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The Most Noob-ish Thing You've Ever Done


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Since the old topic died, I see no reason why I shouldn't create a new one.


What is the most noob-ish thing you've ever done here on BZPower?


For me, I guess it would be the time I pretty much spammed this one particular person's PM box back in my old newbie days (specifically, 2013). That person blocked me later on so I never got the chance to apologize (I still feel pretty bad though). Back then, I also kept posting random comments on other people's status updates which I try to delete if I were to somehow stumble upon them. Man, those were embarrassing.


So, what is the noobiest thing you've ever done?

Edited by Koala Kranan
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Oh boy, where to begin


About a day after I made a new account after my old one got wiped, I was reading through the Lesovikk Hiatus contest and thought to myself, "hey, I should do something like that", and made a ~paragraph long topic of my own contest about some little known character in the story. Thankfully, I think it was wiped from existence in one of the dataclysms. There were the countless blog posts I made from the premier perks several summers ago, which I've mostly deleted out of sheer embarrassment. There was that time I tried to run a game in G&T without doing hardly any planning. There were the many news reports I sent to the news email once I figured out you could send news in. About one sixteenth of them made their way to the front page, iirc. I tried to tone it down some since.


There are probably a million others I'm not remembering. I guess that's what happens if you join a forum at 11 years old

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Back when I first registered I didn't know the first thing about how forums worked. I pasted the banner I wanted (remember banners?) at the bottom of my first post instead of setting it as my signature. How very silly!

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believe victims. its actually not that hard, and youd look kind of bad if you were to, say, side with an abuser because theyre your friend

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Apart from the things I mentioned in the other topic - I think I wrote a comedy at some point? (3 chapters. At most.)And it was really terrible? As well as the, like, 3 sprite comics I made. With amazing characters (not really, the best character was the one my sis came up with back when...), super-detailed backgrounds (green block at bottom, blue/cyan at top. Bucket fill is my friend!) and unique humor (at least one revolved around a cookie being eaten).


Revived a bunch of topics, sometimes thought I handled a situation maturely, only to return to it a few weeks later to be horrified by my own way of expressing my thoughts,... live and learn. :)

There are probably a million others I'm not remembering. I guess that's what happens if you join a forum at 11 years old


Sadly, joining at 13 is pretty much the same. ^^"

Edited by Taka Nuvia
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 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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Definitely spamming "Artakha" in the BIONICLE Last Letter Game with the Collector.  We managed to fill an entire two pages with nothing but "Artakha."  Eventually, we got yelled at and stopped posting "Artakha" in the game.  Though whenever somebody else posts "Artakha," I feel a strange urge to continue what the Collector and I started...

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Definitely spamming "Artakha" in the BIONICLE Last Letter Game with the Collector.  We managed to fill an entire two pages with nothing but "Artakha."  Eventually, we got yelled at and stopped posting "Artakha" in the game.  Though whenever somebody else posts "Artakha," I feel a strange urge to continue what the Collector and I started...


I remember that. That was fun.  :P


Anyway, I would say most of my early posts are the noobiest things I have ever done. Also I couldn't RP good back then and I still can't.

Edited by Kovsorr the Collector
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:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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My entire experience as an RPer in City of Steam.


My entire experience as an RPer in Darkspace.


My entire experience as an RPer in War of Elementum-nui.


My entire experience as an RPer in the Aensetr Derrum era BZPRPG.


My comedies.


Crashing Clad in Iron with no survivors in a fit of pique.


I've done a lot of stuff that makes the me of today feel pretty awkward. It's hard to find the superlative example.

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My entire experience as an RPer in City of Steam.


My entire experience as an RPer in Darkspace.


My entire experience as an RPer in War of Elementum-nui.


My entire experience as an RPer in the Aensetr Derrum era BZPRPG.

Now that you mentioned stuff about RPGs, I just remembered something.


I remember when I first joined the BZPRPG I controlled Akiri Kongu for some weird reason, and I got yelled at. (I can't remember if I got a strike or not)


There was also the time when no one interacted with me so I made my own characters interact with themselves like I'm some kind of a weird loner.


I also tend to embarrass myself in the rpg.


Welp, live and learn, I guess.


Who knows, I might get the hang of it someday.

Edited by Koala Kranan
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My entire experience as an RPer in City of Steam.


My entire experience as an RPer in Darkspace.


My entire experience as an RPer in War of Elementum-nui.


My entire experience as an RPer in the Aensetr Derrum era BZPRPG.

Now that you mentioned stuff about RPGs, I just remembered something.


I remember when I first joined the BZPRPG I controlled Akiri Kongu for some weird reason, and I got yelled at. (I can't remember if I got a strike or not)


There was also the time when no one interacted with me so I made my own characters interact with themselves like I'm some kind of a weird loner.


I also tend to embarrass myself in the rpg.


Welp, live and learn, I guess.


Who knows, I might get the hang of it someday.


You'd know if you'd had gotten a strike.


Mostly because the GMs would've suspended you for like, a week from the RPG as part of the punishment. Strikes are pretty heavy things, and I'm pretty sure the current GM team hasn't given a single strike yet in their career. Excluding Nooj, that is, in his post-semi-retirement position on board.

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90% of my experience has been doing stupid things, DP'ing, and all around being an unintentional thorn in the Staff's side.  I don't really have much time to hang around here anymore, but thankfully I've largely gotten past my noob stage.  Still do stupid stuff, but I try not to.


Also, to the staff who's had to deal with my stupidity over the years, I really apologize.  For all the flak you get, you still do one heck of a lot of work around here cleaning up messes and keeping the place nice.

Edited by Kessen
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When I was starting out back in '03, this was my first forum and I was 8, so I didn't know how to edit posts.  So if I needed to add a PS, I'd double post like "Sorry to DP but I also need to add...".


Back in the days when Bionicle Coffee Shop was the hottest comedy on BZP, I saw that they had guest writers.  I didn't know that you needed permission to write for it, so I thought it was some kind of open source comedy.  I posted my own chapter in the thread, and I think the comment got deleted later.


Oh, and I never bothered to check post dates when I started out so I revived threads left and right.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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I constantly keep repeating mine. I'm moderately active in COT, usually in the "describe the x of the user before you" games. Sometimes I don't get the chance to hop on for a few days, and when I come back, I frequently fall into the trap of not realising that a new page has begun, and I end up describing the sig/avatar/whatever of someone who hasn't even commented on that page yet.


Worst part is when I don't realise and get called out on it. I'm like the well-meaning pensioner who wants in on the fun but doesn't understand the game.


But I do.





:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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Also, there's my first name.

i like your first name, mine sucked which is one of the reasons why i prefer to be called by an old name change


other than that, getting into lots of dumb arguments for no reason i guess

Edited by Claudio Kilgannon

(shout out to max)

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The most noobish thing i have ever done in this whole site was trying to post my first and only moc here and why?????????????????


Because i thought i could directly post the images from my folders on my PC and so what i did at the time was change the profile that i had to the moc and the copy & paste it here. Thankfully i discovered what i was doing was wrong and i began putting the images on Google+ that was at that point 2014 known and copy & pasting them here.


The only other thing i can think that was very noobish with me was not even a year already in the site joining a group and mostly being innactive on the forums making my post count really low to what it should be.


And c'mon Drift you're first name wasn't bad I met you with that name and I still call you by that name.


- :hau: Oh yea I'm finally posting on my PC.

Edited by Tahu3.0

I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the Matoran Universe

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I constantly keep repeating mine. I'm moderately active in COT, usually in the "describe the x of the user before you" games. Sometimes I don't get the chance to hop on for a few days, and when I come back, I frequently fall into the trap of not realising that a new page has begun, and I end up describing the sig/avatar/whatever of someone who hasn't even commented on that page yet.


Worst part is when I don't realise and get called out on it. I'm like the well-meaning pensioner who wants in on the fun but doesn't understand the game.


But I do.






Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The very first thing I did when I signed up (back in 2002) was to start a topic called "Let's have a bit of fun!", where the object was to guess which city I lived in. To make matters worse, I posted it in the wrong forum: Bionicle Storyline & Theories. 


Thankfully, those days are long since behind me....and the topic disappeared years ago. 

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I wanted to find a different piece of art to comment on, so I figured "Oh! I'll check the last page of Bionicle Artwork! There'll be good stuff there to post about!"




it's ok ur not the only one


90% sure i did it in the library way back lol


I did that mostly with MOC pages. I actually did it so much Black Six gave me a proto drain for it, that was luckily undone after the Dataclysm.


My most noobish moment, however, has got to be my attempt at posting in an RPG topic without understanding at all how it worked.

"You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your
future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.
-- Turaga Nokama


Click here to visit my library!

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I wanted to find a different piece of art to comment on, so I figured "Oh! I'll check the last page of Bionicle Artwork! There'll be good stuff there to post about!"



it's ok ur not the only one


90% sure i did it in the library way back lol

I did that mostly with MOC pages. I actually did it so much Black Six gave me a proto drain for it, that was luckily undone after the Dataclysm.


My most noobish moment, however, has got to be my attempt at posting in an RPG topic without understanding at all how it worked.

I still don't understand a

how to play a RPG game.

The rules are really confusing.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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When I first joined BZP (I might've been 11), I created two consecutive topics about Hero Factory and ranted nonstop about it. Luckily for the dataclysm that occurred some years back, my embarrassments are forever buried. 



basically anything I said and did for the first 5 years I was here.


thank the gods for the dataclysm!


Just to be clear, the 'dataclysm' was the loss of stuff from late 2008 to early 2009, not the leaving behind of the old board that happened in 2011.

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