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IC: Xara - Tunnel.


<"I think so,"> I turned the stone over in my hand, running a clawed fingertip along its seamless surface. <"Now...."> I looked around the interior of the tunnel, which was now clearly visible due to the receding mist, <"....how do we get out of here?">

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Nisaduf (With Riss, Sudrec, and Noroi)


While the Nynrah Ghost didn't entirely understand what the other being was talking about, having been attempting not to overly explode with pure joy and fangirling after Riss had hugged her and not really paying attention, she could at least understand the concept of drones and robots and stuff.


"I wouldn't say so! It's like how in many universes, Bohrok are just stupid machines that only do want they're told to, but sometimes they're really intelligent! Not too hard to stretch that to include things that you've made in one universe being sapient in another!"


Inwardly, she shuddered. She could understand that, alright. Fohrok had just been a bad idea in her universe, but... she could imagine what had happened in other universes when they somehow became sapient. 


That would be creepy. More creepy than if one of the Illusion's nanobots suddenly went all self-aware.  


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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Kale Ironshaper


IC: So many people all at once. It really was not something Kale wanted to deal with at the moment. With a muttered "It's fine." to the person who had accidentally sat on him the white and grey Toa turned his attention to the others talking. One in particular caught his attention, a Toa whose element he was having trouble placing.


Responding to Uri he spoke up. "Yes, that is me. Since I have never seen you before I assume that you have only recently arrived at this blood sport?"

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC(Ismekne): After the fighter had finished what she was after, she was now idly looking through profiles of characters. There was very little to draw her interest, and Ismekne was pretty sure that dealing with each person as they came, rather than looking through all of the characters and performing a bunch of calculations, was the way to win. 


IC(A.D.): The dragon hurled a book to the floor. This place was no good. All he had uncovered was that there could be infinite Infinite Gems. Which, in the dragon's opinion, was redundant and a bad pun. Of course, that didn't mean that there were infinite Infinite Gems, just that their could be. But that concept made no sense to A.D. How could there be an infinite quantity of a physical object? Am I stuck here forever? 


A.D. shook his head. He refused to accept that. He would claw his way out with his claws if he had to, if it took ten thousand years. He picked the book up, shoved it back on the shelf, and stormed out of the Knowledge Sector. 

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"Yes. Part way through the second round, as a matter of fact." The Re-Toa nodded to Yoko in acknowledgement of her warning, shifting his gaze to regard the other Av-Toa. "I cannot comment on the choice of our gracious hosts in timing, but from my observation of the previous round... 'Blood sports' is indeed an apt descriptor. Nonfatal blood sports, but blood sports nonetheless."



"Mildly racist. Yes." Noroi intoned, head pivoting to regard Sudrec. Not for the first time, she gestured to herself. "I do not know what the intent of the Great Beings from your dimension were. But I am alive. So are they. We live, we fight, we love, we die. Regardless of intent that is the case. An inability to acknowledge it would be..."




On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "It's actually really common to have sapient races!" Riss chimed in. "My broadcasts hit nearly uncountable universes, after all! Or, so my manager tells me." she shrugged and kicked at the floor. Only pausing slightly, she continued, "I'm... Not really an expert on this stuff. I just sing, really. Not any of those smart things. But I sing really well, so it aaaaaa~ll works out!"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Sudrec

"I... I see..." Sudrec spoke in response to Noroi's comment.


"Though if the Matoran did indeed develop sufficient intelligence to form entire cultures, could it... How would it affect the inner operations of the Great Spirit Robot? Could Mata Nui finish his mission?" Sudrec had begun mumbling to himself about "Spherus Magna", "The Shattering", " Mats Nui's mission", when he heard Riss's comment.


"Wait. Your universe has developed multiversal broadcast technology?" Sudrec blinked behind his helm. "I, I've never heard of you but you say that you're renowned in many universes... Could it be that we come from different time periods? Just for reference, how long has it been since Mata Nui's activation in your universe?" Sudrec had begun rambling again, this time aloud.

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IC: "...Mata Nui's asleep..." Riss replied, slowly, unsurely. "The Makuta put him to sleep timeless ages ago, but Takanuva and the Toa Nuva attempted to reawaken him. The matoran of Mata Nui emigrated to Metru Nui, but... Mata Nui never awoke. That was..." Riss paused briefly to count in her head.


"A couple thousand years ago, I think? I'm not from Metru Nui, so I don't know the specifics. I just know what we hear when I stop by on tour. I was actually originally from the southern islands, if you can believe that! South of Artidax, even." She giggled. "It was so backwater before my big breakout, but now, now it's even more popular than Mata Nui with the tourists!"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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"It seems your people have lived as long as mine. So many philosophies and legacies reduced to dust and tombs..."




I murmur in response to the murmur (gripping conversation ain't my strong suit) of the big guy, before slipping out of the group with a stealth achievable only via my size. No use talkin' to anyone that tall; either they don't hear you at all or they spend the next five minutes laughing at the kid with the gun. Might as well go find something to do.

Sauntering as usual, I head towards the hallway, traversing through this sector's door, to see if I can check out what this arena looks like from the outside. Wouldn't hurt little ol' Dynomi to just look around, right? ...right?


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IC: Nisaduf (With Riss, Noroi, and Sudrec)


"Sounds about the same for me!" Nisaduf piped up, filing away the information about Riss's homeland for later fangirling. 


"'Cept no Toa Nuva Taka people ever showed up. Metru Nui's only home to some spooooky ghosts where I'm from! Ghosts and lots of dead Visorak. Those are nasty."

  • Upvote 1


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Sudrec

"Mata Nui went offline?!" Sudrec suddenly shouted. "Oh dear..."


Taking a few deep breaths, Sudrec managed to calm himself down. "It's okay, she might not be from the same universe as you..."


"... Yeah. Judging from that timeframe, you wouldn't have been around during my time. The last I checked in with the other Great Beings, we had just finished programming Mata Nui's AI consciousness into the Great Spirit Robot and had set the Matoran to complete the final phases of its construction, under Artakha's supervision. Just before I was brought here, I was able to witness Mata Nui's departure from the planet. You, you're going to have to bring me up to speed on what happened since then."


"And south of Artidax...? Wow... I don't think that area was built to be habitable for Matoran, but from what you say... How did life there treat you?"

Edited by One-Eyed Construct
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IC: "Okay, uh, first of all, Great Spirit Robot? Mata Nui's AI? Departure from the planet?" Riss was obviously extremely baffled, "M-Mata Nui's just the Great Spirit. There's no robot after that. Nobody programmed him, he always was." She paused, staring at Sudrec.


"But, uh, southern islands. Boring. It's a real backwater part of the world. Literally nothing worth recording has ever happened there, besides me." she paused, then clarified with a, "That's not arrogance, I am literally the only thing of note to come from those islands to my knowledge. Even Metru Nui's historians have no details about them."


IC: Halken followed mirror. I filled two lines with purple prose about it, but really, that's all I have to say on this subject right now because my head hurts.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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GM IC - GEM OF ???


As Mirror, Langmuir, and Halken walked down the hallway, a thin, crevasse-like tunnel entrance became visible in the wall to the right ahead of them.

Edited by Anung Un Rama

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: Sudrec

Sudrec took a deep breath.


"... It's a long story, but the short version is: the world you live in is actually the interior of a giant robot. Have you ever taken a look at a map of the Matoran Universe and noticed that it looks like a Toa when all put together? That's why. Me and my brethren, the Great Beings, created this robot in order to eventually fix my planet, Spherus Magna, as it was being torn apart from the inside by Energized Protodermis. However, such a robot could not maintain itself via conventional means, so we constructed an ecosystem inside the robot and created various worker drones, most notably the Matoran, to maintain its interior systems and keep it running while it went and observed other planets in order to gain the knowledge required to fix Spherus Magna. That's why I was so shocked by you and Nisaduf; your behaviors were acting outside of the work programs that we had built the Matoran's intelligence around. And if Mata Nui had been shut down in your timeline... Mata Nui can't fulfill his duty, and his destiny..."


"... There's a book in the knowledge sector on it. I'll go get it." Sudrec began walking to the library in order to grab the book that could explain things much better than he could.

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IC: Dreidel/Commercial Sector - Food Court >>> Halls

After eating whatever healthy things I found, I made my to wherever the training sector would be...except I didn't know where it was. I just decided to wander the halls.


IC: Kuro and Prose/Lower Levels

"I sense that a tunnel is open above us we aren't going to get anything by just watching Daltrahk scratch at the wall."

"Let's go and look around."

They began to walk around and look for any tunnels that may appear. Hopefully Daltrahk would stop scratching at that stain on the wall and help out.

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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IC: Mirror - Hallways

He almost walked past it at first, but something dark appeared just in the corner of his vision. He turned to find a suspicious crack had opened in the wall as if just for them.


He looked back to his companions, and then cast a regretful glance down at his empty stomach. "Should we go in?" he asked tentatively. It seemed like something special, though he knew not what.


IC: Virse - Knowledge Sector


"Far too many," she agreed. "When you fight what seems like an endless war, a few important things get left behind on the way."

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IC: The Wyrm - Comfort Sector.


He tried to change the subject, offering some of the fruit he'd taken from the Commercial Sector. "Hungry?" 

IC: Amorigiahna - Comfort Sector

Amorigiahna nodded as she took what The Wyrm had kindly offered to her.

"Thank you," she said, raising one of them up to her mouth before taking a bite out of it.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: The Wyrm - Comfort Sector.


"I'm curious," he swallowed a mouthful of fruit, "everyone in this tournament was chosen for their fighting skill. So what can you do?"

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Nisaduf (With Riss, Noroi, and Sudrec)


The Fe-Matoran stared after the Great Being in total disbelief for a few seconds before letting out a whisper, perhaps just loud enough for Noroi to hear. Riss, of course, would have no problem. 


"...I think he's insane."



IC: Zakaro (Training Sector) 


He wasn't sure how long he knelt there, mind just somewhat blank, as the Onu-Toa tried to just come to terms with his own conflict. 


Eventually, though, he settled on just taking things as they came, with as open a mind as possible. Perhaps he was right about Bionifight, perhaps he was wrong, perhaps there was no true answer to any of it. But for now, he would continue on and try to see every side of things. 


Could be fun. 


He laughed harshly and hoarsely, once or twice, and  stood up, walking over to the fallen sand bag and hefting it back onto the hook. And with that, he left, stepping out the door. 


No. Scratch that. Stepping into the door. 


After swearing like a Skakdi again, Zakaro left, having absolutely no idea where in Karz he was going. Probably the food court, though. He was hungry.


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: "Maybe so, but it definitely doesn't sound healthy. I mean, what if it explodes? It wouldn't be responsible of us to let that happen."


Venga carefully unscrewed the sword-blade of Diretooth from the metal shaft that made it a naginata. Holding the sword in his right hand, he reached out with the blunt haft in the left and poked Exsequor in the head



IC: Tuyetkhamun stood, her distinctive yellowed bandages flowing around the sudden movement like ripples in a pond, mindlessly floating through the air around her as a fibrous mane. 


"There is a sector for the pursuit of knowledge, is there not? I believe we will find the Arkrax there."



IC: "Indeed." Martial skill. Now this was a topic about which he could talk with confidence. "There is no ability, no trait, no tool, no power that is better than the one wielding it. Your element can be powerful but without the sharpened mind or honed physique to properly use it, it is nothing. Worse than nothing, because your enemy could turn it against you. The body is the weapon, all other utilities are merely accessories. And my body is a honed blade. An arrow flying true. A well placed hammer-blow. My gifts take effort and practise to maintain, they are not gimmicks bestowed on me by twists of nature for me to clumsily fling around like a child."


Skrall broke from his rant to look at Selaphiel for a moment, "I mean no offence to your good self of course."

Edited by I Am Ultron Six


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IC: Dayeth - Commercial Sector.


Drawing her axe, Dayeth backed off a few steps and waited to see how Exsequor would react. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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"Dignity the first and foremost." Hound paused, disturbed by the nature of their conversation. The moment the tournament was over he would have to go back to this killing; no reason to make himself more depressed.

"Let us change the topic, hmmm? Perhaps something happier?"




"None taken. My species has a history of intrinsic powers; the values of self-sufficiency and perfection are ranked highly by my culture. I may not completely agree, but I don't think you're wrong. The body is all we have, after all."


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IC Daltrahk


Meh, the stain was proving to be so deep it would take tearing the wall out to remove it. Agitated by it, Daltrahk continued on his way, following his companions.



IC Halmos


Well, there was a Toa who he didn't hate. Not too many of those.


Standing up in the halls, Halmos paced about quietly.


OOC: Halmos open to interaction.

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IC: Lekona - Medbay


Lekona turned to face Artorre, hearing his greeting. "Ah, there you are. If Zakaro bit the dust during the round, like Elittra did, he probably went off somewhere. Might've just left the Medbay before any of us spotted him if he wasn't. Should we go and try to find them?"


IC - Artorre (Lower Hall):


"Find them?" Artorre repeated. "This place is far too big, and I, far too hungry. I say we go get a quick meal, and if we don't see them there, a rather less quick nap."


With that said, he began to make his way toward the stairs.


IC - Ardian (Food Court):


Ardian stalked into the food court, keeping an eye out for Virse or Ten as he prepared a meal for himself.


OOC: Sorry for my inactivity.

Avatar by Brickeens




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IC Daltrahk

Meh, the stain was proving to be so deep it would take tearing the wall out to remove it. Agitated by it, Daltrahk continued on his way, following his companions.


GM IC - GEM OF ???


Daltrahk would probably be surprised as he spotted a cave entrance in the wall, seemingly overlooked by his Rahkshi allies.

Edited by Anung Un Rama

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: "That or some kind of heretic," Riss replied in a whisper she knew both her companions could hear. "I've heard of people like him, who believe that sort of thing. That we're all cogs in a giant machine. Every one of them was insane, of course. And none of them dressed like him."


IC: "Well, what are we waiting for?" Halken Boomed. "Adventure doesn't knock on your front door like this every day, lads! When it does, you must take it firmly by the hand and pull it into your parlor, and into a chokehold, because this opportunity will not come twice!" With that, he valiantly strode forth into the tunnel.


IC: "I know the way. If you would like to follow me, Boss, I can show you," Fia said, already making her way to the door with her usual, slightly springy gait. She just wante dto be doing something already, wether or not Tuyetkhamun gave her the go ahead. She'd spent enough time immobile on Odina for several lifetimes.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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GM IC - GEM OF ???


The tunnel was just barely wide enough for the muscular Halken to squeeze himself through, spines and all. It would likely be an easier fit for his slightly less strapping companions.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: Mirror - Hallways to Tunnel


"It... could be," he replied to Langmuir. Before he could even react, Halken was off down the tunnel. Surely it would be hazardous to go alone...


Mirror stepped up to the entrance, took a deep breath, and plunged into the darkness after the Skakdi.

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Kale Ironshaper


IC: "There indeed seem to be no permanent deaths in the arena. If you try to fight back against the people running this place however, the same does not apply. To make matters worse most of them don't seem entirely sane."


Kale let out an annoyed sigh and shook his head before looking back at the Toa of Spirit.


"Regardless of our present circumstances I must admit that you pique my interest. I have never seen a Toa with a natural coloration such as yours. Would you mind telling me your name and element?"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC - Ilyin:


So, after the round ended and my ability to breathe water was removed from me, I found myself with quite little to do. I ate a little bit of food, tried to get a nap (and failed), and eventually just took to walking around. Surprisingly enough, I found the big burly skakdi-fisticuffs-guy who had been on my team last round, Hulken or Haklen or Halk-smash-en or something like that, whatever his name was, along with a couple of others. They were entering into one of the tunnels that apparently randomly showed up around this place, and led into deep caves and catacombs the likes of which have yet to properly be explored. Mainly because they seem to only exist whenever they really want to exist.


"It looks like you don't really fit that well," I said to the Skakdi, neatly bypassing his two friends who I didn't know. "Why don't you try punching the walls back away from you?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Arkrax - Hallways


They passed what appeared to be a Vortixx. She must have been freshly arrived, for Arkrax had no knowledge of her. He would need to return to the Knowledge Sector later.


What truly caught his attention though was her markings. The glowing lines wrapped around her body were strikingly similar to his own. Perhaps she was another Data Elemental who had regained solid form?


Whatever the case, Arkrax gave a polite nod as he floated past.

IC: Vinra

The Vortixx watched the odd...thing pass by her. What was that? It looked like a hacker. Hm. Vinra gave a curt nod as she kept walking.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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IC: Arkrax - Hallways to Commercial Sector


With greeting reciprocated and no further light shone on the Vortixx' identity, Arkrax continued on to the Commercial Sector and to his allies. Fortunately, they were still there, though they appeared to be leaving. He slowly approached the two known as Tuyetkhamen and Fia.


"These are ~ Hryfon and ~ Puppetmaster, here to ~ make your acquaintance."



IC: Mirror - Gem of ??? Tunnel


"Oh, I..." was all he managed to get out before what almost looked like a Matoran shoved past him. Except it had some kind of growth coming from its face. Mirror tried to drag his attention from it and looked back to Langmuir. "I'll... I'll take center, I suppose."


It sounded selfish, and it sort of was. They would be safer with the more competent fighters on either end though.

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IC: The Puppetmaster - Commercial Sector. 


"The Puppetmaster," he corrected softly, "it's a title, not a name. My name is..... lost.... long gone." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Lekona - Medbay


"Food Court it is, then." Lekona said as he nodded, and followed after Artorre.


^Link to the Jatikko Reference Post^

Credit to T1S for the Okomation kit used here. Credit to Miras for the banner.


Bionifight Infinite Profiles - Lekona

Matoran Und Panzer Profiles - Kaleva/Jäger, Wekan

Year 60,000 Profiles - Kaleva/The Crimson Predator, Valfares


Formerly "toa nidhiki nuva".

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