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What si your favourite year of bionicle?

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I loved 01-03 because I started with the Mata, but currently I'm rediscovering my passion for the Metru Saga so 04 would be my favorite

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Bionicle: ANP aims to create narrated versions of all the Bionicle books, with voice actors for each character, and music taken from various media to enhance the story. Check here if you're interested in voicing a character, and here for the chapters that've already been released!

Formerly: Tahu Nuva 3.0

Looking for a Bionicle Beanie. Black one with the symbol on it. Contact me if you are willing to sell

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Bite me.


...no, but seriously, it's hard for me to pick favorites.  I don't even know which criteria to use!  Not to mention it's been a while since G1 ended, so my memory's a tad fuzzy...

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It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )

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I'd have to say 2001. The amount of variety in that wave from the main heroes, to the Rahi, to normal villagers was amazing, and then the story was just so incredibly good. That might be my nostalgia talking though, since my first sets were the Mata. 2007 would probably be my second favorite in that case.

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2006, soley because of the Piraka Rap.

Roodaka secured 2005 as a close second, however.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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As already mentioned above 2003 and 2006 are my all time favorites for the introduction of in my opinion the best matoran builds and the piraka respectively. 2003 was just a phenominal year in terms of story (including the Bohrok-Kal saga) just because it was the ending of the first chapter in bionicle. The sets for 03 were also great especially the Ussanui. 2006 is also phenominal because of the tone, sets, and story. The marketing team blew it out of the water and there really never was another 2006-esque year for bionicle. To be honest though I enjoyed the entire Mata Nui trilogy and the Ignition trilogy.

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2001 on every level - sets, lore, multimedia, storybuilding - games! MNOG is what separates 2001 from 2002 - nothing outside of Bionicle's first year had anything with that kind of immersion. And LOMN! - oh, wait...


Anyway, I appreciate the other years as well - I like the whole 1984 vibe that 2004 gave (1984 & 2004: coincidence? I think not!)

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Definitely 2001 - that was the year when the Polynesian influences have been the strongest and it was also the year of MNOLG and the best promo CDs (oh how I wish it would have also been the year of LOMN  :crying:  ). In my opinion combining advanced robots with Polynesian folklore has been the single most brilliant idea in the history of fiction. No other franchise and no Bionicle that came after 2003 can rival the genius of the Mata Nui saga of Generation 1 (2001, 2002, 2003) and 2001 was its strongest year.


The Mata Nui saga was a very rich world. Never again did Bionicle had so much world building. I always got the feeling that there were more mysteries waiting there, more stories to discover, more lore to be learned. All these things together made me feel truly at home on the island of Mata Nui  :)

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I can't pick any specifics. The years I don't really like however.... I guess the years I did like were 2001 - 2003, 2006 - 2007, 2010, 2015 - 2016. 2004 is sort of on and off for me, 2005 I don't like but I'm starting to see it in a better light. 2008 and 2009 were just all 'round crud for me. And, honestly looking back on it, the only thing keeping BIONICLE going those two years was the atory, and since I didn't follow the story it was just awful, and impossible for me to enjoy. Not only that but the ballsockets were awful. Yeah, 2010 had the same issue, but at least the sets that year were minimal

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While I did get my first set in 2006, 2007 was the year that got me really intrested in the franchise and that is why It holds the most meaning for me. R.I.P. Matoro.

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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2006, soley because of the Piraka Rap.

Roodaka secured 2005 as a close second, however.

Yo yo, Piraka!

These people know what's up.


2006 for me too. I'm not sure if I can place my finger on exactly why, but the atmosphere of 2006 was just so interesting to me.

"Whether that is right or not...I also...as a Rider...have a wish that I want to fulfill."

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My standard answer to this question is 2005. Pretty much anything prior to 05 could compete for the slot, but I really enjoyed Roodaka as a character as well as the betrayal arc (which I hear Greg didn't like, ha).

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Makuta: Consumed By LightRebrick EntryTopic & BackstoryBlog
2015 Sets: 18/18 + 3 • Polybags: 1/2 • SDCC x2, NYCC Clear MoF, Trans-MoF
2016 Sets: 17/17 + 6

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2001. I admit some of it's just nostalgia, but there were a lot of things that were objectively strong - the bright colours of the sets, the rich supporting cast, the blend of tribal and techno music, the little hints and glimpses of a wider world, and (I think important above all else) the way we got to explore a place of wonder, mystery and terror to an extent that we never really did in the following years.


How I wish later years of Bionicle, particularly those after 2004, had stayed a little closer to the way things were in 2001.

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I know it's a very hated year, but nostalgia really blinds me, so I'd have to say '08. It had a cool vibe going, with Mata Nui being reawakened after several years, sort of making it feel like there was some form of a countdown going on. As for the environment, I loved it. The Lego magazine artwork really did it for me, seeing the caves and swamp of secrets. As for the sets themselves, they were pretty bad, aside from the first three Makuta. Those tridax pods were cool! That said, it could've used some work.


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I did get Bionicle toys in 2001, but I didn't really get into the story until 2002.  But 2003 was probably my favorite year because at the time, I actually had other friends who liked Bionicle, I got to share hype and play Bionicle with them, we were all hyped for MoL before it came out, the Rahkshi are still some of my favorite sets ever, and I joined BZP that year.


All that, and the old Bionicle site was still up, so I got to enjoy all the stuff from 2001-2002 (MNOG, Flash animations, etc.) while hyping for 2003, and eventually 2004.  I slowly started dropping off in 2005, and completely did in 2006, and between 2008 to now, I'd sort of drop back in from time to time to check on the fandom and see what kinds of crazy stuff the story has now.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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I don't know, I always appreciated each year for what it was. My favorite year, was the year I was in because it had all the more history to back it and support it.

Gleaming glistens The Red Star,
Bringing life to death afar,
Up away in deepest space,
You call me from your distant place.

Proud member of the Kanohi Force (Disavowed, but never dead)


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Ugh this is hard. It's probably a toss-up between 2001 and 2006. I have reasons for both of them, and they always meant a lot to me in different ways.


2001-the Technic aesthetic. I really love how fun these sets are, the Rahi especially. They're so fun to build and I get hours of fun out of them.

2006-My first year of Bionicle. I got into the series relatively late, and my first sets were the Piraka. For me, 2006 takes the cake because of Vezon and Kardas. That set is just plain fun and is probably my favorite Bionicle set of all time.

I like BZP so much, I named my Minecraft account Dimensioneer.

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2004. I'm just infinitely amazed and awed by the setting of Metru Nui. I know 2005 is also set there, but the wrecked, green-hazed webby Metru Nui just doesn't have the same feeling to it. I've always been one for sci-fi and big cities, and I really really want to live in Metru Nui. That setting is just amazing, the mixture of elemental motifs with a sprawling sci-fi metropolis is an odd combination that works pretty well. 

That said, it's always bigger in my headcanon than in actual canon. I mean, in the lore the matoran population of the city is, what, 1000? I imagine it as an immense megacity with hundreds of "levels" both below and above ground, with millions upon millions of matoran working, living and resting there.

Iron6Duck's Metru Nui Sights image is extremely evocative of why I love the setting. Plus, the Toa Metru were pretty baller, in spite of the poorly implemented gear function and Krekka is one of my favorite titan sets.



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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2004. I'm just infinitely amazed and awed by the setting of Metru Nui. I know 2005 is also set there, but the wrecked, green-hazed webby Metru Nui just doesn't have the same feeling to it. I've always been one for sci-fi and big cities, and I really really want to live in Metru Nui. That setting is just amazing, the mixture of elemental motifs with a sprawling sci-fi metropolis is an odd combination that works pretty well. 

That said, it's always bigger in my headcanon than in actual canon. I mean, in the lore the matoran population of the city is, what, 1000? I imagine it as an immense megacity with hundreds of "levels" both below and above ground, with millions upon millions of matoran working, living and resting there.


Whilst not exactly in the millions, some official depictions of the city showed far more Matoran than the mere thousand that canonically lived there. I'm thinking mostly of the LOMN Coliseum scene here.

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2006. The song Move Along was blasting on the radio and all I could think about were the Ignika sets. I was so excited to leave the old areas of Mata-Nui and Metru-Nui and go somewhere new, with enemies who were more ambiguous than the usual easily-identifiable bad guy.

But man, those matoran designs were weird. And the tiniest bit lazy. Re-using old masks never sat well with me.

Remembering the OACP. 

Back in my day, we created amazing wondrous fictions within the Bionicle Universe.

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Hmm... Tough to pick between 2002 and 2003.. 2002 had lovely affordable enemies and some great big sets (though I personally don't own any.. I soooo want six Exo-Toa though). 2003 had some awesome sets and the story promised Makuta being defeated for good and Mata Nui finally awakening (and for breaking this promise, plus other reasons on top of that, 2006 through to the end of G1 have earned my eternal scorn).

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I know a lot of this is down to nostalgia, but... I just can't not say 2001. I just... I know I thought the premise of the story was a little weird at first - particularly the earliest descriptions that spoke of the Toa as if they were gods - but it didn't take me long to just... fall in love with it all. The Toa were just as mystical to me as they were to the Matoran, and even if I missed a lot of the story's subtlties until I revisited them a couple years on, it just all...


It was the mythical feel I think, more than anything, that drew me in. The sense of exploration there was to it all; that this was all new, the world was new, there was just so much to explore and touch on in it... and even in later years, nothing could overpower that for me.


2003 came close at the time, but in hindsight MoL was rather a let-down. 2006 was probably the next closest to me, because of the intriguing villains, setting, and hints of greater story depth than we'd previously been exposed to - not to even mention the way it revisited the original Matoran characters, who had always been important to me - but not even that could top '01 in my mind. Even now, when I think back on Bionicle, it's always the first year that I regard with the most fondness.


Nostalgia forever, I guess? xD


"New legends awake, but old lessons must be remembered.
For that is the way
of the BIONICLE."

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2007 was my favourite, with 2008 being a close second. They were the first years where the sets really stopped being recoloured carbon copies of each other, with some real variety and creativity in their designs. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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