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Best Character Story-Wise

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Due to the insanely large amount of characters to select from over the different time periods, it's hard selecting a choice. Lariska is a great character for her character additions - for instance, her mechanical arm, weaponry, personality characteristics, et cetera. Her place in the storyline was also interesting. Roodaka is also a wonderfully done character for her manipulative behavior and for the fact she betrayed both the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters. I also quite like Hahli and Gali. Matau is pretty awesome as well.

Edited by Peach 00

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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LEWA! KONGU! LEWA AND KONGU!Seriously, it's canon (I think this is the reason why I will never be on the official story squad. XP).Lewa's such a dare-devil goofball. You gotta love him. ^^ He faces a ton of ordeals in the story too. He becomes the things he vows to fight and his redemption is what makes his character inspiring to me (especially when I was younger).And Kongu? A matoran who FLEW on a GIANT BIRD? You kidding? Awesome. Plus he has teal. TEAL! Not to mention he had the Suletu which was the most interesting mask ever.

Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Gales

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Well, when you say story-wise, do you mean in terms of what they did in the story, or just their characters?In any event, I personally like Lewa a lot as well, for much the same reasons as Tekulo - he was a fun light-hearted character, but (at least in the early years) he still had some comparatively serious challenges. I'm also a fan of Vezon, though I haven't read the half of what he's been in going by BS01, so maybe I avoided overexposure.I'm also quite partial to Onua - he's got a pretty 'neutral' personality, but it was nice seeing a fairly steadfast and reliable Toa who wasn't just a Ga-Toa playing mediator to the group. I also enjoyed the fact that he was the one to pull the trigger on the Bohrok destroying the island in the end - that, along with him going toe-to-toe with Lewa both times he got himself mind-controlled, really gave him a sense of being dedicated to what had to be done, even if it was hard to do so.

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Heroes: Kopaka always appealed to me, as I often act similarly (which isn't a compliment to either of us...).Villains: No one can compare to the Makuta, but I loved Vezon when he guarded the Mask of Life. Afterwards, he could no longer be considered a villain or a character to be taken seriously. XD

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I always liked Lesovikk just a grim depressed guy and his whole vengeance thing gives me a Batmanish vibe.That and I appreciate the fact he's willing to kill (To me the whole non killing thing with Toa is really quite dumb) So yeah Lesovikk is a cool guy :)Oh and In b4 Kopaka fan gurlz.

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Over the years, I've forgotten the majority of my BIONICLE knowledge, but if I had to choose one of the best characters in the story from my limited memory, I guess it would have to be the original six Turaga. They all had pretty interesting personalities and backgrounds, and they were developed very well throughout the first few years of the story.


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I know a lot of people found Matau annoying, but I'm going to say Matau was my favorite character. I always liked him because I thought his reaction to getting superhero powers was the most realistic. If I got super powers, my reaction would probably be exactly like Matau's. However, when stuff got serious, Matau stepped up and stopped joking around. He basically saved Vakama, and was just a blast to follow through the story.-don't touch my pocket protector

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Probably Hydraxon. As in, the second one. The hidden memories give him a mysterious edge, and his assortment of weapons looks awesome. It was completely annoying that he took such a small role in the story.-Bane

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Hmm...Takanuva, overall. He was so underused, though. And in the serials, Vezon had some of the best lines ever!Also Matoro, for his desperate heroism and willingness to do whatever it took (even killing and breaking the Toa code) to save the people and land he loved.And of course, the Toa Metru, for their amazing determination to conquer the impossible.

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and that has made all the difference.


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Toa Lhikan, I mean, who else has commanded an entire army of Toa and defeated the Dark Hunters in an all out war? And he also sacrificed his Toa Power to turn six Matoran he didn't even know into the freaking Toa Metru, which is also pretty awesome.

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
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Vezon deserved to die a long time ago, and nothing anyone ever says will change that for me.That said, the only character that ever truly struck me as fascinating was Pridak.-Teezy



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If he'd died earlier, Vezon wouldn't have gone spiraling down into the comic relief type of insanity, which you can see as a good or a bad thing. I'd rather have him go out as a memorable, Gollum-esque villain than remain lurking in the back of the story as a bizarre lunatic. Admittedly, his new dimensional travel ability is intriguing, but his new personality pales in comparison to the menace he was in 2006.

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Well, when you say story-wise, do you mean in terms of what they did in the story, or just their characters?In any event, I personally like Lewa a lot as well, for much the same reasons as Tekulo - he was a fun light-hearted character, but (at least in the early years) he still had some comparatively serious challenges. I'm also a fan of Vezon, though I haven't read the half of what he's been in going by BS01, so maybe I avoided overexposure.I'm also quite partial to Onua - he's got a pretty 'neutral' personality, but it was nice seeing a fairly steadfast and reliable Toa who wasn't just a Ga-Toa playing mediator to the group. I also enjoyed the fact that he was the one to pull the trigger on the Bohrok destroying the island in the end - that, along with him going toe-to-toe with Lewa both times he got himself mind-controlled, really gave him a sense of being dedicated to what had to be done, even if it was hard to do so.

I'd have to agree on both of those. Actually, way back in '01, those two happened to be my favorite Toa sets. But character-wise, I think they're the best of the Toa Mata. The image of Onua fighting Lewa in the Nui-Rama hive in MNOLG is one of the things I'll always remember about my childhood.Anyway, I'd say Vakama as well. As a kid, back when we only knew him as Turaga, I kinda looked up to the guy. He was a real leader, and really felt like a "wise, comforting village elder" to me. Then despite how much I loved his Toa Metru set, I hated his "Ohhh it's all my fault and I'm gonna keep putting myself down" attitude about everything. But in retrospect, he was definitely one of the movies' better characters. He went through the most development, starting out as a whiny Matoran-in-a-Toa's-body (or "Tall Matoran", if you will), to what I believe defines a good Turaga.

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Vakama.The guy owned Makuta twice, once by himself, and he's the ultimate come-from-behind-and-win guy. I liked how his personality changed as the story went on, unlike a lot of characters who were stactic and unchanging.

Same. Along with Nokama and Vhisola, I connected to him.Nokama was so calm, but she still had Girl Power (TM) and kept them all together. Without her, they'd most likely have failed. And Vhisola was just dislikable, but relatable.



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Brutaka. His character is awesome, I enjoy his banter with Axonn, and he's always at the centre of things, even if where he is doesn't appear to be the center of things. And he demonstrated that not everyone in the MU is firmly set in their beliefs in Mata Nui and the three virtues. He lost faith. And I think that just adds depth of character somehow.

- Taipu1.


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Lewa, Tahu, Gali, Jaller, and Takua/Takanuva for me. Their characters had been through so much and developed a very well defined character throughout the saga.



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Kopaka and Matoro are both very very strong choices for me. But Matoro he didn't have much of a warrior reputation as a matoran(aside from his rahi hunting experience) compared to the other Toa Inika/Mahri but as a translator for Turaga Nuju he learned many of the Turaga's secrets but was forbidden to share that information with anyone. Beduase of those factors, he struggled a lot but turned out to have just what it takes to overcome his weaknesses and become a great hero when he caught the Ignika from Vezon.He also took a huge sacrfice in the 2007 story to save mata nui's life and teleport his friends to safety as a last wish.



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Now that is a question isn't it? Well for me It would have to be either Jaller for his loyalty to his freind Takua. Even when Takua left him with one of the greatest burdens ever he was willing to help his friend and finnish their quest. Even when Jaller was a toa he showed the same and new characteristics. I really liked how he understood why Matoro had to sacrifice himself and not just hold him back like a fool. Also when Jaller was willing to sacrifice himself for Takua and Matoro. Just to by far Jaller is my favourite character and also his sets were not half bad :D

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My favorite heroes:1. Takanuva 2. Kongu (both matoran and Toa form had me hooked!) 3. Onua.My favorite villains:1. KRIKA!! duh! he tried to save the Universe. I'm starting to think that I probably should have listed him as a hero, but he did kill a lot of people. 2. Teridax. He attempted to rule the Universe and succeeded! 3. Mantax. Mysterious, yet deep at the same time, and all while being a giant Manta Ray thing.My favorite character overall, though, would have to be Krika. He was a villain and a hero at the same time. Best of Both Worlds! (If you'll pardon the Miley Cirus pun, My sister loves Hannah Montana.)

Edited by darkslizer



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Matau by far. When he first became Toa he was like a little kid playing with his powers. Quite realistic. Then when he became Hordika he actually grew up. Not many Bionicle characters actually do this. They are normally matured already. He had to suck up his looks and fight his best friend to save the matoran.Truly inspirational character if you ask me. On terms of just being plain awesome was Darth Vakama(Vakama Hordika)

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Personally, my favorite character has always been Tahu, mainly due to the fact that when I was first introduced to the BIONICLE story, he was the leader of the Toa, and one of the protagonists. Yes, he's kind of a generic hero, but I think he developed over time, expecially due to the vast amount of enemies he encountered. Rahi, Bohrok, Bohrok-Kal, Rahkshi, Piraka, Makuta, and the Skrall, Skakdi, and Rahkshi (during Journey's End). A close second would be Jaller.

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My favorite characters are the ones that we really knew - or had some sort of personality that really resonated with me. For example, Turaga Nuju became one of my favorite characters after I read Downfall, as one of the last chapters goes into how much Matoro meant for him, and his somber realization that he was really, actually gone. Many of the original Toa were great characters too, as well as some of the Tohunga from MNOG, like Taipu, Matoro, and Tamaru.Some of the Makuta had great personalities, like Krika, who was one of the first Makuta we saw that wasn't completely evil.


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