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IC: Virse - The Spine


Nothing about a tour of this place given by a titanic creature seemed like a good idea, but she doubted refusing would be much better. Hopefully this line of questioning was leading somewhere safer. 


Virse nodded at his accusation. "It is true I came with the others. There is no use hiding that. But I cannot remain to stagnate within those corridors.


"I'm a soldier at heart. All that I do is to ameliorate our tactical disadvantages, but I chose this location for its familiarity. The Realm of War, is it not? So too was my home."


She raised her gauntlet and its blade to consider it for a moment. How much could she tell the creature without it destroying her? "This gauntlet is a relic of the Great Beings who once roamed my homeland. The heat it produces aids me in creating glass."



IC: Lady Dajik - City of Fear


"'Exhaust girl?!' I'll have you know I'm a Lady of Metru Nui, you vile urchin! You have our attention, and I will greatly enjoy watching you die!"

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As one, the Matoran all tilted their heads to the left, appearing as though they were listening to... something.


After a moment, one turned to Dajik.


"The Fearsome One speaks," they said.


"It is a test," another continued.


"Kill the aggressor," said a third, "and the Fearsome One will approve."





The Skakdi stepped out of thin air into the seemingly empty lab, glancing around.


"Milady, I return," he called. "Do you hear me?"



OOC: Maeus looking for Sairaus. You have one guess as to who the "Fearsome One" is. :P


E: forgot other ICs oops




"But not to kill the Host," Dreisen replied, chuckling. "We need him alive in order to get the facility back... wherever it was, Vagust. But... Bionifight can't continue. Not how it is right now, at any rate - and the Host will not be reasoned with in that regard. The only way to end it will be to kill him... but I will gladly take on that burden myself."


He looked over to Xaeraz and Zelnos.


"What about you two? Will you help us retrieve the gems?" he asked.





The Host stood still where Maccha Yellow had released him, staring at the fighter. The silence stretched on for several moments, slowly shifting from aggressive to awkward, before - 


"Apology accepted!" the Host exclaimed, smiling broadly as he grabbed the fighter's hand and shook it. 


Releasing the fighter's hand, the Host turned back towards the screen that displayed the image of the Queen; he typed in a command and the image closed, replaced with what appeared to be a profile on Maeus fo Kuru. The Host turned back to Xara and Maccha Yellow, gesturing towards the screen.


"That is the profile we have on the Doctor," he said. "It is outdated, of course, and portions of it are most likely incorrect; but perhaps it might be of use."


Name: Maeus fo Kuru, Herald of Fear

Species: Skakdi

Faction: Vapautti Sielu

Power: Relaxation Vision - Like most Skakdi, Maeus has a vision power (in this case, relaxation). When Maeus uses his vision power on a target, their body will immediately begin to calm down and relax; extended exposure can render targets lethargic or even put them to sleep, although this would take an extraordinarily long time (time that Maeus usually feels would be better spent doing other things). Something to make note of is that this does not affect the target’s mind; as such, their thoughts and emotions will remain unaltered. Maeus’ vision power only affects the body.

Weapon: The Needle-Saw - a rusty gas pump handle that has been outfitted with both a long needle and the blade of a bonesaw underneath. The Needle-Saw has become permanently stained a dark red.

Power: Teleportation - Maeus can instantly teleport himself to any location, so long as he has been there before and can picture it in his mind.

Bio: Former Head of Medical Bay. Promoted before current tournament.

Personality/Other: Maeus fo Kuru is male. He takes great pleasure in the pain and fear of others. His words will often have a double-meaning, and being around Maeus always makes others feel as though there is something far more sinister going on behind the scenes [God of Fear??]

Edited by Lucina
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IC: Lady Dajik - City of Fear


A sickening grin slid onto her face. "With pleasure."


Smoke billowed from her form and rapidly filled the area. This variety was harmless; it would be unfortunate to kill any of the Doctor's followers by mistake. As visibility was gradually reduced to nothing, she moved through the cloud like a phantom, preparing her pistol for the one shot she would need. There should be no way to know where it was coming from, and she could feel her target's presence through the smoke. Her pistol gave a soft hiss as she sent a bullet flying towards him.

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IC: Nisaduf (Engineering Sector)


Someone was calling. Was it to her? She didn't know. 


With a sigh, the Matoran turned her tear-stained mask around, scanning to see if anyone was watching her. Yes, someone was. A Vortixx, by the looks of it. 


She followed his eyes down to the small silver mech, and frowned. It wasn't one she recognized at a glance, which was odd. Perhaps it was a backup one from before the whole Landfall thing. 


"I doubt it," her voice eventually came. "Mechs are locked to their owners, as far as I know."


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC Thak-Prison:


"Another glorious day in the wastes." The Fe-Skakdi said to no one in particular.


He hurled a chunk of rock at the far wall. More out of boredom than anything.


It had been gods knows how long since they'd brought him here.


It was times like this he wished he had laser or heat vision.


He sighed, hurling another chunk of stone.

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IC: "Then what exactly are you doing here?" Venga asked, "Can't really saw there's much in the way of a view."



IC: "You're lying!"


Turbo caught up to the fleeing Kopen, pulling up along side her, "I can tell from the way you're lying!"



IC: Well this was a task he could get behind. Knowing the others had ranged powers, Skrall hung back. Though his first instinct was the charge Sharky, a battering ram of muscle sheathed in metal, doing so would put him in the crossfire of their initial attacks. Instead he started to circle, getting to a position on the side or behind the lava-spewing intruder. When Dajik or Dayeth had thrown him off-balance, then he'd make his move. Either he could rely on the two Toa to be his distraction or he'd be theirs if Sharky tried dealing with him first...


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IC - Zvuk - The Spine:


"So if it weren't for your gauntlet, you wouldn't have that sword?" I asked, my tone curious. It made perfect sense, then, as to why a Toa of Sand would have a sword of glass, and a method for the creation of it. Likely other things than that, too, but as I hadn't yet seen such things other than that sword, I would wait to make assumptions of such a nature. Now it was only the mask which I held any curiosity about. It was of a shape I did not recognize, and whether or not it would prove dangerous, as a Garai or an Avsa, or rather pointless - such as the Miru - remained to be seen.


I had no doubt, though, I would find that out in due time. I had been sitting here with this Toa long enough. I yawned, standing up to my full height again. I pursed my scaled lips, looking down at Virse, as my tongue flickered in an out twice, tasting the air. Both by scent and by body language could I tell that she was slightly intimidated, though she did a better job of hiding it, now that she was getting used to me, rather than that pitiable stuttering at first. Many others had reacted similarly, though few got the length of time she did. I averted my eyes for a moment, looking further into the Spine, off to the southwest.


"Well, young miss Virse, I think it's quite time for that tour, no?" I asked, bringing my focus back to the Toa standing in front of me. "The path we're on will be safe, now that I am with you. Please, turn around and continue to the Southwest. I'll tell you which directions to go when we come upon a fork or such in the trail, and I'll point out the sights that we see." I smiled warmly at her. "Unless, of course, you would rather forego my hospitality...though I would not recommend such a course of action."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC Sharky

Even before the matoran had begun to speak, a curious poking poked the back of his mind.


Mysterious bad guys give the newcomers a test to kill one of their number. How much more -obvious- could it be?


As soon as his book had prodded him, he reached to the bandolier and it's tub strapped to his chest, withdrawing a cup of the elixir contained within. Drinking from it, he felt his senses sharpen, his muscles primed and ready to fire. So when they moved, he was ready. The curiously harmless smoke filled the arena and he felt a new prod in his mind. Classic smokebomb maneuver, blind your foe and attack unseen. He began to moonwalk and strafe out of smoke filled area, correct in his assumption as a bullet of some sort whizzed past, clipping his right quadriceps. Leveling the launcher, he released the lethal orb in that direction, holding the trigger and spewing a couple more loosely compressed orbs afterwards like a lava spitting chain gun.


IC Maccha Yellow!

He stood silently, assessing the profile.


"An odd first power, the clause about the victim's mind leads me to believe he would be especially vulnerable to psionic powers. Do you still have records of the contestants available? I need to assemble the strongest strike team of mind based fighters available."

Edited by Kaneo Takarada

...but close to it

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IC: There was an opening! Some sort of rapid fire gun, the need to counter-balance its recoil would be greater than usual. Make it harder for him to turn and redirect his focus. So this was the moment Skrall chose to charge forward, powering toward's Sharky's back, shield held up to try and absorb the lava blasts as they came. And to act as a great big hammer with all his considerable strength behind, naturally. 


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IC: Kopen - Wailing Cliffs


Her pace began to slow until Kopen collapsed against a tombstone, gasping for breath. It was some time before she could speak. "Why... shouldn't I... be upset?" she panted. "Just... look around..."



IC: Virse - The Spine


Virse chose to remain silent at the creature's question, hoping that it would be lost in the discussion.


And then it was time. No more dodging or talking. She was going to have to follow this creature into whatever it had in store. She was tempted to activate her mask to slip away, but to do so now, when his attention was on her, would not guarantee her safety. Perhaps a better opportunity would present itself... or she would be dead. "I wouldn't dream of it," she replied, just as courteously. She turned and did as she was asked, keeping an eye on the creature in case it decided to attack while her back was turned.



IC: Lady Dajik - City of Fear


There was a rush of smoke as the Matoran's lava launcher came to bear, and the Lady Dajik knew what would follow. She hit the ground and rolled beneath the shots, bringing herself closer to her target. As Skrall rushed to her aid, she let off another shot at the Matoran's arm, hoping the two-sided attack would be too much for him.

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GM IC: "They also had years to plan and execute the assault," Masenna gently said. "Brought it down from the inside, through subtlety and tricks. But by doing so, they have brought it down on our heads, and we are not prepared." She sighed heavily, glancing to the East.


"Hevias and Tuoni will likely survive, as well as their followers. But I fear for those who live in this house."


IC: "Yeah, not my best idea," Xaeraz grumbled. "But, I'll join you on your gem quest. After all, it worked out so well, last time." He chuckled and rapped his knuckles on the glass plate covering his own gem, before rising to his feet.


IC: Dexund muttered an apology, nodding towards the kaita.  He looked out where Kopen and Turbo had shot off to, then said, "I should apologize, shouldn't I."


IC: "You wish to fight ME, do you?" Agraney rumbled, surprise creeping into his voice. "You know not who you challenge, FRAIL ONE! I am MIGHTY enough to RIP you in TWO."

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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The Toa kept running. But, unfortunately, something happened. A rock in his path he hadn't accounted for, something out of the norm on something he had memorized. The rock made the rusty Toa falter and slow...slow enough for The Puppetmaster to catch up.


IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


The ash cloud reformed into its normal Glatorian-esque form, and The Puppetmaster raised his rifle, firing a warning shot near one of the Toa's feet. "I don't want to kill you," he said carefully, "I just want to talk." 




"Kill the aggressor," said a third, "and the Fearsome One will approve."


IC: Dayeth - City of Fear.
She made no move to attack the newcomer. Instead, she turned towards the first of the Matoran she'd encountered. "You were calling out for help when I first approached you," she said, "Why?"




"That is the profile we have on the Doctor," he said. "It is outdated, of course, and portions of it are most likely incorrect; but perhaps it might be of use."


IC: Xara - Control Room.


"How exactly did this stooge manage to bring down the entire facility?" I scoffed, "He doesn't seem that scary." 


GM IC: "They also had years to plan and execute the assault," Masenna gently said. "Brought it down from the inside, through subtlety and tricks. But by doing so, they have brought it down on our heads, and we are not prepared." She sighed heavily, glancing to the East.


"Hevias and Tuoni will likely survive, as well as their followers. But I fear for those who live in this house."


IC: Anguish - Mourning Porch.
"What would you have me do?" he asked. 


IC: Dexund muttered an apology, nodding towards the kaita.  He looked out where Kopen and Turbo had shot off to, then said, "I should apologize, shouldn't I."


IC: Dekako - Wailing Plains.


"Probably," we agreed. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC - Zvuk - The Spine:


"Now, first among the things I feel it important to mention is that the residents of this area of the island aren't much fond of visitors," I began, before charging up the weapon that was my own, personal blessing from Sota. Virse would hear a loud, mid-pitched humming, gradually growing higher in pitch, while the red beams from my frills centered just above mu forehead. Then, moments later, the rock that had been pushed down to attempt to crush Virse was struck with a beam that would be quite lethal to any living organism, sending it rolling away off the path, some fragments of it that had been broken off flying in every direction away from the impact point. "As it appears you've already noticed."


I continued walking along, not checking to see if there was a look of surprise on Virse's face, or any hint of it in her body language. She had managed to come to control herself quite well, and I didn't feel like devoting the energy to pierce that veil. We continued walking for a ways, before I gave a low growl to Virse, an obvious sign to stop. When she would turn back to me I would appear as happy as ever, when I raised a claw and pointed at a topplied pile of boulders and bricks and the like, the remnant of what used to be a small fortress here deep in the mountains.


"The cultists that built that made me angry one day," I said brightly, reminiscing fondly. "I don't remember what exactly it was they did, but I do remember that they needed to be punished for it. I sent them scurrying off back to whichever village or camp they must've built, after I killed their leader and destroyed that little almost-castle of theirs. There are probably still some pieces of armour and such from their leader, or whoever didn't escape the building..." I smiled at the memory, then turned to Virse, not yet walking again.


"What are some achievements you have under your belt, little Toa? Anything special or grandiose? You mentioned having the heart of a soldier, earlier, and coming from another warlike place. What is your story, little miss Toa of Sand?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Instead of turning around, the Toa kept running. It didn't seem like he was going to stop...


IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


"I gave you a chance," he sighed, taking aim at the fleeing Toa's upper leg, and firing. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Snese - Containment Center


Snese was bored. And when he was bored, bad things tended to happen to the "patients" in the Containment Center.


Currently, he was standing over a pitiable specimen of Ga-Matoran. Of course, she had been much more intimidating when she won the Sota Games with her fancy equipment, but after a bit of his... experimentation, she was little more than a husk. The vapor filling his body shifted to a fluorescent yellow, and he gave her a prod. No good; she was already fever stricken. The cloud swirled and settled in an emerald green, and he rested a hand on her shoulder. The limp body before him quivered and moaned, but something seemed to be missing...


His virus took on the murky green of an oncoming storm before rushing in to fill the body. The Matoran cringed and her breathing became labored. Armor flaked and fell. In moments, she was silent and still in death. Snese straightened up and adverted his gaze. That was how he should have died, had it not been for the goodness of Vitsaus.


As his eyes lifted, he caught sight of a curious thing on one of the monitors. A Toa of Water, reclining and eating a snack on the walls of the Containment Center as if she had not a care in the world. Something that unusual warranted... special procedures. Snese drifted outside and peered around the corner.


"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a low, smooth tone. There was no hint of malice; it was just a simple question. The only thing that might cause Ismekne fear would be his ghastly appearance.



IC: Virse - The Spine


Virse couldn't resist turning as a low humming filled the air. Flashbacks of devastating Relics leapt into her mind, and she dove to the side as the beam cut above her and all but obliterated the stone that had nearly crushed her. She stared at where it had been, trying not to imagine what it would be like to be struck by such a weapon. Even escaping with her mask didn't seem like a viable option any longer. 


The creature continued on as if nothing had happened. She could only do the same. Virse pushed herself up and followed after in a steady march, though she couldn't hide the slight shaking in her hands. She completely missed his story, and she would have been glad of it. Only his question snapped her back to the present.


"I... I fought many a b-battle in the name of... of H-Heremus," she tried to explain. "M-many of which, I was... a general. I s-suppose... surviving the Great War is n-noteworthy enough, when so many others... d-did not."

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IC - Zvuk - The Spine:


"A general, indeed? How admirable," I replied, nodding along with her. "I've served in a similar capacity before, though I much prefer being on the frontlines. And before coming here, I did not serve any except myself. Now, however, I see a valuable purpose in serving Sota, and so that is what I choose to do." I nodded to the path, and then the little Toa and I began walking down it again. It was obvious, now, that she was indeed surprised and scared. A little disappointing, but not much. She at least continued to function. "I wonder, how much front line experience do you have? How many kills under your belt, how many heroic battles have you been the champion of?" I chuckled, careful to make sure my strides did not overtake the much smaller Toa.


While we walked, my eyes darted back and forth through the landscape. The cultists here were fighters, which was good, but they would fight anything, which was bad. For them. A mere inconvience for myself, really, and it had been even when I was but a young lizard. They'd roll a boulder down at me, I'd pick it up and throw it back at them, we'd battle, they'd all be left on the ground ripped to shreds while my teeth were bloodied and my hide barely even scratched. Good times, good times. The rampages through other universes were so much more fun, however. Still - I'd rather not deal with the inconvenience of a fight now, from some cultist trying to gain higher standing with Hevias by killing me, or killing the Toa who was currently my ward.


As we walked, I paid close attention to the landmarks, noticing one mountain with a large cliff on its path-facing side, another with a top that looked almost to have been broken off in some titanic struggle. We were getting quite close to the Coliseum, which would be the next large thing for me to show her. For now, though, we'd have enough time for her reply to my earlier question before we came upon it.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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A sickening sound echoed through the valleys as the shot ripped through muscle and bone, leaving a neat, fairly large hole in his upper leg. The Toa tumbled and feel to the ground, hissing in agony. He wasn't going to be running any time soon. Or walking. Or using that leg in general.

Edited by Ehksidian


Steam name: Ehksidian

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IC - Zvuk - The Spine:


"Quite alright, most of us don't," I replied, waving off the comment. "I can only keep count of some of the more important ones because of my armour. No gaps anymore, either. I've gone through quite a few of my alternate selves..." I chuckled again, as the two of us rounded a corner, and Virse was able, for the first time, to behold one of the most magnificent sights on this entire island; the Sota Coliseum. Where prisoners were made to fight for the glory of the God of War. It was beautiful - I had fought in their once. Not in many ages since have I fought there, but I did...once.


"And there, miss Virse, is the Sota Coliseum," I said proudly. "We host fighting games there, relatively often. I'm sure you'll come to see quite a bit of it at some point."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


"Ready to start talking?" he asked, approaching the Toa cautiously with his rifle trained on their face. He wasn't sure what powers this being had, so he wasn't going to take any risks. "Who are you?" 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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The Toa simply spat at the rifle. His armor was a deep, rusty color, much like the rocks around, and his mask appeared to be a Pakari - which would make sense, given he had pushed the rock earlier. It didn't seem like he had any visible weapons, though...


Steam name: Ehksidian

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IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


"You're part of the cult, I'm guessing?" he challenged, "Did one of the Heralds send you out here?" 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Virse - The Spine


His words were confusing, but she soon had something else to occupy her thoughts. There was a soft gasp as she beheld the magnificent structure. Such monuments in her home were long gone.


"I hope not to," she replied cautiously. "I've had enough fighting for amusement."

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OOC: So can Frostbite be given a mission or something?


IC: Frostbite/Palace of Death

Y'know. Sometimes I was grateful for being taken out of my world. But sometime it got a little boring. I decided to do the one thing that always amused me. I manipulated one of the few corpses I brought in from the Wailing Cliffs and began making it dance. It was always entertaining to me.

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"You're...tresspassing on Hevias' lands." The Toa winced again. The hole in his leg wasn't bleeding, and...seemed to be getting smaller? "Get out now, if you wish to remain trapped in your mortal form."


Steam name: Ehksidian

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IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


"Hevias? Is that one of your Heralds?" he snapped, noticing the shrinking hole in the being's leg. Quick-healing, perhaps? He kept his rifle at the ready, but didn't fire. "If the answer is yes, would they be open to meeting with me?"

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


"I see. Well, I guess our conversation is done, then." He pulled the trigger, sending a bolt of hardlight streaking towards the cultist Toa's Pakari-clad face. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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As A.D. landed, if he looked to his left, he would see a large, distorted mirror, with fractures stretching out from the upper-left corner.

IC(A.D.): A.D. looked at the mirror. Then he quickly looked away, trying not to think about magic mirrors that could kill you. Then he thought of opticians. Was someone using this mirror as a way to target people in front of it? He quickly moved away from the mirror, heading further down the street, watching for attackers. 


How did I not see this from above? He knew of snipers who used mirrors to frame their shots. But putting one on a random city alleyway was a new one. 


Meanwhile, he could hear the battle starting to brew between the Matoran and the other Bionifighters. This was really bad. You're supposed to get them on our side. Committing an assassination in this place was bad enough without having to fight the entire city to do it. Stupid. 


IC: Nisaduf (Engineering Sector)


Someone was calling. Was it to her? She didn't know. 


With a sigh, the Matoran turned her tear-stained mask around, scanning to see if anyone was watching her. Yes, someone was. A Vortixx, by the looks of it. 


She followed his eyes down to the small silver mech, and frowned. It wasn't one she recognized at a glance, which was odd. Perhaps it was a backup one from before the whole Landfall thing. 


"I doubt it," her voice eventually came. "Mechs are locked to their owners, as far as I know."

IC(Ganesh): The Vortixx tapped through the computer's files. "There's a lot of weirdness in this file," he said. "But it appears that whoever piloted this one was killed, and then brought back - though how the computer registers the bringing back evidences a whole bunch of tampering."


He shook his head, snapping himself out of his engineering mindset. "It's unlocked. I don't mean to pressure you or anything, but it might be an option if you need it." He shrugged and turned back to his repairs. 


IC: Snese - Containment Center


Snese was bored. And when he was bored, bad things tended to happen to the "patients" in the Containment Center.


Currently, he was standing over a pitiable specimen of Ga-Matoran. Of course, she had been much more intimidating when she won the Sota Games with her fancy equipment, but after a bit of his... experimentation, she was little more than a husk. The vapor filling his body shifted to a fluorescent yellow, and he gave her a prod. No good; she was already fever stricken. The cloud swirled and settled in an emerald green, and he rested a hand on her shoulder. The limp body before him quivered and moaned, but something seemed to be missing...


As his eyes lifted, he caught sight of a curious thing on one of the monitors. A Toa of Water, reclining and eating a snack on the walls of the Containment Center as if she had not a care in the world. Something that unusual warranted... special procedures. Snese drifted outside and peered around the corner.


"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a low, smooth tone. There was no hint of malice; it was just a simple question. The only thing that might cause Ismekne fear would be his ghastly appearance.

IC(Ismekne): "Observing," the Ga-Toa said, putting her meal away and assuming a standing position. "At the moment, I come in peace."

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IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine.


He crouched beside the corpse and started to search it for anything that could be of use. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Snese - Containment Center


"Peace, you say?" Snese drifted out into the open, revealing the entirety of his revolting form. Transparent skin, sickly green virus, and a wide Skakdi grin to cap it all off. "I wasn't aware we were accepting new patients."

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IC: The Puppetmaster - The Spine. 


"Hm..." he pulled off the remains of the Toa's shattered mask and looked into his eyes - well, the eye that was still intact, anyway, trying to see if the pupils showed any sign of dilation. 


He found it difficult to believe that every single one of these beings truly believed in the genocidal goals of this cult. More likely, the Heralds were controlling them in some way - brainwashing, drugs, or perhaps implants of some kind.... 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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The Skakdi stepped out of thin air into the seemingly empty lab, glancing around.


"Milady, I return," he called. "Do you hear me?"



OOC: Maeus looking for Sairaus. You have one guess as to who the "Fearsome One" is. :P



-==IC: Sairaus==-


"Maeus! What a pleasure." The Exo-Toa stepped into view, the face of the robot not betraying anything, as the voice echoed from distortion. "How did the trip go?"

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"You have potential," one Matoran said.


"But to not listen..." another continued, "is to disobey."


"Are you sure that it was we who needed help?" asked a third.


"Maybe it was you."





Before A.D. could leave the alleyway, a brick wall shimmered into view in front of him; above him, the rooftops rapidly expanded, connecting together and closing the dragon within the darkness. 


The feeling of being watched intensified as the buildings around him groaned.





"You wish to assemble a team of Psionics-users?" the Host asked, sounding amused. "Look behind you - one is standing right there. But I do not think Psionics will be as useful as you think - the Queen was unable to break into his mind when we first met him. At the time, it was part of what convinced me to keep him around, in case the Queen needed to be... disposed of. But knowing his true affiliations now, it has become clear something else entirely was at play."


He turned to Xara.


"Aside from the Organizers - myself, the Queen, and the Enforcer - the staff in charge of each sector are granted access to all but the most secret of systems," he answered. "Systems such as the Infinite System were among those that Maeus had access to. He did not need to be big and scary to get what he wanted there; he simply needed to bide his time."





"It looks like we have a team, then," Dreisen murmured, nodding. "Alright - Vagust, you can carry the Avohkah, seeing as it'll burn the rest of us. Xaeraz, if you have any information from that fool's quest that the Queen took you on, now is the time to share. Zelnos... well, to be honest, I personally haven't seen you in person before. But welcome aboard."


The Toa of Iron and Magnetism shifted his wrench from his left hand over to his right before continuing.


"I want to make a quick stop by Engineering, double check in my office," he said. "After that... we can decide where we want to hunt for gems first."

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