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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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"Oi, noisy," Beynii said, talking to Girah, "you're embarrassing. That, and you're a random person who jumped off the docks and tried to represent an entire village."


Beynii then directed her attention at Angitu, "sir, please get down from there. You're showing off, and it's also embarrassing."


She finally turned back to the speaker of the underwater boat people, "Hi. I'm Beynii. Want to meet our leader?"

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IC Girah: Muttering something about 'uneducated plebeian', 'dispassionate automatons', the difference between a village and the island's natural wonders, and the use of the word 'Oi' in an official setting being the 'real embarrassment', Girah sank back to the other end of the boat. His eyes looked like they might boggle out of his head and attack Beynii, and his face showed that the rest of his body might soon follow.


Dropping to a sit, in a brooding combination of a pout and a fume, Girah put all his effort into remaining presentable and official, giving up on the beauty of the moment as a lost cause. All he wanted to do was talk to these people, and now he was relegated to the lapdog of a literal boatload of jarheads. His vitriol eased quickly, and he mentally recended the insult. Letting out a sigh and a grimace of apology to the newcomers, his bile cooled to an impatience as his enthusiasm returned.


He would sit quietly like a good Matoran, but he would, Mata Nui help him, talk to one of these newcomers. Perhaps not now, but soon. His whole life, he had longed to travel to another land, another culture. Experience alien beauty. Explore and map. Tell tales and hear them. Navigate and document. Trade. Talk. Tell and show others of his homeland. He existed for this. Very. Moment. They couldn't understand. Embarrassment was so secondary to discovery that it was painful to hear someone suggest otherwise.


And yes, for now he would be silent and abide. He had waited his whole life. A few minutes wouldnt kill him. And at least he got to ride in the boat and listen.


Girah visibly brightened, returning to a good portion of his intitial excitement. He got to listen! By god, this was history! He got to experience it! If history put him down as the madman who swam out and exclaimed the wonder of these arrivals, then he was more than satisfied with his role.


Sitting up, and refusing to hunch, the Matoran's grimace turned to a wide smile once more.

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Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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OOC: @ Funkydude - Oops, edited.


IC: Angitu nearly facepalmed at the skakdi marine, people like this were the reason he wasn't a marine anymore. 


"Guess all that stuff they said in training about always being a marine was a load of gukko droppings, then?" The pillar Angitu was seated on slowly..very slowly, began to descend, whereas the now unoccupied one went away much faster. 


"Down I come." He said in a almost teasing tone as the pillar quite literally inched its way down."

Edited by Makuta of Metru Nui

-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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[Ga-koro, Docks]


“Hold her,” Talli said, shoving Melsu into Nahlu’s hands.


“Hey, I thought you said that you didn’t want--”


Talli was already gone though, running opposite to where everybody else was going.  Somebody had probably gone to fetch the Akiri, but with all this glory hounding going around she wasn’t sure.  Talli wasn’t a one to exactly put trust in authority, but she bet that a fellow Ga-matoran, especially a former marine like Eutuchia, would be a lot better than some toa probably looking to hit on the crystal toa-things.  The fact that she hadn’t yet seen one Kakama or Kualsi user dash off only supported her thoughts.  There was the Skakdi from before, she remembered. It was weird, but the more time she spent in the marines the more she found herself getting a long better with Skakdi and Lesterin that with toa.  Maybe the lack of easy accessible ways to show off was part of it.


She reached the Akiri’s house only lightly sweating; years of fishing and marine work had left her in decent shape.  She didn’t mince words.

“There a ship that says it’s from another civilization that just surfaced outside the bay.  I thought Eutuchia might like to know,” she said to the guards.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kalyss put her hand on Casanuva's shoulder. "I'll handle this."


Casanuva nodded grimly, his smile disappearing. "Whatever you say."


Looking at both Mura and Eleen, Kalyss explained. "The Toa Kalta has six active members. We three met in Ga-Koro a earlier today. There are three more members. Aelied, our leader, is still missing. So is Zueya. For some reason, the last one, Skorm, has... turned against us. We don't know why."


Skorm heard the crossbow click before he felt the impact of the bolt slamming into his arrowpad. No real harm done, except his mask flickered. He was suddenly the center of attention on all sides. He reacted swiftly, grabbing a marine ga-matoran's face and lifting her up.


"Anybody moves against me, I crush her head like a grape!" Skorm glared at his brothers and sister. "Don't think I won't."


OOC: A reminder this is taking place the night before the Dasaka sub has shown up!

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: (Shajs)


"There a'be active 'n inactive Marines, sir," Shajs said politely. "Yer aparta tha latter, I'ma 'fraid ta say."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: I think BZP time affects the environment in such a way that Skorm's fight and the Dasaka's arrival are happening at the same. Within a topic, it's really not possible to change that.


Also, did that Ga-Matoran marine just stand next to Skorm, waiting to be picked up?


IC Tuli & Khervos



Khervos' eyes widened as Skorm appeared in front of the masses and grabbed a Matoran, dangling her in the air.


"This is bad", he said. He turned to look at Tuli, but the Ta-Matoran wasn't where she had been one moment ago. Khervos looked around, but couldn't see her anywhere.


Oh no, what are you up to now? he thought.

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IC (Ayiwah):


That could have gone worse...


The commodore had not moved a muscle the past few minutes, quietly giving orders via ideatalk to the crew, mentally giving Soraya and Asa a nudge to let them know she heard their conversation about the Toa's feet and generally just observing as much of what was going on on and around the ship as possible.


It appeared her previous assessment based on the first expedition's reports had been fairly accurate: The people of Mata Nui were free to the point where the authorities held little sway over the masses. That much became apparent when the Toa on iron stilts took quite a bit of convincing to come down from his vantage point. 


The commodore felt a bit torn about the display. On the one hand, it was an amazing ability. Iron from nothing, metal out of thing air. The use of such a person, as a warrior in an army...but she stopped herself and those thoughts. This was not about war. Besides, the Toa's display became significantly less impressive once it became clear he was trying to show off. It wasn't a quality Ayiwah appreciated.


Once he was out of the way, Ayiwah moved. As she passed Tazera, she gave her a quick, nonverbal instruction: "It would appear we are welcome to make port. Take us in and dock alongside the pier at your convenience. Nice and easy, Taz."


Then stepping up next to Hanako, the commodore looked to the Marine in the rowboat who had done most of the talking so far  - and he was a Skakdi. It felt slightly odd to face one of the Chaotic Six' species that was not wanted for their crimes and in fact seemed to uphold the law. She still had little love for their kind, but at least this was a good sign that the Piraka were an exception, rather than the rule for them.


"Soldier," she addressed him, firmly but not unkind, then asked, "where is your commanding officer? Who is in charge of this vill-...I mean Koro?"




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OOC: Italics are thoughts, as usual


IC: Angitu finally had made it down to the waters surface, as he stepped into the marine's boat he leaned on the side, arms crossed.


With nothing to do, Angitu looked himself over. 


"Shield..check..helmet..seen better days..but check..knife...chec-"


"Hold on. Where's my knife?" He recalled his encounter with Skorm in his head. 


"That son of a mahi...I liked that knife." Angitu angrily thought to himself all the ways he could get back at the toa.

Edited by Makuta of Metru Nui

-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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IC: (Mons Shajs)


As the Fe-Toa went away, one of the Toa on the tube-ship turned to him, and talked. She spoke in Matoran, clearly, but in an accent Shajs hadn't heard at all. He assumed she was the Captain of the vessel, by her armor and seemingly highly-respected status among her crew. He felt strange that he was the one being spoken to.


"Cap'n Kotu is'n tha village, m'am. She's in charga' tha Marines. But tha ruler 'o tha city is Akiri Hahli, I'a thinka she'll be'a comin' anytoim now," he said in a respectful, slightly surprised tone.

Edited by Mr. House
I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Darien


Sometimes Darien wished civilians would act a little less like children and more like people. 


IC: Arisaka


Arisaka observed these proceedings as usual, with a stoic, expressionless face and a calm demeanor. But inside her mind it was a different story. 


Finally, she had to speak her mind, at least through idletalk. 


.:I know it's a different culture. But I find the lack of respect for authority by it's denizens...disturbing. The iron elemental...while he has great power, he lacks both order and honor. What good is power without the other two virtues?:.


What was amazing was this was probably the most she'd spoken the entire trip. 

Edited by Skitty

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC Girah: Leaning over the side of the rowboat, Girah watched the visitors in a state of awe. They had such command over themselves! Nothing like the outbursts he was prone to. He was suddenly struck by an idea. Perhaps less theatrics might encourage a bit more in the way of active communication. Rising from his bench, the Matoran approached the side of the boat.


He waited until the captain of the vessel had conversed with the Marine. Mustering up what courage and pride he had left, he decided to make himself at least a bit known. Giving a small knock on the side of the boat, he asked meekly, a bit humbled by the whole affair up to this point and to whoever might listen, "Permission to come aboard?"

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Mirra and Wisp.

"Forgetting someone?" Mirra called out to Skorm, using her powers to pick up the lightstones she'd created and turn them into spikes, which hovered in the air at Skorm's chest level.

"You do anything to her head, and you'll lose yours," Wisp agreed, having reloaded his crossbow, he'd moved so that he had a clear line of fire at Skorm's face.

"Now put the matoran down!" Mirra demanded.

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Treize

"Do you want to dock first before continuinng these proceedings?" asked the officer.


IC: The Seventh


"Yeah, there really is," remarked Seven as they arrived in front of the bar she had been leading her companion to. "Wonder what's going on."

Edited by Purple God
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IC: Arisaka


Arisaka observed these proceedings as usual, with a stoic, expressionless face and a calm demeanor. But inside her mind it was a different story. 


Finally, she had to speak her mind, at least through idletalk. 


.:I know it's a different culture. But I find the lack of respect for authority by it's denizens...disturbing. The iron elemental...while he has great power, he lacks both order and honor. What good is power without the other two virtues?:.


What was amazing was this was probably the most she'd spoken the entire trip. 


IC: Vilda Mako (Chisai Ryuu)


:You recognize that it's a different culture, but you still judge them by our virtues?:


My tone wasn't indignant, more self-satisfied than anything, really. True, the Iron elemental's showing off wasn't high on my list either, but the stunt had shown just how little these people were like us, at least at a glance.


I smiled. All my life I had only known one box, it was time to get to know a new one.


:Learn their virtues, then you can say what's disturbing:

Edited by Geardirector

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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IC: Soraya [The Chisai Ryu]
Soraya only rolled her eyes a little bit at
the Commodore's metal nudge.  "See?" she stage-whispered to
Aki.  "You want an answer, all you gotta do is ask."


From somewhere below, a timid voice asked, "Permission to come aboard?"


She leaned out over the railing, caught the still-not-a-Dashi's eye, and winked before leaning back out of sight.


"Didn't say it'd be an unambiguous answer," she added.


Yeah, this was gonna be fun.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC (Tazera)


Tazera gave Ayiwah a nod, acknowledging her friend/superior's order.


The Lieutenant was more than a little non-plussed by the Mata Nuians' welcome. On the one hand, these 'Marines' seemed like reasonable, level-headed people (although that Skakdi's accent made him nigh impossible to understand). On the other, the civilians they'd seen so far gave the distinct impression of being a few oars short of a galley.


Still, she wasn't part of the diplomatic delegation: it wasn't her place to judge. Her job was to convey Lady Hanako to and from this island, and to see to their safety over the course of the trip.


The Dasaka hopped down the hatch and back into the Ryuu, and headed to the bridge, relaying the Commodore's instructions to the remaining crew as she went.


As the submersible's engines began their deep, gentle purr, Tazera took the helm. The craft began to move, ever so slowly, almost as though it were just drifting into port on the waves. The many Dasaka standing on deck didn't feel the slightest tug against their balance as the ship moved, as Tazera's expert hands guided the vessel towards the dock.


IC (Dakte)


Dakte said nothing, but listened to all conversations (both verbal and mental) studiously. Arisaka was right, it seemed that authority held far less sway over the citizens of this land than it did on Kentoku. Unlike Arisaka, however, the Ageru man was not disturbed by this: in fact, for him it stirred up a wholly different feeling that he had not expected: curiosity. He had volunteered for this expedition looking simply for a reprieve from the suffocation of Sado and the Archipelago, however short it might be; only now did he feel a genuine interest in this island of Mata Nui.


And there was something else as well, another fluttering in his chest. This one was even more unexpected, something he had not felt in such a long time that he could not yet put a name to it. But it was there.





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IC Girah: The Matoran looked up at the similarly sized being poking its head over the edge of the boat. At the wink, his head tilted. He was just beginning to mull over his response when the two parked vessels began to move. When he heard the person say ""Didn't say it'd be an unambiguous answer." he made a snap decision.


With a small recoil, Girah cast the die. He took two steps and leaped, scrambling against the side of the now-moving sub, looking for a catch. His hand managed to find hold in one of the holes of the ballast tanks. Legs wheeling slightly, he clumsily scraped his way up to a better grip. He took this chance to throw up a free hand. In a heave well practiced in the caverns of Onu-Wahi, he managed to get a forearm up on the deck. Getting his other arm up with a grunt and a swing, he clung to the deck, legs still dangling against the sub's hull.


From behind his mask, which to any on deck would now be visible in it's bizarre, reptilian form, Girah quickly spotted the not-Matoran that winked at him and her companion. He grinned widely and his eyes lit up. "I hope you don't mind me taking that as a 'yes'." He looked down below him as the rowboat pulled away. Well, there goes his way back down. "Because I may have to go for another swim if I am not allowed onboard."

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC (Akimoto)




Most people, upon seeing a foreign vessel, wouldn't take it upon themselves to board with without permission. Heck, how'd this guy even know the Dasaka were friendly to intruders? As it was, Aki didn't feel particularly threatened, just fascinated. These people obviously had nothing to do with Honour or Order; though powerful, they didn't seem to care much about presenting themselves or their society in a positive light. 


Thus far, it seemed most of the ordinary people were led by their emotions and whims. Though the crew had been warned to try to keep an open mind, Aki felt pretty justified in using the term barbaric to describe them. Their local military, these Marines, didn't seem to hold much sway over the population. Everyone did what they liked, without fear of reprimand or disgrace.


Aki's cheeks coloured; it was embarrassing watching these natives make fools of themselves. They were like a shipwreck you couldn't stop staring at.

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IC: (Mura)


The Su-Matoran stepped back in surprise and looked over to where a crystal (or ice) toa was standing next to a...De-Toa?...Fe-Toa? He couldn't tell, but they obviously had somewhat of the upper hand now...
Mura was naive, but not enough to try and convince this obviously insane Ba-Toa to do anything he didn't want to...



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IC (Dakte)


It seemed it was time to intervene. Dakte was the closest warrior to the small Not-Dashi (what were they called? 'Matoran'?) scrambling up the side of the Ryuu, so he took it upon himself to deal with the situation. Some of his fellow Menti, after all, might not have as much restraint as he did.


The male stepped forward, locking eyes with Girah, and raised his hand as though holding a spear by his side.. With a hum, a rod of shimmering green-blue energy formed in his hand. The Menti warrior held it in a way that was not directly threatening to the Matoran, but nonetheless showed that he was ready to use it at a moment's notice.


"Do you really think it wise to board this vessel without permission from its commanding officer?" he asked sternly.





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"Little to be done about it now." Sinshi commented, though her tone left no doubt that she wasn't pleased by the fact. The Menti's hand was closed around the handle of her rapier, though the blade was not drawn from its confines. She regarded the Dashi-like being in front of her with suspicion; not of the being personally, but of the potential threat he presented. In this strange land, a Dashi might be as dangerous as a Menti.


"His own crafts have already departed, and we're only headed to the docks. Best, I think, just to keep an eye on him."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Angitu looked on in amusement as the marine ship pulled away from the sub, apparently not noticing the matoran who had jumped ship.


"Courageous little one, I'll give him that." Angitu began idly whistling to himself as the boat moved through the waters. He tapped his shield with his armored finger to a beat, each tap making the shield's bioluminescent surface flare a aqua color.



-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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OoC: I think that first person doesn't really fit for this particular character, so I'm changing that.


IC: Eleen (Ga-koro)


Eleen looked at the woman who apparently was also part of the Toa Kalta. She explained the composition of the team, and Eleen realised that the two other Toa nearby were independent. Likely they had just decided to take law into their own hands, and deal with the rampaging Ba-Toa, whose name was Skorm. He was apparently part of the Toa team, meaning that she'll need to question other members as well. But right now, there was no sight of Skorm..


In an instant, a disaster had occurred: Skorm had reappeared, captured Hilji, and taken her hostage. Eleen had her bow ready, but drawing an arrow from the quiver and nocking it would take too much time, giving Skorm a chance to react and hurt Hilji. She tried to memorize the part of her training that was about hostage situations: it is important to remain calm, and..


The two Toa, one white and the other grey, reacted and immediately threatened Skorm with weapons. The white woman, presumably a Toa of Ice, was aiming at him with spikes of ice, while the grey male, possibly a Toa of Earth, readied his crossbow. Eleen knew that she needed to react quickly, otherwise Hilji would die. "You there!" she shouted at the pair of Toa, "Put your weapons down! That matoran is under my command, and I do not want her to be harmed!" She turned around to look at Skorm, and said "Calm down. We are not going to harm you, we can talk about this", with a calming and confident tone, while gesturing with her hands and showing that she was unarmed. Mata Nui help me..

still alive somehow

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IC: Vesun

Vesun groaned and opened his eyes. He rolled onto his side and examined his surroundings. "Hello, Kirgan," he said, smiling. "Thank you. And who's your friend?"

"I-I'm Juho," the Ga-Matoran responded.

"Well, thank you, too. This must be your... hut."

Juho nodded.

Vesun eased himself into a sitting position, and finally could see out the door. There was great commotion out there, seeming to center on a few boats floating close to the village. "What's going on?"

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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OOC: The chronology of everything is a bit problematic, as Skorm's battle supposedly should end before the Dasaka arrive... I guess the most logical way to deal with this is to detach Vesun and Kirgan from the events of the battle and assume Vesun awoke after that.


IC Kirgan

(Ga-Koro, Juho's hut):


Kirgan put his hand on his chest and sighed in relief as Vesun woke up. "I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you're awake", he said. "I was worried you might be in a coma or something. Anyway, it seems some strange vessel has arrived on the port here. Everyone's out there checking it out."

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OOC: Yeah, I'm trying to wrap this up now. So no formatting until I get home.

IC: Skorm smiled wickedly. "You hurting me was never in the equation."

Kalyss stepped forward. "Skorm! Whatever happened, we can help you!"

Hilji squirmed as Skorm tightened his grip, flexing what little elemental power he had left. "I've already been helped. I'm not stupid, I know that in a battle of attrition, I lose."

Vakua was reestablishing the mind link. Can you guys do anything?

Casanuva eyed the matoran. I might be able to pull her away.

Kalyss rose the the balls of her feet. I'll go in and snatch her. Vakua, you incapacitate Skorm. Doesn't matter how many bystanders you catch, it will be nonlethal anyway.

Skorm stepped back. "But then again... I never was one to fight fair." He finished transferring power into the matoran, and let go, letting Hilji become a powerful center of gravity. Water, crystals, and any miscellaneous debris were immediately thrown into her. The second he let go, he popped off his mask power, and started dashing towards the gate.

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC Tuli



That's what Skorm tried to do, anyway, until Tuli suddenly leapt, seemingly out of nowhere, and flung her disk at Skorm's shadow, with the intention to srike his feet and trip him.


OOC: I'm assuming both Skorm and Tuli are outside the field of effect of the gravitized Matoran.

Edited by Toatapio Nuva
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IC Girah: Girah was frozen, motionless for a moment, simply absorbing all that was going on around him. They seemed to use bladed weapons, and their language was near-identical to Matoran. They wore masks, but of completely exotic design. And if their body language was any indication, he may have just made the wrong impression. Hoping to avoid an incident, he raised his hand, palms out, and smiled weakly. While one of these guards discussed his lack of wisdom, Girah was not unfamiliar with such criticism, but the critic was one of supreme clout in the mind of this explorer.


When the other guard approached and said "Best, I think, just to keep an eye on him.", Girah cleared his throat and explained his actions. "Err, my most sincere apologies. One of your crew signaled to me, and I am afraid I misinterpreted the greeting as an invitation. I simply wish to trade words and good. However, my rank and stature often deny me that privilege. And when I saw a chance.... Well, to say I leapt at it would be a bit too close to the literal for tact."


The gravity of the boarding had dawned on him slowly as he talked. He had screwed up. Big time. His face grew pained, and in a toothy grimace, he hunched. The Matoran's hands clasped together and he seemed almost ready to drop to his knees and beg. "Oh, Mata Nui, I beg mercy of you. I have lived my whole life dreaming of exotic lands and cultures. It has been my destiny, my duty. Since boyhood, it has been my dream to be aboard a vessel from a far off land, surrounded by peoples I have not seen, immersed in a world and culture not my own."


The Matoran seemed on the verge of tears. This had all gone so horribly wrong and it was all his fault. "At the very least, acquit my kin of what is my own wrong, my own unrestricted glee at your own wonderful arrival. I am an aberration among them, a fool with a head full of folly and fantasy and botany and geography." Girah covered his eyes with his hand, using the other to hold himself. Mata Nui, this was a rash mistake he just made, maybe the worst in all of history. Oh the irony. He had hoped to show the best of the island, and he had just flangrantly flaunted it's worst. His dreams were not crushed. They were annihilated, and he was the one who annihilated them.

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC (Dakte)


Dakte released control over his Soulsword, and the psionic energy evaporated away into the air. 


"Calm down," he called to the Matoran, with a sigh. The Menti felt pity for the bumbling little Dashi-like being.


Despite not having yet received the go-ahead from Ayiwah, Dakte acted: he raised a hand and summoned the power of the Mindarm, and telekinetically lifted Girah off the side of the Ryuu and onto its deck.


"Now," he said, a little more quietly and kindly, as the Matoran picked himself up. "We are about to dock at your port; I expect the Lady Hanako and her delegation will wish to speak with more...official representatives of your people. I don't doubt that you will have your chance to speak with us, either now or later. Just..."


Here the warrior shook his head, with the tiniest hint of a smile.


"...try to curb your enthusiasm a little."





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