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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

When it became that Hakari was more exhausted than injured, and that Lapu had been more disoriented than hurt, Kanohi relaxed. The Fe-Matoran still offered both of them his hands if they needed support standing, though in truth Matoran of Iron were known for their inventiveness and their endurance, strength was not his greatest aspect. 

The short vigilante also took in the city. Ga-Koro like Le-Koro felt like it was in between eras, the old huts and lily pad platforms still clung here, but now there was better manufacturing, metal and composite wood was not uncommon, and faintly he could see the greenhouses if the village beneath the sea.

That was another point. From what Kanohi understood of the industrialization of the island, Ga-Koro was becoming the pharmaceutical center of the island, the greenhouses used to grow rare plants to synthesis into medication. And if there was such advanced medicine here, maybe he could get something to help his vocal processor. The damage was mostly from smoke, heat, and ash, maybe the people of the Village of Water would have something to soothe his throat so he could speak again.

Aurax’s corpse would come first though. His carcass mattered more than Kanohi’s voice ever could. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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On 4/30/2022 at 10:36 PM, otter said:


"Oh dear," I whispered, seeing the reply that came Skyra's way. And then Krayn's willingness to leave the two to the care of Dehkaz. Certainly, Dehkaz could handle Skyra losing her mind, but I don't know how well he could manage to wrest it out of this refugee's grasp, whether she decided to claim it intentionally or not.

"Well, depending on how this goes, I might at least have someone who I can have bully Skyra into taking care of herself."


Sato's embarassed expression remained as she intentionally made sure not to let one of relief take its place. "Not at all," she said without much thought to the matter. "I don't know how much it might inconvenience you having me so near your grandmother, though. I doubt she remembers me at all, but her opinions and both of our skill sets..."

OOC: @Krayzikk@Snelly@Lady Takanuva


"I wouldn't be too confident. But maybe." Krayn shrugged, then grimaced. He massaged his shoulder slightly, focusing ultrasonic vibrations into the underlying tissue. "Do you happen to remember how to find Ga-Koro's courier office from here?"


"I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm only worried about her meeting a native."

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Lash – Naho Bay

The boat wasn’t much to look at. It was probably worth even less than what she’d paid for it… but it was all Lash had been able to afford, so it would have to suffice.

At least it wasn’t leaking.

It was large enough to accommodate two larger beings, with one ragged sail, and a single pair of splintering oars. Its hull was a barnacle-encrusted mosaic of patches, and its paint was pale and peeling, flaking away to scatter like snow in the water or the bay.

It was a poor investment to be sure, but Lash wasn’t planning to hold onto it for the long term.

She only needed it to hold together for a single journey.

She tossed her bag of supplies and belongings up the front of the boat and sat down, instructing Breathless to do the same as she took up the oars and began to row. She’d thought about trying to teach the Rahkshi how to row instead, but she didn’t want to spend any more time lingering here than she had to. Besides, Breathless would be doing plenty of work once they were further away from the bay, putting a little extra wind in their sail as they set course for Ostia.

OOC: Lash to Po-Wahi.

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Karoru, The Grand Tour


Training overtaking her, and wanting to make up for a poor first impression, Karoru brought her boot heels crashing together and sharpened her salute. As she did so, she heard someone speaking to her from behind


Turning about-face, Karoru was surprised to see the Mata Nuian she had encountered at the coast.


"Marm," she said instinctively, then winced as she remembered the way the one accompanying Leah had spoken to her. 


"S-sorry… Leah. Zyla reckons so, but apparently my presence was causing more distraction than assistance, so we split ways at a restaurant."


Karoru was horrible with names, and was terrified she had gotten it wrong. Names slipped through her mind like water through a sieve.


Except Skyra's name, which was taking up a distractingly large portion of the warrior's available brainspace at the moment.


Looking between the three apparent friends and feeling uncomfortably like a spare wheel, Karoru stepped back a bit and mumbled "A-apologies, I'll stay out of your ways. Miss Daring, I'm ready for the tour of the ship whenever you are."


Some small seed of determination in her stomach had chafed at the implication that she might be seen as not fit to be part of the crew, so she added against her better judgement "That way I can prove to you what an asset I could be as part of your crew."


OOC: @Snelly  @Vezok's Friend @Silvan Haven @otter @sunflower

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: Hakari - Ga-Koro -

Hakari slowly stood up after she finished recovering from her sprint. "Whew! Okay, we're here at Ga-koro! Where to now?" She looked at Kanohi, it wasn't like she had a clue where they should head now that they were here in the koro of lily pads and water. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Harvali


IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

Oi, Skyra!”

Well that sounded familiar.

“If I catch Destiny raiding the crab-traps again I swear I’m gonna make you fish for replacements until you’re as blue as me!”

Mmmm yep, definitely knew that voice. I turned my head to glance at the Maru. Leah was someone who I knew from work, well my former work in the Gukko Force. We'd both changed quite a bit since then. Leah was now one of the Toa Maru, and I was a chick. Funny how things change. 

"Oh hey Leah, what is it like being blue anyway?" It did cross my mind to ask Leah something a bit more serious, like whatever she knew about Makuta's return and stuff like that. But the middle of the dock out in the open didn't seem like the appropriate place to ask such things.

Besides, I was with company, company that I owed a tour to. It also seemed that Karoru knew Leah. Perfect, there was no need for introductions then. 

"A-apologies, I'll stay out of your ways. Miss Daring, I'm ready for the tour of the ship whenever you are." 

Karoru calling me Miss Daring caught me off guard. I still wasn't completely used to certain things. Not that I hated it. 

"That way I can prove to you what an asset I could be as part of your crew."

"Well, I'm sure you'll prove more than capable." I wasn't just saying that either. I wasn't familiar with what sort of powers these Menti had, but from the look of Karoru she seemed like she could hold her own in a fight. "But anyway, I suppose we should head to the ship then yeah? We'll just uhhhhhhhhh..." I just realized I would not be able to grapple back to the ship when I had to take Karoru with me. I eyed one of the skiffs that the others had used to get to the docks and simply leaped off the dock onto it. 

After stabilizing myself on the now rocking skiff I turned to look at Karoru with a grin. "Hop on and we'll get going." 

@Lady Takanuva @sunflower @otter @Krayzikk @Vezok's Friend

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC, Eita: The Great Takea

“Yeah, you know what, today it’s fine. But Ta-Koro’s where you wanna be if smithing is your thing. Their old elder decided it was a good idea to set up shop inside a volcano. 

"Oh, th-thank you!" Eita stuttered as the woman began walking away, clearly distracted with another proprietor. Ta-Koro, huh? I'll have to look into it after I take care of this migraine problem... the Dashi mused to himself.

Before he returned to his new companions, he approached the greyish Toa that had announced themselves earlier. "'Scuse me," he said, "You said you want to help the Matoran? Well, my group and I..." he gestured to the others, "are going to search for something called a Miracle Cactus. I think it would be good if we had someone like you to join us, in case we run into trouble that requires the touch of someone with elemental powers. Would you be interested?"

OOC: @Rahisaurus time for Timak to join us!

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On 5/13/2022 at 7:01 AM, ~Xemnas~ said:

IC, Eita: The Great Takea


Before he returned to his new companions, he approached the greyish Toa that had announced themselves earlier. "'Scuse me," he said, "You said you want to help the Matoran? Well, my group and I..." he gestured to the others, "are going to search for something called a Miracle Cactus. I think it would be good if we had someone like you to join us, in case we run into trouble that requires the touch of someone with elemental powers. Would you be interested?"

IC:  Kimala - Great Takea

The Toa of Crystal couldn't help but overhear the offer made to Timak. Okay, she could have helped, but to be honest, she found Timak's attitude incredibly endearing, and had kept an eye on them while they were in the building. She wasn't one for heroics anymore, but she was a teacher, and the idea of teaching a newly minted Toa was appealing.

From the little she knew about the newcomer- Timak, that was. There were many newcomers in Ga-Koro these days- they would take this offer up without hesitation. She stayed nearby to offer to accompany them.

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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[IC: Timak, the Great Takea]

On 5/13/2022 at 6:01 AM, ~Xemnas~ said:

Before he returned to his new companions, he approached the greyish Toa that had announced themselves earlier. "'Scuse me," he said, "You said you want to help the Matoran? Well, my group and I..." he gestured to the others, "are going to search for something called a Miracle Cactus. I think it would be good if we had someone like you to join us, in case we run into trouble that requires the touch of someone with elemental powers. Would you be interested?"

Timak sat up, turning towards the voice of Eita. Finally, a chance to prove themself!
"Wow!" they said, "I was so sure I had just condemned myself to a lifetime of ridicule for that introduction... Of course I'll help! I am still trying to work out why I'm even on this island, so maybe I'll find out on the way.."

a pause.

"As for elemental powers, I can control Sonics!" 
They leaned over the bar, reaching a lanky arm around, and pulled out the closest sealed drink receptacle they could reach. They held it in front of them proudly. "Watch this!"

A hum sounded from the bottle/can/whatever it was, as it began to vibrate, and slowly buckle outwards, before exploding with a loud fizzy POP.

ooc: @~Xemnas~

Edited by Rahisaurus
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IC: Kimala - The Great Takea @Xemnas@Rahisaurus

The Toa of Crystal observed with a faint smile, then took the chance to approach when the deal was sealed. "If you don't mind, I would be happy to go with you too," she offered. "Kimala, Toa of Crystal," she presented herself, bowing slightly toward the newcomer. "Timak and I are acquainted."

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BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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On 4/24/2022 at 9:17 PM, oncertainty said:

IC: Aeragot - Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu

Aeragot almost chuckled. The Lieutenant could say whatever she wanted to make her feel like she was the reasonable one here; that weapon had to be lethal, and she was all too happy to use it. And come on, telling Rudra that if you could act under your own laws this would be a capital offense? This wasn't a war. Some people just did not understand the lighter touch.

A keen observer could have read this on his face, if he hadn't covered three-quarters of it with his hand. He rubbed his forehead. The gesture wasn't utilitarian: he was starting to feel it in his skull.

Despite himself, he felt that this was good news. Seemed like she was losing a little of the belligerence. If it was replaced with thinking he was some kind of fool, well, he would take that. It seemed like they could agree on something at least.

Aeragot liked Rudra. It would be hard not to feel a little sympathy, when you understood monomania the way he did. He wasn't a miracle worker though: Rudra being passed over to the Koro's forces might be the best he could do.

"Look pal, I meant what I said. I like to think I know something about people. This isn't going to look good for you with either of those options. But hey, your own head be on it. If we can all walk out of here—emphasis on the walk—well, I don't think I can do much better."

OOC: @Ghosthands @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend

IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu) Bridge



Hey, what the karz happened in here? Yeesh, all the dust— you really didn't go and check on this idiot once in three months?

Alright, alright. Fine. We'll get back on script, we're under contract for screentime and deadlines are comin' up.

Stations, everyone! We got people waiting!

And for Pete's sake, somebody hit the lights!



The Vo-Toa returned to the waking world, none the wiser of the infinite distance between moments that he'd spent beyond it.

He stayed silent, eyes carefully darting between the three who'd hit the little Le-Koronan Standoff in the control room with him as Aeragot, true to his nature as a Real One Sent By The Spirit, valiantly stepped up to bat for his (future) boss even in the face of the cracking, hissing whip of energy at their fronts, and whatever the karz the second lady had waiting for them at her backs (he remembered her hand going to her hip for a minute there. If their weapons could become invisible, he was gonna complain the whole way up to the pearly gates when they were drawn and he didn't see it.)

But, really, not to beleaguer the point, he was proud of the guy. Coming onto the ship and talking the Leff-tennant down from the warpath was no mean feat on its own, especially for the sake of some man he'd never met. It told Rudra plenty about his character— a smart, reasonable, logical guy with a good heart to match the good head on his shoulders. Doubtlessly worthy of praise. He took action. He was sharp, quick on the uptake. He knew his way around a conversation. All excellent skills that'd serve him well...

With a hissing, then heaving sigh, the thief's hands lost their fulminated luster, palms opening as they rose.

...Outside of Rudra's plans.

He fought to plaster a smile atop his grimace as he favored the Onu-Toa. "I get the picture, kid. I'll give." a weary voice reeded out, raggedly going with the flow.

(Never minding the fact that they were more than likely close to the same age.)

For the first time today, something'd actually hurt to do. In case things weren't clear— he definitely didn't have it out for his compatriot. More than anything, he wanted to mold the kid into the stud of a partner-in-crime he knew he could be, in another life... But as the man had made his defense, pitting a silver tongue against the acrid words of the Dasaka, things forced themselves into stark contrast as the conversation had turned, and his fatal flaw had exposed itself.

While the hands rose, his shoulders sagged.

Aeragot lacked vision. Faith.

He couldn't begrudge him, not when he'd proven so valuable and so agreeable, but all the same, he was advocating for acquiescence. To turn tail and be walked like a dog down to the authorities, because the odds were safer there. He probably didn't see it that specific way, and probably wouldn't say it that way, but that was what his proposal had meant. 

He didn't believe it was possible. Not when the chips were down.

Therefore, there wasn't any room on the boat for him in the plans Rudra'd drawn up. Whether you were navy, a pirate, or a thief on a caper, you needed underlings with both skills and a willingness to put their chips on your bet. One or the other was never gonna work out. You needed fellas who understood the plan—

And Rudra's was to win.

Far be it from him to sour a good relationship over something so pithy as that, though. It wasn't like he'd had any idea that Rudra had the Spirit on his side all day.

"Favor for a favor. I like squaring my debts. Get outta here."

He pinned Tazera with a steely glare, even as his hands inched higher in the universal gesture of surrender.

"I said I give, but he gets to dip out now, hear me? You both heard the fella say he didn't want in— straight up shot my ****** down. No reason to arrest."

You know... he could probably seal it.

"Or's that justice of yours you keep yelling my head off about say a peaceful third party don't get the privilege? That one in the honor code?"

Just get the man off the ship. I'll comply. Cuff me.

Edited by Razgriz
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helo frens

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IC: Nara, The Great Takea


Several hours had drained the spirits from Nara's system. 

Feeling more level-headed now and a little embarrassed about her earlier actions, she looked to the newcomers.

They were quite the group, ranging from the small, gentle-looking grey-and-magenta figure of Timak to the far more attention-drawing purple and teal crystalline Toa Kimala.


Reaching out a hand to the nearest of them, Timak, she smiled graciously.


"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Nara."

OOC: @Rahisaurus @ARROW404 @Xemnas

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Great Takea

Nale looked up from her drink, the effects of it seeming to wear off finally. How long had they been here, anyhow?

“Oh,” she said, realizing people were introducing themselves to eachother. Nale supposed she should do that, too. The Fa-Matoran sat up straighter. “Hello, I’m Nale. Nara and Eita’s friend.”

OOC: @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva@Rahisaurus@ARROW404

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(shout out to max)

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On 5/16/2022 at 7:10 AM, ARROW404 said:

"Kimala, Toa of Crystal," she presented herself, bowing slightly toward the newcomer. "Timak and I are acquainted."

4 hours ago, Lady Takanuva said:

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Nara."

OOC: @Rahisaurus @ARROW404 @Xemnas

17 minutes ago, Tarn said:

“Hello, I’m Nale. Nara and Eita’s friend.”

OOC: @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva@Rahisaurus@ARROW404

Timak greeted the three of them, smiling.
"Wow! Maybe I should explode cans more often if it gets me friends this quickly." they said with a playful smirk. "Kimala I recognise, of course. Nice to meet you again after losing you at the Akiri's hut. Is she still staring at that Rahkshi corpse?"

Turning to Nara and Nale, they took each of their hands and shook gently. "The pleasure is mine, friends. I'm Timak."

"I hope I can be of use to your team, but as Kimala knows, I'm very much new to the Toa game. But - " they drew their twin-bladed vibrosword and gave it a thrumming flair of sonic energy - "I am itching to see what this can really do in a fight. Of course, on the other hand... I hope we don't need to."

@Tarn @Lady Takanuva @ARROW404 @~Xemnas~

Edited by Rahisaurus
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IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro Docks]

At the shout Dehkaz turned, looking off past the foriegn warrior and down the dockside in the direction of the voice, unfamiliar at first. It was then that he caught sight of Leah as she approached.

Maru Leah,” The Captain nodded in greeting to the village's protector as she reached them. He paused for a moment as their crew’s newest potential recruit and Skyra conversed with the new arrival, before turning to address Leah himself as the latter two departed for the ironclad moored out in the harbor beyond.

Seems we’re not the only ones paying Ga-Koro a visit,” Dehkaz commented, indicating the span across the wharf behind them where the multitude of crystalline ships were docked with a flourish of his hand. His tone turned questioning partway through, which was tinged with a more solemn timbre, “What happened to them? This certainly isn’t some diplomatic entourage, not unless it’s customary for them to send an entire Koro’s worth of shipping along with.

@Vezok's Friend

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IC: Kimala - Great Takea @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva@Rahisaurus@Tarn

Kimala bowed lightly in greeting as another introduced herself. Nale, Eita, and... N... Nara. She tried to commit them to memory with a quick mnemonic device. The girls are Na-Na. Nara has a Ruru. Nale was Last to be introduced, but not Least. Eita... She had trouble coming up with one for Eita. The fact all three were blue made it hard. They also all had two-syllable names. Eita, Eita... Eita with a katana? It would have to do. Ey you with the katana!

A little more likely to remember their names now, she responded to Timak's question. "No no, but she was absolutely swamped, so I left as soon as I told her what happened." She nodded as he finished his introduction, then added a little on to her own. "I, on the other hand, have been a Toa for a long time. Though I don't fight much anymore. I was thinking this would be a good opportunity to teach Timak, as well as offer more help to the island's newcomers. You said you were looking for a 'miracle cactus'?"

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IC, Eita: The Great Takea

Eita nodded to the other Toa that approached. "Nice to meet you as well, Kimala. And yes, that's what we are planning. We have a basic idea of where to find one, but I think having as many hands as possible would make the search easier."

OOC: @Lady Takanuva @BBBBalta @Rahisaurus @ARROW404 @Tarn

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IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, harbor]

When the commodore noticed the Dashi’s tears, she took a step forward and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It wasn’t something she’d normally do, but she wasn’t dealing with one of her sailors here.

“Still yourself, Vilda Raiyo.”

She gave her a moment to regain her composure.

“I know the machines of which you speak. And your idea is an excellent one. We will need all the advantages we can get when we retake our lands.“

Here, the commodore’s eyes became more serious, and she switched to ideatalk.  

.:But I can not simply send you to Onu-Koro to do this or give you my permission to go without the approval of your Toroshu. The Navy is free of many of our clan and caste laws to operate efficiently - but that has its limits. If I used my authority to go against Robalta’s wishes it might jeopardize the relationship the Navy has with the clans it is supposed to protect. And that is something that must not happen. Especially now.:.

.:What I can do is to speak to Toroshu Robalta on your behalf and petition her to release you from your service to the Vilda for the time being. To request you specifically from the mission you are proposing.:.

She paused briefly again, to let the words sink in. Then the Menti added:

.:But, if you are permitted to leave, I have one condition: Do not go alone. Bring someone along whom you can trust. I would call the people of Mata Nui at large our allies, but this island is far from safe. They have their fair share of evils. So stay vigilant.:.

.:Does that sound agreeable?:.

OOC: @Keeper of Kraata


IC: [Leah Maru - Ga-Koro harbor]

“What’s it like being blue anyway?”

The Toa Maru flashed Skyra a cheeky smile. “Couldn’t tell ya. Ga-Koro’s just too much fun…Miss Daring.”

She pointed her chin at the Dasaka getting into the skiff. “Take good care of our guest.”

Then, addressing Karoru: “No worries. You’re in good hands.”

The water around the skiff calmed down - in fact, it started moving so the little boat stopped rocking altogether. “Whenever you’re ready - I’ll give you a little push.”

Finally, she turned to Dehkaz. “More like a nation’s worth of shipping…these are Karoru’s people - all the ones that managed to flee their homeland when Makuta attacked them. They’re Dasakan refugees.”

OOC: @sunflower@Snelly@Lady Takanuva

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

Kanohi honestly had forgotten most of his memories of Ga-Koro, and even if he recalled it accurately, the landscape had changed. A local would know where to search, even if they had been a way for years the older hits would still have been a clue. But to him, the landscape and his memories blurred together.

Still, the vigilante recalled where Hakari and him came after they rescued the merchant; an inn. People talked and gossiped in the tavern, it had been somewhat overstimulating. And Lapu tracked them down there too.

Kanohi wrote down, “somewhere travelers come and go, where people talk. Maybe an inn, or a tavern?” Then he paused, stunned into stillness. His optics had caught sight of a coincidence.

He pointed to a tavern standing in the distance. The Great Takea was written on the side, that was the beast whose tooth he had used to make a spear when he first arrived on Mata-Nui, the tooth he had hollowed out and used to make his lighter, the flame that helped him focus his power.

Ga-Koro was the village of Water, it was not remarkable to see the King of Sharks referenced. But in terms of coincidences, he felt drawn to follow that path. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly get ready, we are about to bump into some folks

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Makua — Ga-Koro, The Great Takea

After the dragon identified himself as Aclaraung, the ruffled Toa of Ice took a deep breath, and after a moment, lowered his sword. Perhaps Makua had acted too rashly.

But to be fair. There was a talking dragon in this establishment. If anything, Makua found himself more disturbed by the amount of patrons who appeared to be just… fine with it?

“Nektann’s sack, chill, would ya?” the Skakdi bartender said sharply to Makua. In all fairness, the Toa’s sword was still unsheathed. In response, Makua slowly placed the sword back on his back and raised his hands in resignation.

Well, what was this mercenary to do? This bar felt as chaotic as ever, but it wasn’t like chaos was new to the Toa. It’s just that this vibe was something that Makua was not used to at all. Everyone was extremely accepting, but this was a level of acceptance that made the mercenary a bit uncomfortable. He missed the old days when life was simpler, when there were just Matoran, Toa, and Turaga, plus Makuta’s Rahi. Vortixx and Skakdi discovered this island paradise shortly after the fall of the First Toa. And then other species appeared, like the Mystix who invaded Le-Koro that one time, or the Valkyr who have seemingly disappeared recently. And now, giant ships’ worth of crystal-wearing Toa and Matoran-like beings were swarming the water village, and it’s treated like just another day on the sleeping spirit’s island.

Maybe I’m getting too old for this, Makua thought.

He supposed, at the very least, he could answer the talking dragon’s inquiry about recent events.

“So, Aclaraung, is it?” Makua said to the dragon, still forcing himself to believe that there’s a talking dragon before him. “Well, where should I start? Turaga got whacked, as you may have noticed, with the new Matoran leadership and all. Makuta got whacked by these so-called ‘chosen’ Toa. We can talk about that more later. Hmm… ah yes, Makuta’s followers got really salty about their dead evil god and stormed Ko-Koro — killed a bunch of people and took hostages. I was one of the hired hands supposed to drive them out, but y’know, I got a better offer somewhere else. Uh, a bunch of Skakdi thugs called ‘Piraka’ stormed Ta-Koro and destroyed the Lavapool Inn — my favorite spot in that volcanic village. Hardly any reason to visit Ta-Koro now. And finally, there’s a rumor that those so-called chosen Toa didn’t actually whack the Makuta, and he’s still alive and strutting his stuff. Which, y’know, I could’ve told ya that would happen. Whatever desperate delusion made the villagers believe some random losers from around the island could kill that god when my highly-trained team couldn’t do it — well, I’m just glad I wasn’t wrapped up in that BS. And now, as you see. We’re being swarmed by these weird — no offense y’all — crystal-wearing beings that look a lot like us but aren’t us”

He looked at the dragon and wondered if his unstructured exposition dump made any sense to him. It was half-explanation and half-rant, as the bitter memories of the failed Toa Kodin team soured his experience of Mata Nui’s history.

“And that’s the history of Mata Nui according to me: Makua, a traveling mercenary who is on vacation right now”

OOC: @Vezok's Friend@otter + anyone else who wants to join in

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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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He saw Utu; not the sullen, croaking corpse he had been at the end, but Utu as he had been in his prime - ferocious, a demon with chipped, dirty-ice eyes, mammoth's bones, and a cavity in his breast titanic and empty in equal measure, as cold as it was hot, black and yawning, more sinkhole than heart. It was no easy feat to straddle such a creature, to pin him to a bed with the easy strength that comes naturally to some lovers. But in this dream, as in life, Dorian had managed to restrain him, ensnaring him with long, leather-bound chains. As in life, there was a pillow wrapped neatly around Utu's skull, cushioning his friend from all the horrors of the world, robbing him only of the misery of breathing.

The pillow had Dorian's body on it, and Ol' Blue Eyes was grinning back at him as though it was the easiest thing in the world to just lay back and be a pillow. It bled stuffing from a pair of wounds beneath its sternum, but those wounds bled hot, guilty blood too, and the pillow seemed unconcerned with staunching them. It wasn't the only variable that was making the equation difficult. Utu was critiquing him every step of the way. 

"Could you not draw this out? I have places to go after this."

That must be nice. Try struggling a little. People usually struggle when this happens to them.

"Did I struggle last time?"

What? Maybe. Probably. I don't remember it that well.

"Don't you? You killed your friend."

Your death didn't even last, you giant baby. 

"Betrayal does."

Ice the talking, pick up the struggling, big guy. This isn't doing anything for me.

He could feel the face of Utu Kotore contorting beneath the face on the pillow, two layers of mocking grins powered by the same muscles. It was nice to know that even in his dreams, some people were true to life - but how true was that, anymore? People like Joske and Cael, Merror and Agni...they were open books to him. Someone like Tuara was harder, but they knew each other's charm points and dark places in equal measure, and it led to a more honest accounting of their relationship as Dor thrashed in sleep, night after night, sobbing with rage and guilt into the ragged holes on a body pillow. But how well had he known Utu?



How did you end up dying?

"Probably alone. Probably afraid. Same as anyone."

Dorian pressed his palm down onto the printed Calix, trying to muffle the barbs of the Mark Bearer beneath, but his hands lacked the same altruistic streak that had led him to this hospital bed in life, all those years ago; his grip was clammy and weak. Utu's laugh had always sounded like rocks colliding. In his dream it was different - still a stone, but one skipping along a cold, clear lake. Death had brought him a measure of peace, like Dor always thought it would. 

Maybe Cael and Agni had seen that too - just peace on Utu's terms, not on his. Somehow he had never thought of it that way.

"Is that what your terms are? Calling your own shot, quitting at a moment's notice?"

What freedom do you have in your life if you can't choose when to die?

"People can't choose when they die, Dor."

You're wrong.

"And you can't just choose to save them. It happens or it doesn't."

Whose life did you ever try to save? 

"Yours. More than once. More than you ever did for me."


"You know how this goes. Moving on is a process--"

No, no, no no NO! I'm sick of this! I'm done with process! Everything I do now is a process - atoning, recovering, grieving, why are these all such processes? I miss immediacy. Pulling a trigger. Cannonballs at the beach. Coughing after your first shot. The burst from a Mark. A hug. 

"What's a lifetime, if it's not one big process?"

Then ******...let that be over, too. Is that what you want to hear? I want to die. I want to die a whole, whole, whole whole lot. And this is the only place where I feel safe saying it. No one will listen here.


That what you wanted?

"I am you." It was true. The lips on the pillow were moving in time with Utu's, and that was certainly Dorian's face on the pillow. His cheekbones, his brow, his grin and the laughter in his cerulean eyes. They had left out the circles drawn under his eyes since Joske died, and the tears that sprang unbidden whenever he passed a Kolhii game, but this pillow was probably a first-run edition, printed and fluffed long before those were staples of his look. Or maybe including the ghosts in someone's eyes just wasn't a very good selling point for a sexy pillow. "Think of the times you've decided not to die when things looked bad. We can think of a few, can't we?"


Sure. But there are times I gave up, too. 

"Yet we're in your dream. I can't speak for where I am right now, Dorian, but I'm very certain I'm not dreaming."

Huhhh. Mmmm.

Hey, do you think the world is flat?

"Do I what."

There's somewhere I'm looking for, and I don't have any idea how to get there. But it's important. I can avenge Joske there.

"You did avenge Joske."

Only once. He told me I had somewhere to go.

"He told you. With his dying breath?"

No. In a dream.

"Like this one?"

Hummmmm. Yeah.

"You just want to feel better about what happened, and that has nothing to do with the world being flat."

If I just get on a boat and sail, will I find it one day? Or will I just drop off the map and-

"Give me this if you're not going to do anything with it." Utu's massive palms, which Dorian had seen used to crush a Matoran's skull like grapes, reached up and grasped his own. Dor's fists were dwarfed within them, as surely as the pillow had dwarfed Utu's face. They pressed down hard, so that more of his bone structure became visible beneath the instrument of his own murder. "I'd rather die again than hear you talk yourself into believing the world is flat."

I have to believe something.

"Where'd you learn that from?"

You know who.

"I do. I wish you'd unlearn it, it ruined you for good." His own dialect was beginning to creep into Utu's; he was starting to hear traces of his own inflection in the Toa of Ice's mountainous rumble. "Then wake up, Dorian Shaddix, and hit that ****** deck. Search the four corners of your flat Earth, kill who you've gotta, and save who you can. People will judge you, and they'll doubt you, and they won't be much help along the way. People can judge you, and doubt you, and they won't be much help along the way, but that's because they gave up on what you're doing long ago. Or they never had the strength to try. Or they become cops, and you know how useless they are. Those who can't be heroes teach heroes. So don't listen to them. Do what you do best, and the rest will come or it won't."

The pillow slackened over Utu Kotore's face, reluctance seeping into every muscle of Dor's grip. His hands wrenched free of Utu's cold palms and tossed the pillow aside. A dusting of blood and feathers arced through the air above them and hung there. It was a rainbow above their heads.

"It's that easy, huh?" I asked hoarsely.

"No," Utu rumbled. "The process never gets easier. People will say you're never done. So just try today on for size. Today's the day you leave the bed. Today's the day you can trust yourself to have a drink, not four. Today's the day you prove the world is round, that sloths do fall from trees, and that you deserve to be here. And if you keep believing that, today's the day you can hold your gun again."

My gun. The thought of that familiar grip brought a warm, wan smile to my face, the mature older brother to the impetuous grin on the discarded pillow.

"Today," I breathed. "Today. I can kick today's ******."

"I think you can, too." Utu didn't smile; I didn't know what it looked like when he smiled, so I knew the look would be impossible to conjure up, be it memory or dream. I wish we could've shared a smile together, once or twice. But Utu Kotore's voice sounded like he would have liked that, too.

"It's tomorrow I can die."

"No. Tomorrow, you won't want to." Utu's voice smiled again. "Wake up, Dorian. You're drooling on your pillow."


He woke up with a gasp, breathing deep into the innards of the pillow. The seagull's mocking calls mingled with a few cries of despair; it seemed that the avian life on Mata Nui had taken to harassing the Dasaka with a vigor they had never dared unleash upon the Matoran. More than once some naive, trusting Dasaka with a love for wildlife had approached the docks with a loaf of bread and found her fingers and face victim to the scimitar-mouths of the Ga-Koran gulls. He could hear the screeching calls for aid tugging at his mind, as he had since the Fowadi docked and he had taken shelter here, below deck, from the prying eyes of the island that thought him dead. Usually they gave him a piercing headache, one where he could feel his guilts and memories being dug up and cast aside without regard as they searched for each other on the plane. Today, for the first time, he welcomed the intrusion. And, for a second, he eavesdropped in on his own brain.




Dorian laughed aloud into the sand-stained pillow, breathing fresh air into a pair of deflated down lungs. And for the first time in days, he crawled out of bed. 

His neck and shoulders cracked from disuse, and he stretched up to touch the ceiling of his little cabin, then down to touch the bottom of his bed. His foot hooked around the strap of the bag he'd been lugging around the island, the one he'd kept zipped for his own protection. His fingers touched the zipper reverently and pulled. His arsenal waited inside, enough firepower and ammunition to sack a Guard HQ if he wanted to - and more than enough for himself. He reached for the weapon on top-

--felt its grip in his hand--

--and, far from despairing, I felt like myself again. 

Sup, nerds. What arc is it? Wait, what the heII is BZPRPG.com--

Only for a second. But it was enough.

Dor climbed up to the top deck of the Fowadi to the sounds of pitched battle. On the dock, the seagulls, Mata Nui's best and brightest, were being fended off with frantic pulses of psionic energy; the away team as represented by a girl even taller than Tuara. But Tuara's brains had been consumed for energy at an early age, to make room for the muscle that made her the most singular woman Mata Nui had ever turned his gaze on. This Dasakan girl must not have lacked for brains; she was skinnier than some of the palm trees, and it looked like her shoulders popped with every wild throw of energy. Behind her, a swordswoman with a crystal visor was making a show of reaching for her swords, but not a very effective one; Dor could see the ghost of a grin on her face from here as she took her time protecting her charge. 

The gun weighed heavy in his hand.

Kill who you gotta. Save who you can.

Raising the gun came as naturally to him as breathing, kissing, or ****** up; three quick cracks and it was over, as his bullets turned the seagulls into tiny little supernovas. The ruin made of their bodies rained down into the waters, with occasional splashdown on the docks near the feet of the two Dasaka. Blood and feathers. Like a rainbow.

Dor grinned at them, and the young girl - younger than Joske, younger than Skyra, younger than him - grinned back. 

"Appreciated, great Toa!"

Great Toa?

Dorian Shaddix laughed at her, loudly enough that it carried from the deck of the Fowadi, and winked.


Edited by Haman Karn: A Magical Girl
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That was unnecessary, 'great Toa'.

Now there are feathers and blood everywhere. Do you know how hard it is to clean a blood stain when you can't see it? No, of course not. You can see. And show off. Like a proper moron. I'm going to have to find any stains by touch, and even when I do find them it's going to be impossible to know when they're clean. I was just given this outfit before I left, you inconsiderate-

I would flip you a different kind of bird, Toa, if only I could tell in which direction you stood.

@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro Docks]

Dehkaz folded his arms across his chest, a contemplative posture that he held well after he took another appraising look around the docks. The worn, eclectic collection of vessels stood out in sharp relief, not just from their glittering hulls, as the reason for the mismatched fleet becoming far more evident with each passing moment.


There were enough of the foreigners to fill Ga-Koro once over again, which belied the far more sobering reality that it was most likely fewer than had started the journey to Mata Nui, and even less than those who had managed to evacuate from their homeland. Not all of the vessels were like the high-sided and fully rigged kind which stood out amongst the docks, a great deal were no larger than the most simple of Ga-Koroan fishing boats, and it was a miracle they had completed such a journey.

For a moment his thoughts wandered back to what Shaddix had revealed to them back in Ostia, when the worn Fe-toa had laid his bag and story out. The revelation of Makuta taking direct action once more confirmed the mercenary's words, not that Dehkaz had much, if any, reason to doubt them. Not with the look he gave them. The fact that Makuta had saw fit to drive an entire people from their homeland was similarly not surprising. No, what gave him the most pause was that the dark god had succeeded. Mata Nui had weathered attack after attack upon their villages, swarms of infected rahi, rahkshi, and creatures pulled from the depths of the darkest nightmares. They'd held the line, stood fast for countless years, even against what seemed to be ever increasing forces. It was this fact that made the thought of Makuta having amassed such power to uproot and destroy an entire nation deeply troubling.

Ko-Koro had precipitated a motion in the back of his mind, and it seemed the events since had only served to solidify it further.

"Any information as to how their homeland fell?" Dehkaz asked, returning his attention to the Toa Maru, "These are quite the martial people, I can't imagine they went quietly."

@Vezok's Friend

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IC:[Rhow - The great Takea]

The Skakdi took note of the bitterness in the Toa’s voice. She crossed her large arms across her chest and let out a deep breath in the form of a low growl.

“Well, that’s the basic facts alright - if you leave out the personal commentary.”

Anyway, dragon-man, this is an inn, so: can I get you something to drink?”

IC: [Leah Maru - Ga-Koro harbor]

“No, they didn’t.” Leah confirmed.

“I can only tell you what I pieced together from the second hand report I got from their commodore the night we learned the Dasaka were coming and the stories I’ve overheard since their arrival: Seems one minute everything was fine, and the next they were neck deep in Rahkshi hordes from out of nowhere - just like the ones Makuta tried to unleash on all the Koro, back in the day. They fought their way out, lost a lot of people just trying to evacuate - and more than a few were left or stayed behind.”

The Maru’s expression had notably darkened as she told Dehkaz what she knew. She sighed. "Which is about as bad or worse as it sounds." 

She figured she didn't need to say the quiet part out loud, she was sure the captain had heard the rumors about Makuta's return too. 

“So, that’s why they spent the past several weeks at sea with minimal supplies until they reached our shores. Speaking of: What brings you here today? Been a while since the Fowadi visited last.”


OOC: @sunflower@otter@Emzee

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IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro Docks]

"Supplies, as it would happen, though that particular venture has been rather obviously supplanted, given the current dock situation," Dehkaz answered, explaining, "Fowadi's fresh out of refit and we're putting her through her paces around the length of the island."

A thought occurred to him, and he added after a brief pause, "Crew as well. Ko-Koro was a wakeup for the majority of the island, and it was reason enough to get the Aggressors operating in an official capacity with Guard support once more. If you happen to know of anyone, civilian or Guard, with skill and drive, and needing an outlet for them, send them our way. The Guard has enough to worry about now, what with Makuta overtly acting once again, with the Aggressors giving him and his lackeys another angle of attack they'll have to divide their focus on defending."

"Any of the Dasaka would certainly be welcome as well. I can imagine more than a few are looking forward to striking back."

@Vezok's Friend

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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Tazera nodded slowly, careful to keep her eyes on Rudra as she did. Those raised hands might indicate surrender, but chances were they were also ready to fire off lightning bolts the moment she let her guard down.

"Unlike you, I believe he came here in good faith. So yes, I'll choose to overlook his unauthorised incursion onto this vessel."

She sent a quick Ideatalk to her subordinate. :Inzu, secure the prisoner.:

:Yes, ma'am.:

The Menti stepped forward, taking a length of sailor's rope from her waist and approaching Rudra cautiously. Tazera turned to Aeragot.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're free to go. Although I can't speak for the Marines; they may want to question you as a witness. Whatever the case may be, I'd ask that you leave the ship immediately."

OOC: @Razgriz @oncertainty

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IC: [Leah Maru - Ga-Koro harbor]


The Maru listened, then nodded. “Hmm, true enough. It will be good to have another group that can respond quickly to threats. As for our guests…”


The Toa pursed her lips. “Judging by their boss, the Dasaka warriors are eager to take the fight back to the Rahkshi and retake their home, so they would probably take your offer in a heartbeat. In fact I fully expect they’ll start refitting their own ships. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if you cross paths on the water soon.”


“That being said…they literally just got here. I think they’ll need a few days to process at least, take care of their wounded and dead - basically just to adjust to their new reality - but I’ll pass the word. How many crew do you have so far? And what supplies do you need? You can imagine, everything’s in somewhat high demand at the moment.”


OOC: @sunflower

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"Wither, weather, patent leather; boney break and tendon sever."

The cadence of a nursery rhyme, but with words unfamiliar to Sera. The voice had the tone of a hushed whisper, and yet it carried clearly through the Ga-Koro streets – odder still, it sounded sick somehow, strangled and breathless, and where the wind took it went also the stench of rot and disease.

"Whither with 'er will I go, hither hey or thither ho, whether hither weather's fair and thither weather's wind and snow; ever with her will I go."

The Matoran knew, on some instinctual level, that the voice meant danger. Something about it made her teeth grind and her shoulders tense, not least the fact that it seemed to be getting closer. Even from here, in market side-streets, she could hear the commotion at the docks – if she could just get there, get to the crowd, she'd be-

"Well, whatever have we here?"


The Lesterin was tall and twisted and truly, deeply wrong, like an elastic band stretched too far too many times until it lost its shape. His head lolled forward like some raggedy doll, his arms and legs too long and thin for his body, and his fingers – gnarled bone broke through metal and skin, as if they had violently torn through the flesh to reach their new, ghastly proportions. And the closer he came, the stronger the smell – earthy, like moss and decay, but with the sickening-sweet overtone of rotting fruit.

"My dear, you don't look well at all. Whatever is the matter?"

She wanted to run. She wanted to tell him it was that dаmned smell, that awful stench of maggot-meat and dying leaves. But her legs refused to listen, and when she tried to open her mouth, she gagged and choked back vomit.

"Perhaps you're running a fever. May I take a look?"

Something in her snapped as he reached a tattered hand out towards her and she slapped it away, nicking her hand on the vile, splintering bone. The tall man smiled a twisted, awful smile, his porous yellow teeth on full display.

"Oh, you'll wither now for sure."

"G-get away from me!" She pushed past the laughing Lesterin and ran for the docks, ignoring the sweat on her brow, her pounding heart and the burning pain around her cut. She just needed to get to safety, to people-


Most of the crowd around the harbour had more pressing things to worry about than the pale, hyperventilating Ga-Matoran who came running from the markets, eyes wild and hands clammy with sweat. Some noticed, however, when she clasped those hands to her chest and promptly collapsed, seizing on the ground and then turning terribly still.

"Weak constitution," the crooked man sighed, watching from the shadows. "How disappointing."

Those who came to inspect Sera's body might have heard a snatch of whispered rhyme on the breeze: "Wither whether with 'im go, or whether with 'er stay; whether young or whether old, we'll all be withering someday…"

OOC: :^)

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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Hakari - Ga-Koro -

Somewhere people gather huh? Hakari looked up at a sign that said, The Great Takea, before looking back at Kanohi. "You mean like that place right there?" It did indeed seem that it was where the Matoran was pointing at. Even from this distance it looked pretty lively, as all taverns did. 

"Works for me, I could use a drink anyway." Hakari gave a thumbs up. It was a little known fact that Hakari liked her drink, of course like most Lesterin she had a high tolerance for alcohol so perhaps it wasn't surprising. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Harvali

IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

“Couldn’t tell ya. Ga-Koro’s just too much fun…Miss Daring.”


It was official, Leah was the most dangerous Maru. "...okaywilldoseeya!" I blurred out something before I pushed the skiff away with a small force of wind from my hands, making sure the Dasaka was on board before I did of course. Wait, did she even know what sort of powers Toa had? I probably just scared the #### out of her doing that.

"So uh, I'm a Toa of Air if you didn't know. So if you see me making the air do things that's why." I snapped my fingers and the wind picked up, the sails on the skiff catching the wind as it started moving, I sat down on the skiff, looking at Karoru. 

"Anyway, while we're sailing to the Fowadi...feel free to ask me uh...anything. I'm sure you have plenty of questions...about stuff." I had questions I wanted to ask myself, but asking mine first seemed kind of rude to me.

BANG BANG BANG! I heard gunshots! I whirled my head around to see a lot of blood and feathers of some very dead seagulls. "What the f### is..." The distant laughing coming from the deck of the Fowadi up ahead told me what I needed to know. I turned back around to look at the Dasaka. 

"Don't worry about that, just some chuckler we have aboard the ship. He's great, I'm sure you'll like him." I was gonna smack him. 

Destiny proceeded to swoop down from the sky and grab one of the dead seagulls. Guess I didn't need to feed her later. 

@Lady Takanuva @Vezok's Friend

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Rynekk | The Fowadi

At the first gunshot, Rynekk's hand was already on his axe; at the second, his vision tunnelled as his Kakama flared to life; at the third, the ball of his foot pivoting at sub-terminal speed had already left the deck smouldering. 

But by the time he had turned to take his first step, the wood under his foot splintering on impact, the source of the sound was clear: Krayn's friend Shaddix, pistol in the air, with nothing but smoke and seagull feathers in air to show for himself. Rynekk forced himself to slow back down and loosen back up, letting go of his axe with one hand and raising the other in the universal sign of: "Hey. What the ######, man? C'mon."

Spotting Ember on the other side of the ship, Rynekk walked over, letting a mumbled, "Give a guy some warning next time, jeez louise," as he passed Shaddix.

"You all set then, Ember?" he said, pretending to dust his hands off and cracking a grin her way. "Noticed you head belowdecks before -- you get a grocery list from ol' Muuk?"

OOC: @Perp@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl


Edited by Void Emissary
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IC: Karoru, Now sit right back, and you'll hear a tale


The Menti's Kakama kicked instinctively into overdrive as Skyra shoved their raft away from the shore. Rapidly adjusting and counterbalancing the way only someone accused lifelong of being a clumsy oaf is able, Karoru managed to keep from rocking the boat too severely.


"So uh, I'm a Toa of Air if you didn't know. So if you see me making the air do things that's why."


Karoru stared at her, mouth agape, as Skyra continued. Her name took on a new meaning in the soulsword's mind.


"Anyway, while we're sailing to the Fowadi...feel free to ask me uh...anything. I'm sure you have plenty of questions...about stuff."


 "Y…you can command the winds?" said Karoru excitedly, eyes wide with excitement and formal accent dropping to reveal her far more rustic casual speaking voice. "I… that… that is incredible! No wonder you're aboard a ship. Zuto Nui, would that we had a couple with your powers on our trip to the island."


She sized Skyra up again, bearing this in mind. Her lithe, acrobatic form, the green armor… it made sense the more she thought of it. Perhaps the warrior was lighter than most, and she wore the plethora of artillery to prevent her floating away. She should ask her. 


She could do that now, in fact!


Opening her mouth to continue, Karoru aske-


CRACK! CRACK! And thrice, CRACK!


Karoru whirled toward the ship at the sound of what seemed to her like weapon fire. The faintest traces of a blocky sword appeared in her hand, accompanied by a whiff of ozone, before Skyra's words cut through.


"Don't worry about that, just some chuckler we have aboard the ship. He's great, I'm sure you'll like him."


Karoru looked to her, then to the lifeless bodies of seabirds laying across the bow and bobbing pathetically in the water.


Her grip tightened around seemingly empty air, as she fought down a swell of anger. "Yea, for sure. Perhaps when we get aboard I can take some time to introduce myself personally."


It took a moment for the fact she'd said that out loud to sink in.


"...Scrap" groaned the Menti, palming her forehead, "I've blown it with that comment  haven't I?"


OOC: @Snelly @Vezok's Friend

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: Raiyo - Harbor, Ga-Koro

The Dashi collected herself, audibly taking in a breath. "I will try to convince the Toroshu of my request. And I will try to find someone for your... second condition."

She bowed, before scurrying away. That had gone better than she hoped. She wanted to feel happy, but she knew it was only the first step of what was going to be a long, difficult process. She could convince Robalta, of that she was certain. Even if she had to lie... but she would do what she had to. Indeed, it seemed the more difficult task was to find someone that would go with her to Onu-Koro...

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

I wasn't used to someone being blown away by my powers. Yeah I know. Since Toa of Air were about as common as anyone else on Mata Nui. I could only imagine how she'd react when she witnessed all the other types of Toa use their powers.

That was a thought for later however, Karoru seemed a bit...unhappy about the dead seagulls. I mean at least Destiny was eating them so they weren't going to waste right?

Wait did I just see a sword appear in her hands just now or am I just going crazy?

"Yea, for sure. Perhaps when we get aboard I can take some time to introduce myself personally."

Hmm yeah, she was mad. Not the first time Dorian p***** a girl off. Probably not the last. 

“...Scrap" groaned the Menti, palming her forehead, "I've blown it with that comment  haven't I?"

I blinked, she had no idea how laid back we all were did she? "Nah, not really. I was thinking of smacking him a few times in the head myself." 

@Lady Takanuva 

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Karoru, A tale of a fateful trip…


Karoru looked in surprise at Skyra for a moment. Then, something clicked in her head.


She had been expecting at the very least the regiment of the Kentoku merchant marine. But Skyra treated the whole thing in a far more casual manner. It felt more like she was talking about a wayward friend than a fellow crewmate.


As far back as Karoru could remember, she had been expected to fall in line. Obedience and formality overlaying her natural good natured banter. She'd been called many things, from rube to country bumpkin, until she had learned to emulate the clipped accent of the Kentoku elite so effectively that unfamiliar guards sometimes snapped to attention at the sound of her voice.


She long ago forgot where she'd picked the accent up, as her family were fairly prominent in Clan Hogo. A few people had said she was adopted, but it must have been so long ago that all memory of it was lost in the haze of infancy.


Karoru was rocked back into the present, quite literally, when the landing craft pulled alongside the iron-shod ship. She shook herself a little.


Looking back once more to Skyra, she made a decision. The other crew of this ship were an unknown quantity, but Skyra herself seemed unfazed by Karoru's lack of decorum on the boat ride over. In that case, Karoru would try to be her proper, unabashed self around Skyra as much as she felt able. It sent a jolt of intense anxiety through her entire body, but… if she was going to make a friend on this ship, she would prefer the friendship be an honest one.


And if she focused on that, she could ignore how pretty and commanding Skyra looked as she steered them alongside the ship.


"So… Anything that might be good to know before we climb aboard? That is… are the crew more laid-back? Or do we have a bunch of nobby types who might not take kindly to a sparkly country gal hauling aboard their ship?"


OOC: @Snelly

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: Lapu - Ga-Koro

The plant-clad Toa was, as ever, not a fan of the idea of going somewhere there were many people. He exhaled in resignation though, figuring it did make the most sense. If only he had some way to track their quarry, this would go a lot faster.

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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[IC: Timak, The Great Takea]

The lithe Toa stood up and stretched. Their subconsciously-maintained passive resistance to noise was wearing thin, causing them to look unfocused and dazed as they fought against sensory overload.

"It's getting way too noisy in here," - they massaged their temples with the thumb and middle finger of one large slender hand, partly for genuine relief, partly for emphasis - "I think I'm gonna step outside for a while. Let me know when we're moving out, I'll be just outside the door."

The few steps back to the door felt as though they were being made by somebody else's feet, and Timak was just a passenger in their own head, being cradled by their subconscious coping mechanisms until the body found a safe space to recover.
As a Matoran, this kind of thing had happened a lot more frequently, they suddenly recalled. Clearly the transformation to Toa had improved their already-practiced tolerance somewhat, but the limit was still there, as they had just discovered. 

They stepped outside and took a deep breath of fresh air, sitting down on the lilypad floor with their back against the wall of the tavern, hugging their knees.

They looked up at the residents of Ga-Koro, now all taller than the Toa in varying amounts, and gazed past their forest of legs and torsos at the calm sky beyond.

ooc: Kanohi, Hakari and Lapu may bump into Timak here, however they wouldn't know Timak is in on the quest yet, of course. @ARROW404 @~Xemnas~ @Lady Takanuva @Snelly @Harvali @Tarn

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[Ga-Koro (Ranok)]
As the trio approached The Great Takea, Ranok caught something out of the corner of his eye, prompted by the patterned clicking that reached his ear first.  It couldn’t be…could it?   Ranok of course new a couple songs about Le-koro’s masked vigilante—he was great inspiration—but he’d never gotten a chance to confirm their accuracy thanks to the man’s elusiveness.

The De-matoran tapped Nichou on the shoulder as a way of warning.  “Be back soon, I just caught sight of some interesting people.  Business, you understand.”

He threaded his way through the crowd with practiced ease until he had reached the motley crew, who looked rather intimidated by the village itself. “Pardon me,” he said, offering a hand.  “Ranok Selli.  As a wandering bard, I have an instinct for a quest, and you look like you’re on one.   Perhaps I can point you in a promising direction?”

OOC: @Harvali @Snelly @ARROW404 @Rahisaurus @~Xemnas~ @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa ...and now we all run into each other I guess

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, harbor]

The commodore watched the Dashi hurry away, before the officer could inquire where Toroshu Robalta was at the moment. 

Oh well. She would have to track the Vilda leader down by herself then, once this business aboard the Ryuu was concluded.

She was about to contact Tazera, when the noise of gunshots cut through the air. She immediately spun in the direction of the sound - it had come from offshore -  while reaching out over the mental plane to get a situation report.

.:Anybody got eyes on the source of that?:.

The answer was tinged with amusement and could only be from one person based on her ideatalk presence.

.:Relax, cuz. Juuust one of the crew of that ship that just arrived showing off a little. Nothing to worry about, the birds didn’t get us.:.



She looked past the Ryuu towards the Panda and the Matoran ironclad ship that had pulled along the royal vessel, sternly enough that if she’d been a Skakdi, she’d have sunk them both with her stare at that moment.

.:Understood:. Was her curt reply, although accompanied by a feeling of relief after the momentary alert. As if watching an iStone fall off a table, only to find it landed unscathed.

The commodore redirected her attention back to the submarine. 

.:Koso, status?:.

.:Looks like the Lieutenant and that other Toa managed to talk our shipstealer down, ma’am. Hopefully we can get him topside soon.:.

.:Glad to hear it. Keep me appraised.:.

.:Will do.:.

The commodore crossed her arms again, putting one hand to her chin thoughtfully…

OOC: @Keeper of Kraata @Ghosthands

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Great Takea

“Oh, yeah, alright,” Nale said to Timak as the De-Toa left. She looked around the Great Takea, beginning to feel a little claustrophobic as more people seemed to be joining their group. And nobody had said anything still about the dragon. Was she imagining it?

She got up from her seat, retrieving her spear and buckler. The cost of the meal had pretty much slipped her mind. Nale was trying to get Eita’s attention but changed her mind.

She sighed and turned to Nara.

“You wanna head outside, too?”

OOC: @~Xemnas~@Lady Takanuva@Rahisaurus

Edited by Tarn
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(shout out to max)

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