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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

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[Ga-Koro,  Outside The Great Takea (Ranok)]
“So,” said Ranok.   “Perhaps I should lead you to where you can get some miracle cactus.   There should be someone out there that would have caught sight of this particularly enterprising lesterin.”

[Ga-Koro, Outer Docks]
About a half-an-hour later, the group of assorted beings was standing in a darker area of the docks while Ranok tucked some mushrooms from an Onu-matoran whose eyes kept on shifting to Timak and Kimala as if to gage how likely they were to immediately report them to the marines.

Ranok sighed as he turned to Kanohi and Eita.   “I’m afraid they’re out as of a few days ago.  Looks like our plant-loving friend was buying up a lot of stock, and their suppliers got suspicious that something else was going on.  We do have a location though,” he said, taking out an obviously well-loved map of Ga-koro and tapping a location near to were they were currently.  “This used to be an abandoned warehouse until he set up shop there.   I think most people here want him gone as much as you do.”

OOC: @Harvali @Snelly @ARROW404 @~Xemnas~ @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Rahisaurus phew, all here.   use the buddy system.

[Ga-koro, South Docks, close to Sunset (Talli)]
Talli was about to attempt a half-hearted laugh until she noticed the woman wasn’t joking.  Wow, so these people really did need help.

“Here.”  She thrust out her mariners record so that the Po-lesterin could catch the important-looking seals on the surface.   If she cared to read it, she would find a record of about five ships, as well as guard work in the outer districts near the docks.  “Also uh, I’ve been on fishing boats pretty much since I could speak in full sentences.  Maybe before, don’t remember that era of my life too well.  I hope that’s sufficient.”

OOC: @sunflower is water wet etc.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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12 hours ago, Mel said:

About a half-an-hour later, the group of assorted beings was standing in a darker area of the docks while Ranok tucked some mushrooms from an Onu-matoran whose eyes kept on shifting to Timak and Kimala as if to gage how likely they were to immediately report them to the marines.

IC: Kimala

For her part, the Toa of Crystal assumed that whatever those mushrooms were, they couldn't be illegal, because what kind of dealer would do business around a crowd this large?

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BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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Eita nodded. “Alright, let’s head out,” he said.


Using the map Ranok had obtained, the group was able to quickly reach the suspected hideout. It was an older building in typical Ga-Koroan style, made of a mixture of wood, metal, and plant material. Overgrown plant matter poked out through holes and darkened windows. From the outside, it appeared that nobody had occupied the building in a long time.

Eita approached the warehouse’s door and unsheathed his crystal katana. He turned back to the group. “Be on your guard,” he said in a low voice. “We don’t really know what to expect in there. If any of you don’t want to come in with us, you’re free to stay outside.” With a small grunt, the Dashi slowly pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The interior of the warehouse was what could only be described as a miniature forest, one that the overgrowth on the outside of the building had only hinted at. Small holes in the ceiling allowed light to filter through to feed the photosynthesis of the plants inside the building, and where there were no holes, lightstones were instead hung from ropes attached to ceiling beams.  

However, there was a very clear path through the manmade forest that lead to what Eita presumed to be the main focus of the hideout. A small area clear of foliage save for a very large plant off to the side of it. Within the clearing was a table with several lightstones around it, as well as a shelf filled with books, empty vials that were stained green, and several small plants in pots. One in particular caught his eye. A small, spiny plant, with several flowers and a single fruit growing out of it.

The Dashi pointed it out to the group. “I think that’s the cactus,” he said in a hushed tone. He began to make his way forward toward it.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

That was the cactus? Such a small thing, this was the miracle the botanist plucked from Aurax’s corpse. Obviously his visions were not always the most literal, but still, it did not resemble Aurax at all, it looked simply like an inert plant.

Kanohi was not a fighter by trade, call it cowardice or prioritizing life over death, but he knew that if fighting started, he would fill a support role. If he could focus, he would be grappling around to rescue people in the fight, or shuttling them around the battlefield to wherever they needed going.

He stumbled slightly. Focusing would be the problem, he was still a bit disoriented from Hakari shunting him and Lapu to Ga-Koro, the sheer speed of a Kakana was astounding. How was Hakari able to withstand the sheer turbulence of running that fast, let alone having the reflexes to turn and adjust at that speed? Was the mask giving her a degree of agility and durability too? 

Lesterins were certainly powerful to able to harness the powers of masks. On their own this green Lesterin would be a great threat to the Matoran, but thankfully they had their own Lesterin, not to mention Toa were even stronger than that. And the Maru far stronger. Self-depreciating aside, with the sheer number of folks present, they should be able to defeat the mad botanist quickly.

Still, Kanohi recalled his parasitic plant, he could not help but suspect there would still be dangers. The vigilante prepped himself to dive at any of the party present, to grapple them to safety if something went astray.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

Edited by Harvali
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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Nara, Cue the Ocean's Eleven ost


Nara followed close behind Eita, her diskette launcher held loosely at the ready. She had kept mostly silent on the goings on, mostly because she could not tell if she was more anxious or thrilled at being part of a heist. The projectiles would not be enough to cause permanent damage, but she'd yet to meet someone whose attention would not be substantially diverted by bamboo clocking them in the face.


What was worrying her wasn't her own safety, but that of the others. They were not exactly fighters to a matoran (or dashi, come to that) and she was legitimately scared her new friends might come to harm.


Well, at least with her there, she could put herself between the less combative members and any danger that could arise. Nara was not in fighting shape by any means, but felt that she packed more than enough determination in her to fight off an attacker if her friends were in danger.


OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~ @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel , @Harvali

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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[Ga-Koro, Industrial District]

"I think I'll keep watch by the door, I think," said Ranok.  "If things go wrong and we need more support, I have the most practiced lungs.  Also, I can't fight."

OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Harvali @Rahisaurus @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Lady Takanuva @ARROW404

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro (Outside Great Takea)

“Yeah, a little,” Nale replied, crossing her arms and nodding. “There was a war, lots of ugly stuff. Imagine that, huh? You lose your memories, and all you remember is the most recent stuff. The bad stuff.”

The conversation continued, the pair speaking as though they were the only ones there. Their words became static, difficult to parse from the rest of the group’s talk. Maybe they learned a little more about eachother, but Nale still hadn’t figured out why she found Nichou so fascinating. Just that she liked talking to him.

All of a sudden there was a smash cut. The scene changed to the warehouse. Nale wasn’t sure where they were, and was beginning to question her own involvement in this “quest” as it was beginning to move into the territory of breaking and entering, along with soon-to-be robbery. But this is what they were looking for—it almost seemed too easy, for them to find it like this, unattended.

She had her spear and buckler out, glancing around for any sign of a trap, or guard, or something. Somewhat subconsciously, she stuck close to Nichou as they brought up the rear. “Some place, huh?” Nale said to the Onu-Matoran. “I was expecting it to be a lot more shady. Well, I guess the plants make a lot of shade, but…that’s not what I mean.”

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta

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(shout out to max)

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IC: Rynekk | Naho Bay, Approaching Forsi

Rynekk, as he had been taught for the past three years, held fast and without fear. Rain pelted his face, streaming down into his eyes until all he could see was different shades of darkness on the horizon -- but his hands found their way to the right ropes regardless, the right pieces of ship where Ember needed them to be. His hands moved, but his mind stayed still, a rock upon which the waves broke without itself breaking. A rock which breaks the waves. A rock which breaks the waves. A rock which breaks-

"I think I feel stone nearby, Ember!" Rynekk shouted over the wind. "We must be close to shore by now!"

OOC: @Perp@Krayzikk


Edited by Void Emissary
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OOC: Recommended listening

IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, "Industrial" District]

Eita had drawn his sword, and so followed the assorted tools of those who followed him. It was an unspoken rule; the potential for danger, nature's peer pressure, practically forcing others to follow suit no matter how innocent they looked. The time for conversation was over. Unfortunately...

As the group began to file into the ramshackle warehouse, Nichou and Nale held the rear watch. That was, until Ranok stepped aside at the door. Deducing that the musician felt out of his depth, Nichou slid the metal walking stick out from where it was lodged near his backpack and handed it to the De-Matoran. The staff wouldn't be of much use to the carpenter inside the building, and he thought that Ranok could use the support, even if only psychologically. The Onu-Koronan's silent stare conveyed that there would be no questions about the offer, and before Ranok had the chance to second guess, the Onu-Matoran and Fa-Matoran had already slipped past the threshold along with everyone else in the pack.

In the darkness of the overgrown interior, Nichou uncoupled the shaded lenses from his Kanohi, stowing them on his tool belt. Perhaps he should have done that before entering what felt like a wilderness, but he knew that Nale had his back. She was remarkably alert, keeping a consistent pace throughout the journey. The Fa-Matoran seemed stuck to Nichou through some unseen force like a lodestone did iron. Close, but not too close - Nichou was glad Nale's magnetic personality had a balanced urge to keep from touching distance, what with the spear-waving and all.

Somebody could get hurt with that thing if she turned in the wrong direction with someone too close. Karz, even if she wound up for an attack in the right direction, the back of the spear might knock the Kanohi from a Matoran right behind her. Even if the looming shelves of plants running amok added to the feeling like the two Matoran were back to back as they watched both rear flanks, Nichou made sure to give the polearm room to breathe, as much for his own sake as hers.

Nichou's right hand gripped his hatchet just below the head. The tool hadn't left his belt. Yet, at least. He kept his own head on a swivel, his phosphoric green optics scanning the overgrown brush for any movement or oddities with their natural night vision.

“Some place, huh?” Nale spoke up. “I was expecting it to be a lot more shady. Well, I guess the plants make a lot of shade, but…that’s not what I mean.”

"More shady?" he whispered back to her. It still felt like the were the only ones there. The others behind them, at the front of the group, were off focusing on the main event once again. A little light discussion in the rear echelon couldn't hurt. Nichou thought back to the last time he had been in a battle (though it was a story rarely repeated) and he remembered it being much more loud, so they had to be in the clear, right?

Still, he couldn't shake the intuition that something about this place was very wrong.

"You use to live in Xa-Koro or something? How could this be more shady?"

OOC: @Tarn @Mel @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~ et al.

Edited by BULiK
onu koronans were born in darkness. molded by it.
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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[IC: Timak, The Shady Warehouse]

Timak quietly followed the rest of the group as Ranok led them across the Koro. They wanted to make conversation, to get to know their fellow travellers better, but couldn't think of anything to say that didn't seem overly obtrusive or impolite, so they kept their mouth shut.

On their approach, they easily picked up on the uneasy vibes from the rest of the team and, sensing the need for stealth, they decided to use the sound bubble ability they had practiced earlier - a shield around the group, preventing any of their quiet conversations or footfalls from being heard more than a few feet away.

Then, finally feeling suitably prepared, they drew their dual-bladed sword with a faint hum, which faded into silence to anybody else (except perhaps Ranok, who might have still heard an incredibly faint whine). Feeling its silent song running along their fingers, the Toa of Sonics would be able to sense surrounding vibrations amplified through it, even from outside the dampening bubble. Nothing would take this wary, jumped-up young Toa by surprise today.

They followed with the group, directly behind Nara, until the cactus came into view.

"Wow... That's it? That's the shortest quest I've ever been on, and I've only been here a day" - they whispered to the nearby matoran.

ooc: @ARROW404 @Snelly @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta @~Xemnas~

Edited by Rahisaurus
removed the mahiki usage until i have a good opportunity to make timak learn how to use it
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IC: Lapu and Kimala

The Toa of Plants picked up on the tension in the group far more than their words. Inside the warehouse, he took the farthest position in, keeping himself between the group and the center of the building. Kimala did the same, one of her crystal tomahawks in hand, the other still sheathed on her back. As several members' attention fell upon a particular plant, Lapu was drawn toward them by curiosity. He leaned over the small one who held it, and reached out with his element, studying it.

A fascinating specimen. He hadn't encountered anything like it, to his knowledge. The cells inside it had huge vesicles, full of water, clearly able to survive for long periods of time. Its life energy was oddly faint too, yet strong despite that fact. It produced spikes as well. Small, ineffective things against a mechanical being such as they. But as he studied the cells that produced the structures, he imagined ways he could create it with his element, into something much larger and more threatening. There was also something within its sap. A biological chemical that he guessed was medicinal in nature. He would have liked to examine it closer, but he could sense this was something important to these individuals, and so refrained from doing so.

@ARROW404 @Snelly @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta @~Xemnas~

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BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: Daijuno & Zyla | The Great Takea

"Well, shame that Shuuan off and vanished between that dragon and now, but--" was what I had started to say before Zyla sat up and said, "Shuuan?! Like Plangori Shuuan?" and I had to sigh and respond with, "Yes, yes, Shuuan had a drink and bonded over me dressing down one of the Rora's handmaidens," which I realized was a mistake to say as I was saying it because suddenly Zyla was gripping me by both shoulders and saying, "You talked back to a member of the royal entourage?!" to which I had to clarify, "It's cool, it's cool, they don't have any power over us over here and, besides, I'm, like, six degrees of separation from the Akiri here," to which the obvious response is, "What's an Akiri?" to which I said, "Basically me with a boytoy, if the rumours are true. But that's not the point! We have to get back to the 'Ryuu and find a Willhammer to get to the bottom of why everyone who comes to this island except for us has amnesia!" to which Zyla said, "Wait, did you say dragon?!"

Which was a bottle of fish I didn't have time to unstopper right now, so I turned back to Rhow.

"You still on the clock, or you wanna come with?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend


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On 7/1/2022 at 9:57 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

.:Coordinate with the Lieutenant, then do what you must.  You are cleared to engage at your discretion.:.

IC (Ageru Tazera, Ageru Dakte) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Dakte transmitted the mental equivalent of a nod to Ayiwah, then reduced the strength of his Ideatalk to communicate locally with Tazera.

:Ma'am. I am just outside the bridge, surveilling via my Ruru. I'll use my abilities to extricate Inzu as soon as you're ready, after which I can engage and subdue the thief while you get her to safety. May I suggest you keep him talking, the better to catch him distracted?:

:A fine plan,: Tazera replied approvingly. :It's good to have you here, cousin. I'll do as you suggest. Let's deal with this once and for all.:

She focused on Rudra once again. She'd been thinking about the interloper's words, and she had just the thing to keep him busy with.

"There is a problem with your demands, Toa," she said, delivering the title with scorn. "You say you want all Dasaka off the Ryuu, and passage to the Koro of Onu. But I must inform you that this vessel cannot be crewed by a single being. Multiple operators are necessary. So...how are we to give you passage in a craft that will not move?"

OOC: @Razgriz 

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Warehouse

“Mata Nui no,” Nale quickly replied, scoffing. “I just mean, so far it could certainly pass as someone’s very eccentric garden. I’m picking up the actual vibe, though.” She gripped her spear tighter. “And I don’t like it.”

She focused her attention back on not bumping into anything, or any of the other members of the group. She didn’t have the capability like Nichou to see in low light, or even near darkness (one of the perks of being the kind of Matoran who usually preferred to spend most of their lives underground). Nale’s optics were moving back and forth, focusing on every corner and possible hiding spot in the warehouse.

So far, so good. Maybe they would just be in and out, and this leg of the journey would be over quick. Or, maybe jamming this many people into a shady warehouse and attempting to stealth your way through would not have the best of outcomes.

“You have my back if anything happens?”


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(shout out to max)

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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu) The Hero of Naho Bay


He blinked, processing the words as they came. It did stand to reason that this kind of ship, full of gizmos and doodads and clear technological intricacies would need more than one person to utilize in its totality. Any vessel that big had its breeds of delegation of labor to make sure they sailed with optimal efficiency, men rigging sails, navigators carefully eyeing course, the helmsmen at the wheel and the captaincy looking down from on high to monitor each shift in turn. Would this one be different in that respect? Suppose not. For her to be so thoroughly crewed could only mean she did need many to run at optimal efficiency.

"Well, to begin with, you ran off my first mate." he fired back, snorting and smirking as he registered the naked furor in the way she spoke the title of Mata Nui's honored warrior caste— showing her true colors now that she was backed into a corner, eh? It'd be pitiable if he were a neutral passerby, some onlooker with no stake in the game— but that kind of luck wasn't the Dasaka's gift today from the spirit.

He blithely continued, feeling on a roll as always. He was a Confidence Man (tm)

"I appreciate the concern, but I'll figger it out." he drawled plainly, seemingly disaffected by any worries or seeds of doubt the leff-tennant had hoped to plant. "Sinshi gets a pretty good tour of the place, I find— I know this rock tub runs on electricity. Powers that weird little screw you've got. I'm sure you understand why I'm not worried there, about yer little lightstone in a box." Sparks cracked near his bargaining chip's temple. An illustration. "And we can both see your wheel's doin' fine. That's thrust and steering, babe. All a real man of the sea needs."

He wouldn't necessarily need to submerge it or anything, so long as he got it there. Nuparu'd figure out how to do that by tearing the thing to bits anyway.

But if she was really so concerned...

"If it's really that impossible, maybe I oughta keep the little lady here along for the ride once she comes to— have her take some of the work on for me. Keeps you foreigners from pulling any funny business on me, too. Whaddya say, cuffs girl, you want a cut now?"

Edited by Razgriz
I Would Simply Not Lose Control Of the Ship
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helo frens

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6 hours ago, Tarn said:

IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Warehouse

“You have my back if anything happens?”

IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Warehouse]

From over Nale's shoulder, the focus pulled back to Nichou. His purple Kakama shifted slightly towards the frame, as if enough to show his intent and thought process, even if he didn't look directly at her. Did he have her back? There was a pause as if there was a consideration, but this was instead his own momentary befuddlement at the thought that this was even a question. Nichou didn't think himself to be someone who left other Matoran behind.

Not that Nale could have seen it (even if she had been looking in Nichou's direction instead of watching his back, given how dark it was) the carpenter slipped his hatchet out of its leather loop on his tool belt. The worn oaken handle was a perfect fit for his tight grip. The tradesman didn't want to use it, but he knew that he certainly could and would if either of them needed him to.

"I know you just met me this afternoon, but did you really have to ask?"

Diffuse the tension by pulling the floor out from under it with a reassuring wisecrack. It was not only meant for Nale - Nichou was projecting a confidence in their safety that he himself had been losing as they crept deeper into this strange den. In fact, he was feeling much better himself by the fact that she had brought it up in the first place. Just saying it out loud made him feel safer.

He hadn't felt like this in a long time. A long time.

Despite the uncertainty, this time Nichou felt more ready than he ever had been for something like this. Danger. Adventure. There was a momentary exhilaration in the Onu-Koronan's green heartlight at the thought of making a difference in a way he hadn't before. Typically, people trusted his creations to protect them. Rarely did they look to him to be a guardian.

Times truly had changed.

Edited by BULiK
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BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Warehouse

“Ha, makes you stop and think, huh?” Nale smiled. Even though she didn’t look back at him, Nichou could tell from behind her Kakama. “That’s why it’s a good question to ask people, especially if you’ve just met—they have to commit to something.”

It was important, especially in situations like this, to know whether the person beside you would be there when you needed them. To not abandon you in a scuffle, or focus on saving themselves first. Nale hadn’t been on many journeys yet, but she wasn’t going to let this one be her last. She slowed down just a bit, allowing Nichou to get closer and hear the Fa-Matoran as she lowered her voice slightly.

“Thank you.”


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IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Warehouse]

The carpenter gave a chuckle at her joke too, the sharp exhale relieving a long-held tension in his internals. Everything was tense as they crept through the darkness, and yet for that moment, they could have been on the docks outside given how he felt.

"Well, I try to only commit to promises I'm sure I will keep."

In the darkness of the room, his pitch black fingers readjusted their grip on the hatchet. His head slowly swirled back and forth, carefully scanning the room. Maybe nobody was here. After all, if there was someone to notice them, surely they would have been noticed by now?

"But don't thank me yet - I haven't saved your life or anything."

Yet? He thought, considering if the word was a fitting end to the last sentence. No. Hopefully we don't need a 'yet'.

All this excitement and Nichou couldn't stop thinking of how quickly the day had escalated to this point. Brandishing weapons? How long had it been since he'd needed to use his axe for destruction instead of creation?

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Daijuno & Zyla | The Great Takea

My hand moved instinctively to the knife at my hip. The idea of heading back out into the fray still made my heart-light strobe with fear: there be dragons, I thought, and worse: Umbralines. 

Anyone ever talks to my biographers about why I took my hand away from the knife, they'd probably intuit something about the confidence inherent in having a big, broad, brick house of a bartender backing me up out there. Rhow was, after all, one of the most imposing women I had ever met in my life in terms both literal and otherwise. Fist-on-fist, I could imagine a fight between her and Lord Umbraline Rayuke coming out to little more than a squeaky if the Umbralines were lucky. It would stand to reason that anyone would be less afraid of dragons next to her.

But that wouldn't be the truth.

The truth was, I looked over at Zyla: Zyla, the girl who had followed me halfway across the world, who had survived weeks at sea with little more than a knife and a prayer, and had managed it with a poise I reckoned I would never possess as long as I lived. Zyla was a braver woman than I. To fall short of her example, suddenly, seemed unacceptable.

So I tucked my hand into the pocket of my skirt, cocked a half-formed smirk up at Rhow, and said, "All right. Let's do some diplomacy."

~ ~ ~

Despite Daijuno's protestations, I had insisted on accompanying her and Lady Rhow on their expedition of... cultural exchange? Rhow had been unfailingly generous to me in spite of my unkempt nature, and it was only proper that I do everything in my power to repay her great kindness as soon as possible.

Although, admittedly, I couldn't help but want to see more of this strange new land as well -- now that I had the benefit of a full stomach buoying me up.


The cities of Kentoku had been built by the hands of generations of women. You could see that in every brick laid, every crystal shaped, every rafter and piece of timber laid upon the foundation of carved bedrock and sheared forest. Sado itself was a marvel of engineering and innovation, a monument to the minds of arcanists and architects the archipelago over. To look upon was to look upon the Dasakan people, in all their glory.

But Ga-Koro, as I would learn it was called, was a city that seemed to have grown from the island itself. Vast lilypads which stretched deep into coastal mists seemed to rise effortlessly from beneath the waves, their swaying movements less disorientating than comforting -- the rocking of a child to sleep. Where the stamp of industry was visible, even there was subdued, a working with the land that even the most druidic of the tajaar nomads would balk at. Vines shaped into homes, grown into the form of warehouses and shops and buildings. The smell of the green and the growing was everywhere, along with the salt of the sea and the aroma of fish cooking on open fires. Oh, the smell of food! Food that I could have never imagined: fish never fathomed by Dasakan fisherwoman practically being given away by the mongers, so common they were. What a place, what a time, what--

"--a hostage situation?" the dashi said, shrugging, pointing off to the silhouette of the Chisaii Ryuu. "I'm not sure, but I've heard rumours. Whatever's going on, no one's being let aboard. Commodore's orders."

To which my employer scowled her lovely scowl, and said, "Aw, karz. That puts something of a damper on things. Unless you know anything about rescuing hostages, Rhow?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend


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[Ga-Koro,  Outside The Great Takea (Ranok)]
Ranok listened until Nichou’s footsteps faded, and then leaned the staff against the side of the building.   He appreciated the offer, but if any killer plants came bursting out of the building he put a lot more faith in his utility knife.

He resisted the urge to blow a few contemplative notes on his harmonica, listening for anything that might be moving aside from the footsteps of his companions.

OOC: Everyone else is in the building so... @~Xemnas~ I guess?

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Hakari - Ga-koro - Warehouse -

Hakari stayed relatively quiet as they entered the warehouse, but as she looked at what was supposedly the miracle cactus, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. 

"That's it? That's the...miracle cactus?" It looked like well...a cactus. Hakari wasn't sure what she'd expected honestly. "Do we just...take it and go?" 

It felt a bit anticlimactic, but the Lesterin supposed it was better that getting into a fight with someone. So it was kind of weird that she felt disappointed with how easy it had been.

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

IC: Skyra Daring - Cael's Place -

I looked down at the Matoran...err Dashi that Karoru had returned with. She looked like she'd been through h*ll, I could relate. 

"Hey there, I'm Skyra Daring..." I winced as my headache suddenly spiked, the pain meds weren't kicking in soon enough. I rubbed the left side of my head a bit more. 

"...you're not interrupting anything, no worries. She's just resting." I gestured to the currently sleeping Leah.

@otter @Lady Takanuva @Vezok's Friend @Eyru @Krayzikk @sunflower @Click

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC, Eita: Ga-Koro

Unfortunately for Hakari, it wasn't going to be that easy.

Before anyone else had a chance to speak, a shrill whistle pierced their hearing. The plant life around them began to shift and stir, as if it were a single organism awaking from slumber. At the entrance of the warehouse, several vines sprang out in front of a very startled Ranok and yanked the door shut. Smaller branches grew out and covered the front of the door. 

Another rustling caught the group's attention. Footsteps. The Matoran, Toa, and Lesterin all readied their weapons as a large Rahi lumbered out of the growth. Timak and Eita didn't recognize it, but the more seasoned inhabitants of the island did. The animal's brown coloration and spines indicated that it was a Spiny Stone Ape, but one that was both out of its natural desert habitat and also covered in a plant's foliage. A plant, in fact, that Kanohi and Hakari would recognize as being extremely similar to they encountered parasitizing a Gukko in Le-Wahi.

The beast paused before the group, several flowers that Kanohi had previously surmised to act like eyes pointing directly at them. But it did not attack- was it waiting for something?


The collective beings heard a mumble from somewhere around them.

"I don't recall inviting any guests to my abode..."

The owner of the slightly raspy voice did not appear, nor could the group pinpoint where it was coming from. 

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta

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[IC: Timak - The Shady Werehouse]

With their sword amplifying their sense for nearby vibrations, the whistle was louder to Timak and quite startling. Before they had the chance to pinpoint the origin of the noise, another sound permeated the thick, humid air of the plant-filled space. Timak was the first to notice it, the rustling. Eyes wide, they whirled to try and pinpoint the source - but it was everywhere. Nobody to be seen, just endless plants and shadows. And the plants were moving.

Unable to do anything about Ranok, being so far from the door, they now stood in the centre of the huddled matoran, eyed darting around, looking for an enemy and finding none. Until - a new vibration came through the floor into the balls of the Toa's poised feet - the footsteps of a large beast. As it emerged from the shadowy foliage, Timak looked to Kimala. For all their bravado, their experience was still nothing when it came to dangerous situations. Their eyes said the words that never made it out of their mouth, the expression growing ever more intense as the beast spoke: What do we do?!

ooc: @ARROW404 @Snelly @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta @~Xemnas~

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@ARROW404 @Snelly @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta @Rahisaurus@~Xemnas~

IC: Lapu, Kimala - Shady and now considerably more dangerous warehouse

Lapu had been too concentrated on the cactus, he hadn't noticed what was off about the plants around them. Now he did. It was clear they had been tampered with, though how exactly, he couldn't yet tell. Plants could move to some extent, although generally by growing, and in other cases only in specific ways. These ones moved more akin to tentacles, differently even than the way they moved when he exerted his powers on them. This was something... new. And as it usually was for him, he didn't like it.

As the door slammed shut, he turned towards it, but stopped himself as a new sound approached- a Rahi, infected with the plant that had led him to Kanohi, and set him on this quest in the first place. His eyes narrowed. Abuse of Rahi was not something he took lightly. Paying no mind to the voice, having little care what it had to say for itself, he strode between the ape and the other members of the group and began reaching out with his power, sensing the properties of the parasite as quickly as he could- how it attached to the Rahi, and if he could sever that attachment.

Kimala lifted a hand, and her second tomahawk lifted from its sheath, into her hand. She had already been standing at the edge of the group, and didn't have to move to stand defiantly before the ape, ready for battle. She had expected it to charge, though, so rather than attack preemptively, she waited, listening to the presumed owner of the warehouse as they spoke. She wasn't the best candidate to answer the question though, so she didn't. Instead, she glanced at Timak, and used her elemental power to etch a message into the blade of one of her weapons: Can you pinpoint the source of the voice?

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BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: Muuk [Naho Bay, Fowadi]

"Aye, that'd be me," The Po-Matoran confirmed, giving a nod to the Toa surveying the deck. "Yer lookin for a ride, Toa Makua? Not usually our speci-ality, and fair warning t' ya, we tend t' get stuck in with the less than savory types if ya know what I'm sayin' t' ya."

From behind his Kanohi the quartermaster grimaced, giving a shrug, before continuing, "Well, ya look like the kind that ain't got a problem takin' care of yerself with that there sword of yer's huh? Either way yer gonna be paying for rations I suppose, consider the bunk complementary if yer willin' t' help us out in a scrap."

If he had anything more to say to Makua it was promptly interrupted as the acrobatics from an unfamiliar Lesterin caught his attention, and the Po-Matoran pivoted on his heel to shout, "Oi, wat'er ya doin there!"

@Emzee @BULiK

IC: Sentinel [Ga-Koro, Southern Docks]

If the Lesterin's expression had been one of relief a moment earlier, then the look that spread across her face from behind her Rau as Talli presented a veritable novel of experience out at sea was pure appreciation.

She accepted the presented parchments, taking a cursory glance at the official Ga-Koro Marines seals that decorated the records of service. A moment later and her blue eyes shifted back to the Matoran, an inquisitive eyebrow raised.

"This is an impressive record, though if you don't mind me asking Miss Anach, why leave Ga-Koro? With experience like this you could find work… pretty much anywhere. Not that we couldn't always use a sailor like you, definitely the opposite, just that you could find better paying, less dangerous local crews I'm sure."


IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro, Cael's House]

Dehkaz listened intently as the foreign matoran-he couldn't recall if they called themselves by another name-recounted her experience and expressed her interest in joining. Though her words were shaky, and it looked as though the last meal she had gotten was when she had started on her journey to Mata Nui, she was nonetheless resolute. The Toa of Magnetism considered what she had said, before settling down onto one knee in an easy position to meet her gaze eye to eye.

"Well met Saardma Azusai, I am Captain Kyhrilik. You and your people have traveled far to reach the safety of this island, it's because of this I feel the need to warn you; being a part of my crew may not be the safest of employments you may find on this island. We do our best to protect the lives of the peoples of Mata Nui, even if it means putting our own at risk."

"We are certainly willing to have you as a member of the crew, though if you wish to lead a safer life here then there is no shame in that as well."

@Snelly @Krayzikk @Click @otter @Lady Takanuva

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23 hours ago, sunflower said:

IC: Muuk [Naho Bay, Fowadi]

If he had anything more to say to Makua it was promptly interrupted as the acrobatics from an unfamiliar Lesterin caught his attention, and the Po-Matoran pivoted on his heel to shout, "Oi, wat'er ya doin there!"

IC: Myhruk [Ga-Koro, Docks, Fowadi]

"WATER?" the bewildered Lesterin sharply repeated. He was frozen in place, processing the Po-Matoran's accent. There was no water nearby. Only below.

Ah, he understood now.

"Staying away from it!"

Quick thinking.

Water was pretty far down on this ship, all things considered. Much better than the dubious structural integrity of the Koro's lilypads. He looked up.

At the midpoint of the pole, there was a metal platform. Furthest from the water on the ship. Shame he wasn't up there. Another deduction; unfortunately, there didn't appear to be a ladder up this tree trunk that he could use to-


His hands twitched. Digits danced back and forth. There was a way to make it up there. He was sure he knew how.

IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, Warehouse]

Nichou nearly jumped at just how suddenly their world had been upended. He had been confident in their chances - there was a Toa with them, plus he knew Lekua would always be able to find a way out, and it had just been concretely established that Nale had his back. Even if he hadn't quite believed that THAT many people had entered without drawing any attention, the silence had been so ever present that against all odds, it became a surprise to him. Knowing the element of surprise to be long gone, Nichou's left hand patted across his tool belt, frantically reaching for a particular cylindrica-got it!

His thumb slid a button on the side of the metal device with a click, springing open an internal mechanism that rotated a shade open. Light instantly poured through the second half of the iron body, where a glass lens focused it into a concentrated beam that threw the crystal's glow much further.

Nichou turned it from side to side, the cone of warm tungsten light slicing through the warehouse's musky darkness like wide strokes of a blade. He didn't see anything but strange plants in front of him, and the view was similar once he swung over towards Nale to make sure her flank was okay. The plants were moving but there weren't any threatening figures. It was when he continued his rotation around what was beginning to feel like a trap that the miniaturized spotlight fully revealed the gargantuan frame of the monkey... in that moment, there were no words.

Maybe if he stood still, it would keep standing still. Not that Nichou's rational mind was in control of his legs by then.

OOC: @~Xemnas~@Tarn@BBBBalta@Rahisaurus et al.

Edited by BULiK
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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi tensed up as he spotted the beast approach. Spiny Stone Apes towered over even Toa, and while the parasite that infested the Gukko had seemed uncoordinated in that Rahi and failed to fly, this parasite seemed to have more control. It puppeted the ape in halting lurches, but it did not flop, and the floor quaked at its fists.

The vigilante swallowed, seeing those familiar flowers. The Gukko’s parasite used those flowers to search for light sources, it had been drawn to heartlights and fire. And it had burnt itself to ash trying to reach fire.

Kanohi shifted towards Hakari, and tapped her thigh. Then cautiously and without facing her directly, he offered her his lighter once again. He did not know if this parasite would be as weak to fire, nor did know if it would be as simplistic as to not recognize it was burning itself. It might be smarter than the first, and that might be why it puppeted the ape so well.

Still, no one here wielded the element of Fire, his lighter was one of the few weapons they had, especially given how fast the first plant regenerated. And Hakari knew how to use his lighter against such an infestation. He trusted her to succeed and return the lighter too.

As for the vigilante himself, he now saw his many targets. The plants were spreading and trapping the group here, they might be able ensnare the Matoran or even the taller people if they got close. And the Spiny Stone Ape was certainly another threat too. And that voice came from somewhere, though he could not tell where. He needed to be ready to rescue anyone who got too close to the plants, or got in reach of the ape. It was a lot to focus on, hopefully he could manage. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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On 7/23/2022 at 12:32 AM, sunflower said:

From behind his Kanohi the quartermaster grimaced, giving a shrug, before continuing, "Well, ya look like the kind that ain't got a problem takin' care of yerself with that there sword of yer's huh? Either way yer gonna be paying for rations I suppose, consider the bunk complementary if yer willin' t' help us out in a scrap."

IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, The Fowadi

Makua gave a sly smile.

“As it so happens, I am a sellsword by trade. You may also consider my skills as part of additional payment, if the situation comes where they are needed”

The conversation was quickly interrupted by the antics of what appeared to be another Lesterin climbing the mast of the Fowadi.

“Hah, people these days, am I right?” Makua said, not for a second considering his own methods of getting aboard the massive ship. “Welp, I’ll leave you to it. I pack light, so I’m free to settle in wherever and whenever”

Makua looked around the deck of the ship. The structure truly was massive, with multiple entrances to the lower decks. With sword, rations, and widgets on hand, Makua walked away with an air of misplaced confidence in his spatial skills. He was making his way towards whichever entrance was closest, nodding assuredly to the other crewmen on the deck as if he was the captain.

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro harbor]


The Skakdi ran a hand along her spine, bending the fins before letting them snap back upright again. She looked unsure - but in an aggressive, Skakdi way.


“Hostages? No idea, unless they’d stand down in return for a drink? Other than that, I guess if you get me close and I can get the drop on ‘em I can punch their lights out.”


Her gaze flitted from the crystal submarine to the assorted Dasaka standing guard on the pier.


“You sure whoever you want me to talk to is on board? Plenty of your men-tee around. Maybe one of them can help?”


One of said Menti, a tall woman in a very fancy gold trimmed navy coat, was given her some stern side-eye - until she noticed Daijuno with her and promptly focused back on the sub.


OOC: @Void Emissary




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IC: Hakari - Ga-koro - Warehouse -

Of course, it was never that easy was it?

Hakari drew her weapon as the Ape approached, even as it stopped and stared at them she stood ready. She tensed up a bit as the voice spoke, she couldn't tell where it was coming from and that put her on edge. 

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

"I'm not accustomed to conversing with someone who refuses to show themselves." Hakari retorted, then she nearly flinched when she felt a tap on her thigh. Seeing the lighter offered by Kanohi, she smiled and took the lighter in her free hand, her scimitar in the other. She expected this to turn into a fight, considering who they were most likely dealing with...still, it didn't hurt to try and get information. 

"Maybe if you explain what you've done to the Ape here, we just might feel like explaining why we're here as well." 

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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[IC: Timak, The Shady Warehouse]

Timak saw Kimala's instruction, very cleverly engraved upon her blade so as to keep the notion from the enemy. This was the sort of inventive thing the Toa would need to learn to think of in the moment, they told themselves. To be always ready to face any situation with cunning and wit.

They reached out with their senses, trying to pinpoint the location of the voice. They found it, without too much trouble - sound was still sound, after all.

Knowing they would only have one chance to use this to their advantage, Timak gave a pointed look to the Toa of Crystal - eyes determined, with a slight smile of confirmation, and a glance toward the location they had detected. Then, without further warning, the grey Toa turned on the spot, and leaped from a standing start, arcing over the group of matoran into the leafy shadows, right on top of the spot that the sound had originated from. They silently congratulated themselves on their lucky spurt of flawless gymnastics, before realising that the space they had landed in was empty. No lesterin to be found.

Timak wheeled around, swinging their sword in an arc in case they had misjudged the location slightly, but only leaves collided with the blade.

Realising the danger of being split from the pack, in the shadows, surrounded by unseen vines, they looked back towards the centre of the group, once again to Kimala. Though this time, the two orange-gold lights visible in the shadows were wide with panic.

ooc: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Snelly

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IC: Azusai - Ga-Koro (Cael's Hut)

Her wandering eyes settled on the green Toa, and a bit of a smile peeked across her face. "Ah, you're Miss Daring... Karoru has told me so much about you!"

Then the grey Toa kneeled down to her level, and her attention snapped back. "Captain Kyhrilik..." Finding her manners again, Azusai offered a quick bow that almost turned into a stagger into his shoulder. "W-with all due respect... I have... lost my home, and the sea has become the closest thing to a home I have now. And if you can prevent anyone else from suffering the same fate as me, I will do anything I can to ensure that." She started softly and unsure, but her voice gained momentum and conviction by the end, and she knew it was true.

OOC: Sorry for the wait, @Krayzikk @Snelly @otter @Lady Takanuva @sunflower

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IC, Eita and evil Lesterin: Ga-Koro 

Another shrill whistle reached the group’s ears. Unbeknownst to them, while they had been focused on trying to find the source of the voice, they hadn’t noticed the vines snaking along the ground toward them.

At the sound of the whistle, the vines grabbed ahold of the ankles of Nara and Nichou, and lifted them high into the air. A sickly gurgling noise was heard next to them; the large bulbous plant opened, revealing itself to be a Daikau, albeit one of unusually large size. 
The assembled group looked back and forth between the infected Stone Ape and their friends who now found themselves dangling upside down above a very hungry plant-Rahi.

“I am doing research here,” said the voice. “Research that I intend to take back home. You’ve been having those memories of home, too, I take it? Memories of Seprilli…” A rustle of leaves was heard, and a tall, slender figure appeared out of the foliage next to the Stone Ape. He wore green armor with yellow highlights, and wore a Volitak, but was very obviously the Lesterin that Kanohi had been in pursuit of.

“As for this Stone Ape here, well, I needed something to test my latest creation on. Of course, a more sentient being like one of you would be better, but I have a feeling that none of you would be willing,” the Lesterin continued with a scowl. “So, unfortunately, you will all have to die now.”

The Lesterin puckered his lips and whistled one last time. The Stone Ape next to him roared and charged at the group.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta

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[Ga-koro, South Docks, close to Sunset (Talli)]

Talli had really hoped they wouldn’t need to talk about this.

“I…uh…need to get out.”  She winced as soon as she said it—it made her sound like some thrill-seeker looking for adventure or some other nonsense. “I mean, sorry, I…just—did you hear about the Daedra incident?”

She took a breath and went on without giving the Lesterin time to respond.  “Never felt comfortable around toa after that.   They were supposed to protect us, and instead they exploited our hope.   Now, there’s rumors that even the Maru have some skeletons in their closets.   I figured this ship’s been around; got a reputation for some old fashioned heroics, but you’ll forgive me if I find that a little hard to swallow.”

It wasn’t the whole truth, but it was the shape of it, at least.  “My people have ended up on the rear end of the world’s problems all too often.   I figured I needed to see how the fertilizer is made, so to speak.”

“Maybe I’ll be able to sleep easier, if you’re really all about what you say you are.”

There.   Now she could stop talking.

[Ga-Koro, Industrial District (Ranok)]
Ranok Selli was a lot of things.   He was not, as mentioned before, a fighter.   A few entropy beetles non-withstanding, he had a pretty good idea of his skills, and they didn’t include stabbing things.   Or sawing through some stiff branches with only a knife.   Ranok was much better at running somewhere or away from something than turning to face them.

Yet, despite his methods of survival, Ranok could not be called a coward.   Right now, his options were limited.   He could yell for help, but he had a feeling that whatever was going on in the warehouse would finish before he could catch the attention of anybody important.

Something else attracted his attention though, something tied up in a faint, whistled note that had unmistakably been tied to the plants behavior.   Ranok was not a toa, did not have an instinct for the very texture of sound, but because he had to learn the hard way, though years of imitation and immersion, he thought in ways that would not have occurred to those who took the shorter road.

In his head, peaks and troughs stretched, seeking instability.   He put two fingers in his mouth and blew, the note purer and less shrill thanks to a musician's training.   It also happened to be a note extremely dissonant to the original tone.

At the very least, he would attract attention.

OOC: @~Xemnas~ @sunflower

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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 @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @Harvali@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel @BBBBalta


IC: Lapu and Kimala - Ga-Koro, Lesterin's warehouse

Timak's leap had surprised Kimala. They were young and foolhardy, she reminded herself- She had been hoping to use the information of the enemy's location later, but she hardly blamed them. Instead, rather than leave them alone, she leaped as well, a second after, to provide back-up. She was less agile, and skidded to a halt a few paces from where they had landed, looking confused and panicked. She fixed them with a firm gaze, and flashed a message on her tomahawk, Unity, nodded, then turned to face the ape, taking a step closer to the Toa of Sonics.

Lapu reacted the moment the Matoran had been grabbed. He had been hoping to keep his powers hidden as best he could, for as long as he could, lest he become a target, but the Matoran were in danger. Kanohi and Hakari had faced a plant-infected Rahi once before. He trusted they could at least keep it distracted while he managed this.

It was simple, really. Daikau were nothing out of the ordinary in his home of Le-Wahi. Tampered with as this one might have been, it obeyed the commands of his element, and released the two Matoran a safe distance, from its leafy maw, albeit higher from the ground than he would have if he had more time. With a flick of his wrist, one of its vines lashed around his arm, and he began to absorb it into his reserves of elemental energy, turning to fix the Lesterin with a hard, and rage-filled leer.

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If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi felt his heartlight sputter as vines encircled around Nichou, yanking the Matoran into the air along with another. He took a step back, clutching his Volo Lutu Launcher through trembling fingers, even as another vine entangled Lapu’s arm. Of course, the Toa was stronger than a Matoran, and his element was the jungle itself. The vine began to shudder, absorbing into the Toa’s chassis, even as the rest of the plant relaxed it’s grip, dropping Nichou and his fellow like a fabled Toa Cannister crashing to an island.

The cross-wired vigilante’s optics blurred as Nichou fell, he could see Aurax falling now, not through the air but through the jagged staff of a Rahkshi. And Nichou flickered in and out as milliseconds passed, shifting into a Toa of silver and red and back into a Matoran. But he, that was nonsense. Nichou was a Matoran, as fragile and weak as one could be.

He could not lose another Companion. Not when he could act.

Kanohi fired his Volo Lutu Launcher right below Nichou and with a lurch grappled at him, hoping to catch him as he fell through the air. As the vigilante hurtled through the warehouse he could not help but stare at that other Matoran as she fell. Failure, a real hero could save both of them from the fall. Toa Stannis could have with ease, same as any of the Maru. He would be lucky if he could help one.

Please Mata-Nui, have someone save this other victim, as I cannot. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Warehouse

“I’ve got her!”

Many events had played out in what seemed like a flash, but the moment she saw Nara falling, Nale found herself hard focused on rescuing her friend. Without even thinking about it she dashed forward, dropping her spear in the process, then threw herself towards the falling Matoran with her arms outstretched. For a moment, she wondered if she had miscalculated her position and would miss, only for Nara to land safely in Nale’s arms. The Fa-Matoran let out an audible “oof!” as she caught her ally, then a sigh of relief.

“Hey,” Nale said, a slight smile on her Kakama. “You alright?”

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly  @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Mel 

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(shout out to max)

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On 8/15/2022 at 4:54 PM, ~Xemnas~ said:

IC, evil Lesterin: Ga-Koro 

At the sound of the whistle, the vines grabbed ahold of the ankles of Nara and Nichou, and lifted them high into the air. A sickly gurgling noise was heard next to them; the large bulbous plant opened, revealing itself to be a Daikau, albeit one of unusually large size. 

10 hours ago, Harvali said:

IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi fired his Volo Lutu Launcher right below Nichou and with a lurch grappled at him, hoping to catch him as he fell through the air.

IC: Nichou [Ga-Koro, ǝsnoɥǝɹɐM]

A squeeze around Nichou's leg and a slip of his feet later, everyone was uʍop ǝpᴉsdn. Plants covered the ceiling, snaking towards the group of misaligned allies. Nichou was falling further and further down, sinking far from his friends, kicking his legs as if trying to swim back up, but sinking like they were chained to stones. His flashlight floated up and away from him, thumping against the lilypad foundations as its beams scattered through various vines to form a web of shadows.

Nichou reached his now-free left hand towards them and wheezed with what little breath had not been stolen from him a moment prior, but no amount of stretching would get them in his reach. In fact, as he drew his arm back down, Nichou's optics narrowed in confusion at how he had to fight gravity to do so. Slowly, the frame tilted upside down, and the situation became as fully apparent as it always had been to the outside observers.

The carpenter looked up (down) and saw the problem. Plants. A problem he was perfectly equipped to face. Exerting his core strength, Nichou lifted his torso upwards. Both hands gripped the handle of his hatchet as he swung to cleave the vegetable's appendage in two. Yet as if sensing the danger, the vine loosened its grip.

The Onu-Matoran began to fall - for real this time - while spinning, both hands on his weapon. He had no air control. In fact, the only thing he could control was shutting his optics instinctively, as if that would dull the inevitable pain.

The impact came, sooner than anticipated. It was on his side, but Nichou had been off balance to begin with, so no wonder he incorrectly guessed which limb would hit the ground first. It was amazing how the body could feel as if it was still flying through the air well after hitting the ground. A moment later Nichou felt the real impact as his rescuer landed gracefully. The carpenter did his best to regain his balance after he was safely set on solid ground.

"I should've been asking you to watch my back, Nale, instead of the oth-" Nichou cut himself short when the face he turned to wasn't Nale's. It was that other Matoran Ranok had spoken with. "Oh. Thanks."

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Hakari - Ga-koro - Warehouse -

Hakari's mask activated as the Stone Ape charged, quickly dashing around the beast so that she was behind it before stopping. She then turned on the lighter as she did, she knew the parasite was attracted to light, and also weak to the flames. Perhaps the flame wasn't big enough however. 

There were a lot of plants in the warehouse, and lucky enough for Hakari there were a few withered vines or branches. She picked up a flimsy looking stick and then used the lighter to set it ablaze. She then waved it at the Stone Ape. 

"Oi ugly, over here!" If the parasite was truly the same as the one that had infested the guuko, it would be naturally drawn to the light of the flames.

OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus 

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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