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IC: Haarnak (Team Tarakava)


"Hashtags," Haarnak muttered. "I COULD DO WITH SOME HELP HERE!" he shouted, trying to get the attention of some teammates.

IC: Vorzin (Team Tarakava)


I shoot out from underneath the larger dragon, a sheet of flame blossoming behind me as I pass beneath the enemy's tail. Suddenly, the dragon begins appearing all around me, thousands of copies of him obscuring my vision. But I stay calm. They are doing nothing; for the moment, I am safe as I begin making my way back to the Tarakava meeting spot.

Edited by Miras: Makuta of Awesome


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IC - Okavaung (Mahri Nui, Team Muaka):

As his opponent fled, the frost dragon gave chase, tracking Vorzin's mental signature as he rapidly beat his wings in pursuit. As the power boost he was receiving gradually lessened, he realized that it would be unwise to carry this fight any further from his teammates. Allowing himself to just glide after the wyvern, Okavaung reached out with his mind, attempting to subject him to another illusion. If successful, this one would disorient him, causing him to believe he was going the wrong way, and gradually making him turn around and fly right back to Muaka's side of the city.

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IC Langmuir - Team Muaka

I follow warily. It's true the titan is weakened, but there could be a whole group of enemies around the corner. Not to mention, the twin-toa is hiding somewhere. Judging by his powers, it is likely a trick of shadow or light keeping him concealed. We'd have to be sure to watch our backs. I say as much to Dartakh.


"Dar-, Vortixx, we should exercise caution going around the corner. The titan's team could be there, not to mention we still have the splitting Toa on our heels."


Nevertheless, I do prepare another salvo of blades, two fragmenting longswords primed to fire and a repaired greatsword acting as a makeshift shield. Around the corner, I spot the titan and fire the two longswords at centermass.

Edited by Tiragath

...but close to it

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IC Tirkah:


He found himself in a sort of food court. It was completely empty save a lone Toa.


His eyes narrowed. The Toa had been corrupted by Makuta, and had become their frontline troops.


His suit flickered, blending him with the surrounding room.


His massive rifle flipped up and over coming to a rest at his shoulder, the crosshairs lining up with the Toa's centre of mass.


At this range, he couldn't miss.


Years of survival had taught him not to engage if unnecessary.


So his finger did not tighten on the trigger as he slowly strafed around the large Toa.


OOC: Dane, that's you.

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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka) (With Hound and Riss)

She felt it coming long before the beast came into her view. The very ground shook with its footsteps as it rapidly neared her. She pushed herself to her limits, her legs flew at a furious pace despite their injuries. But it wasn't enough. This thing was built for speed, and now it was rounding the final corner.

Her actions were motivated more by panic than an actual strategy. She didn't stop moving as one hand flew back and released a devastating blast of sand at its face. The De-Toa was not around to block it this time, though Virse could hear her drawing nearer with another sonic attack.

With her opponent hopefully blinded, she brought her other arm around with its still-warm blade. The sharp glass arched directly into the beast's path. She was not going to end up like its previous victim.



IC: Mirror - Arena (Team Tarakava)


He quickly fell behind as Hound and his noisy companion took off in pursuit of the Toa. He didn't have much in terms of a boost beside his long legs.

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IC: A yell of mixed panic and excitement rang out as Riss' jump launched her over the building, into the air, and took her on an arc to land behind Virse, still tumbling. She knew she couldn't correct her course, not tumbling and flying like this, but she was at least glad she wasn't a clone. She tumbled and hit the ground behind Virse, ears still throbbing, and skidded a few feet. wavering and bleeding a little bit, Riss got to her feet, only to find her mic stand had clattered off out of her reach. But, she was behind Virse, and she knew just how to assail the enemy this time. she took a deep breath and began the beat with her hands and feet, the song bubbling up in her. She wasn't quite ready, but when she was, Virse was going to be in for it.


Stomp stomp clap

Stomp stomp clap

Stomp stomp clap

Stomp stomp clap

Edited by Horse Divorce

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Kaipatu

As Kaipatu looked up from his food, he noticed Tirkah strafing him. Immediately, he activated his mask and teleported out of the seat, drawing his katana. He appeared a few feet beside him. "Why are you aiming your weapon at me, fool?"

OOC: He isn't a Toa, but ok.

Edited by VahkiDane



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IC: Viitka [Rawr]


The cloud of crystalline fragments moved downward from the top of the bubble, following the winged Av-toa down towards the general gathering of their teammates. As they approached the rooftops of the submerged buildings, a rather familiar voice rang out from one of the alleyways below, the sound shifting through her disassembled form.




The shout drew her attention downward, and she could vaguely make out two shapes below. With a flurry of movement, Viitka directed herself downward, her shards clattering faintly to get Tenjou's attention as she changed her direction.



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IC Tirkah:


In a motion that could only be described as quick and fluid, he turned, slinging his Rifle, and drawing the Machete from his back.


"Because you are a threat."


His suit deactivated, and the Large Toa being would see him fully. His eyes a bright yellow behind the helmet that covered his head.

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IC - Ardian (Mahri Nui, Team Tarakava):


As Ardian worked his way back towards Tarakava's base, hopping across rooftops, he heard nearby him the echo of Riss' musical combat, as well as the quake-like stomps of Hound's pursuit. He made his way towards the battle, until he could get a good look at it, and was surprised to see Virse. The Toa of Sand was alone behind enemy lines, being chased by a group of Tarakavas. Without thinking, he raised his hand, but stopped himself before he did anything rash. There were several things to consider in a situation like this. Primarily, his team; obviously, he couldn't directly harm them, as that would be both unsporting and probably illegal. On the other hand, he had allied with Virse. He couldn't simply stand by while she was being attacked.


Noting that the Tarakavas on the ground had not yet noticed him, and that Ten had fallen a bit behind him, he outstretched his hand, and shot a wave of force that would impact several feet behind Riss. Whether it distracted her, or simply disrupted her rhythm, it would hopefully be enough to give his ally a chance to escape. And if anyone happened to notice him, and asked about it, he could just say he had missed really badly. The contract ability was new, and it's not like they'd know that his mask power was accuracy. Meanwhile, he nonchalantly resumed his trek across the rooftops, the emblem on his robe already dimming.

Edited by Colonel Roy Mustang

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OOC: Buddy you're a boy make a big noise / Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day~



Hound was prepared for such an attack; with agility that rivalled an expert Calix user, he smoothly sidestepped and then continued his movement while alternating to the other side of the alley, causing the directed blast of sand to soar through the air where he previously was charging. Little momentum was lost in the movement; he had been prepared for another elemental attack after the previous display. His body quivered with the power of maximum energy release, turning the smallest exertions into displays of deadly force.


Now in close combat range, Hound paused momentarily, letting Virse's swipe complete its intended arc out of range, before attacking via a single step forward, bringing him well into range, and then an attempt at power jabbing, assuming a side stance, his other hand prepared to counter any attempt at swordplay. The effect would have been bad enough from an unpowered being of Hound's size and natural strength; compounded by such speed and power, it was utterly savage. Another being was nearby, as evidenced by their noise and warning shot (or incredible miss). Hound wound deal with their intrusion shortly; for the moment, he focused entirely on his target, senses discerning every little movement.


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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka) (With Hound and Riss)


The creature seemed to move impossibly fast around her attack, and all at once it was within the range of her blade. Its claws already stretched out to kill her with sheer force.


She staggered back to get away from the blow, only for her feet to collide with the De-Toa behind her. She allowed herself to fall back over her.


It was only a temporary reprieve. She was out of options. It was either reveal her hand or die. Her mask flashed, and her body began decaying into sand before she even hit the ground.

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Virse's response to the jab was wise, bringing her out of his immediate range. Unfortunately for her, as she fell, the Denuian was following, his movements extreme in their ferocity. As she began to disintegrate, Hound, the movement powered more by frustration than intelligence, slammed his foot down on her chest and face area repeatedly, hopefully defeating her before she could fully transmute.


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IC: The blast of force sent Riss stumbling forwards, but Hound's swipe sending Virse back and over her knocked her to the ground, destroying her rhythm. Riss got back to her feet as quickly as she could, just in time to watch Virse begin to crumble into sand. Hastily, she glanced over at Hound and yelled, "Follow my lead!"


Ris turned back to watch as Virse's sand began to hit the ground and resumed her beat once more, channeling her neergy into the resulting sound n the hopes that the pounding, rhythmic beat would shake up the sand ad force Virse to return to corporeality




OOC: EDIT: Ninja'd, editing to bring this more in line.

Edited by Horse Divorce

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka) (With Hound and Riss)


She hit the ground, and almost immediately was compressed under the beast's huge foot. Her chest armor began to cave under the onslaught. She gasped as her lungs were collapsed and punctured by fracturing metal. If she could just finish...


The next blow caught her face. The glowing mask cracked, and all at once, her body returned to solid form, just in time for her to be flattened. Her head fractured brutally under the weight.


Before Hound could prepare another strike, she was gone.



OOC: Virse KO'd by Hound.

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IC: Tanzah

"Yes, perhaps that would be a good option."


IC: Krantax

The hound eventually gave up and lay down on the floor. He then saw a very large, very real Muaka near him. He got up and started to growl at it.


IC: Nibbs

So, this is different. I said to myself as I was suddenly placed in an unknown place with unknown beings. I studied my surroundings, though, being young and frivolous, I took little notice of it. I walked forward towards the main center to find something to do, when my eyes stumbled across something grand and amazing, something that my small mind could not properly take in:

The food bar.

My mind and heart raced with excitement and joy as the wonderful colours and smells overwhelmed my senses. I raced up to the bar and shouting to the unfortunate "Matoran" behind the counter "GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!"


OOC: Tanzah talking to Miras, Krantax interacting with Cast, Nibbs open for interaction.

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-==IC: Anna - TEAM TARAKAVA==-


Anna sighed, as she looked away, as things seemed to have quieted down for the moment. "Yo..." Anna started to say, and then paused. "... Sword guy?" Anna scratched her head, as she had wanted to return the nickname, but it turned out that swords were the only thing the two had really seen of each other.

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IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Team Tarakava)


She stopped creating fortifications, drew her greatsword and approached Zakaro. "I suppose I can join. Defeating worthy foes, or 'beating the #### out of them' can be quite pleasing." There was a small grin on her face when she said that.


OoC: Talking to Zakaro



IC: Zelnos


He walked up to the tao wearing a purple Pakari. "Um... I may not prove much on a frontal assault, but if this will be the main offensive team, I will be willing to be of support."


OOC: Talking to Zakaro


IC: Zakaro (Taravaka)


He first turns to Feli, grinning at her with his reply.


"Indeed it is! That's why I'm heading out now rather than later! More people to smash the face into, though this can't compete with that time they stuck us in one little ship on the sea to fight. That was crowded as Karz."


Without missing a beat or pausing to consider the grammar of what he just said Zakaro swivels around to greet Zelnos, speaking again.


"Sounds good, though perhaps an idea of just what you can do would be appreciated? Besides, a falling building can be more effective than just charging forwards, and thanks to the power of Earth that can be easier than you think! Anyone else?"


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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There was a moment of horrible silence as Hound slipped out of his berserker rage. His eyes instantly regained their sanity and kindness, but were now tainted with a subdued poignance; the genuine compassion in his stare was disturbingly dissonant. He looked less of a warrior and more of a parent in mourning, depressed by their inability to save a life. Turning to Riss, he spoke slowly,  his voice quiet and controlled but still unable to mask his genuine concern.


"Are you alright? That sonic leap looked painful..." He let the sentence trail off into nothing, distracted by the final word. As he spoke, he simultaneously interfaced with Aclaraung. Two Muaka members down. News from the others?


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IC: Riss nodded, grabbing her head scarf and dabbing at her bleeding ears. She let a slightly pained smile zip across her face as she flinched from the pain, but she managed to keep her "composure" nonetheless.


"I'm a-LIIIIIII~VE!" She sang, before putting her hands over her ears and wincing in pain again. "...Ow. I think I hurt something kinda bad bad bad, ohhh! The landing hurt worse than the jump, though. And I can still fiiii~ght!"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Virse - Med Bay


The pain and the cool ground vanished all at once, only to be replaced by a warm bed beneath her.


Is this the Sanctuary of the Great Beings?


She opened her remarkably whole eyes on an Infirmary of sorts. As she turned her head, still marvelling at its solidity, she caught sight of the Bo-Toa she had failed to save. So they were still in the fight. Remarkably efficient, these hosts.


She pulled herself up and took off her mask. There were no visible cracks. Praise be to Angonce. She didn't know what she would do it it was broken. She still fiddled with the Kanohi as she spoke up. "Sorry about... that," she murmured. "I... I wish I could have been there sooner."



IC: Mirror - Arena (Team Tarakava)


He rounded the corner just in time to hear the sickening crack of metal and organics. Hound was standing over what once was their enemy, now was a mere splatter on the ground. Fortunately, he didn't have to stare at it for long as the mess was teleported away.


He remained silently standing behind Hound. Once again, he was failing.

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"I think it'd be best to head back for now, conserve our energy. See if someone can fix that up for you," Hound didn't want to sound overbearing, but he was truly concerned for their teammate; seeing her in pain caused him to feel intensely guilty, as if he had been unsatisfactory in helping her. He turned to begin walking back, but almost immediately paused, to glance over his shoulder. "Sure you can walk fine?"




Selaphiel appeared next to Olari, as quiet and oddly serene as usual. "Anything I can do?" It was so much concern as it was polite courtesy; Sel knew that in a situation like this, one must, according to the military etiquette of her world, offer their help. "If not, I'd like to assist in that battle we passed over. Make sure it ends in our favour."

Edited by L'Etranger


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IC: Virse - Med Bay


She looked up from her mask in disbelief. She had been hoping he would be understanding, but he seemed completely dismissive of being torn into pieces.


"But... you died!" she rasped. "That... creature ripped your leg off! Then... crushed me..."

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IC: Riss grinned and replied, "Of course I can, see?" She cartwheeled past him in demonstration, then strolled over to where her mic stand had landed. A stomp of her foot on the base sent it flying up into the air, where she grabbed it and slung it back over her beack. She walked back over to Hound, trying to ignore the myriad of tiny scrapes she had received.


"Buuuuu~t, if you wanted o carry me, I would nevr say never say never say nooo~" she sang with a wink.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Prose and Maglev/Muaka/Mahri Nui, Following Okavaung (Muaka) and Vorzin (Tarakava)

(OOC: Prose POV)

Maglev looked at me, and told me to run after them. I ran out of the building and began to follow trying to keep Okavaung's power boost at the same level.


(OOC: Maglev)

After I told him to go, I took off. Flying like a Maglev train through the sky, I caught up to Okavaung.

"If he doesn't turn around, I'll try and force him back."

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IC: Buzzz-Infirmary


"I know, last time I got skewered cause I jumped on top of someone's sword."  Buzzz sighed.  "I figure I might as well have fun while I am here, you know, be a good sport and that stuff.  And maybe when they send me back I will have some good stories to tell my friends."

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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"It would be the least I could do, after all the help you've given me." Hound voice had regained some of its previous genuine charm, polite smile returning. The cultural context of Riss' suggestion and of the action was lost on him; all Hound knew was that he would be helping her. He picked up her up with great gentleness, before proceeding to cover the distance between him and the others (Halken, Damaka, Zangah, etc) with startling speed, regardless of his unpowered state. He talked as he moved, his speech calm, controlled, and utterly cordial. "So... Where are you from? I must admit I do not recognise your species..."


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IC: "Oh, you know, wherever! It was some little backwater island nobody ever ever ever eeeeee~ver cared about until I! Made! It!" Riss rested her head against Hound's arm, glad to not have to work on her probably bruised ankle. "But, I'm a De-Toa! You know, element of Sonics! Great ears! I can hear a pin drop!" She paused, giving Hound a proper, steady look at long last.


"I could ask you the same same same question, Tough Guy! I've never, and I mean never ever ever seen someone like you!"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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OOC: oh my god Riss is just too adorable




"I..." Hound was uncertain how to describe this. "I come from a world where members of my species are champions and leaders of tribes of smaller beings, about your size. These tribes compete for resources and land, conflicts that are solved by combat between chiefs," the severity of his situation formed a slightly nauseous feeling inside him; although he was helpless to return his tribe, he couldn't help but feel a failure. "I treated my tribe as more important than myself, unlike my fellow Denuians. Stealth and quiet, unobtrusive existence; those were my tools. I do not know how well they are serving my tribe now," His polite smile had sagged slightly, tinted by his sadness. "My absence is... unfortunate." He fell silent.

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IC: Virse - Med Bay


She just nodded as if she understood and looked back to her mask. It was an odd way to look at things. But if it kept him happy...


"...You hungry?" she asked. She was ready for another stop by the Commercial Sector.



IC: Mirror - (Team Tarakava)


He sighed as Hound ran off back to their base. The contrast from the brutal ferocity of the creature and his gentle kindness was startling. One minute, he was tearing foes limb from limb, the next, he was carrying an injured ally on his back. It made the killings all the more ghastly.


He slowly set off after them. Even as Hound rapidly outpaced him, he could hear the constant chattering of his rider.

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IC: (Olari, Team Tarakava)


She nearly jumped out of her skin when Sel reappeared. She hadn't seen the reptile coming.


"Yes, lend what aid you can. It looks like we've taken a few of them down, we'll see if we can whittle them down."


She intended to remain here for now, she had a few things to discuss with Kale.


"Av-Toa!" she called out, "I have an idea for our next step."



IC: Venga poked his mis-matched head around the doors of the infirmary.


"Excuse me, but if any of you recently-defeated losers have any frustrations to work out, I would be available to spar."



IC: The other being had said he hadn't known where the grapes were, then wandered off. Tuyetkhamun assumed he was going to find out where to get grapes. But while awaiting his return she continued wandering the corridors of this strange place that forces unknown had dared to bring her


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IC: (Olari, Team Tarakava)


IC: Ferronox/Team Muaka


Seeing my rain of spikes deflected back onto my team, I use my power to stop them, and redirect them back at Olari.

IC(Ismekne): "You didn't have to save me." Ismekne said. "In any event, if you wish to see to your ally that has needlessly endangered himself on my behalf, feel free to do so. I'll take care of this Visorak." She blasted water at Ferronox, hoping to send his spikes back at him in a way that wouldn't be so easy to defend against.  


IC - Okavaung (Mahri Nui, Team Muaka):


As his opponent fled, the frost dragon gave chase, tracking Vorzin's mental signature as he rapidly beat his wings in pursuit. As the power boost he was receiving gradually lessened, he realized that it would be unwise to carry this fight any further from his teammates. Allowing himself to just glide after the wyvern, Okavaung reached out with his mind, attempting to subject him to another illusion. If successful, this one would disorient him, causing him to believe he was going the wrong way, and gradually making him turn around and fly right back to Muaka's side of the city.


IC: Prose and Maglev/Muaka/Mahri Nui, Following Okavaung (Muaka) and Vorzin (Tarakava)

(OOC: Prose POV)

Maglev looked at me, and told me to run after them. I ran out of the building and began to follow trying to keep Okavaung's power boost at the same level.

IC(A.D.): Growling, A.D. did his best to catch up to Okavaung. He was about to take to the sky himself when he saw Prose struggling to catch up. "Need a lift?"

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IC: "Aw, Big Guy," Riss said, her face uncharacteristically falling into a sad frown. He was a brutal murderer who she would hate to fight one on one ever, but he was also the nicest person she'd met so far! She put on a little smile for him and patted his cheek. "Chin up, chin up~! You'll be back before they kneeeee~w you were gone! That's how this tournament worked in the past, if I'm I'm I'm not mis-taken-taken-taken!"


At least, she hoped that's how this one was running. They'd snatched her in the middle of a whirlwind tour of the non-matoran islands, after all! And you never kept Xia waiting.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Kuro/Tarakava/Mahri Nui, Fighting The Wyrm

"That's hurt, I'll admit, but this isn't the first hearing it. I fainted a thrust with the mace, when I actually meant to use my sword to hack at his legs.


IC: The Wyrm - Team Muaka. 


Clearly, this creature knew nothing of how to fight - maces weren't thrusting weapons. The Wyrm stepped calmly backwards, moving away from the mace feint and the real attack aimed at his legs. "You can't win this," he warned, baring his fangs. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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