trade?

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Skyra Daring 

I breathed deeply as I watched my friends and comrades one by one began to pour their energy into healing Leah, to fighting the poison that ravaged her body. The power they were using, it wasn't elemental. It was a more...primal. Something that all Toa had, even if they didn't realize it.

I stretched out my hand as I got a feel for it, I could taste it in the air. I could feel my head pulsing as a headache flared up, but I ignored it. 

I let the energy flow out of my hand and towards Leah. It was both like using the air and not at the same time. I held onto that feeling and kept pushing further, into Leah. The poison would not survive our combined might, not today. 

@otter @Lady Takanuva @Vezok's Friend @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Mood.


IC: [Leah Maru - Cael’s Hut]

The Toa Maru’s breathing and pulse both notably slowed as she was engulfed by Cael’s waters. The cool touch brought with it a sweet relief that soothed her strained being. She could feel the power emanating from Cael flow through it and into her, using the path of least resistance to push in through every gap, every pore, to begin the work of mending the damage the rot had done.

But it also brought along another problem: Her body, clinging on as much as possible to consciousness to fight the burning fever coursing through her veins was suddenly bereft of the one thing that had kept her going, even if said thing was also the same causing her troubles in the first place. Without the pain, the only other thing left was utter exhaustion, and even though she tried, Leah found herself dragged under. The black rushed in, washed over her and took her with it. Her head, half submerged, rolled to the side and her hand fell away from Praggos’ wrist.

Down in the dark dreams, she drifted, alone. She didn’t know how deep, there was no bottom, nor light above to gauge the depth. Yet she could perceive herself. So there must have been at least some light, even though she could not find the source. Which was just as well, the dark was comforting like this. She could just keep drifting in the nothing, no questions to ask, no problems to solve…

Still there was the nagging feeling that she was supposed to do something. It kept prodding at her. Hadn’t she been here before? Yes…but she’d been pulled out. She remembered voices arguing. Something was terribly wrong.

You were poisoned.

Ah, not all alone then after all.

Out of the darkness, another figure materialized. At first she thought she was just perceiving herself from two perspectives simultaneously, but the figure wasn’t her. Still she recognized the familiar shape of the body, the facial features, the yellow eyes

Your friends are trying to save you. That Lesterin really did a number on you.


Oh, no. She didn’t make it, remember? Succumbed to poison of her own. And she was even stronger than you. And here you are. I wonder if you’ll make it…

There was a smugness to the voice and expression, fueled by malice.


…or maybe you’ll wind up like me, hm?

You died…twice in fact.

A cruel smile.

And death is such a permanent thing these days, isn’t it?

Third time’s the charm…

Well, luckily for you this is your dream and not mine.

You’re poison.

Now you’re catching on.

I don’t fear you.


The dark figure was suddenly right in her face, her own features a mere inch from hers. She put a hand on her right cheek, sharpened claws trailing over her skin.


You better be careful. Once something like this gets its hooks in you, it's hard to get out again, even if your friends use that most precious power of theirs…


The claws started to dig in, cutting trails. She could feel the pain now, burning under her skin. The pain brought clarity, clarity brought light. She saw it above, over the surface, ripples playing across her vision.

She kicked her legs, suddenly free and started to swim for it. And as she rose from the depths, she began to feel more and more. Her body ached, but the discomfort was different. The battle within her was twofold: There was the damage the rot had done already and needed fixing. This was Cael’s power at work. But there was also the rot itself, still in her system. And to fight it, her friends were using something…something beyond the deep currents, a power even more primal than the elemental energy she had used during the fight. Were they really - ?


She was both relieved and alarmed. Relieved, because her condition was improving. It was working. Bit by bit, the poison was burned away by this energy. Alarmed, because her friends were using a power to do so that was very much finite. As much as she appreciated it, she couldn’t risk them giving up that much just for her sake. They would need more than the Maru to win, all of them would be needed, too. So she had to focus and start pulling her own weight.

The Toa Maru, still unconscious, turned her mind inward. The fog clouding her brain was receding - washed away thanks to her healers - and she could finally find the elusive part of her element again that she’d been trying to call upon ever since they’d fished her out of Naho bay. It had been there this entire time, but the insidious miasma had robbed her of the ability to access it. Now, it took her a few tries to take hold of the power, but when she finally did, it was much easier than before, like someone had already opened the path for her, all she had to do was take it. And take it again she did. Thankfully, she’d only used comparatively little of her reserves in the earlier fight - so there was plenty left to work with.

The helpers standing gathered around her with outstretched hands, sharing that most precious of resources to restore her, suddenly felt a shift in the sensation. Where they had actively needed to push until now, they suddenly found the energy flowing through their shared connection to the Toa Maru was moving by itself. It was like a boulder had finally been pushed over a crest and was starting to pick up speed, or a dam that had been sufficiently weakened: The waters held at bay had found purchase and now did what they always did - they carved a path. With every passing second, the effort became a little easier, they needed to push less and less, until the need to force the power disappeared entirely and - 

Leah’s eyes shot open, glowing bright cerulean. Cael especially could instantly feel the Toa Maru was back in the fight and bringing her vast amounts of yet untapped elemental energy to bear, almost instinctively at this point. Where the poison had previously managed to stay just out of reach, it was now trapped from without and within. The water surrounding the Toa Maru began to flow around her, faster and faster, lifting the Toa’s body up with it. And as it did, dark shadowy swirls could be seen within, flushed out of her system from the cuts on her cheek, and other scratches and gaps all over her body. They tried to cling to her form, but were soon ripped away by the purifying flow and diluted and dissolved into nothingness.

Leah kept pushing, until she was certain she’d purged every bit of the miasma from herself. Then, the flow of water ceased, and the Toa Maru sank back onto the cot, eyes returning to normal. She was breathing heavily, exhausted from the effort, the fight...just this whole day. She felt that after everything, the one battle she would definitely lose today was the one against natural sleep.

But before she did, she managed to glance at those gathered around her and whispered softly: “Thank…you.”

Then her eyes fluttered shut, and this time there were no dreams, just a deep resting slumber.

They had succeeded. The poison was gone - as was the damage it had caused…with the exception of two thin scars that remained on her right cheek... 


OOC: @Eyru@otter@Lady Takanuva@Snelly@sunflower


IC: [Rhow - The Great Takea]

“Hah! Would’ya look at that. A million miles from home and worried about manners.”

The Skakdi filled another glass, this one with water, and placed it in front of Daijuno with a nod, then, looking at Zyla again, said:

“You eat all that up and all is forgiven. Deal?”

OOC: @Void Emissary

Edited by Vezok's Friend
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IC: Daijuno | The Great Takea

I took the water and drank without thinking, my gaze fixed on Zyla. She, of course, nodded politely and did as she was told, digging into the rest of the soup.

"This is very generous of you, my lady," she said between spoonfuls -- more restrained now that the fiercest pangs of hunger had subsided -- before adding, "and your food is very delicious. I see why your establishment has such an abundance of patronage."

Meanwhile, I piped up and added, "Rhow, you're a real lifesaver here. If there's something I can do to repay you, help you out... you let me know, okay?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend


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On 6/23/2022 at 1:07 AM, sunflower said:

"Ahoy there Toa!" Came the call from up the tumblehomed side of the armored vessel, the origin of which appeared to be the tan form of a Po-Matoran peering over the side. He gave a wave and continued, "What is your business?"

IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, Naho Bay (near the Fowadi)

Standing upright, Makua used his elemental energy as well as his trusty paddle to venture across the water at a surprisingly decent speed for a structure made purely of ice. Up ahead, the massive structure of the Fowadi continued to grow taller, almost consuming Makua’s entire front view. As he felt himself sink, Makua looked down at his paddleboard and applied more ice energy, repairing the parts that were already being consumed by the hungry saltwater. Finally, he heard the call from nearby. It did not take long for someone onboard the Fowadi to notice.

“Ahoy there Toa!” the voice came from a Po-Matoran way up on the ship, "What is your business?”

Makua craned his head slightly, be careful to not fall backwards off his still-melting paddleboard.

Prompt service. I like it, Makua thought. His approval manifested in a polite nod to the crewman.

“Ahoy there!” Makua responded, raising his voice so that the Po-Matoran could hear him from up there. “I heard you’re taking a tour around the island on your way to Ostia. How much for a passenger like myself? Like I told the Lesterin over there, I’ve got the coin if you’ll take it”

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: [Rhow - The Great Takea]

The barkeep scratched at her neck, even looking a bit abashed, as far as was possible for her. She didn't really know how to handle the praise, so she settled for:

“Thanks, but...I’m no lady.”

She was thankful for Daijuno’s offer, both because there was something she’d been considering and because it let her focus on something else.

“Mighty kind of ya. I mean…” she indicated the bowl of soup. “...could be useful to start sharing recipes if you got some. Taste of home and the like. Not sure we got everything you like to eat over there, like your Zatakas or such, but…we can try, right?”

OOC: @Void Emissary

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IC: Daijuno & Zyla | The Great Takea

Back in the day, I might have made more out of the idea of eating Zataka; fortunately for everyone involved, I've greatly matured since then.

"I'm afraid that I was never much of a cook, even back home," I replied. "Mostly noodle carts and such. But I can ask around, see what recipes people brought over with them, what they might still have in their heads."

I hesitated just then, instinctively reaching into my pocket for another cigar, only stopping because I knew that if I kept doing that whenever asking an awkward question, it would quickly become a tell. See: maturation.

"And, listen... the offer's still on the table, if you ever want," I added, "to figure out more about your... memories."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend



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IC: [Rhow - The Great Takea]

“Right…right.” Rhow replied, scratching her chin. She honestly wasn’t too keen on having someone poke around her brain with fancy abilities. But the nagging feeling in the back of her mind wouldn’t go away. She kept remembering things and randomly mentioned words she had know idea how she had come to know them. So sooner or later something would have to give: either her own curiosity or whatever kept the memories repressed. 

The former won out about three seconds later.

“Okay, let’s do it. Who do I talk to and where can I find ‘em?”


OOC: @Void Emissary




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IC: Skyra Daring 

I sighed with relief as Leah fell asleep. We had done it, the poison was gone. "Thank f**k that's over..."

I stepped back as I started to massage the left side of my head. My headache had become even more noticable now that I no longer needed to focus. I grabbed the bottle of pain meds that Dorian had gifted me. I swiftly popped a pill in my mouth.

Now I just needed to wait for it to kick in. I wondered briefly if I'd have to deal with it for the rest of my life. Head injuries were annoying. 

"So...did anyone beside Leah get a good look at the f***er who did this?"  


@otter @Lady Takanuva @Vezok's Friend @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"Got a decent one."

Pad compressed gently underfoot as Krayn walked towards the hut. He thought the emergency would be over by the time he arrived and he was right; Leah's breathing was not the shallow, rapid sound of fevered desperation but the calm induced by exhaustion. She'd make it. The scars on her cheeks, though... Something suddenly ached deep in his left shoulder.

"It was a Lesterin, or maybe a Toa." The De-Toa grimaced at his own choice of words and adjusted the again-wrapped bundle slung over his shoulder. It was rude, but the thing had looked like nothing so much as a corpse reanimated by Tryna. Such a thing could never have overwhelmed a Maru, however, nor would it have bled. Not the way this had. He held up the stoppered vial of blood. "Too big for a Matoran or Turaga. Too small for anything else. I saw evidence of a Kanohi's use, too. I think. Not any Kanohi I know. But there's been a lot of that going around lately."

Krayn's frown deepened.

"It looked half dead. Didn't move like it, didn't bleed like it, but that's how it looked. It was heading for Le-Wahi. If I had to guess..." In his mind's eye he wasn't in Ga-Wahi anymore. He was in a Ko-Koronan alley, standing over a Toa he had wounded, and listening to the information he had offered. Out of the corner of his eye he looked at Skyra. "Echelon made the Marks. Strong and fast and feeding on emotion. Echelon leads an assault on Ko-Koro and we start hearing about strange powers. An... informant. Said the late Akiri Ambages was killed with an overdose of antidermis. But it gave him powers before he died."

"I'd say we're looking at something similar."

@Vezok's Friend@Snelly@Lady Takanuva@Eyru@otter@sunflower



The Toa of Iron looked at the skiff dubiously. But he stepped aboard, the craft sinking a little lower in the water when he did.

@Perp@Void Emissary

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Myhruk from Ta-Wahi. Oh, and here's some free vibes, don't spend them all in one place.

IC: Myhruk [Ga-Koro]

It had been a disappointing ride. Yeah, there were trees (Lots of them! Holy #### that was a lot of trees!) and sand (All weird and white, not the usual black or grey, very strange) and more water than anybody really needed, but a LOT was missing. There wasn't that musk of alloys, the nipping taste of tar, nor the wobbling haze of mirage. In fact, compared to the nearby buildings, his armor looked almost dirty. The horizon could be seen in all directions, and in one of them, it just went on forever! Spooky stuff.

None of it made sense to him. It was all so alien. He walked the streets of Ga-Koro, marveling at how stupid the architecture was. Bet I could beat the #### out of one of those lily huts's walls.

It was pretty scary to be on all those lilypads, floating over Naho Bay with nary a railing in sight (and some of them were pretty high up!). So unstable compared to Ta-Koro's solid foundation in the lake of fire. Nothing here looked as permanent as the buildings in Ta - if anything, Ga-Koro was just an assorted district of favelas tied to a dock that someone put too far out at sea. Mid-term, temporary housing at best.

To be fair, perhaps all these hastily-constructed lily huts were built for the visitors. Yeah, he wasn't the only alien in town; hard to miss the crystal fleet. A lot of very wacky looking boats (though in his opinion, what boat wasn't?).

He stumbled across the various lilypads, passing by a strange, super flat boat with no sails (How dumb were these foreigners?) as he slowly made his way to the one boat that looked like solid ground. Kinda strange how something covered in that much metal could float, but metal made a lot more sense for a warship than crystal.

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IC: Tekmo (Ga-Koro)

Tekmo, having disembarked the Fowadi, wandered around the streets of Ga-Koro, desperately trying to look as if he wasn’t terribly, hopelessly lost. Well… they weren’t exactly ‘streets,’ but-

His Iron Mahi of thought was derailed by the sight of someone who looked like they’d just popped out of the ashen dirt of Ta-Wahi. “Oh, beg my pardon, but can I help you?” He asked Myhruk.


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IC: Myhruk [Ga-Koro, Docks]

Why were people talking to him? It felt like all his life, Myhruk was never noticed by anyone, and yet this is the second time in recent memory that someone has gone out of their way to run into him.

The Lesterin's eyes scanned this stranger, during the process of which the tall Seprillian looked down on Tekmo both physically and metaphorically. This dude wore a Shelek and he was asking politely if there was anything to do to help? Was Myhruk about to be on the wrong end of some prank?

"Yeah, you a tour guide or somfin? I'm tryna to get to Sarsaparilla. Know if that boat-" he pointed to the Fowadi "-can take me there?"

"Or uh, any other ones, but the biggest boat the better, really."

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IC: Tekmo (Ga-Koro)

“I won’t pretend to know my way around this place - anymore - nor will I pretend to know what Saspa Sararasp Sepelaepla Sasarasarilla is. I believe that the Fowadi is heading to… not there, that’s for certain.” Tekmo tried to obscure the fact that he had already forgotten what the Fowadi and the Aggressors were actually doing. “So… it would seem that I cannot help you. Nuts. He looked down upon himself like Myhruk was doing, in shame.


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IC: Myhruk [Ga-Koro, Docks]

Fowadi, huh?

He wondered why this Toa looked so sad. Really sad that he can't help? Maybe. Hard to say exactly. At least, hard for Myhruk to be sure sometimes.

"Well while you're trying to help, since you don't know anything and can't help me, do you know anyone who does know something and can help me get a boat ride to Sangheli?"

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro (Outside Great Takea)

“I’ll remember that,” Nale said, giving Nichou a glimpse of a genuine smile.

She stood there, face to face with the other Matoran for a moment, before she looked down and realized she still had his hand in her grip. Nale suddenly retrieved her hand, almost recoiling. It was like she had suddenly remembered she didn’t like other people touching her.

Well…most people.

“Sorry,” she apologized, getting flustered all over again. “It’s nice to meet you. If you’ll be sticking around with us, that is.”


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(shout out to max)

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IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Streets]

Nichou made a few mental notes as the handshake suddenly and rapidly deconstructed after existing well past its expiration date. Had he...? Or did she just...?

He glanced back upwards, where one could easily imagine a proverbial red glow of embarrassment had been emanating from the vents on her Kakama's cheeks. At least, that's what the rest of Nale's body language could have easily suggested. You really had to be there.

Yeah, probably her. Huh.

The carpenter let loose a polite smile in response to Nale's reflexively apologetic demeanor, and nodded in agreement with her conclusion on pleasantness of their greeting. When the Fa-Matoran posed a hypothetical, the craftsman paused momentarily to look over his shoulder.

"Looks like the lines between your 'us' and my 'us' are getting blurred by the second," he spoke as he saw Sigrus and Ranok deep in discussion with Eita, and Nara near a Matoran in wooden armor (Did either of them also do woodworking? A question for later).

"So... yeah! (Probably)."


"Sounds like you all were on some sort of... uh... thing?" he continued to (quietly) ask Nale. He raised a hand to his modulator to funnel the sound of his voice away from the rest of the group, because the follow up was a whisper:

"I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about and frankly, at this point I'm too afraid to ask."

OOC: @Tarn

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IC: Tekmo (Ga-Koro)

“Well, I don’t think the ship is fully emptied, so if we go aboard we’re bound to run into someone who DOES know something - hold on, you just pronounced your destination as Santheti-” WRONG. “Sagelli-” WRONG. “Serengali-” WRONG. “Sanghaprilla.” EH, CLOSE ENOUGH.

“When earlier, you said it as ssssssss-oh forget it. Follow me.” Tekmo began leading Myhruk towards the Fowadi.


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IC: Myhruk [Ga-Koro, Docks]

He followed. At least this guy maybe knew where someone maybe was that could maybe get him somewhere. That was more 'in the right direction' than his own plan of 'wandering around'.

"Yeah. Need to get to Slurpee™. For reasons."

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IC: Azusai - Ga-Koro Docks

Azusai is awoken by the harsh crash of stone on wood as her bed jolts and all but flings her out of it to the wooden floor. She blinks blearily, rubbing the sleep and tears of the day before from her Mask of Rebounding. It's only when she realizes that she's kneeling in a growing puddle of water that everything clicks into place. Her bed, her home, her family... all gone. She... she was here, on a sinking fishing boat, staring out at some unfamiliar tropical beach.

Struggling once again to keep the tears at bay before she drowned in them, Azusai adjusted her salt-encrusted Hasten, checked her bag for her navigation tools and telescope, the last things she had left of home, grabbed the staff and hatchet that had seen her through that night, and dove over the side of the boat, frantically paddling to stay atop the waves as they pushed her toward shore. She crawled up the sandy beach, dripping wet, and finally rested on solid ground again. She lay there numbly staring at the fishing boat that had saved her life until it was totally consumed by the ocean, and then kept staring at where it vanished as tears rolled freely down her face again.

Her stomach grumbled. She ignored it. She ignored it until the gnawing emptiness rivalled that of her heartlight, and it was then that she decided: She would not die here. She was a proud Taajar, and she had not come all this way to die on an unknown shore. Propping herself up on shaky legs and her staff, she set off down the beach, hoping to find those ships she had followed all this way. Her family had always taught her the other Dasaka were not to be trusted, but did she really have a choice?


What she found was... very different than she had even dreamed. No village of wood, or even city of crystal, but one built of plants adrift on the water. She could see beings of all sizes, all colors, rushing back and forth like a flock of Janu birds. She realized she had stopped to stare, jaw dropped in disbelief, and tried to urge herself toward these strange creatures, carefully setting foot on a green path that gently rocked with the waves. She followed it, eyes caught by every new sight along the way, and then her nose caught the delicious smell of cooking fish and she let it lead her to a hut on the outskirts full of boisterous sailors. She thought she saw other Dashi, but they were strange, lacking the crystal armor she was accustomed to.

The bartender looked her up and down and sneered as she approached meekly. "Can I get something to eat?" she asked softly in the common tongue, voice almost drowned out in the noise.

"You got widgets?" he responded gruffly.

"I... n-no? What are..."

"What do I look like, a charity? This is the finest pub this side of Ga-Koro. You don't got widgets, you don't eat, Kuma."

Azusai recoiled as if struck. She... wasn't anywhere like home. But under the glaring eye of the bartender, she slunk back to the door, only to pause on seeing a note mounted just inside.

On 6/6/2022 at 12:04 AM, sunflower said:
Crew Wanted!

For the Ironclad Fowadi

Sailing experience Not Required, Pay negotiable for applicable skills

Inquire at Southern Dockside by Sundown

She snatched the page and stepped outside. In a moment, she had found the twin suns and quickly oriented herself almost by instinct, wandering toward the southern ends of the docks. She had to admit, it wasn't much to go on, but she needed some of these "widgets" from somewhere, and if she had been able to sail her way to "Ga-Koro," maybe she could be useful on this Ironclad Fowadi.


OOC: Azusai just kinda wandering Ga-Koro if anyone wants to catch her.

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IC: Karoru and Azusai, Ga-Wahi 


The menti needed some air. A lot, actually.


Her head was still swimming from earlier. She felt… strung out, far more so than she had expected. But seeing Leah slowly coming back from the brink made her heart slow down a bit.


She wandered a bit, drinking in the sea air and feeling the sea breeze wick the sweat and tension from her body until she was ready to melt into evening fog.


Making her way towards the docks, she spotted a wandering yet determined-looking Dashi marching, carrying a small satchel and a paper flyer. 


The figure was gaunt, clearly having had one of the rougher travels across the sea. 

Her soft heart concerned for the figure, Karoru strode along until she had pulled even with the traveller.


"Hello there, friend," she said, attempting to seem as non-threatening as a seven-foot armored warrior could be. "Are you headed somewhere? You look like you haven't had a bite to eat since you set out from Kentoku."


She tried to keep the worry out of her voice. She'd seen too many thin and starved today, and was determined to help if at all possible. Powerlessness did not sit well with her.


Azusai jumped a little as she noticed the towering being by her side, but tried to still her rapidly flashing heartlight as she realized it wasn’t one of the strange colorful Dasaka, but a Menti warrior. The splash of familiarity was almost overwhelming to the small Dashi.


“Thank Zuto Nui, I found you,” she sniffled, quickly wiping away some relieved tears from her already tear-streaked mask. “I… I worried I’d gotten lost, or I followed the wrong ships, but you’re here!” She moved toward the Menti for a reassuring hug, only to pull herself back. That… wouldn’t be appropriate for a Ringti like herself, would it? She wasn’t sure, the class boundaries had been… fuzzy in her village.


Karoru felt a pull in her chest as the small figure scrubbed at her mask. Kneeling down, she wrapped her own salt-crusted, crystal-plated arms around the tiny figure. Her embrace was strong, but not crushing. Firm, like an anchor. 


"We did. Not all, but many. And most importantly, we are here together now. We can start over fresh here, if need be."


Part of what she said was still sinking in.


She had followed the ships.


She'd been alone, for all those weeks. Probably on starvation rations if that. The poor thing felt like sticks draped in fabric to Karoru.


The tears flowed freely as the warrior wrapped her strong arms around Azusai, and she squeezed back as much as her little Dashi arms could. “So… it’s really true then. The whole Archipelago… it’s gone. N-not just…” She couldn’t bring herself to finish her sentence.


Karoru shivered a little. Fighting to keep a small sob out of her voice, she nodded and replied "I'm afraid so. Completely overrun. I encountered a fleeing group and helped see them to one of the docks. Stayed to make sure as many as could made it there and aboard safely and…"


She trailed off, holding her tiny comrade in pain and loss close to her own heartlight. 


"...and you sailed here all alone."

She shifted to look straight at her fellow refugee. "You're a brave spirit, even if the times were desperate. What is your name, friend dashi?"


“Saardma Azusai,” she replied quietly, still secretly fearing that this moment would be taken away by the bad blood between ancestors.


"I am Hogo Karoru," she said, self-concious of her aberrant accent which had always made her feel Other among her peers in training. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, friend."


“Thank you, Hogo Karoru. You’ve… given me hope that all is not lost… n-not yet.” Despite everything, Karoru’s comment about food still rang in her head and her empty stomach. She had some rations on the ship, but she did not anticipate being adrift for over a month, and it had been a long time since she had a full meal… seated beside her mother, a familiar roof over her head. She hugged Karoru tighter as her body was wracked with sobs, and her stomach growled feebly.


Wrapping Azusai close once more, Karoru murmured soothingly "It's okay, little gemstone. You are safe here. There is hope, there is always hope. And-" here her voice took on an edge of determination "While I accompany you I swear on my parents' lives and my own honor that you will come to no harm."


HER honor? Oh, what a sick joke, if the tiny figure only knew said the evil part of her mind.


Feeling her companion's stomach growl, she said "Miss Azusai, how long has it been since you have eaten?"


Azusai nods and sniffles, holding the Menti for a moment longer before shyly admitting, “I… I’m not sure. I… didn’t expect to be on the ocean for so long, and… I didn’t have time to… r-really prepare.”


Karoru felt something inside her snap like crystal. She'd had precious little as a guard, not even a stuffed toy from her foggy early childhood. It had always been order and discipline.


Yet, her mask and armor had made the voyage with her. From the sound of it, Azusai had lost much.


"...I myself do not know where to find food here. I sadly have nothing that would pass for currency on these shores. But Miss Skyra and the Captain might know. If you can tag along with me, I can bring you along and ask them if you like. I'm sure they'd be able to help. Miss Skyra has been very nice since we met.


“Skyra… that is a strange name. What is her clan?”


Karoru considered this for a moment.

"T'be honest… I'm not sure. She's from this island I believe. She called herself a Toa. She can manipulate air, if you can believe that."


A moment's pause. Then, in a slightly awed voice "...she can fly. Well, she rides a massive bird like a feathered dragon. It's frankly astounding-"


She was cut off by the grumbling of her own stomach. At Karoru's own insistence, she had been on minimal rations to make sure there had been enough to go around, and despite the trials of the day she'd not eaten more than a bite of food since arriving. 


"...perhaps the stories are best saved to be spoken over a meal though, eh?" she joked, attempting a laugh at her own expense.


Azusai just nodded weakly, everything she had gone through in the last several weeks finally starting to catch up to her now that she didn’t feel her life was in jeopardy. And… there was so much to learn about this place which may very well be her new home. Beings who can fly and control the very forces of nature seemed beyond belief, even as she stood in one of their villages built of living plants. 


But that would have to wait. “I… would appreciate a meal, Hogo Karoru. And perhaps… you can help me find this Ironclad Fowadi.” She holds up the flier she had taken from the bar earlier. “Maybe… maybe they have a place for people like us. I am no Saihoko, but I will do what I can to find my way here.”


Karoru looked over the flyer. "Fowadi. Strong name. I-..."


Hang on. Ironclad. And the name…


A grin spread across Karoru's face. "So. Skyra never got around to telling me the name of that ship. Though ironclad… that it indeed is. A true sight to behold."


Standing upright, she turned to face Azusai. A bit of her old confidence bled back into her expression.  


"You know… Miss Azusai, I think it is indeed time to introduce you to my captain. If my memory for names is right  I think you may best pose your questions to him directly."


Asuzai looks up hopefully and tries to rise from the Menti’s arms, but finds her strength gone entirely.


Reaching down, Karoru delicately scooped Azusai up, ensuring her satchel was nestled atop her torso, and cradled the dashi safe in her arms.


"Hold on, Miss Azusai." she said calmly. Gathering the last dregs of her strength, Karoru triggered her Kakama. The crystal portions glowed violet, then gold, then Karoru shot forward, tracing back the way she had come. In a matter of moments, the pair came to a screeching halt at the infirmary, Karoru holding her charge like a precious artifact.


"Captain. Miss Skyra. I have brought a recruit."


It was a statement, more forceful than Karoru's usual tone. Not breaching the wall of impoliteness, but also brokering no argument.


OOC: Jam between Click and I. A joy to write this with you!


@Vezok's Friend @otter @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower @Snelly

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                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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On 6/21/2022 at 11:58 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

.:Now, you have the best situational overview, both down there and up here. You can turn this around. So tell me: What do you need?:.

On 6/21/2022 at 6:30 AM, Razgriz said:

"Now you're speakin' my language." he spoke brazenly, nodding once, then twice as the Dasaka placed her fingers to her temples to keep pleading to her superiors to see reason. "Violence never solves anything when you can just talk."

IC (NPC Dastana Inzu) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Through the fog of her stunned brain, Inzu became dimly aware of two voices talking to her: one in her ear, one in her head. Their words were fuzzy, she couldn't quite make them out, but she felt opposing reactions to each of them: one seemed Good and important, to be obeyed, and the other Bad, to be fought. She felt as though she was really supposed to be doing something, but couldn't remember what. She tried to open her eyes, move her limbs, but everything felt overwhelmingly heavy. A faint groan escaped her lips, but nothing more.

IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Tazera was still in the belly of the beast, still caught in the flood of anger, guilt, fear, and other attendant emotions brought forth by this debacle; but as Ayiwah spoke, an island of calm began to form amid it all. Yes, her friend, her Commodore was right. The thief's position was not so secure, nor hers so hopeless, as they felt. And though she herself might not have had the means to resolve the situation personally with Soulswhip and Miru, those were far from her only strengths: first and foremost she was an officer, a leader. Though she found herself on the very front line of this particular situation, her ability to command and coordinate could still be brought to bear. She just had to centre herself, think, and find the solution.

As Rudra muttered away in Inzu's ear (the man really was unhinged) she listened as calmly as she could to Ayiwah's reasoning and began to internalise it. There was a pause before her reply came over the mental plane, but when it did it was noticeably calmer and more level.

:You're right, ma'am. My judgement was clouded. I was thinking the way the pirate wanted me to. This isn't over yet.:

She was careful not to let her renewed confidence show and thus tip off Rudra (not that it took any acting to keep glowering at the man) as she continued her Ideatalk.

:As you say, we cannot give up the Ryuu. He has Inzu, but we still have the numerical advantage and without our cooperation he has nowhere to go — and without Inzu he has nothing to bargain with. I can't get him off her myself, but perhaps someone else can. A skilled Mindarm, maybe.:

She breathed deeply.

:So what I need is backup.:

:You have it.:

A third voice echoed through the mental place, taking Tazera by surprise: a familiar male voice, and one that sounded much closer than Ayiwah's.

:Commodore, Lieutenant,: the voice acknowledged each of them respectfully. :Ageru Dakte reporting. I am in position aboard the Ryuu and have visual on the hostage situation. I believe I can break the intruder's hold on Inzu with minimal risk to her person. Permission to engage?:


OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Razgriz

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IC: Myhruk [Ga-Koro, The Fowadi]

He paused for a moment. Who was to say that stepping foot on this abomination of flotation would not cause it to lose all buoyancy and suck him into the depths of Naho Bay the second he stepped foot on it?

He didn't say a word as he put one foot on the gangplank, leaning forwards as if stretching his legs until it looked like he knee could go no further before crumpling in on itself. He flexed back and forth, as if testing the boarding ramp for any give or flex. On the fourth leg stretch, he bolted forward in a sprint up the ramp and over the side, as if the floor was falling under him but he could stay mid air if he just gained enough momentum.

The Lesterin didn't stop until he reached the mast, which he hugged momentarily, his arms hitting it and bracing his impact like a spring before he flipped around to not-so-casually lean against it. Luckily, there was no way anyone nearby noticed.

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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu) The Hero of Naho Bay


That stuffy leff-tennant had been quiet an awful long time... some logjam in the chain of command after all? No good. If they wouldn't play ball, he'd have to take the ship and get the whole thing moving himself. What a pain that'd be... But surely, Mata Nui would lend his favored son another boon?

In his grip, the not-really-a-Toa's head rolled, stirred... and a groan escaped her lips. So she was alive!

My eternal thanks, Great Spirit! This I can work with!

He shook the young woman again, more vigorously now, definitely coaxing her as he called out to Ageru Tazera in a bellow thick with tension, a thunder of the oncoming storm rolling through the hull.

"Hey hey, what's the hold up? They care about her or not?"

If he could get her eyes open, get that eye contact between the two crewmates again... he'd be able to really squeeze her for it. Since she clearly had more attachment to this girl than her immediate superiors, probably that faceless voice of their commodore that only wanted to spout platitudes from afar and do nothing but delegate when faced with the lives of her subordinates, He needed to attack that to get to her, his only mediary for that side of the table he could really trust this bit to work on.

So all the more reason to wake the harmless, maskless thing up— remind Tazera of who she was really fighting for.

Did he dare push his luck further?

...Surely, Mata Nui would lend his favored son a bolt of reason for these foreigners.

Really, why was it a question they had to grapple with?

He had her Right Here.

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helo frens

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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Tazera stiffened. Even with the promise of an intervention by one of the expedition's most formidable Menti, it still fell to her to placate the rogue Toa in the meantime.

"Deliberations...are ongoing," she said. Allowing her voice to shake a little didn't take much acting either, with the amount of adrenaline still coursing through her system. "I believe your...demands will be accepted. But it will take some time to arrange. And the Commodore will have conditions of her own." 

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro (Outside Great Takea)

“I guess you could call it a quest. We’re looking for a plant,” Nale began to explain, “or maybe some kind of drug? Medicinal. Nothing illicit, as far as I know. Eita says he’s lost his memories, and the village healer told us that this ‘thing’ we’re looking for might be the answer. It’s called Miracle Cactus.”

She put a finger to the chin of her Kakama in thought. “Hmm, although the name does sound pretty illicit.” Nale shrugged. “But whatever the case, that’s what we’re looking for. That’s our ‘quest.’”

Nale looked over at the others.

“Although, sounds like that other group has a problem they need solved, too.”


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IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Streets]

The Onu-Matoran nodded along as Nale gave him the rundown. Nichou let loose a slight chuckle at the thought of Miracle Cactus as contraband. He hadn't partaken himself, but he had heard over the years that, aside from the legendary healing effects of raw consumption, it made quite an epic tea.

At the mentioning of a 'quest', a wistful grin broke through his calm demeanor. His optics were distant - still looking to the Fa-Matoran's Kakama, but it seemed as if they were focused on something on the other side of her. It only lasted a few moments. As she continued to speak, the memory faded and his attention returned.

“Although, sounds like that other group has a problem they need solved, too.”


He shot a glance in the same direction. The wood-armored Matoran was hastily writing something down again, the repetitive circular motions familiar to the carpenter, even at that distance. Was he some kind of scribe? A chronicler, perhaps? Maybe that's why Ranok seemed to gravitate towards him. A kinship of storytelling.

Nichou briefly wondered if that was what Korero was like when he joined the Wanderer's Company - always writing things down. Early on, the future Maru had no clue he was destined to take Lepidran's place. That's just how Destiny is sometimes, Nichou supposed. Maybe Destiny knew that keeping Korero in the dark let him document the party's journey better. Perhaps the Le-Toa learned a lesson in that, in a similar manner that Nichou had learned much from his own solitude on the outskirts of greatness. Except with entirely different circumstances, of course.

"Plenty of problems to go around, these days," Nichou lamented. "This Eita guy, he tell you more about his homeland's situation?"

OOC: @Tarn

Edited by BULiK
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IC: Hakari - Ga-koro - Outside Great Takea -

"Um..." Hakari thought about it...when did her memories start coming back? "...they didn't all come back all at once for me. It happened gradually, starting maybe a week ago?"

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Muuk [Naho Bay, Fowadi]

There was a sound from above, halfway between a grunt and a sigh, followed by indecipherable conversation and shouts obviously directed at someone aboard the ship rather than the Toa floating beside it. A moment later and a rope was thrown over the armored hull of the ship, splashing down into the bay not so far from Makua’s slowly melting float.

“Come on aboard!” The Po-Matoran shouted down, “We’ll discuss details where I don’t have t’ be shoutin!

OOC: @Emzee

IC: Sentinel [Ga-Koro, Southern Docks]

Only a few moments had passed since Makua’s flashy departure from the docks on his frozen slab of ice when the purple and copper Lestern turned once again away from her work at the sound of another voice. Her expression, previously colored with a tinge of exasperation at being interrupted again, faded into a small bit of relief once the Ga-Matoran introduced herself as actually looking to join up.

Well you’ve got the right place for that Miss Anach,” She replied, placing the iStone which she had been inventorying with down before turning to address Talli directly. “Do you have any prior sailing experience?

OOC: @Mel

IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro, Cael's House]

The Toa of Magnetism retracted his hand as Leah settled back down from the water-wreathed position she had been suspended from, curling his fingers into a fist which he held close to his chest. His eyes were focused on the mass of dark liquid which had been pulled from the Maru, regarding its sickly tones wearily. None of this sat right with him, however it appeared as though one hurdle had been cleared, as mysterious as the means by which they had done so were. It had taken less out of him than he had initially expected, though on reflection it seemed more and more likely that their combined power had served as the kick Leah needed to extract the poison herself. 

Perhaps she was not as far gone as she initially appeared.

Dehkaz glanced down at the Maru, as motionless as before.

Then again, perhaps so.

Skyra voiced the question slowly percolating to the forefront of his consciousness, and the Captain turned as Krayn answered entering the hut. His brow furrowed and frown deepened as the De-Toa outlined what information he could glean from Leah's assailant, though he took a moment to file away the theory, and information which it contained, for later.

"I agree," Dehkaz spoke after a moment's contemplation, folding his arms across his chest, "The refugees and their island… and now attacks within Koros themselves, Makuta is getting bolder, and fast."

The remainder of his thought was cut short however, as a crystalline blur resolved itself and came to an abrupt stop nearby. He recognized Karoru, though the foreign warrior was carrying another within her arms. One of the refugee Matoran, though he wasn't sure that was what they called themselves, wearing brown clothes and wide-eyed. He glanced over to Skyra, his expression somewhat questioning, before addressing the two new arrivals.

"I see," His tone held a hint of curiosity, his gaze momentarily focusing on the familiar flier which the not-Matoran held within her grasp, before returning to meet her own amber eyes.

"And you are…?" He asked, the question a genuine one, with little to no accusatory notes to it. Having recruits delivered straight to him was a perhaps bit of a novel experience.

OOC: @Krayzikk @Snelly @otter @Lady Takanuva @Click

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IC: Lapu - Outside the Takea

The tall, plant-matter-covered Toa reached down a little after Kanohi finished showing his message, and touched the tablet, a little trickle of his elemental power restoring the wood, effectively erasing the message so a new one could be carved into it. That done, he turned his attention more to the enormous plants that some of the town was made out of. He was not very familiar with aquatic plants, and wandered just a couple bio away to study their structure with his elemental power, experimentally changing the color of a Matoran's house's wall without fully realizing it, to a deep reddish-purple found on some fruit trees. He rubbed his chin. He had been going for a brighter color.

IC: Kimala - same place

The burly Toa of Crystal read the tablet quickly, and murmured the word "Seprilli" to herself. She knew very little about it, only the rumors about Skakdi and Lesterin regaining memories. She unfortunately had nothing to contribute to the peculiarly-armored Matoran's inquiries, and she doubted anyone in Timak's group did either.


@Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus @Snelly

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If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, The Fowadi


The Toa raised his right arm, extending his sword towards the water that separated him from the ship. As the ice raft continued to sink, Makua channeled his energies through the blade and creating a rectangular platform directly under the rope. The sword, originally dubbed the Sword of Vengeance, had been Makua’s trusty Toa tool ever since he was transformed from his Ko-Matoran form. The metal quality was unlike most of the blades that were forged around the island of Mata Nui. Myths spoke of it being made of a different metallic alloy altogether. Some myths also claimed it was forged by the Makuta himself. A weapon perfect for taking him down, if only Makua could have gotten close. Whatever the sword’s true history was, Makua was grateful for the gift. One day, he would need to pay old Toa Olaki his respects once again.

Once Makua stepped onto the flat, floating iceberg, the platform began to sink. With minimal effort, Makua sheathed the sword into his back and climbed up onto the massive deck of the Fowadi. He stood proudly as he looked down at the tan and brown Po-Matoran.

“Looks even more impressive in person,” Makua said, looking around on the ship deck before looking back at the armored Po-Matoran.

“I’m Toa Makua, pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Makua said, “Are you the quartermaster?”

OOC: @sunflower

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Ember - The Fowadi

The Ta-Matoran eyed the waterline dubiously - with possibly two of the largest Toa in existence aboard, the skiff probably had the displacement of a craft triple its size. When it didn’t immediately split in half and sink, her fears were allayed somewhat, and she put them from her mind as she retrieved the oars from where they’d been stowed, holding one apiece out to each Toa.

“Off we are, lads. Get us underway whiles I make ready the sails, aye?”

Soon, the Fowadi was a way behind them to the south, and they started their short trip to the cliff-face village due north, ashen clouds enveloping the whole settlement in sheets of rain, and growing wilder by the minute.

Regardless, she had confidence they’d make it to port just fine.

IC: Ember - Naho Bay, close to Forsi, an hour later

They were all going to drown.

In the thick of the tempest now, the little skiff groaned in a way that Ember had never heard such a diminutive vessel groan before, being thrown around by savage winds and perilous waves.

Ember Velliae had been here - in this situation - years ago, on one of her worst days.

“Nor’east header!” she called over the roar of the gale propelling them. “Ready about, Toa Rynekk, starboard tack! Starboard!

Droplets of semi-solid sleet peppered the Ta-Matoran’s face, squinting as much as possible to keep herself from being blinded as she yanked the rudder to course-correct northwest. Even still, the skiff continued turning closer into the wind; there was only so much she could do with the rudder, but swapping positions with one of the Toa would spell dire consequences for the lot of them. The skiff heaved upward as it crested a roiling, befoamed wave, spraying the ice-cold waters of the bay over the three figures.

“Keep opposite ‘im, Toa Brukin! If yer gripin’ our wee tender ye’ll be first t’ founder!”

Edited by Perp
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IC: Azusai - Ga-Koro (Cael's Hut)

Azusai nudged Karoru gently, gesturing for the Menti to set her down. Karoru obliged, and as soon as Azusai's feet touched the floor she staggered back weakly into Karoru's leg. Taking a deep breath and steeling herself, she took a step forward away from the Menti to try to stand on her own for the introduction. 

It was about then that it finally clicked for her. This captain... was a man. Trying to just assume this was normal, she cleared her throat again and tried to brush some of the salt out of her hasten. "I... I am Saardma Azusai. A... lens maker and map maker by trade, but I... I sailed a long way for safety on your shores with nothing but a fishing boat and the stars to guide me, and... and I pray to Zuto Nui that your ship may take me in and allow me to earn my way in this new land."

Her wide-eyed gaze faltered from the Captain's eyes, and she looked around the hut anxiously, only for her eyes to settle on a... Dasaka? Toa? scarred and sleeping quietly in a cot. Quickly lowering her voice and her formal tone slipping, she asked, "I'm... not interrupting anything, am I?"

OOC: @Krayzikk @Snelly @otter @Lady Takanuva @sunflower

Edited by Click
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