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Friar Tuck

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¯_(ツ)_/¯There's a much deeper meaning for their pairing than you probably see right now.Not that when that becomes clear you still won't like the ship.It's ok to not like things.

Yeah, exactly.It's just an imho thing based on the fact that, dangit, I liked Angelus/Tuara more.-Dovydas


People just grow apart ;_______;



Personally, I want to see Angelus see DorianxTuara

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes.


No promises, but I WILL need a few :evilbiggrin:


EDIT: Also guys, the wrap-up topic is NOT designed for interaction. It is there for you to make a one-hit wonder on a charrie to wrap-up arcs for this year, not continue to engage. So I'm asking nicely that that interaction please crawl to a stop. Thank you.

Edited by Friar Tuck

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Guuuuuuyyyz! You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes. No promises, but I WILL need a few :evilbiggrin: EDIT: Also guys, the wrap-up topic is NOT designed for interaction. It is there for you to make a one-hit wonder on a charrie to wrap-up arcs for this year, not continue to engage. So I'm asking nicely that that interaction please crawl to a stop. Thank you.

Hm...become part of the main story, eh?...*clings to Voutok and hides him in a secure vault*It's not worth it =/ Edited by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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I've knocked of all the ones I'm not using anymore, so now I just need to give the last two some closure, and I'll be good to go.


Next season, I'll start using pictures on the character profiles. Basically this means that a quick look at my profile will provide anyone with their appearence... and a cursory glance at my weak MOC-ing skills.


So... yeah

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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Alright, Tuck. I'm waiting on another player, so this or the next post will be my last. I'll put up some finishers for some of my other characters, and then I'll be done.


As for victims, how about a parakuka-enhanced Vortixx? Or a Plasma bounty hunter with anger issues? (That would be Baneless and Rockosis, respectively.)



Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

BZRPG profiles

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You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes.


No promises, but I WILL need a few :evilbiggrin:

Tuck, you personally have taught me the wonders of having my characters put in a position to be ruthlessly murdered by means which are at your command, so I can say that I definitely want to be involved in this. :D (god it's weird to think how much I've progressed as an RP'er since then)


- Indigo Individual


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes.


No promises, but I WILL need a few :evilbiggrin:


EDIT: Also guys, the wrap-up topic is NOT designed for interaction. It is there for you to make a one-hit wonder on a charrie to wrap-up arcs for this year, not continue to engage. So I'm asking nicely that that interaction please crawl to a stop. Thank you.



I have 2.




That rhymed.







You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes.


No promises, but I WILL need a few :evilbiggrin:

Tuck, you personally have taught me the wonders of having my characters put in a position to be ruthlessly murdered by means which are at your command, so I can say that I definitely want to be involved in this. :D (god it's weird to think how much I've progressed as an RP'er since then)


- Indigo Individual



was that??? I mean, I know I wasn't here during that time period of 2012.....but still, what??

Edited by JL v2

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Basically, Tuck made the Hunger Games with Vorex's characters. It was pretty epic.

I told him about how I'd had multiple characters dropped through the floor of Matau's hut in his absence and it was almost my birthday so that happened.

Best. Present. Ever.


- Indigo Individual


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I get the point, kay? That was a joke, people. I'll edit it out for the sake of being on topic.


*mumbles something about people being cruel*


But, back to the submarine, I have a theory:


The whirlpool that the Nautilus fell into was a dimensional warp portal, created by the power of the Mask of Storytelling. The new bad guy is Nero. :P


But seriously, could it be something like the Toa terrain crawler of canon? (I know that Mahri Nui probably doesn't exist in this storyline, but it's a working theory.



Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

BZRPG profiles

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There. I am finally done.


the final chapter


Considering this is (probably, hopefully, utterly) the final post involving Perkahn in the 2012 arc, let me just say a few final words about him that you may or may not care about. You probably won't. No worries, though, because caring about things that go on in an online roleplay about a dead children's toyline isn't exactly high on most people's priority lists, especially things that do not actually involve most of your characters.


Writing Perkahn has been fun. It has. This is the character I have, through his successes, failures, failures due to me being asleep at the time when important plot stuff was going on, occasional drunk ramblings, with huge help from my excessive time spent on the computer, my getting high on apple juice, and every idiotic idea I've had for the lulz but then pitched to other people and they told me that the idea was amazing and I should totally do it (they said it for the lulz as well, yeah, but I took it seriously) fleshed out into the most complex, most realistic character I've got. I would be lying if I said I was disappointed with the way I made this guy. I would honestly be lying if I said I had any major regrets when it came to telling this story of a guy running around the island like a squirrel on caffeine trying to get a proper amnesty for past crimes (that he didn't do) and always being one step behind everything.


So, if you want to read the happy ending to this incessant squirrel run, read that last chapter.


Edited by Eduard Bernstein
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And It Ended.


Before anything else is said, I'd like to personally thank both Wotsiznaim and Geardirector, for much more than I could list here. To Wotsiznaim, who deserves much more credit than I do. Much more. To Geardirector, for sticking with it to the end.


It was an awesome adventure, our adventure.


Thank you.



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I would just like to confess my undying love for Gravity and all he stands for.


And, in the process, shamelessly advertise this baby.


EDIT: Well this is awkward, I was beaten to it.


Thanks man, and let's not get into an argument of 'no you hang up first'. It's been a wild ride. Here's to another year of shenanigans and clever plots and epic fight scenes and evilness.



Edited by Wotsiznaim
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I would just like to confess my undying love for Gravity and all he stands for.


And, in the process, shamelessly advertise this baby.


EDIT: Well this is awkward, I was beaten to it.


Thanks man, and let's not get into an argument of 'no you hang up first'. It's been a wild ride. Here's to another year of shenanigans and clever plots and epic fight scenes and evilness.






all I have to say





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Well that was an utterly massive post. I think it was the biggest yet.

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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And It Ended.


Before anything else is said, I'd like to personally thank both Wotsiznaim and Geardirector, for much more than I could list here. To Wotsiznaim, who deserves much more credit than I do. Much more. To Geardirector, for sticking with it to the end.


It was an awesome adventure, our adventure.


Thank you.



I would just like to confess my undying love for Gravity and all he stands for.


And, in the process, shamelessly advertise this baby.


EDIT: Well this is awkward, I was beaten to it.


Thanks man, and let's not get into an argument of 'no you hang up first'. It's been a wild ride. Here's to another year of shenanigans and clever plots and epic fight scenes and evilness.




*Slow clap*


Thank you to both. For your openness and will to bring in an all-new, eager RPer to join on your little adventure. It was awesome RPing with you guys, and I'm looking forward to whatever interactions we may have in the future. It feels good to know I have at least a couple of people who see me as a capable RPer, because I believe I have the right to call myself that at least.


And with that said, here's Ferron's sendoff

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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Why is everyone killing all their characters?! I'm not doing anything like this! (Well, then again, I joined less than a week ago and have never even posted as one of my two characters, so... yeah.)

I used to have a banner here.

But that RPG is dead.

What now?

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Why is everyone killing all their characters?! I'm not doing anything like this! (Well, then again, I joined less than a week ago and have never even posted as one of my two characters, so... yeah.)

Something about starting with a blank slate, I'm assuming.


That's my reasoning anyway. Butra and Avala-sorry, Delmoy weren't going anywhere, and I was getting tired of Whorok.

Edited by Geardirector

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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[11:00:52 PM] Dovydas: PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[11:00:52 PM] Dovydas: GABE[11:00:55 PM] Dovydas: YOU MAGNIFICENT



my feels, as expressed on skype moments ago.


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Why is everyone killing all their characters?! I'm not doing anything like this! (Well, then again, I joined less than a week ago and have never even posted as one of my two characters, so... yeah.)

You don't exactly have to...

You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes.


And Ghosthands decides to keep his.(probably not for that reason)

Edited by Takua Dragonstar7
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You know, just sayin', I might want to use a few charries for next year's arc, charries that will need to be killed for storyline reasons. So if you have some excess baggage, but not sure if you want to knock them off, hang on to them. I'll be needing a few victi-I mean, volunteers in a few months for plot purposes. Who knows? Maybe they'll get a chance to take a long walk off a short pier Tuck-style in their cement galoshes.


No promises, but I WILL need a few :evilbiggrin:


EDIT: Also guys, the wrap-up topic is NOT designed for interaction. It is there for you to make a one-hit wonder on a charrie to wrap-up arcs for this year, not continue to engage. So I'm asking nicely that that interaction please crawl to a stop. Thank you.


Arias has nothing better to do :P

I'll volunteer him



Ghosthands you are such a troll. Such. A. Troll.

Edited by The Lonesome Wanderer

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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I am truly, utterly, and paralytically mortified.


I kindly request that you edit that and traumatize no one else with such sheer horrible.



*does the horse dance*


Lol, shipping wars.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I can't help but notice a couple of things in the most recent Wrap Up Topic post.


The Fowadi just got called a pirate ship. Something that I find rather amusing.


And I think somebody just said that they killed twenty five rahkshi with one assist. That happens to be third of all rahkshi killed in that area.

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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I can't help but notice a couple of things in the most recent Wrap Up Topic post.


The Fowadi just got called a pirate ship. Something that I find rather amusing.


And I think somebody just said that they killed twenty five rahkshi with one assist. That happens to be third of all rahkshi killed in that area.


I think a more careful reading is in order.




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