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The BIG Kahuna


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That is... woah dude, that is impressive.


The whole building-a-giant-robot thing is cool in and of itself, but what I really like about it is the wear and tear you added. Having the sorta marbled rust all over is reaaaaally cool. As is the island mask bit too.


Dang dude, I got nothing else to say that isn't pure fawning. Nice work.

Edited by Ta-metru_defender
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When I first came across this topic, I was in a bit of a rush and didn't read the text. So, I scrolled down to the images, and I saw the System-built island. My first thought was, "Wrong forum. :P " But then I scrolled a bit farther...


And I lost it. When I realized what the island was attached to, I couldn't help but stammer at it in amazement. I've seen some good models of the Great Spirit Robot, but this one tops them all. The head is perfect, and the rusty detailing is just incredible. I can only imagine the work and time that had to go into something like this. The shaping of the feet and all the gears and pistons everywhere are spot-on! And the eyes are just genius.


I do have some minor gripes, though. The shaping of the fingers and the position of the thumb seems a little off, but the cool function makes up for it.

The wrist area looks sadly barren and gappy. Perhaps there's a way to kinda fill that in? Nevertheless, I'm amazed that a single balljoint is able to support the whole hand, given their size.

Lastly, the torso looks a little flat. It was generally depicted as having a thicker chest, and the plates on the front would have more angle to them. But I know how difficult that can be. I tried my own version a long time back, and I'll admit it's tough to get a perfect shape to the chest, without having to sacrifice stability or detail, so I can understand if that was an issue. :)


I do have to ask, though: What kind of joints did you use? Because I can't think of anything that would be strong enough to support the forearms, let alone the entire thing! I'm guessing you doubled up a few connections and just covered it with the details really well. Whatever you did, the result is most impressive! I'd love to see some pictures of the inner workings, if that's possible. Excellent work!

Edited by T1Shadow: The Artisan
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I like the Alternating colours (being submerged for a thousand years would make you rather rusty, after all), the Sheer Scale, and the Intricate accuracy of the build. I don't think I've seen a more accurate depiction of good ol' MN before. Kudos to you!


Also, I like the comical scenes near the end. I always like seeing characters who are usually played seriously doing ordinary things.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


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Honestly this is so hard to comment on because it's really impressive. The size, the overall build, the little details. It's really, really cool.

Pretty much the only critique I could have on this is the head's a bit big, both anatomy and accuracy-wise. But that helps it fit in the "Doo Heads" pic, so it still works in that case I suppose.

(shout out to max)

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How long did you say it took to build?  This is the best build of the Mata Nui robot I've seen so far, especially with the details like being covered in rust.  The hoses plugged into the arms and back, and the other small detail parts scattered throughout make it an amazing interpretation and look like a robot

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This is truly an extraordinary MOC. All of the little features you included are great - the magnetized hands, the island-face, the mask ejecting from his chest...


It looks exactly like the giant robot Mata Nui, and to top it off, your photoshoot is a lot of fun to look through. Excellent work.

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That is... woah dude, that is impressive.


The whole building-a-giant-robot thing is cool in and of itself, but what I really like about it is the wear and tear you added. Having the sorta marbled rust all over is reaaaaally cool. As is the island mask bit too.


Dang dude, I got nothing else to say that isn't pure fawning. Nice work.


Thank you very much!


When I first came across this topic, I was in a bit of a rush and didn't read the text. So, I scrolled down to the images, and I saw the System-built island. My first thought was, "Wrong forum. :P " But then I scrolled a bit farther...


And I lost it. When I realized what the island was attached to, I couldn't help but stammer at it in amazement. I've seen some good models of the Great Spirit Robot, but this one tops them all. The head is perfect, and the rusty detailing is just incredible. I can only imagine the work and time that had to go into something like this. The shaping of the feet and all the gears and pistons everywhere are spot-on! And the eyes are just genius.


I do have some minor gripes, though. The shaping of the fingers and the position of the thumb seems a little off, but the cool function makes up for it.

The wrist area looks sadly barren and gappy. Perhaps there's a way to kinda fill that in? Nevertheless, I'm amazed that a single balljoint is able to support the whole hand, given their size.

Lastly, the torso looks a little flat. It was generally depicted as having a thicker chest, and the plates on the front would have more angle to them. But I know how difficult that can be. I tried my own version a long time back, and I'll admit it's tough to get a perfect shape to the chest, without having to sacrifice stability or detail, so I can understand if that was an issue. :)


I do have to ask, though: What kind of joints did you use? Because I can't think of anything that would be strong enough to support the forearms, let alone the entire thing! I'm guessing you doubled up a few connections and just covered it with the details really well. Whatever you did, the result is most impressive! I'd love to see some pictures of the inner workings, if that's possible. Excellent work!


Really - thank you for the high praise.


Yes, one thing that I noticed about prior Great Spirit models was that none addressed the ancient-ness of the robot body. So one of my primary goals from the start was to incorporate those features somehow. It was much more possible with Lego pieces than Technic.


For time: It took me about a month to visualize the finished 'set'-if-you-will, and then a few months longer to gather the pieces. Building Mata Nui was actually the quickest part, though there was some trial and error adjustments during those building sessions.


I can see what you mean about the wrist. I honestly could not think of any other way to build it without sacrificing the poseability of the hands. But yep - I am quite pleased that I was able to make the hand sturdy enough with one balljoint!  :)


Any ideas on how to fill in the wrist area??


I agree about the torso. It was mostly on purpose that I built it that way, because, as you said, stability and detail would have taken a hit if I had added much more depth. As it is now, the torso is the heaviest part of the figure, and that is what makes it tricky to balance above the tapered waist.


For the joints: I had to double-up on ball joints in the elbows and knees. For the shoulders and ankles, I used those snap-and-click socket joints that were common in the exo-Force sets. This was probably the hardest part to get right, because anything less than adequately strong would be too flimsy for posing or even standing the model up.


"...love to see some pictures of the inner workings..."


That is a good idea actually; I will try to take some pictures of how the shoulder/knee joints worked out.


I like the Alternating colours (being submerged for a thousand years would make you rather rusty, after all), the Sheer Scale, and the Intricate accuracy of the build. I don't think I've seen a more accurate depiction of good ol' MN before. Kudos to you!


Also, I like the comical scenes near the end. I always like seeing characters who are usually played seriously doing ordinary things.


Thank you. To one and all: please be sure to take a look at the full Gallery!



Honestly this is so hard to comment on because it's really impressive. The size, the overall build, the little details. It's really, really cool.

Pretty much the only critique I could have on this is the head's a bit big, both anatomy and accuracy-wise. But that helps it fit in the "Doo Heads" pic, so it still works in that case I suppose.


Thanks alot. I had a feeling the head was a tad large, but I just went with it despite the accuracy issue.


What do you guys think of the mini Metru Nui? That (as well as the Island) was the chief reason I chose to go with a slightly larger head.


This is...simply glorious...the amount of effort that this would've taken is outstandingly commemorable, the rust effect and the asymmetry achieving it are outstanding...


GIVE THIS MAN A ROUND OF APPLAUSE! Really, this is just incredible! 


Ahahaha. Thanks both of you (and for the laugh).


Again, to one and all, thanks for the feedback!   :biorules:

Edited by BiomechanicalIz
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This is the best MOC of the Great Spirit Robot that I've ever seen! I've been waiting to see someone attempt such an impressive System build.

I'm not really sold on the colors (too many warm browns and not enough cool greys, in my opinion), but I understand that with a MOC this size sometimes you have to just use what you have. The build itself is quite solid-looking and I'm extremely impressed!

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Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

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10/10, this model is absolutely fantastic! Amazing! Increidble! Detailed! This is definitely the best Great Spirit Robot MOC I've ever seen anywhere, and the attention to the little details and features like Metru Nui and the M-Tron magents in the hands is really really neat! I'm not really sure what else to say, other than the fact that you did an amazing job on this MOC!

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This is beautiful. What's up with the spring thing on the hand?

Steam Name: Toa Hahli Mahri. Xbox Live Gamertag: Makuta. Minecraft Username: ThePoohster.

Wants: 2003 Jaller (from Jaller and Gukko), Exo-Toa, Turaga Nuju, Turaga Vakama, Shadow Kraata, Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon & Fenrakk, Nocturn, ORANGE FIKOU.

I got rid of my picture, are you happy?




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Dude this is utterly amazing.

The inclusion of the island on It's head is a really nice touch, along with the ejecting of Mata Nui from he chest I like how you made sure to make the eyes red for Makuta. The detail of this is very well done great job man.

I'm just ToaD
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Saying that this is incredibly impressive doesn't do it justice. As countless other members have already said, the attention to detail is unbelievable. The rust and the sheer size really evoke the aura of what a Great Spirit Robot MOC should be: grand and imposing. And the island-mask to boot? Jeez, this is easily one of the most impressive things I've ever seen in this forum. Well done!


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Wow. "Impressed" does no justice to my current state of being. I'm awed, in love...I just want to keep looking at him. And he's even got the Island of Mata Nui on his face! Your use of different shades of brown and grey also gives a good effect of layering and detail. And the face...*shakes head in awe*



"Baby, in the final analyses, love is power. That's where the power's at."






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As someone put it on our Facebook page, "this is art." Congrats on the well-deserved feature.


I'd just like to take a moment to admire in particular your recreation of the island that bears the name as well. It may not be the main feature here, but I'm glad you included this iconic component of the great mystery. Otherwise, details like the brow and the switchable eyes, the articulation, and just the perfect likeness make this piece absolutely stunning.

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Duuuude...you should send this thing into the Lego Ideas sight and try to get it made official.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
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Now that's what I call big! :P Loving all the accuracy- the Metru Nui inside the head is just the icing on the metaphorical, giant robot-sized cake. However, I think that it would look better with some greyer browns; while I completely get that that might be impossible, I'm just sayin'. I'm also not a big fan of the upper torso, as it's just a bit too regular for me; you probably would have been able to slightly offset the chest panels in 2D without sacrificing too much stability. Other than that, though, I think this is truly a great MOC, and one that should be immortalised in some kind of MOCing Hall of Fame. Keep up the amazing work!


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I made the front page news as a feature?! This feels so unreal that my head spun when I realized it. I have not been able to check in until now, so that only heightens the shock of the surprise. Wowwee! Thank you!


Really - this is quite overwhelming. I do not know how to appropriately thank you for all of the positive feedback and high praise.



This is the best MOC of the Great Spirit Robot that I've ever seen! I've been waiting to see someone attempt such an impressive System build.

I'm not really sold on the colors (too many warm browns and not enough cool greys, in my opinion), but I understand that with a MOC this size sometimes you have to just use what you have. The build itself is quite solid-looking and I'm extremely impressed!



Yes, it came to a point that I had to improvise and use the Legos that I had. I do see how I could either go with more browns, OR more grey, however. I did my best with the rusted, ancient look.



This is beautiful. What's up with the spring thing on the hand?


I just used some objects to demonstrate the magnetic ability of the hands - an old spring, old watch batteries, and an Insectoid thingamajig.



Building instructions plz


Please leave more substantial feedback on the MOC next time. -Tufi



I am not sure if I can make instructions for the whole body. I can try though.  However, I definitely think I can contribute instructions for the head and the island.



This is extremely accurate and very well made, Amazing work! Do you have any scale pics of Mata Nui and a Bionicle set beside the matoran and his head? Your MOC is Epic!



Good idea. When I make the instructions, I can also take some pictures that show the scale difference. Who would you like to see? I am already thinking of using one of the original Toa, and maybe a Technic guy I have.



As someone put it on our Facebook page, "this is art." Congrats on the well-deserved feature.


I'd just like to take a moment to admire in particular your recreation of the island that bears the name as well. It may not be the main feature here, but I'm glad you included this iconic component of the great mystery. Otherwise, details like the brow and the switchable eyes, the articulation, and just the perfect likeness make this piece absolutely stunning.


I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!


Duuuude...you should send this thing into the Lego Ideas sight and try to get it made official.



Can I seriously do that??




Now that's what I call big! :P Loving all the accuracy- the Metru Nui inside the head is just the icing on the metaphorical, giant robot-sized cake. However, I think that it would look better with some greyer browns; while I completely get that that might be impossible, I'm just sayin'. I'm also not a big fan of the upper torso, as it's just a bit too regular for me; you probably would have been able to slightly offset the chest panels in 2D without sacrificing too much stability. Other than that, though, I think this is truly a great MOC, and one that should be immortalised in some kind of MOCing Hall of Fame. Keep up the amazing work!


You are the second member that noted the torso chest area. Can you clarify what you meant by your suggestion to offset the chest panels? I feel I have exhausted all ideas and alternatives for that area (as well as the wrists) of the model.

                 pirate wreck  


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This is amazing! When I first heard of Mata Nui's spirit being suspended in this giant robot, I was...taken back. What amazed me more was that this whole time, the matoran universe was within him. Once more, you have ignited this sense of awe. Great Work!

When evil stands in your way...Burn through it.

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Duuuude...you should send this thing into the Lego Ideas sight and try to get it made official.



Can I seriously do that??


Well, you could send it to Lego Ideas and it could even get the required support to put it into the review phase, but I honestly don't think it'd make it past that phase given that G1 Bionicle has long since ended.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - instructions are available for the island of Mata Nui, as well as the head!




Just for fun, I also got some pictures showing the huge scale of the giant - I hope you all enjoy viewing them, because I had fun making them up! I apologize if the brace supporting Mata Nui is a little distracting - I promise it is not like that in person.








Also, some asked for a closer look into how the legs or shoulders attach. I have included photos showing those connection points as well.


Do you have any ideas on how to (possibly) strengthen the foot-ankle joint? The lack of friction provided by the pin-brick there is a little bothersome. Honestly, that was a pretty hard part to figure out when I was building him initially.




I have since made some adjustments to the nose as well as the connection points which attach the face to the skull. To help prevent confusion, red circles point out what has been modified.


Thanks for reading!

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                 pirate wreck  


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