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Nuju Metru

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Start out with war until both sides realize it's a stupid idea, and then begin the trade and such that we all expect. With the necessity of travel by sea for any large and costly loads, pirate characters in this game will actually have something to do.


Really, the only reason I'd like a war in this game would be because it would give me an excuse to try and help out with setting up a standardized military for at least a Koro, if not an entire island.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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In real life, as others have said, war and bloodshed are not good things. I'm not saying they're to be avoided at all costs, because I strongly believe that there are situations in which blunt force is the only way to preserve the rights of the human individual.

Back on topic and in the BZPRPG, however, war is great. It stimulates the economy, as the Otter so eloquently just stated, and creates tons of new RPing opportunities for everyone in general. :D

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I just want a semi-standard military and navy if we do have war. I mean, sure, it's alright to have everybody have different weapons and styles of fighting and stuff...except for in the case of a full-blown war, with naval and ground battles both likely to occur. Then some manner of uniformity needs to be present in order to preserve order in battle for each side.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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There is a standardized navy.


It's called the Fowadi.


It is completely up to date with all necessary measures, cannons to the Attenborough standard, and regulated systems in place to kick the behind of everyone who goes against it.




What do you mean you want more of them?


Do you not know of the battle that forced us all to stay by our computers for an afternoon?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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I would suggest a general operating out of each Koro, with an elected commander in cheif located at Kini-Nui.

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



My BZPRPG Characters

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There is a standardized navy.


It's called the Fowadi.


It is completely up to date with all necessary measures, cannons to the Attenborough standard, and regulated systems in place to kick the behind of everyone who goes against it.




What do you mean you want more of them?


Do you not know of the battle that forced us all to stay by our computers for an afternoon?


It was more like a day. I specifically ordering for toaster strudels to be brought to me by morning and a BLT to be brought in at midafternoon.





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And in regards to characters, I agree with Shadowhawk. We should take this far more realistically, not push our personal opinions and feelings through our characters. For instance, I have Tarotrix, a Colonel in the guard, a jingoistic, prideful Matoran who dislikes Toa and holds racist views towards Skakdi and Vortixx. I'm not going to have call for peace and diplomacy upon Dasaka landings, no. I'm going to write what I think the character would do in the situation. I'll have him call for war, try to rally the troops, push to take the fight to the Kentokus, and vow to put the Rora's head upon a stake. Exactly the thing a character with such a mindset would do.


Can I just take a second to underline this particular sentence? This is one of the key points of good RPing--being able to A: separate your own opinions from those of your PCs and B: understanding that other people will be doing the same. :)



If we're going to talk about this, we need to use our brains. Out of character (OOC), we do need to respect one another, keep things polite, and remember that this is all just a friendly (and awesome, BTW) RPG where we can do awesome things via virtual avatars that we could never hope of doing in our actual lives.

In character (IC), however, we need to tone down the sappy 'please-no-fighting' attitude and act like real people. In war, real people don't lay down their weapons, because the feral instinct of self-preservation trumps everything else. In the heat of combat, someone else is trying to kill you, and because you want to live, you have to kill them first. I've read enough first-hand accounts by war veterans to know what I'm talking about.


Real people, people just as real in their mental processes as our characters should be, sometimes fight unjustified wars. Sometimes, real people are stupid. Therefore, it follows that sometimes our characters do stupid things too. Being stupid is often synonymous with being realistic, I'm afraid.

War. Is. Not. Diplomatic. Or. Courteous.



You are simultaneously correct and incorrect. People can be perfectly civil or considerate in war. People can be horribly savage in war. Even people facing death can be civil, depending on who it is. I believe there was a German general (name forgotten, I do not have the history book to hand) who sent the British general who'd captured him congratulations upon hearing that the man had won the Victoria Cross. Alternatively, the WWI Christmas Truce.




You are incredibly right about saying that OOC we need to respect one another, keep things polite, etc etc.


Can I see a show of hands for people promising that, whatever happens, even if our characters get horribly maimed or even killed, even if we lose or are cheated, even if we think things played out unfairly, we'll conduct ourselves with decency and honor? I know I will, and I hope other people will join me.


*raises hand*



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If I could raise my hand any further into the atmosphere I would. As it is now, I think I might have broken the low ceiling. I cannot stress how much player kindness is an issue to me. We all need to be compassionate for each other, especially since we all want the same thing (generally speaking): a fun time with epic stories. Even though I myself have been on the wrong end of occasional "disputes," I feel we should all talk about things with a fun and bouncy disposition, even if our characters are getting horribly murdered at the same time. XD We're all inventing a world here, let's be happy gods (and goddesses), while we do so. :3

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*raises hand*


I came back because this seems like a great and friendly player community. I pledge to help keep it that way.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Being respectful should really be a given regardless. I think part of that comes from, as Lloyd pointed out, being able to separate yourself from your characters and understand that others will do the same. I mean, building connections is great; that's simply a sign of storytelling skills (at least to some extent, I could talk about storytelling for hours nnnnnn).


But if you consider your character as a personal projection of yourself in terms of influencing the game you're going to have problems. It inflates egos and can cause some players to take offense if their character is hurt, loses ect.

It's important to build connections and relationships with your characters and sometimes even put little parts of yourself into them, but as soon as you consider them a personal extension and your goal is to affect things - especially politically - then you're not in for a good time. In fact, you're probably just going to get hurt or offended by players that don't have "extension" characters.

That being said it doesn't mean your characters can't be intended to have an affect on things. There is clearly a direct correlation between the meta and the game itself when it comes to purpose. It's a matter of finding that balance or making sure that you won't be offended if things don't work out for you. Remember, it is a game still!

So please, as Lloyd said, remain respectful and kind OOC regardless of what happens IC. Because the future I'm seeing here is one of major consequence on both small and large scales. Impact this large isn't simply going to pass us over. The game will change, your characters will change.

I love it.

*raises hand*

| BZPRPG Profiles |


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*Raises hand*


I conduct myself in such a manner here anyways, so I might as well agree. Besides, Bionicle has always been about creating epic stories for ourselves and having fun in my opinion.

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



My BZPRPG Characters

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There is a standardized navy.


It's called the Fowadi.


It is completely up to date with all necessary measures, cannons to the Attenborough standard, and regulated systems in place to kick the behind of everyone who goes against it.




What do you mean you want more of them?


Do you not know of the battle that forced us all to stay by our computers for an afternoon?


It was more like a day. I specifically ordering for toaster strudels to be brought to me by morning and a BLT to be brought in at midafternoon.









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Actually I proposed to Nuju once that we build a minor koro in kini-nui before this time jump, but he said:



The Rahkshi would attack before you could lay the first brick. This is their natural habitat.


(the actual message was lost in resent dataclysm, but I am quite sure that is what he said)

-Insert deep message to prove I am alive here-

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I want to quickly interject that the the last few pages' conversation has made me immensely happy. Such civility and levelheadedness are wonderful to see. Thank you all! :D


We made Nuju Metru happy. We can't have that at all.

*proceeds to throw some kind of a temper tantrum*

But naw really it seems the topic of war brings everyone together and creates a good discussion atmosphere (no matter how odd that sound)


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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I want to quickly interject that the the last few pages' conversation has made me immensely happy. Such civility and levelheadedness are wonderful to see. Thank you all! :D


We made Nuju Metru happy. We can't have that at all.

*proceeds to throw some kind of a temper tantrum*

But naw really it seems the topic of war brings everyone together and creates a good discussion atmosphere (no matter how odd that sound)

We are a group of people who compulsively post character updates and debate about fictional powers in a Text-Bassed RPG devoted to a children's toy line which currently is dead.


I don't think it's that odd. :D


In other news, NM is happy. We must be careful where we tread... it could be a trap.

Edited by Norik Of Gielinor
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