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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Sulkua"Well, it stands for Island Liberation Front. It was founded to combat Makuta's power over the island by operating as members who would actively seek out and find jobs that hindered MAkuta. Soon, it became an almost three dozen strong with its own village: Pala-Koro. It's near Lake Pala, though it's mostly scattered now. There's still a small force left, now in Le-Koro" Sulkua said as he ordered some fizzy drinks.

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IC:"Battling the forces that are left of Makuta, huh. Sounds great, but I'm more of a pacifist and I'm not good at fighting."Then he takes the widgets the Toa gave him, and took a sip of his drinks."To me, I see that violence just brings more violence. I've always looked out to the jungle and asked myself if the fighting will end. But I think that maybe now it is the only way."


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IC: Naru


The Toa of Plasma glanced away, as if searching for someone who wasn't there.


"It could have been worse," Naru replied after a moment, more to convince herself than anything else. It really could have been worse, though it certainly didn't feel like it.



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IC: Vrina


Vrina had managed to get to Le-koro given the directions she received from the toa she met. As she stepped on to the elevator her eyes scanned the area around her. All around her she could see matoran, toa and many other beings.

How disgustingly picturesque

As the elevator came to a stop she stepped onto the platform. She looked from her left to her right seeing what where she should head first.


OOC: Vrina is open for interaction


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IC: Vuracious in Le-Wahi Jungle


Vuracious quickly jumped through the jungle of Le-Wahi; only stopping to start climbing to the canopy. To any other person the view would be extraordinary, but Vuracious was hoping Morok wasn't on his trail.

Edited by Damaracx 8.0
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My mouth twitched downwards, reforming into a grimace. I knew that tone of voice -- it was the kind you talked in while staring at your own scarred reflection in the mirror each morning.


"Naru, what is it? Something's eating at you, I can tell," I said, "We're friends, Naru -- you can talk to me 'bout anything, y'know?"





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IC: Sulkua"No, no, it was founded to battle Makuta when his powers were at its peak. Now, after the Toa Maru defeated him, they re-formed, mostly, anyway, to continue theirs ideals of the original Mata-Nuian valuies, Sulkua said as he drank his coler."But yes,they do fight. Don't worry, their, we're, not warmongers yet."

Edited by Norik The Student
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IC:"Pretty sure you just get in, and get out when you get where you want to go." Rerin commented from behind Hakari, eyeing the chute entrance with curiosity. "Don't know how exactly it is you're supposed to get out, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Vrina


It is quite amazing how easily Le-koro is likeable. Vrina had found that during her walk she had been stopped by several Le-matoran who were curious about her mask. She found she explained it at least 6 times within a 2 hour timeframe

She now found herself infront of one of the chutes that were in the village.

To karz if i am going to hop in one of those

As she stood looking at the peculiar chute her mask shifted in it's pattern many times.


OOC: Vrina open for interaction.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC (Jin)


Le-Koro. Happy-go-lucky sing-song village sky-high in the tree-tops.


Does anyone actually like this place?


I'd caught a ride on an elevator, a machine that left me feeling vaguely queasy every time I took a ride. I'm not bad with heights or anything, but you try getting pulled up a hundred feet in the air in a contraption made of vines and leaves and see if your heart doesn't skip a beat once and or ten times. At least the ride had been relatively short - shorter than my interrogation, at least.


Le-Koro, like most every other village, had spruced up its defences, which meant the only way into the village from the ground was guarded by a troupe of grumpy guards. Keep in mind, these are mostly Le-Matoran I'm talking about, so the sight of a green Matoran without a smile was sort of a shock. Ta-Matoran always look they have sticks shoved up their- well, you-know-where; but Le-Matoran are usually friendly to the point of extreme aggravation.


I think those guards were ignorant of that stereotype.


First they'd gruffly asked me what my business was in Le-Koro. I'd thought up a foolproof answer on my long walk over, so I gave it. I was a wandering Vortixx inventor looking for work. I'd heard that Le-Koro was the centre of island trade, and hoped to join a business close to Mata Nui's biggest marketplace.


Then they'd questioned my name, age, date of birth, favourite colour, and least favourite food. I answered with Xaro Xhoan Daxos, two hundred and five, the seventh of May, green, and Po-Koro's famed Stone Soup. The last answer seemed to please them: Po-Koro wasn't exactly the favourite dish on everyone's menu, if you catch my drift. Pretty soon, I was skybound.


My first stop was in the market, where I spilled some cold hard cash to pick up some battered green armour and a helm. The steel was light and not particularly useful in terms of defence (might explain why the merchant was so anxious to get rid of it), but it change my appearance completely. Jin didn't wear armour; she didn't need it. As soon as I strapped the steel to my body, I became a new person.


A couple pounds heavier, I made my second stop in a thriving bar, where I spilled some more widgets to pick up information. The afternoon was dying; with the day's work done, everyone was drinking and laughing away their cares. I saw skysailors and sellswords, merchants and musicians, and more than a few Le-Koran guards, keeping an eye on the chaos. I made sure to avoid them.


After locating a table of thoroughly soused skysailors, I dropped some coin to lubricate them a bit further. Before long, I had more information than I could handle; each man did his best to talk louder than his companions, and none of them had any inhibitions talking about anything. One of them had just completed a delivery to Pala-Koro, and quickly spilled that it was still rebuilding, months after their battle with the followers of Makuta. The ILF was crippled, but healing. Best of all, I got the location.


Exiting the rowdy bar an hour or two later, I breathed deep, enjoying the cool evening air. I had everything I needed. Now to get to Pala-Koro, and convince them to let me in. Shouldn't be too hard, but it was a job for tomorrow. For now, I'd find a room at an inn, get a good night's rest, and get down to business when the sun came up.

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IC: Hakari


Rerin was saying something, but I didn't understand any of it, as my head was currently going inside the chute. "Mata Nui it's crazy in here!" I tried to say as the turbulence suddenly picked up, hardly being able to hear myself.


I screamed as I felt myself get pulled in, heading who knows where through the chute the system, my screams slowly became a mixture of laughter. After the initial shock wore off I was having fun flying through the tubes at crazy speeds! I wasn't sure where I was going, but I was gonna get their pretty fast!


IC: Kehaga


Kehaga groaned from where he lay in the swampy ground, covered in mud and grass. "Go on without me Commander...it's too late for me!"

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: That was great a self-referential name


IC: Vrina


Dang Birds. No matter where I go I find bloody Birds. Wait, Scratch that. Onu-Koro does not have birds. I liked Onu-Koro

It is quite easy to get lost in thought in Le-koro. The sounds of nature surrounding could prove to truly relax one's mind. This was not the case for Vrina.


For as long as Vrina could remember she had had an innate fear of Birds. She could not place her finger on the reason but she knew there had to be something. Perhaps her mind had repressed it for so long that it no longer existed, Or perhaps it never existed in the first place. All that is for sure is she feared birds with a passion that could rival makuta's passion to overthrow Mata-nui.


She now sat on a bench conveniantly placed infront of the villages largest Inn. With her rapiers secured in the hilts on her waist she need not fear that her appearance would come off threatening as she may have before. Her skirt was carefully laid out over her legs with any wrinkles creased out of the fabric.


OOC: Vrina is open for interaction. *pleads for interaction*


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IC: Colx (Colx's Hut)


Hiya, Colx


I hope this letter finds you doing okay, because boy do I have a story to tell.


If you'll remember correctly, I went to Ta-Koro to begin my adventures, the village is hot, I mean really hot. But it looks like a pretty festive place, if you disregard all the grim military buildings and guard patrols, and the eternal glow of red gloom that it seems to get from the lava lake, but aside from that, totally festive.


Colx shook his head in mild annoyance upon seeing Melna use a word like festive to describe Ta-Koro. So be it that he hadn't been there in a while, but he was very reluctant to ever consider Ta-Koro anything remotely resembling festive.


Anyway, guess what; I'm not travelling alone anymore. I met these two really great guys at this place called the Lavapool Inn, they're called Lux and Day.


Lux is a Po-Matoran, who can play the piano like a total boss, and Day's a mysterious De-Toa.


Some might consider it odd for Melna to point out such arguably rudimentary details in such an off-handed way, not Colx. He understood why Melna felt like it meant something, to finally get some new friends, in a sense, on top of that not gravity elementals.


Lux is kind of a bumbling fool, in a kinda cute sorta way, he reminds me a bit of Helios back when he was a Matoran.


"Which can only mean one thing" Colx thought with a knowing smirk as he sipped his tea. (Quite an image, that; a Skakdi drinking tea)


Day's all gloom and no brass, but he does seem like a nice enough guy. I just hope I'll get to know them better soon. We're going to Onu-Koro to start our journey, I'll be writing again soon.


Love, Melna.


Colx folded the letter and put it away, staring into the fireplace that was just recently lit. As the crackling nose of burning wood filled the hut, Colx's natural grin shifted slightly towards delight... and genuine joy.


"I guess I better write a couple letters myself" Colx reasoned and went to find his quill pens and papyrus. He'd promised, and he was going to keep it

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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OOC: Just to get Sisk back in the game. I assume he is still with Korero. If not, I can edit later.




The Le-Matoran rolled his shoulder, to relax his arm from holding the cane for the better part of the day. He turned to Korero.


"Say, Korero-Maru, I've had an idea I wanted to share with you, if you have the time to hear-listen."


OOC: Same for Korero XD


IC (Korero)


"Of course," said Korero, smiling as he turned away from the now-peaceful Krayn. "Here, or shall we talk somewhere else?"





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IC: Akiri Kongu - Le-Koro - Kongu's Office"Your shipment has arrived Akiri."Kongu was seated behind his desk, back straightened. If there was one thing he wasn't a fan of in terms of the new job, it was all the paperwork: It wasn't good for his posture. Twice in the past threw months he had caught himself slouching, and twice he had stood up quickly before doing some limbering up and stretching as though it could cull the bad "habit" and reverse it entirely. He missed being just leader of the Force. It was much more an active job, and had him doing plenty of things to occupy his time and keep him in peak physical condition. Of course the Akiri still made sure to work out just before sunrise, taking part in his early morning routine. A leader had to lead not by word or reputation, but by example too. If he wasn't in top condition, how could he expect the Force to remain in such a heightened mindset. A couple letters came flying through the chute to his left, being deposited in his IT box."The usual import?"A cluttered desk was a cluttered mind, and Kongu's mind was far from cluttered. It was a multifaceted many layered well oiled machine. Kongu always prided himself on being able to handle more than one task at a time, yet still allow him to take them on with little anxiety. He was a good planner. It was what made him so good at his job in the Force; both as a member and later as the leader. Kongu flicked open the first letter with his letter opener, breaking the wax seal with Le-Koro's construction ensign on it."Basic supplies from Ga-Koro's caravans including the drink."The swishing and swooping, all the moves. It was all on the spot, but always felt like he knew what he was going to do before he did it. Akiri Kongu had great faith when it came to combating the forces of Makuta or putting his trust in his colleagues. It made for great friendships and bonds that lasted and would last for as long as he were to live. Ka was a perfect example. How a simple Kahu had become his best friend over the course of the Dark Times. Kongu's eyes finished reading over the letter and he quickly began writing a response."Ga-Koro? I have not looked-seen the land of the water-maiden's for such a long time," Kongu smiled a little at the thought of Ga-Koro's Akiri. She was a ball of energy to say the least. One of the few people of Ga-Koro he could properly relate to, even if they didn't agree on much, "Perhaps I owe the ocean-lady a visit.""Would you like me to send write-word requesting permission to land there?"Kongu finished up his first lettered response and looked up "Please do," Kongu reached for the second letter, this one folded out into more sections and was much longer than the first. He took more time to read it, mulling over the words. He wrote up his own reply, signing it with his name and wrapping it up in an unmarked envelope and tossing it back inside one of the multiple unmarked slits sending it off to the destination, "Please give the caravan my personal thank you, as most-usual and send them away.""Right away Akiri."The Akiri looked up from his work rather briefly and gave the Force member a strong bright smile, "Thank you for your time my friend, I hope-pray your day is well," the Force member nodded curtly, Kongu's infectious smile spreading to his own face, mirroring the gesture. The member turned around and stepped through the door, the guards closing it behind him. Kongu opened up the third letter and began to read it, this one was shorter, but it took the longest. Kongu hated stuff like this, even if it was necessary.

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OOC: From Ga-Wahi

IC: Iraira -- Deep water east of Le-Wahi

Day Three of sail. Heading South by South-East at a steady pace. The blunder with the mainmast had resolved; I put Verak and Kordo on the hemming and sewing until their fingers were covered in scratches from the thick needles. I don’t have the authority to kill any of my crew, but I’m tempted simply to remind them of who I am. Food is well stocked, and Tally is making an excellent way in keeping the crew fed three times a day. I didn’t expect her to be such a proficient cook in these rough waters, but she had met above my expectations remarkably. Matra and Shaj have taken to trading shifts at the wheel, the other down in the bilges making sure the machinery for our fans are well oiled. Krios and I have spent an amount of time helping to acquaint me with the history and locations of the Kumu Islets. In my time of service, I made only one trip this far south on a privateering raid. Needless to say, I am relying on my crew far more than I would enjoy.

Our boats parted ways at the edge of Ga-Wahi, Day taking her crew closer to shore while I opted for open-water. (Given the past of most of my crew, I figured letting them see land would only lead to problems for me and the few trustworthy souls.) With a little luck, we’ll both arrive at the heading within a day of each other. The waves have been calm with the help of our resident toa of water, whose name I have given up trying to pronounce or spell.

Iraira paused, the pen hovering above the inkwell as the candles flickered from a passing breeze. With a sigh, she closed the log and cleaned her pen. The leather-bound book held coordinates, data, musings, and occasionally recipes and illustrations. Iraira smiled, reminiscing when the book had been handed to her along with the first marine ship she’d captained. The front pages still contained the sloppy scrawl of her early life, the nervous passions of a young woman set on becoming something great, but unable to convey herself without grammatical error.

“All for a landlocked rank,” She said wistfully, then rose to leave her cabin. Outside, the sun burned orange in the distance, the horizon pastel purple and blue. A few of the crew were up top, the sounds of dice rattling within a cup coming from their huddled forms around a recently lit lamp.

“What’s this,” Iraira asked, her head peaking over into the ring of sitting sailors; “Dice gaming?”OOC: yes, the crew was split on vessels. Those members who Iraira personally acquired are onboard her vessel. I think I named all of them in the logbook.

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IC:Sighing, Rerin stepped into the chute, holding onto his hat as he flew through at high speeds. He could see Hakari just a short distance ahead, but communication wasn't exactly possible. He'd just have to get out when she did.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hakari


There were chutes going in all directions, different tube exits as I flew around the koro inside the chute system, I could have gotten off on one of the exits ages ago, I was just enjoying myself too much to care.


It was a lot like flying I supposed, not that I had ever flown, and I also couldn't really choose what direction I went. At this point I was starting to get dizzy actually, I decided to actually look for a good exit. Coming fast in the distance looked like a marketplace of sorts, probably a bar around there too, I went for that exit.


I came flying out of the tubes with less speed that I expected, as the chutes seemed to purposely slow me down before it ejected me. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, and dizzy as karz. I practically fell over as I landed feet first on the platform, everything was still moving.


"My head is spinning...gawd I'm so dizzy..." I exclaimed as I tried to reach the nearest bench, the world seemed to twirl around me even though I know longer was flying through the air. I had the worst sort of dizzying headache to boot.

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Vrina


Vrina looked over at the lesterin who was trying to get to the bench. Vrina stood up and moved to help steady the lesterin

"Woah there. You had better sit down. You seem to be about ready to fall over."


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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OOC: So sorry, guys, but we've timeskipped to the voyage itself. I'll make all this jerking around up to you, I promise.IC(Daylaria + Iraira)Daylaria and Iraira's ships interceded, but that would change. About eleven feet apart, the crews of each ship could see each other. The Valkyr motioned for a rope to be tossed across, and with this she traveled from one vessel to another, leaving Voutok with control over the crew of her boat- a beautiful wooden ship donned "The Dark Angel." She walked over to Iraira, cloak dragging along the deck."How go things on your side?" asked Daylaria.Iraira glanced up from her careful watch of the dice. "Not too bad. The crew seem to be enjoying themselves. Shall we?" Iraira motioned to the captain's cabin at the stern with her head."We shall," she agreed. Passing the crew, she laughed. "Enjoy the ride, gentlemen."Passing Matrapolix, she nodded. "Take care." Entering the cabin, she locked the door behind them. Outside, Matra sealed them in a field of sound, so that the prisoners couldn't hear them. "So, Knight. You know why I'm here, correct?""Yeah, you're heading out to explore the Watertown grave of a pirate infested rock and I got dragged along -- not saying I'm not enjoying myself here," Iraira responded good naturedly, the sharp jingling of glass underscoring her words as she poured two drinks. "Here, to adventure. ""...no, silly." She produced a bag, tossing it on the table to spill out two turkey sandwiches. "Lunch!"Iraira rolled her eyes and sighed. "What am I going to do with you? Lunch was four hours ago on my vessel -- notice how its getting dark outside? Oh well, can't waste food while on a voyage."The toa slumped into her chair. It was remarkably similar to the chair in her office because it was the chair from her office.Grabbing one of the paper packages, she tore away the wrapping and bit into the sustenance beneath. "Mmm. Honey and mustard. You made these yourself?""Hey, you promised..." she shrugged, tearing into her sandwich. "...no, picked them up at a sandwich shop. Didn't have time to make food," she same, mournfully. Between bites, she asked her partner a simple question: "how the #### did you move that chair from your office to this boat?"Iraira paused, chewing slowly over a piece of gristle. Washing the bite down with hard liquor, she answered, "Verak." She continued to roll her eyes. "That self anointed toa of sand. For huffing and puffing he's definitely your man. Right up there with Sulov. With the right incentives you can get a man to do anything.""Ha, good. Put him to work." She took a drink herself, but then no more. She would need all her wits about her. All of a sudden, the cheerful face became sullen. "You know what I'm going to do will be incredibly difficult. Offer me solace, Ira. I have none."She leaned back in the massive chair, a puzzled expression crawling across Iraira's face. "What's so scary about a deep sea dive in rahi infested waters? Its not like we're going to war or anything. Sure there'll be a lot of corpses, but they won't be our doing."Day placed both elbows on the table, placing her head in her hands. This burden was hers alone to bear. She almost cried- almost. She was a Marine Commander, ####, and she was about to cry. "Nothing, nothing. Guess I'm just nervous about what'll happen to you while I'm gone," she grinned.The salty toa of crystal leaned forward, the pendent about her neck dangling above the table top. Her hand stretched out to touch the shoulder of her friend. "Hey, I'm gonna be fine. I'm not gonna let someone slice my knee up again when you aren't looking. We were so young back then day. We're wiser now. At least, that's what I keep telling myself before I fall asleep.""I'll always be there for you. You know that. From now on, I'm not letting you or anyone else get hurt. I don't care what I have to do, I'll become powerful enough to protect my Koro.""Okay, what's going on," Iraira asked, concern creeping into her tone of voice; "the Daylaria I know wouldn't be needing to say these things over a deep water dive. We've dived countless times. Its normal marine stuff. Day, look at me --" she grasped both shoulders and stared deep into the winged angel's eyes -- "What are you really doing?"Day stared back, the eyes of a Valkyr boring into her counterpart. "Why, Ira- we're going diving."She broke away, unlocking the door. "Set course for the ruins. I'll see you there, sis." With that she was gone."BULL####!"Alone in the cabin, she let the expletive fly. Iraira slammed back what was left in Daylaria's tumbler, feeling the flaming burn down the length of her throat. "What the karz is she doing? "It began to rain hard, gloomy clouds ruining high spirits and dowsing the deck in water.Back on Daylaria's ship, the Commander had begun to break down. She ordered the helmsman to keep to shore as the two ships broke apart. Iraira's vessel traveled out in the deeper waters- a longer voyage, but necessary. It discouraged the criminals aboard from trying to escape. Day's boat, though, could afford to stay towards the island. She called out to her group, dreadful vulnerability and a bit of exasperation in her voice: "get below deck! Wouldn't want to catch a cold." The comment was almost motherlike, but it wasn't surprisingly so, coming from its speaker.As they filed underneath the top deck and into the lower deck, Daylaria- almost running -retreated to her cabin, locking herself in. Her mannerisms weren't unlike someone running from a monster. Hey, maybe she was running from.herself? Eh, sorry, bad joke- wait, ####, I've broken into first person again. I do apologize, but I'm afraid it will be necessary for the next sequence.I'm Daylaria. I'm a Valkyr. I'm not invincible, and yes, I've made mistakes. Some would say mistakes that would warrant being locked up. But personally, I don't like that alternative. See, what I do, I do for my people. I've stolen, fought, and killed- okay, not killed, but almost killed -so that my Koro will continue being the most powerful and secure Koro it can be. No, I may not be a hero. But I am a guardian. I am a protector of my pretty little girls and boys. The ones that can walk without fear because me and my comrades take down any threat that comes our way. Real talk? Maybe I do deserve to die. Not a night passes by that I don't remember Tarnok's face as I attacked him. That's on me, and I regret it. But I have a lot of regrets, and some of them I can't rightfully atone for. Heck, I stole someone's soul to protect my Koro- what up Cee?, I know you can hear this -and that act alone may never leave me. See, ever since I went Valkyr, these ####ing loads of living #### have a great influence on my thoughts. My greatest fear is that I won't be quite strong enough to save you all. And so I fight. I fight for a means to improve. I want to become a better me, in case just me isn't good enough.I mean, even that doesn't excuse what I've done. But I'm not looking for an excuse anymore. Truth is, I'm a horrible person, and I would be lying if I said l won't be smiling like a little girl the day I die. But until then, know that what I do I do for you. The citizens of Ga-Koro. I chose my own path. And anyone who gets in my path while I'm protecting my city will go down. Be #### sure.That is all. I have a dive to attend.

Edited by Shuhei Hisagi

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: The following is a Jam Post between Hubert and I.


IC: Rit and Vaisaga(Leaving Le-Koro)


I’ll be honest, no matter how many times my eyes took in the sight of the Le-Koro treetops. No matter how many times I heard the beautiful music the Matoran were capable of creating. No matter how many times I just took in the brilliant atmosphere, Le-Koro just never seemed to lose it’s beauty. That wasn’t something I could say about many things, but Le-Koro was different.Still Vaisaga and I had been here for quite some time. Ever since the first major attack on the Koro we had remained behind and I’d alternate between defending on the frontlines, to healing the wounded, to playing songs for the depressed. It was a busy schedule to be sure, but it was worth it.“The village is nice.”It was a surprise to hear Vaisaga’s quiet and feminine voice; he was not usually one for speaking regularly, but the beauty of his surroundings had enraptured him. It felt like an injustice to not speak up - to reveal his inner thoughts, no matter how simple they had been. Had he been a man of poetry, he would have delivered a stunning description of the landscape, one that would reveal his absolute adoration of the environment in the beauty of his words.But he was not, so simple words would suffice.“Do you not agree?”“Yes, it is,” I silently let out. If it was a rare to see Vaisaga speak, hearing my own was a miracle. I partook in even less idle chit-chat than my feminine companion. Perhaps that was why we travel together so well, we both knew when the proper time for speaking was, and when it was better to just listen. To just enjoy.Still there was more to be said at this particular moment, something that had been bothering me for a while. As beautiful as this land was, a nagging feeling within me felt as though we had overstayed our visit. As though we had destiny of some sorts we were ignoring. Now I wasn’t one to believe in such nonsense like destiny, but I still felt as if there was something more for us to accomplish.“Say Vaisaga, do you feel it’s time to move on?” It was a simple question, but our conversations were usually that way. Where others partook in long drawn out speeches to accomplish simple tasks, Vaisaga and I only need a few words.“Yes.”It was another simple reply, but it was all that Vaisaga needed to say about the matter. He too had felt a need to travel; to leave the confines of the village for what lay beyond the swamp.I nodded my head in response, the time for words had passed. We had reached our mutual understanding, it was now time to continue you our journey forward. We had come so far, but we still had farther yet to travel. Le-Koro had more than enough healers and protectors to guard it for the time being, and seeing as the threat of Rahkshi had passed we could move on freely. After all Vaisaga had an acquaintance to find.As for me. I had a purpose to find.With a simple flick of the wrist I gestured for Vaisaga to follow, I wasn’t sure yet where we were heading, all I knew was that we had to move forward.Vaisaga had stopped, giving the village of air one final glance. The ghost of a smile brushed across his face for a second, but disappeared as soon as it had arrived. The time to admire the sights had passed; it was unfortunate, true, but necessary.The androgynous Toa of Air turned away, quickly following after his companion.It was time to look towards the future.


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Ic Iraira and crewWater splashing against the vessel's side. A harsh wind kicked up from the north, blowing them faster on course with the destination. Iraira laughed behind the wheel of her ship, prow cutting through the waves like a sharpened knife. Great creatures of the deep surfaced for air alongside port, their teal bodies glimmering in the shine of sun kissed water droplets. Crew raced about to fulfill their duties, rotor fans thrumming to life, sails caught full of Nature's blessed air. Iraira glanced down toward the main deck, ever conscious of her crew's abilities. The wind wouldn't last forever in their favor. She chuckled, remembering the proverb, 'if you're in a good spot, it won't last.'"Private Soirk," Iraira shouted over the power of their speed, "I want a reading of our position in relation to the Islets, or did you let the maps get stolen by the wind?" Not waiting for a response, she yelled down to the other vortixx aboard her ship. "Kordo! I want you to get your sorry rear up into the nest and look for something besides water! Take a rope so you don't fall out like the last one. Shaj, Corporal where are you? Ah, good! Take your spine below decks and check the engine. We'll be shutting her off soon, if my estimations are sound. EVERYONE ELSE: do what you were doing harder, better, faster, and stronger! You weren't made marines to dally! Come on Triscuts, let's move it! Make use of what we got." She felt invincible among her crew, aboard her ship. Fitting, given its name. The Invincible continued on her journey, three decks of maritime perfection dauntless in her course. The toa of crystal tapped her fingers on the spokes of the wheel, feeling the copper plating warm her hands in the daylight. She wasn't impatient. The time for adventure below the waves could wait. For the first time since her indoctrination, Captain Iraira, cerulean jewel of the Marines, felt free.

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IC: "Kordo"


"Woah, woah, woah, made Marines? I'm a Marine now? Cool! He climbed up the net-thingy he couldn't remember the name of and got into the Crow's Nest. "Nothin' but water. Oh and one other little thing that you probably don't care about. There's a bunch of big dark clouds ahead."

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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Sisk thought for a moment, as he thought about whether or not this was a suitable place to dicuss his idea. Weighing the pros and cons, he decided a public place was not the best to talk about the subject and so he said:


"Well, I would prefer your feedback in private first. It's not a cheer-happy topic and not very suited for tree-bright open-talk."




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IC: (Mons Shajs/Invincible/Le-Wahi)


Shajs wasn't having a very good day, to say the least. The air was humid and boiling with heat, so he had to take off his nice tunic and cloak. He'd lost forty freakin' widgets in a dice game. The bottle of fine gin he brought got neaked by one of the crew. He was on his last three deliciously spicy cigars. Oh, and it was also pouring rain outside. That made his spirits even worse.


Today aside, the voyage had gone incredibly well. He'd either been steering the ship for a good couple of hours, or else gambling in the cabins. The crew were a decent bunch. Not particularly mean or cruel. And Iraira was a fine Captain.


Going into the engine room, he opened up the controls. Looking at some gears, hitting some buttons, pulling a lever or two to release pressure. It wasn't very complex, at least for him. The continuing whoo whoo whoo sound told him the engine was going along healthily. Climbing up the ladder, he emerged on top deck. Seeing Iraira, he grinned and said:


"Engine's goin' smoothly Cap'n Commander! I ain't think its a'goin to be givin' us an'y moar trouble!"


I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC (Korero)


"Sounds good to me," Korero replied cheerfully, not showing his intrigue as to what the Gukkoman might want to tell or ask him. "Got anywhere in mind?"


As he spoke, he held out one hand, a cheeky smile on his face as the Hiko began to glow in preparation. Who traveled by foot when they could Jump?





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IC: Strakolix alias Kordo


"I can't believe I'm stuck up here in the rain. Oh, well at least I have my cloak. But I should be below deck drinking my, erm, confiscated gin." muttered Strakolix. "Oh, wait, hang on a minute," he said loud enough to probably be heard over the rain, "what's your opinion on Tarakava? Because there are two following our boat" Though he could barely see them, he decided to add an extra detail from his imagination, "and they look particularly hungry. Or is it just me that's hungry?"

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC(Matra-Invincible)"That's okay. Without the influence of Makuta, they're naturally docile. Just leave them alone and they'll do the same," the response came from the Toa of sonics laying on the deck, evidently unfazed by the rain.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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[The Invincible, Le-Koro]Talli deftly quartered a lime and squeezed each slice into the bubbling fish soup. She had been surprised when she had been notified (once again) of her reassignment, and a little, as much as she hated to admit it, relieved. Honestly, were they really under the impression that she felt such things were beneath her? She snorted as she flipped up the metal clamps that held the giant pot in place. She wasn’t some hotshot marine from the South Side. As it turned out, working in the fishing vessels when she was a kid had turned out to be a big help. Some of the fish were a bit bigger that the ones her dad had regularly caught (and a bit harder to fillet, as she had found out today), but in the end, a fish was a fish. And fish didn’t ask you questions.Turning down the heat on the burner, she clamped the lid on. She would have an hour or so to take a breather while the soup was simmering. Moving to the sink, she washed the blood and sweat off her face and headed to the deck. It was raining, but it was a welcome shower after the heat of the kitchen."What's your opinion on Tarakava? Because there are two following our boat, and they look particularly hungry. Or is it just me that's hungry?"Talli squinted through the rain at the big black figure in the crow's nest. The Stupid Vortixx, then. For a few seconds, she debated whether she should take him seriously."That's okay. Without the influence of Makuta, they're naturally docile. Just leave them alone and they'll do the same," the response came from the Toa of sonics laying on the deck, evidently unfazed by the rain," she heard someone say from another part of the deck.“If you’re hungry, maybe you can try and catch one. I’ve heard the a bit strong, but pretty tasty. A bit like turtle.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Captain Iraira, On The Invincible

“Thank you Shajs,” Iraira said, pulling the skakdi close to be heard above the downpour. “Tell you what, I need a man on the wheel for a bit. Make sure we don’t hit any rocks.” With a smile, the captain left her place behind the wheel and strode down the stairs to the main deck as if the slick wood were glue. Waves crashed against starboard, sending the boat keeling and rocking. Iraira smiled, feeling the storm’s fury in the marrow of her bones. Her knee burned like fire, the joint screaming for relief as she grit her jaw and continued to survey the work. A captain’s position was on deck in her opinion, not in the cabin sucking resource.

“Talli! The food about finished? I’m assuming that’s what you came up top to say. Don’t tell me anything’s spoiled already.” She slapped the matoran’s shoulder, then grabbed her chest to keep her from tasting tar. “Kordo, you should come down from there! It’s getting kinda’ rough. All hands RAISE SAILS! We’re gonna weather it out Triscuits! No use turning our sails into ribbons.”

OOC: Great job getting into the action and telling the story everyone! Keep it up, because that kind of creativity is going to keep us alive. :P

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Ic Iraira and crew"Private Soirk," Iraira shouted over the power of their speed, "I want a reading of our position in relation to the Islets, or did you let the maps get stolen by the wind?"

IC: [ Krios ] - The Invincible"Stolen? Off me?" laughed Krios, a wild, reckless glint stealing into his cold blue eyes as storm-lashed saltwater slammed across the deck, spattering him in its aura of crystal foam. "Nothing leaves my possession without me knowing of it, Captain."Bracing himself against the rail, he pulled the oiled chart of the known ocean from his cloak and deftly unrolled it. After a moment's confusion, he realized he was holding it upside-down, and hastily turned it around, wincing inwardly. A native of the area he might have been; a navigator, he was not."Uh... we're about twenty miles south and west of the ruins, I'd say. More or less."

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IC: (Mons Shajs/Invincible/Le-Koran Seas)


Shajs was at home behind the controls. The wheel was nice and old fashioned, thickly made of cypress wood. The compass was simple and true. And the hula-skirt clad, Ga-Matoran bobble-head bobbled quite freely. Cigar number one was perched in his mouth, and an old Skakdi tune sung from his lips. And most importantly, the smell of Talli's soup wafted in his nose.


The storm was picking up. Sheet upon sheet of rain battered the deck. The loud patter of rain filled up his ears. And every so often a stray droplet hit his face. Still, he didn't mind it. The rain was making the once boiling air just a bit cooler. Just a bit. And what a relief one or two less degrees was. He wasn't noticing the waves. The things were unusually small, which made the former pirate nervous. No. Very nervous.


A minute or two later, he saw it. It was a 50 foot wave, heading straight at the ship. And the crew was on deck, oblivious of it. They needed to be warned.



I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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