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IC: Zel'Sai (Tarakava)


OOC: Okay, I'm near Zel'Sai.


IC Daltrahk


Hm, someone was climbing in a building. Time to move again. He fired at the building they were climbing and rocketed over there. As soon as he landed on the side he said through a window "Nice to see you could make it."


Seeing a sudden Skakdi head through a window as you enter a room is not the most calming experience. Zel'Sai about had a heart attack... or the Toa equivalent. After her momentary freakout, Zel'Sai could see through the corner of the window that the Skakdi was wearing a blue sash like her own. "Ah... You scared me." she said, a bit awkwardly. "Um... what's happening down there?"


OOC: I already double-checked the roster on page 73, but just to make sure... Daltrahk IS on Tarakava... right?




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Zel'Sai - Naberius




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Kale Ironshaper- Team Tarakava


IC: Looks like somebody is searching for a job. Certainly an upgrade from ten minutes ago.


Calling over to Naberius Kale started directing him.


"Help the other fighters strip that building over there." He shouted, pointing at the building in question." We need more material for the barriers."

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Zel'Sai (Tarakava)

Nodding, Zel'Sai moved to the window after the Skakdi had come through into the room, looking down. There really wasn't too much to see, although there were faint clashes visible in the distance, as well as noise. Mostly metal smashing on metal.


IC: Naberius (Tarakava)

Acknowledging the odd-looking Toa with a nod, Naberius moved quickly to the building, which was being rapidly deconstructed and salvaged for parts. Around the back, he found a place that hadn't been cleaned out yet, and, activating his Gravity powers, began removing large sections of the wall and stacking them.


OOC: Zel'Sai in a building with Daltrahk, Naberius assisting in salvaging buildings. Both still open, but goodnight.




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Zel'Sai - Naberius




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IC Ezezko

[i vote we explore. The last side tunnel proved profitable enough, did it not?]


IC Langmuir - Team Muaka

The darkness was a hinderment, but not as much as the bright flash. My eyes water and my vision is bright yellow-white. Seeing as how the twin, er, single Toa, seems to be suffering from the same self induced blindness, I call the two swords around his feet upwards in swirling arcs. That ought to be unexpected. Backing up all the while to put distance between us as my vision recovers.

...but close to it

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IC: Buzzz-Arena-Muaka


Buzzz was hit by the blast and smashed against the wall of a nearby building.  He got back up and was ready to press the attack.


IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka)


The breaking of glass caught her attention, but she continued off through the streets as if nothing had happened. As soon as she passed out of sight, her mask flashed, and her body began to crumble into sand. In a few moments, nothing was left but a thin trail of grains snaking around the edge of the walls. She slipped under the door of the home with the broken window.


Blue sash. An enemy Ga-Toa, already under attack by the insectoid Toa. She couldn't let this one escape with whatever information she had gleaned. Virse slipped up behind her and reformed with only a soft rustling sound. Her arm raised as her shattered blade took shape again, and she prepared the killing blow. Her mouth moved in a silent prayer for Heremus to guide her arm.

IC(Ismekne): Ismekne watched in satisfaction as her strike hit the insectoid, ripping her root bonds out of the ground. She ran forward toward the bug, intent on finishing him off and getting out of there. Too many enemies...


OOC: Virse's strike may still hit - not sure. But it is logical that the she wants out, so she would be moving away from her and toward Buzz anyway. Depends on how long Virse's weapon is. 


And lol Ismekne is the worst spy ever. 

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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka)


It seemed Heremus had forsaken her in this faraway place, as her split blade fell short of the Toa's back as she ran off. Virse hissed in frustration and followed after. The Ga-Toa was still outnumbered. She would fall.


Her broken sword had lost its effectiveness in melee confrontations, but it was still made of sharp glass. As she ran, she lifted her gauntlet-wrapped arm and threw it down, releasing her grip on the sword. As the metal broke free of the glass, the sword shattered, flinging a multitude of glass shards at the enemy's back. Virse was already preparing a new blade even before the strike hit.

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IC - Okavaung (Mahri Nui, Team Muaka):


As Ismekne exited the building she had been in, advancing upon an enemy that was outside of it, Okavaung leaped forward. He swiped one of his clawed wing-arms at the Toa of Water once she was clear of the doorway.


OOC: Okavaung attacking Ismekne.

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IC: Prose/Team Muaka/Mahri Nui, Powering up Virse and Okavaung

Buzzz left the range of my prosperous ability and I decided to focus on the Sand Toa (Virse) and that dragon (Okavaung). But who wouldn't take advantage of a power boost?


OOC: Now it's my last post. Cya for the night.

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IC(Ismekne): The Ga-Toa moved forward, warhammer out, swinging toward Buzz. Something hit her back, and she felt something tear. Buzz flew away. Wasn't fast enough. 


CRACK. Something hit her warhammer from the right, and her wrist exploded in pain, being dislocated at an unnatural angle. Her eyes saw the dragon through tunnel vision. The hammer clattered to the floor. Her left hand found her wrist. Push. POP. 


Her wrist popped back into place, and she fell to the ground unconscious. 


OOC: The glass shards hit Ismekne's back, Okvaung's strike hit that warhammer the wrong way which dislocated her wrist. Very painful. Is isn't "dead" yet, but if she doesn't get up, she soon will be, I expect. 

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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka)


Virse pulled up short as the Toa collapsed. Her next attack had been a bit more effective. Shame it was the dragon that finished her.


She looked down without pity. It was the enemy. And it wasn't a real death anyway. "Should we just put her out of her misery?" she asked to those around her.

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If I missed the rest of the fight, I apologise. now then...




Ignis Raised his axe to block the firebolt, but he was just a second too late, and was knocked back by it. as he got up, He noticed that the fire was freezing cold instead of searing hot. That's strange, he thought. No ordinary fire could work like this... However, he had no time to waste as he almost instantly got back up and ran at his attacker head-on, swinging his axe downward towards her.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Dayeth - Team Tarakava. 


She raised her own axe, blocking his strike with the shaft and bringing up her leg to kick out at Ignis' ribs. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Dayeth - Team Tarakava.


Dayeth met Ignis' stream of fire with one of her own, the heat of his flames being cancelled out by the unnatural cold of hers.




Now the question was, which one of them would stop firing first? 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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As Ignis struggled to counter the fire, he called to his teammate. "I hate to say this, But I think i need some backup!" If his foe's cold fire was distrupted, he could chip in with an attack of his own...



Need some help here, Tiragarth! ...Assuming Langmuir is still in the fray by this point.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Dayeth - Team Tarakava.


The coward was calling for backup, which meant he was weakening. Whether in power or will she wasn't certain, but either way, she was going to take advantage of this. Still unleashing her fire stream with one hand, she swung her axe with the other, sending a smaller fireball dancing from the blade to lick across the ground towards Ignis' feet.


It took every bit of focus she had to maintain both attacks at once, but if it worked, it would all be worth it. With any luck, he was so focused on matching her stream to notice the side attack until it was too late...

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC-Ignis (Team Muaka)


As soon as he felt his feet become Incredibly cold from a side attack, Ignis knew that he couldn't keep this up for longer. Using what was left of his strength, He dropped the fire stream and ducked to one side immediately. As the pent up stream of cold fire flew past him, He knew that his Fire powers were completley spent for the day, and he only had his brute strength to rely on. Whilst his opponent was distracted by the release of her attacks, Ignis Threw his axe at her using all his strength.



Probably not going to be on Until this evening, so feel free to make this not quite a tennis match between me and Roman.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Dayeth - Team Tarakava.


The resistance that her flames had been meeting thus far had abruptly cut out, signalling to Dayeth that her plan had worked. She saw her target move, then, bizarrely, throw his halberd at her.


Some axes were specifically designed for throwing. Tomahawks, for example, made for formidable throwing weapons.


But halberds did not. 


The weapon wobbled haphazardly through the air, too awkwardly shaped to spin properly, and not streamlined enough to fly straight. She stepped out of its clumsy path, letting it hit the ground somewhere behind her, skittering deeper into the alleyway.


His weapon was gone. She now had the advantage, and she intended to seize it. Hugging the wall of the alleyway, she circled to her opponent's left before moving forward and swinging at Ignis' ribs with her battleaxe. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka)


Virse put out her blade to block the Rahkshi's strike. "This is not your kill to make," she rasped. Instead, she looked up to the Toa of Plantlife. "You had the first strike. It is your kill."

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IC: Sudrec - TEAM MUAKA - Approaching Okavung, Prose, and Virse

Finding other members of his team, the armored being approached the group who had just taken down a Toa. Adjusting his cloak overtop his armor, he asked: "I see we are making good progress?"


IC: Tomo - TEAM TARAKAVA - Attacking Ignis alongside Dayeth

Approaching Dayeth, Tomo - now taking the form of her universe's Makuta Teridax - threw an eleastic punch at Ignis, her arm stretching itself as it rocketed towards Ignis.

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With his halberd gone, Ignis pulled out his short sword to counter his Attacker's strike, but was immediatley knocked back by a new attacker throwing an elongated punch at him. The force was so strong, it sent him flying across the alleyway, and sending him crashing through a wall on the other side. Dazed, he suggested it would be better if he retreated for now as he picked himself up.



Man, For a Lu Bu expy, Ignis goes down pretty fast.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC Daltrahk


So far, the noises of battle were getting louder and louder. Daltrahk leaned out of the window, trying to think of a plot. He turned around. "Okay, (Zel'sai) there's a big bubble shield around here. If we pop it, it drowns everyone inside. That's our trump card. Now, any strategy as to how we should attack?"


IC Halmos


Halmos saw Buzzz fly up to a building. After he had asked him three times to give him a hand... Urrrgh. Halmos began climbing it, attempting to stay near the odd-looking freak.

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Hound had, as Zangah speculated, noticed the approach of the armoured champion from quite a distance away; it was the true reason for his physical activation. When Zangah revealed his team and intentions, all potential aggressiveness dissipated from Hound, replaced with his normal, friendly self. "We'd be more than pleased to have your assistance. Power negation should never be undervalued," Hound deposited his table on the barricade outside before returning inside to search for other objects of equal size. "Perhaps we should plan tactical maneouvres? Increase our combat effectiveness using complementary powers?"


The dragon's mental presence was met with a calm Perfectly from Hound.




Selaphiel had spotted two isolated battles in her search for Muaka Team members: The first (Dayeth and all those other peeps) looked to be slightly in the Tarakava's favour, but the second was decidedly the opposite. Several Muaka teammates were easily trumping a lone Ga-Toa when Selaphiel noticed them (Ismekne, Virse, all those people). The scout had time to pick out a few powers before she turned and flew back to her fellow scouts; some root growth, glass usage, but little else. Selaphiel turned and speed off back towards her fellow Tarakava, not liking the odds of intervention; she would fly back to the nearest Riss, wherever that was, and relate everything she had noticed. Whatever response force her teammates amassed, she would participate.


OOC: I'll let Xaeraz decide where that Riss is. Apologies if Sel's noticing of either of these two fights isn't realistic or if I missed anything; this post was quickly written.

Edited by L'Etranger


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IC: The closest Riss in question to Selaphiel was currently crouched on top of a small grocery store analogue, scribbling out notes in the roof with her mic stand as she listened to the the sounds of the arena. She was also the most forward of all the deployed Risses, making her the first one who would come under fire if Muaka ever pulled their heads out of the sand, organized, and attacked.


OOC: Does Selaphiel make any noise when flying, Camus?

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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OOC: Nah; she's completely incorporeal, so she's pretty much just an Iden user when it comes to physical detection. And please, call me Al~




Selaphiel materialised before the Toa, instantly launching into a stream of information. "Two battles. One with six combatants, two yellow, four teal; looked like yellow were losing. Second more important; one teal, at least six yellow, possibly quite a bit more. Saw some element usage; plantlife, water by the Teal, something that looked like glass. Teal most likely defeated. I'm going back up. Tell them to prepare." Selaphiel would hesitate for a moment, to see if Riss had any info for her, before disappearing again.


OOC: This post's going off mostly memory, due to time constraints, so I probably done goofed some.


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IC: Vorzin (Team Tarakava)


I dip my neck in thanks, following the Toa's finger to the being he indicated. "You are Olari?" I say. "I wish to be among the scouts; I can provide aerial reconnaissance without being seen."


IC: Haarnak (Team Tarakava)


"We aren't actually gonna die, y'know. Didn'a yow idiots hear what the organisers said?"

Edited by Miras: Makuta of Awesome


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IC: "Got~ It~" Riss sang, grinning and saluting before turning back towards the rest of her and singing the information to them, again in that odd dialect she used. She turned back to Selaphiel and said, "We're passing it alooooo~ng! If we need you, I'll whistle like so!" Riss gave a quick example, the whistle ringing like a bell. "Good luuuuu~ck!"


The Riss by Olari paused, listening to the chatter from the other hers, then relayed the information. "Two fights from a rocket gal! Four of us beating two of them, looks like we've got it. One of us with water probably beaten by six or more of them, including glass and plantlife! She says to get ready, toooooo~"

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Silvanni (Team Muaka)


So long time no talk. 


Truth be told I was getting rather bored at the inactivity after the fight. I hadn't really been able to much of anything, every minute was just mindless chatter and hustle bustle as we all waited for the next battle, the next chance. 


Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. 


I dunno, take your pick on whichever one you want it to be. 


So many pronouns in that last sentence.


This really is shoddy writing. 


I fear for the poor soul who has to read this junk. 


So yeah, here I am, dropped into a some weird underwater city protect from the vast darkness by a measly bubble. You can see where this is going I take it? What's a being like me, one who lives off of doing ridiculous, crazy stunts all in the name of relieve his boredom to do other than pop that bubble. I was already thinking of how best to take it down. For one thing it was a magical bubble which meant it didn't really have a structural weak point. So the first step would be to find a structurally sound building I could take shelter in as I fired out the window at the bubble. 


That was easy enough. 


Step 2: Fire bullets from the window of the building. 


Step 3: Take shelter in the building while laughing as the whole place got flooded. 


Step 4: ???


Step 5: Profit!


So there I was shooting out a steady stream of bullets at the oh so flimsy bubble. The battle could rage on for all I cared, I just wanted to see that bubble pop. 


Oh and if I got swept away in the resulting wave somehow?




Wasn't like I could die anyway.


It's a win-win situation really. 


OOC: Silvanni attacking the MAJESTIC BUBBLE!


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IC: (Olari, Team Tarakava)


"Guess we need to go even the odds in the one on six then..." She turned from the Riss duplicate to Vorzin, "Follow me and act as support where needed. We're about to go pull someone's backside out the fire."


Olari took to the sky, following Riss' directions. When she'd got to a suitable height and distance, she started scanning the village with her Akaku. Lets see...there was the four on two battle...and there was the lone Tarakava, down but apparently not out, with a whole bunch of Muaka around her.


"Okay, this is just an extraction," she said to Vorzin, "Lay me down some covering fire. I need to be careful in pulling our team-mate out and need space to work. Try and force the other team back while I work."



IC: (Jorth, Team Muaka)


Since everybody seemed to be arguing more over who should be the leader rather than what should actually be done, Jorth decided to simply get on with things in his own way. He selected a group of buildings, and started creating layers of flesh between them. Tense and stringy muscle was reinforcement by nice cushiony fat. And thick leather encasing it all, tough and hardy. 

There. Barricade. Something that could for a good while resist blades, impacts, frost and fire...

He started working on more of these meaty obstacles, stringing them between the buildings he'd chosen. First he was going to fortify the streets, then he'd lock down the building themselves, plugging windows and doors and such. Then he'd simply wait in Fort Jorth for the others to see sense and figure out something to do


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IC: Virse - Arena (Team Muaka)


She stared at the insectoid Toa in disbelief. Never killed anyone? Not even in defense.


"How to kill someone?" she asked aloud. "Just... stab her. Crush her with vines. She can't resist."


It sounded so cold, killing another just for being on the other side. But that was war. Different standards applied.

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IC: Viitka [Rawr Rawr]


Despite the fact that her learned powers were harder to access in her rather defocused form, Viitka nonetheless acted swiftly as the toa of Fire drew some sort of projectile launcher.  Relying on her companion's speed and skill with her Kadin to dodge the attacks, Viitka instead focused on stopping the being from causing any damage.  With his attention taken up by the arrow, Viitka floated off to the side, before constructing a solid wall of light above and to the side of the Ta-toa, severely limiting his options for movement.



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IC Tenjou - Team Muaka

True to Viitka's assumptions, Tenjou was able to dodge the fireballs through use of her Kadin, accelerating upwards. She let the hardlight arrow dissipate and instead focused on constructing additional walls around the insane Toa, blocking the few routes that the crystalline being had left open.

...but close to it

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