Toa o Uria Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 If I were to say. I would be slaughtered by the Bionicle community SLAUGHTERED!!!! Quote
Rahkshi Lalonde Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Vezon, Roodaka, Lariska... 1 Quote
Rooster Nui Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 I would like to say Tahu, but he did have good character development in Generation 1 and was the poster-boy for 2001, 2002, late 2008 and early 2010, so of course he is going to be popular among the fan base. That's a tricky question, honestly. I can't think of any Bionicle characters with little-to-no justifiable reasons as to why said character is popular. Quote
TheSkeletonMan939 Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Roodaka and Lariska were cool, don't know why you consider them overrated. Vezon I agree with though. His schtick got old fast. I don't know why Farshtey was into using that guy so much. Quote
Petewa Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Tahu. Quote Mataru Nui, an Interactive Adventure
Kopekemaster Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Yeah, I'd say Tahu as well. Kind of like (a lot of) popular characters from Star Wars; they actually weren't that great/interesting, but for some reason are the ones most well known and favorited. Quote My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!) My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct) Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)
fishers64 Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Tahu. Quote Hero Factory RPG | Bionicle Mafia XXIX: Storyline & Theories
FrozenFlash Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Vezon. People liked him when he was cursed by the Ignika and all but he just got demoted to comedy relief after losing those powers. Quote
Ballom Nom Nom Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Vezon was only remotely near interesting in 2006. After that he was insufferable. I have no idea why he became Greg's pet character, but the story suffered for it. ~B~ 4 Quote
The 1st Shadow Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 Vezon and Tahu are pretty high up there on the list, so I'll have to say them, as well. Quote ~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow ~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to NickonAquaMagna~
evil_jaga_genius Posted September 24, 2015 Posted September 24, 2015 *cough* Teridax *cough* 2 Quote Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)My blog: The Jaga's Nest
Naota Takizawa Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Vezon, Teridax, Umbra, Roodaka & Tahu. Quote If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.
Grungemeister Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Vezon and Roodaka. 1 Quote A RUDE AWAKENING - A Bionicle G1 continuation and video-game project(MUSIC COMPOSER) special thx to Inary the Gunhaver for my new username.
Lenny7092 Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Tahu, Teridax, and Vezon. Quote I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!
MrSciFiGuy Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Hmm...a lot of the overrated characters I tend to like because they pulled them off well. But I'd have to go with Roodaka. I like her but also she kinda fell off after the Metru saga Quote Bionicle: ANP aims to create narrated versions of all the Bionicle books, with voice actors for each character, and music taken from various media to enhance the story. Check here if you're interested in voicing a character, and here for the chapters that've already been released!Formerly: Tahu Nuva 3.0Looking for a Bionicle Beanie. Black one with the symbol on it. Contact me if you are willing to sell
Irrie Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Kopaka. I never liked his rudeness, but for some reason everyone loves him. Quote bZpOwEr
Rahkshi Lalonde Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 (edited) Roodaka and Lariska were cool, don't know why you consider them overrated. Roodaka really fell flat after her time in Metru-nui, she reeeeeeeally should have died there to even be remotely interesting, she just became one of Greg's "redeemed villains" after that, depsite being the one to let Teridax out of his cage, which is a pretty irredeemable act. :t and Lariska is suuuuuuuuper overrated because, like, she's the classic "strong female character who kicks butt and is cool while also female!" and has basically no personality i could pick up aside from "is cool and also greg's favorite" in the end i'd probably rate Lariska as even more overrated than Vezon because at least Vezon has character. and also it was never determined what she looked like, what she was, or if she wore a kanohi or not which led to a lot of people assuming she somehow looked like roodaka. (because all undescribed non-toa of female gender look like roodaka...) Edited September 25, 2015 by Rahkshi Lalonde 7 Quote
believe victims Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Vezon. (Also Teridax is really overrated as a villain. I see so much praise for his cunning and planning skills when honestly it was poor writing more than anything else.) 3 Quote
Bonkle Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Hmm.... probably Vezon, obviously, but I'd also say Matoro is just a bit overspoken in the community. Quote I been away a long time.
Toa Smoke Monster Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Vezon. I liked him in the Voya Nui storyline. I even liked him in Federation of Fear. But after that, I grew tired of him and really wished he had stayed locked in an OoMN cell somewhere. Quote Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.
The Hip Historian Iaredios Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 The Toa Mata/Nuva. Were they basically the main characters? Yes, but I personally prefer the Metru and Inika/Mahri where they started out as matoran and had to work to become heroes from scratch, rather than people who were made as superheroes, never failed and kept getting more and more powerful. Lewa's defeats became a meme, and they all had shallow personalities. I guess they had redeemed themselves in the Ignition Trilogy, but most people overlook that and give the teams' glory days an undeserved praise just for the sake of nostalgia, and that's all that most people remember them by. As pointed out by people, Lariska and Vezon also were overrated (the latter only becoming as such while the former has always been as such). I like Teridax, he's a great villain for his achievements and the semi-mythological feel of this ancient villain, but he is also a bit overrated in Lego's vanilla canon. I may be biased, but I prefer my version of the guy: where he is an evil, misguided attempted savior (while admittedly also being jealous), and he seeks to put down an unfit inattentive ruler in place of himself. But Teridax's vision corrupts him by becoming the opposite of everything that Mata Nui was supposed to stand for (everything to nothing, light to shadow, hope to fear), and the way he completed his life-times' journey shows how astray he truly became while the target of his crusade undergoes a redemption. I sometimes wonder if in the moment of his death, he realized the err of the way he did things and realized the monster that he had become. 3 Quote A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu | Pushing Back The Tide | Last Words | Black Coronation | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos ن We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light
Sumiki Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Matoro. I don't think Vezon is particularly overrated by the fandom; he was overrated by Greg. Unfortunately, Greg's opinion was the only one that mattered. But Matoro? Oh man. Anyone remember the forums in late 2007/early 2008? People mourned Matoro. Half the forum had some R.I.P. Matoro thing in their signatures and, to be honest, the whole thing was rather ridiculous. 4 Quote avatar by Lady Kopaka
You just lost the game Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Matoro for me.He only did one interesting thing, and then proceeded to die. I don't understand the "hate" for Vezon though.IMO, he was a great character, even if a little overused. I also don't understand why people mention Teridax in this thread.I thought he was a great villain, especially in the pre-2007 lore.Even after he became more prominent and less "mystical" and "mysterious", I still felt he was a good villain. Those are just my thoughts though. Quote
The Hip Historian Iaredios Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 (edited) Matoro. I don't think Vezon is particularly overrated by the fandom; he was overrated by Greg. Unfortunately, Greg's opinion was the only one that mattered. But Matoro? Oh man. Anyone remember the forums in late 2007/early 2008? People mourned Matoro. Half the forum had some R.I.P. Matoro thing in their signatures and, to be honest, the whole thing was rather ridiculous.It did. I tried to feel the same way back then back when I was Takadox01 and even put it in my signature, but it just felt silly and I removed the stuff after a couple of days. People said they cried when he died, and I was all like, 'seriously?'. His sacrifice was touching for that moment, but was something you could get over quickly and was not Christ level. REHMEMBEH TOA MATT, OR ELSE!!(...or else what?)(I'll call you names!!) Edited September 26, 2015 by Iaredios Paerkenon 1 Quote A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu | Pushing Back The Tide | Last Words | Black Coronation | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos ن We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light
fishers64 Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 I never found Matoro's death to be that touching. More like a sad shock than anything else - an underdeveloped character died. I remember reading Downfall on Christmas Day and feeling bittersweet, but it didn't really last long. In fact, the Toa Nuva's visit to Artahka definitely seemed more epic. The best part of the death was Hahli's reaction to it, like she had gotten to know Matoro better than we did offscreen. But they really should have put it on the screen if they wanted us to care about it, I think. And Nuju's reaction was the thing that I read over and over. It gave him some really cool depth and filled his character arc so well. It wasn't the death itself that got to me as much as the meaning it had for those left behind. But then again, that is what always gets me about any death. 3 Quote Hero Factory RPG | Bionicle Mafia XXIX: Storyline & Theories
SPIRIT Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Survey says... Vezon! I think Greg might have mixed up the definitions of "insane" and "annoying" with that guy. 4 Quote ~ The Jazziest JtO Spoof ~
Xboxtravis Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 Maybe I was lucky I wasn't on the forums late 2007; I missed out completely on Matoro's funeral dirge! In the story itself it was meaningful but I can see how fandom would have dragged it out beyond what it should have been. Tahu is often underdefined, but I feel the G2 version has been more underwhelming than the G1, he just seems a bit thick headed in G2 right now. (Tahu is a particular favorite of mine though, so I'm biased a bit) Vezon is a great set, but I have not read Greg's expanded universe stories past the 2007 year, so I can only imagine the Mary Sue treatment he might have gotten... Who is Lariska? If she is not in a set, I have no idea who she is... Quote All aboard the hype train!
Akaku: Master of Flight Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 Scrolling through the comments here, I thought for a minute "Am I the only one who's thinking Matoro was?" until I got to the bottom... I share similar opinion to most the ones stated around here, the sig' I've had for the past forever still pokes some fun at it --Akaku: Master of Flight Quote "I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass." Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024) Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016) Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)
Irrie Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 Who is Lariska? If she is not in a set, I have no idea who she is... Quote bZpOwEr
Nidhiki of the Shadows Posted October 6, 2015 Posted October 6, 2015 Vezon or Lariska. I like the characters, but the amount of fan-servicing they got make em slightly more detestable IMO. -NotS Quote
ArmstrongYong the X-Wing Posted October 6, 2015 Posted October 6, 2015 Matoro. The only thing I remember about him is he's the Toa who wear the Ignika and die. Quote
Toa of Ice - 1987 Posted October 6, 2015 Posted October 6, 2015 (edited) G1 Tahu is overrated.... there i said it and i do not regret it. Vezon on the other hand gets a lot of undeserved hatemail in my opinion, i liked his shenanigans and humor. Edited October 6, 2015 by ---Kopaka Nuva--- 2 Quote
Irrie Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 G1 Tahu is overrated.... there i said it and i do not regret it. Vezon on the other hand gets a lot of undeserved hatemail in my opinion, i liked his shenanigans and humor.I agree with the entirety of this. Tahu, especially in '01 and '02 was a walking form self-righteousness and ego. I have no idea why the other Toa let him call the shots. Quote bZpOwEr
Rahkshi Lalonde Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 G1 Tahu is overrated.... there i said it and i do not regret it. Vezon on the other hand gets a lot of undeserved hatemail in my opinion, i liked his shenanigans and humor.I agree with the entirety of this. Tahu, especially in '01 and '02 was a walking form self-righteousness and ego. I have no idea why the other Toa let him call the shots. the same reason they let G2 Kopaka call the shots, when someone's got that much ego, it's better to just not waste breath. :b Quote
Logan McOwen Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 Matoro. If he hadn't have died, he wouldn't be everyone's "precious cinnamon roll baby uwu". 2 Quote I inadvertently predicted Vorox armour's use in G2.
The Editor Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 Vezon. He got annoying really quickly. ... If the descriptions of the Matoro-outcry of '07 here are accurate (I wasn't here then) I think I may have to agree with them. As said by Fisher, Matoro could've been made out to be far more sympathetic before his death. And I do respect him, don't get me wrong, but if the fandom really treats him that way he sure qualifies as overrated. Quote
Petewa Posted October 12, 2015 Posted October 12, 2015 TakanuvaI have no idea who you are, but you are dead to me. Quote Mataru Nui, an Interactive Adventure
Guest Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Tahu, but only when he refuses to share the spotlight. Otherwise, as part of the definitive Bonkle lineup, I'm perfectly fine with him. I want to say Brutaka next, but he totally deserves being as high in the rankings as he is. Vezon I'm okay with, so... I think it ends up going to Mata Nui. Hate me all you want for this, but I feel that he would've been better as just a humble Glatorian, kinda like Velika, if you get what I'm going for. Quote
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