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Kale Ironshaper - Ga-koro - Fowadi

IC: "Aye aye captain." The words were accompanied by a sharp salute. The silver Toa's mind was already feeling out the logistics of the plan. They'd be using all of the skiffs on this to be sure. Most of the crew would need to stay onboard as well. Normally he'd take take this chance to give them some well-earned shore-leave. There wasn't any sign of a struggle in the koro but until he knew more about the situation he didn't want to risk any situations popping up that might entangle them in something extensive.

A green figure flashed off overhead in a preternaturally long leap and his eyes flicked up to follow it. One eyebrow lifted in impressed annoyance. He hadn't known she could jump that far. It was an impressive feat even with her element aiding her in the effort. It would bear remembering the next time he needed to say...shoot someone out of a cannon.

After that it was back to figuring just what Dehkaz's orders would entail. They needed to figure out just how much the other team would need to acquire, which team got which skiff. The sort of details that a first mate was usually supposed to be in charge of. Even after a few months it was honestly a bit of a relief that such small details were all he had to worry about for the most part. Thankfully everyone one the crew was experienced enough at this point that such things went smoothly. Soon enough the clattering sound of the anchor chain rang out, accompanied by the splashing sound of the anchor itself sinking into the water to catch against some undersea rock

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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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No, to be fair, the ocean specifically. It wasn’t that he feared it. Krayn had spent long enough in Ga-Wahi to be able to swim just fine even if he hadn’t known when he arrived. But he did have a certain wary respect for it after a piratical Toa held his head underwater long enough that things were a little fuzzy. That sort of desperation, the feeling of being able to take in only water without being able to stop yourself from trying, had been wholly unique in his life and he hadn't liked it. He took steps after that, during his time in the village, to make sure it never happened again. But that wasn't the thought foremost on his mind.

No, foremost on his mind was the veritable fleet of crystalline ships that had arrived on Ga-Koro's shores. That was... Troubling. He took the spyglass away from his eye and pocketed it, listening to the chatter of planning and orders. And, of course, watching his old boss take off ahead. It was shaping up to be one of those afternoons.

"I'll go on ahead." Krayn commented to the ship's captain, reminding himself not to add 'sir' at the end. It wasn't an easy habit to break, but he'd learn. He tightened the strap around his chest, securing the long package on his back tightly to him, and strapped to his wrist one of his new accessories. He checked the fit and the clasps while he added; "The Dasaka are supposed to be kind of prickly, and I don't think Skyra really wants to find a new body. Again."

His launcher, he knew, wouldn't quite reach the same mast that Skyra's had. Her jump had brought her closer and he had no intention of trying to match her acrobatics, even if both his arms had been in working order. He could handle that, though; water was a problem he'd already worked to solve. He planted his right hand on the railing and vaulted, dropping towards the water below, and his boots met its surface; but the water did not break. Concentric circles rippled rapidly outwards but for only a moment before he pushed off again, the water giving but not breaking beneath his foot, and he repeated the process moving ahead in first one then two then three bounds before the hook on his wrist shot out and pulled him up and away. His way might not have been quite so flashy but it got him there almost as quickly; his boots met the same deck as Skyra only a few moments after she did.

"Might be best not to go on ahead by yourself." He said simply, letting the hook reel itself in and unbuckling the device from his wrist. "Don't know how they might respond to some things."



"That's them." Sinshi confirmed, nodding her head to her cousin. "I haven't fought them personally, but Whitehot explained the nature of Makuta's creatures after a near miss with a Parakuka."

A thought, long processing, finally registered.

"... Sato, did you see..."


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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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51 minutes ago, Krayzikk said:

"Might be best not to go on ahead by yourself." He said simply, letting the hook reel itself in and unbuckling the device from his wrist. "Don't know how they might respond to some things."

IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

I turned around to look at Krayn, I'll admit I was impressed he managed to follow me, though he was a pretty capable Toa so perhaps I shouldn't have been. 

"I know I can be a bit uh...blunt, but I know how to be 'diplomatic' when I have to be." I made finger quotes. "Besides, I doubt Ga-koro would accept this many of them if they were unreasonable...I just wanna see what's up."

Krayn was being overly cautious, clearly. What's the worst that could happen in the middle of Ga-koro?

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Ember - The Fowadi

It wasn’t really all too surprising she’d slept better aboard the Fowadi than she had for months at home. Something about the rocking of the boat that triggered some old reflex in the backs of certain sailors’ minds - an age-old sensation of having been a swaddled babe in their mother’s cradling arms, rocking in the same manner until they were taken by deep, peaceful slumber.

The gentle swaying of Ga-Koro’s lilypad homes, either by the shoreline gale or the dips and swells of waves, had a similar effect, but not identical. Ember - that specific part of her brain, entangled with the years of sea-borne voyaging - could tell the difference on an instinctual level. She’d arisen in the morning all the surer of her decision to remain aboard the Fowadi. Her role was still unsure - it gave her a combined sense of encouragement, unease, and pride to be one of the more experienced sailors aboard such a famous ship, if only for less than a full day, and still be unsure of her place. The senior crew seemed not to care much for rank, which struck Ember as peculiar for a military vessel. From her brief interactions with the crew, before and after their shakedown had begun, the Ta-Matoran surmised that they must’ve all been friends first, and comrades second. She could be wrong, but it at least made a bit more sense to her regimented, martial mind, so she permitted the interpretation to linger. She hadn’t seen Shaddix emerge from belowdecks since he had sauntered on board, so that helped to not shatter any illusions.

She neglected to mention him during the pleasant conversation she’d had with Captain Dehkaz once he’d returned from his trip to Po-Koro. She found it at least a bit more comforting to converse with someone as passionate as herself about sailcraft, even if she did find it odd and amusing that he looked as likely to sink as his iron-draped vessel with all the shіt he had strapped to him. Even so, wearing only his longcoat and devoid of any other armored vestments and weapons framed him in such a different light, she surmised that it might have been an image thing - projecting the perception of Captain being emblematic of their ship. In that context, there was no question why Dehkaz dressed as he did.

The provisions on board were also a pleasant surprise - not that she’d expected the Po-Koronans to actually eat rocks and rocks only (as was the butt of many a joke in the Marines, hardtack notwithstanding) but the variety and tactfulness of their stock was comforting. The stores of fruits - even chilled within iceboxes, to boot! - was a reassuring sight. Scurvy was not a joking matter, as her old skipper “Toothless” Raffya had so oft attested. A hearty plate of roast mahi, eggs, and a fairly sizable orange had consisted of the day’s first meal. Pretty swanky, given the mostly pescatarian diet of Ga-Koronan sailors, though she wasn’t sure whether or not the Sentinel crew would think to fish in the event their stores ran dry far from port. She’d make a point to ask.

Ember was leant over the port gunwale, accompanied by several other crew members when Captain Dehkaz’s orders rang clear across the deck. They’d been staring at the motherlode of Dasakan craft occupying most of Ga-Koro’s extensive harbourfront. There’d only been the one when Ember had left home naught but a few days ago - she’d have remarked drily that they must’ve bred quickly overnight, but crystalline ships didn’t strike her as the type to reproduce through mitosis. The glittering submersible vessel - the one that also intrigued Ember the most, unsurprisingly - was still visible among them and appeared to be the center of attention, telling from the gathering crowd populating a great portion of the docks.

Breaking away from the side of the ship, the Ta-Matoran whirled on her heel and straightened her back, snapping off a salute accompanied with an “Aye, Cap’n!” as she’d expect of herself, even if the senior crew might not -  it felt appropriate either way. She had her orders. Forsi was not at all far; she was familiar enough with the place, having lived in and around Naho Bay for a while - not to mention she’d boarded the Iron Mahi there before heading out to Ostia. That wasn’t an issue. But, it was, at least for the moment, in the opposite direction of where her secondary objective lay. Her “quick trip to Ostia” to glimpse the “unsinkable ship” wasn’t going to be as brief as she first assumed. There were a few supplies of her own to acquire in Ga-Koro.

Besides, she didn’t think the Captain would want to turn down a bottle of-

Well, let’s not be too hasty, now.

She closed the distance between herself and Dehkaz a few moments later.

“Cap’n, a word?”

Edited by Perp
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IC: Aeragot - Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu

Aeragot almost chuckled. The Lieutenant could say whatever she wanted to make her feel like she was the reasonable one here; that weapon had to be lethal, and she was all too happy to use it. And come on, telling Rudra that if you could act under your own laws this would be a capital offense? This wasn't a war. Some people just did not understand the lighter touch.

A keen observer could have read this on his face, if he hadn't covered three-quarters of it with his hand. He rubbed his forehead. The gesture wasn't utilitarian: he was starting to feel it in his skull.

Despite himself, he felt that this was good news. Seemed like she was losing a little of the belligerence. If it was replaced with thinking he was some kind of fool, well, he would take that. It seemed like they could agree on something at least.

Aeragot liked Rudra. It would be hard not to feel a little sympathy, when you understood monomania the way he did. He wasn't a miracle worker though: Rudra being passed over to the Koro's forces might be the best he could do.

"Look pal, I meant what I said. I like to think I know something about people. This isn't going to look good for you with either of those options. But hey, your own head be on it. If we can all walk out of here—emphasis on the walk—well, I don't think I can do much better."

OOC: @Ghosthands @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend

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Aclaraung's head turned quickly, taking in the faces of each of those who was sitting nearby. Some of the newcomers, surely, and others who were locals. "Has it been so long, that I am forgotten so easily?" he asked after a moment, with a somewhat bemused cock to his head. "I'd have thought I was more memorable. It certainly doesn't feel like an age ago that I was walking through this village and the one in the trees, interacting with you small ones on a more regular basis." Were there a bit more space, he'd claw himself up out of the water and onto the pad that hosted the Great Takea, but that seemed...ill-advised, at least unless some tables should be moved to accomodate him.

His head swung back to the Dasaka and the small-Dasaka, as he'd consider the one for now. "My name is Aclaraung," he replied, giving a miniscule nod of his head. "And it depends on what they have to drink here, Small-Dasaka. I don't know that this establishment was running yet when last I came by, shortly before the Turaga were assassinated."

He glanced back in the direction of the fleet that now inhabited the docks, and the hut that used to be Nokama's. "It appears, however, that the Matoran have found other able leadership. Perhaps you all could bring me up to speed on current events."


"Did I see what?" Sato asked, turning back towards Sinshi.


Well, after rushing back to the ship from my lunch with Dorian, it wasn't long before we all found ourselves moving to Ga-Koro. I wasn't exactly looking forward to running into any marines there, though with the influx of refugees they were likely to be a bit distracted from looking for me. All the better, because it would give me a good opportunity to get Skyra over to Cael, to see if she had any other ideas for treating Skyra's concussion beyond what was standard. Maybe the two of us working together might recreate something like the miracle we'd had with Utu, although the lack of a mark to help would certainly increase the difficulty.

Unfortunately, just as I was coming abovedeck, after Skyra calling out how close we were while Dehkaz started making plans for what he and some of the others would do, I was given the distinctly unpleasant sight of watching my current charge launch herself from the mast and start passing between ships to the dock in as acrobatic a manner as she could manage. I could feel my stomach sink so quickly I'd have sworn it bruised itself against my pelvis.

"Skyra, no, wait!" I yelled at her, but it was no use. Before long she was standing at the dock giving me and the others the cheekiest wave she could manage, just before Krayn—Krayn, of all people, the one whose shoulder I was still somewhat worried about, even if I'd never outright admit it to him; the fact that he was still having problems with it, even if they were just mental, had me on edge about it all—caught up to her with his own grapnel mechanism. By that point, I'd entirely forgotten about Kale, Dehkaz, and Ember all a few paces away as I started cursing at the pair of them that had so brazenly launched ahead of the rest of us.

"Why does she—why do they, why must they insist on trying to give me a heart attack?"

OOC: @Krayzikk@Snelly@sunflower@Silvan Haven@The UltimoScorp@Perp@Void Emissary@Mel@Vezok's Friend@Emzee@Tarn@~Xemnas~@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl@Rahisaurus@Lady Takanuva@BBBBalta@BULiK

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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"It's not your diplomacy I'm concerned about." The De-Toa shrugged and tapped a finger thoughtfully. "But whether the forward party has been reasonable or not, these people are refugees. Refugees who supposedly have psychic powers. They're scared and probably a little desperate. That could be a bad mix. I think it would be better that no one go alone for now, don't you?"



"My family." Sinshi answered, substituting "family" for "mother" at the last moment. "Do you know if they were in the flotilla?"


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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dehkaz [Naho Bay, Fowadi]

Dehkaz watched the two of them grapple off into the mass of shipping that crowded the Ga-Koro docks despite Praggos' sputtering objections, and for a moment, he had half a mind to join them in their expedited trip across the water. Perhaps it was just as well that his own equipment was stowed in his cabin, having been replaced during their maritime travels by his coat and sidearm.

As he made his way over to one of the ironclad's davit-mounted skiffs Ember approached, and he glanced over to the Matoran as she spoke.

"Of course, go ahead."


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1 hour ago, Krayzikk said:


"It's not your diplomacy I'm concerned about." The De-Toa shrugged and tapped a finger thoughtfully. "But whether the forward party has been reasonable or not, these people are refugees. Refugees who supposedly have psychic powers. They're scared and probably a little desperate. That could be a bad mix. I think it would be better that no one go alone for now, don't you?"



"Yeah that makes sense." 


OOC: phone post 

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Ember - The Fowadi

A brisk nod and a quiet ahem preceded her request.

“Cap’n, ‘pon the completion of our resupply run, I’d like t’ request permission t’ bring the skiff ashore in Ga-Koro, collect some kit ‘n’ dunnage from me home there. Nothin’ more burdensome than a holystone, swear it.”

Allowing her posture to relax the tiniest fraction, she added: “Helps with the channel fever too, aye?”

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16 hours ago, Krayzikk said:


"My family." Sinshi answered, substituting "family" for "mother" at the last moment. "Do you know if they were in the flotilla?"




Sato looked away from Sinshi's gaze at that question, though anybody with functioning eyes would struggle to mistake the gesture for one of worry—indeed, any would likely recognize the sheepish look on her face. "I...think so?" she said, slightly unsure. "I don't know many from out of Sado, so I could be wrong, but some of their names came up—and, well, with the description of one in particular, I'd be surprised if your grandmother at the least didn't make it onto one of the boats..."


After a few moments of my cursing, while the others decided on their further plans for work in the village, I quickly tracked Krayn and Skyra's continued movement. I didn't have any fanciful grapple launchers like they had, so I wouldn't be able to catch up nearly as quickly, but if I could quickly plan out where they were going, it would make it much easier for me to get to them once I did make it ashore. Much like them, as well, I was disinclined to wait until a skiff was lowered to bring me to the dock.

"To Karzahni with the rules," I grumbled to myself, grabbing a spare length of rope from the deck. "I have to make sure those two—"

Well, that hardly sounded right. Krayn at least could probably keep Skyra from getting the two of them killed, being about the only one in our group with the ability to just silence any words coming out of her mouth.

"I have to make sure they take care of themselves, not just their tasks." Luckily nobody was listening to me, because that just sounded terrible. Luckier still I'd learned some basic hitching knots and the like, so that I didn't end up wasting the rope that the actual sailors needed to use. One taught-line hitch around one of the main mast's shrouds, and I was over the edge of the deck climbing quickly down to the water, staff in one hand and rope in the other. "Now, Kopaka told us how he did this on a lake of lava, I ought to be able to manage it on simple water..."

I pointed the staff down, and with a bit of light exertion I managed to make a raft of ice large enough to hold me above the water without breaking or tipping over. I pushed off from the hull of the Fowadi, landing on my makeshift raft—and with a bit more ice on the end of it I turned my staff into an oar, and started paddling my way towards the closest part of the dock I could reach.

OOC: @Krayzikk@Haman Karn: A Magical Girl@Snelly@Perp@Silvan Haven@sunflower

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Dehkaz [Naho Bay, Fowadi]

The Toa of Magnetism nodded his assent, "Once we stock up you're free to go as you wish, I'm sure there will be other crew that will wish to disembark as well."

With that, Dehkaz hauled himself up and over the side of the deck, landing squarely on the skiff which was in the process of being winched down to the waters below. Once the small vessel was fully lowered he unhitched the lines, holding a palm out to the side of iron hull to keep it from floating away as others boarded with a small application of his elemental power. A moment later, and they were off; carried by the slight breeze that had picked up.

Weaving around the mass of crystalline and more conventional ships, they eventually reached the docks themselves, and it didn't take much time from there to find the three Toa that made it by their own means.

"We'll split up, see what we can find out. Keep your ears open," the Captain advised, the general cacophony of the active port surrounding them. "We'll meet back at the ship by nightfall. Oh and Kale-"

Dehkaz turned to address his first mate.

"-See if you can't find some additional crew to hire on, we'll offer them the normal rate... and perhaps a bit more for useful skills. Here's as good a place as any, and I've a feeling now might be a good time."

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - the Southern Border

Kanohi did not have time to see Lapu’s reaction, as the charred blacked trees and craggy terrain of Ta-Wahi was pushed aside. Now they stood upon the forests and lakes of Ga-Wahi. The sun reflected off the water dazzling their optics, the trees stretched and flexed like they were stirring from a long nap. Calls of Rahi sounded again.

It was hard not to think of Ta-Wahi as inherently unnatural now. It cleaved apart Ga-Wahi and Le-Wahi, the two woods complimented each other. But the lava and fire of Ta-Wahi had severed the lands, cut them off save for the barren rocky trek the trio had taken.

The gloom of Ta-Wahi seemed almost cast aside by the light, and in a moment, the sunlight reflected off the lakes into Kanohi’s optics. He winced and averted his gaze, and that had consequences. The Fe-Matoran had turned back to the fiery glow of Ta-Wahi.

A wind began to blow, hurling embers around Kanohi. He clutched his wooden mask to block it over his eyes, but the embers stung his hands, burning them until he was forced to gaze at the cyclone of Fire.

He was pulled through the fire, tendrils of flame guiding him. But every time he drew close it would burn him and the fire would force him back. He stepped again and again, walking for centuries down the same path, until he felt his feet deform to follow the trail.

The fire was all around him now, he no longer was moving. Long shadows were cast by the inferno, they rustled and shifted, until he realized it was a brown cloak. Green feet poked beneath the robes, and Kanohi feel to see a Lesterin staring down at him, his face unseen. The Lesterin turned from the vigilante, even as vines began to burst from the ground. Kanohi struggled but his Volo Lutu Launcher was ensnared, he could not fire it. He strained as the vines circled him, breaking up his vision.

In the flashes between the vines, Kanohi saw the Lesterin standing over a shape. The Fe-Matoran’s optics widened as he recognized the gaping wound in the Matoran’s chest, and the Rahkshi staff still piercing through it.


Kanohi’s heartlight vibrated like a Nui-Rama’s wings, flashing frantically. His whole body convulsed as he stared helplessly at the Lesterin reach into Aurax’s chest, digging into his oozing wound. Then the Lesterin wrenched something out of Aurax, holding it above his head. It looked … a cactus.

A Miracle,” laughed the Lesterin, and then the vines coiled over Kanohi’s optics, and darkness took him.

Light then broke the gloom, and Kanohi realized he had fallen to the ground, and his wooden mask had slide, covering his optics. His heartlight was frantic, his hands were shaking, his lubricant and coolant was oozing out of his chassis in a desperate attempt for his body to calm down.

Kanohi shakily stood up, and got out his tablet. “We need to go to Ga-Koro now,” he wrote, his circles sloppy and the charcoal cracking in his trembling hands. He paused and wrote, “I know the way.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly has Lapu seen Kanohi experience a vision yet? Not much happens except he starts to freak out, so par the course. Also if y’all want, Kanohi just got the rest of the trek imprinted in his brain module, so we can just hurry to Ga-Koro right away and skip most of our usual wandering.

Edited by Harvali
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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Raiyo - Ga-Koro Pier

A month ago, Raiyo would have considered herself lucky. A housemaid like her, one who charitably could be called an attendant, mingling with the elite of the Empire. It was not her first time; as acting Toroshu Robalta's assistant, she accompanied the Datsue when coordinating the ships the Vilda had brought to the flotilla. Several times, Raiyo and Robalta had met with the Rora. Though today, she was alone; Robalta was getting the Vilda settled in. Even on strange shore with stranger people, she was surrounded by other Dasaka; few brightly colored 'matoran,' 'toa,' and even larger creatures that were just... going about their business. Just being people whose world hadn't ended.

Head down, nod. It was surprising how Imperial Navy were so similar to the nobles she had been serving appetizers to during what seemed like another lifetime. But she was able to make her way to the Commodore; there was some sort of situation with the Chisaii Ryuu, and she didn't know all the details, but it seemed in hand now. Somewhat.

"Commodore Ayiwah?" She had rehearsed her greeting in her head for what seemed like hours, and put all the conviction she could summon in her voice.

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Hakari - Ga-Wahi - Southern Border -

When Kanohi had fallen over during his vision, Hakari had knelt down beside him, look at him with concern. Once Kanohi snapped out of it and started to write, Hakari didn't even bother to read it right away, instead she took out a canteen of water and extended it towards the Matoran. 

"Hey, drink this." The Lesterin insisted. "I can carry you to Ga-koro." Hakari knew that Kanohi would perhaps find the idea of being carried embarrassing, but his well-being came first in her mind. 

@ARROW404 @Harvali

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Karoru, Ga-Wahi, outside the Great Takea.


The two spent a while working to locate Zyla's companion. Searching, combing… however, eventually it was decided the two would part ways. Giving the dashi's shoulder an encouraging squeeze before departing, Karoru set off back toward the harbor, looking to see if any more ships had arrived.


To her surprise, one had. But it was a very different make to Kentoku craft.

Its cutting prow was emblazoned with the tendrils of some deep-sea leviathan, its sides lined with… metal gunwales? There was no conceivable way this ship had hailed from the Archipelago. More than likely, this was a Mata Nuian craft.


Striding forward, Karoru approached a small knot of figures at the docks near the ship.

One of the group, a fast-talking green-and-black armored figure with a willowy frame and enough weaponry to level a small island, caught her eye. The woman was carrying more metal than one of the royalty. How different things truly were here.


Clearing her throat slightly, the freelance warrior stepped up to the walking arsenal.


"Um… excuse me, marm. Is this ship… yours? Y-your group's, I mean. Well, I suppose it could be yours, come to that. I… erm…"

Letting out a sigh, Karoru's formal accent dropped for something far less "refined." She disliked the stuffiness of Kentoku formality more and more these days, and the Mata Nuians seemed far less inclined to mind her normal speech anyhow.


"...sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Karoru, of…" 

memories flooding back, hands threatening to start shaking. 

"...my own employ. Tell me… could you use another blade? I mean…" she corrected, looking at the medium-sized arsenal festooning the figure. If she fell off the ship she'd sink right to the bottom, and need to walk her way home. 

"...that is, another warrior, for your crew?"


Karoru didn't know why she asked the question. Something in the way the Daijuno treated her like she was some sort of elitist snob… 

She avoided looking at her ornate crystal armor, maintained to the point of sparkling despite bearing more battering than any royal house would allow. 

…how she had ground down the area on each shoulder where the clan's crest had been snapped off of the crystal until the marring was barely noticeable. She had been left with the armor, ostensibly, to "prove we are not as murderous as you," but it was clear by this point the intent had been to make her feel like a pariah.


It had begun to work. But… maybe Karoru could change that. Maybe, like many Menti her age, she might find better prospects at sea. The idea of being on a ship brought back recent anxieties. But this was a far larger battleship rather than an overcrowded refugee vessel. 


All this shot through Karoru's mind as she spoke, and by the time the words had finished leaving her mouth she had resolved to join up with this crew no matter what they asked of her.


OOC: @Snelly

Edited by Lady Takanuva
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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

Sometimes, things just work out the way you want them to, it's a rare occurrence, but it happens. 

Today was one of those days, even as I talked with Krayn about our visitors from another island, one of them approached me and started talking to me. Not only that, but she was interested in joining the crew!

I eyed Karoru up and down as she spoke, her crystal armor just wasn't something we really saw on Mata Nui, it was hard not to look at how sparkly it was. Karoru herself being easy on the eyes helped as well, as she seemed to pause in anticipation for my response I looked up at her to meet her eyes. "T-Tall..." 

Wait, that's not what I'm supposed to say! I quickly recomposed myself and cleared my throat. "Uh I mean...yes! Yes we're hiring! It's not my ship though, but I could definitely introduce you to the person who is." Ah s***, I didn't even tell her my name! "Skyra! I mean I'm Skyra Daring. Nice to meet you!" 

Well now she was going to think I was complete weirdo, great. And while I was indeed weirder than most, I liked to at least try to fool people into thinking I was normal long enough for them to become friends with me, then it was too late. 

@Lady Takanuva @Krayzikk @otter

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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By the time Dehkaz had even jumped into the skiff, I was already halfway to the nearest dock that I could hop onto, furiously paddling. Both out of a need to catch up to Skyra and Krayn, and to try and get to shore before my makeshift raft melted. Luckily, my bad knee didn't affect my ability to row, and it was a very short trip before I leapt upon the dock, leaving my block of ice to make the surrounding water ever-so-slightly less salty, jogging to catch up to my quarry."Reckless, foolish, stupid in the extreme..." I thought I heard some Matoran behind me crack some dumb joke about a docking fee.

It's a block of ice, suck my docking fee.

Just as I was catching up, hearing Dehkaz's voice a ways behind me, someone else caught up to the pair just before me—one of the newly-arrived refugees, judging by the distinct lack of metal adorning their form. My protestations rapidly died down as I heard Skyra fumble through social interaction worse than I ever even manage to do. "Oh, no," I muttered, knowing that Krayn would be the only one likely to even hear it, or pick up on the sarcastic, over-dramatic tone. "She's getting worse. Krayn, I thought I could trust you to keep an eye on her; did she hit her head again?"

OOC: @Snelly@Krayzikk@Lady Takanuva

Edited by otter
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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Karoru, Ga-Koro docks


Karoru was caught off-guard at the warrior's…complement? The cracks in her formal front deepened even as her cheeks flushed a ruddy violet, just discernible through the crystal of her Kakama. 


"S-skyra Daring." She could not help but smile. "It's a nice name for an adventurer. 


People usually addressed Karoru with either worried deference or the disdain an exiled warrior merited in the Archipelago. Being spoken to like an equal was… refreshingly nice. 


It was a few moments before Karoru realized she was staring (almost gazing come to that) at the woman before her. She glanced away anxiously. The Menti was unsure of Mata Nui's stance on same-gender attraction, but felt that regardless she should at least try to make a… reasonable first impression.


Besides, she'd never make any friends if she started falling head-over-heels to every Mata Nuian to give her the time of day. Or this one.


She was staring again.


Conjuring a small gobbet of psionic fire in her left palm that she then began to twist and shape like a string of worry beads, Karoru swallowed back the wave of anxiety threatening to render her speechless.


"Yes, you s… th-that sounds lovely!" she overcorrected, crushing the tiny stress ball nearly flat in her palm. "Show me the way. um… please."


OOC: @Snelly @Krayzikk @otter

Edited by Lady Takanuva
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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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The Sentinel irregular (would that be the way to put it, perhaps?) nodded, without any need to reinforce the point. He just gestured for Skyra to lead the way wherever she intended to go but his former Commander never got the chance. One of the very aliens she wished to speak with appeared before them and from there... From there things went downhill. Not through any fault of the alien's— this Karoru— but because Krayn had seen that look on Skyra's face before. And more ******ing heard that note in her voice. It wasn't impossible to mistake the sound for something else, not to most. But for his sins he was a Toa of Sonics and the sound, the exact nature of her inflection, was unmistakable.

Immediately his mind was somewhere else, on a small piece of Ga-Koro territory off the coast of Le-Wahi making a decision that enough was enough.

Maaata Nui preserve them.

"My eyes, your eyes, all the eyes in the world won't stop her from hitting her brain off the inside of her head." He muttered to Praggos out of the corner of his mouth, too quietly to overhear, before he added a little louder; "I don't think anything bad can happen between you and Dehkaz, Skyra, why don't you escort Miss Karoru that way? Praggos can keep an eye on me and vice versa."


"I see."

The Umbraline Menti bit her lip softly, trying not to show her mixed feelings. Just a little relief that some of her family, at least, had evacuated. Despite herself she felt a little uncomfortable about which members had for certain made it. Undoubtedly her mother had if her grandmother had, but...

"Would it inconvenience you to help me look for them, Sato?"

@otter@Snelly@Lady Takanuva

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Oh dear," I whispered, seeing the reply that came Skyra's way. And then Krayn's willingness to leave the two to the care of Dehkaz. Certainly, Dehkaz could handle Skyra losing her mind, but I don't know how well he could manage to wrest it out of this refugee's grasp, whether she decided to claim it intentionally or not.

"Well, depending on how this goes, I might at least have someone who I can have bully Skyra into taking care of herself."


Sato's embarassed expression remained as she intentionally made sure not to let one of relief take its place. "Not at all," she said without much thought to the matter. "I don't know how much it might inconvenience you having me so near your grandmother, though. I doubt she remembers me at all, but her opinions and both of our skill sets..."

OOC: @Krayzikk@Snelly@Lady Takanuva

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC Luten - Ga-Koro - Kale:

Luten was looking much better now that she was on stable ground again. Her bout of seasickness hadn't been serious, but it was certainly unpleasant.

Her form was still tinged with green and she sat on Kale's shoulder, happily taking in the sights and sounds of Ga-Koro.

And the smells. Mostly of market and food stalls.

Every so often she nudged Kale and asked about one food or another.

@Silvan Haven

Edited by The UltimoScorp
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Kale Ironshaper - Ga-koro - Fowadi

IC: The captain's order got a nod and soft sound of acknowledgement. The tall young man and his diminutive ward began to head off through the crowded docks. His sailor's coat fluttering out behind him in a slightly unnatural manor. Anyone who had spent much time with him would recognize it as a subconscious expression. The metalic threads woven through the heavy fabric twitching in excitement as the unusual sounds surrounded him.

the island had gone through a lot of major events and changes recently. This was yet another such event, yet it bore the promise to change the island in a very real way. An entire koro's worth of people showing up overnight would have an impact almost by definition. New culture, new idea, new food and tools. It was exciting if he was honest with himself. There would be issues of course. Many of those same exciting new things were bound to cause sparks as they impacted those of their new home.

A smile crossed his face as Luten started pointing at various pieces of food that caught her attention. It never ceased to amuse him that a semi-corporeal mask spirit could eat at all. To say nothing of just how much she enjoyed the experience. Nonetheless, he restrained from indulging her as much as he wanted to. From the look of things many of the newcomers would need Ga-koro's abundant but limited supply of food more than he and his mask. That wasn't to say that he didn't get anything.

So when the crew's first mate and his crystaline companion finally found the rest of their wayward crew he was contentedly munching on a bag full of a particular type of seaweed. Toasted and spiced in a way that wonderfully complimented the inherent saltiness. As his eyes scanned the small cluster of Toa on the busy docks his eyebrows rose and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He wasn't some sort of psychic like the newcomers were said to be but...one didn't have to be in order to read the mood.

Skyra you dog. Couldn't stay away from the pretty newcomers for even five minutes?

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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

I gave Krayn a thumbs up. "You got it." I turned back to Karoru...I immediately slapped my cheeks, I needed to focus here... 

"Right then, Dehkaz is..." I turned around to see that Dehkaz was in fact on the dock as well, having arrived on a skiff, well that was easy. "...right there. Let's go!" I gestured for Karoru to follow as I walked towards Dehkaz. I needed to stick to business before I got myself into trouble. 

"Yo Commander!" I called out to Dehkaz as I approached.

@Lady Takanuva @sunflower 

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Lash – Naho Bay

Lounging back on the rickety chair in front of her ramshackle beachfront hut, the midday sun bearing down on her, Lash felt cold.

It wasn’t the sea breeze washing in over her. It wasn’t the tide tickling her toes. It wasn’t even because of her literal and metaphorical cold-blooded nature. In truth, she wasn’t entirely sure of the cause. It was an irrational dread in the air, a furtive foreboding, a claustrophobic sense of something unseen closing in around her.

She’d been feeling this way for weeks, and each day felt worse than the last.

She’d felt this way before, many times, when she’d relaxed her guard while on the run, or tried to settle down with enemies still breathing. She’d been standing still for too long, complacent in her imagined safety. Every morning she awoke expecting to find Minnorak or Kavala or Zaktan himself leering over her. She’d made so many enemies, left so many promises unkept and deals unfulfilled, and she dreaded the day that it would all catch up with her.

Even her ever-present Rahkshi companion (currently watching over her from a few bio away) didn’t feel like the promise of safety it had once represented. Having Breathless around her always been a little unnerving, like keeping an especially dangerous pet, but there was something new in its eyes in recent weeks that she was sure hadn’t been there before. A cunning, a curiosity. The way it looked at her when she told it to do something was no longer vacant… it was attentive, almost anticipatory. Like it was actively studying her, instead of mindlessly obeying.

That was nonsense, of course.

Just her paranoia.

It had to be.

Breathless wasn’t a threat. At least, not directly. But word of the Vortixx and her “tame” Rahkshi had no doubt spread far and wide. It wouldn’t take much work for the Piraka to follow the rumours back to her location to call in the debt she owed them. Kavala even already knew where she was, and what he wanted from her was even worse.

But now she had a way out.

A real way out.

Shuffling on to another Koro would never have been enough. Not with her history, and especially not with the company she kept. But during a trip into Ga-Koro for supplies yesterday, she’d caught wind of a rumour of a ship captain in Po-Wahi who knew the route to a new island, the rumoured homeland of the Skakdi and Lesterin. A place she could start over, far from the reach of her foes. A place where she and Breathless would fit right in.

Today would be her last day in Ga-Wahi.

Today would be her last day on this beach.

And she wanted to make the most of it. So despite her unease, she forced herself to close her eyes, lean back in her seat, and let the calming sounds and comforting warmth of the beach wash over her.  

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Ember - The Fowadi

The corners of her mouth pulled upwards a barely-visible half inch, accompanied with a polite nod as Dehkaz popped over the gunwale and braced himself upon the skiff.

“‘Preciate it, Cap’n.” Another salute capped off her request as the Toa of Magnetism descended out of view.

With that, the Ta-Matoran spun on her heel and made her way back belowdecks. A quick conversation with the Fowadi’s Quartermaster, a surly Po-Matoran Sentinel by the name of Muuk, produced a list of essential supplies, provisions and other matériel that needed restocking, plus a few “special items” at the Quartermaster’s personal request. The former Guardswoman raised a skeptical eyebrow to counter the wry half-grin of the Po-Matoran, but didn’t object. Unusual, but not unacceptable in her maritime experience. Regardless, Ember made a mental note to check in with him later and ascended back out into the salty air of the main deck. She was becoming more and more aware of just how differently Po-Koro ran its navy. Or perhaps it was just this ship in particular, given its history and the peculiarity of the members that made up its senior crew. Perhaps it was just a symptom of how the Sentinels were, after all, relatively inexperienced on the open ocean. They’d soon have to learn, and learn quick, as evidenced by the sheer scale of the Dasakan fleet now moored in Ga-Koro, complimenting the plethora of sturdy Marine craft already about the Bay. She took another minute’s time to survey the crystalline vessels before scanning the deck for the bulky Toa she was to accompany - Rynekk.

OOC:@Void Emissary

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IC: [Ga-koro, Docks (Pradhai)]
After their little interview, the trio of old-timers moseyed on down to where the Vilda ships were parked.  Pradhai’s quarters were in a well-used little sloop by the name of The Righteous Oyster, but she was more interested in the flagships.

“It’s a bit of an elderly vessel, but that suits me just fine.   Now, lets see how the best people are doing shall we?”

::What ever the rest of the council says, I’m sure Robalta will be interested in where her daughter is.::

OOC: @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)@Geardirector and @Toa Fanixeif you're here.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro Docks]

The Captain watched Kale depart with his slightly green-tinged projection- the fact that Luten seemed capable of seasickness brought forth a hint of bewildered amusement at the continued novelties this island seemed to hold- before he moved off into the just barely contained bustle of the docks himself. A quick word with a few dock workers had the skiff moored to an empty spot in the ever crowded dockside, a feat in itself given just how many vessels were squeezed into the accommodations. Now, walking alongside the numerous foriegn vessels, Dehkaz was able to glean a bit more of their construction. Their basic design wasn't much different than Mata Nuian seacraft, convergent features common to most depending on what their original purpose; it seemed a fishing boat was a fishing boat regardless of its origin. Where they differed however, that was where his interest was focused.

Chiefly among that was their peculiar construction, while they all incorporated wooden structural members and decking as far as he was able to observe; not unlike the common sailship seen across this island; where normally wooden planking would have wrapped around that to form a hull instead were slabs of a crystalline material. It certainly wasn't glass, not if these vessels had survived a journey as long as he suspected they did, but it also wasn't exactly the same material mined in Onu-Koro. The color was wrong, and the surface nearly opaque in a quality he'd never seen in a mineral before. There was also the fact that many of the larger vessels used a two, or even three hulled design the larger they got. Perhaps, he surmised, to deal with the far more rigi-

Dehkaz's musings were cut short as a familiar voice called out from ahead of him on the docks, and the Captain turned his attention away from the crystal-built vessel and to the two approaching figures. One, of course given the gregarious nature of the greeting, was Skyra. The other Dehkaz did not recognize, at least not personally.

Her armor, weathered from use, was of the same make as the reflective vessels around them, and bore a coloration relating to no Element or Koro that was known to him; though it certainly matched the descriptions he had heard and read of the foreigners. She was taller than the energetic Le-Toa she walked beside, enough to meet his own gaze dead on, and strongly built in a way that along with her worn armoring spoke to one that was no stranger to action.

"Daring," He greeted as they met, giving the Toa of Air a nod and a slightly raised brow, before turning to address the being that she had obviously led to him.

"Captain Khyrilik," He introduced himself to the foreigner. "Is there something I may assist you with…?" He added, letting the last syllable trail off to give the warrior an opening to likewise introduce herself.

@Snelly @Lady Takanuva @Krayzikk @otter

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IC: Karoru, Ga-Koro Docks


The Menti was distracted from her flustered internal musings and conversation with Skyra by the introduction of who appeared to be the ship's captain. 


This man was clearly military, from the parade rest he was standing at to the regimented design of his armor. His eyes, intense and focused on her, were a vivid vio-


Something itched at the back of Karoru's mind when she saw his eyes, and for half a second she felt much smaller and weaker than she was now. 


A strange, hollow feeling of loss in the pit of her stomach, she shook herself and, to distract from this odd flash of recollection, snapped to attention herself.


"Karoru," she completed the hanging sentence. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain. I was…"


Should she be honest? How much honesty was expected of her here?


Looking straight into the Captain's eyes anxiously, she said "I am a blade for hire. But… I…"


Was run out of town with a blade at my throat. Cannot remember hardly anything about my own background. May have done something… unforgivable… to someone I loved dearly. Have such a bad memory I can't even tell if I did or not.


…am seen as either imperialist scum or a disgraced murderer.


Karoru's hands shook slightly at her forehead and side. "I… wanted to join your crew. I have nobody here, even among the other refugees. And… besides, I guess you could call it a… tradition of sorts… that when A Menti warrior like me has no idea what to do with her life, she spends some time at sea."


Well, as introductions went it was not a BAD one.


She gazed as steadily as she could back into Khyrilik's eyes, praying to Zuto Nui she wasn't told to shove off then and there.

OOC: @Snelly @Krayzikk @sunflower@otter

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Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC: Skyra Daring - Ga-koro -

I silently listened as Karoru explained herself to Dehkaz. Apparently she was alone, estranged from her own people for reasons she did not explain. While I would never claim to understand exactly what that was like, I did understand what it felt like to feel distant from my own people. Lately I'd felt like I'd been drifting farther and farther apart from my own home, Le-koro.

Perhaps I'd been wandering the island for too long? It wasn't anyone's fault in particular, it was probably just the result of spending more time out in the world than where I grew up. 

I could hardly claim it was the same situation as Karoru's, whatever that exactly was. I could always go back home whenever I wished, it seemed like Karoru did not have that luxury. I could certainly resonate with not knowing what to do with one's life. 

I looked at the Captain as Karoru finished. Obviously, the decision of whether to hire her or not fell to him, and it would be wrong of me to say anything at this point. But the look I was giving him probably told him how I felt about the matter. She's a lost puppy, if you don't hire her I'll never forgive you!   

I bounced on the balls of my feet as I waited for his response. 

@Lady Takanuva @sunflower @otter @Krayzikk

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OoC: So sorry to keep you guys waiting. I got distracted, then the site had problems, you know how it is!

IC: Lapu

Lapu was unaccustomed to smiling, but he had done so after he saw that patching Kanohi's armor had helped calm him. Then the Matoran had written something long and difficult to read. He wasn't sure, but he thought the Matoran was saying an early farewell. He hadn't really known how to respond, so he hadn't.

Then, they came to the edge of the burned husk of a forest, and all of his tension melted away. Ga-Wahi was a welcome expanse of nature- more than welcome- after the burned, dead oppression of Ta-Wahi. It wasn't Le-Wahi, of course. He wasn't bathed in his element here the way he had been there. But the endless water on the horizon, and dotted patches of harakeke and bamboo were like old friends all around him.

It was Kanohi falling over than brought him out of his reverie. Hakari offered him water, and the Toa of Plants knelt beside him, placing a hand between her shoulders, steadying him. He quietly justified the concern he felt toward the Matoran. He served the jungle and the Rahi within, but the Matoran were under his protection too, so long as they did not threaten the other two. This was true, but he felt differently as well. This was like the Brakas with the broken leg he had nursed back to health. Or the other silent Toa he had hunted with once, so long ago. Kanohi and Hakari were his pack, at least for the time being. He was attached.


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BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - the Southern Border

Kanohi shook his head firmly, his hands still unsteady. Aurax, this beast was going to do something to Aurax, take something from him? Was he going to d-defile his corpse? Was there something l-left behind from where the Rahkshi had s-stabbed him? His heartlight was frantic, they needed to reach Ga-Koro now. 

He wanted to refuse her, for a moment thinking it would be faster for the three of them to run or grapple under their own power. Then he remember she was Lesterin, the Kakana she wore was not just a style choice. She had access to a Great Mask of Speed.

Shakily he wrote below his earlier message, his handwriting still unsteady, “Time is of the essence, we have taken too long to reach Ga-Koro. I would not wish to burden you, but you carrying me while using your mask might help us reach the Village of Water in time to stop the villain. But we need to go as a group, we cannot leave Lapu. Is there a way for you to haul the two of us there? Otherwise, I can manage.

He found himself hesitating to explain why he was so rattled. He … he trusted them, but what if someone was watching, listening. His visions were not as glamorous as a prophecy, but his knowledge of the future, he knew it would be tempting for the followers of the Makuta. He could not risk anyone learning who he used to be.

But would Nichou realize who he was? He was in Ga-Koro, and they had been companions before. Kanohi, his memory failed him, remembering too many conflicting visions, but he thought Nichou had known his power. And if he met him in Ga-Koro, he might be exposed…

But they had to save Aurax’s corpse. Maybe that’s why he had been driven to Ga-Koro, what his recent visions led to, to help a friend Dece had been too weak and unimportant to save. That now Kanohi and Nichou would work together to help make sure Aurax’s remains were not mutilated. And that would be w-worth being a target. Right?

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Hakari - Ga-Wahi - Southern Border -

Hakari nodded, carrying Kanohi would be easy enough. Carrying a Toa like Lapu would be a bit more straining, but she believed she could manage. "I'll have to carry each of you one at a time, but I can manage it." 

Without a moment's delay, Hakari picked up Kanohi and activated her mask as she sped towards Ga-koro. As soon as she reached Ga-koro's gates she gently placed Kanohi down before speeding back to Lapu. 

She caught her breath for a moment as she looked at Lapu, "I hope you don't mind being carried." She barely waited for so much as a nod before she was carrying the Toa as well. He was much heavier than the Matoran, her speed was slowed even with her mask as she raced back to Ga-koro's gates, but she pushed herself to keep going till she made it. Kanohi's sense of urgency seemed too important to ignore so, she was going to give it her all. 

She arrived at Ga-koro's gates once more, dropping Lapu as she fell onto her hands and knees, breathing hard. "Did it...haaaah..." She was going to need a minute. 

OOC: @ARROW404 @Harvali Minor bunnying with Hakari carrying them both, figured neither of you would mind. 

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Lapu - Ga-Koro outskirts

The mute Toa didn't understand all of what Kanohi had written, partially because Hakari read much more quickly, and acted on it right away. Lapu was alone for a moment, puzzled. It wasn't long before the sand cloud left behind by the Lesterin's super speed returned though. Lapu flailed as Hakari shouldered him, and wrapped his arms around her- literally, by use of his Mask of Elasticity- just in time before she bolted back in the direction she had taken Kanohi.

She dropped him as they arrived, but he didn't let of of her just yet, needing a moment for his brain to process that they had stopped. With a thunk, both of them toppled over.


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BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC Kanohi - Ga-Wahi - Ga-Koro

For all his flaws and faults, Kanohi could take a tumble. Not just because his passive connection to the element of Iron granted him better endurance than other Matoran, but because of his lifestyle. Grappling across Le-Wahi every day, lurching suddenly as he was tugged along his Volo Lutu Launcher, smacking into branches, twigs splintering on his chassis, crashing to the forest floor; the vigilante had developed an ability to roll with the metaphorical punches.

Kanohi stood up. He admittedly was a bit shaky, greater durability or not, the Fe-Matoran was not used to traveling at the high speeds of a Kakama. Still, he was familiar with being whipped about by his grappling, it was not something totally unfamiliar.

The Matoran vigilante went to bother of his distressed allies, looking over if they needed any medical care. Hakari mostly seemed exhausted, though Lapu falling on her could not have helped. And Lapu himself seemed stunned. Luckily Kanohi still had some medical supplies left over from modifying his Volo Lutu Launcher, and tried to help bandage any bruises on the two tall folk. He was not a fighter, but he could help people.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Snelly 

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"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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IC: Hakari - Ga-Wahi - Southern Border -

"I'm...okay. I just...need to catch my breath." Hakari insisted as she slowly removed herself from Lapu, as they were both currently collapsed on the ground. Using her mask didn't normally tire her so, apparently carrying people while running at those speeds was more than a little taxing. 

She took her canteen before opening it and starting to drink the water inside.

OOC: @ARROW404 @Harvali

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Lapu - Ga-Koro Outskirts

The jungle Toa's rubbery limbs unwound hastily from Hakari's waist and returned to their normal gangly length after a moment of regaining his bearings. He gave the Lesterin a brief look- characteristically blank to the untrained eye- of wonder at the fact she moved at that speed so often. Then again, it was his first time.

The corner of his lips twitched upward at Kanohi's fussing, and he waved him off with a voiceless chuckle- the most sound that had crossed his lips up to that point, really. He was unscathed, just a little dizzy, and that would pass momentarily.

He looked up at the walls of Ga-Koro. Lots of wood, he noted with approval. Though he thought all the sharp angles of the designs muted the natural beauty of the material. There was a lot of living plant material on the other side, too. He could feel it, like the comfort of home, though with the "modern" twist Le-Koro shared. This was a city that had expanded beyond the capability of nature alone to sustain. It was always "bigger, bigger" with city folks.

OoC: When isn't Lapu criticizing something internally? Whoever or whatever ripped out his voice might have done the world a favor!


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BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Dehkaz [Ga-Koro Docks]

"Well met, Menti Karoru," Dehkaz replied, while he was in the dark as to the customs and traditions of the foreigners, he picked up on the title to which the warrior referred to herself by. To that end, she had given him much about herself to consider. The fact that she was without others despite having traveled here with the rest of her people was interesting, though it didn't appear as though the larger implications of that were inherently dangerous. The motion of her hands, nearly imperceptible, caught his eye for a moment.

"We could always use extra hands on deck," He glanced over to Skyra, the Le-Toa obviously particularly interested. He paused for a moment, his attention returning to Karoru as the spark of an idea gleamed behind his violet eyes, "It seems you've already met Skyra here, she'll show you around the ship and answer any questions you have. If she feels like you'd be a good fit then perhaps we can help you find what you're looking for out at sea."

@Lady Takanuva @Snelly @Krayzikk @Silvan Haven @otter

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IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, harbor]

There were a few things the commodore would always took notice of, no matter how much was going on around her. One of them was the sight of approaching sails on the horizon. She took a step to the side to get a clearer view and pulled out her spyglass with routine fluidity, quickly zeroing in on the newcomer vessel.

“Toa Leah, what can you tell me about pirates in your waters?” she asked, very much sounding like she was already putting together a strategy for dealing with a potential threat.

The Maru moved to the Menti’s side, squinting into the distance. Then her lips curled up into an amused smile as she recognized the ship currently weighing anchor off in the bay due to the amassed Dasaka fleet.

“You may relax, commodore.” she assuaged the Dasaka. “That’s the Fowadi. Pirates, insofar that they enjoy their freedom and go wherever, whenever it pleases them. So more yo-ho-ho, less plundering coastal villages. More in it for the vibes, y’know?”

Ayiwah dropped the spyglass a little, but only to shoot the Maru a skeptical sideways glance.

Leah shrugged. “It’s the truth - “ she started to say, then suddenly glanced up to the tops of the docked ship’s masts. Ayiwah followed her line of sight just in time to catch a glimpse of a green figure soaring past above.

Leah chuckled. “-and that is Skyra Daring.” she explained, shaking her head slightly. “Excuse me, I need to make a little...chaos check.”

Leah spun around, then hurried off after the Toa of air.

Ayiwah was about to take another look at the Fowadi, when she heard someone else call her name. “Commodore Ayiwah?” She turned towards the voice, finding another Dasaka looking at her expectantly. She didn’t recognize the mask or face, but the style was familiar…yes, a Vilda.

“Yes?” she replied. Short, true, but her tone was friendly.


IC: [Leah Maru - Ga-Koro harbor]

It didn’t take long for the Toa to catch up to Skyra. She wasn’t close friends with the Toa of air, but they had crossed paths in the past, during their Gukko Force years. And as a tamer…well, Leah pretty much knew every tame Kahu. Daring was with company now: Dehkaz and one of the many new Dasaka - but this one she’d met. 

Oi, Skyra!” the Maru called out jovially. “If I catch Destiny raiding the crab-traps again I swear I’m gonna make you fish for replacements until you’re as blue as me!”

She stepped up to the trio. “Cap’n.” she greeted Dehkaz. “Been a while since the Fowadi’s paid Ga-Koro a visit.”

“And hello again, Karoru.” she gave the Menti a small smile. “Did you find who you were looking for?”


IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]

The Skakdi proprietor glanced over her shoulder and down at Daijuno who’d apparently decided to take cover behind her rear. “You okay back there?” Her companion meanwhile seemed to have…hit up a conversation with the scaly one. Yup, just one of those days, just like back home when…

Just then, another Dasaka sat down at the bar nearby, trying to pay with some very shiny currency and talking about blacksmithing, but to be fair, with a dragon in the doorway, Rhow only half payed attention. “Yeah, you know what, today it’s fine. But Ta-Koro’s where you wanna be if smithing is your thing. Their old elder decided it was a good idea to set up shop inside a volcano. S’cuse me…”

She moved over to where the newly arrived frosty Toa was looking like he was losing his cool a bit. “Nektann’s sack, chill, would ya?”


OOC: @Snelly@sunflower@Emzee@Lady Takanuva@Keeper of Kraata




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IC: Vilda Raiyo - Ga-Koro, Harbor

The Dashi took a breath, then quickly exhaled. Now or never. "I am Vilda Raiyo, attendant of Toroshu Robalta; she's busy with settling in the Vilda. Those that made it off Oki. She's busy and-" Raiyo caught herself looking down out of deference, and forced herself to meet the Menti's gaze.

"I didn't want to disturb her; she hasn't been taking the evacuation well, and she is very busy. I have a request, and I didn't want it weighing on her mind. Commodore, you have been here at Mata Nui longer than any that fled Zataka's demons. These Matoran here in Ga-Koro... they have not always relied upon Menti, Toa, whatever they are called, to defend them."

Enough preambling. She steeled herself. "I have heard that that the leader of this settlement, Akiri Hahli, has a device built from the bones of the Demons found on this island. It was built in an underground settlement called Onu-Koro."

Her eyes welled up with tears, and she bitterly tried to will them to stay there. Do not become a blubbering wreck in front of the Commodore. "This is why I came to you. You're in the Navy; you've fought before. Datsue Robalta wouldn't understand. I wish to go to Onu-Koro, and train to use the Exo-Matoran."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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